Getting Your Guy by Susan Stanislas - HTML preview

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Chapter 4:

How to Know If He is Interested in You?


In this chapter, you will learn how to read the signals that men give. This will help you know whether a guy is interested in you or they are just wasting your time.

Does he feel the same that you do?

Does he even notice you?

Does he really like you or is he just interested in sex?

There are so many times that women end up losing a lot of time on the wrong guy. This time wasted could have been invested in finding the right man. In addition, your focus on the wrong guy may prevent you from seeing the right guy who may have been right in front of you all along.

Signs That He Is Interested In You


The way a man sits next to you can tell you a lot. If he leans towards you or is seated with facing you then he is interested in you. A man who keeps his body faced away from you isn’t interested in you. Crossing one leg over the other also isn’t a good sign. This shows he is closing you out, if he crosses his arms around his chest that’s also a bad sign. Posture tells a lot and yes do want him to lean in close and not do the opposite of that.

A man will also use any excuse to touch you. They will brush hair from your face, lightly touch your hand, knee or arm. The touches are all good signs that he is interested in you.

The Eyes

The eyes tell a lot. If a man looks at you in the eyes, then he is interested. You should take up on this and smile as you look at him. This shows that you are interested too. However, if you are talking to a man who is looking around you and not at you, this isn’t a good sign. If he is looking at your chest instead of your face, then this is definitely the wrong man.

A man who looks into your eyes as he talks to you in interested in you.

How he looks at you can also tell you if he is a good listener or not. A guy who is interested in you will listen keenly when you talk. They will show an interested in getting to know you better. If he is just talking about himself then he is not interested in you.

He will also keep laughing or smile when you talk to him even if you aren’t the funniest person in the world.

You Keep Bumping Into Him

When you suddenly start bumping into a guy so many times, you should think about this. It could be that these accidental meetings aren’t so accidental after all. The man may be hanging around your favorite places juts to see you. You have to make the most out of these little meetings. Talk to him a little bit.

A guy who likes you may start changing his schedule so as to keep bumping into you.

He Shows an Interest In Things That You Like

A guy who likes you will show interested in things that you like. For instance, if he likes watching sports and you don’t, he may try and watch something else that you like instead of trying to get you to watch the game. He will also get interested in things that make you happy even if he isn’t into them. For instance, if you are a poet, a guy who likes you will ask you about this. They may also show ask to read some of your work. However, if he says “I don’t like the whole poetry thing, I prefer …..”That isn’t a good sign.

Signs That He Isn’t Interested

He doesn’t contact you. If a man likes you, he will want to see or at least talk to you. If he has you number and he has never even called you then this is a sign that he isn’t into you. It doesn’t matter whether he is shy or not!

If he has your number and yet he never calls to ask you out, then he isn’t interested in you.

Drunk and Dialing

A man, who only calls you late at night when he is drunk, isn’t interested in you. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t even respect you at all. It doesn’t matter if he calls and sings and even says that he loves you. You should never justify that he didn’t have the guts to call you when he was sober because he is shy or busy.

If he only calls you late at night especially when he is drunk, then he isn’t into you.

He Doesn’t Listen or Talk Much When He Is With You

A man who doesn’t seem to pay attention to you when you are together isn’t interested in you. For instance, if he seems more interested in checking out the waitress than in listening to you then leave him alone. Also whether he is a talker or not, if he is too quiet when you are together this isn’t a good sign. He could be shutting you out and showing no interest in letting you get to know him. A man who is interested in you will engage you in conversation and pay attention when you talk.

In addition, if he seems distracted when he is with you then this is a bad sign. You may notice that he keeps texting or making calls when you are trying to have a conversation with him.

Shows Interest in Other Women

A man who openly or secretly flirts with other women isn’t interested in you. This is even disrespectful. If you catch him smiling at other women in a manner that you seems flirty then leave him alone. If he is constantly talking about other women then this is also a bad sign. Why would he be telling you about the hot new intern at his office? This isn’t someone who likes you at all.

If a man is constantly flirting with other women or checking them out even when you are together, then he isn’t interested in you.

Friend’s Zone

When a man isn’t interested in you he will push you to the friend’s zone. He may even start referring to you as “sis or buddy”. This clearly defines the type of relationship that he wants from you. He may even start introducing you to other people as “my friend”. This is bad especially if you have made some good progress in your relationship to signify that the next step is officially dating.

You may also be put in the friend’s zone without even being told anything. The man will start treating you as just one of his friends. If you make plans to meet, he may bring someone else with him. The plans will also not be romantic and may just a regular hang out between friends.

If he starts involving other people in your plans and introducing you as his friend. He may not be interested in anything more than friendship.

Signs That He Is Just Interested In Sex

Most women tend to confuse intimacy with love. They assume that a guy, who is sleeping with them, must have feelings for them. It is also general assumption that sex is a part of a relationship. However, you may not be in a relationship with the man you are sleeping with. You may think this is love but to him, it’s just a good time.

What Does He Talk To You About?

A man, who is interested in just sex, will most likely constantly talk about this. When you try to tell him about your new job, he may show interested in other things such as “the two of you celebrating this”. He may also not show interested in talking about the future with you. He may seem overly seductive all the time even when you are interested in having a serious discussion with him.

You may also find out that he is pushy about physical intimacy. He may keep trying to get intimate with you even when you aren’t in the mood. If you turn him down, he will keep pushing or he may seem angry and just walk away or end the conversation.

What Do You Do When You Are Together?

There are people who claim to be dating but have never even been on a single date. If a man juts wants to come over to your house or have you over to his house then this isn’t a good man. You should have a relationship outside the bedroom. You should be seen in public together and not just spend all your time behind closed doors.

A man who is genuinely interested in you will want to do other things with you apart from just having sex.

In addition, such a man is most likely to leave immediately after sex. They may not even stay around for breakfast. This is the kind of guy who slips away very early and at times before you even wake up.

What Kind Of Phone Calls Does He Make?

If a man only makes boot calls to you then he is only after sex! If he never calls to find out how you are doing, then you should really consider the fact that he may not be genuinely into you. If he just says, “Hey, how are you, can I come over tonight? This isn’t checking up on you. If he really wanted to know how you are doing, the coming over bit wouldn’t even arise. If these are the only types of calls that you get from him then you need to open your eyes and realize that he isn’t the right man for you.

How Well Do You Know This Man?

Have you even met any of his friends yet? Do you know what job he does? Do you know anything about his life? A man who is just interested in sex will never tell you much about him. He won’t volunteer any information and if you ask him, he will say very little or brush you off.

Trust Your Instincts

If you feel like there is something wrong with your relationship, then probably there is. Women normally have very strong intuition. If a man is cheating on them or just talking them along for a ride, they will be able to tell. Trust your gut feeling. If you think that the man only wants sex, then he does! If you have any doubts about the man’s intentions then you should trust your instincts.