Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty



I watched in horror as Lyla shrunk, and was swimming inside of her clothes.

She stepped out of her shirt, and she was naked. Her hair was a little shorter, but her big blue eyes were the same. I can’t believe I was looking at my naked three-year-old girlfriend. God, I felt like a child molester. Even though

I didn’t find this desirable at all, it still felt wrong. I didn’t know how child molesters were attracted to young kids. It was sick. All of her curves were gone.

Oh, God.

I let go of a sob, and sank to the floor. I suddenly wanted to start rocking back and forth in a fetal position. I didn’t know if I could do this. I watched Rylan take out some of the new clothes that I had bought, and start dressing her. He was very professional about it. I made sure his eyes didn’t linger on any one area for too long.

“Rylan!” Lyla’s little voice said. I looked up, and she was giving him a hug. “I love you!” she squeaked.

Her voice was so small and high-pitched, it didn’t even sound like her. Oh my God, what was I supposed to do with a three-year-old? I was bound to go insane.

There was no way I was cut out for this.

“Lyla?” I whispered.

She looked at me and grinned. “I love you, Ethan, more than Rylan!” she shouted.

I smiled a smug smile. Even being small she knew what was best for her.

“Rylan kissed me tonight!” she hollered, and my heart dropped.

I started trembling. He did touch her, she fucking remembers! She didn’t even tell me. She lied. Why? What else did they do while I was gone? Did they have sex too?

If they had sex, I wouldn’t even be able to handle it. My heart would burn out of my chest, and I would die. I would die one miserable bastard. And, if I didn’t die, I would never commit myself to someone ever again. That was a promise that I would keep.

“You kissed her?” I asked loudly, trying not to let anger enter my voice.

Rylan shrugged, and gave a small frown. “I didn’t mean to, but she did nothing to push me away. She kissed me back.”

She did, did she?

I would have to let it go for now. I didn’t want little Lyla to witness me beating his ass.

Lyla came running over in her My Little Pony shirt and the black yoga pants I picked out for her. She rushed into my arms, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She felt so frail in my arms, I was afraid to break her. I didn’t think I’d ever held onto someone so small before in my life.

“She doesn’t remember anything… does she?” I asked Rylan suspiciously. I didn’t want Lyla to remember the things we did last night. If she mentioned it, I was going to be sick. When she turned back to being seventeen, I don’t know if things could go back to the way they were. It felt so fucking wrong.

“She shouldn’t. Her memories should be suppressed enough that they will be a regular toddler’s thoughts. If she remembers something, she’ll most likely think it’s a dream.”

“So she won’t remember when we… When I…” I waved my hand around to try and explain what I was trying to say.

“When you what, Ethan?” he asked.

I knew he knew what I was trying to say, but I think he wanted confirmation for some fucked up reason.

I growled. “When we made love!” I whispered in a harsh tone.

Rylan shook his head, and furrowed his brows.

I stood up abruptly, and grabbed Lyla’s hand. “Okay, I guess I should be going now.”

Rylan nodded. “Please take care of her, Ethan.” he begged.

I snarled venomously. He held up his hands.

I got Lyla out to my truck and she was talking a mile a minute. I strapped her into the backseat, and shut the door. She kicked her legs back and forth, and I smiled. This might actually be fun.

I got into my truck and started it up, immediately backing out. I drove to my house listening to her sing a Slayer song from the backseat. I guess she does remember some stuff.

I just hoped that the thoughts didn’t run far enough to remember the orgasms and the kisses. God, I hoped she didn’t remember giving me a blowjob. If she remembered kissing Rylan, she just might. I slapped my hand over my face at the thought. My life was so fucked up right now.

“Ethan, I’m hungry!” Lyla yelled from the backseat. I glanced at her in the mirror. “Oh yeah? What do you want?”

She clapped. “A Happy Meal!”

