Dreams of Love and Intrigue by Greta Ann Hughes - HTML preview

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Annie's Life



Annie was lost in her own private thoughts. As she gazed out over her balcony at the oncoming tide as it swept its way in on the darkened seas. There had been a time, a very long time ago, that she had spent hour upon hour looking out at the sea. She had been searching over the darkness for a sign that he was returning to her. Now on this chilly dark night, she was deep in thought.

It was now a year since Robert, her husband, had died and many memories were now flooding into her mind. She was thinking of all the happy times that she had spent with him. They had run barefoot across the white sandy beaches, had swum in the sun warmed sea and later with their children had made sandcastles with moats and ate icecreams, which melted in the heat of the sun. But there was also another memory which now forced itself upon her. This night of all nights, it just wouldn't go away.

As Annie thought of this, her mind carried on wandering over the past and with a deep sigh she let the distant pathway open up, and she was carried further into the picture which her mind was now creating for her.



Annie's first love had been William. He was tall, dark and handsome, just like the men you read about in the romantic story books, that Annie was so mad about. They had first come across each other at the local dance hall. Annie had been a frequent visitor there, along with her best friend Freda. Every Friday and Saturday nights both of them could be found there, dancing away to the sounds of the popular tunes of Glenn Miller, which was played by a local band called The Norfolk Band.

 It was just as Freda was going to the bar to get them both a refreshing drink, the evening was a very hot one, and they had both been dancing since getting into the hall, that the tall dark stranger accidentally bumped into Freda. “Oh, please pardon me, I wasn't looking where I was going. I hope that I haven't damaged your foot by treading so heavily on it with my size 10 boots”. His smile lit up his face and as Freda mumbled that “no, no I think everything is alright.”

She then quickly made her escape from him and breathing a sigh of relief she ordered two shandies from the barman. Glancing back to where she had left Annie, she saw that the stranger was now deep in conversation with Annie and that by the look on her face she was enjoying his company very much. Freda at first felt a little jealous pang tug at her heart, but she knew that he wouldn't have really given her a second glance, especially with Annie being present. Annie had always been able to talk to anyone about absolutely anything. But as Freda was thinking this, a smile came to her face. She had brought forth an image of Dan. He was the assistant foreman in the warehouse, at the manufacturers of overcoats and where Freda. also worked. Walker & Sons had been in business for over 40 years, they were designers of coats and were made on the premises as well. Many of the coats were specially commissioned for some of the wealthier people who lived in Cromer and the surrounding areas.

 Annie and Freda had finished school at the same time and both of them had enquired about work at Walker & Sons. Annie who was the creative one, was taken on and had a place in the design department, and as Freda had nimble fingers she had been taken on in the finishing department, stitching the intricate designs onto some of the elegant evening cloaks which were made there. Both of them were extremely lucky they said to have landed the opportunity to be working together in the same place.

The company had also just received a commission to do some work for the military, they were to make the overcoats to keep the brave men and women of the forces warm, when out in the battle fields. This work would keep them all very busy for quite some time. Some said that it could last for several years. As the war now waged on between Germany and Great Britain, time was also something to cherish as there was so much sorrow being shed throughout the country, especially amongst the bereaved families.

Freda finally gathered up the two drinks and headed back to where she had left Annie. Even though the stranger was still keeping Annie fully occupied with some story or other, she felt that it was time for her to intervene. You had to be so careful, there was too much hurt which could be caused if you didn't watch yourselves, because where a seemingly innocent moment was happening, this could turn as quickly into a tragedy.

“Hi Annie, I'm back. I bet you thought I had perhaps run off with the barman. Here's your drink, it should still be cold, even though I have been gone for quite a few minutes.” Freda smiled pleasantly at the stranger. “Are you going to introduce me. Even though my foot has been well acquainted with his.” This was followed by a shy nervous laugh.

