Serve God
In Sunshine or
Linda L. Linn
Gladly Serve God In Sunshine or Storms
Linda L. Linn
Revised edition of December, 2023
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Printed by TheBookPatch in the United States of America.
About the Author
The author, Linda L. Linn, has lived in Colorado all her life. She has believed in, and loved Jesus since she was a young child. When not doing housework, cooking or baking, she likes to play the piano, write stories, sew, and read. She also enjoys travel and photography.
Before she retired, she enjoyed teaching first, second, and third graders in the public school system for 27 years. She and her husband, Richard, have traveled to see much of God’s beautiful creation in the western United States. They are presently living in Montrose, Colorado. She hopes you enjoy this novel.
This novel is dedicated with gratitude to
the one and only God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He is the supreme and sovereign ruler,
and He is the only one deserving of our praise and service.
Who might be the next to fall in love in Pine City and find a loving spouse so they can be married and serve God together in unity? Maybe somebody we haven’t met, because the ones we already know aren’t ready to start thinking in that direction yet, but give them time. As you read this third novel in the Sunshine Series, be looking for clues about the unmarried people in the Character list which is in the Addendum. Some will get married and some will decide to stay single.
Either way, how much can the people in Pine City do for Jesus before he returns? You’ll get to notice how Jesus loves and leads some his followers to love and serve him in new or old ways. You might also get some ideas of places where you might like to travel.
Maybe you’ve wondered what happened during the amount of time the author skipped at the end of the second novel in this series. This book fills in some of that interval.
If you haven’t read the first two novels in the series, it would be most helpful for you to read “Everywhere There’s a Sunrise, Let’s Tell the Good News, and “Rejoice as the Sun Shines on Restorations,” before you read this one, “Gladly Serve God In Sunshine or Storms.” All three books are available to buy as printed copies from thebookpatch.com. Or you could get each of these books as ebooks or PDF files, free of charge from free-ebooks.net and read them in the right order.
This is a work of fiction, except for the Bible Scriptures, which are God's Word and are therefore true. The State and National Parks and Monuments and some other areas are real places which some of the people in this novel travel to visit. No person in this novel exists in real life except for God the Father, God the Son, (also known as Jesus, the Messiah), and God the Holy Spirit. All the other characters, places and events in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental. But, many things in the story, and especially the miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit can really happen.
This novel is meant for adults, not children, although with parental guidance, it has parts children might learn from or enjoy.
Scriptures are shown by italics, and are this author's paraphrase of the King James Version of the Holy Bible. I chose the King James Version because it has no copyright. Basically, what I do is to change words like "thee" and "ye" to "you", "thy" to "your", take the "eth," etc. off words, and sometimes use synonyms, or change the word order to make it sound like more modern English. You can do the same thing as you read the suggested old hymns in a hymnal.
The author encourages you to look up these scriptures in your preferred Bible translation and read them there also. The Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs chosen for this novel really do have meaningful words and teachings. I encourage you to look up each hymn and spiritual song in a hymnal or songbook.
If you don’t have a hymnal or a songbook, try looking up the title of the song on the web to find the lyrics. Reading the lyrics for the songs, finding pictures of the real places people travel to, and other things the characters look up on the web could enhance this story if you can take the time to do it. Just type the song title, name of the national park or any other topic into the search engine for the web and you can find a wealth of information.
There’s a list of the characters and horses in this story in the addendum at the end of this novel. It might help you to keep track of who is who as you read. Maybe you’ve wondered what happened during the amount of time the author skipped at the end of the second novel in this series. This book fills in some of that interval. You might also get some ideas of places where you might like to travel.
If you decide to print the novel from a PDF file, you can use a regular bookmark to keep track of where you stop. If you are reading it off the computer screen, just write down the page number where you stop reading. If you are using an ebook viewer for an ebook, it should have an electronic bookmark.
1 Corinthians 7:2,8b,26,38b,
Paul was single and advised, to avoid adultery, let every man have his own wife, and every woman have her own husband, but he said to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I, … because of the present distress…” he concluded, “he who gets married does well, and he who doesn’t does better.”
Anita was talking to her husband, Don Ross, who pastors Grace ‘n’ Faith Church #4. Their children Timmy and Mary were asleep.
Anita shared, “I’ve been wondering who in our congregation might be the next to fall in love and get married.”
“Yes, I’ve been wondering about it also,” Don agreed. “There is that one couple who have been dating for so many months already, but it’s hard to tell yet where it might lead.”
Anita remarked, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they do, pretty soon though, because they’ve been dating for so long already.”
He nodded, “This is one of the good things about this job. We usually get to know about these things before the rest of our flock learns about them.”
This prologue contains some of the people in their congregation and what they are thinking or have thought in the past about getting married or not. In this story, it will be interesting to see what they do.
Riley was talking to his parents, Patrick and Glenda O’Connor, after Fiona’s wedding. “I don’t think it’s God’s will for me to get married right away. As I’ve been praying about it, I think it might be eventually, but right now I have the wrong kind of job. It would be hard to be a good husband when I’ll be gone so often and for long times as a salesman for my company.”
His dad, Patrick, nodded, “I’m glad you’ve prayed about this part of your life and are following God’s leading.”
“Yes,” agreed Glenda, “as your mother I’m especially relieved to hear about your decision and plans. And since you’ll be traveling so often, what do you think about getting an apartment of your own?”
He answered, “I’m undecided about it.”
“Well,” inserted Patrick, “Your room here is always a choice. It makes more sense than spending a lot of rent money on an apartment that will be empty so much of the time.”
“But I don’t want to take advantage of my parents and look like I’m not being responsible,” argued Riley.
“Nonsense!” exclaimed Glenda. “We’d love to have you here when you aren’t traveling. And I don’t care what other people might think. It was so nice to have Fiona living here when she came home from caring for Great Aunt Cara.”
Riley conceded, “Thank you both, I do enjoy living here, but I would feel much better about it, if I could pay you room and board.”
Patrick jumped in before Glenda could disagree, “How would it be if you pay us what you think your room and board would cost, and we put it in a special account earning interest to be your nest egg when you get ready to move out on your own and maybe get married? You could also save some more on your own.”
“I like the sound of this idea,” concurred Glenda. “In fact, if you will stay with us when you’re not traveling, I’ll extend my leave of absence permanently from my job and be a homemaker. Then when you aren’t traveling, I can enjoy some time with you like I did with Fiona.”
Riley exclaimed, “Thank you both! I’ll do it!
Tony Valdez, who is the assistant manager during the evenings at Fiesta Restaurante decided to remain single after his one and only date with Esther Beckett. He realized he couldn’t really consider marriage because he had chosen a simple lifestyle so he could serve his Lord better. He wanted to be available to do whatever God wanted him to do and not even think about getting married.
Ben Clay looked up from his project one evening to see his sister, Amelia, who was still a senior in high school, standing there waiting to be noticed. She asked her brother, “Ben, are you going to get married?”
He was a little surprised by her question, but answered, “I’ve decided I need to wait until I get started in my career and know that I have enough money to support a wife and family. Before that I still need to finish another year in the trade school so I can be a contractor. Besides, I’m also waiting for an answer from God about whether to stay single or get married.”
Amelia said, “I think what you just said makes good sense. I know I’m too young to think about it yet, even though some of the girls at school are planning weddings right after they graduate this year. I want to go to the trade school and learn all about how to run a business. Then I’ll start praying for the same guidance you are.”
“Your thinking is good, Amelia,” agreed Ben. “I think too many kids get married too young and then regret it.”
“Right!” exclaimed Amelia. “It’s a very important decision and if it is God’s will that I do get married, I plan to do just what Fiona did before she married Matt. She had a whole list of things to find out about him first. I’m glad they’re very happily married.”
“I am too,” stated Ben. “They make a perfect couple.”
Unice Logan works full time at Mercy Valley Ranch as the veterinarian for all the horses on the ranch and family nurse practitioner for the people who live there. She has never been married, and since she believes her job is her ministry, she hasn’t even considered getting married.
Aneko and her brother, Yoshi Suehiro, were remembering back to a time when they were eating supper at a restaurant in the city where they lived for a few years after finishing high school and a year at the trade school. Their conversation went like this.
Yoshi asked, “What do you think about this city where we both moved after a year each in the trade school in Pine City?”
“I don’t like it very well,” answered Aneko. “It was my idea to move here and see if I could get a good job and meet some other Japanese young people since there weren’t many in Pine City.”
Yoshi agreed, “I followed your lead for the same reasons, and my job here is only just tolerable. So far I haven’t found any young people who appeal to me.”
“How do you feel about marriage?” asked Aneko.
He responded, “I’m not sure if I ever want to get married. I’ve seen too many unhappy couples and divorces.
“I agree.” Then she added, “Mom and Dad have a very good marriage, but I fear those are few and far between.”
“You’re right,” and then Yoshi stated, “I don’t think our parents would do it, but I know that I don’t like the Japanese custom of the parents arranging their child’s marriage.”
Aneko exclaimed, “I don’t either! It would be scary and undesirable to marry a stranger and not know if you could ever love the person.”
He nodded, “I’d rather never marry than to have to do it that way. How’s your job here?”
She replied, “My job is not very good. It pays enough to support me, but it’s not very fulfilling. I’ll admit that I’m thinking about moving back to Pine City because it is a nicer city than this one and I miss the mountains and our parents.”
He admitted, “If you move back there, I would be even more lonely here, so maybe I’ll consider moving back there too.”
Shortly after that conversation they both did move back, became believers in Jesus, and started working with their parents in the restaurant, which had the name, Ami’s Japanese Restaurant.
During one of the conversations Ruth Beckett, Maria Gomez, and Pam Green had about marriage, Maria had mentioned, “Julie found a real gem for a husband. There aren’t many like that around.”
“For sure!” exclaimed Pam, “and that’s one of the reasons I decided to stay single. I definitely enjoy living in my little walkout basement apartment without another human being to please. Knowing I can please my Lord is all I need in order to feel content.”
Ruth added, “Yes, it’s fabulous to be in the center of God’s will.”
At another time Maria was talking to Ruth, “I'm so glad I decided to remain single. I was disappointed when Ted and Julie moved to the ranch so they could be foster parents to four girls, and I was no longer part of their small group, but I really like being in the same one you’re in. And I like our four member ministry group.”
Ruth responded, “I’m glad, because I like having you in both of them. It’s another example of how God works things for our good.”
“Yes,” Maria agreed, “and he also worked it out so I get to see how the plan for the ranch is working, plus I get to continue my friendships with Julie and Esther. Furthermore, I enjoy doing things with both sets of their girls. It’s really like another ministry for me to do for Jesus.”
Ruth shared, “That’s wonderful, and it’s the same for me, plus I get to go every weekend either to the farm or the ranch and therefore, I get to go horseback riding almost every Saturday or Sunday. I’m getting acquainted with my four ‘little brothers’ at the farm, and I have four young ‘nieces’ at the ranch.”
“I’m glad for you, Ruth,” remarked Maria. “and I’m more busy, enriched, and fulfilled now, than when I was wishing for a husband or that Ted and Julie would stay in town.”
“Indeed, it’s great when we can accept God’s will.” Then Ruth mentioned, “my brother, Jason, feels the same way we do, since he decided to stay single. Now he goes to the farm to do things with his ‘little brothers’ every Saturday.”
Maria responded, “I’m glad. Thank you, Jesus for working out all the things in our lives according to your will instead of what we thought we wanted in our lives. Your way is so much better!”
Beth Davis is the Principal of the Grace ‘n’ Faith Church Christian School. She isn’t married and feels it’s God’s will for her to remain single. She knows that if she got married and had babies, she’d have to give up her position at the school.
Denji told his parents, Afta and Hana Suehiro, “There aren’t very many Japanese young people my age in this city, and especially in the church we attend, so I think I’ll pray and ask God to lead me about what to do as a career and whether he wants me to get married or stay single.”
“Good thinking, son,” Afta commended. “It’s very important to have a career started that will give you enough money to support yourself and a wife and family if God wants you to have those.”
Hana agreed, “Exactly, and since you’re still a junior in high school, you’re young and have plenty of time to make those kinds of decisions. I often wonder about my sister’s kids, though. They are old enough that I’d expect them to start thinking about marriage. Oh well, it’s really none of my business anyway.”
Chapter 1
Mark 16:15, Jesus said, Go into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature.
About nine months after the children had been assigned to
Mercy Valley Ranch and Farm
In early March, on a Saturday evening after supper cleanup Mindy Jones called out, “Hurry, Dad and Mom, it’s time for the TV show, ‘Meet Some of Jesus’ Servants’ to start! And tonight it’s about our church!”
They called back, “We’ll be right there!” They hurried in and all three sat on the couch to watch it together.
Interviewer: Welcome to this program where you can meet some of Jesus’ servants. Today I’m going to interview the pastor of Grace ‘n’ Faith Church #1. He’s already told me that he’s single. Why did you decide to remain single?
Pastor: First I’d like to say that this interview is not just about me. I am a spokesman for Jesus and his church. To answer your question, after a lot of prayer and Bible study, I felt I could serve Jesus more effectively if I would stay single.”
Interviewer: And why did you start Grace ‘n’ Faith Church?
Pastor: While I was in seminary, I heard a song called “Go Right Out,” sung by the Cathedrals. It’s message was that somebody ought to go tell the good news of salvation to the people who are lost in sin, so they can repent, confess their sins, and believe in Jesus to forgive them and give them eternal life. The tune and lyrics kept running through my mind and I couldn’t get rid of them. I finally realized I am one of those somebodies, and each believer is also one of those somebodies, and Jesus can work through us to bring the wanderers in.”
Interviewer: I agree. Nobody can do it alone.
Pastor: Exactly! First, I needed the time to be able to talk to people. Years ago, I had a dirt bike I really enjoyed, but it was only a one person activity with no chance to talk to others. So I sold it after taking a picture and enlarging it to poster size to remind me to use the time and money it would take for my selfish enjoyment to tell others the Good News instead. Second, I needed a church with believers who would let Jesus work through them to continue the work he started when he was on the earth so long ago.
Interviewer: But you were still just one person. How did you get the church started?
Pastor: For a couple years after I graduated from seminary, I traveled and searched for churches that were like the New Testament church, and were doing Jesus’ work on earth. I worked with many good churches and observed their Christian schools. With all this knowledge, I moved back to Pine City, where I had grown up, because it needed a church and school like those. I got a job to support myself and pay the rent on a large house where I could start a house church. I went out and brought in one wanderer. Together we brought in more until we had enough for a small number of believers to meet on Sundays in the house for a service and on Wednesdays for a small group meeting. We went out in teams of two or more, and Jesus led us and worked through us to do miracles, and continue telling the Good News.
Interviewer: How long did it take after you got here?
Pastor: It took about a year. Then we started to grow faster because the people caught the vision and ran with it. When we got too big for the house, I moved out of the big house into a small apartment. We’d meet in the park when the weather permitted. We had baptismal services in public swimming pools where we could present a short explanation of the Good News to other people who were there watching. Many people responded to the invitations. By wintertime, we found a church that would let us rent their facility on Saturdays. They even had a baptismal we could use. We rented from the same church for about two years while we collected money to build our own facilities.
Interviewer: What was your collection strategy?
Pastor: At that time, and presently we have a box with a slit cut in the top, at the back of the sanctuary where people donate the amounts God leads them to give, and it’s always enough to do what God tells us to do. We have never had to get a loan for building projects. There are no salaries paid to the pastors including myself. Also the congregations donate enough money to pay for the running of the church and school, insurance, maintenance, and so forth, and any extra money we give to worthy ministries.
Interviewer: When did you start the Christian school?
Pastor: We started the second year by having mothers who would do day care for children the same ages as their own. With the help of teachers in our church and what I learned by visiting those other schools, we developed a curriculum for kindergarten through the third grade.
Interviewer: So the school has been an important part of your ministry almost since the beginning.
Pastor: Yes, I yearned for a way to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it, as it says in Proverbs 22:6. Plus I wanted them to be trained to go into the public schools in fourth grade and on, as missionaries.
Interviewer: Has it been effective?
Pastor: Very, although it’s slow, because they understand the importance of making friends before sharing. Most of them continue being missionaries in middle and high school, and as adults.
Interviewer: Let's go back and talk about how your church has grown. What happened after you built your own buildings?
Pastor: The members of Grace ‘N’ Faith Church continued doing ministries in teams of two or more with Jesus directing their words and actions. Jesus did many miracles through them and the result was usually that a lot of people believed in Jesus when they saw the miracle and listened to the explanation of the Good News. So the church numbers have had a steady growth. We’d start groups for the new believers to teach them how to live their new lives and soon they were out there bringing more lost wanderers to the church. When we started having four services each weekend, I knew I couldn’t be an effective pastor to that many people, so we became twelve churches with the same name plus a number. Each church has its own pastor who supports himself and his family, if he has one, and is able to effectively pastor his congregation.
Interviewer: I know that worked well for a number of years and then what happened?
Pastor: We had a tremendous growth spurt and felt God leading us to build duplicate facilities with enough pastors for twelve more churches and enough teachers for a new school on the other side of Pine City. The new buildings were also funded by member’s giving and we have no debt. All the churches continue to grow as God adds new members to his church.
Interviewer: Do you plan to add more duplicate facilities as needed in the future?
Pastor: No, that same year, we sent a church planting group of ten couples to a city we knew needed a good church. They’re doing such a great job that we will send a group from whatever church reaches about 200 members to plant a church wherever it is needed. This will keep the size manageable without needing to build again.
Interviewer: I see our time is up. Thank you for all the information you shared, and God bless you and the church as you all continue to serve him.
That evening right after the program, Ami Suehiro shared, “This was really a good program. I’m glad we get to attend this wonderful church. Also, Aneko and Yoshi, I want to thank you again for the wonderful job you’re doing in the restaurant.”
Tomo Suehiro tacked on, “I feel the same way! Plus it’s so good to have you back home again! This house was too big for just Mom and me when you were living in the other city.”
“Thank you for the compliments,”Aneko responded and Yoshi added his thanks also.
Ami inquired, “What have you two been thinking about marriage lately? We haven’t had much time to discuss it for a while.”
“It was fun to go to Sunny and Esther’s double wedding, replied Aneko, “and the skit was hilarious, especially since we knew the story that went with it. I personally can’t imagine getting married like Sunny did to Felix Lucero on faith that God would fill both of them with love for each other. But I got to talk to her mother a month later and she informed me that they’re both very much in love now.”
Tomo inserted, “I’m glad to hear the good report. I never have liked the Japanese custom of parents arranging their children’s marriages. Ami’s parents wanted to do it for her, but she was already in love with me. I’m sure glad they didn’t push it.”
“What a relief!” exclaimed, Yoshi. “It’s great to know that Aneko and I don’t have to worry about it. I’d rather stay single than do that.”
Aneko nodded and added, “My brother and I continue to ask God what his will is for us about getting married or staying single. I hope he makes it very clear!”
Ami shared, “Oh, I think he will. He doesn’t want us to be in the dark about his will.”
When the founding pastor arrived home after the interview, he was tired, but thankful. He immediately prayed, “God, please help the churches in Pine Cityane in the USA and abroad to have even more impact now and until Jesus returns. Help us to fulfill Jesus great commission to go into the world and tell the Good News, as it says in the last verses of Matthew 28.”
An idea came to him at the end of his prayer time, “Have all the small groups write things they’ve done and the results, plus other things they’ve desired to do or see done.”
He would use this idea first with his own small group, which consisted of all the other pastors at his facility. If it was a useful idea he’d have the rest of the small groups in all twenty-four churches do it. His own small group yielded many good activities.
Therefore in the next small group meetings, each facilitator handed out paper to the members and requested, “Please write down some things you’ve done to tell the Good News, or are doing, with God’s leading, and the results you have had.” He gave them time to get finished and then instructed, “Think of things you would like to do, or you might do later, or will do later, or would like to see somebody else doing. Write those next.
When he noticed that most people were finished, he explained, “The founding pastor of Grace ‘n’ Faith Church had all of us pastors and wives do this at the last small group meeting we had. He was so pleased with the many things we wrote that he asked us to do this with our small groups. He said he would have the church secretary compile the lists so there would be no duplicates and as soon as it’s ready and printed, we can hand out a copy to you. You can take a few more minutes to think and write anything else you desire to add to your list. Just think, even if your idea seems small to you, if you’re willing to share it, maybe somebody else can use it also as a way they can serve Jesus gladly.”
When everyone was finished writing he went on, “As soon as possible, there will be some of those well known booklets about many of these activities, including how to implement them. The pastor of Church #1 might be calling some of you to get more information to put into the booklets. Therefore please put your name and phone number on your paper before you give it to me.”
The next church services of the twenty-four Grace ‘n’ Faith Churches after those small group meetings, began with a short video by the pastor of church #1. He stated, “The interview went well and we’ve been doing a very good job so far. What I’m going to say next is not meant to put anyone on a guilt trip. You all are doing a great job already. I just feel an urgency to do more, since the time we have left, might be very short to bring the lost ones into the fold. We need to continue what we’re already doing, plus enlarge our impact on our worlds by gladly serving God even more now.
“After Jesus returns, the time to evangelize will be over. So I share my vision with you because Proverbs 29:18 says, where there is no vision, the people parish. If each of us would add just one more activity to reach those people, our impact might be doubled or more!
“So as soon as the lists are compiled, we’ll give each family or single person a copy and you can look through them and pray for God to lead you to one or more he desires for you to do. I’m already working on booklets to go with some of the more involved activities. If you’d like to help with a booklet or more, please let me know. The people in the church plant who went to the southern city will also receive copies of the list and can request booklets when they’re available.”
When the short video ended, the service continued with Spiritual Songs and Bible verses and teaching about the need to increase our effectiveness in fulfilling Jesus great commission to go into the world and tell the Good News, now and until Jesus returns.
The songs included “Go Right Out,” and ‘Til He Comes,” and “I Will Serve Thee.”
The pastor explained, “Today we were told to give you people practice using your concordance. Think about the words in one of the songs we sang today and find a verse that would go with at least part of the song.”
As they were looking he wrote the three song titles on a chart with space for the verses they would find. He’d have them read the verse into a microphone so all could hear.
“Go Right Out:” Luke 15:4,5, What man of you, if you have a hundred sheep, if you lose one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine and go after that which was lost and find it. And when you have found it, you rejoice as you bring it back.
‘Til He Comes:” John 9:4, Jesus said “I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day. The night comes, when no man can work.”
“I Will Serve Thee:” 1 John 4:19 tells why we serve, We love him, because he first loved us.
The teaching time was about gladly serving God continually until Jesus returns. The members looked up synonyms for words in this topic on their cell phones and shared them. He also wrote those on the chart and instructed the people in the congregation to copy what was on the chart so they could refer to it later.
Gladly: joyfully, willingly, eagerly, cheerfully, with gratitude,
Serve: to work for, do a job for, carry out the wishes of someone,
God: He is the preeminent one in the universe! He is the LORD, the sovereign One. He is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, The Supreme Being, the Lord Jesus Christ, plus other names,
Continually: repeatedly, frequently, regularly,
Until: up to the time of the event mentioned,
Jesus returns: our Savior comes back like he said he would.
When the pastor noticed that most people were finished copying the things on the chart he continued, “Today we’re focusing mostly on the present time and until Jesus returns. Then we believers will continue to serve God for eternity in ways we cannot even imagine.”
The people in the congregation nodded and smiled.
He continued, “The pastor who founded Grace ‘n’ Faith church shared his vision with all of us after praying that we would catch his extended vision by continuing to do the good things we are already doing, plus as he said, ‘enlarge our impact on our worlds by gladly serving God even more now.’ Let’s all be praying in unity for that same desire as we wait to receive the list of ideas. Now let’s sing the song, ‘Til He Comes’ one more time before we go home.”
As a result of the pastor’s video and the teaching time at the service, most of the people in the church prayerfully considered the activities on the list they received and asked Jesus to guide them to the one or ones that would be best for them to do. They escalated their ministries to include at least one thing Jesus guided them to do from the list of possible activities. Some added activities to their jobs or changed to jobs where they would be able to witness better. Perhaps you’ll notice some new ideas from the list as you read on in this story. Other people would choose things that had already been done effectively by somebody else.
One weekend when Ruth Beckett was staying with her sister, Esther, and husband, Nathan Mendoza, on Mercy Valley Ranch, Esther shared, “Nathan and I really liked the pastor’s interview and the small group meeting and church service, plus the list of ideas. We are praying about another ministry we can add to being foster parents to these girls who had been abused.”
Ruth said, “I liked all those things also, and I’ve been praying about the same thing for myself. I think God will show all of us when his timing for each of us is right. But maybe we all need some more time focusing on what we are doing here on the ranch.”
Esther nodded, “What a good point to keep in mind, especially continuing to teach them about the Bible and how to live for Jesus.” Then Esther mentioned, “I remember when you asked me if I could have been in that strange situation of dating two men simultaneously, for such a time as this, as it says in Esther 4:14b. Back then, I didn’t think I could ever be like Esther in the Bible. But that situation has turned out to be the greatest way for me to serve God that I could ever imagine!”
“Absolutely!” agreed Ruth. “Besides, it turned into another way I could serve him also. I’m so glad I get to spend time with with you now and help you with your four foster girls, Lucia, Val, and the twins, Holly and Willow. Plus I get to help Dad and Mom on Mercy Valley Farm with their four foster boys who had also been abused.”
Esther added, “I agree, and it’s hard for me to believe that our girls are seven years old now and already accepted Jesus as their Savior when they were six. The teachers told Julie and me all our girls had caught up in areas where they were behind. We’ve been here for almost a year already. It was the most wonderful idea Oscar and Vera Yardley could possibly have come up with, to turn their profitable dude ranch into a cluster of ten homes for four abused foster girls each.”
“Yes,” said Ruth, “I always enjoyed coming here when it was a dude ranch, but it’s even better now. Every house is always in use, and the horses get more exercise than ever before! I’m just so thankful that I still get to come here. Now it’s much more often than it was when we only got to spend an occasional weekend here.”
Esther exclaimed, “For sure, and I even get to live here all year around and help raise these four precious girls with Nathan! I also remember telling you at one time that it might be easier for me to remain single than try to choose the best husband, but that there might be a lot I’d miss out on having and doing with the right man. I can see I would have missed out on this tremendous opportunity. I’m really happy I stuck with the adventure and God chose the best husband for me, plus the girls he wanted us to raise. Nathan is truly the best husband!”
“Indeed he is!” Ruth concurred. “I couldn't be happier for you, my dear sister. I enjoy seeing you so happy and fulfilled.”
Esther replied, “Thank you, Ruth. I had no idea how marvelous my life could be back when I was hoping to get married. This is more than I ever could have dreamed up.”
“I’m sure,” Ruth nodded. “That’s the way God often does things.” She paused and then went on to say, “I noticed several months ago that you removed all the head and foot boards from the beds here, but I haven’t had a chance to ask you why. They do look very different from what I was used to seeing.”
“Yes, I did,” stated Esther. “When I went to visit Fiona on the Sunday afternoon right after we became reacquainted with Nathan and Felix, she told me that it’s much easier to make and unmake beds without head and foot boards and you don’t get skinned knuckles. I really like it this way.”
Ruth declared, “Indeed it would be, I think it’s a great idea and I intend to do the same thing as soon as I get back to my apartment.”
“I’m glad,” Esther remarked, “but don’t do it by yourself. Nathan removed all of ours and he’s really good at it. We stored ours in the garage. So let me ask him when he can do it and we’ll come help you. I just wish you and I had learned about it sooner. It would have kept us from so many sore knuckles, and would have saved us so much time and effort dusting.”
Ruth laughed, “I completely agree. I can donate mine to a thrift store in the city. Oh, I forgot to tell you, a month after your wedding, I converted your bedroom into a combination study, library, sewing, and exercise room. It’s been working very well for me and it helped me to not be so lonely every time I went past your empty room. Being able to come here to visit you, Nathan, and your girls has been just what I needed.”
“It’s the same for me,” Esther concurred. “The extra room in this cabin is just right for you being able to come visit, plus it’s a sewing and music room. It’s great that Nathan wants you and Maria to come on alternate weekends. He’s so understanding and supportive, and besides, he also enjoys having both of you come here.”
One evening a week or two after the pastor’s interview, the supper things were all cleaned up, so Vern, Lora, and Mindy Jones were sitting in the living room.
Mindy confessed, “Dad and Mom, I have something that’s been bothering me lately. High school is going fine, except I don’t like having to change into the gym uniform and then shower after gym, because there’s no privacy in the locker room or showers.”
They were listening politely, so she went on, “It didn’t bother me as much in middle school because there were many other girls who hadn’t developed yet either, but now I seem to be the only one, and several of the mean girls have been making fun of me every chance they get.”
