Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven



When I showed the picture to Lyla, it looked like she was going to pass out. Her breathing was ragged, and she was sweating despite it being really cold outside.

I flipped my wallet shut, and snuck a glance at her. I didn’t know showing her my dad would make her freak out so much. Suddenly, I didn’t know what to do. How could I calm someone down who was petrified of my dead dad? How could I even be with Lyla if something like this freaked her out so much? I was broken and didn’t know what to do.

I was torn between taking offense to her reaction, and holding her.

She was staring out in space, and she was muttering stuff to herself. She almost looked like my mom. My mom always muttered to herself.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked gently, nudging her with the back of my hand.

“I…” She tried speaking, but just ended up frantically shaking her head back and forth. A tear slipped from her left eye, and I felt horrible.

I covered her hand with mine trying to offer her some comfort. I smoothed my thumb over her palm, and she seemed to relax a little bit.

“Ethan, your dad isn’t dead.” she said in a whisper that I almost couldn’t hear.

I cocked my head, hoping I didn’t hear her correctly. “Say what?”

“Your dad is my step-dad… and… he’s alive in the Summer Solstice as we speak.”

My head was swimming with the thought. Maybe she was mistaken. Surely there was another man that just looked like him. But when I asked her what his first name was, I knew what she was saying was true. His name was Robert, and she knew that. I knew she wasn’t lying.

But why the fuck would he fake his own death? I’d never saw the body, so I never knew if he was really dead. I never assumed otherwise. The police told us he was killed when his car hit a gas truck on the express way. There wasn’t much of a body left, we were told.

So my dad was the one who beat the crap out of her? I couldn’t believe it. My mind was fighting between right and wrong and up and down, I didn’t know what to do or say.

“Okay, so you’re saying that you’re my step-sister in a way?” I asked after a minute. There was nothing else to say.

“I don’t know if that’s how it works, but I don’t think so, and I know for a fact that we aren’t blood related, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I know we aren’t related, Lyla, and that isn’t what’s bugging me. What’s bugging me is the fact that I thought this bastard was dead for a few years, when in reality he has been hiding out in freaking Wonderland.” I said bitterly.

Lyla made a sound of anger. “The Summer Solstice isn’t a fucking wonderland. It used to be my home, but I guess you’ll never understand that. Forget it, I shouldn’t have said anything.” she snapped as she jumped out of my truck, and started toward the mall. She walked so quickly that she was almost to the doors before I even shut the truck off.

It only took me a minute to catch up to her after my initial shock of her taking off on me, and when I did; her face was awash in tears. Suddenly I felt horrible. I shouldn’t have said what I did. There was no excuse for it. I knew she once called that place home, and she never would again because of my dad.

My dad was the reason why she was hurting so badly. I clenched my fists in anger. I’d never been abused by him, so I didn’t know what it felt like.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any offense over what I said. I was just spouting things from the top of my mind. It wasn’t right, and I’m sorry.”

She smiled a little at that. “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have stormed off. Just what you said kind of stung. I forgive you.”

“Positive?” I asked uncertainly. She nodded and grabbed my hand.

She turned to walk down where the restrooms were, and pulled me into a family bathroom. She sat on the counter, and I followed her. I wedged myself in between her legs, and pressed myself forward until a certain part of me was touching a certain part of her. She sucked in a sharp breath, and looked at me with want in her eyes. A flash of fire shot from my lower stomach, down between my legs. I almost moaned.

I needed help.

I grabbed both sides of her waist and pressed my lips to hers. I ran my hand up into her shirt until I felt the wire from her bra. Her bra was silky, and I suddenly wanted to see it. My pants started to get tight, and I pressed myself that much harder into Lyla.

Her hand reached down, and felt the front of my pants, making me growl deeply in approval. Her lips started to move anxiously against mine, and I rocked my body into hers from side to side. Her hands were up into my hair, and I pressed her further back onto the ledge so that I was halfway lying on top of her. Her legs were wrapped around my waist tightly, and it felt amazing.

