Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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I ease out onto the freeway just as a familiar song comes onto the radio.

"This song," Gavin murmurs as he takes my free hand and lifts it to his mouth. Butterfly kisses that light me up from the inside are placed on my knuckles as he turns up the volume and when I hear lyrics sung in a deep, throaty voice with base and guitar in the background, I’m taken back to a party only weeks ago.

Call it magic, call it true. I call it magic when I'm with you

And I just got broken, broken into two

Still I call it magic, when I'm next to you

And I don't, and I don't, and I don't, and I don't

No I don't, it's true

I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't

Want anybody else but you…

I turn my eyes to Gavin’s deep blue grays, filled with nothing but love. Pure, unconditional love that I’ve been too scared to believe in for so long is staring back at me. I look up into those bright eyes of his and I know the same love is shining in mine.

"You remember this song, baby?"

I smile softly, put the Lexus in park outside our penthouse and lean over to rest my hand on his chest just above his heart.

"It’s ours. The way you make me feel, Gavin. It’s magic."

Gavin closes the small gap between us, wrapping one hand around my neck and another around my waist to hold me close.

"Aria." Gavin’s mouth closes over mine then and immediately my lips fall open to welcome his passionate kiss. The way he licks ardently into my mouth, as if I’ll disappear at any moment, makes my heart beat rapidly and my hands pull gently on his, smooth, unruly hair.

"Gavin..." I say when I have a breath to speak but then I kiss him again, and again, deeper now that the desperation is flooding me. I clutch onto him and whisper against his mouth.

"Let me get you inside."

Gavin pulls back and meets my eyes, chewing on that bottom lip of his. God, my core tightens deliciously at the sight of him. So sexy, so carefree, so mine.

"Are you going to have your wicked way with me, Ms. Morgan?"

"Um, no. I’m going to take care of you. You’re recovering from an accident, Gavin."

I remind him, but I’m reminding myself too because even though I want him with every molecule in my body, we can’t rush his recovery; I don’t – God, the last thing I want to do is cause any hurt to him.

When I look back into his eyes, he’s still chewing on that lip, but now he’s pouting. His lower lip is as tempting as he catches it between his teeth.

"Aria you can’t be serious, we need –"

I cut him off with my hand to his mouth, then press a kiss to the line that’s formed between his eyebrows.

"You need to rest. Come on, let’s go inside."

"I’m fine, baby. Stop worrying," Gavin says for the third time since we walked in the front door. I pull out the top drawer in the marble topped island, which sits in the center of the kitchen.

"Shh" is all I say while I rummage through the piles of papers and excess mess in the drawer in front of me. I remember putting a takeout menu to Kel’s favorite Italian restaurant in here before I left the penthouse that last day before the accident. Before my world almost fell apart at the seams.

"I think," Gavin drawls in that low voice of his as he comes up behind me and wraps his strong arms around me from behind, "that you should cook for me, baby."

"No way. If I cooked for you, you’d be back in the hospital tomorrow."

I chuckle, turning in his arms to see he’s smirking already.

"You’ll never know if you don’t try, and maybe you’ll be good at it."

My brow furrows and I hastily shake my head.

"I’ve tried, trust me. And cooking and I just don’t mix," I say, turning back to the drawer and shuffling through more junk in an effort to find that menu I put in here.

Gavin doesn’t say anything else, he just cups my nape in his hand and I can picture him smiling wider when he sees me sway against him at the skin on skin contact. He’s trying to distract me. God he feels so good and hard against me...

"Hmm, Gavin," I moan softly.

His mouth comes down to kiss down my neck, along my shoulder and then one hand slides the strap of my tank top down so he can explore my skin with his mouth, lips and Oh his tongue.

"So smooth, you have the smoothest skin." He places another kiss to my flesh.

"The most beautiful shoulders… and these?" His hands come up towards my breasts.

Suddenly Gavin turns me and lifts me to sit on top of the marble counter top so that he is standing between my parted thighs. He slowly lifts my top over my head and sets it down somewhere behind him.

A loud moan bursts out of me when he cups both my breasts in his hands, kneading gently. Instantly, my core floods with arousal. Being touched after so long without it, it’s magical.