Lora compassionately said, “Mindy, I’m so glad you told us about this and didn’t keep suffering in silence.”
“Yes,” agreed her dad, “we want to know about everything that concerns you, Mindy. I think I lost track of your age and development with all the other things we’ve been doing. Would you be willing to go see your mom’s doctor, who is a lady, and let her examine you to see if there are any reasons you aren’t developing like the other girls?”
“Yes I would,” answered Mindy, “if Mom will go with me. I haven’t gone to see very many doctors, since I’m usually healthy.
Lora responded, “Of course, Mindy, I’ll be glad to go with you. It sounds to me like it’s time for you to have a check-up. I’ll call tomorrow and make an appointment for you on a Saturday afternoon so we can both go see her and not have to take time off from school. She’s very nice. I think you’ll like her.”
“Thank you Dad and Mom!” exclaimed Mindy. “You’re the best!”
They both replied, “And you’re the best too!”
Lora called at noon from the school the next day, and was able to get an appointment for Saturday the same week since someone else had canceled theirs. So Lora typed up a summary of Mindy’s history and her concern on the computer’s word processor, printed it out, and they took it with them to the appointment.
On Saturday the nurse came in and took Mindy’s temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, asked questions, and typed things into the computer. Lora gave her the summary and she typed some more things from it. Then she took the summary with her so the doctor could read it before coming into the room.
When the doctor came into the examining room she quickly put Mindy at ease by her friendly manner. She asked some more questions and then left for a short time while Mindy undressed and put the funny paper gown on with the opening in the back. She and Lora laughed at how funny it looked and felt. She was glad the room was warm so she didn’t have to shiver.
The doctor came back in and examined Mindy thoroughly, saying many things to reassure her. Then she left again while Mindy got dressed. In a short time she came back in and sat with them on the chairs in the room so they could talk.
The doctor said, “Mindy, my examination shows that you are a very healthy teenager, but it is very unusual that you haven't developed in the usual feminine ways yet. I don’t know for sure, but it could have been caused from the grief you experienced when your birth mother died in childbirth, somehow subconsciously shut down that part of your development so that what happened to her wouldn’t happen to you. I admit I haven’t ever heard of something like this occurring, but the human body and mind are very complex. And I can’t think of any other reason.
Mindy asked, “So from what you said, I understand that I’m healthy, but so far I haven’t developed like the rest of the girls are doing. Do you think I ever will?”
The doctor answered, “There is no way any of us can tell, but even if you don’t, it will not have to affect your ability to live a happy life, except for before and after gym classes. I know how nasty some girls can be and I hope we can find a way to get you away from them.”
The doctor turned toward Lora and questioned, “Is there any way you could take Mindy out of high school and do home schooling so she doesn’t have to go through the mean teasing? As a doctor, who has just told you she is healthy, I can’t write a note excusing her from gym classes.”
Lora replied, “We understand that, and we will figure out a way to do it just as soon as possible. Thank you for your good advice. It’s a relief to know that Mindy is healthy.”
“You’re welcome,” said the doctor. “Mindy, it would be a good idea for you to start coming here for a yearly checkup plus whenever you have any questions for me to answer.”
Mindy responded, “I’ll plan to see you again in a year or before if needed, and I also thank you for your help.
The doctor nodded and waved as she went out the door.
The Suehiro family was having a discussion after breakfast and
Ami mentioned, “The other day we were discussing marriage. Do you remember the last time we had a phone visit with your uncle and aunt, Afta and Hana?”
“Yes I do remember,” answered Aneko. “Hana said her sister’s son and daughter are our ages, except the boy is the older one.”
Yoshi inserted, “Yes, they’re our cousins because Dad’s brother married her sister, but they’re still strangers to us. We don’t even know their names.”
Tomo shared, “Well, your mom and I have been discussing the pros and cons of traveling. I’ve always had a desire to travel and see my twin brother and his family who live pretty far east of us, plus any of the scenery along the way there and back. What if Mom and I could meet your cousins while we are there and evaluate them. Then if we think they might be possibilities, we could invite them to come visit and help us in the restaurant. If they come here, you both could evaluate them yourselves.”
Ami admitted, “I personally have never felt like we could do any traveling because of the restaurant, but now that you two have come home and are working here so well, I think it might work.”
“Indeed!” exclaimed Aneko. “I think it would be wonderful for you to be able to go, and I guess it would be okay for you to meet and evaluate our cousins. Since they’re not blood relatives, they might be possibilities, but Yoshi and I both said not too long ago, that we are not in a hurry to get married.”
“Right!” Then Yoshi inquired, “If you go, how will you get there?
“Well,” replied Tomo, “neither of us wants to fly or go on the bus, or by train. The last time we talked to Afta I mentioned a motorhome.”
“I remember,” stated Aneko, “and Mom said something like she doubted it would ever happen.”
Ami concurred, “Yes I did, but that was when I felt we couldn't travel because we needed to be here for the restaurant. Actually, I think a motorhome would be the ideal way to travel.”
“Although,” Yoshi observed, “it would take a lot more time than flying would.”
Tomo inserted, “True, but we could see so much more scenery along the way.”
“Plus,” added Ami, “I think we could get the booklet about travel evangelism and have it be another ministry we could do as a couple.”
Aneko declared, “Since you could minister as you travel, I really hope you’ll go for it, Dad and Mom! I think Yoshi and I can handle the restaurant for a couple weeks while you’re traveling. We could hire a waitress for the days you’ll be gone.”
“I agree,” Yoshi tacked on, “let’s clean up the dishes and go visit an RV lot to see which motorhome you might like to consider.”
Tomo smiled at his dear children and then responded, “Thank you both for understanding and encouraging us to go ahead with this idea. We might be able to help bring some more people to Jesus.”
Ami added, “Yes, and we’d appreciate your prayers for us.”
Aneko and Yoshi promised they would be sure to pray.
When they arrived home from the doctor, Lora and Mindy told Vern everything the doctor had said.
“Mindy, my dear daughter,” Vern shared, “I really am happy and relieved to find out you are healthy. I’m sorry this has happened to you and caused you to be hurt by the mean girls who made fun of you.”
“Thank you,” Dad, “I agree, it’s not pleasant to be teased, and since there is no way to tell whether I’ll ever develop and the doctor can’t get me excused from gym class, then I’d rather not have to keep going to public school.”
Vern nodded, “I agree absolutely. Lord we pray and ask you for wisdom about what to do in this situation.”
After a time of silent waiting, Mindy smiled and suggested, “I wonder if we could get Fiona to tutor me by phone during the school days and I could finish high school on line here in our nice home with the computer in the office. Then it really would be home schooling.
Lora asked, “You wouldn't mind being here alone all day?”
“No,” she shook her head. “I like our home and it would be quiet and easy for me to concentrate.”
“Vern inquired, “What will you do to take the place of gym classes? Too much sitting wouldn’t be good for your health.”
Mindy replied, “Each day I could get plenty of exercise as I help with the children when I go to Fiona's house in the afternoons and maybe I could use the exercise equipment they have in their home.”
“I like your idea,” Vern declared, “I’ll call Fiona right now and ask her to think and pray and discuss the idea with Matt. She can let us know what they decide. We can pay her whatever they think is fair.”
So he called and talked to her right then.
Then Lora remarked, “This would be a good plan for these four years of high school and since you’ve already told us you’d rather go right to Fiona's house after school rather than sign up for sports or other clubs or activities, you won’t be missing out on very much at the school.”
“Exactly,” Mindy concurred, “and the fact that I’m not developing in the normal feminine ways does not have to be a bad thing. In fact, Dad, I think you will be relieved to know there will probably be no chance for me to have a problem with childbirth.”
“Absolutely!” he exclaimed, “I couldn’t very well ask your prospective husband to have the operation I had, since I now know it was not even a Biblical thing for me to have done. But God has forgiven me.”
Lora commented, “Yes, and if it is God’s will for Mindy to get married, there are other ways for them to obtain children to raise, if God wants them to, like being foster parents or adopting.”
Mindy laughed, “Marriage or singleness seems a long time away from now, since I still have at least four more years of schooling. But I know I should start praying and preparing for whatever the Lord wants me to do about it and what career he would choose for me.”
“Indeed,” agreed Vern, “Lora and I will pray for you also.”
When the phone rang in the evening after supper, Vern answered with the speaker on so Lora and Mindy could hear. Fiona had called and said, “Vern, I talked to Matt and we prayed. I’ll be happy to tutor Mindy on the phone, and if she’d like to come here half an hour early every afternoon, there would be no chance of her running into any of those mean girls on their way home from school. Then she can use the exercise equipment right when she gets here, so we won’t get busy and forget.”
Matt added, “And there will be no need to pay us anything. Mindy won’t take very much for coming to help us, so this can just be a little bit extra we can give her for all she does here.”
Vern responded, “Thank you both! Could she begin coming to your house early this coming Monday? The sooner we can get her out of that situation the better.
“Of course,” Fiona answered, “this will work out fine.”
“Very good,” said Vern, “then I’ll go take care of the paper work at the school before I go to work on Monday. God bless you both!”
When they finished talking Lora said, “We can spend the rest of the evening and part of tomorrow looking for the best online home school program.”
After looking and comparing several Christian programs, they chose the one they felt would be best. So Mindy was ready to start bright and early Monday morning.
During their Sunday morning horseback ride with Candy and her family, Mindy, Vern, and Lora explained to Candy and her family why Mindy was going to do home schooling. They understood and were supportive.
Candy shared, “I know how mean those girls can be. I'll miss seeing you at school and eating lunch with you.”
Mindy responded, “I will too, but maybe you and June can continue ministry times together.”
“We will,” replied Candy, “and I’m glad you get to come ride horses with us every weekend.”
Mindy declared, “I feel the same way! It’s something I always look forward to doing.”
The Jones family had Pastor Ross and family over for supper Tuesday evening. Vern and Lora explained the situation to Don and Anita while Mindy entertained Timmy and Mary. Now all the people in their lives who needed to know, had been informed about this big change and would be praying for everything to go well for them.”
When the church time changed to 6 PM Sunday, on the first weekend in April, it didn’t work as well for the father of the quadruplets, Lily, Violet, Iris, and Rose, who lived at Mercy Valley Ranch with their foster parents, Ted and Julie Blake. Supper was very late for the girls, and that made it late for them to get back to the ranch and also made it late for them to get to bed.
That evening when he brought them back to the ranch he mentioned, “Since the time for the service changed to 6 PM this week, it didn’t give us as much time to do things together as a family. I wonder if there’s some way we could improve this.”
He and Ted and Julie talked about it for a while and came up with some ideas but they didn’t seem very good, while the quadruplets whispered in the corner.
Pretty soon the four of them raised their hands like they would in school, and he called on them.
Lily suggested, “Maybe you could come here after lunch on Sundays and spend the afternoon with us on the ranch.
Iris added, “We could teach you how to prepare and ride a horse, so we could go horseback riding together.”
Violet tacked on, “We could show you places we enjoy here on the ranch and we could hike together up to Lavender Falls, and show you the interesting rocks there.”
Rose went on, “Then we could help fix supper here, eat it and clean up the kitchen, change our clothes and ride with you to church. We can all sit together like we always do and then we can come home with Daddy and Mommy.”
He smiled lovingly at them and replied, “I like your ideas. If it is all right with your daddy and mommy, let’s try it, starting next week.”
Ted and Julie nodded, smiled, and agreed to try it.
“What time should I arrive here?” he asked.
Julie answered, “We are usually finished with lunch and cleaning up after it by 1:30 PM.”
Therefore, the next Sunday he got there promptly at 1:30 PM and the girls gave him a complete tour of the ranch. He watched them help get supper and enjoyed eating with the family. Then he and his girls cleaned up afterward. They changed clothes and rode with him to church. Each girl always remembered whose turn it was to sit next to Father or Daddy or Mommy in church, where they helped hold the hymnal, sang well, “followed” along in the Bible, and listened to the teaching.
After church he declared, “I thoroughly enjoyed my afternoon with all of you today. Thank you very much.”
Ted responded, “We enjoyed it also, so can we expect you to come to the ranch next Sunday?”
“Absolutely!” he answered, “maybe I’ll get to learn how to prepare and ride a horse next time.”
All the girls smiled, nodded, and gave him hugs before he left.
The next Sunday afternoon, when he arrived right on time, Ted asked, “Would it be all right with you if we come along on your first horseback ride, just in case there are some problems you might not know how to handle?”
He exclaimed, “Oh yes! Please do come for this one and all the time. I enjoy your company and it will always be safer this way.”
The quadruplets were dressed for their ride when he got there. They were so excited, but as usual they used good self control. They got a helmet for him out of the tack room, plus halters and lead ropes, and then walked to the pasture, where the horses came to greet them.
He watched as each girl walked up to the horse of her choice talking to it and stroking or rubbing it in places it liked to be rubbed. Then they put on the halter and attached the lead rope. Lily chose Princess, the tallest of the small horses. Violet chose Socks, the next tallest. Rose picked Rusty, smaller still, and Iris chose Honey, the smallest horse on the ranch. They had decided beforehand that it would be fun to be on stairstep horses.
Meanwhile, Ted and Julie had chosen Coco and Dark Coco and suggested that he choose between Coffee and Tea, the other two medium sized horses, so he wouldn’t seem so high up as on some of the taller horses for his first ride. Julie held their horses while Ted helped the father with the halter and lead rope on Tea, the horse he chose. Each one of them would be riding on Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses, which don't trot, so this also would be easier for his first ride.
They led the horses back to the tack room and the girls showed him how they tied their horses, brushed them smooth, and checked and cleaned their hooves. Then they watched to see that he did it all correctly and complimented him on a good job.
Next they showed him how to saddle and bridle a horse by doing it on their own mounts. Ted and Julie, who were also finished with theirs by now, tightened up the cinches on the girls saddles and then helped him wherever he needed help. The quadruplets showed him, on their horses, how to mount the horse, how to use the reins to turn or stop the horse, and how to get it to walk or go faster.
Before he mounted up he remarked, “I never realized there would be so much to learn about horses and riding. I’m glad I have had such good teachers!”
The girls beamed with pleasure and thanked him for the compliment, and they started up the road. They rode at a walk or the single-foot gait, which is so easy to ride, and stopped after half an hour so their father wouldn’t be so stiff when he got off. Then they removed the tack and brushed the horses and cleaned their hooves before taking them back to the pasture and leaving them after strokes and thanks for the good ride. Then they removed the halters. He watched as the girls cleaned up their tack and did the same for his.
He stressed, “Thank you all for this first lesson and the ride! I really enjoyed it, although my legs do feel strange now! I’ll go buy myself a helmet to use when I ride here from now on.”
In their own words, the girls each told him he was welcome and that they had enjoyed the ride also. Their experiment had worked well, and the family had many good horseback rides when the weather permitted. If the weather didn’t cooperate, there were plenty of things to do in the house or in the game rooms of the big house.
Their father got to enjoy the early part of Resurrection Day, (their preferred name for Easter) on the ranch later in April by coming early for the special sunrise service. The weather was nice enough that they didn’t have to meet in the big riding building. Instead they gathered on the lawn of the big house and sang many songs to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
Then he went back to their home and had breakfast with the family. After helping with the cleanup, he took the girls with him to spend the day at his home and to visit their Grandpa and Grandma in Pine City. He brought them to church for the service at 6 PM and they all especially enjoyed the ending part where Daddy read the scriptures out of the Bible to go with a slide show about the holy day. The eight teenage girls from the ranch in their costumes came up on the stage to act out finding the empty tomb during the last scene of the slide show and scriptures.
The already proven idea of two by two ministries continued to be a weekly activity for the members of the Grace ‘n’ Faith churches.
Matt and Fiona Anderson were happy they could leave baby Patrick, and toddler Johnny with either set of grandparents, her mom and dad, Patrick and Glenda O’Connor, or Walt and Betty Evans who had adopted them in their hearts. They had told both sets that they could consider this an additional ministry, since it made it so much easier for Matt and Fiona to go do their two by two ministry.
So one sunny day, with Patrick and Johnny well cared for, they went with their frisbees to the park to do part of the course and hope to find somebody to talk with about the Good News.
Before long a young man came up to them and said, “Hey, you’re that couple who was here a few years ago. I see you have both improved, but you’re still not using the disks that work so well on the course.”
Fiona replied, “You’re right. I remember you telling us about those disks, but since we don’t do this very often, we decided to stick with what we had already bought. You have a very good memory. It’s been about three years ago, and we were just dating then. Matt and I are married now and have two little boys.”
He remarked, “Time sure does fly. Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I remember you also,” added Matt. “I also thank you for telling us about the disks when we were just learning about this game. We were watching you just now and you’re very good at it. How about sitting here in the shade on these benches? We have some apple juice in those little individual boxes and they’re still nice and cold.”
He responded, “Great! It sounds delicious, and I am pretty hot and rather tired right now.”
“You must practice a lot,” Fiona mentioned, “because you almost always hit the goals.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, “this is something I really enjoy doing.”
At this point, Fiona felt it would be best if she would stay quiet and pray for Matt to continue the conversation, turn it to spiritual matters, and pray for the Holy Spirit to draw the young man to Jesus.
Matt inserted, “I'm sorry we disappointed you by not getting the right kind of disk. And this reminds me of how often in my life I’ve disappointed God. Every time I miss the goal, it brings to mind a definition I heard once for ‘sin.’ To sin means to miss the mark. In other words it means to do the opposite of what God wants us people to do.”
He asked, “How do you know what God wants you to do?”
Matt answered, “Sometimes my conscience tells me when I’ve done a wrong. Other times I remember what I’ve read in the Bible, and know I’ve missed the mark again.
“Oh, it’s not a very nice feeling,” the young man observed. “I don’t like it, and I don’t even know very much about the Bible except the Ten Commandments.”
Matt concurred, “Correct, it’s definitely a terrible feeling and one all humans have, because if we break even one of God’s commands, we’re guilty of breaking them all, as it says in the Bible in James 2:10,11. The final result of sin is separation from God and heaven and eternity in the other place.”
“Yuck!” he exclaimed. “Now I feel even worse!”
Matt emphasized, “I would also, but I’m very glad we don’t have to continue to have these terrible feelings.”
“Really?” he asked, “How do you get rid of them?”
Matt explained, “God loves the people he created so much that he made a way for them to be forgiven when they sin if they will believe in Jesus, God’s son. God sent Jesus to earth to live a perfect life in order that he could pay the penalty for people’s sins by dying on the cross and being raised back to life on the third day.”
“I’ve never heard anything like this before,” said the young man.
Matt continued, “The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible tell the story of Jesus life, death and resurrection.”
“I don’t have a Bible,” he admitted.
“Someday you can buy one,” suggested Matt. Then he went on, “If we will believe in what God did through Jesus, confess our sins to Jesus, ask him to forgive us and help us to live for him, he will be glad to do it. When we do it, he saves us and promises us eternal life in heaven when this life is over.”
“What if I sin again?” he asked.
Matt replied, “I’m glad you asked this question. You probably won’t sin as often, but none of us will be perfect until we get to heaven. So when we do miss the mark and sin again, the Bible says in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess it, God is faithful to forgive us and make us clean.”
The young man thought it through. “So we don’t have to go around feeling awful about the bad things we do, or go to that horrid place. I would like to have that good feeling and the promise of eternal life in heaven. Do I have to go to a church and get down on my knees and have a preacher help me pray?”
“Not at all,” Matt responded, “you can pray right here on the bench in the park or anywhere else, and God will hear and answer you.”
“Okay, I’ll do it!” he exclaimed. “God, I know I sin a lot, and I want to be rid of this awful feeling. I believe in Jesus, your Son, and what he did by dying on the cross and being raised the third day. I confess these sins to you.” He listed quite a few and then went on, “Please forgive me for all my sins and help me to live for you.”
He sat still for a few moments and then smiled hugely. “He did it! I don’t understand it, but I feel good, clean, and forgiven. I’ll remember to confess quickly every time I goof, and I’ll trust God to help me do better. Thank you so much for helping me to understand about this.”
“You’re very welcome,” stated Matt, “and we are rejoicing that you made this very important decision.”
All at once the young man jumped up and asked, “Would you stay here so I can go get my friends and bring them here to listen to you so they can know the same feeling I have?”
Matt smiled, “Of course, we’d be glad to. We’ll see you and them soon right here.”
Fiona made a cellphone call to tell the grandparents what was happening, and they’d be later coming to pick up the children.
He ran to find his friends further down the course and returned with four of them. They were all a little out of breath from the run, but listened attentively as Matt shared with them what he had just told the young man and asked if they had any questions.
Nobody did, so the young man declared, “You guys, you better do this so you can get rid of those awful guilt feelings and know you’re going to heaven and never have to fear going to the other horrid place!”
Meanwhile, Fiona was praying extra hard.
He tacked on, “I’ll tell you what I prayed if you don’t know what to say.” They nodded so he told them and explained, “You don’t have to use my exact words though, and you don’t have to be in a church. I did it right here on this park bench!”
Pretty soon all four of his friends had prayed their own version of the prayer and were amazed at how great it felt to be forgiven and filled with hope.
Matt invited, “We’d like to have all five of you come to church and sit with us on Sunday at 6 PM. Here’s a little booklet you can read before then, which explains more about what we’ve talked about here today. There’s a little card inside that you can fill out and bring with you tomorrow. It just asks for your name, address and phone number, and if you would like to join a small group to learn more about living your lives for Jesus now. We’ll meet you in the entry way and you can sit with us. Then, at the end of the service, we can take you to meet our pastor, and you can give him this card.”
The young man stated, “We’ll all be there. Thank you for caring enough to spend your afternoon explaining this to all of us. We’ll see you tomorrow at church at 6 PM.”
The rest added their thanks and then everyone went their separate ways.
Matt and Fiona hurried to the grandparents home and they all had a great praise session after hearing about the salvations!
This would be the second week Vera and Oscar Yardley, Karen Spencer, and all eight foster girls went out to gather wildflowers for the scrapbooks they were going to make. Karen’s husband, Jeff, was at his job in Pine City, so he couldn’t join them.
Stella shouted from a distance away from the others, “Here’s a nice group of several different kinds of wildflowers!”
The others came running, stopping short so they wouldn’t step on any of the flowers.
Christy suggested, “Let’s identify all of them before we pick any. We all brought our notebooks like Vera recommended last week, so we can write down their names.”
“Right,” agreed Emma, “If we pick them first they might wilt before we get them home to press them under the books.”
So they identified all the flowers they were going to pick and wrote their names and page number of the book they used.
Karen noted, “Writing these down now will save us time at home. As soon as we arrange the flowers to be pressed, we can write the flower’s name on the newsprint by the flower. Last, we put the book on top of the newsprint covering them and copy their names on the scrapbook pages for each one.”
“At our house,” stated Lisa, “we are using lots of the encyclopedias to press the flowers. They make good weights.”
Nan remarked, “We are learning a lot by doing this project.”
“Yeah,” admitted Ellie, “I had to relearn one thing the hard way. I forgot Vera’s warning to not look at how the pressed flowers were doing for four weeks, so I picked up the book off my last set of flowers to look at them and ruined all of them. I’ll have to do that set over.”
“Oh no!” exclaimed Liz. “Stella and I will help you do them over, just tell us a couple of names, and we’ll gather some of those today along with our new ones and you can get the rest with your new ones today.”
Ellie said with relief, “Thank you both for your kind help. It will make it a lot easier.”
Hanna commented, “I’ll bet your mistake will help the rest of us remember better so we don’t have to learn the hard way too.”
Vera commended the girls for the good job they were doing on this interesting project.
By now they were all finished identifying and writing the names so they went to pick the best specimens they could find for each name they had written. Then they took them home and pressed them. After putting them under the heavy books, the girls prepared the pages in their scrapbooks to be ready for these flowers in about a month.
Walt and Betty Evans prayed a lot about how they might expand their ministry. Walt mentioned, “I’m not sure what else we could do, beyond the two by two ministry we do once a week. We were taught how to do it in our small group when we became believers.”
Betty read the list. “Right, and it’s a good ministry. Here’s one on the that list suggests going out more than just once a week, like if we both go together whenever we need to buy something.”
“It sounds like a good idea,” agreed Walt. “Since my job as the boss of Evans Construction Company takes so much of the rest of my time, we could add that idea for the two of us.”
Betty agreed, “And besides we really can consider it another ministry to take care of Johnny and Patrick every other Saturday, so Matt and Fiona can go out unhindered to do their two by two ministry.”
“Yes, and in addition,” added Walt nodding, “it gives us more time with our ‘grandsons’ plus their parents when they come to drop them off and pick them up.
Betty concurred, “Yes I like that part too, and they told us last time how much it had helped them. Also, I’ll continue to read over this list and ask Jesus to guide me to something I can do while you’re at work.”
Later that day she called her friend Glenda O’Connor to see if she would be interested in praying about working as a team for Wednesday Bible Study and Story groups using the materials they could check out from the church. Glenda agreed, and they got started right away on an idea they both knew was already being done and was effective even though it took time to see results.
Several weeks later Glenda suggested, “Our Wednesday groups are going so well and we’ve learned enough so I think we could start to work separately every day doing an After School Place for whatever children need it in our neighborhood.”
Betty concurred, “Yes, it would multiply our efforts and reach more children for extended times, rather than just once a week in one neighborhood.”
Glenda continued, “Exactly, so we’d be letting more children come to Jesus as it says in Mark 10:14-16. We could stop in the church office after church this week and look at the booklet that goes with this activity.”
“Certainly” said Betty,“and if it looks like something we think we could do, we can each get a booklet to read and get prepared for an even bigger ministry for each of us.”
They read the booklets separately, discussed the program with their husbands, got their support, and were ready to discuss the booklets after their next Wednesday groups.
Glenda shared, “The booklets provide training and the church has materials for After School Places to keep the kids off the streets or from being home alone when school lets out.”
“Right,” said Betty, “and it can include tutoring, or help with homework after they play a few active games to give them a break from school work.”
“Yes!” Then Glenda read from the booklet, “Providers who tutor will need to work with the school teacher on what will help the most. The hours needed are from 3:30 to 5:30 PM for elementary age or 2:30 to 5:30 PM for middle and high school students except for on Wednesdays, each one is an hour earlier because of early release time. Most families reserve the weekends for their own family time and church.”
Betty mentioned, “I think I could start with the same children we’ve worked with here at my home as we team taught. I’ll need to go talk to all their parents and see if they’re interested in a place their children can go each day after school instead of being home alone or wandering around on the streets.”
“What a good idea for you to do,” Glenda agreed. “I’ll need to start from scratch in my neighborhood. I know we did the Wednesday groups for free, but like it says in the booklet, we need to charge the parents something so they buy into the program and their children feel more obligated to come every day.”
Betty nodded emphatically, “Exactly! I was considering doing it for free, but I can see how it would be better to charge a weekly fee. Then it’s up to the parents to insist that their children come daily. They can check a child’s whereabouts on cell phones, or just call us to check. We should give them our phone numbers.”
“Right,” then Glenda suggested, “so let’s take the rest of this week to talk to parents and try to be ready to start by the week after next.”
Betty responded, “Good idea, then we can tell the children on Wednesday next week about our plan.”
The same evening after supper dishes were finished Glenda explained, “Betty and I did decide to try the After School Place program separately so our two neighborhoods can be covered. I’ll need to go door to door and find out who’d be interested in this program.”
“Good, I’m sure you will both do well.” Then Patrick prayed, “Father in Heaven we all ask for you to help Glenda as she prepares to start this program. We’re all in agreement about her doing this ministry.”
“Yes,” continued Riley, “and when I’m not traveling and get to come home early, please give me the best ways to help Mom with this program.”
Glenda added, “Thank you for the time I have available right now to implement the After School Place, and that Patrick and Riley are so supportive. Please show me many ways to make it a fun and useful time for the children who come.”
So Glenda went door to door, explaining to the parents about the plan to give their children a place to go after school until their parents get home from their jobs. The ones who wanted to let their children go to her house after school helped her come up with an appropriate price per child per week. She would have eight children of different age levels to begin the program. Maybe others would like to join when they heard from their neighbors how much fun they were having.
Betty would be starting the program with the same ten children who had been coming to the Bible Study and Bible Story times. Their parents were thrilled that a neighbor cared enough to want to provide a place their children could go to daily after school.
On the playground at the church school one day Mary said, “I wish you girls could have been in the small group we were in during the church service. We had fun there.”
Iris asked, “What did you do there?”
Timmy answered, “We played fun learning games about how to live for Jesus because we had asked him to be our Savior.”
The twins, Hope and Joy, both nodded their heads. They are good friends of Timmy, Mary, and the quadruplets,
Rose mentioned, “Our daddy and mommy have been teaching us about that at home.”
“Plus,” Lily went on, “we learn a lot by being in the church service every week.”
