Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

My head is killing me it feels like some one is stabbing my skull over and over again. I open my eyes and the sun light coming through the window burns them. I can understand why vampires hate the day time so much. I'm never drinking again what the hell was I thinking drinking so much? Why does my mouth taste like that? Did I throw up last night? I roll out of bed to brush my mouth because it's killing me.

“Oh my god” I yell as I look in the mirror. My hair is all over the place it looks like some one scare the curls out of me. I tied my hair up in to a loose bun. “Morning” Sophia greets me as I walk in the kitchen. She looks like some one ran her over twice to make sure she wasn't going anywhere. “What happen to the good?” I walk to the coffee maker. “If you are feeling the same way as me then you aren't having a good morning” she says. She is so right this morning sucks.

“Touche” I pour out some coffee. Coffee makes everything much better. We walk to the living room and snuggle up on the sofa. “You know,” Sophia says and I look at her “I was surprise to find Gabe here yesterday”. Gabe was here yesterday? That's weird I don't remember seeing him.

“What was he doing here?” I sniff my coffee. It smells so good I can't help but to close my eyes. “I don't know he was here with you” she says. I look at her like she has gone crazy.

What does she mean he was here with me? Didn't I come home with her? Matter of fact how did I get home? I don't remember and then everything from last night comes rushing back. “Oh-my-god!” I throw my head back. What the hell did I do last night! “Shh not so loud Jane” she hush me. “Oh my god” I whisper again as I put my coffee down.

“Yea it was pretty bad and then you threw up on him that was funny” she laughs. Oh god that's why my mouth tasted like that. I threw up on Gabe yesterday. “That's so embarrassing” I say into my hands. How am I going to look at his face again? “Don't worry he has seen worst trust me” she says trying to make me feel better but it isn't helping at all. Oh god he saw me naked! I don't know which one is more humiliating throwing up in front of him or him seeing me in my birthday suite. Thankfully I have time to come up with a plan to avoid him for the rest of my life. Maybe I can move again and start all over. No I don't want to leave here this is my home. There is a loud knock on the door that makes my head vibrate. Who the hell is knocking like that?

“Oh my head!” Sophia gets up to open the door. “Good morning sunshine” Gabe walks in with his a vibrant smile.

Oh god I can't see him right now. It's to late for me to run to my room. I throw a pillow over my face hopefully he doesn't see me. “Hey Jane” he pulls the pillow off me. Some one kill me now please. “Hi” I blush. “Can you turn it down a notch”

Sophia grabs her head. He laughs and even tho my head is killing me I still love to hear his laughs. “Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize I was being so loud” he gives her an evil smirk. “I hate you so much right now” she throws a pillow at him. “How about you?” he turns to me “How are you feeling?”. Like I want the ground to suck me up so I don't have to be having this conversation with you right now. “Like shit” I mumble. “I bet after you went all exorcists on me last night” he is never going to let me hear the end of this. “I'm so sorry” I feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. I hope he doesn't bring up what happen last night in front of Sophia. I'm already mortified enough. “Why did you leave without telling us? Taylor was looking for you like crazy” Sophia ask.

I start playing with my chain “I wasn't feeling good and I didn't want to ruin your night”. Gabe looks at me and then at Sophia. “Who is this girl Taylor?” Gabe ask Sophia. I laugh and he looks at me “What's funny?” he ask. “Taylor isn't a girl” I say as I lay back down again. “Oh she isn't? So who is Taylor?” he arch his eyebrow at Sophia. “We went out with our friends Jake and Taylor” Sophia says giving me an evil look. Was I not suppose to say we were out with guys friends? Gabe stiffens up “So let me get this straight ya were on a double date and they got ya drunk?” he ask. “No,” I shake my head “it wasn't a double date”. I don't know why I feel the need to clear that up instead of them getting us drunk part. “And no they didn't get us drunk we started to drink here” Sophia adds. “Last time I check the age for drink was 21 and you two are 20” he stare at us with disapproval.