I brought my face down and kissed her neck, and started running my tongue ring over her bare skin, making her shiver in delight.

If it felt that good to her, maybe I could talk her into getting one. I didn’t want her to do anything that hurt, but it really wasn’t that bad. I might have to run it over my skin later to see how it felt, and then we would go from there. I could think of many things she could do with some metal in her mouth.

The thought excited me more than I already was. Her hands were under my shirt, digging her fingernails into my back, and I just kept kissing her. I kissed her like I was starving. I kissed her with everything in me. I kissed her because I was falling so deeply in love with her that sometimes, I thought she would disappear. I stroked her tongue with mine, and she arched her back, giving me an open invitation.

The pulsating throb in my body was almost consuming my thoughts. My need for her physically was so great that I almost tugged her pants down right then and there. I pulled my mouth away from hers, and tried to reign in some control. I took in deep breaths, willing my primal instinct to go away. I tightened my hold on the counter, and shut my eyes.

Deep breathes in and out. Don’t lose control, Ethan. In. Out. In. Out. Breathe!!!! In and out through the nose, not with body parts… oh my God, I needed serious intervention.

I jerked forward slightly.

“Ethan…” Lyla moaned, placing her hand onto my chest. She dragged her finger down slowly until she was tugging on the waistband on my black pants. When her finger slipped inside and touched my bare hip, I was overwhelmed with sensations.

“How come…” She pointed to the front of my pants with a confused look on her face. “You get hard? I mean, it isn’t like that all the time, right?”

I chuckled. “No, only when I’m aroused.”

Which was anytime I was around Lyla. Hell, even when she wasn’t with me, all I had to think about was her cute little butt… Okay, I seriously had to stop.

I let go of the counter and grabbed her arms, tightening my grip on them. When she saw what kind of state I was in, understanding filled her eyes. The need was raw and all-consuming, and she could see that. “I want you so bad.” I whispered. The ache then started at the base of my spine, letting me know that I was seriously in need of some hanky-panky. It’s been months.

I was shaking.

“Ethan… let me help you.” Lyla said in a soft purr. “I’m not having sex in here, and you’re not losing your virginity in a bathroom. Sorry, but it isn’t happening.”

I crossed my arms over my chest.

“I wasn’t talking about having sex.”

I looked over at her, and she made a gesture with the side of her mouth and tongue, and I knew what she was talking about. I wondered where in the hell she learned that… My mind shot from Katie to Hannah. I knew one of them must have done it, making Lyla pick it up. I groaned for an entirely different reason this time.

I almost agreed, but I shook my head. “Okay, let’s get out of here. You have work in a few hours, and if you still want to do it after, we’ll talk about it when I pick you up.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her from the bathroom. A few younger teenagers saw us emerge, and started laughing and whispering to each other. No doubt thinking we had sex, or I’d gotten a blow job.

Yeah, I really wanted that blow job.

Lyla and I went into a few stores until she found what she needed. I made her get a couple of each so she would have enough to last for the week. And being the sucker I am, bought Lyla a teddy bear because she sat there cooing over it for five minutes. But little did I know— because I don’t pay attention—is that the bear’s foot said

‘Together Forever’ on it. Lyla pointed that out after I bought it.

She hugged it to her chest, and was smiling widely. I smiled back at her, and my heart was full of happiness.

I was so happy I was euphoric.

We held hands while walking through the food court. Lyla sniffed the air like a dog, and I laughed.

“Smell something good?” I asked.

She bobbed her head. “Yes, it’s making me hungry.” “Do you want something?”

“I want to try that one.” she said loudly, pointing to the Chinese place.

“Okay, that’s fine.” We walked up to the counter and I ordered. Lyla ordered the same. She told me she’d never had anything Asian before, and I told her that she’s been missing out. From the chicken fried rice to the sesame chicken to the crab rangoons…

When we got back to our seats, Lyla dug in immediately, dripping brown sauce all over herself. I chuckled.

“You like?” I asked.

She nodded, and didn’t answer because her mouth was stuffed.