"These. Are. Perfect."

When his mouth comes down to tease and torture me, my head falls back in such pleasure.

"Feels so good," I murmur, wrapping my legs around his hips and pushing the fingers of my free hand into his long hair.

Gavin licks and teases my breasts, around the areola and then bites down gently. Immediately my core is flooded.

"Oh God, oh my God, Gavin."

"So beautiful, Mine. "

He takes a hold of my hips and before I can think to stop him, he’s kneeling in front of me and ever so slowly peeling off my boy short panties. When did he take my jeans off? I have no idea, all I can focus on is that now I’m bared to him and this man, he’s here. He’s truly here with me and all I can feel is my heady need to feel him inside me. I want to be consumed with him. I want to delight in the pleasure that only he can give me.

"Wait, Gavin. You’re recovering..." I whisper, pressing my hand to his smooth cheek and those gorgeous eyes of his tip to meet mine.

"I’m okay, baby. Let me love you. Please, just let me love you now."

His soft, earnest words quiet my reservations about making love and when that slow, soft smile spreads over Gavin’s mouth, I nod and sink my fingers back in to tangle with his hair.

There’s not another word spoken before Gavin wraps his hands around my hips and urges me to part my legs wider for him.

"More," he whispers and I do. I open to him and moan cathartic ally when he begins kissing down my lower belly to my core where I’m aching for him so much.

"You are so fucking beautiful, Aria baby. I can’t get enough," he murmurs as his mouth comes in contact with my opening. He rubs up and down, teasing me there and then finally, God, he settles in to taste me. Slow, long licks and soft nips to my flesh almost drive me to the point of pleasure, almost have me tumbling over into the abyss-but not quite. Gavin hums against my core, pressing two fingers inside me and rubbing in slow, deep circles. My skin lights up, my heart soars, and my sex clenches around him in an effort to make him go faster. I need-

"Aah - yes!" I call out suddenly as Gavin licks and pulls and devours me in that oh so wonderful way of his and I’m climbing higher and higher to ecstasy, so far that I know this is going to be a high I’ve never touched before.

"Please... Feels... Going to come, baby. Faster..." I’m moaning and lost for words as the waves crash through me, rip me open and make me soar into orgasm.

"Let go, Beautiful. I’ve got you," Gavin whispers and when he sucks my clit hard and fast, his mouth doing magical things to me-I fall.

"Oh, Gavin," I whisper, letting my eyes fall open.

"Bed," he murmurs into the hollow of my neck, scoops me into his arms and carries me towards the bedroom.

"Gavin... You’re-"

"I’m fine, baby. I’m not straining myself by carrying you to our bed."

As he lays me across the cool-to-the-touch sheets, I let my eyes wander over him. From his gorgeous, out of this world sexy mouth, those deep eyes of his, the light bruising that goes down his neck from when he hit the side of the car in the accident, to his delectable chest, taut stomach and lean hips.

Gavin gives me a wide smile, warmed with affection for me and begins to unbuckle his jeans and tread the zipper down.

"You’re staring."

"Hmm." I ignore him and continue to explore him with my eyes. He’s just so - sexy. So completely sexy.

"I love you." The words come easily but still thick with the honesty those three words incite. Gavin’s smirk matches the humor in his eyes as he saunters over to me.

"I have so much to offer, baby. But you just love me for my body."

Gavin teases, pushes me to my back and rests his arms on either side of my head.

"Well, I love your body, how could I not?" I kiss the side of his mouth softly, feeling his stubble against my lips.

"But what truly made me fall for you? It’s this, Gavin. Your heart. The way you love me, the way you believe in me, in us." I blink up into his endless blue eyes and a warm smile is tipping his mouth up.

"Aria," he whispers, grasping my hands and pulling them above my head where he holds them with one of his own. He takes his other hand and caresses down from my torso to my navel, my core, and the apex of my thighs. A breathy moan escapes me when he dips one finger inside me and circles gently, around and around.

"I could touch you all day and never tire of it, Beautiful. Your body drives me crazy with need."

I wrap my legs around his waist and delight in the weight resting against my belly.

"Then take me, baby."

Gavin smiles naughtily, grasps my hips and takes me.