Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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As I slip my ballet flats on and fasten the ribbons of my leotard, my cell rings. I skip over, almost falling as I’m reaching for it. I see Gavin’s name on the screen and smile. It’s been about a week since the night he held me, comforted me after that horrible dream. We’ve gone out to lunch almost every day, growing closer and I’ve found so many things I like about him. His laugh when I try to impersonate my family members or friends as I’m telling a story. His passion for the work his father has done in the technology world, the fierceness in which he speaks when we talk about his sister, Callie. I’ve learned he’s very protective of the only daughter of James A. Thomas. I’ve learned he will only drink when in the company of people he trusts, for some people will stop at nothing to get close to him and his family. When he told me that, I was intimidated. The lavish life style he has is something that is not new to me and though it is a lot to take in, Gavin is much more than a billionaire or a CEO or even the owner of a very large, very reputable technology development company.

He is more.


Gavin’s husky laugh makes my heart beat faster in my chest, loving the sound of it in my ears.

"What are you up to, beautiful?"

"Just stretching before my dance session with Eli."

He’s silent for a moment, making me wonder what he’s thinking about.

"Eli?" His voice hardens just a bit. I don’t understand why.

"Yeah, he’s my dance coach, Gavin."

"How long have you been working with him?"

I gnaw at the inside of my cheek, unsure why he's upset about this.

"A few years. You’re not jealous are you?"

"No, I mean, not necessarily. Aria, I think we need to talk."

My heart just about stops at those words and I drop my bag on my foot.

"Shit! Shit!" I cry out, almost forgetting that he’s still on the phone.

"Aria, are you okay?" he asks, as I cradle my foot like a baby.

"Um, yeah, I’m fine. Can we talk later? I have to go."

"Sure. I’ll see you tonight?" His voice is still filled with concern.

"Of course." I hang up and decide to walk off my hurting foot while I search for Eli.

What’s going on with Gavin? I mean, he was perfectly happy this morning and now?

God, what if he’s changed his mind about us?

I try to work off my anxiousness while I do my normal exercises with Eli, finding a rhythm in the music and listening when he speaks encouragingly to me. After 25 minutes, I begin to wind down from my worries.

"Great job, Aria. Perfect. Now once more," Eli says over the music.

I take a deep breath, balancing on my feet before I close my eyes, finding my center and beginning my routine again.

This time I take it slow, going through each move on pace with the violins overhead.

When I finish my last step, I open my eyes and sink down to my knees. I take a swig of my Dasani water.

"You did great, Aria. You feeling okay?"

I nod, letting Eli pull me up, and I give him a smile and a side hug before making my way to where I left my bag and cowboy boots.

"See you next week?" Eli calls from the back of the gym, ducking his head under a beam above.

"Sure thing! Have a good one!" I call back, giving him a wave. I take off my ballet flats and place them in my bag and pull on my fleece jacket and boots.

As I make my way out to my Jeep, I’m surprised just how much I miss Gavin as my day goes on.

Sarah Bareilles' "Brave" starts playing when I pull into the driveway of my apartment. I recognize it as Farah’s ring tone and I grab my cell off the dashboard.

"Hey, Farah."

img13.png"Oh, my God!! I talked to Kel. Tell me everything!!!"

I giggle at my friend’s excitement, pulling my ballet bag over one shoulder and heading up the stairs toward the elevator of my apartment building.

"Shit, I wanted to tell you myself!" Damn sister of mine…

"I know, but I have to know now. You spent the night with him?"

"Uh, yes." I know what she’s thinking…

"Okay, so sex scale with 1 being the best and 10 being the suckiest, how was he?"

I burst out laughing, earning a surprised glance from Kel as I unlock the door and sit on the sectional, trying and failing to give her evil eyes.

"Seriously! I’ve only known him a day! I haven’t slept with him, you slut!"

She laughs hard and I can hear Jaden, her boy toy of the moment laughing, too.

"Oh, my God, I’m on speaker?" The blood rushes to my face.

"Well, duh! He’s laughing his pretty little ass off!" She’s still laughing.