When our stomachs were full, we headed back through the mall the way we came.

Did I mention that Lyla looked super sexy carrying that big pink bag? Okay, I needed to stop.

When we came out of Dillard’s and back into the parking lot, I felt eyes on me, so I turned around. There was a gray figure standing thirty yards off in the shadows of the building. He had low, flat horns on his head, red eyes, and was grinning.

There was something familiar about him, but I couldn’t place it. Suddenly he shot his hand out, and I stood there puzzled until I heard Lyla hit the cement with a sharp cry. I whirled around and picked her up, examining her scraped palms and elbow. Somehow I knew this guy knocked her over without touching her. I narrowed my eyes for a second and snarled lightly.

I shot a look back at the building, but he was gone. I refrained from telling Lyla what I saw, I didn’t wanna freak her out.

I helped her into the truck, and she gave me a look full of sorrow. “It felt like someone shoved me down, I felt hands on my back.”

Alarm worked its way through my body, but I tried not to show it. “I think it was just the sensation of falling that you felt, Lyla, there was no one there to push you.

Unless you think I did it?”

“No, of course not!” she admonished in horror.

I took the first-aid kit out from under my seat and got out some alcohol pads and Band-Aids. She winced when the pad touched her skin, but didn’t make any noise.

After a minute, she sighed, and leaned back in her seat looking at me seductively. I growled softly, and bent down to nibble on the corner of her mouth, making her smile.

I took a look at the time, and gasped. “Lyla, you need to be to work in a half hour.” I said while putting the last bandage onto her elbow.

She nodded, and I went to get into my truck, and sent a last look at the building. The guy was back, and was sending me an evil smile that turned my stomach. I put my hand over my belly, and moaned in pain. What the hell was he doing to me? I knew it was him. Every time I felt a sharp pain, his fingers would move around.

“Ethan?” Lyla asked.

I waved her away. “I’m okay, just a sour stomach.”

With that, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the street to her work.

When I pulled up, she leaned over to kiss me, and got out.

By the time I returned home, I was seriously thinking about what she wanted to do in the bathroom at the mall. I didn’t know if we should move things so fast… Well, I can’t really talk; I already gave her an orgasm last night. I wasn’t going to, but the begging look in her eyes made it so I couldn’t refuse.



When Ethan dropped me off at the Coffee House, he was clearly distracted. He promised to pick me up when my shift ended in a few hours. Today, I was just basically going over paper work and learning how to mix all the different drinks. It couldn’t be that hard. I’d seen people younger than me working at fast food restaurants. Making burgers seemed harder than working a small machine.


I walked into the yummy smelling business, and met my new manager over the counter. Her name was Ann Marie, and she sort of reminded me of Ethan’s mom in a way. The only thing that was different was that Ann Marie didn’t look dazed and confused like Cherry did. I didn’t blame Cherry for the way she acted. It wasn’t her fault that she was sick and had to take medicine.

I felt a pang in my chest thinking about Ethan losing his mom. Those two are so close, and it would just totally destroy him.

Ann Marie took me into the back where I signed all my employment papers. After that, she took me out to deal with my first batch of customers. Of course, she stood next to me helping as much as possible. The cash register was pretty simple, and making the coffee and different smoothies was easy enough. The only thing I forgot time after time was to differentiate the different kinds of donuts. I kept getting the glazed ones mixed up with the cream and jelly filled.

When my shift came to a close, I was walked over to a bulletin board, and saw a pamphlet for safe sex and birth control. I unhooked it from the tack.

There was a number for the local health department, and I was going to call them tomorrow. I wanted to take all the precautions that I could against pregnancy.

I didn’t want to be like one of those teens that I’d been seeing on the TV having babies at sixteen. I think the show was called Teen Mom or something of that nature. Babies having babies, it was pretty sick. I didn’t like the fact that they actually glorified teens having kids at such a young age. It just made teens want to get pregnant.

I waved goodbye to my new boss and went outside to wait for Ethan. I took the pamphlet out of my pocket and read the times the business was open. I glanced at my phone and found that they were still open for another half hour.

