Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Three



A day later I was standing in front of a big brown building with a purple backpack slung over my shoulder. I glanced around and sought out a sign. Whitmer High School. I sighed.

I never thought I would be going back to school. Rylan forged my ID and stuff just to get me enrolled here. He told me if anyone asked me about my last school to tell them that I was home-schooled, and that I lived in Michigan.

Okay… that I could do.

Everything was so different in this world. There were so many different kinds of vehicles, restaurants, stores, and all that snazzy stuff. I even learned about the TV. Rylan promised to take me shopping today after school to get me some new clothes, and toiletries and things like that.

I was wearing someone else’s clothes that Rylan found in his guest bedroom. The jeans were pretty tight, but they would have to do for now. I put those thoughts out of my mind as I stared up at the building.

I was something they called a senior. I was a twelfth grader, or whatever. I had totally skipped out on being in ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade! How lucky am I? I bet everyone would be jealous if they knew. That thought alone was enough to make me feel arrogant. Okay, when do I ever feel arrogant? That so isn’t Lyla style.

I started moving again and nimbly walked up to the doors. Kids were milling around everywhere… talking and laughing. Then I smelt the burning tobacco. What kid smokes? That isn’t even right. Parents really need to keep a closer eye on their kids. Or, they just don’t give a shit what their kids do. If I ever got caught with a cigarette, my mom would have me out on my backside in two seconds flat.

I pulled the door open and stepped into a crowded hallway. I was told I had to go to the main office. That’s where I’m supposed to pick up my schedule and locker combination and all that fun stuff that I had totally no experience in. I moved in the general direction that I was told the office was at.

As soon as I found it, I stepped inside.

I walked up to the desk and was greeted by some old, fat woman who looked like she had a stick shoved up her ass. I plastered a grin on my face and told her I was the new girl.

“Okay, right this way,” she said, standing up. She started waddling like a duck over to the door with a sign that read, Mrs. Hop, guidance counselor. She knocked on the door, and it swung open immediately.

A tall woman with short brown hair was standing there. She had on a weird looking dress that was sparkly and about a million bracelets on her wrists.

I was ushered inside, where I was told to sit in an uncomfortable chair. The woman booted up what people call a “computer”, another stupid piece of technology that I didn’t see the use for. I sat down swinging my legs back and forth, waiting for her to speak.

“Okay, Lyla, I’m printing up your schedule, and getting your locker number. Did you want an aide for the day so you know where all your classes are, or, did you want to attempt finding them on your own?”

“Uh, I’ll do it on my own.” I replied. I didn’t like relying on people, so I would have to make do today getting around by myself. I knew my classes wouldn’t be that hard to find… I hoped.

“Okay, that’s very brave of you knowing that you were home-schooled your whole life. You’re just ready to jump right in… huh?”

I nodded.

I took the papers, and glanced over everything. I didn’t know what any of the classes meant, but I knew I was about to find out.

I huffed and opened the office door, stepping out into the hallway. I took a left and when I came to the first set of stairs, I started climbing. Supposedly the senior’s lockers were on the top floor.

When I reached the top I kept my head down, only looking up when I had to see what number locker I was by. At last, I found mine. It was a tall gray door that was about a foot and a half across. I turned toward it and started dialing the number. With only the first try, I got it open. I did a motionless happy dance. I shut it and did it again three more times before I started off to the library to get my books.

A few minutes later, I entered the library, and it smelled of old books and some funky musty smell. It was like something had been wet too long and sat in a plastic bag and hasn’t dried kind of smell. It was kind of yucky, so I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

I handed the woman behind the desk my paper, and she told me she would get all my correct books.

While I was waiting on her, I started moseying around the aisles of books until I came to the mythology section. I glanced at the titles until a certain one caught my eye. It was something that I would never have imagined finding in a school’s library. I almost gasped out loud, but I stopped myself just in time.

The Truth of the Fire Bringers.

What in the hell?

I snatched it off the shelf quickly and stuck it into my book bag. I didn’t know if I was allowed to check things out yet, and I didn’t want to miss my chance on reading this. As sad as it was, I really didn’t know the truth about us, and usually books are pretty accurate in their information. I had to take it. When I was done reading it, I promised myself that I would return the book. I wasn’t technically stealing if I was planning on returning it— right?

I heard the librarian call my name and I rushed up to the front to take all my books. I tried to keep a guilty look off of my face. I glanced down and saw Biology II,

Geometry, Algebra II and Physical Science. They were all freaking huge books. My God, my old school never had this kind of stuff. The lady made me sign my name inside the front cover, and then I was all set to go.

