Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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My eyes open to see sunlight pouring in, casting shadows across the bed, and Gavin is hovering over me, that ruggedly handsome face only inches from mine as he holds my face in his hands. A smile lingers on his lips, those lips that undo me so easily.

"Hi," I whisper, placing my hand against his chest and gliding it through his light chest hair before linking it with his hand across the teal colored sheets.

My eyelids close heavily as Gavin nuzzles my temple and spoons me from behind. His warmth almost lulls me to sleep, his hot breath against my tingling skin.

"You tired, beautiful?" he whispers huskily, his barely visible stubble gliding across my bare neck.


I feel his smile against my neck and he draws me closer, kissing down my skin and moving to my shoulder.

"Is that a yes?"


He pulls my hair to one shoulder and tips my chin up so I meet the intensity of his gaze. His smile lights up his face as he gazes down at me.

"You’re so beautiful, Aria," he whispers.

"You always say that," I laugh at him, moving closer to him still. I don’t think I can ever be close enough. Gavin narrows his eyes at me, cupping my cheeks. His gaze turns more serious.

"It’s true, Aria. Once I saw you I knew there would never be anyone else for me."

I lean back, my legs straddling his, my hands coming up to touch his jaw.

I love him so much.


I lift my mouth to his as if from gravity, kissing him passionately. I want him to feel all the emotions that simmer inside of me. Immediately he groans, grinding his hips into mine and grasping the back of my head with an urgent hold. His tongue lashes into my mouth hungrily then he traps my bottom lip between his teeth and it entices a low moan from my throat.

"You are perfect, baby," he whispers, pulling his mouth from mine and trailing it down my jaw, moving it to my hair and pressing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"Hmm," I sigh, closing my eyes tiredly. With Gavin’s arms cocooning me and his lips in my hair, I find sleep again,


 Adrenaline pumps through me as Peter Piers and Justin Scott, the top coordinators in the program at Grayson Academy, flip through their clipboards and face me along with about twenty other dancers around me. Over the last three weeks I’ve gotten to know most of them, but now they’re my competition for a position in this company. My dream job. I hold my breath as I wait for Peter to begin.

"Our decision hasn’t been an easy one to make because all of you are such talented dancers. But unfortunately we can’t take twenty-two of you. We can only take three. So we’ve chosen twelve of you to perform individually in our Summer Showcase. We will judge each of you on your performance and will then choose the three lucky ones to join our company as dancers."

It felt like I was suspended in air as I waited to hear the names. My name, please, my name.

"If I call your name that means you’ll be one of our twelve finalists for a position with Grayson. If not, please know that all of you are incredible dancers and these decisions weren’t made lightly."

We all nodded as Peter flipped a page over on his clipboard and cleared his throat. I pressed my lips together, holding on to hope and crossing my fingers behind my back.

"Dianna Ramirez, Jessica Lawrence, Sarah Kennedy."

The first three names were called and we all clapped for them as a few hugs were exchanged between the two slender blondes and a redhead that I learned trained in Paris, of all places.

"Ella Marley, Georgia Calvin, Kasey Phillips, Maya Scott."

My hands began to shake, my body buzzing with both excitement and nervousness.

Oh, God. Only five names left.

"Beth Mann."

More applause. "Candice Anthony, Melanie Lopez, Jasmine Elliot."

My heart skipped a beat at the name I immediately recognized. I turned to see the blonde I remembered from the tabloid pictures I saw weeks ago. Oh, my God, she’s gorgeous. Golden blonde hair, sultry brown eyes, ivory skin, and slender hips.

I barely heard it when the last name was called.

"And Aria Morgan."

The crowd burst into applause, from the teary-eyed girls who hadn’t made the cut to the smiling faces of the ones who had, like me.

I was pulled into a hug by Kelly, a girl I’d become the closest with. She squealed with joy as we hugged. I was in a state of shock. Jasmine. Gavin’s beautiful ex-girlfriend. How had I not noticed her before?

"You’re Aria, right?"

