Getting Your Guy by Susan Stanislas - HTML preview

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Some Tips

Mutual Friends

Many couples have met through mutual friends. It’s very okay to ask your friends to set you up with someone. You may find the perfect man has always been close by. Let your friend know what you are looking for so that they may introduce you to the right guys.

Alternatively, just hanging out with your friends can help you meet some nice men. Your friend doesn’t even have to do any introductions or set you up on blind dates. However, once you find a guy that you like, you can try and get some information about him from your friend.

The Gym

Your local gym could be exactly where your dream man is hanging out. Statistics show that many women meet nice men in the weights section of the gym. Think about starting to work out. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Besides, you also get to get in shape as you look around for your man.

The gym is a great place to meet guys.

Games - Baseball, Basketball

Men like sports. You will find them watching baseball, basketball, football and many other games. You can meet a good guy at one of these games. You can go to a sports bar or a stadium where there is a game. This especially works in your into sports. It gives you something to talk about. Get one of your friends to accompany you so that you don’t feel awkward.


Your friends weeding can be the perfect place for you to meet a nice guy. In addition, the environment is normally well suited for romance. Take some time to mingle at the wedding reception or the evening party.

However, you have to be careful. There are men who prey on women at weddings under the assumptions that many women are normally desperate at this time. These aren’t good men. So you should be careful not to rush things before you know anyone better.

You can meet the perfect man at weddings.

Dating Sites

There is a lot of negativity surrounding online dating. This is because of the lies that occur in this kind of meetings. Many people take advantage and pretend to be someone who they aren’t. However, some of these chats actually lead to something more serious. There are so many people who mate their soul mates online and have managed to build good meaningful relationships.

One thing that is very important when it comes to online dating is being cautious. Don’t just reveal all your personal information to strangers. You should also avoid meeting people before you get to know them better. Keep an open mind and realize that not everyone may be who they say they are. However,  being  open-minded  and  cautious  shouldn’t  keep  you  from making the right decisions and meeting the right person.


This is one of the best places to meet nice guys. Taking a break from work and going away can be the first step that you make towards meeting your man. If you feel like your current schedule can’t allow you to meet guys, take a break from it and go away for a while.

Music Clubs-Watching Bands

You can meet a nice guy while watching a band. This isn’t a regular club scene but more of a nice atmosphere with your favorite band playing some good music. This is a great way to connect with someone who you have common interests with.

A Gadgets Stores, Comics, Science Fiction Conventions

This is another great place to meet guys. Most guys who hang out at these places are smart guy who can make very good partners. Not all geeks are dorks by the way, you may be surprised to find a very hot guy in these places. Next time you want to go and buy an IPod, take some time and look around you.


If you are a Christian, you can meet a very nice guy in Church. Although not all men in churches are good, most of them are. Getting involved in activities such as ministries or clubs can be helpful. You can also volunteer in activities such as feeding the homeless. This will give you a chance to meet a guy with a good giving heart.

Restaurants-Coffee Places

Coffee houses are also a great place to link with someone nice. Most Coffee houses are also a great place to link with someone nice. Next time you are on a break, go to a nice place with a book or your laptop and have your coffee. You don’t even need to go with someone else. You actually have better luck if you go alone since this will make you more approachable.

Your local coffee joint could be the place where you will meet your perfect man.

Business Conferences

If your work allows you to travel on business, you can use this opportunity to meet the right guys. They don’t have to be your colleagues or even the people at the conference. You can meet a guy even at the lobby of the hotel you are staying at. After your meetings, you should take time to mingle and visit one of the local places. If you don’t have time, then have your meals or a drink in the hotels common areas instead of your room.

Throw a Party At Home

Your perfect guy could just walk through your door! Think about hosting a party at your home. Then invite your friends and let them bring their friends. This doesn’t have to be an expensive party. Most house parties allow visitors to bring their own drinks. You can ask your friends to each bring some wine or food whichever they like.

However, make sure that you don’t end up making any rush decisions. Watch the amount of alcohol that you consume. You should also avoid sleeping  around  or  doing  anything  that  may  give  people  the  wrong impression of you. Ensure that you mingle with people other than just your friends. This is how you will get to meet someone new!

Holding a simple party at your house could enable you to meet a nice guy.