Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“How is that your fault? I swear, she’s one of Lucifer’s children.”

“Oh Lisa, she’s not THAT bad, she’s just a bit hard shelled. I actually think she might have a man in her life, she seemed to think the flowers were for her.”

“Ha, like who would fall in love with her? Maybe the Tin man without the heart.”

I looked at Lisa and giggled.

“Maybe, we all have our different taste of partners, and if the Tin man makes her happy, then so be it.”

Lisa smiled at my comment as she bent to smell the bouquet.

“So? Did Dave send them?” “Yep, he did.”

“Ah, so romantic! You’re so lucky Alex!” “Suppose so.”

I was flattered that he’d sent the flowers. It had never happened before and I had always wanted to be wooed that way, but now that it had happened it felt more like a friend or family member had sent them. It was nice but in my fantasy of receiving them in the past, I had fallen head over heels for the guy. I hoped I could start feeling stronger for Dave. He was a great guy but I couldn’t help but wish the flowers had come from Peter, which was insane.

I went to my room and put my pyjamas on, which consisted of a pair of white shorts and a top with hearts all over, and thick socks. Then I went to the kitchen and made myself a serving of pasta with tomato sauce and some parmesan cheese. Lisa had gone to her bedroom and was listening to music on her headphones whilst texting with about 5 different people, I imagined they were friends from her dance class.