I turned off of the road I was on and headed straight to McDonald’s. When I pulled into the parking lot, I jumped out of my vehicle and grabbed little Lyla from the backseat. I carried her inside, where we placed our orders. I found us a booth near the back, and sat Lyla down while I went and got the food.

I looked at her sternly. “Do not leave this seat, okay? I’ll be back.”

She nodded. “’Kay!”

When I got back, I pulled her chicken nuggets and fries from her bag, and she immediately began munching down.

I took a bite of my McChicken, and then took a sip of my Sprite. I popped a couple of fries into my mouth, chewed, and smiled across the table at Lyla.

“It’s delicious!” Lyla said loudly, stuffing a whole piece of chicken into her mouth. She played with her toy, and took a loud sip from her apple juice drink box, chewing up the chicken with the drink. She swallowed and started to cough.

I laughed. “Please don’t choke.” I really didn’t know what to do if she choked. I didn’t know CPR that well.

She shook her head from side to side. “I won’t, I promise, Ethan!”

When we were done, I drained my drink, threw the trash away, and took Lyla back outside to my truck.

When I got home, I grabbed her from the backseat and carried her into the house. I didn’t get very far when I heard my mom scream.

“Oh, my God, Ethan, where did you get a child?!”

She came rushing over, panicking. “Did you kidnap her?

Oh my God, oh my God! You’re going to go to jail. Oh my God! Take her back, take her back!”

I turned Lyla toward my mom. “Cherry!” My mom blinked in disbelief. “Lyla?”

I nodded, and got into detail about what happened. At one point, I thought my mom was going to pass out. I made sure she sat down before I continued.

Lyla fell asleep in my arms, and I carried her down the stairs, and laid her on the couch. I covered her up, and she snuggled into the covers.

I yawned, and went to lay down myself. I needed sleep after everything that’s happened today. I didn’t know how I was going to handle this. I felt like I was going to scream. The thoughts of her lips on Rylan’s… did they have something going on before she moved over here? I didn’t know, but I really wanted to. I would find out one way or another. If I had to choke the mother fucker to get answers, then that is what I would do.

I stretched out on my bed, and pulled out my phone. I gasped when I saw a picture of Lyla. I shut my phone off, and rolled over. I covered myself up as best as I could, and curled up on my bed, feeling helpless. I shivered, but not from the cold. I shivered because I would never think of my girlfriend the same way again.

There was no possible way.


I woke up when I heard little feet running around. I yawned and stretched, making the blanket get tangled around my feet. I rolled over to find Lyla standing next to my bed, doing a pee dance.

“I have to go potty!” she exclaimed, cupping her crotch and bouncing back and forth.

“Lyla, you know where the bathroom is. Please go before you have an accident.” I sat up and rubbed my face with my hand. I was exhausted. I could have used another eight hours of sleep.

“I need help. You need to help me, now! I can’t hold it! I have to go so bad I’m going to die!”

“Okay, okay.” I climbed off the bed quickly, and walked her into the bathroom. I stood there, not knowing what to do. “What do you need help with?”

“I can’t reach the potty!”

Of course she couldn’t. She was so short she would have to climb up there. I groaned and moved to her, pulling her pants down, and setting her on the toilet. She sighed in relief, and laughed.

“Do you have to go potty too, Ethan?” she asked.

I blushed. “I don’t know.” Why is she asking these questions?

“You do know! You have to tell me now, or I’ll never talk to you again, got it?” She was completely serious. “If you have to go potty, I’m almost done!” She grabbed some TP. “You better tell me, Ethan. Now. Because if you say you don’t have to, then I’m not letting you in here for another hundred-zillion hours. You will have to play with me forever and ever!”

Yes.” I admitted. “Is that a good enough answer for


She jumped down, pulled her pants up, and started trying to pull mine down.

“Hey!” I grabbed her hand, and gave it a light smack. “No!”

She giggled and shook her hand “Go potty.” she commanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Can you leave?” I asked her nicely. “Why?”

I need privacy.” “Why?”

