Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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Thirty Eight


Kel pulls me away from the arms of my man moments before I see Elizabeth wrap her arms around him and speak softly to him. I know they deserve some time and I know I have to thank my sister and truly, everyone for helping make this wonderful day happen.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Honey? You can always change your mind. I know how much you guys have been through and we all just wanted to help make this day as special as possible. I hope you’re not mad at me for keeping the secret from you."

My sister’s big brown eyes fill with worry and I shake my head hastily.

"No! Please, Kel this is so wonderful for you to do for us. But how? Buying this land, getting an officiant and everyone to be here, today. How did you all do it?"

I watch as she worries her lower lip between her teeth before she grins knowingly and shrugs her shoulders.

"Honestly, Mom set a lot of it up. I helped schedule everyone’s flights back home and ordered the dresses for us all. I picked one out that I think you’ll love, come take a look."

I let her lead me over to the opposite side of the gazebo and when I see the white tent in the center of the land, I know she must have set these up for me. Gavin and the groomsmen can easily change into a shirt and tie without a tent or enclosed space but a bride needs her own space to dress and feel beautiful before she walks down the aisle. Will there even be an aisle? Somehow, with everything Gavin made happen to surprise me, to give me the world as he’s said a hundred times over, I know there will be. I’m really getting married today. Joy and nervousness curl in my stomach and I have no doubts at all. I know this is the day I’ll become Gavin’s wife. The thought of that fills me with overwhelming happiness.

"Oh!" I gasp, Kel opens the tent for me and the first thing I see is an ivory white wedding dress hanging on a hook in front of where we stand. It has a laced bust and no sleeves. The fabric has to be either satin or something close to it, the details in the stitching are exquisite and I know that if we had gone to the bridal store ourselves, I would have chosen this exact dress. My sister kisses my cheek and her vibrant smile brightens her face. She’s happy for me.

"I’ll see you out there. Daddy will come soon, OK? Any doubts?"

I pull her into a hug and kiss her cheek gratefully for making this day happen.

"Not one. Thank you so much, Sis. I love you."

She grabs her purse and gives me one last squeeze.

"Love you back."


 Daddy takes my hand and begins to lead me to a slow walk as my body begins to hum with excitement. The aisle is covered with red rose petals and each row of pews across the land is decorated with white silk and baskets of roses and lilacs. My dad secures his hand around my waist and I place my hand in the crook of his elbow. He wears the same black suit with gray tie that he wore to my sister’s wedding. He looks so handsome.

"Thanks for coming, daddy."

He smiles warmly down at me as we start down the aisle towards the love of my life.

"I wouldn’t miss it for the world, pumpkin. You look beautiful today."

I kiss his cheek and then dart my gaze to Gavin’s smoldering blue grays. He’s wearing a gray suit jacket over a white button down shirt that showcases every line of the perfectly toned muscles of his chest and arms. His messy light brown hair is slicked back away from his face and his lips turn up into a wide smile the moment his eyes meet mine. Simmering heat fills the grays in his eyes and I know mine reflect the same love I see. My dad kisses the hand he’s holding as we stop only a foot away from the steps leading to the gazebo where a beautifully decorated trellis adorned with lilacs and lilies is placed to make a breathtaking altar. It’s dusk now, and the sunset reflects in Gavin’s eyes offsetting his blueish gray with hues of deep oranges and reds.

"Be happy, pumpkin. I love you to the moon and back," My dad murmurs. Tears build in his eyes and I can’t help the moisture that threatens in mine. I grasp his hand and kiss his cheek.

"I’ll always be your little girl. I love you back, daddy."

He sniffs and wipes his eyes before leading me up the three steps painted a sheer white and places a firm hand on Gavin’s shoulder.

"Remember what I said, Gavin. Take care of her."

My handsome man takes my hands in his and lifts them to his lips.

"I will, Mr. Morgan."

The moment my dad places my hand in Gavin’s, electricity shoots through me. His eyes capture mine as he takes me in his arms and whispers into my hair.

"You are so beautiful, baby. You take my breath away."

I smile and lean back, squeezing his hands in mine. I mouth I love you and his answering smile would make my knees give out on me if it wasn’t for my dad’s strong arm secured around my middle. I smile up at him and kiss his cheek.

My dad smiles and retreats back to his seat as I step under the trellis with Gavin and stand before Reverend Jones, Farah’s dad and the pastor who married Kel and Lucas. He also married my parents and I’m so happy that he’s marrying us now. I look up into Gavin’s deep blue eyes and see such love in them.

"I love you," he mouths to me and I feel his hand tighten in mine. A tear falls down my cheek as I mouth my love back to him. God. How is it possible to love someone so completely like this?

His smoldering blue gray eyes meet mine then as we stand before the pastor and all our family and friends. Somehow Kel and my mom were able to get seating for everyone to enjoy the ceremony.

I take a deep breath just as the pastor begins speaking.

"We are all gathered here today to celebrate the blessed union of Gavin Andrew Thomas and Aria Georgia Morgan. Everyone, please take your seats."

I hear the bustle of about sixty people taking their seats and then the pastor asks for the rings. He blesses them and then tells Gavin to say the vows he wrote. His answering smile is ruggedly handsome, just like the first time we met. I wanted him then, maybe I even loved him and now, I love him even more.

I can’t imagine my life without him.

"I Gavin Andrew Thomas take you Aria Georgia Morgan to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward. To love and to cherish, through joys and through sorrows, in sickness and in health, for as long as I shall live. I will love you unconditionally, I will laugh with you and I will cry with you. I’ll support you in all things and I’ll never stray from our love. Aria, I’ll be your world as long as you’ll be mine."

He lays a hand on the side of my face and it feels as if his love is pouring into me in this moment.

As he finishes his vows, I grip his hands in mine and squeeze tightly as he gazes down at me with such love I could burst with it.

"Please place this ring on her finger and repeat after me," the pastor says, placing the golden wedding band in Gavin’s palm. My breath catches in my throat when I see it. Emeralds encompass the band and its design is hued with golden swirls, all intersecting around to become one. It takes my breath away. Gavin smiles warmly down at me, never taking his eyes off mine as he speaks to me only.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity."

He murmurs and slips it on my ring finger right behind the engagement ring he’d placed there only three weeks ago. Tears course down my cheeks as I squeeze his hand. It’s my turn. I speak from my heart as I gaze up at the only man I’ve ever truly loved.


Tears fall down Gavin’s face and he mouths "forever" to me. God, I love him more than I ever thought possible. I lift one of his hands to my lips and kiss his knuckles.

Pastor Jones hands me his ring. It’s a solid gold band with a special engraving I’m sure my mom knew to get for us. It is one phrase we have repeated over and over through this journey we’ve had together.

Unconditionally. On the front of his ring, our initials are done beautifully. And as I slip it on his ring finger, I say the words with as much love and joy that I can.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity."

Gavin takes a deep breath and then leans forward, cups my cheeks gently and leans his forehead against mine.

"Forever," he vows and I whisper it back to him, knowing I’m only seconds away from being his wife. Wife. Mrs. Thomas, God I love the sound of that.

"So with the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife."

Joy bursts through me, out of me. I wrap my arms around Gavin’s neck and see his smile, the same one that cut through every wall I built around my heart all those months ago. Gavin’s eyes fill with pure affection for me as he dips his head to capture my mouth in a slow, binding, heartwarming kiss that I feel all the way down to my toes. I’m his. Forever.

"Mine, wife," he murmurs, holding my face in his hands and I tighten my arms around his waist as I whisper back to him.


The breathtaking kiss he gives me is his promise.