I heaved the books into my arms and started for the door. When I reached it, I used my hip to prop it open, and hurried into the hallway. I groaned when I realized I would have to make another trip up the stairs to my locker, and then all the way back down to my first class. I had about five minutes to do all that until the bell rang.

I made it into first hour a minute before the warning bell went off. I stood in the front of the classroom, and the teacher just had to introduce me. My face burned with discomfort. I gave a small, silly, little idiotic wave to the class.

A couple of stupid girls snickered as I made my way down the aisle to my assigned seat. I sat down and lowered my head. A couple of the girls tried to meet my eyes, but I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. I knew they were whispering about me with each other. I’ve always had this kind of sixth sense about that kind of thing. I always knew when people were talking shit.

Halfway through the class I got so sick of their giggling and whispers, that I whispered my three magic words and sent a spark into the back of one of the girl’s heads.

Immediately, the smell of burnt hair wafted around the room. Another five seconds a small flame appeared, and the girl started screaming and patting her head.

“My hair’s on fire! My hair’s on fire!” she shouted over and over again. She was jumping around almost monkey like, and it took everything in me to not burst out in laughter. I bit my cheek hard to keep a straight face.

Half of the class was laughing while the other half was sending dirty looks to the kid that sat behind her. Uh oh. I didn’t even think about that. Now he would get into trouble because of me. There was nothing for me to do though, but sit here. How would I explain that I did it while I was sitting three feet away and no one saw me get up?

Our teacher, Ms. Hermit, directed a glance at the boy and her face turned so red it was almost purple.

I shot another look at the boy, and he caught my eyes with his. He was a pretty handsome guy. He had brown hair and blue eyes, and his hair was about three inches long and had a slight curl to it.

He shrugged his shoulders at me and had a slight smirk on his face.

“Ethan Killman! Get to the office now,” the teacher said in a deathly low voice that sent chills up my spine.

“The police will be here shortly.”

I watched the boy slowly get up and collect his things.

He sent daggers at the teacher as he walked out the door. He shut the door as hard as he could.

I thought it was going to break the windows. It actually hurt my ears because it was slammed that loud.

In an instant the teacher was on the phone with the police, and then she called the office to let them know a “potentially dangerous” student was coming down. Now I felt bad.

And I mean really bad.

I couldn’t believe I just got someone in trouble— and that someone would most likely end up in jail.

I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t let him get in trouble because of something I did. It wouldn’t be right. I raised my hand into the air and waited until the teacher called on me.

“Yes, Ms. Hall?”

May I use the restroom?” I asked. “Can you wait another half hour?”

I crossed my legs and wiggled around to put on a show. “No.”

“Make it quick,” she said with a huff, giving me a wave in the direction of the door.

I got up fast. I walked out the door, and started off to the office. I was just going to tell them that I didn’t see

Ethan with anything that would start a fire. I had to make sure that he got out of this without going to jail. I can’t believe I used my magic in class. What was wrong with me?

I needed help.

I needed serious help.

I barged into the office and my gaze darted around until I found the boy. I ignored the glare from the fat lady sitting at the desk, and made my way over to him.

He had his hands together, and was twiddling his thumbs in a nervous gesture. His head was down. He was biting his lower lip and it looked like he was trying not to cry.

My heart sank just thinking about what was probably going on in his mind. I sat in the chair next to him, and put my hands into my lap. I widened my eyes slightly until he noticed I was there.

He lifted his head to look at me. A small, friendly smile found its way to his lips, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

He was genuinely quite adorable. His lips were plump, his blue eyes sparkled and were full of life, his skin was milky, and his hair looked really soft… God… Okay, I really needed to focus here.

“I’m sorry you got in trouble. I know you didn’t do anything, so I came down to be a witness.” I said.

He leaned back in his chair, and stretched out his long legs. He was wearing black jeans and a dark blue shirt.

“That’s okay, I know I’m innocent. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But do they know that?” I asked gently.

His face fell a little bit. “I guess not… but they can search me and they won’t find any lighter or matches or anything that I could have used to set that bitches hair on fire.” He let out a harsh laugh. “This is so messed up.”

“But you were sitting directly behind her, I’m sure—” My sentence was cut off as the door to the office banged open.

We both snapped our heads up as two guys in uniforms moved quickly to where we were sitting. They both had angry faces on, and I had a feeling that this wasn’t about to go down smoothly. I guessed these were the dreaded police officers that I have read about.

“Get on the ground, get on the ground!” one of the officers shouted at Ethan, making him shoot out of his chair and lay face first on the ground with his arms spread out to the sides. The officer automatically put his knee on Ethan’s back, and tied his hands up with something silver.