I turned away from Kelly and a few other girls to see Jasmine Elliott looking at me with a small smile on her face. Her bleach blonde hair and hazel eyes were all I could see and as I took her it, I couldn’t help the feeling that her smile was fake.

"Yes. You’re Jasmine, right?" I practically stuttered, not sure how to act around the girl who’d hurt Gavin so badly in the past. She was in the past, yet, here she was.

"You were great, by the way. I’m glad you made the cut." Her wide, unblinking eyes meet mine and she tips her head to the side. I could tell she was sizing me up with the way she looked at me.

"You’re Gavin's new girl?" she asks, judging me with her gaze. My heart drops and I have no idea what to say to this woman that my Gavin, my man, used to love and care for. I don’t understand what he saw in her and why she is here now. Why does it seem that our pasts are coming at us from all sides? First Bryce and now her. I take a step back from her, not sure what to say.


I hear my phone ring then and I take it from my purse, surprised when I see Gavin’s breathtaking face across the screen. As if he sensed that I need him or something. How does he do that?

"Hi," I whisper, trying to regain my equilibrium.

"Hey. How did it go today?" The sound of his deep, smooth voice chases the rest of my chills away and my heart begins to race for a completely different reason than it had before.

"Good. I’m a finalist." I made the cut.

"Yes! I am so proud of you, baby. Why don’t you sound excited about it?"

I start my Jeep and ease out of the academy’s parking lot.

"I think I’m just in shock, Gavin. I really am excited about it, though."

I can tell that he senses something is off with me, but I don’t know what to tell him.

"Aria, what’s wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.

I exhale, not wanting to do this over the phone.

"We’ll talk about it tonight, I promise. I have to go, Gavin."

I hear a loud screech in the background and then his rough breath across the phone.



 When I hear the three soft knocks coming from the door of my apartment, I glance up from the oven, shutting it with my knee and peeling off the apron I’m wearing. My mind is still spinning, but I realized that Gavin was right. We both have pasts. I just have to trust in what we have. My insecurities got the best of me today and that’s not fair, since Gavin never gave up on me. Even when I told him about my past, my baggage, he still wanted to be with me. So why should Jasmine change anything?

"You’re early," I say as I open the door to him. He has on gray slacks from work and a brown dress shirt with a collar. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows in the sexiest way. His eyes are locked onto mine in an inseparable trance as he gazes down at me and steps inside. They are filled with determination, love, and some unnamed emotion I just can't read in the depths of his eyes.

"I wanted to see you, beautiful," he says, dipping his head and wrapping an arm around my waist while the other glides across my bare thigh as he hitches it around his hip. I moan when he sucks tenderly on my lower lip, grazing his teeth along the seam, teasing it. Every thought leaves my mind as I melt into his arms.

"We should talk," I whisper, leaning against him as Gavin carries me to the couch and pulls me onto his lap so we’re facing each other and my legs wrap around his hips. I can see the curiosity and possible confusion in his eyes, and I know I should be honest with him.

"I met Jasmine today," I whisper. His hand freezes on its journey over my back and his eyes clear with understanding. He continues to rub his hands from my parted thighs up to my torso and on to my shoulders. His thumbs dig in to the muscles there and I almost lose my train of thought.

He knows my body so well.

"She was in Rome, I thought. Where did you see her?" He asks, his blue gray eyes lifting to meet mine. I skate my own hands down his chest and deftly under his dress shirt to feel the warmth of his skin.

"Actually, she is on my dance team. I didn’t realize who she was until her name was called for the finalists, today."

Gavin nods, his forehead creased with an emotion I can’t place. Worry? Maybe.

"Did she upset you?" he whispers. His hand comes up to settle at the nape of my neck, a finger tipping my chin up so I look into his eyes.

"No, it just surprised me. I didn’t know she was a dancer, let alone one of my competitors at Grayson." My voice has an edge to it, betraying my simmering feelings of jealousy and doubt.

I see him run a hand through his hair and his eyes close briefly. His shoulders are tense, the calm of a moment ago, gone.