Joy said, “I noticed you were there yesterday. I didn’t know you girls go to the same church we do.”
“Me neither,” stated Rose, until we saw you yesterday. Is your small group over now?”
Hope replied, “Yes, it ended the Sunday before, and from now on we’ll be sitting with our parents in the regular services.”
“You’ll like the services,” Violet informed them. “Pastor Don is a very good teacher.”
Mary smiled, “I know. He’s my daddy and Timmy’s too.”
“Wow!” the quadruplets all said at the same time, and then remembered that Timmy and Mary's daddy and mama came to ride horses with them every other weekend. They just had not connected him as being the same person as the teacher in the church.
Lily declared, “We’ve learned a lot about all our friends today. Now we know we have even more in common.”
“Right,” added Violet, “we all attend the same school and church.”
Iris tacked on, “Plus, we’ve all accepted Jesus as our Savior.”
“Yep,” continued Rose, “and we’ve all been learning how to live for Jesus.”
Timmy went on to say, “And along with those things, all seven of you girls are my sisters in God’s forever family.”
Hope remarked, “So then, you are our brother.”
“Hey, she’s right!” exclaimed Joy, ‘so let’s join hands and sing the chorus that goes with the song ‘We Will Stand,’ because it talks about us being brother and sister, and working together for Jesus until he comes back again.”
After reading the list of ideas they got from their churches, some other ranches and farms of various kinds in the Pine City area, and even in other places that just heard about the idea, became groups of Caring Foster homes. So Oscar and Vera Yardley’s yearning to be able to leave a legacy with their dude ranch was fulfilled for them and then multiplied when others followed suit. They were glad they could write their idea for the list and then help write the booklet about how to do it for others.
A dude ranch and a fruit orchard near another city used Oscar and Vera’s idea for Caring Foster Homes. The dude ranch started with girls who were fourteen or fifteen years old, and the fruit orchard welcomed families who would care for boys who were fourteen or fifteen years old, since those ages are harder to place in homes and are harder to reach out to. They used lesson plans obtained from William Beckett on Mercy Valley Farm and Karen Spencer on Mercy Valley Ranch, and continued with some of their own. Many more children would be reached in a shorter amount of time since new ones would come to replace those who were ready to be productive citizens and also spread the Good News when they turned nineteen years old.
One ranch was a working cattle ranch. They encouraged their present employees to take care of two or more foster boys each who were fourteen or fifteen years old since it’s so important to reach them with the Good News, break the cycle of abuse, and teach them to be productive citizens.
It was like a dream come true for many of the boys who were assigned to that ranch. They got to live in loving, caring homes and also got to learn how to ride horses, round up cattle, rope them, and put tags in their ears instead of branding them, which this ranch didn’t like to do. They went to Bible Study Groups like William had on Mercy Valley Farm, so they could learn about the Bible and build relationships with other boys their ages. Some of them accepted Jesus within a few months of living there. For others it took as much as two years, but the parents and their Bible teacher were persistent and patient. It paid off in the end.
Mindy was studying at home with the computer. She got stuck when she couldn’t figure out the answer to a question about English grammar. After looking in several different places, she called Fiona with her question.
“Hi, Fiona. This is Mindy, and I’m stuck on a question about when to use or and nor in a sentence.
Fiona advised, “Try looking it up as a question on the web.”
“Thank you Fiona,” said Mindy. “I’ll try it and only call back if I'm still stuck.”
Later she walked to Fiona’s house to exercise and help with Johnny and Patrick.
Fiona mentioned, “I assume you found the answer to your question, since you didn’t call back again.”
“Yes,” Mindy smiled, “it worked very well and I found several other answers later in the day, so I thank you for the good advice. It takes a lot less time to find answers on the web than trying to look in the encyclopedia, or other books we have at home. In fact I finished that lesson so quickly that I got started on the next one.”
“Great!” declared Fiona. “I know you don’t get stuck very often, but it’s nice to have a good way to find answers.”
“Indeed it is,” then Mindy changed the subject, “plus I enjoy coming here half an hour early to exercise. Your equipment is nice, and I like doing this a lot better than the gym classes.”
“I like it also,” agreed Fiona, “especially when the boys stay asleep long enough that I can join you. I know it’s good for me to exercise, and it’s more fun when I can do it with you. Matt still goes running on mornings when he knows he won’t get much exercise at work.”
Mindy stated, “I’m glad to know I can help you also. This plan is working well for me, and I hope it’s the same for you. If I call at a bad time please just tell me you’ll call me back when you can. I understand how it is with two little people needing your attention.”
“Don’t worry, Mindy,” replied Fiona, “and if I can’t answer the phone right then, just leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”
“Super!” exclaimed Mindy, “I’m relieved we got that worked out. It’s fun for me to do home schooling, and it’s a relief to not have those mean girls making fun of me. Oh, now I hear some noises from the nursery. Our exercise time is finished, so this is perfect timing.”
The parents on Mercy Valley Ranch and Farm had their small group times on the ranch or farm instead of going to the city, since it was about a twenty minute drive. Also they needed a place for the children to meet at the same time they did, but in another room in the house with two parents rotating to teach them things more on their age and interest level. Now that most of the children had accepted Jesus, the facilitators all decided those children in their groups could join them for communion times in the adult small groups.
They sang “Come Celebrate Jesus,” and “The Communion Song,” which go with Luke 22:19 below.
The first time for the girls or boys, the facilitator would explain, “We wanted you to join us for communion, because it is a special time when believers can remember what Jesus did for us and thank him for it. Jesus established it during the last supper he and the disciples had before Jesus died on the cross.
“It was a Passover meal like the people of Israel ate just before the last plague in Egypt. Exodus 12 explains that they were to kill a spotless lamb, and put some of its blood on the doorposts of their homes so the first born in their family would not be killed that night. The lamb was to be roasted and eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Each year after that, the people were supposed to eat another meal like this to remember that God had passed over their oldest child, so he or she did not die.
“It was during a meal like that, Jesus instructed his disciples to remember him in a special way. Everybody please find Luke 22:19,20 and follow along as I read, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it. He gave it to them saying, ‘this is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.’ They didn’t understand it at the time, but after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension they did.
“We don’t eat roast lamb, but we do remember that the lamb was spotless and perfect like Jesus who never sinned. Jesus died for us so we can be forgiven and live with him eternally. Leaven in the Bible represents sins so we use unleavened bread which has no yeast or baking powder in it to make it rise, because it’s the kind of bread the Passover meal was supposed to have. From verse 18, we know that the cup had the fruit of the vine, which is wine or grape juice. In our group, we like to use grape juice, because none of us want to ever become addicted to alcoholic beverages.
“The bread and grape juice are to remind us of Jesus body and his blood. 1 Corinthians 10:16 says, The cup of blessing … is the communion or sharing in the blood of Jesus, and the bread we break is the communion or sharing in the body of Jesus. This is the verse that is used to get the name, ‘communion,’ for this special time.
“As we take communion together, remember Jesus and thank him for his birth, life, ministry, death, burial, resurrection, ascension to heaven, where he intercedes for us, and that he will come again.”
Small pieces of unleavened bread were handed to each person who held it while the facilitator read Luke 22:19 again. Then they all ate theirs at the same time, remembering what it meant. Next a very small paper cup of grape juice was given to each person who held it while the facilitator read Luke 22:20 again. They drank it slowly as they thanked Jesus silently for all he had done and was doing. The children were glad to be included in this meaningful time.
One Saturday evening in June, Don and Anita Ross were watching Timmy and Mary swinging on the set in their backyard.
Anita declared, “What a charming wedding you performed this morning.”
“It certainly was,” agreed Don, “and you were right about that couple who’d been dating for so long.”
She continued, “We never did find out why they waited so long, and I know it’s not any of our business.”
“No,” he admitted, “they didn’t tell me much of anything about themselves, but it’s okay. We don’t need to know.”
Right then, Timmy and Mary ran up to the porch and sat on the steps to visit with their parents.
Mary shared, “I've been in kindergarten already for half a year, and I still like it a lot.”
“I liked all if it,” commented Timmy, “and I like first grade too. This year Hope and I are in the same classroom.”
“Joy says it isn’t fair,” Mary informed them. “She’d like to be with them.
Timmy explained, “It would have been very nice, but the school won’t allow twins to be in the same classroom.”
Mary cheered them up, “Well at least all four of us get to play together at recess times.”
“Right, Mary,” agreed Timmy, “this year we don’t have to have a special time to play with the twins on Saturdays like we did last year.”
Their parents smiled and agreed with their beloved children. When Timmy and Mary went back to the swings their parents continued their earlier conversation.
Don said, “It’s so interesting to watch the flock God gave us.”
“It certainly is!” Anita exclaimed. “I enjoy this place where God put us, and I like to see how he leads and guides some of the people in church #4.”
Don nodded. “Right, and we even get to hear about stories, without names of course, from the other pastors when we go to our small group on Mondays.”
“For sure,” she agreed. “As usual there were several June weddings this year in the rest of the churches. It’s a neat tradition.”
Don concluded, “Yes, and this is indeed a perk we get to enjoy, as we do this ministry for Jesus.”
Vern, Lora, and Mindy Jones have enjoyed traveling during school vacation weeks in a used motorhome they had bought after a family meeting one Saturday morning last year when Vern had asked Lora and Mindy if they’d like to travel and see what God made in other parts of the United States. After Vern, Lora, and Mindy returned from their first trip, they were tired, but ecstatic! The following is part of their conversation when they got back home after their first trip.
Mindy stated, “I didn’t know traveling could be so much fun!”
“Nor did I,” her dad responded, “but I’m glad we came home a little early so we can get reorganized and ready to go back to work and school on Monday.”
Lora agreed, “Yes, it was a very good idea to come home before we got too tired to do anything when we did get home.”
“I like the way the motorhome worked for us,” Mindy went on to say. “Like you had said, Dad, there was plenty of room for us in it. I didn’t feel crowded at all.”
Lora continued, “Right, Mindy. It was truly comfortable. I like having our own place to live and sleep after a busy day of sight seeing.”
“Yes, Honey,” agreed Vern, “for me it was a lot better than trying to find a motel or hotel every evening.”
“You’re a hundred percent correct, Dear!” Lora exclaimed.
Mindy remarked, “We saw so much beautiful, fantastic scenery, and I think we all enjoyed using the new camera you bought for our family, Dad. I’m looking forward to seeing the pictures we all took.”
Lora added, “Yes, it was fun to take turns with the camera.”
“Indeed it was!” Then Vern suggested, “Shall we get our food and belongings out of the motorhome, and put everything away? Then after supper, we can download the pictures on the computer and watch a slideshow of our trip.”
Mindy declared, “Super idea, Dad. With all of us working together, it won’t take long to unload the motorhome and put our things away.”
During their next trips, they started to discuss and pray about how they could turn their traveling into a ministry to serve Jesus. They were glad to find an idea on the list of possible evangelistic activities they received from the church and they made plans to go on the Fourth of July week for their first ministry trip. The booklet about travel evangelism for sightseers was very helpful.
“In order for this to work for us” Mindy asked, “should we stay in campgrounds along the way?”
Vern observed, “Absolutely, and we’ll need to accept the extra stress it will take in order to plan our trip more carefully so we can try to get to a campground in time to get everything set up and ready for right after supper.”
“Yes, for a ministry like this it will be worth the extra stress,” agreed Lora, “and we’ll need to ask the camp hosts for permission to use the amphitheater for meetings if there is one.”
Mindy went on, “If there isn't one, we can use the neat little folding chairs that fit into the space under the back bedroom of the motorhome.”
“Right, Mindy,” agreed Vern, “and we can put up a sign at our campsite about a hymn sing and question/answer session. I like the idea on the list. It says, Got???’s about God? Come to a hymn sing, and get them answered.”
Lora continued, “Yes, and if the timing seems right, we can then give a gospel presentation. Since none of us plays the guitar, or keyboard, we can use SD cards in a boombox and the hymnals we bring with us just like the small groups do for the singing time.”
“Right, and for those who are saved,” exclaimed Mindy, “a church can be planted like the booklet explains!” She read the following: “When people visit other places as vacationers or traveling 'missionaries,' sometimes a group of new believers results from their ministry. If they don't have a good church and small groups to teach new believers how to live their new lives, a pastor from the evangelism classes can quickly be sent to facilitate a small group for them and they can become a church. Their church can grow and evangelize their city. If only one or two people become believers, the ‘parents’ should get their names and phone number and keep in touch with them until a church plant group can be sent to start a church in their city.”
Vern commended her, “Good job of reading about it, Mindy. It will mean much more work for us and extra planning, but if even only one person accepts Jesus as Savior, it will be well worth the effort.”
Lora nodded emphatically, “Definitely! Also, I just noticed it says in the booklet, ‘You will probably need to teach the people who come to your meetings how to use the hymnals since most people these days don’t know how. Especially show them how each verse starts with it’s number in the first music staff and continues on down the page. If there’s a refrain, it will be sung, and then they go back to the top for verse two and so on, until the song is finished. It might be helpful for you to read a song all the way through, and have them follow along, before you add the music.’ It’s a good idea.”
“Oh my!” admitted Mindy, “I never would have thought about that fact. I guess we can’t assume the people will know how to use a hymnal, but we can ask them first and then teach them if they don’t. Next we need to decide where to go. The booklet mentions that it will be best if we travel to state and national parks or monuments.”
“Yes, here’s the book of maps,” Vern invited, “gather around and we can pick one or two we all are interested in seeing.”
“Oh, Dad and Mom,” exclaimed Mindy, “this is so exciting! We have the best family!”
Lora concurred, “We sure do, and it certainly is exciting to plan to travel and minister! And since we can use our enjoyment of traveling to tell the Good News it makes it even better.”
Amelia and Ben were enjoying supper with their parents at home after a day at work.
“It seems strange,” commented Amelia, “for me to not have any homework.”
Her mom, Connie, acknowledged, “I imagine it does, since that was a way of life for you all during the years you were in school.”
“You’re right,” she replied. “It’s been several months since I finished my trade school classes and I like my job with you and Dad at The Garden Shop, but I feel a little lazy about not working on something when I get home.”
Ernest, her Dad, smiled and playfully said to her, “Well, you could bring home some of the bookkeeping if you’d like to have some homework.”
Liking his humor, they all laughed together and then her brother, Ben, suggested, “Maybe you could use some of that time to do an independent Bible study on a topic of your choice.”
“Excellent idea, Ben!” responded Amelia. “I remember wishing I had more time for something like that when I was in school. Now my lifestyle has changed, and I’ll get started right away after helping with supper cleanup.”
“Perfect,” then Ernest asked, “Ben, how is your job?”
He answered, “I think it’s terrific. I got my desire of being able to work with my friend Matt who taught me so much while I helped him on his house. He continues to teach me at the job, and on top of that I get paid for it!”
Amelia clarified, “So you’re still learning about construction and contracting even after two years in the trade school?”
“Precisely,” he responded, “on the job training is much more effective than book learning. The trade school did give me good background knowledge, though.”
She nodded, “I know what you mean. My year of learning about bookkeeping and small businesses gave me the foundation I needed to build on at The Garden Shop. I’m still learning how to make the specific details fit.”
Connie complimented, “I think both of you are making outstanding progress, and I’m so glad you both decided to continue living at home for now. I get to postpone having an empty nest and instead I can still enjoy having our family together.”
“Absolutely!” exclaimed Ernest. “The same for me! If and when either or both of you decide to get married and move out, we’ll deal with the empty nest then. In the meantime I’ll enjoy this too.”
Ben shared, “We have such a nice family. I thank God for it often. And I thank you Dad and Mom for wanting Amelia and me to continue living here even though we could be supporting ourselves in apartments.”
“I agree,” stated Amelia, “and since all you will let us pay is for our food, we can give more to God’s work through the church, and put the rest in savings for the time if and when we get married.”
Ernest declared, “We’re glad you both agreed to our suggestion.”
Karen Spencer and William Beckett had similar jobs of teaching foster children, who weren’t in the church school, on Mercy Valley Ranch and on Mercy Valley Farm about the Bible. The way they taught the Bible Study and Story groups helped the families to do at least part of what it says in Deuteronomy 6:4-7. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. These words, which I command you this day, shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. When the children were at home the families had other ways and times of teaching them.
Karen and William sent a few e-mails back and forth and decided it would be good to use verses from Matthew and the other Gospels to teach the girls and boys more about Jesus and the way he desires for people to live.
Karen started one of her lessons by saying, “Jesus has been called the best teacher of all time. He was able to make things easy to understand and he taught with authority as it says in Mathew 7:29. He taught about many different subjects. Since all you girls now believe in Jesus, it would be an especially good idea for you to learn how Jesus wants people to live. Please write down all the references we use today, because you’ll need them for your homework.”
They all nodded, and she continued, “Please find Matthew 5:13-16, and follow along as I read it. You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its savor how can it be useful. It is good for nothing, but to be thrown out … You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick so it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
Sara mentioned, “I’ve tasted the last bit of salt in the bottom of a salt shaker, and it doesn’t have much flavor left. We usually throw it in the trash and start over with fresh salt, so I can see what he meant about the salt.”
One of the other girls nodded, “I agree, and I can’t imagine anyone putting a candle under anything! It could start a fire!”
“That’s for sure!” Kim concurred. “I like the idea of a city on a hill. At night with all the lights on, it would be like a Christmas tree decorated with all clear lights.”
June added, “Yes, and it could easily help a night traveler know he was going the right direction.”
Another girl stated, “I’m glad we don’t have to use candles. Electricity works so much better, but I get the point of these verses. We believers are suppose to be salt and light to our worlds.”
“All of you are right,” agreed Karen. “Now look in the center references and see if you can find a verse or more to go along with any of these.” She gave them time.
Candy suggested, “Parts of Philippians 2:14-16a might be good. I’ll read them. Do all things without murmurings and disputing, so that you will be blameless and harmless, the children of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, as you shine as lights in the world, holding out the word of life.”
A girl giggled, “Good job, Candy, the center reference for your verse 15 goes right back to the Matthew verses.” The rest of them nodded.
Then Kim said, “I found a verse about salt in Mark 9:50. It says, Salt is good, but if it has lost it saltiness, how will it season? Have salt in yourselves and have peace with each other. I’m not sure if it means having salt in us will cause peace or maybe the other way around, or both.”
“I’m not sure either, Kim,” replied Karen, “but it’s a good verse.”
June remarked, “I just looked up Luke 14:34,35 and it’s much the same as the Matthew verses. The center references for them go back to the others we’ve already read.”
“Good job, girls,” Karen commended. “Now you know how to use the center references in your Bible. Let’s see if there’s anything different in the concordance. Try looking up salt first.”
Candy declared, “I don’t think those are very helpful for this study. The ones in the Old Testament don’t go with it and the others are the ones we already read, except for the one in James, which is about salt water.”
Sara agreed, “True, but on my way to find ‘salt’ I noticed ‘seasoned’ in Colossians 4:6, and looked it up. It says, Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer everyone.”
“It’s a good verse,” June concurred, “I wonder why it was not included in the verses for ‘salt’?”
Karen admitted, “I wonder the same thing. Now let’s look up light as a noun and see if we can find anything helpful.”
One girl said, “I like the first part of Psalm 27:1, The LORD is my light and my salvation. But it doesn’t really go with this study.”
“You’re right,” Karen tacked on, “but I like that verse also.”
Sara suggested, “Psalm 37:5,6a says, Commit your way to the LORD, trust in him and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth your righteousness as the light… Maybe our righteousness from Jesus could be the light we are shining.”
“I like your idea,” commented Kim. “Also, John 3:19-21 is very interesting, because it says, this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he who does truth comes to the light, so his deeds may be made manifest, to show they are formed in God.”
Karen concurred, “Both of those scriptures make good points. Also, I just looked up John 8:12, where Jesus says, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.’ I think he wants us to give the same light to our worlds or the places where we live and have influence.”
The girls nodded in agreement.
“Wow!” exclaimed Candy. “I just read Ephesians 5:8-17 and it’s long but has a lot to say about light and dark and the right way to live. I’ll read just the first verse. For you were in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, so walk as children of light.”
Karen nodded emphatically, “For sure, Candy. Everybody else please read the rest of the verses to yourselves at home. And your homework is to study these and all the verses we’ve read today, again at home and think about what was said here today. Write at least one paragraph about what these scriptures mean for believers. At our next meeting, bring it and be ready to share it with a girl not in your family. Then loan it to me because I’d like to read all of them.”
The girls worked hard on their paragraphs and Karen liked them all. She commended them for a job well done when she gave the papers back after she had finished reading them.
Karen continued teaching girls on the ranch using verses from the four gospels and cross references to other books in the Bible. She also introduced the idea of using the colored pencils she had given them to highlight parts of their Bibles using a color code, like for God use purple for royalty, for Jesus use red for the blood he shed, and so forth.
Chapter 2
Luke 24:47, Jesus said, “repentance and remission of sins
should be preached in my name among all nations…”
One weekend when Riley was home he reread part of the little booklet he had gotten from the church that was helping him with his ministry. It was called, “Travel Evangelism for Business Workers.” The list included sales people, pilots, flight attendants, tour guides, army, navy, air force, and marine chaplains, others in the service, truck drivers, geologists, and teachers who teach English in foreign countries, plus many others.
He flipped to the section for sales people and read the ideas for ways to evangelize while he was traveling. Then he typed them into his laptop computer. Later, by printing very small, he was able to fit some of them on a business sized card to keep in his billfold. He laminated it so it would last. It would be easy to pull it out and be reminded about things he could be doing when he wasn’t busy with his job.
When he finished doing those things, he went to join his parents and they all went to visit his sister, Fiona, and her family. He was glad for every chance he got to see Matt, his sister, and his nephews. Of course they were all very glad to see him also.
After the pastor of church #1 encouraged the congregations to keep ministering in the ways they were already doing, and to add at least one idea from the list, Ruth wrote lyrics for a song. After many revisions and weeks of trying to get it right, she gave a copy to Ted Blake at Mercy Valley Ranch and he wrote music in four part harmony to go with the lyrics.
“We’ll Gladly Serve God”
We’ll gladly serve God in Sunshine or storm,
Telling the story of his gracious love.
Whether it’s snowy, or it’s nice and warm,
We’ll show them the way to Heaven above.
Thomas said, “We don’t know where you’re going,
so how in the world can we know the way?”
Jesus said to all of them, “You are knowing,
since I’m the way, you know just what to say.”
Psalm 100 says to serve the LORD with gladness.
Sometimes we serve together by singing,
and it’s best if we do it with oneness,
any time of day: morning, noon, or evening.
Together we’ll ask the Lord of the harvest,
To send forth laborers into the field.
And we know he will answer our request,
Because he wants the souls harvest will yield!
Adding new service is priority.
Our united vision is to impact more,
So we’ll use every opportunity,
Gladly serving the God we adore.
Ruth explained, “Verse 2 goes with John 14:5,6, and the fourth verse goes with Matthew 9:37,38, where Jesus said to his disciples, the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth laborers into his harvest.”
One Saturday when Ruth was visiting Esther and her family, Ted invited them all to come to his house to listen to a song. To the accompaniment of his guitar, he, Julie, and the quadruplets sang Ruth’s song lyrics using the melody he had written. They got a standing ovation and a request for an encore.
Then Nathan commented, “This is good enough to be sung as one of the songs during a church service.”
“Indeed it is!” Esther declared, “After Pastor Don and his family ride horses with your family today, Ted, you could sing it for them and see what he thinks.”
Everyone looked expectantly at Ruth and Ted. Ruth was blushing in embarrassment, but nodded, and Ted gave a thumbs up. So they did it, and Don agreed. They made a recording he could take along with a copy of the music Ted had written to go with it to the pastor of church #1 so he could listen to it and decide.
He also liked it and consequently in a few weeks, all the people in the congregations of all twenty-four churches had sung the song and treasured the copy of the words each family, couple, or single was given, since it wasn’t a song in the hymnal. Ruth was totally amazed but also very thankful that God had helped her write the lyrics for this song.
Tomo and Ami found a nice used travel van that would sleep four people, if two of them were small children, by using the dinette area. He mentioned, “Since just the two of us will usually go in this van, we’ll be able to keep the dinette set up for eating, relaxing, and studying the Bible.”
“Certainly,” Ami agreed, “it’s just the right size for the two of us, and it’s easy to drive and park. I like the roomy bed in the back.”
Tomo continued, “Yes, and I’m glad we talked to Vern, Lora and Mindy Jones about their motorhome and got some ideas from them. Their motorhome is larger than I would like to drive, but it’s just right for them. The booklet from our church about travel evangelism has many good ideas and travel hints.”
Very soon they had the motorhome set up with bedding, clothes, plastic dishes, cups, silverware, sharp knives, can opener, cooking pans, utensils, paper towels, napkins, food, other essentials, plus hymnals, a boombox, a folding table, small folding chairs, and a sign to put up at their campsite. They also packed extra Bibles and a book of answers to common questions people could ask so they could refer to it on the spot if they got stuck. Then they studied maps and planned their route to include scenery on the way there and back. Next they called Afta and family to find out the best time for a visit. Finally they were on their way!
Ami mentioned, “I’m glad we agreed to stop along the way when there are safe places to pull off the highway so we can take pictures of the scenery as we go.”
“Same here,” Tomo concurred. “It was also a good idea to give only an approximate arrival date so we don’t have to feel pressured.”
Since they were traveling east of the mountains, there would be very few national forest type campgrounds along the way. So their first night was spent in a commercial campground in a small city. Ami lamented, “We got here too late to get a hymn singing time set up this evening. Maybe we’ll do better tomorrow.”
“Yes,” agreed Tomo, “I enjoy not driving on the interstates, but the secondary roads take us longer. I also like being able to pull off the road to look around and stretch.”
“Absolutely,” said Ami. “We aren’t in a race, and I enjoy the slower pace. We can plan to stop earlier tomorrow evening.”
They looked at the map and planned to stop at a special insect museum before driving some more to a small city about a hundred miles from there. They had a chance to plant a few gospel seeds as they looked at the displays and visited with another couple nearby. Then they reached the small city and found a nice commercial campground a little ways on the other side of the city.
Ami stated, “This was a fun day. I really enjoyed the butterflies and moths in the museum. Now supper is over and we have permission to set up a meeting at our campsite.”
“Yes it was fun!” agreed Tomo. “I’ll set up the sign and folding table and chairs while you bring the boombox, SD cards, and hymnals out here.”
Several people came right away, and a couple more came a little later. They had a time of visiting and getting acquainted before singing. As it turned out, this time they were all from a church in another city and welcomed the chance to share in praises to God.
At the end of the time, they helped put away the table and chairs and thanked Tomo and Ami for the good idea of a way to tell the Good News to others as they traveled. They’d buy the equipment needed and do the same thing for the rest of their trip. Tomo showed and explained the travel evangelism booklet to the people, then he gave it to one couple so they could share it with the others and use the ideas.
Ami commented, “We’ll get another booklet when we get home.” When the people left, Tomo and Ami thanked God for the unexpected results of their first hymn singing time in a campground.
The next day they arrived in the city where Afta and his family lived. After finding a park, they fixed and ate supper to make it easier for their first evening of visiting. When all was cleaned up and put away, Tomo looked up their address on the computer map on his laptop and was able to drive there easily.
Afta ran outside to greet them, “Welcome! It’s so wonderful to see you in person here at our home! Come right in … have you eaten supper yet? We just finished, but could get the leftovers out for you.”
Tomo hugged him and then answered, “Yes, we already ate supper and we’re looking forward to an evening of visiting with you and your family! You look great!”
Afta laughed, “Thanks, that means you look great too, since we’re still identical twins! Ami, you look wonderful too! I’m so glad you both were able to come here and see us.”
Hana joined them in the living room, and when the rest of the greetings and hugs were completed, Denji came in and it all started over again. Finally they were seated and enjoyed visiting and learning about the details of each other’s lives and their churches.
The next morning while Denji was at school, they talked some more. Afta began, “I always felt like our parents gave me a demeaning name. It always reminded me that I was the younger one, and therefore I was not as good. That’s the reason I didn’t want to stay in Pine City after high school.”
Tomo nodded, “I understand.”
Afta continued, “They made it clear that I would not inherit the family business.”
“I didn’t know that. But they’re still alive and well,” inserted Tomo, “and you and I don’t need to inherit anything from them anyway.”
Afta exclaimed, “Exactly, and the most wonderful part is that when we were all there at Christmas time, they apologized to me after they became believers and I forgave them.”
Tomo stated. “How amazing! I’m so glad they did! This reminds me a little of Esau and Jacob in Genesis 25-28. But our story isn’t as bad as theirs was and has a much better ending.”
“That’s for sure!” emphasized Afta. “You and I have always been friends, but our parents caused a rift and separation in our lives, and I regret the wasted years of closeness we could have had otherwise.”
