Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love by Lora Lindy - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

The Hull city police and Sergeant Quentin pulled up at Tony Mitter's home with a warrant in hand. The police were concerned about the presence of children. Their policy was to send undercover cops to feel out the situation. In this case, the two cops were Aaron Wakefield and Calvin Drake, both familiar with the area and Tony Mitter's record. Before they walked up to the house, they splashed whiskey on their faces to play their roles. They climbed the twenty or so steps to the porch and knocked loudly. The U.S. Marshal's SWAT team waited one house over on Angier Street.

Raymond anxiously waited on code word Cooper to move in on the house.

Tony's wife, Judy, opened the door and asked, "May I help you?"

"Hi I'm Zack, and this is Arti. I live a few houses down the road, and we wondered if your husband might be home?" They staggered around and made sure they breathed on her.

"Yes, but he's asleep. What do you need to talk to him about… is it about a woman?" She suspected they were some thugs that wanted the money he owed them. Her demeanor changed to rudeness because she didn't have time for this hogwash.

"We're interested in finding out where your husband works because we want to drive a rig.

When would be a good time to come back?"

"Two hours?" She knew they weren't interested in driving a big rig. Between him owing money and the mistresses, she had enough. She refused to deal with her husband's mistresses and thugs. They could come back and deal with her husband directly. She slammed the door in their faces.

"Sounds great, we'll come back." Once the door was shut, Wakefield whispered in his microphone. "Cooper."

The SWAT team was in their home within twenty seconds. They found Tony sleeping. They handcuffed him and dragged him to the police car. The whole fifty feet to the car he screamed at his wife for letting the police break down the door.

Raymond walked up to the police car and opened the back door. He had one of the guys bring over a blanket since Tony only had on boxers. "Mr. Mitter, just to satisfy my curiosity, can you tell me where you've been this past week?"

He was angry they woke him up from his drunken stupor. "I've been on the road, and if you don't believe me call my boss, you cop wannabe." He couldn't believe he was in this situation.

Thinking back over the last few months he couldn't think of anything illegal he had done.

"This cop wannabe wants to know how you know Donna Borders."

"I've never heard of her."

"Maybe I need to ask your wife if she's ever heard of her."

Tony didn't want his wife involved. They already had trouble over other women. "I think I done some work for her and her husband a long time ago," he finally admitted. He spit on the ground trying to look tough, and in the process he knocked off his warm blanket. "Hey asshole, cover me up, it can't be over twenty degrees out here."

"Fine, if you don't want to be honest I'll ask your wife." Raymond started up the dirt path to Tony's house.

He heard Tony screaming from the car. "I'll tell you what you want to know, my wife don't need to be involved."

While putting his hands on his hips, showing aggravation, he asked again, "I am losing my patience with you—this is your last chance."

"Donna and I are close friends."

"How close of friends are you?"

"Real close."

"Keep going."

"We've been screwing for almost a year. Are you happy now? Are you getting your jollies?"

"When was the last time you screwed her?"

"I don't know what she's told you, but I never promised I would leave my wife, and she never said she would leave her husband. Our only relationship is screwing, I swear."

"I'm only going to ask this one more time. When was the last time you screwed her?"

Tony was thinking back and started counting, using his fingers. That immediately told Raymond it was more than a few days. "I think seven or eight days ago. Why do you care? Do you want to screw her too?"

"We found your sperm in her, and I'm just wondering how it got there."

"I don't know what she told you, but it was consensual. She wanted me as much as I wanted her."

"Yeah, that's what every rapist says—it's consensual."

Raymond shut the car door. "Take him in and hold him. I'll let you know if there will be any charges. I didn't see any, but check to see if he has any bite marks under his boxers."

"You got it. Let me know if we need to book him."

"I will."


"Mike, I need to get my orange coat on and head over to the Borders before it gets too dark,"

said Joe as he opened the closet door.

"I agree. Head over there and call me when you get there. Lana and I will stay in the house and compare you to the killer."

"That's affirmative." Joe drove to the Borders home.

Mike took advantage of his time alone with Lana. He took her hand and led her to the kitchen. He pulled out a bar stool for her to sit next to him. Not one word came out of Mike's mouth the entire time. He walked behind her and pulled her hair away from her neck and gave her a sweet kiss at the nape. That kiss gave her goose bumps all the way down to her toes. He whispered in her ear while playing with her blouse. "Baby, you are so smart, adorable, lovable, and you have a nice chest," he commented while peeking down her blouse.

"Wait a minute big boy. I can't believe you have time to think about my chest, especially with all that has happened. Joe will be calling any minute."

"How can I not? You have a large chest. Any normal red-blooded American male would notice that. And the nice thing about it is—the girls are all mine."

"Mike you have a large chest," she answered enjoying every touch.

"Yeah, but mine is from working out, yours comes naturally."

"Honey, I promise you when we get through this, you can play with my chest all you want."

"That is a promise I will make you keep," he said as he kissed her neck some more. "I can't help myself, we just don't get any alone time, and I want to take advantage of that every chance we get. Baby I've been wanting you all day."

She let him kiss her anywhere he wanted, and she let him touch her anywhere he wanted. "I know exactly what you mean."

She could do this all day. Mike touching her was almost more than she could bear. Every touch sent electricity through her body. When he sat on the barstool next to her, she sat in his lap.

That made them eye level, and what a beautiful eye level it was. "Mike, when this is all over can we go someplace, just the two of us with no phones or interruptions? Maybe work on a bucket list."

"Honey, I have already thought of that. I thought about Hawaii, what do you think?"

"Anyplace would be paradise with you, but Hawaii sounds great," she answered with a sweet kiss.

Their moment was interrupted by Joe. He called Mike from his walkie-talkie. "I am ready.

Are you both in place?"

"Yes we are, and we see you as we speak, walk from the front to the back, then all the way around the back."

Joe did as he was told.

Lana watched intently. "Joe is way too tall. The guy was almost a foot shorter, and the guy is a lot smaller than Joe."

"Joe, go the same route and squat about ten inches."

"Will do boss."

"That is perfect," said Lana. This did help her remember, maybe more than she wanted to remember.

Mike got back on the walkie-talkie and told Joe, "Go to the spot."

"Yes sir."

She looked at Mike with confusion. "What spot?"

"Just look."

She looked toward the Borders and there was that white gaze staring at her. Again, she jumped back. "That's the look I saw when he looked over here. How did you know?"

"We found where he stood." He got back on his walkie and called Joe. "Okay Joe, we are finished, but before you come back please go to KFC and get five buckets of chicken. Lana plans on cooking baked bean and coleslaw."

"Absolutely, I'll be back in about thirty minutes."

She grabbed Mike's hand and asked, "How long do we have?"

He answered with a grin. "Maybe thirty minutes."

They were completely undressed by the time they got to the bedroom. Nothing was wrong with a passionate quickie.