Something that looked a lot like metal… God, what did I get this poor boy into?

What have I done?

“Wait! You’re making a mistake! Ethan didn’t do anything! He and I were talking when her hair caught on fire! He didn’t have anything on him! I swear!” I shouted a little louder than I should have.

The officer that looked like a pitbull turned his attention on me. “So you’re his witness huh?” he asked, looking me up and down.

I felt his slimy gaze focus on my chest.

I nodded my head quickly, and ignored the urge to slug this mother fucker in the face. Trust me, I so wanted to.

“Check his pockets! He doesn’t have anything on him!”

The officer walked up to me and clapped me on the back. His hand slowly started to glide down my spine.

“Believe me, miss, we’re getting down to it.” He nodded in Ethan’s direction, showing me that the other guy was well on his way to searching him.

Ethan was standing with his feet apart, head down.

The officer’s hands were digging around in Ethan’s pockets. I almost let a sigh of relief out when the officer’s hands came up empty. He patted his legs and private area for good measure, but found nothing of interest.

“He doesn’t have any fire starters on him. I hate to say it, but this kid is innocent. I’ll check the cameras in the hallways to see if he stashed the lighter anywhere, but other than that, he is free to go. I can’t hold him for something he clearly didn’t do.” He unlocked the silver things from around Ethan’s wrists, and hung them from the back of his belt.

That’s when I noticed the black gun. I gulped.

I sent a quick, relieved grin in Ethan’s direction.

He gave me a look that was mixed with relief and astonishment.

The police officers sent us both back to class without so much as a second glance.

“Thanks for coming to my defense. You didn’t have to.” Ethan said. His hands were shoved into his jeans pockets. “You’re the new girl, right?”

“Yep,” I answered with a small grin. I noticed he was about six-feet tall, maybe a little more.

He stopped walking and turned to me. “My name is Ethan, which you already know… I don’t think I caught your name, though.”

“My name’s Lyla,” My left hand shot up to remove a stray piece of hair that fell into my face. I suddenly wanted to look good for him. It was an urge that I couldn’t shake. God, I was a sucky flirt. I batted my lashes, but it most likely came off as something being in my eye.

“Lyla… that’s a really pretty name,” he replied a little timidly. “Hey, come find me at lunch time. You can sit with me and my friends… see you around.”

I stood there like an idiot, watching him walk away.

“Wait, aren’t you coming back to class?” I called after him when he got halfway down the hall.

“Nah, I don’t feel like getting stared at. And by the way, I’m assuming the teacher didn’t know you came down to the office, so it would look like we just had sex if we came back together.” he whisper-shouted. He gave me a small wave and wiggled his eyebrows.

Holy hell.

I smiled to myself as I made my way back to my classroom. Sex? How the hell did that get brought up? I shook my head to clear the thoughts away. I mean, he wasn’t bad looking. He was downright gorgeous. But right now was no time for x-rated thoughts to consume my brain—I had classes to think about.

I entered the classroom and kept my head down until I went back to my seat. There was some work laid out on my desk. I picked it up. It said something about a Putnam Square… whatever the hell that was. It sounded like something from math class and not something from biology.

Biology was the study of life, right? That basically meant plants and animals, and humans too, I guess. I folded the work up and stuck it into my bag. Just in time too, the bell shrilled loudly letting me know class was over.

I noticed that the girl whose hair was on fire wasn’t in the classroom any longer. I didn’t like her, but I hoped I didn’t burn her too bad or anything. I kinda felt penitent in a way. Yeah, she was making fun of me and talking smack, but I seriously could have injured her. I bit my lip and tried not to think about it.

I grabbed up my class schedule for the next class. Yay me, it was right next door. I walked out of the room. When I got to the next class, the teacher had to introduce me…

Here we go again.



I walked away from the girl with a smile on my face. I thought she was really pretty. I had a weird urge to kiss her, but I held it back. I didn’t want her thinking I was a big pervert—which I wasn’t. Or, more importantly, I didn’t want the cops to come back and arrest me for sexual assault.

I snuck a glance behind me, and watched her strut away. I watched the way her butt moved when she walked, and it was the hottest thing ever. Her jeans were really tight, so there was nothing left to the imagination. They looked at least five sizes too small. Did I really say that comment about us having sex? I wanted to smack myself.

Nice way to try and impress a girl, I thought drily. There was no way I was going back to class after what happened. I didn’t even know how Miranda’s hair caught on fire, but I knew I didn’t do it. Maybe she deserved it for making fun of Lyla. I heard her and another girl laughing about her hair and clothes before it happened.

Miranda really wasn’t a nice person. I didn’t know what I ever saw in her.