Tomo replied, “I agree, but at least we’ve had more time on the phone and we’re here visiting now, and it’s such a pleasure.”
“Indeed it is,” agreed Afta, “and I’m thankful for that. I also felt better because I had forgiven them. I just wanted you to know how I have felt.”
“Thank you, Afta. It does clear up the mystery for me.” Then Tomo got up and gave his twin a hug. Later he mentioned, “Hana, we’d like to get to see your sister and her family while we’re here. It’s been so many years that we need to get acquainted all over again.”
“I’ll call her right now,” Hana responded, “and see when they can come over.” She found out they’d be free that evening after supper, so she invited them over for an evening of visiting.
They had an interesting time of getting to know each other. Tomo and Ami found out many things about Kosuke and Sakura, including that they both had moved home again after becoming discontent with the life in the other big city. They seemed very nice and polite. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship of believers. It was a nice evening.
Two mornings later as Tomo and Ami were getting ready to leave so they could drive back home, Afta surprised them! “Hana and I have been discussing and trying to decide for months about a better place to live than this noisy, big city. We’re tired of the long cold winters and would really like to move.”
Hana continued, “My parents and my sister and her family feel the same way, and we’ve searched many possibilities. We always made the excuse about our jobs, but we finally realized that they are the kind of jobs that can move with us.”
Tomo asked, “Do you mean …?”
“Exactly!” responded Afta. “Just since you came to visit us, Hana and I have decided on Pine City. Then we won’t have any more wasted years. I think we’ll be able to convince the rest of the family to choose it also, and each of us will move as soon as we can get our houses sold.”
Tomo exclaimed, “Oh, WOW! I’m so happy to hear about your decision and we’ll pray that you can convince them also.” Then he gave his twin a bear hug.
Ami hugged Hana and said, “We’ll also pray that your houses sell quickly, and we’ll look forward to you moving to Pine City soon!”
“Thank you for this great visit,” declared Tomo, “and this news is the icing on the cake. It isn’t nearly as hard to leave now that we know you will soon be living in Pine City!”
Afta responded, “You’re welcome. Thank you for coming! We’re glad you like our news. Drive carefully, and we’ll see you as soon as we can get packed and moved.”
Ami invited, “You three are welcome to stay with us while you look for a house or apartment to live in, since our office has a couch that makes into a bed, and Denji can room with Yoshi.”
Hana replied, “Thank you. We’ll take you up on that. It will make the move so much easier. We’ll be looking at housing availability on the web while we are still here.”
They all hugged again and sang “God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again.” Then they left with smiles instead of tears.
On the farm William began one of the Bible study times for the boys by asking, “How do you react when someone hits you?”
Pedro answered, “I hit him right back, I don’t want to be called a sissy!”
“No,” agreed Luis, “but then you both just continue hitting until both of you have bloody noses or black eyes or both, or you end up in the principal’s office in double trouble.”
Pedro nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. I’d be better off to be a sissy.”
William smiled and nodded. “Please find Matthew 5:38,39, and follow along as I read it. Jesus said, You have heard that it has been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, but I say to you, do not resist evil, if someone hits you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Think about it carefully. In my opinion, it would take more courage to turn the other cheek than to hit back.”
Jose shared, “For me, it would be easier to turn and run away. I can’t imagine offering my other cheek to him. He’d probably really hit it hard.”
“He might,” concurred William, “but on the other hand, it might surprise him and diffuse his anger. I’ve never had the unwelcome opportunity to try it. Put a bookmark in this Matthew chapter and find Romans 12:19-21 and read it aloud with me. Dearly beloved, don’t avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the LORD. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him a drink, for in so doing you shall heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
A boy stated, “This would be even harder for me to do! But I guess Jesus never said that living for him would be easy.”
“Precisely!” exclaimed William. “My center reference goes to Proverbs 25:21,22 and they say almost the same thing. Now let’s go back to Matthew 5 and please read verses 43-46 to yourselves.”
Hugo declared, “It just gets harder! I’m supposed to love my enemies and do good to them and pray for them so I can be a child of my Father in heaven.”
“Good summary of those verses, Hugo,” complimented William. “The verses we’ve read so far make very good goals for us. Now let’s look at Matthew 7:12 and read it together. Therefore, whatever you would like others to do to you, do it to them, for this is the law and the prophets.”
Another boy mentioned, “Luke 6:31 says almost the same thing.”
“Yes it does,” William concurred. “As we end this lesson today, listen to Psalm 103:8,10. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in mercy. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. He definitely treats us the way he desires for us to treat others.”
The parents of one family in the church were helping their four children who had gone to the church school. They wanted to have a lemonade stand this summer.
Dad said, “Saturdays from about 10 AM to 3 PM would be a good time to have a lemonade stand.”
“Why?” asked the younger boy.
Mom answered, “If you remember the times we’ve gone to garage and yard sales, it’s often on a Saturday. Between those times it is usually pretty hot, and lemonade would taste really good about then.”
He said, “For sure! It’s going to be hot for us, too. Could we set up an umbrella so we could have some shade?’
“What a good idea!” replied Mom. “Yes, we’ll help you do it.”
“Thank you, Mom. But five hours is a long time,” his older brother mentioned.
Dad explained, “That’s the beauty of having all four of you be involved. You can work in pairs for about an hour and a quarter each and then trade off, and you can eat lunch in shifts.”
“Good,” the boy responded, “we won’t get as tired that way.”
“Should we use real lemons or just get a mix.?” the younger sister inquired.
Little brother exclaimed, “Real lemons would take too much work!”
“You’re right,” she agreed, “and they’d cost more too. Besides, we also need to buy paper cups and a bag of ice cubes since our ice maker doesn’t work.”
“How much should we charge?” he asked next.
Dad replied, “We’ll need to figure out how much all those things cost and divide the number of cups into that amount and then add any profit you’d like to make.”
Big sister mentioned, “Since this is going to be a ministry we only need to charge enough to pay our expenses.”
“Correct,” agreed Mom. “and you’ll be ready with tracts, which are little pamphlets that tell the Good News, to give if people want them, You can answer questions and witness when its appropriate. You all know how to follow the leading of Jesus’ Spirit who lives in you.” They all nodded.
Dad suggested, “If you get stuck on a question or need help of any kind just push the intercom button on the phone you take with you from the house. We’ll hear it ring and one of us will come right out to help you.”
Big brother realized, “We’ll need to buy tracts at the Bible book store and add their cost to our expenses to figure out the price of each glass we sell.”
“This is more complicated than it sounded at first,” said big sister, “but it will be worth it if anyone will accept Jesus as their Savior.”
Mom added, “This is very true! And we need to remember we might not ever know the results of this project, but we will be planting seeds. Some people need a lot of exposure to the Good News before they’re converted.”
“Yes,” she replied, “but I still think it’s a good idea.”
Dad tacked on, “It’s even better than going to yard sales and buying more things we don’t need to have!”
“Absolutely!” declared Mom. “When you get good enough at running the lemonade stand, Dad and I could consider having a yard sale at the same time. We picked up a booklet from the church about that idea also.”
Big brother quipped, “Neat, then we’ll get them with two double barreled shotguns. The people either of us miss will be covered by the others!”
They all had fun laughing at this funny sense of humor. When they got settled down, Dad remarked, “In that case, we better partner with another couple so one couple can oversee the yard sale while their partners are ministering, so we won’t miss anybody. This would also provide a couple to come help out at the lemonade stand if you need one. Plus everyone can take a break if needed.”
Big sister said, “This all sounds like a very good idea. Little Sis and my closets are overflowing with clothes that don’t fit. Our bookshelves have games we quit playing, and books we won’t read again, and I hate to imagine what our brothers’ room looks like.”
“You’re exactly right!” her brothers responded in unison.
Tomo and Ami drove on the interstate and made it home in just two days because they had such interesting news to share with Aneko and Yoshi. They drove late in the evening and skipped the hymn singing idea on the way home.
Aneko exclaimed, “Hey! You guys are home sooner than we expected you! We just got home from the restaurant, and you pulled in right behind us! Welcome home!”
“Is everything alright?” asked Yoshi. “It hasn’t been two weeks.”
“Yes, we’re fine.” Tomo answered. “We’re just so excited to tell you our news and didn’t want to use the phone, so we just hurried home instead.”
Ami remarked, “You might not believe this. We’ve had a hard time believing it ourselves even though we heard it with our own ears!”
“Please come sit down and tell us all about it,” Aneko requested.
When everyone was comfortable, Tomo and Ami recounted their trip and visiting time. “We were impressed with your cousins. They were both very polite and friendly. Their names are Kosuke and Sakura, charming names for delightful people, Kosuke’s name means rising sun, and Sakura’s means cherry blossom,” added Ami.
Tomo continued, “Then just as we were ready to get into the van yesterday and start home, Afta and Hana surprised us by saying that they’ve decided to sell their home there and move to Pine City!”
Ami admitted, “I invited them to stay with us while they look for a place to live and said Denji could room with you, Yoshi.”
He nodded his acceptance.
“Oh my!” declared Aneko. “The way they talked the last time they were here it sounded like they’d never consider moving.”
Tomo explained why and went on to say, “And that’s not all. Hana’s parents and sister and her family want to move also. Hana is going to try and convince them to choose Pine City too.”
“So it looks like you might get a chance to evaluate your cousins for yourselves,” finished Ami.
Tomo suggested, “Let’s pray about all of this and then go to bed. We can discuss it some more in the morning.”
After everyone added a sentence or two to the prayer time, they went to bed. In the morning there was not really much more to discuss about the news, because it was all still up in the air, but Tomo and Ami did tell about the driving part of the trip, their first and only ministry time, and how well the van had worked for them.
Oscar and Vera were still enjoying the wonder of being able to attend church services together after all the years of running the dude ranch when they had to go separately on different days, so one of them could always be at the ranch.
They walked in and sat near the center front with their family of four foster girls. They sat with two girls between them and one on each end, so they could be helped with the hymnal or Bible if needed. The girls had become much better at finding things on their own, but they also enjoyed being able to sit near one of their foster parents, since this family had bonded so well. Each Sunday they sat in a different arrangement so they would all have a turn in each place. They all felt like they were really a special part of the family.
For this service Nan and Liz were in the middle, Emma sat next to Oscar, and Stella was beside Vera.
Before service started Emma quietly said to Oscar, “Dad, John 3:16 is one of the verses I memorized and it goes with the first song.”
He nodded and mentioned, “It’s a very good verse. I know it too.”
“Look, Nan,” whispered Liz, “The second song has two Bible verses listed after it.”
Nan whispered back, “Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen before.”
In the meantime Stella observed in a quiet voice, “Mom, the third song has an interesting title. I’ve heard you say those words before about something that would probably happen. I’ll try to notice how those words fit in a song when we sing it later.
“Good idea, Stella,” replied Vera also in a quiet voice. “I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that song before. It will be interesting to find out what it’s like.”
The songs this week were “For God So Loved the World,” which goes with John 3:16, “When We See Christ,” Psalm 71:22,23 and Hebrews 12:1,2a, and “Sooner or Later,” John 14:3.
Pastor Don began the teaching time by having everyone who’d memorized John 3:16 say it out loud together, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Then Don continued, “The song we sang that goes with this verse is very short, but it has a great message about how God’s Son died on Calvary to set us free from sin, and that someday Jesus will come back to earth. We’ll get to see his matchless glory and realize completely how wonderful his love is. If there’s anyone here who doesn’t know for sure that you are saved and ready for Jesus to return, please come talk to me so I can answer any questions.”
Next he instructed, “Find Psalm 71:22, 23 and follow along as I read it. I will praise you with the psaltery. I will praise your truth O my God, to you will I sing with the harp, O you Holy One of Israel. My lips and my soul shall greatly rejoice when I sing to you, because you have redeemed me. You may have noticed the word ‘harp’ in the last verse of the second song we sang, and it’s the only part of the song that really goes with this Bible verse. Maybe this song is the place many people got the idea that all people will do in heaven is play harps. I never agreed with that idea but the whole idea of praising God for redeeming us fits well here.”
Pastor Don had asked a man with a big booming voice to be ready to stand up and read the next verses. He called on the man who stood and read loudly, “Hebrews 12:1,2a says, Therefore seeing we are surrounded by a large cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily harasses us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”
“Thank you,” stated Don, “the verses are so much more meaningful the way you read them to us. They might be good ones to memorize and then sing the chorus of this song to remind us to keep running the race when things seem hard like some of the verses say in the song. When we get to see Jesus in heaven, it will be worth all the hard times.”
People in the congregation nodded and Don went on, “When I was growing up, I’d go visit my grandparents and they had an old record player. I often heard them play the song, ‘Sooner or Later,’ written by Lulu Koch with music by Wilbur Nelson. He sang it on his program, The Morning Chapel Hour, which was on the radio for many years. there’s actually a YouTube video with one of their record albums, but I’m not sure the song is on it. Anyway, this song brings back a lot of precious memories of those times. I was so glad when I found this song in our hymnal.”
He had the people look up and read John 14:3 aloud, Jesus said, If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that you may also be where I am.
Don explained, “This is a verse and song, which for believers, gives wonderful promises and things to look forward to when God calls them home, sooner or later, in his own timing and way. Maybe it will be through being absent from the body and being present with the Lord, see 2 Corinthians 5:8. Or maybe it will be as it says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 if we are still alive when Jesus returns, we’ll be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. No matter which way it happens, it will be perfect! Again, if you’re not sure you are ready, please come talk to me.”
In closing they sang the song “Sooner or Later” again with an even better understanding and longing than the first time.
This spring Greg and Oralie Iverson had a surprise for their foster boys on the farm when they got home from school one Friday.
As usual Oralie reminded, “Please put your things in your rooms and change your clothes.”
Greg added, “Hurry today, so we can have some extra playtime, but remember to hang up your clothes.”
They were all good boys and did as they were told, but they caught an undertone of excitement in their parents and wondered what might happen. So they hurried as fast as they could.
Oralie explained, “We have a surprise for you in the backyard, but you need to use self control and stay quiet so you don’t scare it.”
They all nodded solemnly and promised to be quiet. Their curiosity was growing.
“Also,” continued Greg, when you get out there, please sit down on the ground in a semi-circle like when we play some of our games.”
Max was having the hardest time being quiet and patient, since he was the youngest of the boys and loved surprises. But he clenched his fists and tightened his lips to keep in any sounds.
Finally Oralie opened the door and they filed out and down the steps so they could sit as Dad had instructed.
As soon as they were seated they saw it, and each of them covered his mouth to keep in the shouts of joy that wanted so badly to get out. It was a bundle of golden colored fur that came bounding over the grass toward them. But then it stopped so quickly that it did a somersault and ended up sitting a few feet away from them to study this collection of small humans.
Greg walked quietly over and picked him up and he started to wag his tail and tried to lick Greg’s face. “This puppy is just now old enough to leave his mother and find a new home. He’s a golden retriever and collie mix. His mother is a collie and by accident she got out one day and met a golden retriever. The result was a litter of puppies which were not planned.”
Oralie went on, “Your dad and I know her owners, and when they told us about these puppies we asked if we could buy one, knowing how much you boys would like to have a dog here on the farm. They promised us the pick of the litter, so we went today to bring him home. You can talk quietly now.”
Hands came down from their mouths and big smiles covered their faces. Cory expressed what they all felt, “Thank you very much, Dad and Mom. This is the very best surprise!”
The other boys nodded emphatically.
“His color is so pretty,” Kevin stated, “it’s just like honey.”
Jack commented, “His nose looks more like a collie’s than a retriever’s nose.”
Levi asked, “Does he have a name already, or do we get to name him?
Max observed,“He looks so happy, I’m sure he will be a jolly good friend to all of us. If we get to name him, I’d like to call him Jolly, because it rhymes with collie and he’s so happy, he makes me feel happy too.”
The other four boys smiled at Max and nodded their agreement, and Mom and Dad did too, so that was how Jolly got his name.
Greg set the puppy down on the ground and he went to smell and get acquainted with the five boys who took turns petting and letting Jolly climb over their legs and into their laps. He was a great addition to this big family and each of them took turns taking care of him and cleaning up the yard.
Greg and Oralie spent some time every day while the boys were at school, training the puppy when he was old enough to learn, then they taught the boys how to continue each thing he was taught, so he became a well-behaved pet and friend who gave them all his love and attention.
Beth Davis, the principal of Grace ‘n’ Faith Church Christian School had a Jewish friend. They had been partnering in memorizing Old Testament Scriptures for over a month. It was an idea Beth got from the list the church handed out to them. Each partner would look up the scripture and follow along to see if it was correctly quoted.
Beth suggested, “Today, let’s check each other on some more verses in the Psalms. You be first this time.”
“Okay,” she responded, “I really like Psalm 4:8, I will lie down in peace and sleep, for only you LORD make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8. I use this verse many times when I can’t fall right to sleep.”
Beth replied, “What a good idea. I’ll try it. You said it perfectly and remembered to say the reference before and after. Sometimes I forget to do it. It’s my turn, Psalm 13:5, O LORD I have trusted in your mercy. My heart shall rejoice in your salvation Psalm 13:5.”
“Good job,” said her friend. “why do you like this one?”
Beth answered, “Because I know the LORD is full of mercy and he made a way for us to have his salvation.”
“Oh,” she acknowledged. “Now I’ll say Psalm 18:1-3, I will love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my strength in whom I will trust, my buckler and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:1-3. I like it because David sang it when the LORD delivered him from all his enemies, especially Saul.
Beth exclaimed, “You did a very good job on such a long list of the wonderful things the LORD is to people who trust in him!
Her friend mentioned, “I’ve heard that God works everything together for good.”
“Indeed, Beth commented, “That’s part of one of my favorite verses.”
“Oh I didn’t know that was in the Scriptures,” she stated.
Beth responded, “Yes, there’s a lot of wisdom in the Scriptures of the New Testament also. That verse is in Romans 8:28, which says, And we know that all things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to his purpose, Romans 8:28.”
“Well,” she admitted, “the LORD certainly did that for David, even though it took years before it happened.”
“Positively,” and Beth continued, “I try to remember that fact and not get discouraged when things take longer than I’d like them to take. Oh dear! Our time is already up for today. I’ll look forward to continuing in the Psalms next week. Thanks for coming today!”
She said. “You're welcome. See you next week at my apartment.”
Before his twin brother and family sold their home and came to stay with them while they looked for a place to live, Tomo and Ami went for another motorhome ministry time to the west this time to see national parks where they might be able to minister in Japanese to people visiting from Japan or to others in English. They chose to go to Bryce Canyon National Park because it has many pull-offs with overlooks where they could view and photograph the scenery and have the chance to visit with other people there also.
When they looked carefully at the map to decide on their route Tomo suggested, “Since we are going to drive so far, we may as well see the other parks that are relatively close to Bryce.”
He showed Ami the map and she agreed, “Yes, we can see Capitol Reef National Park first then Bryce and last we can go to Zion. If we plan our route carefully, we might find some national forest campgrounds along the way, and maybe could get reservations in the national park campgrounds.”
“Right, Dear,” he concurred, “and on the way home we can just go at our own pace and camp wherever we are at the end of the day.”
They planned deliberately for each day of driving to the parks and where to camp, and even decided to take an interstate part of the way. The first evening they arrived at a national forest campground in time to set up their site for a time of singing and answering questions. It went well, and some people had good questions that were answered by Tomo and Ami. Those people left with a tract about the gospel to read.
The next day they drove on Interstate 70 through the Colorado mountains and Utah, taking every scenic pull-off so they could enjoy and photograph the most beautiful section of interstate in the country. Even with all those stops, they made it to their reserved site in Capitol Reef National Park Campground in time to set up their campsite for ministry time. They’d be here for two nights, so the people who came the first night returned the next evening bringing their friends. After explaining the Good News and answering questions, they had the joy of praying with those people to accept Jesus as their Savior.
Before the second meeting, during the day, they had driven to all the scenic areas in the park marveling at the variety and beauty everywhere. They’d have plenty of photos to show when they got home. They especially liked all the rock colors and formations along the Scenic Drive. Later the same day they visited the Historic Gifford Farmhouse Museum and Store where they took pictures of the old- fashioned way of living and bought a little cup of homemade ice cream. It was delicious and fun to eat it outside at one of the picnic tables. Then they saw the one-room school house and it was special because they got to go inside and really see things up-close.
The next day they drove on Highway 12 south to Boulder and then on into Escalante. It’s one of the most spectacular scenic byways in Utah, and it continues all the way to Bryce, going through Red Canyon on the way, so they saw lots of magnificent scenery.
Tomo remarked, “Even though we took every pull-off so we could sight see and take more pictures we still got to our reserved Bryce campsite in time to have supper and get set up for the singing and question time. So far this has been a fabulous trip!”
“Indeed it has been!” exclaimed Ami. “I didn’t know there was so much varied and colorful scenery in the United States. We are privileged to get to see so much of it on this trip.”
Tomo added, “Yes and furthermore, we were able to give answers to the questions the people asked tonight. Father in Heaven, please give them the desire to return tomorrow evening and give us the right words to say to them.”
“Yes,” Ami continued, “and also please help us to connect with people who need to hear about you at the viewpoints tomorrow during the day. Draw people to yourself and use us however you want to use us.”
The next afternoon Tomo declared, “It’s like God orchestrated our day for us today.”
“Indeed,” Ami nodded, “The man at the visitor center gave us a very helpful hint to drive all the way to the other end taking the two pull-offs on our side of the road, and then come back taking all the ones on the other side so we didn’t have to cross traffic each time.”
He concurred, “Without a doubt, it was much safer that way. Then we ended up following or being followed by a rental car full of tourists from Japan. If they left first, we’d pull into the next pull-off behind them. If we left first they’d pull in behind us.”
“It was perfect,” agreed Ami. “Since we met them at Rainbow Point near the end of the scenic drive, and we both stopped at four others, we had enough time for small talk and getting acquainted, before we felt led to tell them the Good News at Sunrise Point back near the start of the scenic drive.”
Tomo admitted, “It felt good to speak in Japanese to them and between ourselves all day today, plus being able to read to them out of our Japanese Bibles.”
“I enjoyed it also,” Ami went on, “plus it was good to wait until the last pull-off so they weren’t in a hurry to leave for the next one.”
Tomo prayed, “Thank you Lord, for being in charge of our day, and for using us to tell them the Good News.”
Ami added, “And we thank you that all six of them accepted Jesus, and I’m glad one of them already knew of a good church that has small groups for new believers, so they can get connected when they go back to their homes.”
It was raining after supper that evening, so there was no hymn singing time. Instead they studied the map and tour book to be ready for Zion National Park tomorrow and the next day. Then when they were certain Aneko and Yoshi would be home from working at the restaurant, they called them and shared the highlights of their trip so far. Everyone rejoiced about the ones who’d been saved.
The next day they continued west on Highway 12 to 89 and then south to Highway 9 and west into Zion seeing more delightful scenery along the way. Happily their van was small enough that they could go through the amazing, long tunnel without an extra charge for an oversized vehicle, which has to have an escort sent with it while the oncoming traffic is halted until they get through the tunnel.
The visitor center was still open when they arrived, so they went in and got all their questions answered about the shuttle that goes on the road up Zion Canyon. They decided to take the shuttle to Weeping Rock and then hike up to Middle Emerald Pool, take pictures along the way and be ready to talk to anybody who was open to listen.
After the visitor center they went to their reserved campsite in the campground and walked around for half an hour like they usually did to get some exercise after all the driving. Then it was time for supper and they got set up for a time of singing hymns. They were thrilled to see the couple from their first night in Bryce, plus they brought the people who had camped next to them. Both couples had more questions to get answered and then they and Tomo and Ami planned to hike to Middle Emerald Pool together the next day.
They all got seats together on the shuttle and continued asking questions, which were happily answered by Tomo and Ami. The hike was easy and delightful. There had been enough rain that the waterfalls were running larger than usual. The red rocks and cliffs made a wonderful contrast to the hanging gardens, green ferns, plants and trees.
After supper the two couples came back for more singing and more answers to questions. Soon both couples had enough information and were ready to ask Jesus to be their Savior. Ami found out they knew of good churches in their cities and would attend them and get into small groups. They all had a wonderful time rejoicing and then planned to go the following day as a caravan on Interstate 15 and take the side trip into Kolob Canyons, which is still in Zion National Park.
The next day, taking every pull-off they all got more photos of fantastic red rock scenery. It was even more fun now that they all were believers and could share the unity of belonging to the forever family of God.
After the side trip, they continued north to Highway 14 and then 143 to Cedar Breaks National Monument, which was a lot like Bryce on a smaller scale and a higher elevation. When finished there, they continued 143 northeast. It was another delightful scenic byway, after which all of them camped at a commercial campground in the town of Panquitch.
From there the following day, the caravan drove north through a valley with some more extraordinary scenery to an interesting feature called Big Rock Candy Mountain, just south of Sevier, Utah. After marveling at one more piece of God’s great creativity and variety, the friends parted ways to either continue their sightseeing or to head back home. Tomo and Ami decided Interstate 70 was just as pretty going east as it had been as they had gone west so many days ago now, that they had lost count. They got home to Pine City just after Yoshi and Aneko got home from work at the restaurant, but they waited until the next morning to tell them about the rest of their trip.
On the playground, a fourth grade boy said, “Cory, yesterday my brother, who’s in fifth grade, told me to watch out for those kids from the church school, but you guys are, well, just good friends. I’d like to hear what you’d like to say and decide for myself. I think he just likes to criticize and find fault, and I don’t want to be like that.”
Cory responded, “Thanks for the compliment. We’re glad to be friends with you. We’ll be happy to tell you. At the church school we learned the truth about the Bible. It teaches so many good things about how to live. But the most important of those things for us and all people is about God’s Son, Jesus.
Cory’s partner continued, “Yes, you see, he’s important because all the people on the earth have sinned, including Cory, me, and you.
“How do we sin?” the boy asked. “The three of us haven’t killed anyone or taken things from a store without paying.”
He answered, “Those are very bad things, but to sin means more than just breaking the ten commandments listed in the Bible. Sins are also things like lying, cheating on tests, not obeying our parents, saying mean things, being selfish or proud, plus a lot more.”
“I get the idea,” said the boy, “but so what?”
Cory explained, “The Bible says that the end payment for sins is death, but not just our bodies dying someday, but afterward would be eternal separation from God and heaven.”
“Why?” he questioned.
Cory’s partner replied, “Because God is holy, and he won’t allow sinful people to be in his presence. But he made a way for people to be made clean from all their sins so they can live for eternity in heaven with God.”
Just then the bell rang to end recess, so they agreed to talk some more next recess. When they met at lunch recess, his next question was, “What did God do?”
Cory’s partner answered, “To answer your question, I’ll say a verse that you might have heard before. John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting or eternal life.”
“Yep, I’ve heard that before,” and the boy nodded.
Cory added, “Here’s a summary of the next two verses. God didn’t send his Son, Jesus, to condemn the world, but to save it. Whoever believes in God’s Son is not condemned, but those who do not believe are condemned.”
The boy inquired, “So how does a person believe in God’s Son?”
Cory’s partner replied, “It’s more than just saying he exists. The reason God sent Jesus was to pay for the sins of every person who would acknowledge what Jesus did when HE, who had never sinned even once, died on the cross instead of each sinful person having to die for his own sins. See right here in this little New Testament it says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, God made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for us so we could be made the righteousness of God in Jesus.”
He showed the verse to the boy, who nodded.
Cory agreed, “Yes, a person needs to pray and acknowledge or admit that Jesus died for him and then accept it as payment for his own sins. When a person believes in what Jesus did for him, he usually says he is sorry for his sins, confesses them, and asks for forgiveness and for God’s help to live for Jesus. Believing in Jesus includes all those things.”
The bell rang and they ran to line up, saying they’d finish during the last recess. It gave the boy a chance to contemplate what had been said, although he didn’t listen very well in class the rest of that day.
At last recess, the boy stated, “I think I understand what you have said, and I know the Bible is supposed to be true, but I need to know why these important facts aren’t taught here in school!”
Cory explained, “It’s because some bad people passed some laws forbidding that the Bible be taught or read in schools. Someday those people will have to pay the penalty of that terrible sin and all the others they did, if they never repented, confessed, asked for forgiveness and believed in Jesus.”
“Well,” the boy admitted, “I don’t want to ever have to pay for my sins, so can I pray right now?” When both of his friends nodded and smiled, the boy prayed using his own words and included everything he had been told that day. When he finished, he looked surprised and happy. “I’m clean and peaceful inside, and I don’t fear what comes after my body dies, because I know what Jesus did for me.”
His two friends rejoiced with him and one of them gave him a little booklet about what he had done and what to do next. Then they invited him to go to church with them on Sunday.
Cory promised, “We’ll meet you in the church entryway and you can sit with us.”