“Well hello there, my name is William, but all my friends call me Bill. As I was saying to Annie, I am stationed nearby at the RAF airfield. Half a dozen of our squadron have been given a 24hour pass and we thought maybe it was time for us to have a short break and get ourselves a little enjoyment. I don't know if you can imagine it or not but there are very few hours when we do manage to get time off. But ladies, please don't let me be the wet blanket of the night. Who wants to keep a lonely RAF guy company by dancing the light fandango?”

This man's smile could melt even the most hardest of hearts. Feigning that her foot still hurt her a little, Freda almost pushed Annie towards and into the waiting arms of the now not so secret stranger called William.

As the night's hour approached 11.30 and although they thought themselves old enough to be out late at night, both sets of parents agreed that because of the war and the frequent unscheduled blackouts, they preferred it if they were both home by midnight.

Annie made her way back to where her friend was sitting and with one hand held against her breast she said somewhat breathlessly, “I don't think that I have danced for so long and with someone who without a doubt knows how to glide across the dance-floor. I feel totally exhausted. I do hope that you will not think me too rude if both Freda and myself now say good-night. We like to be home by 12 o'clock. I know, just like Cinderella, although I do have to say that neither of us have ever lost a shoe and by such a consequence been sought out by a dashing young prince.” Annie fluttered her long blonde eyelashes, lashes so long that there was no need for any cosmetic's to make them longer or fuller. Mascara was one of the things that had to be used sparingly due to rations.

“Ladies, please do not fear. I can quite understand how people are feeling today. Scarcely a day, or night, goes by without someone that we know, if only by association of knowing them third or fourth hand, that some ill-fate has befallen them. Would you like me to escort you home?” William was of course speaking more to Annie, even though he included Freda by giving her a sideways look.

“No, but thank you for your kind offer. We live such a short way away that it would be a shame to take you away from the entertainment which will no doubt be going on for at least another hour.”

“It would be no trouble. But I can see from your expression that my idea will still be met by a negative response.” He put his hand inside his jacket pocket and took out a notebook and quickly wrote down his full name and where he was stationed. “Perhaps, you may like to write to me. I know that I am not far away, but even the briefest of notes can mean so much to us who don't know where they are going to be sent off to the next day.”

 His hand held the slip of paper out to Annie. As she smiled up at him, she felt the first fluttering of her heart. She shook her head ever so slightly so as not to make it look as though she was saying no, and took the paper from him. Their hands touching ever so briefly.

“I'm not much at writing letters, but I will gladly send you news of what is happening here. We must be setting off now. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening, and one never knows, but you could be back here very soon.” The sooner the better she thought to herself.

 With nothing else to say, Annie and Freda said their final good-nights and left William and the dance hall to set off back to their homes.



The next week passed by so quickly that Annie didn't have a chance to do anything in the evening, apart from eat her evening meal and drag herself off to an early bed. She was so worn out after her day at work. Business was extremely busy, what with the new season coming up and all the samples to be prepared, also the new contract had been set out with strict deadlines. With it being a government contract there was no going back on the dates which had being given out and agreed to. Failure of the company to comply could mean the contract being canceled and with that a great deal of money would also be lost.

As Friday evening came around, Freda called for her friend at her usual time of 7 o'clock. She knocked at the door and was let in by Annie's mother and was told that she could go straight up to Annie's room. “Are you ready Annie, I thought that we might try to see the new play at the Derby Theatre. I have heard that it is very funny. I could do with a laugh after all the hard graft I put in at work this week. Oh my, what on earth has happened to you?” Freda had come to a complete standstill, she had not even looked at Annie when she had first entered her bedroom, but had just continued chattering on. “You look absolutely awful. Sorry, but I cannot lie. Your face is puffed up and your eyes are like two little peas.”

Just saying this made Freda start to laugh. She was not one at the best of times to keep a straight face. But looking at her poor friends face, she started to giggle again. “This has got to be better than going to the theatre.” Freda continued. Her shoulders shaking with her laughter.

