Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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Twenty Seven


Somehow, I wake easily from an untroubled sleep that feels as if I’ve slept a full twelve hours since the last time I woke last night. Out of habit and need, I reach out for Gavin’s warmth, but instead I hear his voice out on the terrace overlooking downtown Chicago. It has been one of my favorite parts of Gavin’s home. I never would have dreamed that I would feel so comforted here, but I do. My pleasant thoughts are interrupted when I hear the aggravation in my man’s voice.

"I know the contract is huge, Carly. I know. But this is of priority. Cancel all of my meetings today and that is final."

He pauses, bracing both his hands on the banister in front of him. He flexes his neck side to side and I can tell he’s been on this call for longer than he’d like.

"Thank you. I’m sorry to snap at you, I just need this done. OK, I will see you tomorrow."

As he lowers the phone from his ear, I wrap the sheets around my torso and shuffle my feet towards the open door of the terrace. Gavin lets out a breath and leans his elbows on the banister as I near him from behind and easily wrap my arms around his waist to hold him.

"Hey, Beautiful."

Gavin turns and embraces me, tucks my head under his chin and soothes his hand down my back.

In this moment, I feel completely safe in his arms.

"Did you sleep?" he asks, drawing away and clasping one of my hands in his. I nod and reach up to move a thick strand of sandy brown hair from his eyes.

"Somehow, I did. I don’t know why I had such dreams like those. I’ve moved on from all of it. My past. Why is it coming back to haunt me now?"

Gavin caresses my face with one hand and I could cry with the understanding I see in his eyes.

"You’re afraid. I completely understand that. And I’m going to do everything in my power to help you feel safe and secure again." He urges me to rest my head on his chest and I do, wrapping my arms around his waist as tightly as I can.

"What do you want to do today, baby?" Gavin asks as we eat breakfast just inside at the kitchen island that I love so much.

"I just want to be with you. No drama, no questions. Just us."

"Just us," he murmurs and when I look up from my food, I see the promise in his eyes.


 "Savor it, Aria. What do you feel?" Gavin asks, each word blowing a bit of air across the hyper sensitive folds of my center. He has me spread over the bed, my thighs parted and my arms bent behind my head. I’ve lost count of how many mind numbing beautiful orgasms he’s coaxed out of me and I know I can again, with just the slightest pressure of my clit. But still, Gavin spreads me wider and blows against my tingling walls, waiting for my answer. God, what did he ask me?

"I feel… close. I feel like every molecule in my body craves your mouth on me again. Please, don’t tease me."

Gavin’s eyes light up with reward and he settles back into me, lapping up my juices as if I’m a succulent fruit and he’s been thirsting for days.

"Gavin!" I scream cathartic ally, mounting the peak once again. Even faster he laps, sucks and then nips ever so gently at my clit. The gathering of nerves elicit heightened cries from me and I’m falling.

Falling, falling, falling into the haze of pleasure and need that has been sated even more so by Gavin’s attention. He’s made love to me and it creates a tingling sense of joy all through me.

"My God, Aria. You’re it for me."

Gavin cradles me against him and I sway into the warmth he gives me. Small, tender kisses cover my neck and throat and then his mouth engulfs mine in a heartrending kiss that steals my breath all over again. When he draws away, I wrap my arms around him even tighter and gaze up.

"Me? You’re the one for me, Gavin. I didn’t think I’d ever find-Baby, I found it with you"

I cup his smooth face in my hands and know my eyes are filled with all the love inside me.

"I found you."

Three Months Later

I’m filled with a mix of excitement and nerves as I make my way onto the stage where I’ll find my passion again. It’s only been a week since Mr. Hayes called me with the opportunity to audition for the part of Lena in Alas the Night, a new and up and coming ballet production. I never dreamed I could find an opportunity so quickly after the one that I lost only months ago. Kel drove me in, but I insisted I do this myself. This is my dream, after all.

I come to a three seated table with what I can only guess are the audition coordinators. The man seated in the middle of the table gives me a welcoming smile and asks me to fill out the checkin sheet with my name and credentials.

My hand shakes as I write my name and everything else the sheet entails and then I hastily find a seat next to at least forty others that must be auditioning for my role, also.

Anxiety creeps into my mind while I look around at each and every girl and lanky male dancer around the waiting area. I start to worry about whether I can really do this. Am I a better dancer and performer than all of these women? Do I really measure up?

As if she sensed my nervousness, a girl next to me leans forward and looks at me with kind dark blue eyes.

"Don’t worry about everyone else. Just focus on your talent. You’ve got to believe in yourself, Sweetie."

She reaches over and pats my knee and I do my best to smile at her.

"Nerves get the best of me, I think. Is this your first audition?"

She grins and shakes her head hastily.

"Oh, no. I lost count." She chuckles and then from the left of where I’m sitting I hear my name called.

"Here goes nothing," I whisper, more to myself than the girl next to me.

"Hey, my name is Jessica. Come find me when we’re all done. You want to grab lunch?"

She has the kindest eyes I’ve seen and I could really use a friend through all of this.

"I have plans, actually. How about we exchange numbers, though? I’m Aria."

We shake hands, giving each others numbers and names before parting ways. I turn to see the smiling man I met at the desk only a few minutes ago.

"I’m Leo. One of the directors. Come on in, Ms. Morgan"


 I turn left away from the auditoriums with the smile that I’ve had on since I walked out of the audition room. I did it. I aced my audition, for the first time in God, weeks, I feel like myself again. My phone buzzes in my pocket as I walk to the small bakery me and Kel agreed to meet at. She raves about the pastries at this place that just opened and finally talked me into indulging in some sweets after my auditions. I reach into the pocket of my sundress and don’t bother to look before answering.