The boy was there Sunday, along with his family, including his older brother. Cory had gotten a quick note to Pastor Don alerting him of unbelievers in the service, so a teaching about the gospel was included in the teaching time. The rest of the boy’s family accepted Jesus and they all went up to meet the pastor, with the boy’s two friends to introduce them. What a happy day!
Beth Davis was at her friend’s home and they were listening to each other say memory verses again. Her friend said, “I’ll start with Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork, Psalm 19:1. I like it because it’s another verse that proves to me that God is the creator, not evolution.”
“Positively!” exclaimed Beth. “I like it for the same reason. Here’s Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer, Psalm 19:14. This verse reminds me to be careful what I think and what I say.”
The woman said, I’m working on Psalm 23 until I get good enough
to say all six verses. So next I’ll say Psalm 27:14, Wait on the LORD. Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the LORD, Psalm 27:14. This verse helps me to be patient.”
“Yes, it’s a good one,” agreed Beth. “I also like verse one in the same Psalm, The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1. I think the answer is understood to not fear anyone.”
They spent the rest of their time this day, visiting and getting to know more about each other. It helped them to become even better friends.
One evening during suppertime Mary commented, “I’m glad Kindergarten and 1st grade get to have recess at the same time.”
“Why is that, Honey?” Anita asked as she smiled at her sweet daughter.
Mary explained, “Because I get to play with my brother and my friends Hope and Joy and some of my classroom friends.”
Timmy continued, “I like it also, Mary, and many times my friend Max, who lives on the farm, and all four of the quadruplets, who live on the ranch, join in our fun times.”
“Yeah, that’s nice too. And after eating lunch,” Mary went on, “the parent volunteer for the day gets our class together to play a group game, and it’s fun too.”
Anita agreed, “Yes, and you’re learning good skills like different ways to move your bodies, like bending, twisting, stretching, turning, balancing on one foot, hopping, skipping, and pretending to walk a tightrope.”
“It sounds like a lot of fun,” quipped Don, “I wish I could come and join you some days, but they don’t give me recesses at the Local Grocery where I work.”
Timmy laughed, “Nope, poor Daddy, grownups don’t get to have recesses.”
Don laughed with him and Mary remembered, “We get to do a lot of fun things after supper and on weekends with you, Daddy.”
“Yes we sure do!” he exclaimed, “and I really enjoy it!”
Timmy asked, “Daddy, could we pray as a family that Joy will get to be in my class next year, so it will be more fair to her?”
“Of course, Son,” he answered, “as long as we add if it’s God’s will. Would you like to start?”
Timmy nodded and began, “Father in heaven, if it would be your will, please have the school leaders put Joy in the same classroom as I will be in next year, thank you in advance.”
“Yes, Father,” Don continued, “I agree with Timmy. It would be nice for her to have the same enjoyment as Hope has had this year.”
Mary added, “I agree, I’d like for Joy to enjoy being in Timmy's class. Please. Thank you.”
Anita closed the prayer time, “I agree too. Thank you, Father, for the privilege of asking you for things we desire. May your will be done. We pray in Jesus name.” Then they all said Amen.
Special Baptismal services were scheduled for all the Grace ‘n’ Faith Churches in Pine City. They would be held on evenings during the week in the church sanctuary. From two to four churches could meet on the same evening depending on how many new believers each one had to baptize.
New believers groups had been started for these believers to teach them how to live for Jesus. The first meeting helped them get acquainted with the Bible and the hymnal. They could also ask questions and get answers about the little booklet they had been given. The second meeting was about water baptism and why it was important. They had read Romans 6:4-6, we are buried with him by baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised up from the dead by the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we are like him in his death, then we shall also be raised like his resurrection. We know that our old man is crucified with him … so we no longer serve sin.
Cory, his partner, and their families attended the one where their friend and his family were being baptized. They wanted to show support and rejoice with them.
Matt and Fiona attended the same one for the same reason, because the young man and his friends from the disk golf section of the park were there being baptized.
The congregation sang two songs that were good testimonies of what Jesus had done for each believer. The first one was “Now I Belong to Jesus,” and the second was, “My Redeemer.”
Each new believer walked down the steps into the warm water and over to where the pastor of their church waited for them. Each one had a little time for a short testimony before the pastor said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
Then he would immerse the person in the water, bring him or her back up, and give help back over to the steps.
The fifth grade brother of Cory’s friend gave a longer testimony than most. “Last year, I stayed far away from those kids from the church school, because I had heard they were just full of baloney. I even warned my younger brother about them. But they made friends with him and he asked them to tell him what they wanted to tell. When he understood it was all the truth, he accepted Jesus as his Savior, told us about it, and talked the rest of us into going to the church. When we heard it from the pastor we also believed. I’m so glad my brother wasn’t as closed off as I had been.”
The young man from the park said, “I’m truly glad Matt came to the park that day and took the time to tell me how to get rid of the guilt of my sin and know I’ll go to heaven. Now I desire to live for Jesus and tell others about him also.” Then his friends gave similar testimonies.
Next a man stepped into the water and gave his testimony. “I need to tell you people my story so all of you will know why they didn’t put me in prison with the rest of the gang you heard about on the news. I stole a big suitcase from a police woman because it contained information the gang needed. She chased and caught me and I put the suit case down. She could smell my imminent death because of the disease I had, and told me she’d pray for my healing if I would promise not to run away again. So I promised. As she was praying for me an accomplice from the gang shot her in the back. But her vest stopped the bullet and she whirled around and told him to drop the gun or she’d have to ruin the hand holding it. He dropped it and then the others in the police unit came and took him and the rest of the gang to jail. She turned back to me and finished her prayer, and I was healed. Then she explained the Good News to me and I repented and asked Jesus to forgive and save me. I’m very grateful for the mercy she showed to me in Jesus name. She paid my bail and found me a home and job. Now I’m free from my disease and my sinful past and I’ll live for Jesus the rest of my life!”
When all the new believers had been baptized, one of the pastors gave a short sermon which included the Good News and a prayer for those who desired to accept Jesus as their Savior to pray with him. Since many people had invited their unbelieving friends to come with them to the service, some of them did accept Jesus and went up front to receive the little booklet that would tell them more about what they had done, and how to live for Jesus. They could fill out the little card inside it, and take it to the pastor of the church they would attend next Sunday.
Vern, Lora and Mindy went on their first RV ministry trip to Rocky Mountain National Park during the Fourth of July week when the schools were on vacation. They had reserved a space in the Moraine Park Campground for five days, beginning Sunday.
They arrived in the early afternoon, got settled and then talked to the campground host couple. They found out that the ranger would be giving a talk in the amphitheater most of the evenings that week. So they got permission to set up a time of hymn singing at their campsite before suppertime so they and the other people could eat afterward, and also go to the ranger talks if they wanted to go.
This evening four people came to their campsite for the singing and question time. Vern thought it was pretty good considering they had just arrived and had time to set out the chairs and be ready. It was a family with two girls in their early teens. They asked a lot of questions and Mindy did a great job answering them. Vern answered the man’s questions, and Lora answered the woman’s, who took a gospel tract with her and promised to read it and come back the next evening.
Since Vern, Lora, and Mindy enjoyed horseback riding, and they were so close to Moraine Park Stables, they decided it would be a fun outing to go with a tour group to see a part of the park where just the horses usually go. This would give them all a chance to adjust to the higher elevation at the park before going on hikes.
When they got back from their ride, Mindy observed,”It was a different ride, but fun. Different because we went so slow. We didn’t even have to use what we know about posting the trot, because they just walked. We didn’t even have to guide the horses. They just followed one behind the other. But that made it possible for us to observe the scenery and even take pictures with the camera. Then the was ride more fun. I’m glad I asked for permission, and they said yes.”
“You’re right,” agreed her dad, Vern, “it was nothing like our rides with Candy and her family at Mercy Valley Ranch. I missed brushing the horse, saddling and bridling it and getting acquainted with it before the ride.”
“Yeah,” added Mindy, “and it was hard for me to just dismount and walk away from the horse with only a pat for thank you, and know that the horse had to just stand there with its tack on waiting for the next rider and the next, for the rest of the day, every day.”
Lora went on to say, “This will make me appreciate our weekend rides with the Hopkins family even more. We’ve learned so much there, and the ranch horses are each so special and are well cared for every time they’re ridden.”
The same family came back to the hymn singing time, bringing another family with them. They had all read the tract and had some good questions.
On Tuesday, Vern and family drove their RV from the campground to Bear Lake parking lot. It was full of course, but they were just sightseeing this day. On the way back they stopped at Sprague Lake, and did find a place to park, so they walked on the easy trail all the way around the lake, stopping often to gaze at the scenery and take turns with the camera for lots of pictures.
Lora exclaimed, “Look at the ducks with their ducklings swimming in a line! I enjoy seeing the wildlife in it’s natural habitat.”
“Yes,” agreed Vern, “and people have obeyed the sign to not feed them, so they aren’t coming over to us to beg.”
Mindy agreed and added, “I like seeing all the wildflowers that are in bloom here, and the mountains are in view just across the lake.”
“Right, Mindy,” concurred Lora, “if the breeze wasn’t blowing, they’d probably make a good reflection in the water. Plus, I like this trail for our first hike at this elevation. So far it’s been very level.”
Vern nodded, “Indeed, it’s just right. Oh look, there’s a Steller’s Jay hopping on the ground.”
Lora added, “I like his dark blue color with a black head and tail and gray breast and his saucy crest that is usually standing up.”
“I do also,” said Mindy, “and now he has flown up into the tree and is looking at us.”
Pretty soon they saw several Magpies, a Clark's Nutcracker, and a Gray Jay. There were also chipmunks and ground squirrels running here and there along the trail.
As they looked down from the trail in one place, Mindy exclaimed, “Look at the roots of that tree! Many of them are above the ground and one is even twisted around a rock next to it. The other rocks around there are black and have light colored stripes. Then there’s one that is a light rusty brown and it looks like a bed with a messed up pillow on it.”
“Yes, this is an interesting scene,” Lora agreed. “I’ll take several pictures from different angles and include some close-ups also.”
On the way back to the campground they stopped at a visitor center with a viewpoint of the mountains in Moraine Valley. They spent some time looking at the mountains and the plaques that had photographs of the mountains with lines going up to their names. Vern took pictures of the plaques and then the mountains.
That evening, the two families returned to sing and ask more questions. Near the end, Lora asked them, “Is there any reason any of you can think of to keep you from asking this wonderful Jesus to forgive your sins and give you his promise of eternal life with him?”
It was quiet for a few moments and then most of them shook their heads. But the oldest boy in the second family got up and stomped angrily to the back of the group where he turned around and retorted, “Yeah, my reason is that I don’t want to change the way I’m living!” Then he ran back to his camp site. His mother started to go after him, but his dad restrained her saying, “Leave him be for now, and let’s take care of this important matter for ourselves first.”
She nodded and sat down again.
Vern encouraged, “We can all pray together for him when you finish.” Then he led them orally in the following prayer. “God in heaven, I admit that I’m a sinner … I know I can do nothing to save myself. … I confess my sins to you. Silently list the ones you can think of right now. … Please forgive me. … Thank you that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, … because he paid for my sins by dying on the cross, … and being raised from the dead. … I believe in you, Jesus, and ask you to be my Savior. … Please help me live the way you want me to live. … Thank you, Jesus.”
After rejoicing together and thanking and praising God they prayed in agreement for the rebellious teenage boy.
Then Vern suggested, “It might be best to just ignore his outburst and live your new lives in a way that will convince him just by watching you. He knows the way to Jesus now and we can all trust God to keep drawing him to Jesus.”
Lora asked them about churches in their cities and found out that both couples knew about a good one they could attend. She also gave each family a card with their names and phone number, so they could call if they desired.
After that meeting and supper there was still enough time and daylight left to drive in their RV along the eastern edge of the national park along highway #7 until they found a good pull-off with a view of Long’s Peak and Mount Meeker. They stayed until sunset, took turns taking pictures and ended up with many good photos.
Lora pointed out, “The sun went down very close to where we see those two peaks.”
Mindy looked and added, “Yes, there’s a bright yellow area right over Mount Meeker, with other yellow and orange stripes.”
Vern agreed with them and went on, “And then I like the little bit of light blue before the rest of the sky turned many shades of peach and yellow. The clouds are very interesting this evening.”
Wednesday they drove over Trail Ridge Road and back again. It is the highest continuous paved road in the United States and it has spectacular views all the way over and back. By the time they came back it was warm enough to hike on a trail that goes part way into the tundra. Today it wasn’t even very windy, so they went all the way to the end of the trail and stood at the viewpoint to survey the tundra beyond them.
“Wow!” exclaimed Mindy quietly, “there’s a pair of Ptarmigans over there on the right! The male is still winter white, and the female is on her nest so well camouflaged that I could hardly see her!”
Vern congratulated her, “You’re very observant. I would have missed them.”
“Thank you, Dad,” and then she continued, “I remember hearing a Nature Corner story about them in third grade.”
Lora requested, “Please tell us what you can remember, Mindy.”
“Okay,” she replied, “the story was mostly about how and when the birds change colors. As the daylight hours lessen, their eyes send a message to their brains and the brain tells the feather ‘factories’ to stop making brown feathers. Instead they make white ones as the brown ones fall out. It happens gradually, but by the time the ground is all covered with snow, both birds have turned white.”
A bystander who was listening said, “I never knew that before.” The other people standing near him nodded in agreement.
Mindy smiled at them and continued, “In the spring it happens the opposite way for the female, but the male keeps his white feathers for some more weeks for a very special reason.”
“Why?” asked one of the teenagers, “It seems like it would be safer for him if he also turned brown again.”
Mindy replied, “Yes, it would be safer for him, but not for his mate and the eggs she sits on. God meant for him to stay white and be a decoy to lure the fox or some other predator away from her and her nest. She is very hard for them to see, but he shows up like a white handkerchief out there on the tundra, so they follow him thinking he’d make an easy lunch.”
“Do they catch him?” asked one of the younger children who was worried as he listened to this fascinating story.
Mindy answered, “Usually not, because God made him so he could fly away quickly if the fox gets too close. When the female no longer needs his help, his feathers change to brown again also.”
The mother of the family who was listening expressed their thanks, “We thank you for telling this very intriguing story, right here where we could see the birds as you told about them. We learned a lot of interesting facts today.”
“You’re all very welcome,” responded Mindy. “Do you know the God who created these unique birds?”
The man cleared his throat and looked down, but the mother answered honestly, “We don’t know him very well, and I’ve often wondered if we should make an effort to get to know him better.”
Mindy remarked, “My dad, mom, and I can tell you a lot of things about him if you have time to listen. There are some benches over there where we could all sit for a while.”
They nodded and moved in that direction. When they were all seated, the Jones family took turns telling this other family the Good News about the Great Creator of the earth and everything on it. They answered all their questions as they went along, and pretty soon the whole family had accepted Jesus as their Savior.
Then Vern asked, “Do you know of a good church that teaches the Bible and would have a small group of new believers you could join so you could all learn how to live your new lives?”
The man answered, “No, our city is relatively small, and we’ve been to all the churches in it. Never did we hear what you taught us today.”
“If you will give us your name, address and phone number, we will tell the pastor of our church about you. As soon as possible they’ll send a pastor who has been trained how to help new believers. A group of people will come with him to get a church and small group started for you and your family. In the mean time while you wait, you can keep in touch with us. Here is a card with our names, address and phone number. Feel free to call us whenever you have a question. We’ll try to help you.”
He responded, “Thank you all so much. This has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us!”
Lora replied, “It has been our pleasure! We are camped in the Moraine Park Campground and would like to invite you to join us and a couple other families for a time of singing hymns and you can ask any other questions you might have by then.” She gave the time and space number and they smiled saying they’d be there!
All three families came, except the teenager. It was as nice as a small group for new believers and all the families got many of their questions answered. They all planned to come again the next evening also. Then they looked at the national park guide and chose a hike all of them could go on together. They chose to ride the shuttle bus to Bear Lake, walk around the lake, and then continue to Nymph Lake and Dream Lake. They’d all bring a sack lunch, a canteen of water, and a day pack with an extra jacket in case it got chilly up there at that higher elevation.
The teenager joined the group the next day, and nobody bothered him about his decision. Instead, they acted friendly and just prayed for him silently off and on during the hike, which was full of extraordinary scenery and a chance to see more wildflowers and birds and other animals.
Before supper they came back for another ‘small group’ meeting. Vern closed the meeting saying, “We need to leave in the morning to go back home to our jobs and school, but we are so glad we’ve made such good friends and have new brothers and sisters in God’s forever family!”
Lora added, “Please call us if you’d like to visit or have any questions to ask. Let us know how you’re doing. Let us know how you’re doing, and here’s a little booklet for each family that has suggestions for your new life.”
They all agreed with Vern and Lora and parted with good wishes.
When the Jones family got home, they looked at all their pictures and Mindy suggested, “Maybe we could get this picture of the sunset over the mountains enlarged and framed. It would be beautiful to look at and it could remind us to pray for that teenager who was so upset.”
Vern nodded. “What a good idea, Mindy. We’ll have a nice keepsake of our trip, and a good reminder to pray for him and others who need our Savior before Jesus returns.”
In less than two months, they got a phone call from that family with the good news that their son was now a believer.
The parents on the farm and ranch were diligent in teaching their children about the Bible and Jesus and how to live for him as believers. It was an extra blessing that all of them were believers by now, because it helped them to understand natural consequences and reality discipline when they were necessary, which wasn’t very often. The children enjoyed the times of talking about the Bible and the daily devotions. And of course they had plenty of chances to ask questions and share what was happening in their lives.
Many times one or two of the girls in a family on the ranch would ask a friend to come after school for supper and a horseback ride.
Since Mercy Valley Ranch was in such a delightful location, just arriving there was momentous, as Ruth often said, “I look forward to coming around the last corner where the whole valley just opens up in all of it’s beauty.”
Another visitor had said, “This is the loveliest valley, with that pretty stream and lovely lake, plus the view of those mountains all covered with snow is spectacular.”
At one time Oscar had mentioned, “This valley is even pretty in the winter. We haven't had as much snow this winter except on the mountains. They are extra spectacular with the new white snow on them. I enjoy seeing the different kinds of clouds in the sky above them also.”
And Vera had added, “All these houses were built with good views of the mountains and the valley. When I need a rest, I enjoy sitting and just savoring our outstanding view.”
Oscar had continued, “Yes, and look, the horses are running in the pasture. These horses never have to be cooped up in a corral, but are always free to walk, run, or graze in one pasture or another.
Of course the invited friends always enjoyed the horses. Once in a while when the weather was right, the family would take them on a hike to see Lavender Falls. They’d exclaim about the way the water jumps over the first ledge into a little pool and then cascades over rocks for a little way before leaping into the bottom pool. They liked the way lavender colored rocks added so much to the beauty of the area. They were always amazed at how the water makes them shine and be a darker lavender. They even noticed the fact that the dry rocks are just as pretty in their own way. No matter what they did with the family, the friends would get to see how the family worked and played together and how well they got along.
Several times the parents would come and ask questions after their child told them about it. This was a good opportunity to answer their questions and tell them how Jesus had helped them. When it was appropriate they’d tell them the Good News and sometimes the parents would accept Jesus, or at least start coming to church with their children so they could learn more. Many would accept him after attending for a while.
Riley had just gotten home from a day of work. “I need to be ready to travel tomorrow. I’m glad they arrange all the flights for me. But it would be nice to have a little more notice.”
“Yes it would,” agreed Glenda, “but you’ve already learned how to keep your things packed and ready to leave the next day. At least they don’t tell you when you arrive at work and expect you to go right then.”
Riley nodded, “You’re right, Mom. I need to remember to not complain, because it doesn’t help me feel any better and might also discourage my listener.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself,” she cautioned, “you’re learning a lot with this job, and nobody ever said it would be easy.”
He responded, “Thanks, Mom. What can I do to help you with your After School Group today?”
Glenda answered, “I think the older boys would like to shoot some baskets with the basketball using the hoop in the driveway.”
“Great idea,” stated Riley, “I’ll go right now and move my car out of the way so I’ll be ready when they arrive.”
She smiled, “Thank you, Riley. I really enjoy having you live here when you’re not traveling. The boys like it when you join them.”
“I’m glad,” said Riley, “I like living here also, and it’s good for me to be able to share in your ministry. I can tell it’s going to take time before they’ll be willing to listen to us tell about Jesus.”
“Right,” Glenda concurred, “these children didn’t volunteer to come here for a Bible Study. It’s actually more like a shortened time at a day care. But they’ll get better. We'll just need to be patient.”
Chapter 3
Colossians 3:23,24, And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ.
Shortly after Tomo and Ami had returned from their RV trip, Afta, Hana, and Denji arrived to stay with the Suehiros while they looked for a house or apartment. It didn’t take them very long, and just as soon as they had moved into a nice place, Hana’s sister and family arrived and stayed with them. It was very crowded, so since they each had twin beds in their bedrooms, Yoshi asked Kosuke to come room with him, and Aneko had Sakura come room with her.
The new cousins, not blood relatives, started working in the restaurant with their roommates and it helped them all to get acquainted. Aneko trained Sakura and Yoshi trained Kosuke until both were doing well at those jobs. Then they switched job places to learn the other jobs, and the two of them decided they liked the new jobs better.
By this time Kosuke and Sakura’s parents had found a place to live, so they moved to live with their parents again. But they continued to come work at the restaurant. They had also joined the three member ministry team with Aneko, Yoshi and Tony on Saturday afternoons and made it a five member ministry team. Tony had been in their small group and had been going with Aneko and Yoshi as a three member ministry group before the cousins had moved to Pine City. Tony was pleased he could get to know them and do things with them.
After the cousins went to live with their parents, Aneko asked during breakfast one morning,, “Yoshi, how is it going to have Sakura working with you on the gardening, bookkeeping and business part of the restaurant?”
He shared, “She learned very quickly, and likes it as much as I do. She’s fun to work with and does a very thorough job. She told me cooking was fun too, but she was worried about eating too much and gaining weight. She likes the exercise she gets by doing the gardening and business math was her easiest subject in high school.”
“I’m glad!” exclaimed Aneko. “She did very well with the cooking and I could see she enjoyed tasting things now and then. Kosuke is doing a good job learning how to cook. He says it’s much better than trying to get all those numbers to cooperate.”
They all laughed and Ami commented, “They’re both very nice young people and were very helpful with household chores while they were rooming with you two.”
Tomo agreed, “Indeed, I'm very impressed with both of them.
“I am also,” concurred Aneko, “but I’m glad to be back to just the four of us in our home again.”
“Same here,” Yoshi tacked on. “Besides, now that we are living separately again, it will be much easier to ask Sakura to go on a date with me sometime. It would be really awkward if she continued living here with us.”
“Good for you, Yoshi!” commended Aneko. “I think she would be especially well suited to you.”
“Thank you dear sister,” Yoshi responded. “Have you had any thoughts about whether Kosuke would be suited to you?”
Aneko replied, “I’ve thought a lot about him. He’s a very nice person, and I look forward to getting to know him better. But I get the feeling he isn’t truly happy about working here in this restaurant. He’s trying hard, and it’s good work, but something is not completely right. Maybe someday he will be able to tell me why, and what he wants to do about it. I don’t feel free to ask him at this point.”
“Brilliant deduction, my dear daughter,” complimented Tomo. “You understand the male psyche very well, and it will be best to let him tell you if and when he’s ready.
“Thanks, Dad, I’m glad to know I’m doing it right,” said Aneko.
On a cool Wednesday morning, the adults on Mercy Valley Ranch who didn’t have jobs in the city got together to go horseback riding while the children were in school. The men chose horses with the normal gait of trotting so those horses would get some exercise, but the women chose their favorite horses with the smooth single foot or running walk gait.
The horses in the pasture came running to meet them and then stood still when these eight people came into the pasture. The people walked up to the horse of their choice in the pasture, talking to it and then patting, rubbing or stroking it. Then they put on a halter and lead rope, led the horse to the tack room, tied it to a loop or rail, and groomed it. Next they checked each foot and cleaned out any mud, dirt, or rocks, before putting the saddle and bridle on the horse.
As they worked, they visited. Nathan asked, “Oscar, do you think we people at the ranch need to add another ministry from the list to the one we already have of raising four foster girls?”
Esther added, “Nathan and I haven’t even found time to do the two by two ministries we did before the girls came.”
“I understand that problem,” Vera agreed, “Oscar and I seldom were able to do it when this was a dude ranch and can’t now either.”
Karen observed, “I think God would want us to give our attention to teaching the girls about the Bible and Jesus like we’ve been doing and to keep praying that those on the farm who haven't yet accepted Jesus will soon.”
Ted concurred, “Yes, this is our most important ministry now, and when God is ready, he will lead us to another one we can add, in which our girls can also participate. We can get ideas from the list which was handed out at church.”
Unice mentioned, “Since I’m the only single person on the ranch, I don’t have a partner for ministry, but my ministry is to be available to each person on this ranch in whatever way I can help them.”
Oscar stated, “I think you all settled that issue very well, and I didn’t even have to answer Nathan’s question. But I’ll address the point Unice made and something else she didn’t mention. Since she lives in her own little cabin / office and is our full time veterinarian and family nurse practitioner, she’s on call for emergencies 24 hours a day and seven days a week.”
“Oh my!” Esther exclaimed. “I never even thought about how that must be for you, Unice. We all have our spouse who can cover for us when we need it, but you don’t have anyone! You always do your job so well, and I’ve never heard a word of complaint.”
Unice responded, “I have no need to complain. I love my jobs and it’s my privilege to serve people who are doing such a valuable ministry to these girls.”
“But,” inserted Oscar, “Vera and I have been planning to ask you if we could hire a part time practical nurse, who could give you a few hours off every day to go shopping, visiting, find a three member group for ministry you could join and make it into four members, if you’d like, or anything else you might like to do.”
The eighth person spoke up just then, “I’m a licensed practical nurse and it never occurred to me to offer to help you sometimes, Unice, because you always have everything under control, but I’d be glad to give you a few hours off when our girls aren't home.”
“This is excellent!” Vera emphasized. “You and Unice and Oscar and I will get together this afternoon and figure out the best way to make this work. Right now these horses are getting antsy to be on their way, so let’s get going!”
Everybody chuckled and they all mounted the horses.
Nathan and Ted rode Bronze and Topaz the tall quarter horses. Oscar rode Dappled, a pretty dapple gray quarter horse. Vera rode her favorite horse, Coco, and Esther chose Dark Coco. Both of these are Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses. Karen and Unice rode Blaze and Star, the palomino Tennessee Walking Horses, and the eighth person rode Queen, also a Tennessee Walking Horse.
When everyone was ready, they started up the road at an easy walk for about five minutes to get the horses warmed up. Then they went faster along the road until they reached the gate leading to public lands where they had permission to ride. Ted did the honors of opening the gate and closing it again after the rest went through. His horse, Topaz, followed Ted’s promptings as they maneuvered to open and close the gate without Ted having to dismount and remount.
Today the group went up the trail farthest to the right. It had some rough spots, so they all went slowly so the horses could choose the best footing. Later they came to a smooth area where they could all canter for a while. It was exhilarating to go so fast and feel one with the horse. But when they slowed down again, it was easier to see and enjoy the scenery along the way.
On the way back along the loop trail to the gate they walked their horses so they would be properly cooled down when they reached the tack room. Then every rider unsaddled and unbridled the horse he or she had ridden, replaced the halter and tied the lead rope, to a rail or a loop so the horse could be brushed again to get off the dried sweat. The feet were checked and cleaned again before the horses were taken back to the pasture, given thanks for a nice ride and were stroked before the halter was removed and they were free to go graze, roll, run, get a drink, rest, or whatever else they wanted to do in their lush green pasture. They had a terrific home on this ranch.
Amelia and Ben continued to be in one or the other of the church’s small groups for young people. Each year they requested to be in the same small group together since they were siblings and wanted to be supportive of each other.
One evening as they were on their way to a meeting Amelia mentioned, “Ben, I like having you drive me to the small group meetings at night. It’s much more friendly and safer too.”
“I like doing it this way also,” he agreed. “Since I’m not looking for a wife yet, I enjoy having your company. I’m glad we get along so well.”
“So am I!” she exclaimed. “I heard too many girls complaining about their siblings while I was in high school. I like being in the same four member ministry team as you are also. I’m not ready to start looking for a husband yet, and so far I haven’t met any young men in our small groups who would interest me.”
Ben responded, “Yes, I can tell we still feel the same as we did when we discussed this topic while you were a senior in high school, and it’s fine. We don’t need to be in a hurry.”
“Right,” she agreed, “I want to feel like I’m more grown up and ready to handle the responsibilities included in that project.”
The teaching at their meeting surprised them because it was on a similar topic.
