Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Friends Advice


I opened my eyes, it was semi dark outside but the clock read 10:17 and the rain was drumming against my windowpane making it sound like sharp applause, which would explain the darkness outside.

I hadn’t dreamt anything at all as I had gone back to sleep, making me feel empty, like there was a hole in me. I hugged the duvet trying to feel comfort in it but it didn’t feel like it usually felt, soft and cosy, it just felt cold.

My head was aching a bit, probably from the wine from the night before. I hadn’t drunk enough water and was feeling dehydrated so I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to get myself some paracetamol. I didn’t have any plans today so the thought of staying in my pyjamas all day was tempting. I looked out the kitchen window with a glass of water in my hand and saw mostly umbrellas.

Some poor guy without an umbrella was pulling up his