Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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Twenty Five



By the time I look up from my notebook, it’s almost six at night. I sit up in bed and worry my lower lip with my teeth as I look down at what I wrote to Jeremy. When dad brought me and Kel home from the hospital, my mom had already left for some grand photo shoot in Milan and I was still reeling from the sense of emptiness I’d felt when my world bottomed out. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t even sleep because every time I closed my eyes I saw Jeremy’s face. His aqua blue eyes that used to always soften when I needed a hug or smiled when he told me a joke. His face when he mouthed I love you, Squirt just before he was wheeled into surgery. Dad was at his lowest point, seeing both his daughters hurting and having no way of stopping the pain we were feeling. But then, he gave me this journal.

"I know it’s not the same but if you write to him, tell him how you’re feeling and share with him, it might take some of this away. Just try, pumpkin. Please."


"Miss me, already?" I purr into the phone, sitting myself down next to a piping hot cup of tea at the island. I hear a car engine and the rustling of a man’s voice on the other end and I figure he must be on his way to yet another meeting.

"Where are you? I’m on my way home." Gavin’s tense voice immediately has my heart hammering. Had something happened? It would take a lot to rattle this man, what had happened?

"I’m at home, Gavin. What-what’s wrong?"

"Thank God." I hear him say under his breath as if a prayer instead of a statement. But before I can urge him to talk to me I hear the lock turn at the back entrance and Spencer lets himself in. Wearing the same white button down shirt and black slacks, I worry something has happened for the head of Thomas security team to be here at six-fifteen on a Saturday night.

"Ms. Morgan, I need you to step out of the penthouse for now. Gavin is waiting for you."

"I – is everything alright? Is he OK?" I ask, the pit in my stomach growing with worry the more time goes on.

"You need to go, Ms. Morgan. I promise you’ll have your answers once you’re outside."

The pleading tone in Spencer’s voice makes me hurry to slip my gray flip-flops on my feet and wrap myself in the sweatshirt I’d left hanging near the bathroom door.

"Thank you, Miss."

I let him lead me out the door and the moment I set foot on the sidewalk, I’m locked out of the penthouse. What the hell? What the hell is going on? Confusion makes my nerves spiral as I stand looking at the door for the longest time, trying to understand why I’ve just been kicked out and then I feel him behind me. He doesn’t touch me, but I can feel every fragment of his presence within me.

I turn and am immediately struck by the stormy intensity of Gavin’s blue gray eyes.

"Gavin, what’s going on?" I ask lifting my hand to lace through his between our bodies. He looks at me as if I’m about to disappear and without another word, I’m swept into his arms and one hand soothes down the back of my head, pressing my face to my favorite place. His warm, smooth skin urges me to wrap my arms around his shoulders and feel the taut muscles I know I’ll find. So, I do.

"I’ll tell you everything as soon as I know it’s safe for us to stay here tonight. Can I just hold you for now?" Gavin places his palm on my cheek and the worry I see in his gorgeous face is palpable.

I wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle my face into the crook of his shoulder.



 Gavin wraps an arm around both my shoulders when Spencer lets us into the penthouse once again. As I look around, I don’t see anything out of place, but the hardened look the two men exchange tells me that something isn’t right. Confused, I back away from both of them.

"What is going on? I deserve to know if something has happened." My voice is strong with conviction, but that doesn’t seem to sway either of them to answer me. Gavin gazes down at me and I can see the obvious concern and possibly fear in his eyes.

"Spencer, thank you for everything. I need to talk with Ms. Morgan, now."

Gavin shakes his hand and leads him to the door before shutting it with a silent click and turns to face me.

"Talk to me, Gavin," I whisper, taking his hand in mine when he’s standing in front of me.

"Come with me," He says, tugging me with him towards our bedroom. I feel as though I’m being kept in the dark about something and whatever it is that Gavin is trying to protect me from must be bad. I hate feeling like I’m being kept in the dark, but I’m also afraid to know the new danger I can see is imminent from Spencer’s visit.

Gavin guides me to sit on his lap and as I straddle him, I press my hand to his chest.

"Just tell me. I deserve to know.

I feel his slow exhale and then he starts to trail a lazy finger down the slope of my shoulder.

"Spencer has been keeping tabs on Bryce ever since he was seen last fall across the city. I had to keep you safe and this was the only way I know how. Knowing where he is and what he’s doing is the only way I can know he won’t get near you, Aria. Baby, he can’t get near you. I – I need you safe." The vulnerability in his voice tears through my heart and I nod, the horrid fear and confusion and love for this man overwhelming me.

"I know you’ll keep me safe. Why was Spencer here? Did you think he’d come here?"

Gavin leans down ever so slightly and kisses the top of my head.

"No. He-Shit, I don’t want to have to tell you this. I don’t want any of this touching you, but Aria, he’s been watching you. I saw the feed live and I can tell you he’s probably been watching you, me, and us for at least the last two weeks."

Suddenly it feels as if I can’t breathe and my heart is pounding so fast that I’m sure I’ll pass out from the exertion of it. Bryce-God, the man that has haunted my nights and dreams for months now has been watching me. I clutch onto Gavin’s hands steadily holding mine and I see the mixture of concern and fear in the blue-gray eyes staring back at me.


Gavin must see the panic in my eyes because he leans forward and cups my cheeks with his hands.

His warmth chases away the cold suddenly skating along my skin.

"Spencer found two hidden cameras, in the bedroom and just above the front door. They’re gone now, Aria. You’re safe here." I see the fierce love and I believe with everything I am that he’ll do everything to keep me safe. I believe him.

"Gavin." I wrap my arms around his neck and lift my mouth to his without another word. I taste the minty taste of this man and when he wraps his arms around me, with one hand holding the back of my head I part my lips for him, taking all he has to give and giving the same in return.

Gavin sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and tugs in that way that I love before he pulls away and cradles my face in his hands.

"I won’t let him take you, Aria. I don’t care what I have to do but I promise you, you’ll be safe.

Please, believe me." The shake in his voice makes me wrap my arms around him tighter and I press my lips to his throat in a kiss.

"I trust you, Gavin. As long as we’re together, I know you’ll keep me safe."

A gentle smile spreads over his mouth and he nods, then dips his head to kiss my temple.

"Can I take you somewhere, baby?"

I nod and kiss him once more instead of answering him.