Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

“Oh my guy!” Sophia cracks up. “I know right they were talking all this mess about him in front of his girlfriend and then to put the cherry on top he didn't even remember her”

Liam laugh. “Come on guys stop it” I try not to join them. “Oh come on Jane don't tell me you didn't enjoy it?” Liam and Sophia stare at me. “Fine it was hilarious but embarrassing for them” I finally crack. “What's funny?” Jake ask as they come back. “Nothing” we all chant. “Oh come on I want to know what has my Muffin laughing up a storm” Gabe says.

“You” I confess. He puts down our drinks “Me? How so?”. I jump to my feet and wrap my arms around his neck “Because you make me happy”. I kiss him and I feel his warm soft lips against mine. I nibble on his lip and his hands go around my waist. “Get a room!” Sophia yells and I pull away.

“You're killing me” Gabe whisper on my lips. I'm killing myself. “So what was M&M doing here?” he ask. “Taylor” we all say at once. “M&M?” Jake ask and we laugh. “I'll tell you later baby” Sophia gives him a kiss. Gabe looks away “Gross”.

I laugh because he is such a big brother. “That's how I feel when I see you two” Sophia joke. “Well I guess we have to get use it because I have no plan on stopping” Gabe gives me a quick kiss. “I love this song lets go dance” Liam jumps up.

“You guys go” Gabe and Jake agree. We walk to the dance floor and start dancing to Habits by Tove Lo. “Thanks for inviting me I'm having so much fun” Liam yells over the music. “You're welcome I'm glad I did” I hug him. Beside Sophia, Liam has become one of my best friends. “Hey what about me?” Sophia butts in and we hug her. As we dance in a circle some one shoves us and we all look back to find Maggie and Mitchell. “Excuse you” Sophia scowls at them.

“We didn't see you there” Mitchell smirks. I step in front of Sophia “Let it go maybe they didn't see us here”. I lie we all know that they saw us but I'm trying to keep Sophia from hitting her. “Yeah we are classy not trashy” Liam says. “Fine,”

Sophia puff “but there better not be a next time” she warns them. I feel some one arms around my waist and my hands instantly turn in to a fist. I turn around to find Gabe “Hello beautiful”. I wrap my arms around his neck “Hey that's my line”. I look over to Sophia and see her wrap up in Jake's arms. “So I guess you agree,” I motion my head towards them. “Let's say he is on trail” Gabe smiles. “Where is Liam?”

I ask. “Over there” he points to him dancing with other handsome guy. “Have I told you how unbelievable sexy you look tonight?” Gabe moves his hands to cup my ass. I start to blush “No you haven't”. I'm to turn on from him touching my ass to feel embarrass. “Well that doesn't make me a good boyfriend does it?” he frowns. “I guess not you better step up your game because I have a list waiting for me” I grin. “Oh,” he pulls back “you do?”. I nod my head “Yea and one of them is over there” I point at Liam. He gasp “I was sitting with the enemy this whole time and I didn't even know it”. I giggle “You better watch out”.

“Really?” he pulls me forwards and he dips his head. Who am I kidding there is no one on that list but Gabe. Just when our lips are going to touch I feel some thing cold on my back and I jump. “Welcome to the paint party!” the DJ says. I look up at Gabe who is cover in bright color paint and I let out a laugh. “You should see your self” he mocks. I try to wipe it off but I'm guessing I just smudged it all over. Gabe looks beyond beautiful with all the paint on his face his eyes stand out even more. “How do you make everything look sexy?” I frown. “ Funny I was going to ask you the same thing” he leans down and our lips finally meet. I start feeling the butterflies in my stomach and my heart starts pounding louder than the music. I wrap my arm around his waist and pin him to my body I need him closer. He does that thing with his tongue and my knees shake. Asshole he knows what that does to me. Some one pumps into us and I realize where we were. I turn my head to apologize maybe we was in some ones way but that jumps out the window when I notice Maggie and Mitchell standing there. I had enough of these two bimbos “What the hell is your problem?” I snap. “You are” Mitchell brings her hand to her hip. “I don't even know you” I cross my arms over my chest. “Come on Muffin I wouldn't want my date to end up in jail” Gabe grabs my upper arm. I yank my arm out of his hold he must be crazy if he thinks I'm going to walk away from these two. “Seriously Gabe?” Mitchell hissed “You'll choose that over me?”. Ha!

That's her problem. “I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about now if you would excuse us” Gabe puts his hand on the small of my back. We turn around to walk away and Mitchell grabs Gabe's arm. Alright she has cross the damn line now. I shove her hand off “Excuse me if you would be so kind not to touch my boyfriend. I have a thing about strangers touching him” I glare at her. “Boyfriend?” she arched her eyebrow. I can tell that caught her off guard and I try not laugh. “Yeah you herd right now if you would excuse me and my girlfriend” Gabe turns me around and I stick out my tongue at her. Childish yes but that's all I can do to not kill her. “Did you just stick out your tongue at her?”

