Dreams of Love and Intrigue by Greta Ann Hughes - HTML preview

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Money Can’t Buy You Love


Penny had everything, the looks, the figure and the money. But there was one thing that she didn’t have and that was someone to love her. She had had plenty of followers for her money. She was a very wealthy person. Her father had built up a multi-million pound corporation, which dealt in the components used in satellite transmissions. Her elder brother, James, would one day take over the running of the business, but for her she had very little to do with any sort of work in the company itself.

Penny had been given a boutique as a present for her eighteenth birthday by her parents. She was very happy popping in there from time to time, just to check on how things were going. She had employed four talented and attractive girls to run the shop for her. It wasn’t that she was lazy, it was just that she couldn’t concentrate on anything for too long. She got bored and her attention started to wander. What she was good at was playing the hostess at parties. The other was travelling. She loved to see the sights of all the countries she visited, as well as keeping her tan up on the glorious golden beaches.

It was on one of her many trips that she met Angelo. She was staying at the beautiful town of Sorrento, with the breathtaking views and the island of Capri and the busy centre of Naples. With such a setting as this, she felt that she must find the true love that she so wanted to have.

After breakfast the next morning, Penny decided to go for a walk through the market. There was very little that she needed, but there was always such an array of goods to catch your eye and to tempt you, that just the thought of this made you want to go and buy. As she was busy browsing through the stalls, a very handsome, tall bronzed man started to follow her. The way she moved through the crowded narrow aisles, showed that she was very sure of herself. The elegant lift of her shoulders, combined with the slender neck, which held aloft her face which could bewitch a man. He followed in the wake of her perfume, breathing in the scented air which she left behind. When she decided to sit down and have a cappuccino at one of the bars, he took the time to introduce himself to her.

“Signorina, may I please join you at your table. I have been following you for a short while, taking in the way you move and the beauty of your face. My name is Angelo and I live just a few streets away.”

The way he spoke to her made her stomach do somersaults and she uttered a shaky response, “Please, do sit down. You took me by surprise, I had had no idea that you were following me. My name is Penny.” She held out her hand in greeting to him and he bent his head low and gently kissed the smooth skin on the back of her hand.

His English was excellent, which was just as well, as Penny’s Italian wasn’t very good at all. She could manage to get by when she was out shopping or ordering from restaurants. She had tried on many occasions to try to learn another language, but she had come to the conclusion that it just wasn’t in her to learn. She used to lapse off into another world and would suddenly be jolted awake by one of the other students to tell her that the class was over.

Penny and Angelo covered many topics of conversation and the more that they talked, the more that Penny started to feel as though she was falling in love with this man. His eyes were like deep fathomless pools, which she felt as though she could dive into and never reach the bottom. His soothing accented voice, lulled her into a state of heavenly dreaming. She shook her head slightly, to try and dispel some of the feelings and to try to get herself under control. Don’t be such a silly fool, she said to herself. You have been in this situation hundreds of times, for once do not let your emotions carry you away on a wave.

After having had their second cups of cappuccino, Angelo asked her to meet him later and they would go for an evening meal. He said that he would pick her up at her hotel at 7 o’clock that evening. He kissed her hand again and they said their good-byes.

Penny was all of a dither for the rest of the day. She bathed and dressed, but then decided she didn’t feel comfortable in the dress she had chosen. She changed again and repaired her make-up. Then she was finally ready for her dinner date.

The telephone in the room jingled quite suddenly, which made her jump. The call was to announce that Angelo had arrived and was waiting in the foyer for her. She decided to take the stairs, it would give her time to get herself calmed down. She noticed him at once as she reached the foot of the stairs. He looked more gorgeous than he had earlier. He was dressed casually, but the way he held his shoulders back, with his head tilted to the side, gave him the air of someone who had much confidence. She was also glad that she had chosen to wear the deep blue silk dress, which clung to her body like her own skin, this was topped with a shear gossamer lace shawl, which went over the silk and shimmered as she walked.

Penny approached him and said, “Good evening Angelo, I am sorry if I have kept you waiting.” The look in his eyes made her legs go weak. “Mia cara, you look absolutely stunning. I don’t know if I should be taking you out in public. So many will want to catch your eye, but I hope that I will out shine them all. For I would not like to left without you.”

Angelo led the way out of the hotel and after a short walk they arrived at the restaurant. The view from their table looked out to sea, across which the lights of Naples could be seen. Many boats were still going across the water, the lights shimmering like stars on the dark water.

After they had eaten Angelo suggested that they take a walk. The night air was still and balmy. The air was filled with the sound of the night life. There seemed to be a buzz around the town. People walked around, looking in at the many shops which stayed open till late. The younger people walked up and down, showing themselves off like beautiful peacocks on parade. Angelo’s arm circled her waist and he drew her to him. “My house is just here, please would you like to come in for some refreshment. It has grown quite warm as we have walked and I am sure that something cool would be ideal.” She said yes straight away, that look was back in his eyes and she couldn’t say no.

