Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

“Okay stop! Stop!” I can't take no more tickling. “All you have to do is answer my question and I'll stop” he smirks.

“Yes!” I yell and he stops torturing me. “Yes what?” he ask.

“Yes I want to be your girlfriend” I blush on the word. “Cheez you don't have to yell” he gloats. “Jerk” I giggle and he drops his lips on me. I get the jittery feeling in my belly again and I feel electricity running through my body. I know this might sound corny but I feel like my soul wants to come out and join his. I moan into his mouth when our tongue start to slow dance. My hands immediately find his hair and his hands are all over my body. Every spot he touches me my body comes to life. I pull him in I need to feel him closer. My nipples get stiff and I swear I feel my lady parts tingling. I pull back because I need to catch a break. “You have enchanted me with your kisses” I wheeze. “Baby you enchanted me with does amber eyes as soon as you open that door” he reply. “You're such a lair” I laugh. Last time I checked we hated each other. “I swear! Why were you crying that day anyways?” he brush my hair. It seems like forever since that happen I don't even remember. “Honestly I don't remember maybe I was high after all” I sass him. “Oh you think you're funny?” he leans in and licks my lips. “What the hell are ya doing in there” Sophia knocks on the door.

Gabe growls “Go away”. I laugh and push him off “Come on let's go see what she wants”.

“Can we just act like we are dead she'll go away” he mocks. I open the door to find Sophia standing there with her arms cross against her chest. “Sex hair, red cheeks, heavy breathing, if I didn't know you was a virgin I would of think ya was having sex” she nagged. Oh my god I want to die!

Leave it up to Sophia to embarrass the shit out of me. It's not like I wasn't going to tell Gabe but not right now. I glance at Gabe and he is trying to fight a smile. If looks can kill then Sophia would be dead and 7 ft under ground by now.

“Sorry,” she whisper to late for that “Food is ready” she walks away. I'm so mortify I can't even look at Gabe. Before I can walk away he comes up behind me and hugs me “Muffin there is nothing to be embarrass about” he kiss the side of my neck. “You don't mind?” I ask. “Nope, let's go eat” we walk to the kitchen. Sophia is beaming “So does this mean you two are together?” she ask. “Mind your damn business” Gabe scowl. “Ha!,” she throws her head back “Look who is talking about minding their own business”. I laugh at him “She got you there” I try walking away. “Oh really?” he squeeze me and I let out a small giggle. “Gross I take that as a yes” she gags. “For your information I'm officially Gabe's girlfriend” I say proudly. Sophia eyes pop out and her mouth drops up “Girlfriend? Officially? Like he ask you?”. I nod and she stands up and starts clapping “I never thought I'll see the day when my brother Gabe would make some one their girlfriend with out him even tapping it first”. I turn to see Gabe and he is embarrass “Shut up Soso you're so annoying” he blurts out. I laugh “So I'm your first real girlfriend?” I study his face. He runs his hand through his hair “Yeah”.

“Baby there is nothing to be embarrass about” I step on my toes to kiss him. We sat down and ate dinner Sophia mocked him about having a girlfriend a little more. She is so excited that we can double date that she ended up invited Gabe to the paint party. She is nervous about introducing Gabe to Jake but she has to do it eventually. “My apartment is ready”

Gabe says as we lay in bed. “Since when?” I whisper I don't want him to leave. “Since last week” he smirks. I elbow him in the ribs “So you could have been home?”.

“Yea,” he gasp “but I can't find the strength to leave your side”. I hug him “Then don't”. If it was up to me I would tie him to the bed so he wouldn't have to leave. “How about we alternate houses?” he gives me a kiss on the forehead. I wouldn't mind spending some nights at his house. “What about Sophia?” I ask. “I don't want to take her” he joked and I laugh. I don't want to leave her alone either. “How about we stay at my place when Captain Jake Sparrow stays over”. Oh my god! I bust out laughing “Captain Jake Sparrow genius”.

