Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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I always gave Lisa's men nicknames. It was easier to remember that way. This dude had quite a lot of tattoos so naturally I called him Mr Tattoos. I walked into our white kitchen with blue cupboards and a small table by a large bay window where Lisa had been sitting getting ready to do her nails. She had her dark red nail polish out, a nail file and cotton pads.

“His name is Andrew,” she said with a slightly annoyed tone to her voice. ”Anyway, he just showed up in my part of college today, I mean, he's never anywhere near the dance studios, he just came to see me,” she said with a big grin on her face.

I walked over to one of the cupboards and took out a pan, filled it with water and took out some fresh pasta from the fridge.

“I thought he had a girlfriend?” I said with a worried expression.

“Well yes, but they broke up and he wants to take me out tonight. He said he's really missed me!”

“Where does he want to take you?”

“Oh just out to some party down by the Ocean Terminal.”

“OK, but be careful, I don't trust him, I mean, he never even told you he had a girlfriend until you'd been sleeping with him for three weeks, and the only reason he told you was because you saw that text. I don't think he would've said anything unless you'd caught him.”

“Fine fine..mom! ” she said as if I in fact was her mother. ”You don't know him like I do, he's so sweet, he really is!”

“OK OK, take a chill, but more importantly, take a condom!” I said as I winked at her playfully with a smile on my face.