Because I said so,” I was about to say screw it and walk out, but I had to go.

“Have you ever peed your pants?”

Good lord, what is her fascination with this? Will she drop it already? “When I was like, five,” I replied.


“Because I was a little kid, Lyla.”

“And now you’re bigger? You’re a big boy, and big boys don’t have accidents?”

I nodded.


“Because we can control ourselves better when we’re bigger,”

“Oh, so, you won’t have an accident anymore because you’re not a baby?”

I was about to if she didn’t leave me alone. “That’s correct.”


I bit my lip. “Lyla…” “Yeah?”

“Please, drop it.” “Why?”

I wanted to smack her... It was sort of funny, but my bladder was seriously demanding immediate attention. I sighed. “Lyla, because I said so. Stop asking why… please. Can you, like, shut the door?”


“Because I have to go potty, okay? Remember when you woke me up? That’s how bad I have to go, too.” I tried talking to her so she would understand.

“How come you’re not doing a pee dance, then?”

I was about to start, soon. “Because,”

“Do you sit down to pee like me, or are you like my step-dad? He stands up. He’s like a garden hose. He lets me watch.”

My face blanched. My dad seriously has peed in front of her before? OMG. That wasn’t even cool. Screw it, I’ll just wait. Even if I did shut the door, it doesn’t have a lock, so she could just barge on in. I really didn’t want her seeing my dick, because then she might remember stuff…

I walked out of the bathroom, ignoring my need.

“Didn’t you say you had to go pee?”

“I changed my mind.” I mumbled. I picked up my phone, turned it on, and texted Katie. I really wanted to talk to an adult right now.

What’s up?

Nothing much, just watching TV. What are you doing?

I thought about what I was going to tell her. Rylan was supposed to tell them I was on vacation tomorrow, so whatever I told her right now should be forgotten. I’m watching my three-year-old niece.

Oh God, how is that going? Hey, what’s Lyla doing? She’s staying with you, isn’t she?

It’s going okay, other than the fact that she won’t let me use the bathroom. And yes, Lyla is staying here with me.

If she won’t let you go, then just go in front of her, that’s what I do when my little brother follows me into the bathroom. Remember when you came over and he did that?

Yes, I remember, and no, because she wants to watch me. It’s different for you, because you sit down. Think of it this way, she could look at my… thing.

Ha-ha, well, don’t wait too long or you’ll get a kidney infection. Wait, where is Lyla? Have her watch your niece! Oh, I have to go! I didn’t realize the time. I have to get to bed so I’m not tardy again to 1st hour. See you tomorrow!

Lyla is helping my mom. See ya. ILY GN.

Love you too, GN Ethan. img2.png

Okay, I had to text Hannah now.

Hey, are you awake? I typed, sitting on the couch. Lyla looked over my shoulder, and I was sort of glad she couldn’t read when the response came through.

Kinda… What are you doing, Ethan? Do you need some sex advice? I have this good thing called a super tongue spinner that I could teach you to do. Lyla would love it.

No, nothing of that nature, I was just wanting to talk to you.

Oh, okay, so, what’s up?

Nothing much, just bored. WBY?

Lying in bed, trying to read over my SS notes for the test tomorrow.

Okay I’ll let you go then, get back to studying.

TTYL img3.png

As soon as I set my phone down, Lyla started to complain that she was hungry. I sighed. This was going to be a long night. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly eleven. That means I’d slept for almost six hours.

I watched her run up the stairs, and bust into the door to the kitchen, making it smack off the wall, it hit so hard it almost slammed back shut. “I want cereal!” she yelled, not even waiting for me to finish climbing the steps.

“Okay, but you need to be quiet, my mom’s asleep.” I said.

She nodded, and put a finger to her lips, giggling quietly. She tip-toed across the floor, and was really dramatic about it.

I wanted to roll my eyes.

I got her out a bowl and filled it up to the top with Fruity Pebbles. I stuck a small spoon inside, and then drenched it with milk.