Before I chickened out, I dialed the number, and put the phone to my ear. I tapped my foot waiting for someone to pick up, and looking around nervously for Ethan. I didn’t want him to know what I was planning. I didn’t know why

I was so bashful, because he and I were in a relationship. I shouldn’t be feeling this way.

Well, maybe it was better if I did tell him.

“Hello, Lucas County Health Department!” A cheerful voice chirped.

“Um, hi, I wanted to make an appointment for birth control.”

I heard clicking in the background. “Okay, what’s your name?”

“Lyla Hall,”

More clicking…

“Can you come in tomorrow at… 3:45?”

I thought about it for a moment, and realized school would be out at 3:30, so I should have time to get there.

“Okay that’s fine.” I replied.

“Date of birth?” she asked. “March 5th.”

“Okay… Okay, you’re all set. See you tomorrow at 3:45.”

I shoved the phone back into my pocket just as Ethan pulled up. I got into his truck, and flashed him a smile. “My first day of work was awesome.”

He smiled. “That’s good, babe, when did they want you to come back in?”

“Day after tomorrow, I start right after school. I really like the smell of the place too. I love all things sweet, so it was pretty awesome, but I really just wanted to sit there and eat everything in sight, even though it would all go to my ass and make it bigger.” I was rambling again, so

I stopped. I thought another minute before I spoke. “Ethan, I have an appointment tomorrow at the health department.”

He turned to me. “Whatever for?”

I blushed and turned so he couldn’t see me. “I wanted… well… since we’re a couple; I wanted to get on birth control.” I snuck a glance at him from under my lashes, and he was looking intently at me with wide eyes.

“Okay, that’s fine.” he said, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. “And anyway, there’s no school tomorrow. There was a bomb threat so they called the day off so they can search the building. It’s most likely fake, but they like to take precautions.”

Yay, I didn’t wanna go tomorrow anyway.” I said happily, jumping up and down in my seat, making the truck shake.

“You make it sound like you’re the one who called it in.” he said jokingly with a small grin.

I shrugged. “I’ve never thought about it.” Maybe a bomb threat was a good idea. Anytime I didn’t wanna go to school, I’ll just go write it on the bathroom wall or something. No one would be able to pinpoint it to me right? If I used my left hand it wouldn’t be in my handwriting. My mind was swimming with ideas that I was absolutely falling in love with.

I was bad. So bad.

But I didn’t give a crap.

Sometime later, we came to a stop in front of his house. Ethan came around to my side and opened the door for me, giving me his hand to get out. I climbed down from the tall truck and walked hand in hand with him to the front door. We both kicked off our shoes, and went into the living room.

Ethan began trying to light the fireplace, and I decided to help him out. I called fire to my finger, and pointed it down at the wood, and shot it. It caught instantly, and Ethan gave me an astonished look.

“That was fucking sweet. You’re so amazing.” he said softly.

I wiggled my brows. “Yeah, well watch this!” I shouted as I swirled fire around my body like a mini tornado. It crackled and was warm, but it never burnt me. I controlled it. I controlled it so well that my clothes never caught. I twirled in it and jumped and hollered, having so much fun I couldn’t breathe. I squealed and giggled and I felt like a little girl again. I felt so much liberation I could have started crying. I felt free to do anything I wanted. No one was going to hurt me anymore. No one would tell me what to do… I got to choose the things I sought after, and it was the most beautiful feeling. I don’t think it ever sank in until now that I was limitless with anything I chose in life. Tears stung my eyes, and I closed them, finishing off my fire dance for Ethan.

I breathed heavily, and sank into Ethan’s waiting arms until he released me with a grin.

“That was amazing you know… and now I’m going to do something for you.”

He went over to the piano and sat on the bench. He tapped the space next to him, and I came over hesitantly. I was a little intimidated by the big instrument.

Ethan raised the cover that was over the keys, and began tinkling along the high notes. Not before long, his song came to something dramatic and beautiful. His fingers slid over the keys, almost as if he was made for it.