"How did it go? I’ve been on my toes all morning!" I can practically feel the excitement Farah has.

I laugh softly and wind a finger through my hair as I tell her.

"I aced it! I mean, of course there’s a chance they won’t give me a call back, but I aced my routine.

The scene I had to repeat for them was easy enough and even the director I spoke to said I exude the spirit of Lena. I can’t believe I was so nervous."

"I knew you’d get it! Were there others auditioning with you or was it just you?"

I wish it was just me. I wouldn’t have been so darn nervous while I’d been waiting.

"Farah, you should have seen the girls there! All skinny blondes and no curves-made me even more nervous than I already was."

"You’ve got the talent. You just have to believe in yourself."

Well if that doesn’t sound familiar…

"I know. I have to go, I’m meeting Kel in a bit."

She’s quiet for a moment and I’m not sure why.

"OK, see you later."

I click off and open the glass doors to a small bakery and pastry shop called Hidden Sweets. There are several wooden tables set in the front when I walk in and I don’t see Kel or Lucas right away. The white marble counter top draws me deeper into the bakery and then I see Kel, her blonde hair wound up in a messy bun and Lucas pressing his nose in her neck as they stand with another girl behind the counter.

"Hey." I walk over and feel a surge of warmth seeing such love and affection between these two.

I’m so happy for their happiness.

"Hey! This is Jenna, she owns the bakery!" Kel practically bursts in excitement.

I laugh and outreach my hand to the petite brunette who looks at me. She has pale blue eyes and a soft smile on her face.

"I’m part owner, Kel. Remember?"

My sister waves her hand in dismissal. Luke laughs behind her.

"Sweetheart, she’s right. Her mom does own half of this shop"

"And she lets me know whenever she can," Jenna says, casting her eyes down for a moment. I can tell she feels ashamed that her mother’s been brought up and she seems like such a sweet girl. She can’t be a day over twenty.

"I know the feeling." I place my hand on her shoulder and squeeze gently. She looks at me again and a smile lifts her mouth.

"Let’s get some pastries and we can sit," Lucas offers, leading Jenna to the display case as Kel comes around the counter, wraps an arm around my shoulders and looks over to me with happy eyes. I’m so glad I have good news for her, too.

"So, I’m guessing you found a bakery to cater the rehearsal tonight?"

"Oh, yes! Don’t you love this place? I had no idea this bakery was even here until I tried Jenna’s lemon danish! It’s to die for, Ari. To. Die. For."

Uh, huh. I just let her spiel on and on about the baked goods while I think about how wonderful this morning was. I had to be at Fell’s Auditorium at noon so I got to sleep in with Gavin for a few extra hours. He woke up before me, which has come to be the norm since I haven’t been working. I felt his touch before I was even awake and he tongued me to an amazing climax while I was still in my sleep-like euphoria. The best part? I woke up and the sexy man from my dreams was still there. I let him keep going and when he found out I’d been awake the whole time, Gavin smiled and started all over again. I’m beginning to think sleep sex is my favorite.

"And then he reached into his pocket and pulled this out! Isn’t it absolutely gorgeous?"

Kel nudges me with her shoulder and I’m pulled out of my daydream.

"Wait, what? What is that?"

I take a hold of her left hand and my jaw drops open when I see the much larger stone set in the middle of her gold banded engagement ring. But, it’s not a diamond. It’s a ruby stone set with small diamonds encompassing it. It’s… breathtaking.

"Another ring?" I look up to see what I think are happy tears in my sister’s eyes.

"It was his mother’s." She sniffs and I go to her and hug her gently in my arms.

"You make him happy. Of course he would give you something so dear to his heart."

She laughs through her tears and I lean back to wipe them away.

"Jesus, Kelly baby, what’s wrong? Are you OK?!"

I look up to see Lucas come into the bakery heading straight toward my sister. His steps are quick and his face a mask of worry. His voice is filled with panic and I can hear the tremor in it as he speaks. I let Kel go and when she sits in the closest chair, Lucas drops to his knees in front of her. The devastation in his eyes surprises me. I reach down and press my hand to his blond head. He must have seen her tears. My sister is a lot of things but a crier is not one of them. She’s the strongest woman I know.

"She just got emotional for a minute. She’s alright, Luke."

He nods, but I can tell he is concerned about my sister. His hands come up to grasp hers, eyes pleading with hers.

"Talk to me," his voice pleads and Kel reaches up and soothes the stray hair that fell in his eyes away. Her eyes dip to the ring on her left hand and then slowly lift back to her fiance.

"This is the only thing you have left of her. What if I lose it or…"

He shushes her quietly and wraps his arms around her waist.

"Then I’ll get you another, Kel. It symbolizes my love to you, my promise. That’s what matters OK?"

I watch as the sadness lifts from my sister’s face and she grins shyly.

"I love you, crazy boy," she whispers just loud enough so I can hear.

Lucas smiles wider and kisses her, effectively banishing my worries about seeing my sister cry. I don’t even remember the last time I saw her really cry. It had to be when Jeremy was hurt. She was a mess that night. God, we all were.

In the span of a minute, Kel is back to her cheery self.

"Hey, stop pouting. I’m good. Let’s eat!" she says, looping her arm through mine.

We sit at a nearby table and she dishes out over large cupcakes with vanilla, lemon, and chocolate frosting on them. My stomach growls in appreciation.

"Oh, yes," I say then bite into the nearest one.