The young men went into another room and read and discussed the following verses.
Colossians 3:19, Husbands, love your wives, and do not be bitter against them.
Ephesians 5:25,28,29,33a, Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. … So men ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no man hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it even as the Lord does the church. … Every one of you should love his wife as he does himself.
Titus 2:2, Exhort young men to be sober minded.
The young ladies stayed where they were and did the same with these verses.
Colossians 3:18, Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord.
Ephesians 5:22, is almost identical to the one above. Verse 23 adds, For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. And verse 33b says, the wife should reverence her husband.
Titus 2:4,5 … teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, pure, keeping at home, obeying their own husbands.
After the discussions, the facilitators stressed, “It would be a good idea for you to read these verses periodically and pray about them, especially if you desire to be married.”
Yoshi came into the kitchen later in the morning after their breakfast conversation and asked, “Aneko, would you be willing to go with Sakura and me on double dates with Kosuke if he agrees. I want my dates with her to stay virtuous and I think it will be best if we have another couple to keep us accountable.”
“Yes, Yoshi,” answered Aneko, “I remember the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to abstain form all appearance of evil. I’ll be glad to do it, if you are sure it’s satisfactory with both Sakura and Kosuke.”
“Thank you, Aneko.” Then he added, “I'm glad I have such a nice sister. I’ll talk to each of them separately today and let you know what I learn.”
Later the same day Yoshi found Aneko alone and informed her, “Both of them agreed that double dates would be an excellent idea, so our first date will be at 10 AM this coming Sunday morning at the botanical garden here in Pine City. I’ll be driving this time.
Aneko responded, “It sounds like a quiet, peaceful time in a lovely setting. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.”
“I’m sure I’ll enjoy it also!” stated Yoshi, smiling at his sister. “And before we go, I plan to read and pray about those verses we studied in our last small group about husbands.”
Aneko agreed, “I like your idea, Yoshi, and I’ll plan to do the same thing this evening with the verses about wives.”
The afternoon of the adult horseback ride on the ranch, Oscar and Vera met with Unice and the other woman.
Unice explained, “I’m really not worried about how busy I am here on the ranch. It doesn’t bother me at all.”
Oscar stated, “We’re glad, but we don’t want you to get tired out from overwork or take the chance that you might quit working here.”
“Right, Unice,” Vera agreed, “you’re the best FNP and vet we have ever had here on the ranch, and it might be good to have a plan in motion if you ever need to be gone for a little while or get swamped by a bunch of girls coming down with chickenpox.”
“Your point is well taken,” Unice agreed, “I can see it would be a smart idea to be prepared. But I’d like to pay our part time nurse out of my salary, since it’s hours I wouldn’t be working, and I wouldn't feel right about keeping money I didn’t earn.
Oscar observed, “I can understand why you’d feel that way, Unice. How would it work if you pay half her wages and we pay the other half to take care of the times both of you might be working at the same time?”
“Well, okay,” she conceded. “This will take some getting used to for me, but maybe it will be good for me. And I remember in Ecclesiastes 4:9 it says, Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.”
Then they discussed how many hours a week would be needed, and how much the other woman would like to make per hour. Then she and Unice went to the doctor’s office to work out some more of the details.
Unice began, “Here’s a key to this office in case you need to bring someone here or come in to get the black doctor’s bag for a house call while I’m gone.”
“Thank you, Unice,” she said. “I’ll keep everything in here and in the black bag just as I found it and leave you a list of items I used so you can replace them.”
Unice was relieved. “Perfect, I’ll appreciate it. What hours would work the best for you to cover for me while your girls are in school?”
“Let me think,” she said, “I was going to say any time after they leave until they get home. But it takes me almost half an hour to clean up after breakfast, even after the girls help. Then I need another half hour to make myself and the house presentable, and plan what to make for supper. All our girls are in middle school so they go and come on the early bus. So it would be best if I could have an hour before they return on the early bus.”
Unice acknowledged, “I can see what you mean, and I’m glad you shared those details with me. I’d like to talk to Vera now and see if she’d like to do some shopping with me, so I’ll get back to you later with a better idea of which hours will work better for me.”
“Good,” she agreed, “then I’ll go back to my house and you can come there when you’re ready.”
Unice ran over to the big house and knocked.
Vera answered the door and invited, “Come right in, Unice. Do you have time for a cup of tea and a little visit?”
“Yes,” she stated, “I’ll take time, so we can do some planning for this new idea you and Oscar had.”
Vera commented, “I’m sorry if you feel like we railroaded you into something you’d rather not do.”
“No,” Unice admitted, “I know you have my best interests in your hearts and I appreciate the way you care! It might just take me some time to get used to the idea, since I’ve been living the other way for so many years.”
“Well,” shared Vera, “I wish we had thought of this sooner, but better late than never.”
Unice noted, “Don’t worry, Vera. As I said before, it has not been a problem for me. Right now I’m trying to decide on some hours I could take off. One idea is to go grocery shopping with you like we did for the few weeks before the parents and other children arrived on the ranch.”
“I remember,” Vera continued, “we took turns driving on Tuesday mornings and it really worked well.”
Unice added, “Indeed it did, and since we both mentioned a two by two ministry, maybe we could add it to our shopping times. I have so little to buy for myself, we could use just one cart, stay together, and I’ll put my things in one section of the cart so we can pay separately. We can visit and pray for people and stay alert for any opportunities to share the Good News.”
“It’s a brilliant plan!” exclaimed Vera. “In addition we could add an hour to our shopping time to include another store.”
“Definitely,” Unice went on to say, “and on nice days we could go for a walk in a park or in the botanical garden and maybe find someone to minister to there.”
“I like those ideas too,” expressed Vera, “and if we run overtime, one of us can call your helper and tell her we’ll be late.”
“Good,” Unice continued, “then I’ll tell her the time we used to leave for Tuesday plus one hour.”
Vera inquired, “What about the other four days of the week?”
“Well,” replied Unice, “I’d like part of one day for personal care like hair washing and to call my foster parents and be able to visit without the worry of an emergency call. The other hours I could use to get started writing the book my foster mother suggested when she visited here last time.”
Vera commended, “Your plans sound ideal. I think this will add some time for ministry, and make your busy life a little easier.
“I’m beginning to like the idea,” shared Unice, “and I do think it will be good for me. Plus, I already get to do more horseback riding since I’ve been going with the families. When this was still a dude ranch I only felt like I could ride occasionally in the outside ring or in the big building. Tell Oscar thank you for me. I’ll go now and figure out my other hours off, so I can inform my helper.”
The plans worked out very well for Unice and the other woman.
It was a splendid, cool Sunday morning for the four young peoples’ first double date. Each one looked forward to it for their own reasons, and dressed casually with comfortable walking shoes, and wide brimmed hats to keep the sun off their faces. After walking and observing the flowers in the botanical garden for about an hour, they found two benches far enough apart for separate conversations but still in view of each other.
Sakura stressed, “Today is a perfect day to visit a garden. I especially like to look at the variety of flowers our creator made, now that I believe in Jesus and not evolution.”
“Exactly,” Yoshi agreed, “life took on a whole new meaning when I accepted Jesus. Before that I was just parroting what I had learned in school without even thinking.”
“My feelings exactly,” she agreed, “I'm so glad my brother kept trying to get my parents and me to listen and think about what he told us he had learned in the seminary he attended in the other city where he and I tried to live for those lonely years.
Yoshi nodded. “Sometimes it takes some of us longer. My parents had tried to tell Aneko and me many times about Jesus, but we didn’t want to listen while we were living in another city trying to figure out what life was all about. It was lonely for me there.”
“What happened for you?” she asked.
He responded, “Aneko moved back to Pine City, got a job working for my parents in their restaurant, went to church with them and accepted Jesus. I was so lonely that I also went back to Pine City to look for a job. It was the same weekend that Uncle Afta and Aunt Hana were there with my cousin, Denji, who had been in a car accident and lost his sight. But Jesus healed him when my parents prayed for him. After he told me his story, I had Dad and Mom help me to pray and I accepted Jesus right then. I’m extremely grateful to God. When did you accept him?”
She replied, “Shortly after Denji and his parents came home from your house, Kosuke and I came home for a visit and heard about Denji's miracle. My parents and I finally understood what Kosuke had been trying to tell us, so we all believed then too.”
“Well then,” declared Yoshi, “Besides the fact that you and I are about the same age physically, we are also close to the same age spiritually, and I heard that your family went to the same church and small groups as my uncle and his family did.”
“Indeed,” she concurred. “and we learned a lot there just like we’ve continued to do here in the church and small group you attend.”
Meanwhile, as they were talking, so were Kosuke and Aneko. Soon he mentioned, “I was hoping I’d have some time to talk alone with you. My parents really want to have my sister and me marry believing Japanese young people. Their city had very few, so when they heard about you and Yoshi from Afta and Hana, they were thrilled. If they could have, they would have arranged our marriages on the spot, but Sakura and I had begged them to never put us through that.”
“I don’t blame either of you!” exclaimed Aneko. “Yoshi and I had a conversation not too long ago with our parents. They told us they had never liked that tradition and both of us were greatly relieved.”
“Very good,” then he continued, “I've been praying for God to show me his will about singleness or marriage.”
She nodded.“I have been also.”
He went on, “At this time I have the two options, and I’m trying to stay open to either way God leads me.”
“I feel the same way you do about this,” Aneko agreed.
He nodded and continued, “We’ve already talked as we cooked, about how and when we came to accept Jesus, and I’m grateful we are both true believers.”
“Without a doubt,” she concurred, “it’s the only way to go!”
Then he admitted, “I think I’m leaning more toward staying single so I can be a chaplain in the armed forces, but my parents don’t know my thoughts about this. In order to honor them and their wishes, I agreed to come here with them and see if God would lead me to marry you. I’m open to do God’s will either way, but I want you to know in advance where I’m coming from.”
Aneko swallowed her surprise and expressed, “I appreciate your honesty, and the fact that you told me now. I’ll guard my heart and we’ll both continue to pray for only God’s will to be done as we spend time during these double dates getting to know each other better and as we’re on the lookout for God’s leading.”
Kosuke concluded, “Precisely, and if you’re willing to continue these double dates until all four of us have decided about our relationships, I’d be very grateful. I’d like to help them stay accountable as they get to know each other, but I don’t want them to know that I’m on the fence.”
“I think I understand,” Aneko said. “They might feel like they don’t want to impose on us to keep going with them. So we won’t tell them or our parents. And since we really are trying to get to know each other better and discern God’s will for us, we won’t be lying. Besides, we really don’t know which way he will lead. It’s too soon.”
Kosuke smiled at her and stressed, “You expressed yourself very well, and I agree. Now, since we desire to keep our emotions out of this right now, let’s limit our touching to offering my elbow to escort you places, my hand to help you up hard places when we hike, and handshakes when we say thank you, goodbye, or whatever else we say at the end of the dates.”
“I like your plan, Kosuke.” she responded. I just noticed my brother checking to see if we were about done talking, so if we are, shall we go look at some more of these delightful flowers?”
“Yes, indeed!” he exclaimed. “And let’s enjoy all these dates, now that this serious matter has been discussed.”
They did see the rest of the garden, and each was glad to find out how much the other appreciated the creator’s handiwork.
It was a gorgeous Sunday morning. Mindy and her parents had gotten up early to be at the ranch to go riding with Candy, her foster sisters, and her foster parents Ian and Yolanda Hopkins before it got too warm out to be as enjoyable.
On the way to the pasture Candy suggested, “Let’s pick matching horses today, but not ones that trot.”
“OK,” agreed Mindy, “as I remember, the palominos and the chestnut colored horses are ones with the comfortable gaits and both pairs look almost like twins.”
“Right,” said Candy, “Boots and Socks might be a little small for us, though. Blaze and Star are a little taller than we're used to, but I’d like to try them today.”
“Well,” Mindy surmised, “maybe it will be good for us to stretch our abilities, so I’m all for it.”
When they walked up to Blaze and Star, they weren’t so sure. Mindy asked, “How will we be able to reach their backs so we can brush them?”
Candy had a brainstorm, “We can tie them to the platform and do like the little girls do with their horses.”
“Good idea!” Mindy concurred as she confidently went up to Blaze talking to him and rubbing the places she could reach.
Both horses lowered their head so the girls could reach to put on their halters and attach the lead ropes. Their parents had been watching, but decided the girls would be able to handle this experiment.
Candy and Mindy did very well, although at first they felt a little embarrassed about using the little kids platform. It would have been very difficult for them without it and they even mounted and later dismounted there.
As they rode side by side on the taller horses, they were pretty pleased with themselves, and Candy declared, “We did it! They don’t seem as tall now that we’re on them.”
“You’re right, Candy,” responded Mindy, “I wasn’t sure at first, but your idea to use the platform worked very well.”
Candy went on, “Sometimes it’s scary to try new things, but it’s a good feeling when they work out so nicely. Next time let’s have June join us and one of us can ride Queen, because she is close to the same height as the palominos.”
“Good idea,” Mindy agreed and then mentioned, “Remind me to tell you about the horseback ride we went on during our last trip, so you and the rest of your family can hear about it at the same time, and Mom and Dad can add whatever they want to say.”
“Sure,” replied Candy, “I’d like to hear about it. Let’s go faster now since they’ve had time to warm up.”
The rest of the ride, grooming, and taking the horses back to the pasture were all perfect and so enjoyable. Mindy was even glad to clean up the tack afterward.
As they were visiting in the house later Candy found a good time to request, “Mindy, would you and your parents tell us about the horseback ride you took on your last trip?”
“Certainly,” Mindy responded, “we were in Rocky Mountain National Park camping in a campground right next to a riding stable, so we decided to see part of the park on horseback with a group on a tour so we wouldn’t have a chance of getting lost.”
Candy commented, “That was a good idea. It wouldn't be any fun to get lost.”
“No it wouldn’t,” Lora continued, “When we got there all the horses were saddled and bridled and were tied up waiting for the next group of people.”
Sara asked, “You mean they don’t keep them in a pasture between rides?”
“Right,” and Vern went on, “so we didn’t have a chance to get acquainted with them first, groom, saddle and bridle them. We just mounted them and were ready to go.”
Kim remarked, “Well, I guess it made it easier for the stable, since most people probably don’t know how to do it.”
“True,” then Mindy added, “I thought we’d need to use what we learned here about posting the trot, but we never went faster than a walk. Besides, even though they told us the horses were neck reined, there was no need to guide them.”
“Exactly,” Vern tacked on, “Each horse just followed along behind the one in front of it. I watched Mindy, who had asked for permission to take pictures. She dropped her reins, which were tied together so people couldn’t lose one, and used both hands to steady the camera, so we got some good pictures of where we went.”
June stated, “I don’t think it would seem much like a horseback ride, if all you did was sit there.”
“You’re absolutely correct,” Lora concluded. “After the ride, we didn’t get to groom and thank the horses. They just had to stand there saddled up for the next rider and the next for the rest of the day. We definitely prefer and appreciate our rides with you people here on this ranch.”
Yolanda exclaimed, “Thank you so much for telling us about your ride! Just hearing about your experience helps me be even more grateful for these wonderful horses and the rules this ranch has for their care and riding.”
“Yes,” agreed Ian, “if we ever feel like it seems to take a lot of work and time to go riding, we’ll remember your story and be thankful instead. If these horses could realize how well they’re cared for here on this ranch, I’ll bet they’d be grateful also.”
Beth Davis and her Jewish friend were at Beth’s apartment this week. Her friend began, “Psalm 29:4 is a part of this Psalm which tells a lot about the voice of the LORD. It says, The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty, Psalm 29:4.”
“Yes,” agreed Beth, “it goes well with Psalm 33:6,8, 9, By the word of the LORD were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Let all the earth fear the LORD. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him, for he spoke and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast, Psalm 33:6,8,9. What amazing power there is in his voice!”
Her friend said, “For sure. Next I’ll say Psalm 32:7, You are my hiding place. You shall preserve me from trouble. You shall surround me with songs of deliverance… Psalm 32:7.”
“What a wonderful promise for us,” stated Beth. “Now look at verses one and two in the same Psalm while I quote from the New Testament book of Romans 4:6-8. Even David described the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputes righteousness without works, saying, blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD will not impute sin. Romans 4:4-6.”
“Oh my,” she exclaimed, “it’s almost the same as in Psalm 32:1,2!”
Beth nodded. “Most of the New Testament was written by Jewish people. They believed in the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they knew the Scripture in the Jewish Bible. Many of them quoted portions of it when they were writing.”
“This is interesting information,” she admitted. “We were told by the rabbi to never read that book. I wonder why. Well, here’s my next verse, Psalm 33:12, Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people he has chosen for his inheritance, Psalm 33:12. I like this verse because I’m one of God’s chosen people.”
“I’m so glad for you!” exclaimed Beth. “You Jewish people are indeed blessed. My next verse is Psalm 34:1, I will bless the LORD at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth, Psalm 34:1. This verse helps me to think before I speak.
“It’s a good one,” she concurred. “My next verse is Psalm 34:8, O taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in him, Psalm 34:8. This verse means both of us are blessed.”
Beth declared, “Exactly! So we can do what verse 3 says, O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together, Psalm 34:3. This psalm has many things in it that the LORD had done for David, and he praised God.
Beth and her friend spent some time thanking and praising the LORD for things he had done for them, before it was time for her friend to go to her home.
Those four children were doing well with the lemonade stand ministry and they had been able to tell a few people why they were selling lemonade for such low prices, and several people had taken a tract with them. The children were happy to be planting seeds.
During the next week, they helped their parents get ready for a yard sale for the next Saturday to be held at the same time as their stand was open.
Mom informed them, “We found a couple who’d like to join us in this ministry. This week they will bring some of their things with them to sell at this yard sale.”
Dad added, “Next time we’ll take the lemonade stand and some of our things to sell at their yard sale.”
“Wow!” exclaimed big brother, “it will be a lot of stuff to move!”
“You're right,” he agreed, “but it will give us all an opportunity to talk to different people since it’s on the other side of the city.”
Little sister stated, “It’s a very good idea.”
“Yes it is,” then Mom explained, “and we put prices on things, adding ten percent so we can come down. People like to see if they can get things for less than the posted prices.”
“Right,” Dad concurred, “and if someone buys a lot of things and is willing to pay the posted prices for all of them we could give them a ten percent discount.”
Big sister tacked on, “It would be a nice way to reward them for not haggling over the prices.”
Saturday was a sunny day and it was already very warm by 10 AM. Everybody was ready and excited to try the added yard sale ministry and nobody complained about the heat.
About 11:30 AM a man and his wife who had bought lemonade each of last times the stand had been open, picked up a tract, looked at it and put it down. Then they bought a glass apiece and went up to see what was at the yard sale. They bought a lot of things at the yard sale and didn’t try to bargain for lower prices, so the dad added all of them up, told them the price, but said, “Since you bought so much and didn’t try to get me to come down on the prices, I’ll subtract 10% from the total.”
“Well!” the man exclaimed, “that’s a new one! I’ve never had it happen before. Thank you. Your kids are even selling lemonade for such low prices, they can’t make much on it. You people aren’t money hungry like a lot of folks, so I’ll even take one of these tracts and read it.”
Mom stressed, “Please do, and if you have any questions, we’ll be here until 3 PM today if you’d like to come ask us.”
The woman smiled, nodded, and the couple left. Next a big burly man bought a glass of lemonade after frowning at the assortment of tracts with the sign saying, “Take one for free, if you want to read it.” He drank quickly and left to see the yard sale. After trying to get half price on several things, he disgustedly went to pay the 10% less the man had agreed to lower the price.
He paid it and as he was leaving he noticed more tracts and another sign. He frowned again and spat out, “What’s going on here? Are you all in cahoots, trying to convert people?”
Mom calmly replied, “Yes, my family and this couple are all on the same team with Jesus. He has told us how important it is to tell all the people we can, about the Good News that HE paid the penalty for their sins and that he will forgive and save them if they will just believe in him and confess their sins, and ask him to be their Savior.”
He almost growled, “How can you believe that old fashioned Sunday School stuff?
“Well, Sir,” she answered, “this little brochure has my answer if you’d like to read it with an open mind. Then please come back here when you finish and tell me what you think about it. We’ll be open here until 3 PM.” She held it out to him with a smile.
He took her challenge and left with the tract and his purchase.
Meanwhile the two brothers had been talking to a couple kids who were out riding bikes and stopped to buy some lemonade.
One of them said, “This is really good stuff, and we can even afford to buy it. Are these pretty papers really free?”
“Yes,” answered little brother, “if you will read it, you can have one for free. When you finish, you can come back here and ask us any questions you have about it. We’ll be here until 3 PM.”
None of those people came back before 3 PM that day, but the family was not discouraged. They knew they were planting seeds and needed to be patient. Maybe some would sprout and grow, even if they never found out about it. So they continued their ministry throughout the summer and fall, answering questions, giving away more tracts and did get to rejoice when that first couple returned in the fall and prayed with them for salvation. Now they’re attending church and a new believers’ group!
Other families in Pine City had tracts available for people to take at their garage/yard sales, and were ready to answer questions. In this way, many people in the city were exposed to the Good News in the same manner during the spring, summer, and fall.
The foster mothers on the ranch found some time they could meet together as a group and share ideas.
“I remember,” began Vera, “that before the girls were assigned to our families we had a meeting where we talked about changing the word ‘chores’ to ‘tasks’ and trying to find ways to make the housework fun. Since they’ve have been here for many months now, I’m wondering how everyone is doing and if some of you have any new ideas.”
One mom shared, “Our girls like the idea of not having chores. For them tasks are much better.”
“Same here,” Karen went on, “and especially since all the girls are believers now, the verses for serving our family with love are more meaningful for them, like Galatians 5:13b, Serve one another with love. And Ephesians 6:7 says, Do service willingly as to the Lord, not as to man.”
Another mother added, “Yes, and it helps us to say we choose, or get to do our tasks instead of saying we have to do them.”
“Precisely!” Esther agreed. “Plus now that all of them know how to do each task and we share with each other the best ways we can do them well and quickly, we make it more fun by writing the tasks on slips of folded paper. We put them in a hat and each person draws out one. Then they act it out and the others have to guess what it is, before we go and do them. If they get the same task two times in a row they can put it back and draw out another, if desired.”
A different mother commented, “Your idea sounds like fun. Sometimes we use task time to practice saying the verses we're memorizing with lots of expression.”
“I like your idea,” then Julie continued, “At our house, we often turn on some music, like kids’ praise songs or the music the church plays for the singing time at church and do our tasks while we listen to the music and even sing along with it.”
“Good idea,” said Yolanda, “and even though we know we can’t expect to be thanked every time, we do try to remember to thank each other and say ‘you’re welcome’ or ‘my pleasure,’ because it’s good manners and it’s a good feeling for all.”
A different mom emphasized, “I agree and I really liked what Vera said at the other meeting about our tasks being our privilege to make our homes pleasant, healthy, and comfortable places to live. So we remind ourselves about it often.”
“Thank you,” Vera responded. “and at our house when our tasks are completed quickly and well, we take turns choosing a fun activity to do together, like Esther mentioned at the other meeting. The girls often choose to listen to a Nature Corner story, or I’ll read a chapter to them of a story from our library. They especially like the Christy Miller and Sierra Jensen series by Robin Jones Gunn. I enjoy reading books from those series to them because the books teach so many things about living the Christian life.”
Tomo and Ami planned another RV travel ministry trip, leaving the four cousins to run the restaurant while they were gone.
Aneko assured them, “Yoshi and Kosuke are going to work together in the garden, getting the area for garden weddings set up, so Sakura will be working with me in the kitchen while you two are gone on your next trip.”
Tomo commended them, “You four young people are doing a great job of keeping your courtships free of too much emotion. I’m pleased with all of you.”
“I am also!” exclaimed Ami. “We won’t worry at all while we’re gone, and you can inform us how things are progressing when we get back from this trip. I think the garden is a perfect place to have weddings, and the receptions can be right here in the restaurant.”
Yoshi remarked, “Maybe Sakura and I will be the first ones to use it, although I realize it’s too early to know if we’re compatible.”
“Well,” stated Tomo, “you all learn new things about each other every day, since you spend so much time working together and going on double dates.”
“This is very true.” Then Aneko asked, “Where are you going this time on your trip?”
Tomo responded, “We heard that mid summer is a good time to go to Glacier National Park, since the snow should be melted.”
“And,” continued Ami, “since the Tetons and Yellowstone are pretty much on the way, we’ll plan to stop there also. The only problem is that it’s such a popular time to go, all the national park campgrounds are already filled up. Since we’ll have to play it by ear and camp wherever a place is available, we don’t know if there will be very many ministry times.”
Aneko stressed, “God can work that part out. We sure enjoyed all your pictures from your last trip. Be sure and take more on this trip. It’s almost as good to see your pictures and hear you talk about the spectacular scenery as if I would go myself!”
“Maybe someday you will get to go,” suggested Tomo.
Aneko smiled at him and nodded. But for some reason, she doubted it. Then they all got ready to go to work at the restaurant.
Maria Gomez looked forward to the weekends she got to spend visiting and helping at Mercy Valley Ranch, She stayed in the extra bedroom in Esther’s home those weekends, by alternating with Esther’s sister, Ruth. She was glad she could help with Esther and Nathan’s four second grade foster girls as well as visit and help her best friend and former college roommate, Julie Blake, her husband, Ted, with their four first grade foster girls. All the girls were doing very well in every area and had made so much progress since they had been assigned to these two homes.
“Good morning, Maria. It’s so nice to see you and you get to stay for the weekend.” Then Esther suggested, “Let’s take the long jump rope and you and I can turn it while the girls take turn’s jumping.
“Good idea,” said Maria. “It’s good to see you too. I found another jump rope rhyme I can teach them this morning.”
The girls came running to greet her, and then all of them headed outside. The driveway made an excellent place to jump rope when no cars were parked there. The girls liked the new rhyme and when they got tired of jumping, everyone found a place to sit in the shade so they could visit.
Maria asked, “Can you tell me something new or fun that you learned or did in school?”
Holly answered, “We learned a new song called ‘Sing Unto the LORD a New Song.’ It’s really short, and the title has about half of all the words in the song, but it was fun to sing. We’ll sing it for you.”
They did, and Esther joined them. Maria clapped at the end.
Willow, who was Holly’s twin sister shared, “I always have fun when we sing songs at school. They have fun words and tunes.”
Lucia mentioned, “Plus, we’re always learning how to read new words so we can read longer stories. I’ll read you a story later today.”
“Good,” Maria responded, “I’ll look forward to hearing it.”
Val shared, “Besides those things, it’s always fun to listen to the Nature Corner stories about plants or animals, or parts of our bodies.”
Maria said, “Thank you for telling me all those neat things. I’m glad you all get to go to our good church school.”
“I’m very glad too,” Esther agreed, “and I enjoy volunteering in each of your classrooms, because I get to learn the songs also so we can sing them at home.”
Val looked at her mom’s watch and declared, “It’s almost time for our Saturday horseback ride. Shall we go change clothes?”
Lucia noticed, “I see that Auntie Maria is ready except for her helmet.”
“Right!” Maria replied, “I came prepared today so I wouldn’t have to change so soon after I got here.”
Willow asked, “Which horse are you going to ride today?”
“I think I’ll get very brave and ride Patches. He’s so pretty, but he’s also a lot taller than Coffee or Tea, the ones I usually choose.”
“Good for you, Maria,” complimented Esther. “Sometimes it’s good for us to try new things or ways of doing things.”
Val commented, “I’ll have to look way up at you when I’m on Honey, ‘cause she’s the smallest horse on this ranch. But I like her so much and I’m glad I’m still small enough that I can keep riding her. Mama told me she thinks I’ve gotten a little taller.”
“I agree with her,” Maria concurred. “This good clean air, and nutritious food and the exercise you get are helping you to grow.”
Willow remarked, “The rest of us are growing too, but we were already bigger than Val. She told us she’s shorter than the rest of us are, just like her name is shorter.”
After that comment, they all got up and ran into the house and to their rooms to change clothes so they’d be ready for their ride.
Maria was waiting for them by the front door with her helmet on, trying to hide her nervousness about riding a horse that was two hands taller than her usual choices. Then she remembered back to her first ride over a year ago and how Vera had helped her get over her fear of horses, so she smiled and knew she’d do just fine.
Soon Esther's four girls joined Maria at the front door, and they all wondered what was taking Mama so long. When she appeared from her room, everyone doubled over with laughter. She and Papa (Nathan) were dressed up as hobos wearing the oldest most ragged clothes they could find, except for their riding boots and helmets.
Maria exclaimed, “Thanks for the good laugh! Now let’s go see what the horses think about your attire.”