Ugh, how embarrassing. My cheeks flame as I do a face palm.

"Hanging up now, bye!" I end the call, feeling my face burn. I make my way into our living room, and Kel, giggling, puts down her book.

"You told Farah?" She laughs again, giving me a squeeze as she hugs me.

"Yup!" She is still laughing her ass off, the smart ass.


 At 6:10, I hop out of a refreshing shower, blow-dry my hair, and braid it behind my head so it’s out of my eyes. I've picked out a light green dress that comes just above my knees to wear for dinner. I look in the mirror and suck in a breath, placing a pair of brown flats on my feet and my silver locket with an emerald birthstone in the center of the pendant around my neck. It was a birthday present from my dad that he gave me after Jeremy’s funeral almost a year ago. It gives me strength knowing he’d be happy for me as I start something new.

I grab my phone and sit down on my bed, seeing three new messages from Gavin.

Can’t wait to see you tonight, beautiful. 

You sounded a little off on the phone. You okay, Aria? 

I got out a little early. Are you home? 

I text him back, thankful that I can see him tonight. An unsettling feeling in my chest hasn’t left since our very brief phone call earlier.

I’m home, no worries. Are we still on for dinner?

Absolutely, I’m on my way over. I brought your favorite movie. 

I smile at that and step out of my bedroom, still feeling a little unsure of this "talk" with him.

Kay, see u soon.

I slip my phone into a silver tote and set it on the counter. While opening the fridge and pulling out two Coronas, I hear the roar of his Jaguar outside. I bite my lip with excitement running through me as he softly knocks twice on the door.

I pull the door open and give him a smile, hoping he doesn’t see my uneasiness. Those blue-gray eyes gaze down at me, blazing with excitement, as his bottom lip is trapped between his teeth.

"Hi," I say, stepping closer to him, my eyes sweeping over his sculpted frame. He wears black jeans hanging perfectly on his hips, with a blue Billy Joel tee that is just a shade darker than the color of his eyes.

His hair is messy and he has just a trace of stubble along his jaw.

"Ms. Morgan, are you checking me out?" he drawls, giving my hand a tug so I’m wrapped in his arms and I press my face to his neck, inhaling his minty scent.

"Most definitely, Mr. Thomas. You look edible."

In the next second, Gavin grasps my head in his hands and presses his lips to mine. I moan in both surprise and desire. His tongue explores, ravages, adores my mouth and I throw my arms around his neck while his hands grip my waist.

"You say something like that and I just want to stay in with you all night, beautiful."

I suck in a breath, my breathing erratic as I realize for the first time in my life I want to make love to a man. The first time I had sex I was sixteen years old, lost and naive, seeking love in a man that was never capable of it. But with Gavin, I know it would be my choice. It would be making love, and that makes me both happy and terrified at the same time.

"Hey, come back, beautiful," he says, his eyebrows drawn together. His thumbs trace my jaw and I lean into him, my epiphany settling inside my mind.

I want him. For the first time in my life, I want more.

"What?" I’m brought back to the here and now.

"You just got this faraway look, Aria. Where did you go?"

I shake my head, not wanting him to think something is wrong.

"Thinking. What did you bring me?"

He grins as if he has a surprise and shows me the Blu-ray case in his hand.

" Final Destination 3."

I squeal happily and pull him into the apartment. I told him this is my favorite movie of all time.

As we walk into the living room, he sweeps my feet from under me and carries me to the couch, where he plops me down and laughs huskily. He leans forward, pecking my lips with a kiss. He puts the movie in and I turn on the TV.

"You’re favorite, right?"

I smile and settle my legs on his lap. My fingers interlaced in his, Gavin places a soft kiss on the palm of my left hand.


He smiles crookedly and switches off the lamp as I cuddle closer to his side, my legs thrown over his and his arm around my shoulders.

He presses his nose into my hair as the credits start.

"Mm-mm, you smell good, Aria."

I rest my head on his chest and breathe him in, loving the nearness of his solid, warm body. This feels right.