Dreams Ltd by Veronica Melan - HTML preview

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Will he buy them or not? And for how much?

Trying not to show my impatience or irritation, I took off my coat, put it next to my bag on a chair, and then went back to studying some chains, rings, bracelets and pendants that he had on display.

As I understood there were things that were not shown on the main shop floor and they were not for sale. Or maybe these were going to be sold later.

In one of the windows I caught the reflection of my own face - pleasant, barely there make-up; smeared with some moisturiser; overall I looked fresh but a little peaky. I almost forgot how good I could look with a proper hairstyle...

“Mrs Moore?” Finally, coughed the jeweller whose name Theodore sounded either too proud, or pretentious, “So, you are saying that you are willing to sell these stones?”

“Yes.” I stepped away from the display and walked back to the counter, “That's correct.”

Theodore stood there for a while deep in thoughts. His thick glasses glittered in the light.

“May I ask you where you got these from?”

I hesitated. Why would he ask such a question? And what difference does it make?

“It’s a long way from here, Mr Larsheld. Why do you ask?”

The jeweller chewed his lips again.

“Well, you have quite rare stones here.”

At these words, my heart jumped excitedly - will I hit the jackpot or not? My face continued to maintain an impassive expression. No way, he will see that I am clueless about my own treasures.

“Yes, I know that the stones are rare. And they are very precious to me.” I pretended not to be too interested in the subject, “But now I’m ready to sell them. Of course, if I’m offered a good price.”

“I understand, Mrs Moore.” Theodore rushed to reassure me, “Your diamonds are not just outstanding quality; they are unique and very rare...”

I almost jumped on the spot. These sparkling roundels are diamonds? Unbelievable! Did the quarry workers know what exactly they’d presented to me? And Hulk? Did he know that there was a diamond vein in the stone pit which he used for mining limestone?

“Of course, I am not belittling the quality of your emeralds either...” continued the goldsmith, “...and your sapphires have quiet rare colour, but the diamonds - this is something else. They are pink and without any inclusions, just perfectly clean!”

It was clear that Theodore was already picturing how he’ll cut them and imbed them into gold or platinum. After selling such a unique collection for an immense amount of money he’ll perhaps, become one of the richest jewellers, and would probably live a luxury life for another ten years. But that wasn’t the point. I only cared how much he was prepared to offer me, so his dream, written in capital letters across his face, would become a reality.

The man behind the counter kept on running his fingers over my stones, as if he was afraid that if he taook his hands off the pink diamonds, just like a mirage, would vanish.

“How much do you want for all of them, Mrs Moore?”

Hell, no! You, sneaky devil! It will be YOU who’ll tell me how much you want to pay for them.

“I'd like to hear your offer first, Mr Larsheld.”

The jeweller looked at me and then at the stones. Then back at me. The he swallowed.

“We-e-e-ll...” He drawled hesitantly, “I think I’d be willing to give you... let’s say... five hundred thousand. “

The disappointment on my face was very obvious and absolutely genuine. Theodore immediately reassessed the situation.

“Six hundred!” he announced.

I tried to keep the sulky look on my face.

“Six hundred and fifty?” uncertainly continued the greedy man.

Six hundred and fifty? Well, no! If these gems are diamonds and they are rare pink colour, I’m not going to play petty! More so, the Corporation will not take less than a million, and six hundred and fifty thousand is nor here nor there, if I can put it that way.

I walked right up to the counter and made a disgusted expression, which would usually appear when the person I was talking to was either a fool (which would not be appropriate to say aloud), or he was pretending to be a fool which was no less irritating.

“Mr Larsheld.” I began softly, “It’s not just the fact that these stones have no inclusions, they are also huge. Even after cutting, each one of them will be at least three carats in size. So let's be honest with each other - all I want for the entire collection is one million. It isn’t that much, admit it, Theodore. For you it’s almost a gift.”

There was a great actor, trying to get out of me! But the storming emotions, which I was experiencing at the moment, I couldn’t do a bad performance if I’d tried. I was very glad that the stones turned out to be rare and valuable, but I was also worried that if I don’t get enough money for them, I won’t be able to contact the Corporation and ask them to release Hulk. And if Hulk is not released, I’ll be very angry and unbearable.

Mr Larsheld’s pale blue eyes behind his thick glasses were staring at my shameless gren. And it wasn’t clear whether he was shocked by my statement, or he wasn’t surprised at all. I didn’t take my eyes off his, he was doing the same.

Well, let's see who will lose out more, Mr “Golden chains on the belly” - me or you?

