Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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funny manner.

“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that,” I said with a twist of irony in my voice

Chris could be such a charmer, he was a sweetie really, scared of commitment had always been my guess, but who knows. All I did know was that girls tended to get heartbroken over him, never the other way around, as far as I knew anyway.

Dave, catching on that Chris in fact, was no competition, but a friend of mine, turned to Chris.

“Hey Chris, do you want to meet the band as well?” ”Well I know the bass played Steve but I haven't met

the other guys yet, so yeah, let’s head over.”

So Chris, Dave and I all went backstage and met the band. 'Backstage ' was a fairly big room with two old looking worn out couches and walls with all kinds of writing, probably from years of bands hanging out there with countless friends and fans. I saw band names and random art, to put it kindly, drawn in various colours. The room was filled with cases for their instruments and cables. On the floor (because there was no table) lay a case of beer.

“Hey guys,” Dave, the manager announced, “this is Alex and Chris…Alex, Chris, this is the band.”

Steve, the bass player looked up and said, yo Chris, how ya doing?” and then got up to shake my hand.

He looked up at Dave.

“I know Chris from work.”

“Yeah, Chris told me he knew you.” “Cool cool,” Steve replied.

We all sat or stood and got to opening those beers and introduced ourselves to the rest of the band. They had a sarcastic sense of humor but in a good way. We sat there