I continued walking down the hall until I came to the front doors. I made sure no one was looking before I snuck out. I wouldn’t be outside long, but if anyone saw me they would think I was skipping.

Well, actually I was.

I walked around the corner of the building until I came across the famous Smoker’s Corner, as everyone called it. There were a couple of stoners standing there smoking weed, but they didn’t say anything to me as I slid down the wall. I pulled my legs up to my chest, and that’s when the one kid with bloodshot eyes said something.

“Hey, buddy, wanna hit?” he asked. His eyes were dilated, and he held out the half smoked joint to me.

I hesitated.

Oh, what the hell. Things couldn’t get any worse than they already were today.

I grabbed the joint, and put it between my lips, pulling in a long drag. I held it in my lungs, before slowly exhaling. I instantly started to get a buzz, and I was feeling pretty good. I took another hit. I’d only smoked weed a number of times. I didn’t want to make a habit out of it. I handed it back and said thanks.

Oh yeah, those two hits were totally enough to get me high.

Maybe I was too high. My ears started to burn, and I automatically started wanting Doritos… or pizza. Yeah, pizza sounded great—with extra cheese and a shit load of mushrooms... and chicken.

I sat there for a little while, in a stupor, until I heard the bell for second hour ring. I went back the way I came, and through the front door.

I got a couple of glances from the office people, but no one stopped me. Aren’t schools supposed to be responsible for who walks into their doors? I could have a gun or something. This school is big enough for them not to recognize that I even go here.

Man, I hoped I didn’t smell like dope.

I went to my locker and sprayed some cologne on, and made my way to the band room.

I got my trumpet out, and began playing some warm up exercises. Even being high, my brain still knew how to make music. I zoomed up and down the scales… Bb, Ab, F#, G... until the teacher came up to the podium to start class.

I got Sleigh Ride out of my stack of music, and set it on the stand. I began fingering the keys while looking at the music.

The guy that sat next to me coughed. “Dude, did you smoke pot? You smell like a fucking skunk.”

I rolled my eyes and didn’t say anything. I had gym next, so I knew I would be able to take a shower to remove the smell.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t want Lyla to smell it. I could picture her as the kind of girl who would turn her nose up at something like that.

“I heard you caught Miranda’s hair on fire this morning,” the same kid said after we were done playing. He laughed hard, and I wanted to sock him in the face. I can’t believe the whole school knows now.

Fuck me man.

“I didn’t. She did it herself to get attention, you know how she is. If she isn’t in the spotlight…” I trailed off.

Our band teacher Mrs. B raised her hands, and I instantly put my lips to the mouthpiece.

The rest of the class blew by, and so did gym. I ended up taking a long shower, almost making me late for lunch. I was really anxious about seeing Lyla, and I immediately started looking for her.

I didn’t even know if we shared a lunch period…

It didn’t take me long at all to spot her. Her gorgeousness stood out from the crowd. She was like a luminous star. A smile made its way to my lips, and I started for her.



By the time lunch rolled around my stomach was in knots.

I don’t know why I had the “bright idea” of coming back to school. I clearly didn’t know anything about Algebra or Physics, or that other stupid class I had. I didn’t even know what it was. I just sat there pretending to pay attention, hoping the teacher wouldn’t catch on to how dumb I was.

I felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

I should have just told Rylan that I’d graduated. He wouldn’t have known one way or another. I couldn’t believe it… All the lies I’ve been telling, and when I actually wanted to tell the truth, I didn’t.

I walked in the lunch room and looked around for Ethan, since he was the only thing close to a friend I had here. It didn’t take long for me to find him.

Actually, he found me.

His blue eyes lit up when he came walking over. He had an air of confidence to him, and I found that appealing. His brown hair was tousled, and it was curlier than it was earlier in the day. It looked as if he was outside in the wind.

“Hey, Lyla, let’s drop our things off and get into line. I’m starved.” he said, tugging on my arm so I would follow him. His skin was a little cold on mine, but it felt good. His skin was very soft—so soft it was almost sinful to be a guy’s skin.

I almost wished mine was that silky to the touch. Mine must feel like sandpaper against his. Just that thought made me want to snatch my arm back.

We both dropped our things off at a long table, and I followed like a little puppy behind him up to the food line. I had no idea what to get, so I just grabbed the same thing Ethan did, not knowing if I would even like it or not. I reached for a carton of milk, making Ethan’s hand bump into mine.

I blushed.

“Sorry.” I stuttered.

He shrugged. “No big deal.”

I followed him back and took the seat right next to him. I smiled, and he returned the gesture. His two front teeth were kind of crooked, but it looked good on him.