I closed my eyes, and concentrated on the melody he was playing. It was powerful and I felt extraordinary. I felt as if I could float while listening to his song. It was so astounding my eyes started to burn with tears again.

When I opened my eyes, Ethan was looking at me while still playing.

He never messed up.

I figured he knew the keys by heart. I leaned over to kiss him, and the music took on a new tone. It was light, playful, and delicate, but it was still so breathtakingly beautiful.

His tongue swept over mine, and I wrapped one arm around him awkwardly. He groaned into my mouth, bringing the song to a sweet close.

“That was beautiful.” I whispered.

“That’s how I see you. What I just played, that’s how you make me feel. Lyla, I—”

Without warning, the front door blew open, smacking into the wall on impact. We both jumped, and looked to the door.

I was expecting something other than what I saw.

Cherry was coming through with both arms filled with bags. She had a big smile on her face, but she looked really winded like she’d been jogging or something.

I moved to help her, but she waved me away. She went over to the couch, and dropped all the bags onto it.

She had on a big grin when she started pulling out clothes, thongs, make-up, bras, and purses.

“Mom, I thought you weren’t going to leave the house.” Ethan complained. “You’re really weak today. You should have at least called ahead so I could have helped you carry all this stuff in. I didn’t even know you were gone.”

“Oh hush. I had to go buy our princess some things to make her more comfortable here.”

Then it hit me.

“Wait, you bought all this for me?” I squeaked, putting a hand over my stomach.

I was going to get sick.

She nodded and gave me a grin.

I really hated when people bought me stuff. I walked over to the bags and began taking things out. There was an assortment of different things, and I couldn’t help the smile that came to my lips. Some of the stuff I didn’t even have a name for, but I heard Ethan groan, so I could only imagine.

When I got to the last bag, I pulled out a fluffy zebra-print blanket, and instantly fell in love with it. It almost reminded me of the one I had back home.

“Thank you!” I said. I began putting everything back in its bags, and turned to Cherry. “You really shouldn’t have done this. I don’t like imposing on you guys, this is a bit much.”

She tsked. “Nonsense child, you’re my son’s girlfriend, so that makes you part of this family. How was work? Ann Marie called and said you did amazing.”

“It was fun. I really enjoyed it.” I started grabbing the bags, and Ethan did the same. We both said thanks again to his mom before we shut the basement door, and tromped down the stairs.

“I really can’t believe my mom bought all this. She really doesn’t know when to stop,” he grumbled.

“She’s just being nice.” I chastened him.

“Yeah, but, Lyla, she bought you condoms and lube.”

“Condoms? Lube? What’s that?” I asked. I knotted my brows in confusion. I’ve never heard of either of them before.

Ethan smacked his hand over his face, and pulled open one of the bags, digging a small box out. He opened it, tipped it over, and let about twenty foil packages fall to the floor. Whatever was inside was in an assortment of colors. I set my bags on the floor, and kneeled down, picking one up.

I held it up, and wrinkled my nose. The package said premium latex, and XL. It was pink “Is this a balloon?”

Ethan groaned loudly, and shook his head no. “Well, yes, it could be used as one, but that isn’t its purpose. I would show you but—”

“Could you?” I asked, cutting into whatever he was trying to say.

He shook his head. “Maybe some of other time… unless you wanted to see?” he asked. He was blushing, so I could just imagine what it is he would be showing me.

I nodded with anticipation.

Ethan sighed, and started to unbutton his pants. His blue boxers were showing, and I was almost ravenous to see him. I looked up, and he was biting his lower lip. He was clearly nervous, and maybe a little bit uncomfortable. I think he was shyer than anything though.

My poor Ethan.

“Okay, I can see you don’t want to do this. Why don’t you just tell me what it’s for?” I asked calmly.

He buttoned his pants back up. “Okay, you know how a guy has a different part than a girl?” he asked, and when I gave him a confused look, he pointed to his pants.

Suddenly, I knew.