Why does he always have to sound like an old man? “Oh come on Gabe we aren't the only 20 years old that get drunk you act like you didn't do it when you was our age” Sophia rolls her eyes at him. “That's not the point Sophia” he scowls at her. I really can't handle them fighting right now my head is killing me all I want to do is chop it off. “I'm never drinking again” I blurt out trying to stop them from fighting.

“That's what they all say” Sophia laughs. Gabe looks at me “If you don't want to drink then don't and you,” he turns to Sophia “should stop drinking too”. Can he just let it go for now? “Yes sir yes” Sophia salutes him and I giggle. My stomach feels upset, my head is killing me, and my skin feels so hot I think I can cook an egg on it. “I'm dying some one call the ambulance” I slide down the sofa onto the ground.

“Alright you two hit the shower and I'll go buy some soup” he gives us a smile before leaving.


“So who are these new friends of yours?” Gabe ask Sophia as we are eating. “Like I said before their names are Jake and Taylor and we met them when Jane went room shopping” she smiles. Gabe looks at me and I look down to my soup great now he is going to think I was the master mind of this plan. “So how old are they?” he ask. “You worry to much” I blurt out. He looks at me and I can tell he is annoyed “I'm sorry if I worry to much about my baby sister” he says. Ouch that stung I feel like I just got smack in the face. I didn't mean anything from it. “You know what maybe I should go” he gets up. I don't want him to leave. “Sit down Gabe stop being such a baby” Sophia pulls his back down. “Sorry” I apologize. I feel like a douchbag after everything he did for me yesterday. He has all the right to worry about his sister. I start playing with my soup all of a sudden I lost my appetite.

“No I'm sorry I'm just trying to keep yo-,” he looks at me and then back at Sophia “her safe”. Of course that makes sense that's what brothers do. “I should really go I need to catch up on some work” he gives Sophia a kiss on her forehead and then smiles at me “Bye”. I give him a fake smile “Thanks for everything and I'm sorry it won't happen again”. I will make sure that if I ever get drunk again I'll never call him again.

He nods “See you two later stay out of trouble” he points at Sophia. I feel like such an idiot why did I even called him in the first place? He has no responsibility with me. Heck we aren't even friends. “You okay?” Sophia ask. “Yeah just tired”

I lie. “Yeah me too maybe we should get some rest” she gets up and walks to her room as do I. I lay down on my bed but can't manage to fall asleep so I take out my phone and call Sammy.

“Hello” she answers on the second ring.

“Hey Sam” I smile just hearing her voice. God I miss her face.

“Prima what's wrong?” she ask “You sound weird”. Maybe because I have a hangover but deep down I know it's not that.

“I'm fine how are you? How is everything?” I change the subject.

“Well tio is doing better he still has his down days but at least he is trying” at least one good news today. It makes me feel better to know that my father is feeling better even if it's just a little.

“Good keep an eye on him for me” I cover my self with my sheet as I snuggle in bed.

“I will but guess what?” she sounds excited.

“What?” I can imagine her with her goofy smile.

“I'm dating!” she shouts.

“Shut up who?” I'm so excited for her. I wonder who she is dating it's not like they let guys around us.

“I don't want to say just yet because I don't want to jinks it but if it works out then you'll be the first to know who he is” she says. I'm so glad that she is happy she deserves all the happiness in the world.

“Promise, I need a favor” I play with my chain.

“Promise and what's up?” she ask.

“Is there any way that you can get me Nina's number?” I cross my fingers. I need to talk to Nina I need her right now.

“Jane are you crazy? You know how dangerous that can be?

If some one finds out?” she ask.

I know she is right but it's worth it. “Can you at least tell her that I miss her?”.

“Of course I can” she reply.

“Thanks I have to go love you and take care” I hang up before she says goodbye. It's better if I say bye to her first than her to me. I let out a yawn. I feel tired and my head still hurts maybe I should take a little nap. I turn on the T.V and snuggle with my pillow.