Getting Your Guy by Susan Stanislas - HTML preview

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Chapter 1:

Are You Ready to Meet the Man of Your Heart’s Desire?


Before embarking on the strategies that can help you win the heart of the perfect man, it’s important that you consider whether or not, you are ready for this. In this chapter, we look at some of the factors to consider before you start looking for Mr. Right.

Are you ready to meet the perfect man?

Are you ready to date again after your breakup?

Why are you looking for the perfect man right now?

Sometimes women think that they are ready for love but in actual sense they aren’t. This is something even a man can tell. Before you start trying to win him over, first ensure that you are ready for this. You should be in the right place especially emotionally and psychologically.



Are You Happy With How Your Life Is Right Now?

Many women make the mistake of assuming that finding the perfect man is what will make them happy. If you are waiting for a man to complete you, then you aren’t ready to find the right man. You need to get your life together first. Ensure that you are living the kind of life that you want. You should have dreams that don’t all involve a man.

Mr. Perfect will not be responsible for fixing your life and giving you a reason to wake up every day. Such a woman will have problems meeting the right kind of man and keeping him around, a man who sees this kind of desperation will either run away or even take advantage of you.

If you are sad and depressed and just waiting for a man to make you happy, then you may not be ready to meet the man of your heart’s desires.

Have You Gotten Over Your Last Relationship?

You can’t find the right man if at all you are still holding on to the past. If you are still crying about your breakup and are looking for a new guy to fill the void then you aren’t ready yet. You may actually chase away a good guy at this point. If you meet a nice man and you keep talking about your ex or comparing him to the ex, this can push them away.

Don’t carry the anger, bitterness of your last relationship with you. Just because your man cheated on you doesn’t mean that all men will. If you still have these negative feelings you may not be ready to meet a new man. You may even project this feeling onto the new guy.”Please don’t ever cheat on me, if you do ill find out” This isn’t something you should be saying to someone who you are hoping to have a relationship with. If you are still hurting over your last relationship, give yourself a little time to heal before you start looking for the perfect man.

Do You Know What You Want?

If you don’t know what you want, then you will end up falling for any guy. This makes it very easy for you to make the wrong choices. You should have a clear idea about what you want in a man. This doesn’t mean that you have a checklist. It just means that you have to figure out what you want. Find out what you want from the man. This will give you a great insight on what to look for when you meet a guy.

How Do You Feel About Yourself?

Some women will only believe that they are beautiful if a man tells them so .If you are in such a place in your life, then you aren’t ready for your man yet. You have to work on building your self-esteem and making yourself a much better as an individual, If you aren’t happy just being you, how do you expect to be happy as a part of a couple. Insecurity isn’t a trait that men want to see in a woman that they love. You have to be confident in yourself and avoid being insecure and too unsure about yourself. Don’t expect a man to make you feel better about yourself. This may bring you disappointments especially if he doesn’t fulfill your emotional needs.