“It's OK for you, just you wait and see what happens when you have to start to use that awful material that they are calling lining for the military overcoats. It has some sort of cheap thermal fibre that they are using. Jeepers but it doesn't half itch.” Annie started to rub at the side of her face again.

Just as Annie had started to scratch her face, in came her mother carrying a large bottle which contained some very pink liquid. “Annie dear, please stop scratching, you are only going to make it worse. I have been down to Jenkin's the chemist and he has made up some calamine lotion for you. He said that for this to work properly you must put plenty on and don't wash it off for several hours. Hello again Freda, I'm sorry that you have come around here tonight expecting to go out, but as you can see by Annie's face, she is in no state to go anywhere. I do hope that this isn't something which all of you at work are going to get. I'll bet on my last penny that Mr. Walker will not be very amused if you all end up looking like our Annie.”

After saying this she left the two girls on their own. But not before saying to apply the lotion straight away if she wanted her face to get better soon.

Left on their own again, Freda said that she would put the calamine lotion on Annie for her. As soon as this was done, they talked about their weeks work and that now that the weekend was theirs to do as they pleased, even though Annie didn't feel up to much, but they thought that perhaps if she was a little better the next day, then they might just pack a light lunch and go for a picnic on the beach. They knew of a quiet spot and as the holiday season was almost over, they were pretty sure of not being disturbed there. Many of the tourists had stayed away this summer. The cost of travelling had risen too much. Many more also preferring to stay where their loved ones were.

“I'm sorry Freda, but would you mind awfully if I asked if I could be left alone, I feel pretty miserable and I am sure that you must have something better to do than to look at my horrid face. I'll see you in the morning and we will spend the time on the sea front all being well. Thanks for being such a good sport in sitting here for so long.” Freda bent over and placed a sisterly kiss on to her friends cheek, careful not to get too much of the calamine lotion on herself.

“Goodnight then. See you tomorrow. Keep your hands down by your sides, perhaps I should tie them together so that you won't be tempted to sneak a quick scratch.”

The next day arrived bringing with it a clear blue sky, with just the hint of a cool breeze. Annie's face was looking much better, the lotion had taken the bright red blotches away and had stopped the incessant itching.

Packing a small lunch box with sandwiches and cool lemonade, both girls made their way to the beach and set themselves up for the day. With the sun cream covering them, they lay down to soak up the sunshine. As Annie lay back she said, “Can you imagine what I found in my purse last night? Well I'll tell you. Remember the air force guy William, it was his address at the barracks where he is based. I had almost forgotten it. But being bored I thought I would tidy up my handbag of all the pieces of paper you pick up, and there it was. At first I thought perhaps I should just pop it into the bin along with all the other bits I was throwing out. But then again I thought that if he was as lonely as he said he was, then maybe a short note could be just the thing to perk him up. You'll never believe me, but I have written to him. Yes, yes I know, don't be giving me that look, I know what I am doing. I even got my brother to put it in the post for me, after bribing him with the money so that he can go and see the afternoon matinee at the cinema.”

“Annie, I think that you must be barmy. The itchy face must have affected your brain as well as your looks. And no, you still have a pretty face, of that I'm sure you already know. But what do you really think of him, did you find him attractive?” Freda was now sitting up and smiling down at the still form of her friend.

Still not moving, Annie replied, “Umm, well he was quite hunky wasn't he? It may be fun to actually have a date with him. But I'm sure that I must be barking up the wrong tree to be thinking of such a thing. I wonder if he will write back.” This last she said more to herself than wanting a reply from her friend.

The day wore on and after having their picnic lunch, they set themselves up in the shade and talked at length about their hopes and dreams of where they wanted to be when the war was over and who, if they could choose, they would like to spend the rest of their lives with. Silly girl talk, but something that almost always got the imagination racing far ahead of what may or may not happen.



