Getting Your Guy by Susan Stanislas - HTML preview

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Why Will He Leave

Trying to Rush Things

When you meet the perfect man, you may immediately start thinking about what you can do to ensure that you have him forever. It’s common to picture yourself with this man, living in a nice house and even have kids. You may already see yourself in that white dress on your wedding day. It’s okay to dream and want all these things. However, keep them to yourself!

If you start telling a guy about how much you want to get married soon, you will scare them away very easily. If you have just been dating a few months, starting up random topics about marriage is a turn off. Don’t also try to be smart by dropping cute hints without really saying it. Don’t pretend that you have accidentally switched to a program about new moms and kids. You should also stop telling him about all your friends who have gotten married or are having kids.

Trying to get a guy to meet your parents too soon is also pushing him. Don’t even try to get them on the phone to say hi to your mum. These are scary tendencies that most men hate. It makes them panic because they think that they have lost all the power over their futures. They may also start feeling that they are working on some deadline. This makes them focus on the things that they wanted to do before settling down.


Men really hate being nagged. Some women start nagging their men and complain to them too much. No man wants to be constantly told what he needs to be doing. Men also hate being followed around by women seeking attention. You need to have your own life and stop bugging him.

Scorning a man or comparing to other men to make him feel inadequate will push him away. You need to learn how to make him feel appreciated.

Constantly nagging a man can easily push him away from you.

Silent Treatment

Most women like to adopt this stratgey to express their anger or hurt. Even if you have just a man or have dated him for a while avoid this habit. If he said that he would call you then he fails to, ask him about it, and don’t give him the silent treatment. Some women tend to carry this on in the hope that the man will realize where he went wrong and make amends. If a man is late for the date, sulking and keeping quite will ruin your date and at the same time put him off especially if he had a good reason for the lateness.

Shrugging your shoulders, being cold and saying “nothing” when he asks you what’s wrong is simply annoying. If you are angry or hurt, express yourself with words. Don’t expect him to read your mind.

The silent treatment is a bad habit that pushes men away.

Being Too Possessive

Just because he is with you, doesn’t mean that you own him. You can’t start trying to control how he lives his life. Asking him about every woman he says hi to is just being too much. Trying to control his communication and how he interacts will push him away. If you meet his friends, even if you think they are immature, don’t go telling him this.

You should also avoid trying to spend every single minute of every day with this guy. You can’t follow him around and sulk when he starts looking for some time apart. Try and have your friends and activities that you can do. Also give him the space to enjoy his own independence.

Looking Down On a Man

You may be more educated or earning a netter salary than him but this doesn’t mean that you have to boast about this. Don’t make him feel like he is inadequate. You should also avoid comparing him with other men. Learn to respect your man and show him that you appreciate and value him and the role that he plays in your life.

Trying to push him to get a new job or change his life to meet your requirements will only push him away.

Trying To Change Him

Maybe the man you meet may not have everything that you need in a man. They may also have some traits that you don’t like. Trying to change this man to who you want him to be may bring about feelings of resentment. Don’t try to change his dressing or how he does things. Don’t go over to his house and start rearranging this and adding stuff that he hasn’t even shown interest in.

Trying to change a man will only push him away.
