Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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been hours.

We eventually let go of our embrace only to lay down next to each other, his arms wrapped around me protectively and me leaning into him with my arm over his chest, following his chest rising and falling to his breathing. We were still warm and even though the trees were showing clear signs of autumn, the air was only slightly chilly. It was getting darker and the sky was turning a magnificent pink. The moon was large and coming into view the darker it got. Peter was twisting my hair in his fingers. I looked out over the horizon.

“I wonder where those boats are going?” I asked, almost to myself.

“I don’t know, but they seem peaceful. They’re not sailors I think. I saw them up close as I was flying to meet you before and there are all sorts of people on them.

Maybe they’re just on vacation?” “Yeah, maybe.”

It made me wonder though. They were appearing a lot.

I wondered what symbolic meaning they had in my dream.

“I am sailing, I am sailing, home again, cross the sea, I am sailing stormy waters, to be with you, to be free,” Peter sang and giggled as I giggled with him, he hadn’t the best voice but he held tune and I loved that he was spontaneous like that.

“Maybe that’s where they’re all going, to someone they love,” I said as I looked up at him.

“Yep, I hope they find it. My boat’s taken me here and it feels great,” he said with his huge charming smile. My cheeks flushed and I bore my head into his chest smiling like I had never smiled before.

We lay there for a long time, sometimes talking,