Several more hot sunny days followed, everyone was making the most of the sun. But on waking on the Saturday morning, the weather had changed dramatically, bringing with it dark heavy clouds which threatened a downpour of rain at any moment. A cold wind was blowing in from the sea. Just then the morning post arrived. Bobby the postman had brought her a letter which was completely drenched with the rain which had been threatening to fall all morning. The address was just about readable, as the writer had used a fountain pen and the ink was still somewhat wet and running down the envelope.

Quickly opening it and getting the folded paper out without causing any further damage to the enclosed paper, Annie read the brief but very compact letter.

“My dear dear Annie,

I truly thought that I would not hear from you ever again. But my wishes have been heard and I can now say that you have made me the most happiest of men stationed here. I have managed to wangle a late pass and I will be at the dance hall tonight. I do hope that you can be there. May I also say that I hope that your friend Freda will not be too put out, but I have asked a friend of mine to come along. Not that I want to play matchmaker, but I would really like to have the time to spend the evening with you. I will finish in the hopes that you will be there tonight, perhaps you might want to keep this our little secret and keep quiet about it until you are both there. Although please do not think that I am wanting to split up a friendship which you have obviously shared for many years.

Until tonight then, with my fondest wishes, William.”

He had even put the little cross symbolising a kiss. With her heart going ten to the dozen Annie ran upstairs to check through her wardrobe. She knew that she was being silly, but this was surely going to be a night to remember and she wanted to look her best. Maybe she could pop into town to the little charity shop which had recently opened. With the war on, any of the latest new fashions on the high street to wear, was something that was taking a back seat. But you could always be sure to pick up a bargain which, with just a little tinkering and a few pieces of ribbon or fake jewellery, you could make up your own fashion outfit. So thinking, she took herself off down to the high street.

It wasn't long before she found herself a a pair of trousers and a pretty blouse. The trousers were just like the ones she had seen in a magazine a few weeks earlier. Even though the style was something which she would be copying from an American designer, she thought what the heck, in for a penny in for a pound. The blouse which she had bought to accompany the trousers was quite plain, but had large puffy sleeves. She hoped fervently that the rain would stop and that all that she would need to top her outfit off would be the light pale blue cardigan that her mother had made her for the summer months.

Back home she hurriedly unpacked her goods and made straight for the sewing machine. This was something which was in constant use in their house. Her mother was very cleaver in altering and making things. People in the street always knew where to come if they needed anything repairing or making. She had made many bridal gowns and bridesmaids dresses. This was where Annie had got her eye for any intricate embroidery or stitched designs. She also knew how to cut the many fabrics in which to make the new designs that there were to be made.

Seven thirty on the dot both Annie and Freda stepped into the dance hall. “I don't know what has come over you tonight, but you have been like a cat on a hot tin roof. Jumping at the slightest thing that I have said. And just look at you now. Who are you expecting to see? Oh I get it, don't look at me like that, I know you too well. It's him isn't it? Well I wish you had told me and you cannot deny that you know nothing, because by the look on your face, you have already arranged something.”

 After having said this, from behind Freda a voice said, “good evening ladies, I am glad to see you both looking so well and I do hope that you are both going to enjoy tonight dancing the night away with us. But please, where are my manners. Let me introduce to you my friend, Graham. We both joined the forces at the same time and so we have both been in the same position together, that is not knowing where our right foot or left foot should be going. It took us both the same amount of time to get the rhythm right so that we could march properly.”

Standing beside William was a young man, slightly smaller but much rounder in the face than William was his friend Graham. With a nervous cough he finally said hello. Talk about shy, he had about as much go in him as a deflated balloon Freda thought. Just as she was going to say something, she realised that she had been left alone with him. Far out on the dance floor she could just make out the couple dancing ever so close together. Well what the heck, why should she spoil her friends nights out, even though she would have been more than happier if she had been told about the pre-arranged rendezvous.

The evening wore on far too quickly for Annie, but not as quick for Freda, for her night had been quite boring. She would have preferred to have spent the time at home baking with her mother, than with this man who could just about string two words together. “I'm sorry that we have to leave so early, but if we don't get back to our barracks we could possibly get a charge and I know that we have a rather delicate task to do in the afternoon. So, Annie, I will say goodnight and I will wish for the time to go speedily until we can next meet.”

