Dear Ereadura,
I have, for long desired to write a book to appreciate your presence in my life. I have wanted to write novels dedicated to you. Every day, I have searched my heart and soul, scribbling down every thought that would give me a glimpse of the right words to use. I have read books that I thought would be pleasing enough, but I have found none. I have read poems and psalms of mighty men, yet none has been profound enough to give the direction I need. I have found them to be following a certain logic that left my mind with doubts and worries.
These words my love, I won’t say they are the best ever written, but they speak my heart and my mind. It tells of the beauty and the glory you have bestowed up on. They tell of the salvation you have given me. Though they may not be enough, I want you to know, I shall live to write and sing of the magnificence of your presence in my life. I shall be aroused with greater admirations and affections for you every minute I am still breathing.
Thank you my Love,
I love you to the ends of the world.