The horses didn’t even seem to notice the funny costumes. Nathan chose King, and Esther picked Queen, which made their ragged clothes even funnier compared to the elegant black horses and their names.
Maria walked up to Patches, the brown and white pinto, and he seemed even bigger now that she was beside him, but she wouldn’t back down now in front of all those girls! This was going to be good for her, and she would make herself go through with it. Patches sensed her size and nervousness, so he kindly put his head down so she could easily reach it to put on his halter and attach the lead rope. She was on her way!
Willow and Holly chose their usual small sized, twin looking horses, Boots and Socks. They were both a pretty chestnut color with white socks or boots to help tell them apart. Lucia would ride Rusty this time. She liked his reddish brown color and small size. And of course Val chose Honey, the color of honey with a brown mane and tail, and still just the right size for her.
They all enjoyed getting their horses ready to ride, and soon the family and Auntie were on their way. Today they explored both sides of Mercy Stream and enjoyed having the horses splash back and forth across from one side of the stream to the other. Then they had a short canter up to the gate and walked sedately back and forth on the road while the horses dried off and cooled down.
Maria was secretly pleased with herself when she took off Patches’ halter back in the pasture after thanking him and giving him lots of strokes. She had done very well on this tall horse and would probably choose him again sometime.
After lunch, Maria went to spend the afternoon with Julie and Ted Blake and their quadruplets, Lily, Violet, Iris, and Rose. They aren't identical so they just look like normal sisters.
After their usual greetings, Violet exclaimed, “Auntie Maria, we saw you on Patches! He’s so tall you looked like you could reach up and touch the clouds!”
“He is very tall!” Maria agreed. “At first I wasn’t relaxed enough that I could reach up at all. I had to concentrate on how to ride him, since it was my first time on such a tall horse. But just like all the other wonderful horses on this ranch, he’s so gentle and well trained that I didn’t stay nervous very long.”
Rose asked, “Which horse will you ride with us tomorrow?”
“Well,” she answered after thinking a minute, “if I can talk your mommy and daddy into riding Queen and King, I’ll ride Princess so the three of us can be on black horses of different sizes, and I’ll be on a horse that’s closer to the horse sizes you girls will be riding, so you won’t have so far to look up when you want to talk to me. It was pretty hard for Val to look way up at me from Honey.”
Lily commented, “It’s a good idea, Auntie Maria. I’m glad you get to come visit us every other week.”
“I am also,” said Maria nodding. “I enjoy doing things with this family.”
Iris asked, “What are we going to do this afternoon?”
She answered looking at Ted and Julie, “If it’s okay with your daddy and mommy, we could take the long rope outside and we’ll turn it for you to jump while I teach you a new rhyme I learned. Then I’d like to read you all a book I checked out at the library.”
Iris looked hopefully at Daddy and Mommy who smiled and nodded, so they all went outside to play with the jump rope.
Beth was at her friend’s home today for their time of Scripture memory verses. She was now memorizing only verses from the New Testament that referred to Psalms that were about Jesus so her friend could become familiar with them.
Beth explained, “Last week I told you that some of the writers of the New Testament quoted some of the things in the Jewish Bible. So I looked up some more of those and decided to memorize them if they are also in the Psalms.” She had her friend look up Psalm 40:6-8, but quoted Hebrews 10:6,7, In burnt offerings and sacrifices you have no pleasure. Then I said, Look, I come, it is written of me in the book, I delight to do your will, O my God, Hebrews 10:6,7.
Her friend acknowledged, “It is very similar. It’s like it’s been condensed. My verse is Psalm 41:13, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen and Amen, Psalm 41:13. This is a good verse for praising God.”
“Yes, I like it,” Beth agreed. “Now find Psalm 2:7b and listen to Hebrews 1:5b, You are my Son, this day I have begotten you, Hebrews 1:5b.”
The woman commented, “That part is word for word. My next verse is Psalm 46:1, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, Psalm 46:1. This one is a precious promise.”
“It is for sure!” Beth exclaimed. “Look at Psalm 110:1 while I say Mark 12:35b,36, The scribes say that Christ is the Son of David. David himself said by the Holy Spirit, the LORD said to my Lord, You sit here on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool, Mark 12:35b,36. The one talking here, quoted the verse from Psalm 110:1.”
“Yes,” her friend concurred, “the part he quoted is word for word again. The next verses I learned are Psalm 48:1,2, Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, … the city of the great King, Psalm 48:1,2. I can vouch for it’s beauty, because I’ve been there.”
“How wonderful for you!” declared Beth. “My next verse goes with Psalm 118:22,23. I’ll say Matthew 21:42b, The stone which the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the corner. This is the LORD’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes, Matthew 21:42b. This verse only has one word different in the quote, but rejected means the same as refused.”
Her friend nodded. “Yes it does. My next verse goes with some of the ones you did last time we met. Psalm 50:23, Whoever offers praise glorifies me, and to him who orders his conversation rightly I will show the salvation of God, Psalm 50:23. Let’s take some time again to praise God before you need to go back to your home.”
So they did and it was a great way to end their time together.
On this double date, Aneko and Kosuke, and Yoshi and Sakura went to shop at a farmers’ market. As they shopped, they discussed the butterfly pavilion they had visited on their last double date. It had been a favorite outing for all of them and they were so glad they had been able to go see the butterflies and flowers. Each one had good memories of the colors, shapes, variety, and abundance of this collection of things from God’s creation.
Today after shopping in the farmers’ market until their feet got tired, they went and had a picnic in the park, eating just some of the foods they had bought at the farmers’ market after the ladies had washed them in the park restroom. It turned out to be a very fun meal. They took the rest of their purchases to their homes to use in meals there.
While they ate at separate tables in the park, they had time for more discussions. Aneko asked, “Kosuke, how do you like being a member of the five member ministry team?”
“I like it a lot!” he exclaimed. “I'm especially glad you three original members gave Sakura and me one of those ‘can do’ books and a crash course about how the teams work. I’ve learned a lot already about letting the Holy Spirit guide us and work through us with his gifts. Tony is a very nice young man and is so dedicated to serving Jesus. I’m glad he told us about his other ministry for the children in the parks.”
Aneko mentioned, “I am also. Yoshi and I got to go watch them one afternoon, and they both do a superior job of reading or telling Bible stories to the children in Spanish and English. Tony’s English has improved a lot in the last year or so.”
He responded, “It’s very good for him to practice in English. I'm glad both your parents and our parents taught all four of us both English and Japanese as we were growing up, so we don’t have an accent and are fluent in both languages. It might come in handy someday.”
“Yes, it might,” she agreed. “What did you think about the teaching time last Sunday?”
He replied, “I enjoy every service here as much as I did the ones I attended in seminary and with my parents in the other city. I’m glad there are churches where God’s word is taught and hymns are sung.”
“Absolutely!” she emphasized, “I tried a number of churches in the city I had moved to after trade school, but none of them came close to being as good as this one.”
As they were discussing these and other topics, Sakura questioned Yoshi, “What was the other city like where you went to live for a while?”
He replied, “It was just another big, noisy, unfriendly city. I often wondered why I had ever thought it was a good idea to move there.”
“So,” she checked, “I assume you wouldn’t consider moving back there from what you just said.”
“Right,” and he continued, “The move was good in one important way. It made me appreciate Pine City more than before. What do you think of Pine City?”
Sakura stated, “I like it very much. The mountains in the distance are spectacular, and they renew my spirits every time I look at them. I like it better than the cities I grew up in or moved to, so it’s a place I could probably enjoy living in for the rest of my life.”
“I’m glad you feel this way,” Yoshi remarked, “because I feel the same way. What other things do you like about it?”
“The church here is excellent,” she answered, “and I like the small group we're in also. Tony is a very nice young man. I’m glad he wanted to stay in the ministry group when we joined you and Aneko.”
“I’m glad also,” agreed Yoshi, “he’s become a very good friend.
Do your parents like it here in Pine City?”
She responded, “Yes, they both said similar things just yesterday.”
He added, “I’m pretty sure my parents feel the same way, since they have such a successful restaurant here. It’s getting pretty warm here since the shade has moved off our table. Let’s go see if Kosuke and Aneko are ready to leave.”
Oscar and Vera were walking by Mercy Stream at the Ranch with their four foster girls, Emma, Nan, Stella, and Liz. It was a windy day and the new green leaves were flapping. Even the branches were banging against each other.
Stella mentioned, “This must be how the trees clap their hands, like it says in that one song we sang the other day.”
“Right,” agreed Liz, “and the mountains are singing together for joy with their new white mantle from our last spring snow.”
“They are totally beautiful,” stated Oscar as he took some pictures with the family camera.
“I really like living here,” shared Nan. “There’s always something pretty to see or interesting things happening.”
Emma added, “I do too. We have a very nice family.
“Yes we do!” Vera exclaimed. “And we really like having all of you live here with us! It’s nice to be able to share things like this with a family.”
“It sure is, and even though it’s windy,” Liz noticed, “it’s not cold. It’s fun to see how the wind blows the tree branches around.”
“Yes,” agreed Emma, “and look at the hay in the pastures. The wind makes it look like waves are going across it.”
Nan surmised, “I imagine that looks a lot like the ocean would with the wind blowing on it.”
“I’ve never seen the ocean,” Stella stated, “but I did see the wind blowing to make waves on a lake one time. It did look a lot like the grass in the pasture does now, except for the color, of course.”
Oscar remarked, “Jesus talked about the wind in John 3:8, the wind blows where it wants and you hear the sound of it, but can’t tell from where it comes and where it goes. It is the same for everyone who is born of the Spirit. We can’t see the Spirit, but we can see the results in a person’s life when a person believes in Jesus and the Holy Spirit comes to live inside and change the person.”
“Yes,” Vera concurred, “I can see the good changes he has made in each of you girls’ lives since you believed in Jesus.”
The girls were all happy to hear those good words.
Glenda and Betty both arrived to visit with Fiona and her two little boys on a Tuesday morning. They usually came on separate days, but this week, it worked better for them to come together. While the boys were both napping, the three ladies had time to visit.
Fiona declared, “I’m glad you only have your after school programs in the afternoons, leaving the mornings for housework and sometimes helping or visiting with me and your grandchildren. How are both of you doing with your after school projects?”
Glenda answered, “I think we’re both glad we did the Wednesday Bible Study and Bible Story Groups for a while before we started the other project, because it takes some of the same type of planning.”
“Right,” agreed Betty, “now we have to plan for more activities for more hours each day, and for five days in a row. Plus it’s for mixed age groups. I don’t know how those teachers in the one room schools were able to teach eight grade levels all day and keep them all busy learning what they were supposed to learn.”
Fiona concurred, “I don’t either. Many of those teachers were young girls who had just finished the eighth grade themselves and took over for a teacher who left to get married. I guess the girls had learned how to teach by watching the teachers they had.”
“I’m sure that helped them,” agreed Glenda. “I think my after school group is doing very well. They seem happy while they are there and are usually well behaved. Once in a while one might bring a friend with them for the afternoon and it works out well.
Betty concurred, “Yes it does. I’m glad the booklets have so many good ideas in them for things to have the children do. I’m sure I’d have a problem coming up with ideas on my own.”
“Definitely,” declared Glenda. “This church has great ideas and materials to help with projects like this.”
When Johnny and Patrick woke up, their grandmothers helped get them changed and then played with Johnny while Fiona nursed Patrick.
Tomo and Ami were in the middle of their RV trip to Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and Glacier National Parks. The first part of the trip went very well, and they were amazed at the diversity of the scenery in the Tetons and especially in Yellowstone. However, it was very crowded and hard to find room in the pull-offs to park so they could get out and view the scenery. Sometimes Ami resorted to taking pictures out the window as Tomo drove.
Every once in a while, they did find a place to park, and even got to start several conversations with the other tourists. A couple of them took the offered tract and even thanked them. The commercial campgrounds they stayed in wouldn’t allow a meeting at their campsite, so that part was disappointing. Nevertheless, they decided it was all part of the experience, and they would let God direct their ministry times.
As they journeyed north to Glacier they had a lot of time to talk together in the van, because it’s a long way. At first they reviewed their experience in the two parks they had just visited.
Ami began, “I was totally amazed that the Teton mountains had no foothills. They just start up from the valley floor and go steeply up, making them look even taller than they would otherwise.”
“Agreed!” Tomo exclaimed. “They’re so majestic, but so steep and rugged looking that they might be very hard for hiking.”
“Indeed!” Ami emphasized. “I enjoyed seeing the buffalo wandering across the road to the other side. Both sides looked lush and green to me, but maybe they were on their way to find water.”
Tomo agreed, “That was fun, but when many of them decided to wander slowly down the highway in Yellowstone at the front of a long line of vehicles, I wasn’t very happy with them.”
“I wasn’t either,” Ami admitted. “I was glad we were able to find a parking place so we could go see Old Faithful erupt. I’ve seen pictures of it before, but in real life, it was awesome!”
“It surely was!” he concurred. “It went up so high that the people watching in front of where we stood, were dwarfed by it. I'm hoping we will get to find more parking places on the way back through there as we go home, so we can see some more of the thermal features and waterfalls.”
“Absolutely!” she emphasized. “Now would you please tell me more about your tea room idea?”
“Certainly,” he said, “I was thinking that since Aneko and Yoshi can run the restaurant without us even being there for weeks at a time, we could change our jobs to morning hours and have a tea room in the restaurant until just before lunch. If we keep it very simple with just serve-yourself tea and have a box with a slit in the top to pay for the tea, you and I could be available to chat, visit, answer questions, and so forth.”
She responded excitedly, “I like this idea! We could put out tracts on the tables so they’d have something to read as they sip their tea and it might spark some questions.”
“Exactly,” Tomo continued, “this idea was on the list the church handed out, only they used coffee instead of tea. We can ask at church when we get home if there’s a booklet with more ideas of how to make it work.”
She brought them back to reality by saying, “Yes, but we need to ask Aneko and Yoshi what they think about it so we can be a family in unity about all the things we do.”
“You're right, my dear wife!” Then he tacked on, “Plus it will all depend on whether they get married and stay to work in the restaurant. If one of them moves away, we’d need to continue working as we have been.”
She agreed and patted his leg. Then they rode in thoughtful silence. After thinking for a while she mentioned, “In that case, we had better not even mention this idea yet, because we don’t want to influence either of their thinking!”
Tomo responded, “Absolutely! Knowing Aneko as we do, she’d probably stay to work in the restaurant no matter what, in order to make it possible for us to pursue our idea. So we’ll just keep quiet and pray about it.”
They continued to enjoy the scenery on the way to, and in Glacier National Park. Since the park campground was full they found a nice commercial campground they could come back to each evening and have meetings at their campsite. Then they went to the visitor center to get more information about where they could drive, and what hikes they could take.
They found out that their RV van was too long to drive on the Going-to-the-Sun Road, so they bought tickets to go the next day in one of the famous Glacier Park Red Buses. They chose one with an open top so they could stand up and take pictures as they went. One of their favorite scenes was a tall bare mountain above a snow field and a steep valley with several waterfalls below it.
There were many waterfalls coming down the other mountain sides along the road. In one place when the bus was very near the weeping wall, the people in the open top buses got ‘rained’ on a couple times.
The next day they hiked to Running Eagle Falls. Ami observed, “This falls is so unique. The book says that earlier in the spring the upper falls covers up the lower one, and later in the summer, only the lower one has water. Right now we can see parts of both of them. The lower one comes out under a natural stone bridge while the upper one falls over the ledge above it. This is such a beautiful setting here with the trees, rocks, and stream.”
“Yes,” he said, “and look at all the colorful stones in the stream. The water makes them show up their colors, but on the banks where it’s dry the stones are very drab.”
“I like the ones in the stream better, the red ones and the yellow ones are really special” she agreed. “The wildflowers along the trail are colorful and varied also.”
Tomo compared, “Yes, they were especially plentiful on the way to Baring Falls which was pretty, but not as unique. It was well worth the one and a half mile round-trip hike though, along that nice, spectacular trail beside St Mary’s Lake.”
The following day they drove to some of the other lakes and ended at Red Rock Lake and Falls. It was about a three and a half mile round-trip to hike to the falls. They could see the falls across the lake and got some pictures that way, but they were glad they could go around the lake to get much better pictures and views up close.
Each evening at their campsite one or two different couples joined them for singing and questions. They had some interesting conversations and several of the couples took the tract that was offered to them. It was nice to know they were planting seeds, and they prayed for God to water them and make them grow.
When they got back to Yellowstone, Ami said, “It’s good we could find parking so we could go see more of the thermal features.”
“Yes,” Tomo concurred, “even though the sulfur smelled terrible along the boardwalk.”
Another area had hot pools of water and small geysers along the way. It didn’t smell as badly. Pretty soon they could look across the way and see Old Faithful erupting from this viewpoint.
Later they found parking for the short walk to the Tower Falls overlook. From its viewpoint they looked down on some natural pointed formations, like towers. A free fall of the water in a small stream went over a ledge and way down, out of sight below. It was extraordinary.
Then they got to see Lower Yellowstone Falls and its canyon. The Yellowstone River is huge and the water roars over the cliff into the canyon. The colors and formations on the canyon walls are amazing. They both thanked God for the privilege of seeing some more of his spectacular creation.
At this point they decided they were saturated with all they had seen, so it was time to head for home.
When they arrived home, they spent several evenings showing pictures and telling Aneko and Yoshi about their favorite places, after they had conversed about how the double dates and the work at the restaurant had gone.
Chapter 4
Philippians 2:2,3, … Be like-minded, be loving, be in one accord, and
of one mind. Let nothing be done through discord or boastfulness.
The Mercy Valley Ranch and Farm kids who rode the school bus sometimes asked friends on the bus to spend time with their family. When their parents picked them up, they often stayed to talk.
One day some mothers were sharing memories of their girls inviting unsaved friends and families to the ranch. These memories illustrate some of the ways the families had been diligent in teaching their children how to live like the Bible says to live.
Vera recalled, “Our girls take turns asking their friends and their families to come for a meal and to go for a horseback ride. These families all get to see our Christian family in action.”
The others nodded and Vera continued, “I remember one time a friend asked as soon as the meal was over, ‘Can we go see the horses now?’ And Stella answered frankly, ‘Not until I help with the dishes.’ The girl looked a little shocked, but she got right in there and helped also. Later we all went horseback riding.”
Karen mentioned, “One family stayed at our house for devotions after supper. They liked the little book called ‘Keys for Kids,’ we get from the ministry with that same name. So we gave them one we had already used and showed them where the book has information in it about how they could get more books for their family.”
Yolanda added, “Good idea, we use ‘Unlocked’ with our teenagers and we get it from Keys for Kids also. Candy politely told some visiting parents how to order it from their website. Our girls are always polite, and obey right away. They say ‘Yes, Dad or Mom.’ One friend mentioned, to June, ‘Your room is so clean! Does your mom clean it for you?’ June replied, ‘No it’s my job. I learned that when it’s messy, I can’t find the things I need in time.’ She had learned her lesson very well the day she missed out on a horseback ride and had to spend the time cleaning her side of the room. That problem never happened again! Now she can tell her friends who visit why she keeps her room so clean.”
At recess, which the kindergarten and first grades have together, Joy, Hope, Max, Timmy, Mary, and the quadruplets were telling about some the songs they liked to sing at church and at the church school.
“On Sunday,” Lily mentioned, “we sang a song called Bringing In the Sheaves. All the way through the song I thought it was saying sheets instead of sheaves. I was glad when we got home and I could ask Mommy about the song.”
Rose added, “I was too. She explained what sheaves were and the song made a lot more sense.”
“Right,” continued Iris, “she even showed us some pictures of what sheaves were.”
Max shared, “I learned about sheaves last fall when my family talked about how the old fashioned farmers put the grain stalks in bundles tied together.”
“Yes,” Violet tacked on, “that picture helped us understand the song much better than the picture of bed sheets in our minds.”
Timmy agreed, “For sure, and I like the way my teacher explains the words in the hymns we sing in the classroom. Like for the song, ‘Standing On the Promises,’ one boy said it sounded like we were standing with our feet on the Bible. But she explained, it means to rely on or trust. Then it made more sense.”
“Yeah,” said Hope, “my teacher helped our class to understand the word ‘fairest’ in the song ‘Fairest Lord Jesus.’ She said it didn’t mean he had light colored hair and skin.”
Joy finished, “And it didn’t just mean that he played fair, but he is always fair and just. It also means that he was beautiful, since the song was written a long time ago when that is what the word ‘fairest’ meant. I like the verse about fair meadows and woodlands, because I agree that both of them are beautiful.”
Mary stated, “They are, and I like singing at home. It’s fun to learn what the words mean in the songs.”
Yoshi and Aneko and their cousins next double date wasn’t really a date since they went to Kosuke and Sakura’s home to play 20 questions about things each person liked to do to have fun. They included both sets of parents for this game so they could all get better acquainted with each other.
The evening was full of fun and laughter, and after each person had their turn of being the person to answer yes or no, everyone had learned a lot about the others.
This gave the parents a chance to watch how the four young people interacted with each other. Each parent speculated silently about how things might turn out for the couples. Both sets of parents were favorably impressed and had high hopes for the future.
This week they were at Beth’s apartment. Her friend said, “I’m going to say all of Psalm 23 today first thing, and then you can do all your verses afterward. Psalm 23, the LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul, he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever, Psalm 23.”
“What a beautiful Psalm,” stated Beth, “and you quoted it perfectly. Then Beth explained, “Today I’ll do verses that go with other Jewish Bible books. Genesis 18:18b goes with Acts 3:25b, where God said to Abraham, In your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, Acts 3:25b. Deuteronomy 18:15 goes with Acts 3:22, For Moses truly said to the fathers, God shall raise up to you a prophet like me. You shall hear him in all the things he shall say to you, Acts 3:22. Micah 5:2 goes with Matthew 2:6, And You Bethlehem, in the land of Judah are not the least among the princes of Judah, for out of you shall come a Governor that shall rule my people Israel, Matthew 2:6. Isaiah 7:14b goes with Matthew 1:23b, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which means God with us, Matthew 1:23b. Parts of Isaiah 35:5 go with parts of Matthew 11:5, The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the people have the gospel preached to them, Matthew 11:5.
Beth explained to her, “All of these Old Testament Jewish Bible verses are talking about the Jewish Messiah who was to come to Israel in their future.”
Her friend remarked, “Right, and I’ve often wondered about when he will come. Those are interesting quotes from various books in the Jewish Bible. Thank you for sharing them with me today. I’ll see you next time at my home.”
Riley shared, “I like being able to come home to the home where I grew up, instead of to an empty apartment at the end of a business trip. I’m glad we planned for me to do it this way.”
Patrick agreed, “We are too! Since you travel so much as a salesman for the company you work for, you’d have very little time in a rented apartment.”
“For sure,” and Riley continued, “I’m giving some of the money I’m saving this way, to Grace ‘n’ Faith Church to help fund their school of evangelism because it’s such an important part of their ministry.”
Glenda remarked, “What a good idea! we’re so pleased with what you’re doing, Riley. Can you tell us some of the things you did on this last trip?”
“Sure,” he replied, “It was like what I usually do on a business trip. I often spend an extra day or two there if it’s a weekend to see whatever scenic wonders might be close to the city. I like to strike up a conversation with other sightseers about the Great Creator and how to have a relationship with him.”
She mentioned, “God’s creation is a good lead in for that kind of conversation.”
“Yes it is,” and he went on, “this time I went to a museum in the city and found some ways to talk with others about Jesus there. Of course I always have a captive audience sitting beside me as I’m on the airplane going to and from home. I like to get them talking about themselves and try to find a way to bring God into the conversation.”
“Can you give us an example?” Glenda inquired.
Riley said, “Sure I can. Do you remember the song we like to listen to about the one-way ticket to a place we’ll be going?”
“Yes,” she replied, “it’s a fun song to listen to and sing along.”
Riley nodded, “I say something like ‘Someday I’ll be going to a fabulous place, and I won’t have to worry about packing, paying for the flight, waiting in long lines, or rushing to be on time. I’ll be riding first class, not cramped up in seats as small as these. And the only thing I had to get was a one-way ticket to go there, because I certainly will not be coming back!’ By that time they’re very curious, and ask me to explain. So I explain and go right into presenting the Good News and how they can get their one-way ticket.”
“What a great idea!” Patrick exclaimed, “What if you have to work on business things on your computer while you’re flying?”
Riley responded, “It happens that way once in a while, but I’m willing to interrupt my work if someone wants to visit. Sometimes a person will see my little travel Bible in my open briefcase and feels free to mention it or ask a question. Then I save what I’ve done on the computer, shut it down and talk with them. I can usually finish my work in the hotel room or after I get home here. Even my company will agree that sharing Jesus with someone is more important than the work I might be doing right then.”
“I’m glad you found such a good company and were able to get a job there,” Glenda commented.
Riley nodded. “Yes, I thank God for it every day.”
Renting bikes was Yoshi’s next idea for a date, so he asked, “Sakura, do you like to ride bikes?”
“Yes,” she answered, “if the hills aren’t too steep.”
Yoshi continued, “I was thinking we could rent bikes and ride to a park on the other side of the city. Then while we rest we could discuss important issues so we could know if we will be compatible.”
“I like your idea,” Sakura replied. “Then we can get some more exercise on the way back to the bike shop.”
Yoshi agreed, “Indeed we can. I’ll ask Kosuke and Aneko if they think this is a good idea and if so, we can all decide what day and time would work best for it.”
They liked it and all of them decided that the next day in the morning would work well since it wouldn’t be as hot. So they rented bikes and helmets and were on their way. Since there were no steep hills along the route, the ride was enjoyable for all of them. They found benches in the shade where they could talk as couples.
Kosuke asked, “Aneko, how often do you like to go to church?”
She answered, “I like to go once a week, and the same for small groups. What do you like?”
“I like to do the same,” he said, smiling. “I like to give ten percent of my income to God’s work. How much money do you like to give?”
Aneko responded, “I’ve heard that ten percent is what the law prescribed, but I like to give twenty. Would we be able to resolve this difference?”
He replied, “As long as we would have enough to live on and save some for future needs or retirement, I’d be glad to give that much more to help spread the Good News.”
“This would be a good solution,” she stated. “what’s your opinion about having a budget?”
Kosuke stressed, “If it’s one we can agree about together and stick to it, I think it would be a helpful idea.” When she nodded, he questioned, “What place should God have in a person’s life?”
Aneko exclaimed, “Considering all he has done for me, I’ll do my best to give him first place!”
“I like your answer and your emphasis,” he stated. “I fully agree!”
In the meantime, on the other bench Sakura asked, “Yoshi, what kind of movies do you go to, or watch on TV?”
He answered, “Since I’m a believer now, I’m very careful to only watch clean, wholesome things that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to have Jesus watch with me since he lives in me by his Spirit. I’ve asked him to clear my mind and erase the other things I watched before becoming a believer.”
“I agree wholeheartedly!” she exclaimed. “I asked him to do the same thing for me. I feel the same way about jokes and teasing.”
“Same here,” he went on, “plus they should never tear other people down. Teasing and too many jokes are mean. They get a laugh at another person’s expense. Next topic, I’m glad we already agreed about having no premarital sex. If you get married, would you like to have a family, and if so how many children would you like to have, and do you want to have them naturally or would you rather adopt them or have foster children?”
Sakura laughed. “That’s a nice long question with many parts. Let’s see if I can remember all of them long enough to answer it. If I get married, I would like to have a family. I think I’d like to have them naturally rather than to adopt or have foster children. And I’d like to have at least two. Since your dad is a twin I would hope for twins. I think they would be fun and interesting. Now it’s your turn to answer the same question.”
“It’s easy for me,” Yoshi declared, “I agree with everything you said just now.”
Both couples continued talking and agreeing about all the issues they could think of and decided they were indeed compatible. So they assimilated everything they had found out about each other as they rode the bikes back to the bike shop.
On the farm, William and Anna Beckett, and their foster boys, Evan, Sam, Carlos, and Gary were remembering back to their first communion.
Anna commented, “I liked the way the facilitator explained communion, when you boys joined our small group for the first time you got to have it.
“I did also,” agreed William, “And he included how it relates to the Passover in the Old Testament. Someone once said that without the Old Testament happenings and prophecies, there could not be a New Testament.”
“Yes,” said Evan, “since we had studied Exodus as a family we were familiar with the concepts.”
Carlos mentioned, “At the time it seemed rather strange to me.”
“Yeah,” stated Sam, “killing a perfect little lamb and putting its blood on the doorposts seemed mean and messy.”
Gary observed, “But now that we know how it relates to what Jesus did for us, it makes so much more sense.”
Anna declared, “It sure does, but I’m glad we don’t have to continue doing that part of the meal.”
“I felt sorry for the poor little lamb!” exclaimed Evan, “But it was so much worse for Jesus. He had to die a slow and painful death for us! I’m so glad he was willing to do that.”