Annie looked as though she might have cried at any moment, but as his arms went around her and his lips gently brushed against hers in the briefest of kisses, and then in the next moment both he and Graham were driving off down the road, leaving her feeling breathless and out of control.

Finally she shook her head and looked at her friend, “oh Freda, I think that I have fallen in love. He held me so close as we danced, that I felt if we were to move apart I would surely fall over, like a building without its walls. Can you just imagine that” Annie's smile radiated right across her face and if there had been no lights around them, they would still have been able to see just with the shine which was coming from her glowing face.

“Annie, I don't want to be the wet blanket, but please be very careful. I know what you are thinking, I sound just like your mother. But don't ever forget, she normally knows what she is talking about. Where as me, I could so easily get entangled up with the wrong person and end up in goodness knows what sort of predicament. You know what I am talking about. Things which we have read about in our magazines which our parents don't know we read.” Freda was always the sensible one, if you needed to be put off something, go and see Freda as she would soon sort you out in next to no time at all.

But this night was the beginning of the romance that Annie had only read about in her books. Although she kept up her friendship with Freda, they started to go their separate ways in the evenings.



Freda had managed to gain the affections of Dan, and she just about had him wrapped around her little finger. Freda was nearly always the one to take the lead, leaving Dan with little alternative but to follow her, which he did just like a big puppy dog. He was not a man to show his love openly, but one Saturday night when he called at her house to take her to the cinema, he asked if he could have a word with her father. He fumbled about for a few minutes and finally said, “I would like to marry your daughter. Erm, that is with your permission. But erm, I know that we are still quite young, but even though you need to take each day as it comes, there has to be a time when you just have to take the bull by its horn, so to speak, and do something quickly about it.” Dan stopped talking quicker than he had begun.

There was little doubt, as her father already knew, that if he said no, then Freda would just go over his head and marry Dan anyway. But it was with her fathers blessing that Freda was now telling this to her best friend.

Annie's joy at hearing this happy news made her think that maybe, just maybe, they could possibly have a double wedding. Just like her friend, her love had also been going from strength to strength. William and she had spent as much time together as they could get. In the last three months he had managed to get passes for at least every other weekend. This they tried to spend walking along the sea front, or holding hands at the cinema. Not wanting to have any interference from other people around them, they become one soul when they were together.

This Saturday she had asked him if he would like to come to tea before they went out to the dance hall. They had heard that a new band was to be playing there and were looking forward to dancing to some new tunes. When dancing he could hold her close to him. He had been delighted as he was wanting to have a word with her parents. This would be the fourth time that he had called at her house, but hadn't had the opportunity to stay very long, as Annie was always wanting to dash off with him.

But tonight was going to be different. At 6.30 the door was opened before he even knocked upon it. Smiling brightly Annie led the way into the back room. A warm cosy fire greeted him, even though the smile from Annie had warmed his heart. The smell from the days baking, which her mother had been doing, spread throughout the house, making him feel a little homesick for his own family. His mother could always been found in the kitchen baking, they had always had fresh bread and many cakes and desserts. But today some of those things were just impossible to get. The ration books didn't cover such fancy things. All ingredients tended to be dried, milk and eggs were just two of the main items. But there again, with what you could grow in your garden or even on some of the allotments which were still going, a variety of meals could be had by some people. Many of the neighbours shared their home grown products, so that communities continued to grow, even when some of the younger folks were drafted away.

Today Annie's mother had really been able to lay out a grand table for them. She had chosen a warming dish of poor man's goose, although this lacked the goose, the contents of the pot when cooked, resembled the taste of goose. They were also very lucky to have a large back garden and cornered off to one side, they kept going three to four chickens. With the eggs that they produced most days, she was able to keep up a good supply of a tasty food on their table. Today she had kept a few back in which to bake a large custard tart. Very filling meal for just a little amount of money and coupons.