He led her inside and they were greeted with a cool air, which touched the skin like the soft fur of a kitten and sent a slight shiver down her spine. After taking a seat in the lounge, Angelo brought in chilled champagne and after filling the glasses he sat beside her. She smiled at him and sipped at her drink. She was overcome by shyness and couldn’t think of anything to say. This was something that she was not used to. She could always hold a good conversation and had many stories which she could tell. Angelo could tell that she felt different from their morning conversations, as she had gone very quiet and seemed to be in a world far far away. He gently took the glass from her hand and after placing these on the table nearby, he drew her to him. His kiss made her melt and she had the feeling of sinking into the couch which they were sitting upon. Soon his hand was expertly undoing her dress and tugging this gently down to her hips. His lips fell upon her breast, her nipples were like the full buds on a new rose tree. Soon they were both naked.

When they both finally pulled themselves away from each other, all that could be heard was the leaves rustling in the night breeze which fill the room. They were both breathless with the frenzy of their lovemaking. Angelo wrapped her in a robe which he had brought in from his bathroom. As his fingers touched her glistening skin, a fresh wave of excitement ran through her.

Once she had gained her breath she said, “I don’t know what you must think. The only thing that I can say is, that the way you look at me just makes me go so weak. The power which you have over me, is so strong, that I cannot resist you. I must also say that I really wouldn’t want to either.” This last she said looking straight him.

“It is I who should apologies to you, but I cannot say that what we have just done, was something that I had planned, it wasn’t. Today was the first time that my life felt as though it has been taken over. You strike me as someone who is totally different from other girls that I have met. Most of them wanted me for one thing. The riches of my family.”

“You don’t know how that sounds to me. For as long as I can remember, all the guys that I have dated have been the same. My father owns O’Neil Morgan Electronics, the largest company dealing in satellite components. As soon as I have even mentioned the company name, I have seen their faces change. You can read the expressions, money, is read across them.” Penny looked at him in a new light, sure her feelings this time were right. Could she have found Mr Right?

They talked for what seemed like hours. Angelo had made coffee and they sipped the strong black coffee as they told each other about themselves. Soon the new day was dawning and as the sun started rise, they found themselves in a new embrace of love. This time they took the time to explore each other. Angelo took in way that the small birthmark, at her hip, which looked like a tulip opening up fully, seemed to get redder each time that he caressed her. Penny felt the power which seemed to pulsate through him. His shoulders were broad and strong, his chest shone with small beads of heat.

For quite some time afterwards, they lay side by side. The warmth of the early morning sun slipped across their naked bodies. Penny thought, soon I must leave and go back to the hotel. What will they think when they see that her bed had not been slept in. A smile turned up the corners of her mouth. As Angelo saw this he asked, “What could you be thinking about, may I ask. If it is more lovemaking, then I must disappoint you, you have worn me out.” But as he said this, his face gave away the small lie that he was telling.

“No you mustn’t. I have to go back to the hotel. I must look an absolute wreck. And what will they think when they see me walk in, looking like this.” Penny gently pushed him aside and made her way to the bathroom.

After freshening herself up she went into the kitchen. Angelo had made fresh coffee, the aroma which filled the room was soon tantalising her taste buds. The coffee made her feel more awake. She thought that she would feel embarrassed now that they were both fully clothed again. But as Angelo slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him gently she felt so at home with him.

“Don’t go,” he whispered in her ear. “Now that I have found you, I don’t want you to ever leave my side. Someone else may take you away from me.”

“After all this time that I have been alone, I don’t think that that will happen. You can take it from me, that I will be here forever. That is, if you still want me.” Penny held his face and stroked the strong outline of his jaw, with the darkness of the hair waiting to be be shaven off. But it also gave him a certain ruggedness.

“I will ask you now, but I must ask you to give this your deepest thought. I said that I don’t want you to leave me, so now I ask, will you marry me?” After saying this, Angelo turned away from her. He didn’t want to risk seeing her face, if her answer was to be no.

After several moments of silence, Penny took hold of his hand. As he turned around to face her again, he saw that there was the biggest smile that he had ever seen. Her eyes shone with a brightness and he felt dazzled in them. The only word that she spoke was, Yes. Although she knew that this was a whirlwind romance, she was sure that she was making the right decision.

After they had made arrangements for Angelo to pick her up at her hotel later on in the day, Penny took the time to stroll back to her hotel. She wanted to have the time to herself and to think of the happiness which she had found. She also thought of what she would say to her parents. This time when she said that she was going away for a break, they had told her that it was about time that she started to think more about her future and of who else she could think better who could become her husband, than that of a friend of the family. They had told her that the son of one of the directors of the company was of eligibility and they thought there was nothing wrong in trying to arrange a marriage for her.

This would certainly come as a shock to them. But she couldn’t see herself walking down the aisle to be married to someone who she didn’t love. All that now would be changed.