She immediately dug in, slopping milk and stray pieces of cereal all over the floor. I leaned over to wipe her face, but she smacked me away. “Lyla… can you stop being so messy?” I asked nicely. She stuck her tongue out at me, and made a blah sound. Lucky for her I’ve got the patience for this.

When she was done, she tipped the bowl over, trying to drink the remnants, and ended up spilling milk all over herself. Great, now she needed a bath. Maybe I should wake my mom up for this… She would know what to do. She’s had a kid. Me? I was skipping infancy and going straight into the toddler years.

Speaking of the devil, my mom came into the kitchen. She had a robe wrapped around herself, and she sat at the table with a yawn.

“I’m sorry she woke you up, Mom.” I said softly. “I tried to keep her as quiet as possible.”

She waved her hand. “No big deal, I was about to get up anyway.”

I leaned against the counter, and shifted from side to side. Yeah, I really should have my mom watch Lyla while I go take a leak.

My mom giggled. “Ethan? Are you seriously doing a pee dance?”

I blushed furiously. “No!” I said a little too quickly. She gave me a “yeah right” look.

“Ethan said he had to go potty five hours ago, and he never went.” Lyla said. Even though it’s been like, twenty minutes, not five hours.

“Ethan!” My mom said.

Lyla insisted on watching me.” My mom tsked. “Ethan, go.”

I didn’t object. My mom held Lyla back when she started to follow me.

When I came back, my mom was staring at Lyla in a weird way.

“Do you need help?” she asked, gesturing to the state Lyla was in. Her shirt was drenched, and she had cereal in her hair.

“I need help giving her bath.” I admitted, beginning to wipe up the mess off the floor.

Lyla started jumping around and clapping. “Bath, bath, bath!” she chanted, stripping off her shirt. “Bubbles! Pink bubbles! Blue bubbles! Red bubbles!” Next came her pants, until she was just in her underwear. She ran around and started shaking her butt. “Purple bubbles. Green bubbles!”

I let go of a loud laugh. Little Lyla was pretty comical.

My mom giggled. “I’ll run the bath in my room. I’m sure she will love the jets in the tub!”

I groaned. I could only imagine what kind of mess Lyla would make in a tub that size. “Mom… maybe you shouldn’t… She’s going to make a mess everywhere. I can take her back downstairs.”

“Shut it. Let me have some fun. I haven’t had a baby around in years!” she said, getting up, and heading upstairs to her room.

Lyla pouted and stomped her little foot down. “I’m not a baby! I’m a big kid!”

I grabbed Lyla and began walking up the stairs with her.

Ethan, did you go potty?” I laughed. “Yes, I did.”

She made airplane noises as she looked over my shoulder down the steps. I could hear my mom singing a song she used to sing to me when I was young. It touched my heart; I hadn’t heard it in years.

Little one don’t be afraid,

I’ll hold you close to my heart every day.

Give me all your worries and don’t you cry,

I’ll make sure you reach the sky.

I love you so very, very much,

I’ll show you with every touch.

I’ll snuggle you and keep you warm,

Even through the most dark and scary storm.

I smiled. Maybe having little Lyla around would make my mom happy. I finished walking the rest of the way up the steps and went down the long hallway. I met my mom inside the bathroom where she was gently stirring some vanilla bubble bath in. She kept humming and singing until the tub was full. She shut it off, and grabbed Lyla from me.

My mom set Lyla on the ground, and I averted my eyes while she removed her under things. She then lifted her up and set her into the tub. She turned to me. “Ethan, you can leave. I got this.” she said with confidence.

“Yeah, Ethan!” Lyla cried happily, staring at me with her big blue eyes. “Cherry loves me; she’ll take care of me forever. Will you?”

I was struck speechless in one of the worst ways.

I walked out of the room before I burst into tears. Hot tears stung my eyes, making my nose burn from trying so hard to keep them in. I slid down the wall outside of my mom’s room and pulled my legs up to my chest.

