Finding the Love You Want by Stefan Gonick - HTML preview

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Aligning Your Life to Attract Your Soulmate

Let's talk about a powerful concept called the Law of Attraction (described in the book and movie called The Secret) and how it affects attracting love into your life.

The Law of Attraction states that we will attract into our lives things that match our "vibration." In other words, things in the outside world that have a similar vibration to our own will naturally be drawn to us. So, what is meant by "vibration"?

All of your thoughts, feelings, desires and intentions have a vibration associated with them. This is the vibration that is being matched in the outside world. So, how does this work in practice?

What this means in practice is that whatever is consistently and predominantly in your conscious and subconscious mind will be drawn into your life.

You may be thinking...So Stefan, are you saying that if I think about and put my intention on finding the love of my life, that "vibration" will attract my love to me? Because if you are, I can tell you that it's not working. I have been thinking about being with the love of my life all the time, but that special person has not appeared...

The Secret to The Secret

I can understand why you might think that the Law of Attraction is not working for you since you are not with the love of your life. However, the Law of Attraction is in effect all of the time, but, sadly, you may not be fully aware of where your attention really lies.

You see, when you think about something that you want, your attention can either mostly be on the pleasures of having what you want or the unhappiness of not having what you want. The Law of Attraction will then bring more of what you are predominantly focused on into your life.

Finding Love Exercise - Your Emotional Guidance System

So, how can you tell if you are focusing more on the positive than the negative regarding your expectations of finding your soulmate? I invite you to do the following quick exercise right now. Imagine meeting the love of your life and getting in a relationship with that person. As you imagine this scenario, notice how you feel emotionally. Write down the feelings that come up for you before you read further.

When you imagined having your soulmate in your life, were you feeling happy, excited, warm, contented or other positive feelings? Or were your feelings ones of fear, discouragement, sadness, or were you even having a hard time imagining fulfilling that goal? Or you may have been having a mix of both positive and negative feelings.

Your emotional reaction to imagining having your desired goal serves as your "Emotional Guidance System" letting you know where your vibration is regarding that goal. If your feelings are predominantly positive, then you are in alignment with attracting the fulfillment of your goal into your life according to the Law of Attraction. If your feelings are mixed or negative, then you'll get mixed or negative results. It's very helpful to know where you stand in this area so that you can do something about it.

A Living Example of the Law of Attraction in Action

Let me give you an example so that you can see how the Law of Attraction can work. A client of mine, "John," was using dating sites with zero results for a couple of months. He had a very nicely worded profile and good pictures, but no women were contacting him and none were responding to his emails. It turned out that he still felt romantically attached to his last girlfriend. We did one session on releasing that attachment.

The very next day, he sent out two emails and both women responded! That same day he was also contacted by a woman that he had been planning on writing to but hadn't gotten to yet! This was a powerful example of the Law of Attraction in action. The Law of Attraction doesn't always happen quite that fast, but this gives you a clear idea of how it can work.

Next, we will look at what to do when your feelings are mixed or negative and/or not sufficiently positive when thinking about having your love in your life.


Making the Law of Attraction Work for You


We will now talk about how to make the Law of Attraction work more to your benefit to attract the love of your life.

Remember that the Law of Attraction states that we will attract into our lives things that match our "vibration." The question then becomes how do you move your vibration in a positive direction? The short answer is to reduce the negative feelings and increase the positive feelings.

Reducing Your Negative Vibration

In the last lesson you did the exercise of imagining being with the love of your life and noticing what feelings came up. Any negative feelings that came up represent a negative vibration around love, which will attract more of the same.

These negative feelings can be addressed with EFT and TAT. Unfortunately, it is beyond the scope of this mini e-course to get into the details of how to do that, but the good news is that it can be accomplished quite readily with EFT and TAT. You are welcome to read about how to reduce negative feelings with EFT on my web site:


Check out the "How to Do EFT" page and read my article How to pick effective EFT tapping phrases. This will get you started. I would also be very happy to help you with that.


Increasing Your Positive Vibration for Attracting Love

There are a number of different ways to increase your positive vibration to help attract love into your life. There are methods that make good use of EFT as well as non-EFT methods. I will share one non-EFT method with you here.

One way to increase your positive vibration for attracting love into your life is to make your positive vibration clearer and stronger. You can do this by creating a "vision" of your partner. You do this by imagining the characteristics of your partner and how it would feel to be with that person. You are not thinking of a specific person here. You are imagining the qualities of the love of your life.

You then need to make this vision more concrete. One way to do this is to write your vision down on a piece of paper. Another way to do this is to create a "vision board," which is collage of pictures and words that represent your life partner vision.

Once you have made your vision concrete in one of those ways, you will want to strengthen or "refresh" it every day. Take a moment each day to reread your written vision or look at your vision board and reinforce the good feelings that go along with it. Focus on the good feelings associated with the vision. Once a day for 30 seconds will be sufficient, and it's helpful to do it at the same time to make a habit out of it. This will strengthen your positive vibration and attract your partner into your life sooner.

Note: If you have negative feelings start to come up while doing this daily practice, then they will need to be addressed as described above.


There are EFT-based ways to enhance this process as well as other Law of Attraction methods to bring your special person to you quicker.


Where do you go from here?

This mini e-course has given you a much deeper understanding of the things that may be interfering with your search for love. If you've done the exercises, you now have a good start on identifying your own personal obstacles to finding love. The great news is that you can remove your obstacles using the power of EFT and have the love and life of your dreams!

I hope that you found this e-course helpful. For more resources to help you find the love of your life, check out:


Warm regards, Stefan

Stefan Gonick
Expert EFT Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor to EFT Practitioners, and Love Coach (800) 770-9488

Finding the Love You Want


The Cure for Being Single...When Nothing Else Has Worked


Stefan Gonick has been helping individuals and couples with their emotional breakthroughs for 15 years and has been specializing in EFT for 7 years.

Stefan runs a highly effective 6-week Finding the Love You Want teleclass series. He also has a home-healing program consisting of an extensive workshop and audio and video processes for clearing out your obstacles to finding love. Please see web site for details.

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