Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love by Lora Lindy - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

They stopped at Franco's for the best pizza ever, or at least that's what Mike swears. After they ordered and they got in the truck, Mike noticed how Lana's legs shivered from the cold.

"Baby I'm sorry; I didn't realize how cold you'd be with only a dress and thin pantyhose to keep you warm." He removed his overcoat and laid it across her lap then abrasively rubbed her legs.

The coat was so warm it only took a few minutes for her legs to stop shaking. "Is that better?

Honey you have to let me know when you get cold. The winter in Boston can chill you to the bone. I can't stand it when you're cold."

"I will from now on. You have to remember it's been years since I've had anyone care for me."

"You had better get used to me. I'm going to be around for the rest of your life."

On the way home, his strong arm felt good in her hands. She was tantalized by the lines of his muscles, and how they hardened as he moved them with the steering wheel. She watched his face and noticed how intently he watched the snow-covered road. Later she hoped that intensity would be in his eyes when they made love.

When they reached the house, Mike opened his truck door. The cold air was rejuvenating for him. Mike scooted out and reached over Lana for the pizza. Temptation took over, and he blew on a squeegy on her neck.

He's such a guy. She took a deep breath and wondered if he would do that the rest of their lives. She hoped so. As soon as they entered the house, she wanted to shed some clothes.

"Honey, I'm going to change clothes and put on your T-shirt. Would you unzip me please?" She turned around and pulled her hair to the front.

"It will cost you ten kisses."

"When do I have to pay you?" She could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck, and she knew he would blow a squeegy. But, he didn't. His soft lips brushed her shoulder. The warmth of his breath and the softness of his lips made her legs weak. She closed her eyes and imagined this feeling for the rest of her life.

"Tonight," he whispered breathlessly.

Knowing Mike had to start the fire, she left for the bedroom without looking back. If she turned around and looked into his eyes, she would never leave.

Mike had inhaled two slices of pizza by the time she got to the kitchen. He mumbled with food in his mouth, "I was hungry."

"I see the pizza tastes good. Did you save me any?" she teased while reaching over and pinching off a piece of his dough. The herb flavor was delicious. Mike's right, Franco's had a terrific pizza, especially the crust.

"I'll fix your plate. I wanted to wait until you got here so your pizza wouldn't get cold." He jumped up to grab a plate for her.

The minute he opened the box the aroma of sweet dough, onions and pepperoni filled the air. She took a quick bite before moving her plate to the bar. This crust tasted even better than Mike's. The onions were perfect—sliced thin and a little burned on the edges.

Mike excused himself to change his clothes.

Lana thought the pizza tasted incredible. If she lived here, she would get fat, no doubt about it. Between the pastries and pizza she would be doomed.

Mike came back wearing only boxers and a tight T-shirt. She almost choked on her pizza when she saw how good he looked. The sight of him stirred every female emotion possible. She knew why Elizabeth was a heartbroken girl.

They both grabbed their plates and headed for the living room. They sat in front of the warm fire as they ate. For some reason, she seemed a little worried. She wasn't sure if her fear came from them being alone in the middle of nowhere or because the wind was howling outside.

"Mike, what would you do if someone tried to break into the house?"

He finished chewing his pizza before he answered, "You know I can shoot a little bit. I'll just point my gun, shut my eyes, and hope I hit them." He grinned at her innocence.

"You butt, you know what I mean." She laughed at her remark, especially after he nabbed two men last night. "I guess that was a stupid question. I'm tired, and I'm not thinking straight so, if you don't mind, I think I'll go to bed."

He stood up and kissed her forehead saying, "Go ahead—I'll be right behind you. I will double-check the door and windows, and put the pizza in the fridge."

The more he walked around, the more turned on she got. Suddenly, she realized she was not quite as sleepy anymore. Her body ached for him.

He brushed his teeth, walked over to her, and sat on the edge of the bed grinning like a possum. She smiled back not knowing what he had planned.

Sexually aroused, Lana adjusted herself on the bed to get a better look at his manhood. He obliged by turning toward her and spreading his legs just a little, unknowingly giving her what she wanted most—a peek. She wanted to make love to him, but her shyness overwhelmed her, and she decided to let him lead the way. She hadn't been with a man since her husband and she wasn't sure of his experience, but she was sure he had more than her. There was no way he could convince her that he had been practicing abstinence, not with his body.

He had different thoughts. To her surprise he went to the closet and got out a guitar. He played romantic songs from several decades. Mike had an incredible voice, and she loved listening to him sing as he drove the truck. Her favorite song was Feels So Right. He also played some songs made famous by Sam Cooke ( You Send Me) and Percy Sledge ( When a Man Loves a Woman.)

She could have listened to him all night, but she had other plans for him tonight. She was fully awake anticipating the rest of the evening.

He laid his guitar against the wall, reached over and plugged her iPod into the radio. He tuned it to some soft romantic blues. Lana enjoyed listening to the blues while cooking, and drinking a glass of wine.

"How did you know I had the blues on my iPod?"

"I looked through it when you took a bath. I like the blues too. You have Billie Holiday, Ray Charles, and Muddy Waters. I haven't heard these particular tracks, but I thought it might be appropriate for tonight." He turned off the light and focused solely on his sweetheart.

As the music played, he slowly caressed her breasts and touched her nipples with a slight squeeze. As he slipped her T-shirt off, he saw the perkiness of her breasts silhouetted by the dim light that peeked through the crack of the drapes. He wished he had opened the drapes fully. The light would have been brighter, and he would have had a better view.

She wiggled under his caress. Her lips parted, and an uncontrollable moaning escaped her body. She led his hand between her legs, and the wet warmth sent shivers through both their bodies.

Their bodies moved to the rhythm of the music and their hands eagerly searched each other's sacred parts—parts that were there for the taking—and they touched every inch. She put her arms around him and gave him a sensual kiss. He responded by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close enough to feel his stiffness.

He breathlessly moaned, "Baby I love you so much. Tonight is yours, and I want you to enjoy every minute."

"Mike, shut-up and make love to me," she anxiously pled, wanting more, wanting every ounce of him.

He reached down and kissed her so intimately and tenderly that it took her breath away.

"Baby, I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone."

"Oh Mike," were the only words she could muster.

He rolled her on her back and touched every part of her body, and her body begged for more. His caresses started on her side before he worked his hands down her buttocks, between her legs and then back up to her breasts. She gasped and wiggled with his touch.

Her hands glided over his strong arms and chest, and she wanted to see him naked. He obliged by rolling over onto his back. My God, he's beautiful.

They touched places that were new to them and inviting. Their bodies may have lacked perfection but not desirability. They obviously weren't twenty year olds but acted like it.

Actually, sex was immensely better. Because of their age, they knew what they desired and how to get it. Knowing how to experiment with their bodies had developed at an entirely different level, a mature level, a level of mastery.

When they were both ready, he whispered in her ear. "Baby, I want you so much."

She answered him with her hands. Her entire body quivered with every thrust; she had never felt such ecstasy.

When they finished he stayed on top for a couple of minutes just caressing her face and kissing her gently, showing her love.

They both relished every second of the moment. Life couldn't be better, and all this romance came with the sound of the fierce ocean and soft blues music. She never wanted to forget what just happened.

He rolled over and pulled her to his chest. "Lana, I love you so much."

"I love you too." And she meant those words from the depth of her soul. She felt utterly fulfilled and exhausted.

"Tomorrow baby I'm going to spend every second with you," he said as he kissed her softly on the lips. "Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight." She had never told anyone she loved them since her husband. This week had been momentous.