Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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He fell silent for a couple of seconds, his mouth in a line, not knowing what to expect.

“Yeah, I remember you telling me something like that.” “Well, I…basically…the thing is…you are like the

perfect guy.” I could see on his face that he knew what was coming. He looked as if he was holding his breath. “But I’m in love with someone else, and we…this other person and I aren’t together. He’s out of reach, I don’t think that we will ever be together but it’s not fair on you to be dating me right now. I’m a little broken now you see, and as it is, I can’t give my heart to anyone else because it belongs to someone else. I need time to heal and I’m not sure how long that’s going to take.”

He looked at me, his eyes saddened but understanding.

He leant back on his chair a bit as if taking it all in. “I’ve known something wasn’t right. I was hoping I

could win you over anyway, but hearing your story, I understand why I can’t.”

“I’m so sorry Dave, you deserve someone as great as you.”

He bent over the little table and took my hand. “You are great. You’re one hell of a woman. And

although I’m sad to hear you say all this, I’m glad that you’re honest with me.”

He really was a good guy, I thought as I gave him a sad smile.

“Thanks for being so understanding.”

“Of course, can’t force you to love me can I.” He laughed a little.“If you change your mind you know where to find me ok?”

“Yeah, thanks Dave…for everything.”


We paid our bill and then left the restaurant. I was