Tears came quickly and fell fast; I really didn’t know why I was crying. I didn’t know if it was because my mom was so happy or because I didn’t know if I could care for Lyla the way she deserved. I listened to my mom talk to Lyla with soothing words, and I realized that she was actually making sense, and not talking gibberish. Maybe my mom will get better.

Lyla’s words echoed in my head. Will you? I started to ache.

I ached deep within myself. I’d never known such dejection until now.

I’d kept all my emotions bottled up, and this is what I got when they finally came out.

I was suddenly sadder than I was a minute ago. Could I take care of Lyla? Could I give her a forever?

Could I keep her safe? I didn’t have an answer to those questions, and my heart hurt terribly.

I dried my tears, and went back downstairs. I didn’t need my mom to see what kind of situation I was in, because then she would start to worry, and I didn’t want her to worry… She doesn’t need anything else on her plate at the moment.

I sat at the piano and played the song I made for Lyla and me. I let the music sweep me away. I added some parts to the music when she and I made love. It was sweet and beautiful just like her. I closed my eyes, and suddenly the music got angry when I thought about Rylan taking advantage of her while I was gone. What else did he do to her? God, she couldn’t even tell me herself. Her three-year-old self had to tell me what they did!

I slammed my hands down on the keys hard making an ugly sound, and growled loudly. I pushed away from the bench making it fall onto its side with a bang, and collapsed on the couch.

I didn’t know why I was so angry. Maybe they had to kiss in order for the spell to work. I hoped. I hoped she didn’t cheat on me… I hoped she wouldn’t do something like that to me. I’ve treated her good, I freaking love her…

If she did that on purpose…

I felt ice fill my veins, and I yelled in rage. I let an ice ball go, watching it slam into the floor. It broke apart, and a chill filled the air around me. I took deep breath, not knowing if I could trust myself with this sudden rage. I’d never felt anything like it before, it was terrifying me.

I calmed myself down enough to go back upstairs when I heard Lyla was done with her bath. When she grows up again in two weeks, she’s got some explaining to do. I won’t take no or any excuse for an answer.

I loved her so much, and I couldn’t stand the thought of her kissing another guy. Maybe Rylan just took advantage of her… She wouldn’t purposely hurt me, would she? I totally don’t do the cheating thing. She can ask Miranda. She knows all about it.

When I got to my mom’s room, I found Lyla dressed in a one of the pink nightgowns that I bought her.

My mom was sitting on her bed, brushing Lyla’s long hair, and giving her soft kisses on the cheek. I smiled.

All of my anger melted away at the scene in front of me. I couldn’t stay mad at Lyla. I knew I would forgive her when she got big again. I wouldn’t throw our love away. It had to have been an accident. And even if it was on purpose, I would forgive her anyway.

As long as she never did it again. God, I hoped she never did it again. I wouldn’t be able to stay with her if she did.

When Lyla saw me, she jumped up, and ran to me. She held up her arms so I would pick her up, and I did just that. I cuddled her sweet-smelling body to my chest, thanked my mom, and carried her back downstairs.

She yawned, and was closing her eyes. I laid her back on the couch, and she fell asleep almost instantly. I wouldn’t let her sleep in my bed just in case she fell off.

My bed was tall. Big Lyla even had issues getting up there sometimes.

I returned to my own bed and got under the covers.

I pulled out my phone to look at Lyla’s pictures. I flipped through the album, and found a picture that Lyla must have taken, in that damn silky bra I bought her for Valentine’s Day.

Desire hummed low in my stomach, and I had to roll over onto my stomach to suppress myself. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this stuff. My need to be physical was great, and I wished Lyla would turn back to an adult.

Even after thinking that things couldn’t go back to the way they were, I wasn’t so sure on that right now. My wanting was overcoming all of those earlier thoughts.

I groaned softly, rolling back over.