"I don’t know why she came back here. She hasn’t really stayed in touch in the last four years."

His eyes betray his frustration and I cup his cheeks with my hands. I just have to touch him.

"What’s wrong? We don’t need to talk about this. She’s in the past, right?"


I take an uneasy breath, realizing a potential reason for her to be here. Gavin.

I slip off his lap and go to the kitchen, leaning against the island. Is it possible that she wants him back? I don’t know why, I just need to think this through without the distraction of touching him.

"Could she be here for you?" I ask, dipping my eyes to where he's settled on the love seat.

Gavin looks at me as he rests his elbows on his knees.

"No. I mean, I don’t think so."

I narrow my eyes at him, not sure how to take his evasive answer.

"It’s been four years. Why would she come back now?"

I watch him move from his seat and start to pace back and forth, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Does it matter? I’m with you now, Aria."

I smile, the sincerity in his eyes driving away my doubts about Jasmine’s intentions.

"You’re right. I’m sorry," I whisper, going back to his side and crawling onto his lap. He kisses my forehead and I nuzzle my face into his neck. His scent engulfs me immediately. He's quiet for a few minutes as he holds me around my waist.

"Were you worried that she would change things between us?" he murmurs after a while. It’s as if he read my mind and I meet his eyes, nodding.

"Just a little," I admit.

He lifts my chin and presses his mouth to mine, igniting my heartbeat with a slow, gentle, mesmerizing kiss. When he pulls away, I see the love in his eyes. Inwardly I scold myself. He loves me.

Why am I doubting that?

"I’m not going anywhere, baby."

I press closer to him and rest my head on his chest, enjoying the feel of him.

"I know, but what if she’s…"

Gavin’s lips at my ear stop me and he grabs my hand in his.

"That doesn’t matter. Aria, I don’t want her. I want you, beautiful."

Emotion stings my eyes at his honest words and when he presses his mouth to mine, I immediately slip my tongue into his mouth. Passion for him jolts my body, my skin, and my blood to life, and when he slants his mouth over mine and grazes his teeth over my lip and bites down gently, I moan softly. I grasp his silky hair in both hands and explore his hot mouth, feeling my desire for him low in my core.

"I. Want. You..." Gavin’s whisper fuels my need as does his mouth as he begins kissing my jaw between each word. I moan, grabbing the first button of his collared shirt, anticipating what’s to come.

Then the oven dings.

"Food’s ready." I feel his low laugh against the skin of my neck, his stubble grazing my skin, making me want him even more. I groan in frustration, pulling back and giving him a wink as I push off the couch to grab the chicken Parmesan and garlic bread from the oven.


 "You look so sexy in this apron, beautiful," Gavin says, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck softly as I wash the dishes and tip my head back against his chest. His mouth closes around my earlobe and he nips softly, making the ache between my legs worse.

"Will you make love to me, Gavin?" I whisper, turning in his arms to see his eyes heat.

"That’s the plan."


 "Do you miss him, beautiful?" Gavin murmurs as he leans over where I lay, tracing a hand over my bare hip as my eyes lock on the framed picture of Jeremy and me from my high school graduation last year. Somehow, seeing his picture hits home for me. God, I miss him so much. How is it possible it's been a year already? I can't fathom how I've gone on.

"Every day," I whisper as a tear escapes my eye. I remember that night so clearly. He was so happy for me that night, so full of life. He’d wanted the best for me, for my life.

Gavin’s hand closes over my shoulder and he pulls me back toward him so my eyes meet his. He gazes down at me and immediately he gasps, leaning forward, cupping my cheeks in his hands, caressing them. I can feel his heart through his shirt, beating a steady rhythm. In this moment, he’s what I lean into.

"He’d be so proud of you, baby." His forehead comes down to mine, hands touching my shoulders lovingly.

I nod, tangling my fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. Touching him is like a balm for me.

"I know."

Gavin leans back away from me and grazes his knuckles over my cheek again.

"I’m here for you, whatever you need. I know today is going to be hard for you."