“One million, Mrs Moore, it’s a lot. Even for this collection.” said the jeweller, finally, after clearing his throat

“What a pity, that it's a lot for you.” I sang, depicting boredom and frustration, “Then I'll have to sell them ... what’s the name of that posh shop? .... Oh yes! “Diamond Bay”!”

A randomly picked name from the same yellow pages made a huge impact on Theodore. Obviously it was a big company and, apparently, one of the most brutal competitors of my new acquaintance. He somewhat lost the healthy colour on his face, but I had to give it to him - he wasn’t about to throw in the towel.

“I think they will agree that one million for a bunch of pristine pink diamond is a true gift of destiny, don’t you think?” I kept pushing my way through the fortress. He’s shared his knowledge with me, now he is paying the price! I continued attacking him, using the information he had given me.

There was a pause.

Pink diamonds spread out on the counter beautifully glittered in the light.

“Eight hundred and fifty!” Theodore forced out his new offer huskily, but greedily.

“One million!” I rapped angrily, “And stop bartering!”

The jeweller was looking at me without blinking with his protruding eyes, resembling a fish that was about to explode, but yet didn’t want to lose a tasty and greasy mosquito, and therefore continued to hover above the water, trying to catch its prey.

“Nine hundred thousand!”

Oh, you meanie! I began angrily and quickly raking stones from the counter back into the bag.

You got me to the bones, fat bastard! If you don’t wanna buy my gems, I’ll find somebody else. You are not the only one who could appreciate their beauty and give me one million without any additional jitters!

The determination written all over my face, finally shattered Theodore’s desire to reduce the price.

“Alright! One million!” He squeaked, “I’ll pay by card or cash! But it’ll take more time to get that much cash...”

I stopped and smiled coldly.

“Transfer the money to my bank account then.”

And just like that, five minutes later I was out on the street a millionaire.




I took a taxi to get home.

It was kind of strange, but now, when I got enough money, I wasn’t in a rush to call the Corporation. I felt uncomfortable, almost scared and circling around the lounge I kept glancing at the telephone. Well, everything is ready, just pick up the receiver and dial the number, but somehow I couldn’t psych myself up to do that.

What if something goes wrong? What if one million isn’t enough? What if I’ll be obliged to do something in return again just because I dared to call? What if they refuse to help me?

Thinking of numerous questions, I kept on circling around the room, feeling gloomy.

Hulk, what would you say to me in this situation? I mentally begged for the answer from the one who’d always find the right words, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. What would you advise me to do? I am alone, and I'm scared"

 Everybody gets scared. I thought Hulk would answer me, even those who never show that they are. But only those who try to move forward, carrying their fear through everything, through every minute and never give up, can achieve something. And even if you stumble, even if something goes wrong - it’s still a result - the result of your move forward. But if you succumb to your fear, if you don’t make up your mind and make that step, even the smallest step, you will never see the end of the road.

But I have so much fear, so many doubts in me, I’m paralysed!

Don’t think about the final aim. Think about one step at a time, and then you will know how to take the next one... and the next one.  That isn’t that scary, is it?

I didn’t know if I was talking to myself, or if it was a wise voice that came to me from the outside, but either way, this mental dialogue helped me calm down.

The voice was right - I shouldn’t be scared before I even make that first step. I’ll dial the bloody number and ask them a few questions, and before I hear their “yes” or “no” nobody will make me do anything.

Even if I hear “no” I’ll still know that at least I’ve tried.

Not pressuring myself into doing anything right now, I sat on the sofa for a while, and then went to the kitchen to make some tea whilst getting my head together.




He didn’t know why he came here.

The dark cellar was a narrow room, located underneath the mansion, lit by a few lamps. The entire wall was covered in different types of weapons. There was everything that he ever managed to find, buy or trade in Tally; pistols, machine guns, a box of grenades, rifles, a collection of knives, several chemical and smoke screens, and even a grenade launcher. There were also flares, body armour, knuckle dusters and a bunch of other small things that could be useful in a fight.

Or escape.

Hulk was standing still, staring at the ammunition, trying not to think about what he was trying not to think. After all, he is not that foolish to break through the secure perimeter of “Area 33” or through the armed cordon at the front gate, is he?

Of course, not. And who knows why his brain has already started to embrace the idea of how exactly he can get around the central towers, sneak into the security centre and turn off the voltage...

His biceps tensed involuntarily, and black t-shirt tightened around his muscular shoulders, strong fingers clenched. Hulk’s grey eyes continued to study the array of weapons, picking them up, noting and sorting any possible usage according to the situation.

