Diane's Fantasy by Emerald Lordsfame - HTML preview

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The room was filled with sweet aura. Everywhere smelled of roses from the air freshener sprayed earlier and the expensive cologne Diane wore. Her cologne was most expensive if not her wears; she delighted in expensive and ocean-like scent cologne. Wedding accessories lay beautifully on the bed while Diane and Shannel took their position beside it, checking them out. Diane picked a gold rhinestone bracelet.

‘Check this out, this is beautiful.’

‘Yea,’ Shannel collected it. ‘It’s perfect for my gown, with the accessory we bought earlier.’

 ‘Uh huh and the shoe too, ‘cause of the rhinestone. Anyways, gold goes with any color.’

Diane picked a rich blue heel on the bed and Shannel looked at the other shoe on her leg.

‘Are you sure the gown is exactly the color you told—’

‘Trust me darling; I’m not color blind,’ Diane winked at her.

Shannel giggled. ‘I hope so.’

‘Here, put the other one on, let’s see the beauty.’

Shannel did that and they both admired it.

‘Wow,’ Shannel admired.

Diane chuckled at her expression.

‘It’s like it was made exclusively for you,’ she looked at Shannel’s protruded tummy and exhaled. ‘Are you sure this is a good idea?’

‘What is not a good idea?’ Shannel was confused but then saw she was looking at her protruded tummy, ‘oh this?’ she smiled. ‘I have told you not to worry yourself about this, all that matters to me now is that you guys are finally getting married, not anything else. It has stretched all right, ten years is not a small journey. Moreover, I will be due in less than two weeks, so I have two huge months to rest, huh?’

Diane nodded.

‘So stop all these—’

‘I just think—’

‘Don’t!’ she lowered her voice, ‘think. I’ll be fine; in fact, I’m fine or— wait,’ Shannel furrowed, ‘do you have someone else you want to use already?’

Diane shook her head.

‘Good. ‘I’m going to be your bride’s maid and that’s final, no more word about it,’ Shannel was firm and Diane smiled at that.

‘But do you think it’s a good idea— I mean, a married woman as a bride’s maid; I haven’t heard of that before.’

‘And do you have the single woman you wanna use? Don’t forget I’m the only friend you have,’ Shannel teased. ‘And I don’t care if married women don’t do it, I’m doing this and anyways, there’s a first for everything,’ she looked at Diane, ‘do you even know how long I’ve been waiting for this? C’mon,’ Shannel waved her away.

Diane laughed. ‘Alright; I know you wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world.’

‘No I wouldn’t.’

‘And I’m gonna make your dream come true.’

‘You'd better.’

They laughed.

‘So when are those dresses arriving?’ Shannel asked.

‘Soon my dear, soon.’

‘Please let ‘em, cause I can’t wait to see them.’

‘You don’t worry, jeez Shannel, if you continue like this, I’m gonna change my mind about the wedding,’ she raised her brows at her.

Shannel burst into laughter and Diane chuckled at her laughter. Shannel’s laughter withdrew rapidly to smiles. She smiled at Diane with emotions.

Diane saw her and wondered.


‘You know, it’s surprising how life works.’


‘Remember you used to tell me the kind of guy you would love to marry, your fantasy guy?’

‘Yea?’ Diane smiled thoughtful.

‘Tall, athletic slim, white in complexion, very handsome and can dance, Mario Cimarro and Sean Paul combined,’ Shannel chuckled.

Diane chuckled. She was smiling, ‘yea?’

‘And now, who knew you would end up loving the very opposite of what you wanted like mad, well except he’s handsome?’ Shannel winked at her.

Diane laughed. ‘Well, as the saying is, man proposes, God disposes.’

‘Hmm,’ Shannel digested that. ‘anyways, don’t worry, you could still have him.’

Diane looked up at her sharply, ‘what!’

‘Kidding,’ Shannel laughed and slogged her arm playfully, ‘what happened to the spirit of "don’t give up, when there’s life your wish could still be granted, huh?"

‘Smart; using my words against me. POC it’s don’t worry and— that the wish could still be granted, would happen only in your dreams, got my man already.’

Shannel laughed and Diane chuckled at her laughter.