As she continued to walk back to the hotel, she glanced at the many shops. She stopped outside of one, Italian designed wedding dresses were on display. She could picture herself in one of the long flowing dresses. Her step quickened and by the time that she arrived at the hotel she was a little out of breath.

After getting her key from the reception desk and having noticed the raised eyebrow from one of the waiters, she hurried up to her room.

She quickly showered and changed and then took a few moments to get herself together. There was an important telephone call which she was about to make and she didn’t want to get herself all worked up.

Penny dialled her home number carefully. After several rings her mother answered the call. “Mummy, I have some wonderful news. I have met the most wonderful guy you could ever want to meet. I am sure that you and dad will think that he is fabulous too. Please say that you can come out straight away. I need you here. His name is Angelo and he has asked me to marry him. No, please don’t say anything. I have said yes.”

“But Penny, how on earth can you marry someone that you hardly know. What could you have been thinking of. I can’t imagine what your father will have to say about this. You know that he would like you to marry into the Harrington family. Young William would be ideal for you.” Her mother sounded near to tears.

“Oh please don’t worry so mummy. Please just call me back and let me know when you will be arriving here. There is so much to do. Also I have yet to meet his parents. This is something that I am not really looking forward to. No doubt he will be feeling the same. Don’t you feel happy for me:” Penny’s voice sounded like when she was very young and she had got a new present, full of cheer.

Finally her mother said, “OK, just stay by the telephone for a little while. I will go and tell your father.”

Later on in the day when Penny was starting to make out her wedding list, the telephone rang. “Ciao mia cara. I will be along in a little while to pick you up. We are going to my parents house for early drinks and evening meal. I have told them all about you and they cannot wait to see who has stolen my heart.”

“Angelo, I still cannot fully accept that I am to be married. You do still want to marry me. My family will be arriving in two days time. They will be staying here at the hotel with me.”

“They do not need to stay at the hotel, they must come and stay at my family home. There is plenty of room and we can all get to know each other better. You must also come and stay.”

Angelo arrived promptly at her hotel and they set off to his parents home. It wasn’t very far away, they took the route for Amalfi and turned off up a hillside. Along with the villa there was also several hundred acres of vineyards. The fields were busy with people, as with the heat they had to keep the grapes tended so that they wouldn’t loose out at picking time. The grapes were then sent to their factory, to be made into wine. The family’s name of Maravalli was given to the wine. The red wine which was produced, had the flavour of ripe damsons, with a bouquet of wild cherries.

Soon they arrived at the house. The gardens were in full bloom and in the late afternoon sun the colours were brilliant against the dark red brick of the building. Angelo took her arm and led her up the short flight of steps and in to the cool interior of the hall. They had no sooner entered, when Angelo’s mother came down the stairs. She held out her hand in greeting. “Just one look at you and I must say that my son is a very fortunate young man to have caught your eye. Please, welcome to our family. Your papa will be with us in just a few moments. Come, let us go into the lounge. I have got a special champagne for us to celebrate with.”

With that they settled themselves down in the luxurious room. The room was decorated in deep sky blue and rich dark gold brocades. It gave a feeling of wealth but not ostentatious. As they sipped their drinks, Penny was asked many questions. She was not put off at all by the most intimate questions, which were asked. Obviously they wanted to know that their son and he was the heir to the company, that he wasn’t making a mistake and that Penny was serious and not just out for his money.

By this time Angelo’s father had joined them. He took her hand and kissed her on the cheeks and welcomed her to the family. “I don’t think that there can be any doubt that arrangements for the wedding cannot be started straightaway. We have waited for this day for a long time.”

The evening passed by very quickly. They made plans for everyone to stay at the villa, then it was time for Penny to get back to the hotel. As Angelo drove them away he said, “You don’t really think that you are going back to the hotel do you? All evening I have been breathing in your perfume of wild roses and drinking in your beauty, I now want to peel away your clothing, like the petals on a rose and to take in the ripeness of your revealed loveliness.” Saying that he whisked her away to his apartment.

The day came when Penny’s parents arrived and they all set off at once for the villa Maravalli. It was the first time that Penny’s mother had been to Italy and she was taken aback with the beauty of the place. You could see the heat shimmering across the sea, sending silver sprays into the air. Once everyone was settled in at the villa, there then came the discussion of when the date would be best for them all. Talk seemed to go on forever, soon Angelo and Penny were looking at each other and they could sense that they both wanted to go out and be alone for a while. Both families knew that these preparations seemed to be moving quickly, but the young couple wanted the wedding to be soon.

“We can see that the two of you want to be together. Go out and let us continue with the boring aspects of your wedding, the lists of who sits with whom etc.” This was said with a wave of Angelo’s mothers hand and wide smiles from everyone else.

As Penny and Angelo walked through the gardens, all that could be heard were the singing of the crickets and the shining of the stars above. Angelo held her close and as Penny reached up to hold his face closer to hers, she whispered, “They said that money can’t buy you love, but for us ours has brought us together.”

Inside the villa the two families talked on until late. Now that their two dearest children were to be wed, they could look forward to all their new futures.


The End