I tighten my arms around his neck and press my lips to his for a soft, lingering kiss. Being in his arms immediately relaxes me. I don’t know how I’d get through today without him. But thankfully, I don’t have to.

"Thank you, Gavin. I was thinking we could move my things into the penthouse today. Do you want to?"

His eyes fill with wonder and he nods, kissing my temple.

"Absolutely. Come on, let’s take a shower."

I feel my core tighten deliciously at the idea of taking a shower with him and I follow him down the hall to my bathroom.

He turns on the shower head and then turns to me, his eyes heated with want.

I’m pulled against his chest and Gavin runs soft kisses along my jaw and then sucks tenderly on my collarbone, his hands moving down my body until he reaches the bottom of the over-sized t-shirt I’m wearing.

"Gavin..." I whisper, a moan escaping my mouth as he glides his hands up my stomach and my rib cage, finally slipping the fabric over my head and dropping it to the floor.

"So beautiful," he whispers, taking my hand and leading me into the shower until we’re standing under the hot spray.

"Turn around," he whispers, and as I do, he presses my hands on the wall of the shower and squeezes a large amount of body wash into his palm. Slowly, he covers my body with soap, and kissing my neck, teasing me, he turns me back toward him. The suds rinse off my skin and I look up into his blazing blue eyes.

"Lean your head back, baby. I’ll wash your hair."

I smile at his thoughtfulness and comply, moaning loudly as he massages my scalp with his hands.

The pressure against my scalp along with the hot water and his touch take my breath away. I feel my body humming in desire for him again.

"Oh, Gavin," I moan breathlessly.

"I know."

He rinses my hair, his hands gently massaging my scalp and then, with a boyish smile, hands me the body wash.

"Wash me?"

I giggle, nodding, and squeeze some into my hand.

I press my mouth to his chest and glide my hands over his stomach, upward toward his neck and then down toward his length. He groans, his eyes widening and his lips parting.

"Baby, you’re my undoing," he whispers as I run my soapy hands down from his neck to his arms until my hands intertwine with his.

"Same to you," I whisper as I reach for the shampoo and he tips his head back, letting me stroke my fingers through his hair.

As I massage his hair, I am reveling in the feel of him. I rinse him off and press into him, feeling my want for him again.

"Gavin, you feel so good." His eyes heat and he dips his head, capturing my mouth in a hard, wanton kiss. He licks along my tongue and wraps his arms around me, letting me feel his desire for me.

"Wrap your legs around me, Aria."

I do and he grins, kissing me softly now. He walks us out of the shower and sets me on the counter as he kneels in front of me.

"What are you…?"

Suddenly he dips his head and as he angles my hips toward him with his hands, runs his mouth over my inner thigh and ever so slowly licks my cleft in slow, hungry strokes.

"Gavin!" I cry out, arching into the feeling, grasping his hair in my hands as my head falls back.

Pleasure rocks my core in pulsating waves as he relentlessly kisses my cleft and licks inside me without stopping. I moan again, feeling my release coming. It overwhelms me, drowns me, surprises me.

"Gavin...please," I beg, needing something, and then he pushes two fingers inside me, rotating in and out, in and out. I struggle for breath as my body climbs, trembling with pleasure. I grasp onto him tighter and call out in pleasure when I shatter into a million vibrant pieces and grasp onto his hand holding mine against the vanity mirror, my eyes closed in ecstasy. "Wow" is all that falls from my lips after that.


 After getting dressed and packing most of my things into boxes, we load his four-door Toyota Tundra. Gavin grazes kisses along my hand, driving with ease as the radio plays soft rock.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he whispers, pulling into the parkway of his penthouse so we can enter through the back entrance.

"Just feeling lucky to have found you, Gavin," I murmur, leaning across the console as he gives me a gentle kiss that leaves me wanting more.

"Trust me, I feel the same way. Let’s get you unpacked and then I’d like to take you somewhere, baby."

A small smile plays along my lips as I remember each and every delightful surprise he’s given me since I’ve known him.