“Yeah, oh. They’re used for a means of preventing pregnancy. They slide right over the…” He waved his hand so he didn’t have to explain anymore.

I knew what he was getting at, so I didn’t have to question him. I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t see him put it on. I wanted to see what a guy looked like naked.

I needed to know what he looked like under his pants. He must be beautiful.

“I really feel like an idiot. We never had this kind of thing where I’m from. We had some kind of capsules for birth control, but that’s it. And only the couples who have already had kids are allowed to use them.”

“Wow. So they limit the number of kids you can have?”

“No, not really. I mean, if you have more than three and don’t want anymore, you don’t have to. But I guess it is sort of required to have so many. That’s one of the reasons why they assign marriage. They want to keep our kind going, and the only way to do that is to have kids.”

He nodded. “But people are going to have sex anyway, so why push marriage onto people if they don’t want it?”

“Who knows? It’s so stupid, though.” “I agree.”

“What’s lube?” I asked, holding up the bottle that said KY Jelly on it.

“Um…” he started, and then bent over to whisper into my ear.

I gasped and looked at him. He was wide-eyed.

He bent back down. “By the way, you won’t need it if last night was any indication.”

I ignored that and stood up. I wanted to touch every inch of Ethan, suddenly. I went to him and flicked open the button on his jeans, and tugged them down to his ankles in one swift motion.

“Lyla… What are you doing?” Ethan asked in a strained voice. He wrapped his arms around his belly, almost shy like.

I squatted down, and without answering him, made him take off his pants. I tossed them to the other side of the room. He just stood in his shirt and blue boxers.

I started feeling each of his toes. Then, my hands slid up his ankles and around to the back of his hard calves. The hair on his legs was prickly, but that didn’t bother me.

I liked it.

I gently slid up to his knee caps, and then around to the back of his thighs, sliding slowly up the whole time. I touched his butt cheeks, and then came back around to the front of his thighs, and lifted my hands, standing.

I wasn’t done with him yet.

I held my breath, purposely avoided his private area, and ran my fingers up until I touched the indents on both sides of his hips. Ethan grasped my hands, and gave each of my fingers a kiss.

I lifted up his shirt, and tossed it to the floor. I really wanted to see his bare chest again. I touched him, and he started breathing heavily.

I trailed my fingers up to his belly button, and traced it. I looked up at him, and he was watching my hands until suddenly his eyes met mine. I skimmed my hands up to the middle of his abdomen, feeling all the hard muscles under his soft skin. I kissed his belly, not thinking about it. His waist was narrow, and I found that so hot that my heart was racing out of my chest. He was skinny, but not overly so. He had a fit frame.

I gently touched both of his nipples. I pressed my palms onto his chest, his heart was pounding under my hand, and I pressed a kiss above it. He sucked in a breath, and kissed me on the lips. The kiss was almost urgent, but at the same time sweet. Oh, it was so sweet.

I rubbed his bare skin with the lightest of touches, and my heart flipped over a little bit. I ran my fingers around to his back, and then to his front again.

Next, my hand went up to his hard biceps, and then up to his shoulders. I went back down and touched each finger, and gave each wrist a soft kiss right next to his pulse. I took one finger and slid it up his neck until I was touching his jaw. I traced all the angles of his face, and up his cheek bones, following them to the base of his nose. I felt around both nostrils, and his breath was warm on my skin.

I touched his strawberry-red lips, and found them really soft to the touch.

I touched his ears, and his eyelids, and ran my fingers through his hair.

When his eyes met mine, I knew I was in trouble. His eyes held fire.

He circled his arms around my waist, and tumbled over to the bed with me. I sat down on the edge, and kissed his lower stomach, making him growl.


I could hear the need in his voice and thought about what I wanted to do back at the mall. I didn’t wanna suck at this, but there was only one way to get practice.

He sat there in just his boxers. I touched his man area with one finger, and trailed it from the end up to the top. It was hard, thick, and I was guessing about nine inches long. I thought I could feel his pulse under my finger, but I didn’t know if it was mine I was feeling.

“I wan