Is he foolish enough to risk everything he’d achieved in the last four years?

(The ranch would explode beautifully; he would take care of it. Just for fun)

But he isn’t willing to kill couple of innocent policemen, is he? (Although, it was doubtful that anyone would even notice a loss of a couple of dozen brain dead cops. What a nice feeling that would be to thin out their number with something like Minimi. That type of pleasure could hardly be compared to anything else)

But of course Hulk didn’t think about that even if his lips were curved into an unfriendly grin.

No, he didn’t.

 He just came here to stand around, to look, and to refresh his memory.

Is he silly enough to find Drake and meet him face to face despite the possible outcome?

Maybe, not. But Hulk was fed up with waiting. He’d been waiting for a very long time now and Drake didn’t come. So, perhaps, it was time to take the initiative into his own hands?

Suddenly, something distracted Hulk, and smote the previous thought. Everything was quiet in his mind,

After a few seconds Shereen’s troubled face appeared before his eyes as if she was calling for him and asking something. Hulk listened to his inner self. Damn it... She looked scared.

What’s going on in there? He clenched his fists feeling powerless. Whatever she needed, he couldn’t help her from here, but yet Hulk closed his eyes, cleared his mind, took a deep breath and tried to imagine Shereen’s face again.

What’s going on, girl? Is everything alright with you?

There were no answers, just the feeling that she was worried and feeling lonesome. Before he could let himself feel angry and start cursing, Hulk tried to calm her down mentally, telling her that he is still there for her, that she isn’t alone.

But then he swore out loud.

What’s the point of trying to break through the distance using just thoughts? If that was ever possible, he wasn’t taught how to do that. Drake would probably be able to appear in someone’s mind if he wanted to, but Hulk could only hope that Shereen managed to feel the distant presence by her side.

But in his current presence he’ll just have to wait, because if he makes a mistake now, his girl will be doomed with loneliness forever. And that must never happen.

That’s why he was just standing here and observing. It’s just some weapons and he is not touching anything.

Can you see it, Drake? Not touching anything.




I couldn’t believe that I was in this car again; the car, windows of which were tinted so much, that I couldn’t see a thing behind them. The car owned by the Corporation.

And, yes, that could only mean only thing - I made a call.

I did it.

And exactly as I guessed, they didn’t want to talk over the phone, just asked me not to make any calls after our conversation and that no ID is necessary, just a retina scan will be enough, blah-blah-blah...

Ok. I’ll do as you say.

I was riding in silence, drowning in suspense of something unpleasant ahead.

But why unpleasant? I still don’t know what result this trip will bring. Maybe it would be a good one? Or even great?

But my memory which had already recorded a memo film, was tactfully reminding me every five seconds how this precious ride ended up when I was in this care once before.

Yes, the nightmare was repeating itself.

I immediately reproached myself - nothing was repeating again itself. I'm not the same Shereen, who was going there to ask for money to save Alex, not the same confused girl with big green eyes, waiting for a miracle, or at least anything remotely similar to it. And nothing will be like it was three months ago.

Of course, my eyes were still the same green colour and I was still hoping for a miracle, hoping maybe even more than ever before, but now my mind was straight and logical, and I’ve prepared all the questions in advance.

When the car finally stopped, I found out that we were already in the underground car park - long, empty and echoing, with the square concrete pillars across it and the lifts at the far end.

Accompanied by two men, I walked towards them. There was an unreadable expression on their faces - Silence. The doors shut with a soft rustle, and the cabin began to crawl up. Then there was a quiet tinkling sound, and the doors let us out in the lobby, located many floors above.

There was a girl-secretary with not a particularly noticeable appearance, behind a low desk. Her fair hair was neatly combed back, her lips slightly touched up with a gloss. She was wearing thin rimmed glasses on her long nose, her eyes, however, seemed smart and insightful and the jacket fit her figure very well. It was obviously custom-made.

I had a quick look around - posh carpet, beige walls without any windows, and different pictures on the walls, a few chairs for visitors - empty at the moment, and a coffee table with some brochures on it.

During my last trip here I didn’t have time to spot any of that, and now it was like a whole tour around their lobby.

Before reaching the table, I thought whether I should try and find this high building without any windows on the map? Although, the room where I spent the night before going to Tally, had windows - they were covered with curtains. Then it will be very difficult to identify the location of the Corporation. And did I really need to do that?




Everything was ready.