"I love surprises," I say, biting down on my lip. He smiles wide, his eyes playful as he urges my lip from under my teeth with a lazy lick of his tongue.

"Good. I want to make you happy each and every day, Aria."

I gasp, not expecting his earnest words. I want to feel his love each and every day, too.

"You do, Gavin." Those are the only words I can say.

He winks at me, getting out of the truck and helping me out a moment later. His eyes look so blue in the sunlight, the blues of them shadowing the grays, that it takes my breath away.

"What is it?"

He gazes down at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I love your eyes," I whisper, grazing my teeth along his jaw and kissing the side of his mouth. He groans, chuckling lightly. It's such a sexy sound.

"I love you, Aria. And I love your smile, by the way."

My heart skips a beat.

He takes me around to the tailgate and begins to unload the four boxes stacked inside. He hands me my duffel bag and I go to the back door of the building to unlock it, since he’s already given me a key to his place.

"Wait, babe," he says, stepping in front of me. I can see his shoulders tense as he unlocks the door easily. "I just want to be careful. My security team is inside and I don’t want to catch them off guard."

I look up at him, forgetting his worries about Bryce, and I inwardly cringe, not wanting to think about his whereabouts right now. I would rather pretend he isn’t a threat. I would rather him be long gone like he was for all this time.

He tucks me close to him and presses his lips to my forehead.

"Has something happened?"

"No, I’d tell you if something had. I promise. I just don’t want to be careless."

I nod, leaning into him as he lets us into his apartment after a very long ride up to the top floor and sets the boxes down by the couch.

A dark-haired, slender man with the lightest of green eyes comes across the entryway. He has an earpiece to his ear and there are three men behind him, two with black hair and one blond. They’re all dressed in casual wear but the way they carry themselves tells me they’re anything but casual. The man in front steps forward, shakes Gavin’s hand, and smiles.

"Mr. Thomas."

"Spencer. Everything clear?"

"Yes, of course. This must be Ms. Morgan. It’s nice to meet you."

I offer my hand and he shakes it, his eyes welcoming. He can’t be any older than 25 and must be the security lead Gavin told me about.

"Aria. It’s nice to meet you, too."

Gavin wraps an arm around my waist and looks back to Spencer.

"This is Spencer. He’s my security lead and friend."

He chuckles as if he doesn’t agree, which Gavin echoes with his husky laugh.

"Come on, baby. Let’s get you settled."


 As I unpack my things, it excites me how well I adjust to this home-style penthouse. I set the picture of Jeremy and me by the bedside table and see another framed photo behind it. I pick it up, balancing it between my palms as I look down at the photograph that looks worn in the black frame. It’s of an older woman with soft gray eyes and wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. She has white wavy hair that’s pulled into a bun and she wears a brown sweater and black slacks. I can see the resemblance in her face. Gavin stands next to her, smiling warmly with his arm around her shoulders, wearing a black suit jacket and a lavender-colored tie. I smile, seeing how close he must be with this woman.

"Hey, beautiful," Gavin murmurs, striding into the room and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, nuzzling my cheek softly.

"Who’s this?" I ask, looking up into his blue-gray eyes that are clear with his easygoing nature now that I’m all moved in.

"My grandmother from my dad’s side. Tessa. We were really close when I was growing up."

I turn in his arms and press my hands to his cheeks when I see the tinge of sadness in his eyes.

"When?" I skate my fingers across his freshly-shaven jaw.

"Last year," he murmurs, almost to himself.

I pull him into my arms and wrap them around his back. Gavin presses his face into the swell of my neck and breathes me in. He leans back after a moment and his eyes are clear of the sadness. Instead, I see the love he has for me.

"I love you, Aria. Always."

I gasp, the sound dying on my lips as he dips his head and kisses me. His mouth engulfs me, his minty breath overwhelming my senses, and as he sucks my lower lip into his mouth, a moan slips from my parted lips.

I rest my forehead against his, trying to catch my breath.

"Can I take you somewhere, Aria?"

I smile, nodding as he grins that wide smile at me.
