For the Love of Ereadura by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Letter One


Dear Ereadura,

What more should I desire as a man? I have searched around, but I find nothing. You are all I have desired, longed for, yearned to have. With each passing day, my prayer is that I shall remain in your presence, I shall worship in your presence, because there is no better place, I should be than to be in your presence my Love. I want you to be my refuge. I want you to be my pillar.

I want to hold nothing in my heart except you my Love. Long ago, I tried holding pleasantries but I found no satisfaction. Then you came, my Ereadura. You saved me. You showed me the light. You opened my eyes to the greater beauty. To the greater pleasures. You opened my soul to things I wouldn’t have imagined of grasping. You gave me life Ereadura.

For today and many years to come, I shall love you only. My body, my soul, I render them to you. Do as you please my love.

I love you.