Gabe laughs. “Yes I did” I say proudly. “Why?” he ask. “It was either that or punching her fake barbie nose” I'm starting to regret not punching her. “Even when you are mad you're adorable” he pulls me into his arms and gives me a kiss. “So is this going to be a consent thing?” I ask. I don't know if I can handle more girls like that I might just end up in jail.

“Muffin I swear to you that I have no idea what the hell just happen” he cups my face. “You're so lucky I think you're hot”

I smirk. If there are more girls like Mitchell I will stand up to every single one of them if I have too. “How hot do you think I am?” he leans in. “Super hot” I whisper. He crushes his lips against mine and I feel like popping my leg up in the air but it's to cliche. God when am I going to get use to him kissing me? I hear him moan into my mouth and I pull back because I need some air. “I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you” Gabe takes the words right out my head. It's creepy how we think a like. “Funny I was thinking the same thing” I smile. We walk to our table and find Liam already there. “So what happen with Monster Inc?” Liam ask as Gabe leaves to buy us some drinks. “I don't even know what's their problem”

I sit next to him. “There problem is that Gabe is with you and not with Mitchell” he point out. “Well Mitchell and any one else will have to get use to us because I'm not going no where” I say. He claps his hands “You go girl fight for your man”. I snap my finger “I'll stand my ground”. Sophia and Jake walk towards us as we are cracking up. “Want to go to the bathroom?” she ask. I turn to Liam “Can you let Gabe know I'm in the bathroom?”.

“I'll let our boyfriend know” he smirks. “I think Gabe approves of Jake he just don't want to admit it” I say to Sophia. “Yeah he does he just love being the big bad brother” she laugh. “Sorry about Mitchell she has been trying to get my brother to notice her for a while now but he never gave her the time of day” she adds. So that's her problem Gabe didn't give her the time of day. “It's not your fault she is crazy” I shrug. “FYI you don't have to worry about her or any one else. Gabe is madly in love with you” she walks into the stool. He loves me? No maybe it's just a strong like but not love. We are just starting our relationship so he can't love me. I splat some cold water on my face. I look up and see that I have no paint on me “What the-”.

“You can only see it in the dark” Sophia laugh. “That's cool” I reply. We walk back and my heart skips a beat when I lay eyes on Gabe. “There you are I was starting to worry my girlfriend had skip out on me” he says. “I can still leave” I tease. “Not with out me” he pulls me on to his lap. “I never said I was leaving with out you” I whisper into his ear. He trace the back of my spine with his finger and my little hairs stands up “I'm ready to go now”. I'm so glad that I'm sitting down right now or else I would of fallen face first. “Are you two done touching each other?” Sophia brings me back. I swear every time I'm close to Gabe he makes everything else disappear. “Shut up” Gabe says. “Okay I'm going to get a drink” Liam walks away. “Well I think it's time for us to leave” Gabe looks at his watch. “Well thanks for coming it was fun we should do it again some time” Sophia waves and I try to hide my laughter. Gabe frowns “Um no when I said us I meant the three of us” he points to both of us and then to her leaving poor Jake behind. “As if I'm not ready to leave” she rolls her eyes. “Well-” I jump in before they start arguing “how about just me and you go home?” I whisper into his ear. He shakes his head “I don't think so”. I nibble on his earlobe and he quivers “That's not playing fair” he growls. I lick the side of his neck and then I gave it a little kiss. “Fine let's go home but” he turns to see Sophia “I'll be up waiting for you”. Sophia salutes him “Yes sir Yes!”. I let out a small laugh and he glance back at me “Jake,” he turns away from me “I trust you to get her home safe and sound”.

“Yes sir I mean yes” Jake agrees. Poor Jake he has had a rough night it's time for him and Sophia to enjoy them self.

“Can we go babe I'm tired” I let out a fake yawn. “Okay” he taps my thigh for me to hop off. “I'm going to say bye to Liam” I inform him and he nods. I spot Liam at the bar talking to Mark. What the hell is everyone from work here today? “Hey Jane you look nice” Mark greets me. “Hey Mark I didn't know you was here” I give him a handshake. I don't want to give Gabe any wrong ideas he already dislike Mark for no reason. “We'll I overheard Maggie talking about it so I decide to come” he smile. Of course that's how she knew Gabe was going to be here she must of herd me inviting Liam. “Well I hope you enjoy yourself” I turn to face Liam “We're leaving do you want to catch a ride?”.

“All of you guys are leaving?” he ask. “No Sophia and Jake are staying” I say. “Then I'll catch a ride with them” he gives me a hug and I give him a kiss. “It's not safe to be out there by your self” Mark adds. Before I can even say some thing Gabe jumps in “She isn't by herself she is with me”. He wraps his arms around my waist and pins me to him. He is such a caveman some times. “Well I'm glad she has some one” Mark sips on his beer. “Ready to go baby?” Gabe asked never looking away from Mark. What the hell is that about? “Yeah”

I wave goodbye to Mark and Liam.