Pink sunset, red mountains shivering in the evening haze - Hulk was looking at it for the last time, trying not to think about what will happen next. It felt as though many years had passed since he was left alone at this ranch alone the time was right to leave.

Tabitha with her luggage and the new documents was put on a creaky bus, going towards Klendon-City. Of course, she resisted and cursed but agreed eventually.

Hulk didn’t try to look for any ingenious ways; he just paid a couple of people and the bus driver. It will certainly be discovered soon, and somebody will be very unhappy, but any trace of Hulk would be gone by that time. Therefore, it was forgivable to do something stupid for the last time.

The entire weapons arsenal was cleaned and prepared; everything that could be useful was put aside, waiting for the right moment, and Hulk, smoking his last cigar - one of the three remining in the wooden box was waiting for the same moment.

The tobacco was dry and tasted harsh, but Hulk didn’t order new cigars - why would he? Soon, when he’s free, he’ll buy his favourite ones.

Thirty minutes earlier the doctor knocked on the office door and said that the patient, who was in a coma for a long time regained consciousness? Hulk just nodded. Of course she did, because an hour ago he visited the infirmary himself, but the dopy doctor, who promptly went to have a drink in the dining room, didn’t notice him.

Five minutes of work, a few touches on the right areas of the brain, and it switched back on. Regarding all the changes that have been made, it was now working even better than before - no more wrecking, greed and no constant craving for anger and destruction. Instead of that bitch that tried to squeeze through the gap between the gates, one very good person will open her eyes soon.

Why did he do that? Just because he didn’t want to have something “unfinished” on his mind, and now he could just forget about it.

It’s been a long time since Hulk felt like he did right now - his brain completely freed of any emotions. The analysis function will turn on later, when the time is right; and now, he was sitting in the ambush like a patient predator, waiting his hour. He was just killing time by smoking a cigar, idly scrolling through all the details of the upcoming operation in his mind. There wasn’t any agitation or excitement, he felt calm and relaxed, as he always did when a job had to be done.

The guy that Hulk chose as the new Head of the ranch seemed promising - determined, intelligent and ambitious. If he does everything right, he’ll be allowed to mix in the right circles, with the right people on his side receive some benefits, and if favoured by the mayor of Tally, then he will achieve a new status - the status of a fully legit "owner". What a damn good goal! Hulk almost spat on the carpet from the sarcasm that filled his mind.

No, that’s it. This part of his life is not behind him. It’s time to turn over a new page and forget about the last three years - there wasn’t anything worth remembering, when sat at home with a glass of whisky.

Except for her.

And so that she doesn’t turn into a distant memory as well, today - for the first time in all these years, he’ll abandon this place. He will crash the rusty gates with his forehead if he has to, but he’ll make it to the other side of the fence, and maybe on the other side of the law.

The stare of his grey eyes fixed on the horizon. The smoke was drifting away with the dry wind; the transparent white curtain was swaying by the balcony door.

Four hours before sunset. Four hours of inactivity.

And four hours till his new life.




They were driving silently in two cars - Dell with Chaser and Ren in Dane’s Jeep. The clock on the dashboard was showing close to midnight; there was no need for words anymore, as everything had been discussed and agreed before the ride. Now it was time for action.

Dane El’Conto, unrivalled sniper, had to take care of the guards up in the watching towers, Dell will detonate the lock on the gate, and Mac will disable the electric fence. But they could only proceed with their tasks after Ren connects remotely to the Tally security centre and replaces their camera images with a picture prepared in advance.

Everyone knew exactly what to do. They’d been working together for long enough and now learnt how to act flawlessly.

Two cars, like a couple of wingless shadows, were riding up along the narrow serpentine-like road. The mountains were ahead. Given that Klendon City was located on a plain, spread out in all directions for several hundred kilometres, the mountains in this area looked odd, out of place, but not for those who knew that this landscape was created much later after the Level itself. When the Commission needed to build a new object, they didn’t particularly care about the harmony of the nearby nature. If they had to have some mountains, they would just create them.

The beams from the headlights were snatching out the rough and uneven road surface, covered with fog. Bunches of grass were growing on the sides - sage and wild heather - all the plants seemed dark and brown and only when a light would fall onto some flowers, their bright colours would appear for a second.

“I’ve never been here before.” Mac broke the silence, not taking his eyes off the road, “I didn’t even know this place existed.”

“Me neither.” agreed Dell, who was having the same kind of thoughts.

“You know, I’ve tried to find Hulk with my inner vision a few times, but I always felt nothing. I thought he was dead.”