Suddenly he stuck the tip of his tongue out from between his lips, and wiggled something silver.

“What’s that?” I asked in awe, pointing to his mouth.

He opened wide and stuck his tongue out, flipping it around so I could see the underside of it. It was a piercing.

“That’s sweet!” I exclaimed. Maybe I should get one… No, it was most likely done with a needle. Forget it. Man, everything cool happened with needles, including tattoos.

“I know. That’s why I got it.” he said, wiggling his tongue back and forth.

I bet he could do some pretty hot stuff with that…

Omg, I really had to stop. I could almost kick James for telling me how guys could do things with their tongues.

That’s all I’d been thinking about lately.

I looked down at my plate, and whatever the food was, it was yellow, triangular shaped, and had red circles on the top of it. I felt stupid that I didn’t have a name for it.

Actually, I didn’t have a name for a lot of things here; I just went with the flow. I was going to call it the yellow triangle. Yeah, that was the perfect name for it.

I picked up my strange food and took a small, almost careful bite. My tastes buds zinged. I tasted tomato and cheese more than anything. Maybe some meat too, but I couldn’t be sure.

Oh wow.

Oh double wow.

I took another large bite and looked at my new friend. He shot me a smile and shoved half of his triangle into his mouth. I bit back a grimace, and shook my head. Guys could be such pigs—it didn’t matter which world they were from.

I looked up when the table shook, indicating some more students were joining us.

Suddenly, I was shy again.

A bright blue-eyed girl sat down across from me, shooting me a smile with teeth so white they had to of been bleached at some point. Her hair was strawberry blond, and she was super skinny. She wore a white blouse and black pants. The other girl that sat next to her had black hair that was cut into a short pixie style. She wore all black.

“Hey, who might you be?” the red-head asked. Great, more introductions. I mentally rolled my eyes. “My name’s Lyla. I’m new here.” I said.

“Ohhhh goody!” The raven-haired girl squealed. “’Bout time we got someone new! My name’s Katie, and this is Hannah.” she said, gesturing to her left.

I gave them a small smile and turned to Ethan. “Yeah, I found her wandering around the halls this morning lost like a little kitty cat.” he said dramatically. “I helped her find her way to class.”

Kitty cat?

“Did not,” I said in my defense.

“No, actually, Lyla helped me this morning. I was bound to get arrested if she hadn’t shown up in the office. I got blamed in first hour for setting stupid Miranda’s hair on fire.” he said with spite.

“I miss everything!” Hannah wailed. “Why does everything cool always happen in Ms. Hermit’s class? I wish I had her this year!”

“Ha! That dumb bitch deserved it!” Katie said loudly. Hannah nodded in agreement, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Why?” I asked, leaning forward. I was totally up for some drama.

“Well, that bitch is a popular, snide—”

I turned around slowly when I heard a throat clearing coming from directly behind me. The girl whose hair I nearly fried was standing there, glaring at us all

She slipped a hand onto Ethan’s shoulder, and smiled an arrogant smirk at me.

I sent one back.

“Care to introduce me to your new friend, Ethan?” she asked in a fake, sweet voice, nodding in my direction.

Everything about her looked fake—especially her boobs. I’ve never seen any so perky in my life. I had an urge to cover my chest. I mean, mine weren’t hanging down to my knees, but they weren’t perky, either. My face burned with humiliation—humiliation that I shouldn’t even have. No one had even talked about my breasts, but to me, it felt like they had.

Ethan shrugged her off. “Miranda, this is Lyla.” he said in a voice that held a touch of annoyance.

“Is that so?” she said, narrowing her eyes. “Oh, that’s right. I remember you from 1st hour.”

Ethan nodded. “Enough Miranda,” he warned. Miranda huffed, and stomped her foot like a child.

“What, do you like her or something?” she accused Ethan. “Look at her! I mean, like, she’s wearing stuff from Goodwill! Oh, and look at her hair. It’s long and has split ends, and it’s brown like shit and straight like hay! Her cup size is so small… what is it, a small B at most?”

“I said enough!” Ethan yelled, standing up to get into the girls face. “Leave now.” he said in an ominous, low voice that scared the crap out of me, even though his words weren’t aimed in my direction.

His voice was filled with ice.

Miranda recoiled back and flitted away.

She shook her ass while she walked… on purpose.

No one walks like that. She looked back every now and then, shooting me glares.

I couldn’t help but giggle; I even heard Hannah and Katie doing the same. I also couldn’t help but notice Miranda was a little jealous of me. I could tell by the tone of her voice and how she was acting. I’d dealt with girls like her before to know.

Some girls in the Summer Solstice were jealous that I was going to marry Tanner. This o