“Thank you thank you” he chuckles “So do we have a deal?” he ask. “Deal” I nod. He lifts my head and gives me my goodnight kiss. That night like every other night I slept like a baby in his arms. I wake up with a good morning kiss from Gabe. “Now that's a good way to start my day” he says as I open my eyes. I cover my mouth and shake my head. “What's wrong?” he ask. I motion me brushing my teeth I don't care what any one says no one like a morning breath. “Oh I see,” he arched his eyebrow “I brush mines already”. He smiles and I swear I see his teeth shine like in a Colgate commercial. I throw my pillow at him and run to the bathroom. I shower and get ready for work if I go back to bed I'm going to be late for work. I walk into the kitchen where Gabe is waiting for me with my cup of coffee. Now that I think about it he has been doing this since he has been here. I wrap my arms around him “I'll take that good morning kiss now”. I step on my toes and he leans down to find my lips. He taste like coffee and toothpaste. Call me crazy but I love the taste of toothpaste. I swear these damn butterflies work around the hour. “Alright I refuse to do this every morning” Sophia voice force us to stop. “I have to get to work” Gabe gives me a quick tap that leaves me wanted more “See you at lunch time Muffin”.

“Later handsome” I wink. He smiles and gives Sophia a kiss on the forehead. “Ewe who is Mary Poppins now?” Sophia grabs her car keys. “Aw some one is a little grumpy this morning” she flicks me the finger and we are out to work.

Work is so busy today I haven't gotten a chance to get my break. “How may I help you?” I ask with out looking up.

“How about you give me your number?” I instantly break into a smile. “I don't think my boyfriend would approve” I say. “Oh come on I bet I'm sexier than your boyfriend” Gabe smirks. “You're pretty hot but my boyfriend is beautiful,” I bring my hand to the side of my mouth “Just don't tell him I said that he has a thing about me calling him beautiful”. He chuckles “Well he is one lucky bastard”. I wink “Yea he is”.

“M&M alert” Liam mumbles as he walks by. “So that will be one blueberry muffin with a small regular coffee” I chant back to Gabe. “Yeah that sounds about right” he looks confuse. I tilt my head towards Maggie and he nods in understatement. I hand him his order “M&M?” he whisper.

“Monster Maggie” I reply he chuckles and I wish I can fly over the counter and into his arms. “Bye baby see you later” he throws me a kiss and from the corner of my eye a see Maggie scowl at me. “So you and Gabe?” Liam ask. I inform him about my new status. “Who has bad taste now?” he tease. “I know I know I was wrong and you was right” I say.

“I can't say I'm surprise I seen it coming a mile away” he answer. “You too?” I ask. It seems like every one saw it coming but Gabe and me. “Yeah before you started to work here he never came in and once you started it was like he got a job here too, I mean don't get me wrong I'm not complaining I love seeing him around he is one piece of hot ass” he winks. I laugh “Yea he is one hot mother-of- a nice lady”. He chuckles “To bad he don't play for my team”.

“I didn't know you played any sport” I say. He wiggles his eyebrows and I understand his joke “You're bad” I push him.

“Don't I know it” he snaps his fingers “but I'm glad you two finally got together ya are too cute. I'm glad he made the right choice”. I can't help but to smile I'm also glad that we both made the right choice. “You think?” I ask. “Hell yeah girl you are one hot as bitch. If there was one percent in me that wasn't gay I would definite bag you” he winks. “Well if things don't work out with Gabe maybe I'll give you a call” I joke. “If things don't work out mind if I take a swing at him” he tease. “Ha!” I laugh “not at all”. Maybe I should of gotten that guys number after all. I ended up invited Liam to the paint party. “I hope you don't mind that I invited Liam” I say to Sophia as we drive home. “Not at all he is pret y fun to hang out with” she says. We get home to find Gabe and take out waiting for us “Hey Muffin” he greets me with a kiss.

“Hey handsome” I say breathless. “Mmm Chinese” Sophia pass by us I swear she is such a fat ass. “Promise me you'll be on your best behavior tomorrow” Sophia says to Gabe. “I'll try, I'm going to meet you guys over there I have a few things I have to finish up at the office” he looks at me. “That's fine you can stay all night if you have too” Sophia pours out some soda. He frowns “I don't think so I have a date with a gorgeous woman” he gives me a kiss on the cheek. “You guys are to cute” Sophia throws each of us a fortune cookie.

“What does your say?” she ask. “If you want the rainbow you must put up with the rain” I read. That saying hits the nail right on the head. After everything I have been through maybe I finally found my rainbow with Gabe and Sophia.