When the evening's meal was ready to serve, they were all sitting around the dinner table waiting patiently for her father to pour out a glass of wine for them all. He had managed to find a bottle which he had been saving for just an occasion as this. William had been able to have his talk with her father and now as he tapped his glass to draw attention her father said. “Well mother I think that I can say for both of us that we are very happy to welcome you as part of our family. We knew that Annie had given her heart over to someone, and I am very pleased that it is to you. A toast, to a very long and happy life to you both. To Annie and William.”

As the glasses were raised to toast the announcement of their engagement, Annie couldn't help it, but tears suddenly welled up and threatened to come pouring down her cheeks. She managed to blink them back and smiled out to both her parents. “I don't think that there is a happier person then me at this moment. Thank you so much daddy, and mum this dish which you have served to us tonight will always be from now on the best of meals for me. It will always be a reminder of what a wonderful evening that this has turned out to be.”

“Obviously Mr. Wilson, I am overjoyed that you have agreed to our engagement. We would like to marry soon. This war cannot go on for much longer. Each day we are gaining more and more on the Germans, making them back down. Now with the Americans on our side as well, the time is surely almost up for them. It will take quite some time before we can regain something of a normal life again, but there is one thing that we can be sure of and that is that we will be able to enjoy a safer and quieter country for all.” William raised his glass in the direction of his future mother-in-law and then extended the gesture towards her father.

The evening wore on and before they knew it, it was time for William to say good-night. He had only been able to get a few hours leave and needed to be back at the barracks for 11.30 that evening. Pulling the front door closed, but without locking it, Annie held onto William. “Oh gosh, I wish that you didn't have to go back so early. Perhaps next week you could maybe stay over?” She looked up at him, her large blue eyes showing how much love she held for him. Then searching his eyes for the same feelings, she smiled as she then felt his heart beating out against her own chest. Two hearts, thumping and bursting with life and love.

“I have to go my love. But never fear, my heart will always be here with you, even when I am far away. Until next week.” He kissed her long and hard. Even though the evening had turned cold, the heat which was now coming from them, if there had been ice under their feet, this would no doubt have been melted by the fierceness of their emotions.

With a backwards look and a wave, William set off into the darkness of the late evening.



During the following week Annie and Freda saw very little of each other. The business was extremely busy, what with the new contract and their normal workloads, they had only a very short time for themselves. As the day approached finishing time on the Thursday, Freda managed to pop her head into the design department and to catch a brief word with Annie. “How about coming out for a drink later tonight. I just need to have some time with you, to catch up with all our news. Shall I meet you at the Coffee Pot at 7 o'clock?” Annie managed a quick yes, before the telephone started to ring again. Dashing off with a happy wave, Freda picked up her coat and said goodnight to everyone who was left in the office.

She hadn't been sat down for more than a minute when the door opened and in came Annie. Her coat whipped about her slim legs by the wind which had started to blow only a few moments earlier.

“How I hate this weather. One minute lovely and sunny and the next a wind which could freeze you if you stood still long enough. Oh how wonderful, a huge beaker of chocolate, just how did you guess that this is what I wanted?” Annie smiled and gently patted her best friends hand. “I think that you had better go first with your news, because if I know you we will have to book this table again for tomorrow night so that I can get a word in.”

Their friendly and happy way of speaking to each other only emphasised how much their knowledge of each other was. They had grown up together and there had been plenty of days and nights when they spent them together, not going home to their own homes. Many people thought that they were sisters because of their closeness.

“Well now, where shall I start. As you have no doubt have heard, Dan has proposed to me. He was ever so shy, I practically had to say the words and ask my dad myself if he had any objections to me marrying Dan. But in the end he got his words out and I was over the moon when dad said that he would be very happy to have Dan as his son-in-law. As you can imagine I was jumping about and giving dad loads of kisses, until in the end he told us both to get out from under his feet, just as if we were two little kids. But there again, I must say that I