Everyone else agreed, and Sam tacked on, “I think the unleavened bread and grape juice are good to use as reminders of what Jesus did for us.”
“Exactly,” concurred Carlos, “and I especially liked how well Philippians 2:5-9 went with remembering what he did. I’ll read it. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus who, being in the form of God, did not think he had to grasp being equal with God, but made himself of no reputation and took on himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name.”
“Precisely,” and then Gary emphasized, “I really like the next two verses also. I’ll read them, At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
“Without a doubt,” William noted, “Those are some of my favorite verses also.”
Roy and Sherry Foster and their twins, Hope and Joy, were at the same park where Jesus had used them to heal Cory. Greg and Oralie Iverson, their son Cory, and four foster boys, Max, Levi, Jack, and Kevin were there also. The parents liked to visit while the children played on the equipment or practiced throwing and catching balls.
Roy was thinking, “I wonder how it would be to invite Don and Anita Ross so their children could join in the fun with the twins and get to know the other boys.?”
Greg agreed, “It would probably be good for all the children to make some new friends. I know that Max and Timmy are already friends, but the other boys would like him also.”
Oralie mentioned, “Plus it would also give our boys a chance to be extra careful with a girl as small as Mary is.”
Sherry inquired, “So, how would it be, if I call right now and see if they would have time today to come join us here?”
“It would be fun and spontaneous!” Roy laughed. “Go ahead.”
She did and they came right away. As soon as Joy and Hope saw their other friends, they ran over to greet them and take them to meet the rest of the group. Don and Anita had a nice time visiting with the two couples while all the adults kept an eye on the children who all got along just fine.
These three families continued meeting at the park as often as the weather and time permitted.
Yoshi, Aneko, and their cousins went to an orchard to pick apples. Sakura and Yoshi had fun helping each other pick and very carefully pack the apples so they wouldn’t get bruised. They were able to talk about many subjects as they worked together.
Kosuke and Aneko had fun playing catch with the apples. They were so good at it that they didn’t drop or bruise a single one. They had to admit though, that their sister and brother had picked many more than they had. Both couples had enjoyed their time together in the orchard.
When they weren’t going on dates, the couples were working together in the restaurant. Ami was helping in the kitchen with Aneko and Kosuke, and Tomo worked with Yoshi and Sakura. This also helped the couples to keep their courtships pure.
Tomo and Ami were able to observe how well they got along together. Ami couldn't perceive the same thing Aneko had said about Kosuke not being truly happy about working in the restaurant. Or maybe he was happier here now than he was before. She would just have to wait and see.
It was a very intense time for all of them as they got to know each other on an almost daily basis. Working together can be a good way to help people understand and know each other.
Beth was at her friend’s home, this time and asked her, “Would you say all your verses first, so I can do mine afterward like we did last time?”
“Sure,” she answered, “I’ll be glad to because mine need to stay together anyway. It’s all of Psalm 100, Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all you lands. Serve the LORD with gladness, come before his presence with singing. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us and not we ourselves. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. Be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations, Psalm 100.”
“Thank you,” said Beth. “It was word perfect and I liked your good expression. Now I’ll give you time to look up the references in your Bible before I quote mine. My first verse goes with Psalm 41:9, it’s Matthew 26:23, He who dips his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me, Matthew 26:23. Next find Psalm 27:12b. It goes with Mark 14:56, Many gave false witness against him, but their witness did not agree together, Mark 14:56. There are several that go with Psalm 22. I’ll just say my reference and which verse it goes with in Psalm 22. Verse 7 goes with Matthew 27:39,43, Those who passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, he trusted in God, let him deliver him now, Matthew 27:39,43. Verse 18 goes with Matthew 27:35, they parted his garments, casting lots so it would be fulfilled as was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots, Matthew 27:35. Verse 1a goes with Matthew 27:46c, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Matthew 27:46c. Part of verse 16 goes with John 19:37b, They shall look on him whom they pierced, John 19:37b. Psalm 34:20 goes with John 19:36, These things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken, John 19:36.”
Her friend expressed, “Those are all very sad quotes. I especially remember reading the ones in Psalm 22 and have always wondered who David was talking about.”
This was the opening Beth had hoped for, “I agree, they are very sad quotes and I’m glad David didn’t have to go through it himself. He actually was prophesying about things the Messiah would go through when the following things happened, as it says in Acts 13:27-33,38,39, which I’ll read to you, the people and leaders in Jerusalem didn’t know him, the Messiah, or the words of the prophets which are read every sabbath day. They fulfilled them in condemning him, and though they found no cause of death in him, still they desired that Pilate would have him killed. And when they had fulfilled all that was written about him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a tomb.”
Beth’s friend exclaimed, “How terrible! So many horrid things happened in the Jewish Bible. But if the New Testament is also true and part of the Scriptures, then it’s the worst of all. The Messiah came to Israel and instead of recognizing him, they killed him!”
“Yes it is terrible,” Beth concurred, “but it didn’t end there. The verses I was reading go on to say, But God raised him from the dead and he was seen for many days by those who had come with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. They are his witnesses to the people. … God has fulfilled the promise he made … by raising Jesus from the dead, as it is written in the second psalm, You are my Son, this day I have begotten you… Know therefore that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is preached to you, and by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.”
She asked, “You mean there’s still hope for Israel?”
“Absolutely!” replied Beth. “Listen to some more verses. These are in Acts 3:13-15,17-19. The God of Abraham and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go. But you denied the Holy One and the Just, … and killed the Prince of life, whom God has raised from the dead, whereof we are witnesses. And now, brothers, I know that through ignorance you did it, as your rulers also did. But those things which God showed before, by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, God has so fulfilled. Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the LORD. And verse 4 in chapter 4 says, many of those who heard the word believed, and the number of the men was about five thousand.”
“Oh, Beth,” her friend shared, “I’m just about overwhelmed by all this information. For three weeks now you’ve been saying quotes from the Jewish Bible to me out of the New Testament which you said were mostly written by Jewish people. The rabbis don’t want us to know about these things for some reason. But I think we should know! It’s like they’re making the same terrible mistake as the leaders and people did in Jerusalem when they had Jesus killed! But I don’t have to make that mistake, now that I know the truth. Can I repent right now?”
“Yes!” emphasized Beth, “you can pray just like we did the week when we praised God.”
So she prayed, “O LORD, the God of our fathers, I'm so very sorry for what my people did to your Son Jesus, the Messiah, when you sent him to them so long ago, and I’m sorry for all the years I have not believed about him because the leaders didn’t want me to know. Now that I do know, I repent and ask you to forgive me and convert me, so my sins may be blotted out. Please justify me from all the things for which I could not be justified from by the law of Moses. Thank you very much, and now please help me learn how to live with this new knowledge and belief. Help me to know how to tell my family so they can believe too. Amen.”
Beth added, “Thank you Jesus, for helping my friend to learn and believe about you, the true Messiah, and because she now believes, we are more than just friends. We are sisters in God’s forever family. I agree with her prayer for her family. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.”
“Thank you, Beth,” her friend said, “I really appreciate the fact that you cared enough about me to learn all those verses so you could show me the truth about the Messiah. I know we're way past our usual visiting time, but would you have time to stay for lunch and answer some of my questions?”
Beth responded, “You’re very welcome, it was my pleasure and I’m so glad you believe the truth now. Yes, I have time and I’d like to stay for lunch and answer your questions. Thank you for the invitation.”
After a delicious light lunch and answering many questions, Beth gave her one of the little booklets and went over some of it with her, explaining the card.
“Would you like to go with me to church tomorrow? We have several Jewish people in our congregation who have a small group you could attend. They might be able to help you with some suggestions about how to talk to your family.”
She agreed, went to church, and joined that group, so she was well on her way to learning how to live as a Jewish believer. She and Beth continued memorizing and checking each other on verses that would especially help them live as Jesus desired for them to live.
Next they added another Jewish friend to their scripture memory time and worked with her until she became a believer also. Now they had a group of three to help win the next one. Then they divided into two pairs and each pair worked with another Jewish person. It did take a lot of time, but it was worth it.
The first lady used Beth’s scriptures in the old and new testaments to convince her family, one at a time about Jesus being the Messiah. After a long time, most of them accepted him also.
The four cousins went on a hike up a pretty steep, rough trail where the men helped the ladies over rough places and up some steep parts. Aneko and Sakura were very grateful for the help and always thanked the men. They enjoyed being treated with such gentle care.
Yoshi noticed Sakura blushing a couple times and wondered if she was feeling the same excited feeling he felt when their hands touched. He realized he was quickly coming to love this young woman, and again he was glad they weren’t blood relatives, because if they were, they could not even consider getting married.
Kosuke noticed that he liked the feel of Aneko’s small soft hand in his, every time he helped her over a rough place. Her smile as she thanked him for his help was charming.
When they all reached the top of the mountain, they were rewarded with a splendid view of Pine City below them and more mountains behind them. As they rested, they decided the view was definitely worth the climb. Aneko was glad she had brought the family camera along. She took a lot of pictures, and showed them to her parents that evening as she and Yoshi told about their date.
The same week, they also went for their weekly five member team ministry with Tony. They were in one of the city parks on this Saturday evening. The ladies were walking together with the three men behind them.
They spent much of the time praying for the people in the park. The rest of the time, they visited with each other. It gave the men some time together and the women the same. It was a profitable time for all of them even though they didn’t get to help or witness to somebody that week.
The second and third grades at the church school had recesses together. One day on the playground, Levi in second grade ran to get Kevin and Jack, in third grade, to come meet some of his second grade friends, who lived at the ranch, Val, Lucia, and the twins Holly and Willow.
He introduced them and then the boys showed them some of the ball skills Cory had taught them on the farm. After playing for a while, Lucia asked, “Do you boys like to ride horses when you come to the ranch every other Saturday?”
“Indeed we do!” declared Kevin. “In fact it’s our favorite thing to do at the ranch.”
Jack mentioned, “Kevin and I usually ride Boots and Socks.
Willow exclaimed, “Holly and I ride them also, because they look alike and Holly and I do too!”
Kevin said, “I wonder if those two horses are twins also.”
Levi remarked, “Maybe they are! We should ask someone about that. Rusty is still a good size for me to ride. My little brother Max, who’s in first grade, likes to ride Honey, the smallest horse on the ranch.”
Val shared, “Since my size is so small, I like to ride Honey also. I’m glad the ranch has horses of so many different sizes so people can choose just the right size for them.
Lucia continued, “I’m glad too, I like the size of both Brownie and Rusty. I usually choose Rusty because of his pretty reddish brown color.”
Holly asked, “Have you boys gotten to go through the gate at the end of the ranch and ride on the public land?”
Kevin answered, “Yep, it is one of our favorite places to ride.”
Levi suggested, “Now let’s play with the balls some more before the bell rings.”
They all enjoyed their time of playing and talking together, so they joined each other occasionally at recess times.
Connie came to see Fiona one morning before going to work. After their normal greetings, Connie informed her, “Amelia has set up a lending library and a coffee chat room in the employee lunchroom at The Garden Shop. And of course she continues to work in the shop nurturing plants and overseeing the business end of the shop. She still lives at home and gives some of the extra money she saves on rent to evangelistic ministries. We’re so proud of her!
“And I think you should be!” exclaimed Fiona. “Not many girls just out of trade school could pull that off!
Connie nodded. “She’s full of energy and ideas and seems happy and fulfilled.”
“I’m so glad to hear this!” after a pause, Fiona asked, “Do you remember the day you came here to ask me about the little cafe where Matt and I had supper on our honeymoon?”
“Of course!” answered Connie, “Ernest and I went there and thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Fiona continued, “Great! I had asked you to read a document on my computer to see if it would be good enough for you to take to the girls. You liked it and did take it to them.”
“I remember that too,” she responded. “They liked it and sent you a thank you note.”
Fiona went on, “Yes, and I continue to correspond with some of them by email. Do you think Amelia would be interested in having some copies of that document in her library to give away?”
“If you’ll make a copy to send with me, I’ll ask her. Then if she likes the idea, you and she can discuss it the next time she comes with Ben on a Saturday morning to visit you and Matt.”
Fiona stated, “It’s a great idea, thank you, Connie.”
So when Amelia came the next Saturday they talked and decided that along with books in the lending library, they could have printouts to give on various topics. Amelia asked Fiona to come once a week bringing Johnny and Patrick and a playpen, so she could make copies of articles and visit with the people who come in to look at books and talk. Fiona was glad to have a ministry outside her home.
Kosuke informed Yoshi, “I’d like to plan a double date where we can do something Aneko would especially enjoy. Do you have any ideas?”
“Yes,” he answered, “she enjoys going to used book stores to find antique or out of print treasures, especially classic literature. But she doesn’t like to do it alone. I’ve gone with her several times and even found some books I liked.”
Kosuke said, “Thank you, Yoshi. I don’t know if Sakura will like it, but she’s always ready to do something new and different. Shall we plan to do it for our next double date?”
“By all means,” he replied. “I just remembered, Aneko likes to show and talk about what she finds, as she is deciding whether to buy something, so you’ll need to stay nearby.”
Kosuke shared, “I’m glad to know about that, so I can help make this enjoyable for her.”
“Now,” inquired Yoshi, “Would you please tell me something Sakura enjoys so we could do it as a double date?”
“Of course,” he responded. “Sakura likes to ride in a canoe and enjoy the scenery if she doesn’t have to row.”
Yoshi smiled and nodded. “It sounds like a good idea if you’ll teach me how to row a canoe first. I’ve never even been in one, and I’d hate to tip us over!”
“Right,” Kosuke agreed, “a cold dip in the lake would definitely end the fun for all of us, even if we are in separate canoes. We’ll make time for me to teach you and then we can go. I think Aneko will enjoy a canoe ride also.”
“I think so too,” concurred Yoshi. “She likes nature and scenery.”
Kosuke was a very good teacher and Yoshi learned quickly. The four cousins went on each of those planned double dates and both were outstanding successes. The ladies were especially impressed that the men had cared enough to find out something they would enjoy by asking their brothers.
One Saturday Nathan went to visit with his best friend, Felix, and his four boys on the farm, and Sunny came to the ranch to visit her best friend, Esther, and her four girls, so they could all continue to nurture their friendships. As Esther had informed Nathan, the two ladies took the four girls to Pine City so all six of them could enjoy the flowers in the botanical garden. It gave the ladies a chance to visit and it was fun to listen to the chatter of the girls as they admired the flowers.
“Oh, look!” Lucia exclaimed. “There are flowers of every color in the rainbow in this garden!”
Holly agreed, “Yes, and I really like those purple ones over there.”
They all walked quickly to see them and Val commented, “I like these very much also, and the yellow ones right next to them are so bright and cheery.”
“I agree,” and then Willow suggested, “Let’s see if we can find the four flowers that go with the names of the quadruplets who live next door to us.”
“OK,” replied Val, “each group of flowers has a name to tell us what they are, and if we can’t read it, Mama will help us.”
“Right,” Holly went on, “here’s a group of lilies so we found Lily’s flowers. They’re really pretty.”
Lucia stated, “Yep, I like those. Right next to them are some more purple flowers and I know these are irises so they go with the girl named Iris.”
“For sure,” and Willow remarked, “I think these are one of my favorite flowers. Look way over there, I think I see a whole area full of roses. So we have found the flowers that go with Rose.”
“Ah,” observed Val, “See this little group of flowers in the shade of this tree? The sign says these are violets, so these go with Violet.”
Then Holly mentioned, “We found all of them, and I was just thinking. We are kind of like the quadruplets, because they’re all the same age as each other, and we girls are the same age as each other, except we are a year older than they are.”
“True,” and Val went on, “plus we’re all sisters in this family.”
Willow realized, “Two of us are identical and none of them are, so that’s one way we're different. But it’s fun to all be the same age and in the same grade at school like they are.”
“I think so too,” and Lucia declared, “and I think the quadruplets are really special because they are also sisters in the family they came from, and they all have the same birthday! They’re nice and I like them.”
The others agreed and they continued to walk along looking at more of the flowers and commenting on them.
Ben was on the job as part of Matt’s crew. This time they were remodeling an older house a young couple had just bought.
Matt told his crew, “They want us to have it ready for them to move all their things into, just before their wedding, so we need to be finished with the inside by then.”
“Wow” one of the men exclaimed, “we’ll have to really work fast and hope we don’t find some hard problems to fix!”
“Right,” Matt agreed, “While they’re gone on their honeymoon we can finish up the outside of the house.”
Ben remarked, “It sounds like a good plan. I’m willing to work overtime if needed.”
The other men nodded in agreement.
Matt acknowledged, “Thank you all for consenting to work overtime. You are a great crew of men. The couple is willing and happy to pay extra if that’s what it takes to have it ready in time.”
Shortly after their Fourth of July trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, Vern, Lora, and Mindy Jones discussed where to go and made plans for traveling during the week of Labor Day.
Vern asked, “Where could we go that would be cool and beautiful?”
“Maybe,” suggested Lora, “some place in the higher mountains where at least some of the aspen leaves will be turning gold.”
Mindy inquired, “Do you remember the beaver pond we went to see when the three of us were doing fun things before your wedding? I’d like to see it again, and go to that meadow to see and identify some fall wildflowers.
“Yes,” answered Vern, “I remember, and I’d also like to go there again. Our new digital camera takes quiet pictures and even works well in low light levels, so we might get some good pictures of the beavers and other animals.”
Lora stated, “I’d like to go there again too. Could we take a car trip up there this coming Sunday morning, scout the area and see if there’s a forest service campground in the vicinity? If so, we could pick a spot to reserve for that week.”
“Super idea!” Vern exclaimed. “And what do you think about buying a big screen tent to leave set up during the days we're at our campsite?”
“Wonderful!” declared Mindy. “The mosquitoes were a bother when we were at Rocky Mountain National Park.”
Lora said, “Yes, and we could do our evening ministry time inside it if there aren’t too many people.”
“Positively,” agreed Vern, “plus we could even eat in it sometimes without the flies and bees pestering us.”
So they went the next Sunday and after some searching, found a campground. They talked to the host couple who said it would be fine to have meetings at their campsite. They even said they’d look forward to attending a meeting. So they reserved a camping site that was overlooking the very stream coming out of the beaver pond.
Later they bought a large screen tent, set it up in the backyard and put the chairs and little table inside to see if it would hold any more. They bought that many, plus a few more just in case they ever had a bigger crowd. While they were at the discount store, Lora bought a small sketch book and a few drawing pencils and a good eraser.
They even bought enough more used hymnals from the church to go with each pair of new chairs. They spent some time with their own hymnal, planning the songs they’d use for the first evening ministry time. They decided to sing “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” first, then “Room at the Cross for You” and last, “Let Jesus Come into Your Heart.” These three songs have stanzas and Scripture verses that introduce unbelievers to the Good News and invite them to accept Jesus. They might also help some people find questions to ask.
They could play it by ear for the next meetings, unless all new people came each time, in which case they could use the same three songs. Or if the same people came, they could choose songs they’d like to sing.
So they were ready to leave early on the Saturday before Labor Day with all their new purchases, and got their campsite set up for that evenings’ ministry time before they went to the meadow to look at and identify fall wildflowers.
In the evening they had a nice sized group for the ministry time, including the camp hosts. They used the songs they had planned. There were a few questions and then Vern invited them and any they’d like to bring with them to a meeting the next morning, which was Sunday, at 10 AM.
The next morning they had a Sunday church service using a laptop computer and large monitor to play a video of the pastor of Grace ‘n’ Faith church #1 leading hymns from the hymnal with the church music team on an SD card. Then he did his teaching time and it included a gospel message and invitation.
Several people prayed with the pastor and told Vern, Lora and Mindy after the meeting. Of course there was much rejoicing and they were given little booklets and were invited to church the next Sunday if they lived in Pine City. People from other cities said they would attend a good church when they got back home.
Early Monday morning, Vern, Lora and Mindy, warmly dressed for the early fall mountain weather, were waiting at the beaver pond, hoping to see as much activity as they had a couple years before. In fact, they got to see more, because the pond had gotten bigger and there was a new beaver lodge with another beaver family.
Since they had brought binoculars and their camera had a good telephoto zoom lens, two people at a time could see a beaver up the opposite hillside cutting down a small aspen tree, and another dragging one to the pond. The golden leaves were fluttering in the breeze adding to the show. Two mothers and their kits were swimming in the pond.
The camera and binoculars were passed around so each of them got a turn with both. As they waited quietly, several deer came to get drinks from the pond, a mother raccoon came with her young ones, also called kits, which were about half grown now. They had already learned how to catch their breakfasts.
That evening after singing and question time the Jones family described their morning outing and explained to any who desired to go see for themselves how to get there and where to hide and to be sure to be very quiet and stand still.
Tuesday the Jones family went driving even higher up in the mountains to see more colors. The aspen trees were in various stages. Many were still green, some were gold and a few were a reddish orange. The mountain oak shrubs were also a reddish color now. They were well pleased with all the splendid colors they saw.
At lunchtime they happened to be in the mountain town where Matt and Fiona had been for their honeymoon, so they stopped and had lunch in the interesting cafe they had heard about. It was every bit as fun as they had been told, to watch these girls hurry to give the best service possible to all the patrons. Plus the food was great.
In the afternoon that day, they walked all the way around a pretty mountain lake, admiring the late wildflowers and early autumn colors. Then they went back to their campsite and fixed a supper they could eat in the screen room before setting it up for another meeting.
The same people attended, so they got to choose the songs they wanted to sing, and since they were all believers now, it was like a small group meeting. They had a time of praising God for the things they had seen that day and the things they were learning about being new believers. Then they had a conversational prayer time at the end of the meeting. Most of these people were leaving the next morning so there might be some new ones to take their place at the next meeting.
The next three days were spent in much the same way and it was so nice to not have to drive hundreds of miles each day to a new place to camp. It was restful to be in the same campground every evening with the screen tent set up, ready to be used.
There were new people at their next meetings, and the few others who were still there, including the camp hosts, helped answer some of their questions and gave their testimonies, which helped the new ones make their decisions more easily. This week had been very profitable and enjoyable!
Karen’s former coworker at Subs Are Great, phoned to visit one morning before going to work. Karen turned on her speaker so she could continue folding her clean, dry laundry.
“Hi, how are you doing?” Karen asked. “It’s been a while since we got to visit on the phone.”
She answered, “My situation hasn’t changed, but I'm still doing well, like I told you the last time I called. How are you?”
Karen replied, “My family and I are doing very well. I really like having this big family of four girls and so does Jeff. Is anything new going on for you?”
“Yes,” she responded, “I have a new project to work on in my discretionary time. I’ve started writing a novel.”
“Oh wow!” exclaimed Karen, “this sounds like a big project! Can you tell me more about it?”
She replied, “Well, I just started it about a month ago, and I don’t really know how to go about doing it. But I started by writing the beginning of the story in a notebook first and then typed it into the word processor on my laptop computer. After a short time, I realized that was a waste of time, so now I think about what to say and type it as I go.”
“What a good idea,” said Karen. “It sounds like you’ve already learned a valuable lesson.”
“Yes,” she continued, “and it gives me good things to think about. It’s becoming something I enjoy doing.”
Karen mentioned, “Since you said it’s a novel, that means it’s fiction. What will it be about?
“It will be a Christian romance,” she answered. “I want it to be historical, but I’ll need to do a lot of research so it will be accurate.”
Karen commented, “It sounds interesting. The web could probably help you with the research. Have you decided what historical time period you will choose?”
“Not exactly,” she admitted, “but I have lots of choices in the horse and buggy days of our own country. This will be part of the fun.”
Karen exclaimed, “I’m so glad you found something you can have fun doing! Keep it up and let me know about your progress. I’ll certainly want to read your novel when you finish it!”
Fiona took Johnny and Patrick with her to The Garden Shop once a week, bringing their playpen, toys and a big diaper bag. Fiona’s dad, and Connie, or Amelia would come out and help her bring everything into the coffee chat room and then load them for her afterwards. Matt told her to leave the playpen and diaper bag in the vehicle and he would bring them in when he got home. She felt very well cared for and appreciated it a lot.
She could only stay part of the morning, since the boys needed to be home for their naps and lunch. Usually she would take time while she was there to nurse Patrick if he got hungry and fussy. But she still had time to make the copies Amelia wanted and to talk to the people who came into the coffee chat room.
Those people enjoyed watching Johnny and Patrick playing for a while and then chatted with Fiona. She was happy to see some of the customers who had shopped there when she was still working. She remembered them and many remembered her and told her how their plants were still flourishing, or asked her questions about them that she was glad to be able to answer.
Fiona was able to turn many of the conversations to focus on God and the Good News. She enjoyed being back at The Garden Shop even though it was for just a short time, and only once a week. But she wouldn't trade her life now for the job she had enjoyed there. Being a wife to Matt and mother to these children was her joy now.
Fiona’s dad, or Connie, or Amelia would often come in and visit if there were no other people there talking to Fiona. They were the only ones who were privileged enough to get to pick up and love the boys while they talked to Fiona.
During this five member team ministry time, the two ladies led the way, and the three men followed. As they prayed for the people in the park, the men noticed a group of men in their daily army work uniforms. They were playing a game of touch football, and it looked like the teams were rather small. So the three men went to ask if they could join in the game. Of course the group was glad to have them join, the more the merrier.
Aneko and Sakura sat on a bench to watch and visit as the men played until all of them were tired and sat down on the grass to rest. The three men asked them questions. “How long have you been in the army?” “Are you here on leave?” “Where’s your post located?” “How long will you be here?” “When will you find out about your next orders?” “If you ever have to go into battle, are you prepared to die?”
The army men answered the questions, but the last one generated a number of comments from the group of men. “Ah, that’ll never happen.” “I don’t like to think about it.” “Well, my family has already purchased burial plots for us.” “I doubt that there will be any battles while I’m in the army.”
Tony mentioned, “Well, since most people will die sooner or later, I think it’s a good idea to prepare for it now. Where would your spirit be tomorrow if you died today?”
Some of them were visibly squirming, wanting to get up and leave this discussion. It was certainly not what they wanted to think about at this time, if ever. The ladies started praying for them.
But one courageous fellow said, “I know mine would be in heaven with Jesus so I don’t have to worry. It will be even better there than it is here, even though this is a nice place.”
“Bah humbug!” exclaimed another, “nobody can know if they’ll go to heaven when they die!”
Kosuke decided to end the argument before it got out of hand. In an authoritative voice he declared, “The Bible itself tells us we can know, and the Bible has been shown beyond doubt to be true. My two friends and I will read some verses to you out of the Bible. First I’ll read John 3:16-18a, which you may have heard before. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He who believes on the Son is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already…”
Yoshi said, “A little further in the same chapter, verse 36 says, He who believes on the Son has everlasting life, and he who does not believe shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” He explained, “Everlasting life means life in heaven forever, rather than being eternally lost in the other terrible place.”
Tony clarified, “It says in Romans 6:22,23, that people who believe in Jesus, the Son of God, have been made free from sin and have become servants to God. The fruit of that is holiness and in the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Yoshi tacked on another proof verse, “The first part of 1 John 5:13 states, I have written these things to you who believe on the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life...”
Kosuke went on to say, “When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, their disobedience resulted in all people being sinners. Listen to Romans 5:19-21. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound, so as sin has reined unto death, even so grace reigned through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.”
One man asked, “Does that mean everybody will go to heaven when they die?”
“No, it doesn’t,” answered Tony. “What it does mean is that God provided a way for sinners to be saved and know they would spend eternity with God, instead of in the other place. The way he provided was by sending his only Son to live a perfect life, die on the cross and be raised again and go back to heaven. But it is not automatic. Each person has to do his part.”
Another man questioned, “What is that part?”
Yoshi replied, “A man in Acts 16:30 asked, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Verse 31 has the answer, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.”
Kosuke stressed, “To believe on Jesus includes acknowledging all he came to earth to do, like Tony explained, and that you have sinned and are truly sorry enough to repent or turn and go the other way. You can’t just say you believe and go ahead and keep sinning. Not that believers are perfect, but we ask Jesus to help us live for him and every time we sin, we confess it and he forgives us, like it says in 1 John 1:9.”
Tony added, “Now that you’ve heard all this information, you have a choice to make. Will you choose to believe in Jesus or decide to keep going your own way, which only leads to the other place?”
After giving them a chance to think, Kosuke asked, “How many of you will choose right now to believe in Jesus to be your Savior?”
All but one or two raised their hands.
“Wonderful!” he exclaimed. “I’ll lead you in a prayer and you can say each part after I do.”
The prayer was much like the others in this story. When they finished, the men were amazed at how much peace and joy they had. Now they knew they were prepared to die whenever it might happen. The three men rejoiced with them and stayed for a time longer to answer more questions and give each new believer a little booklet with a card to fill out.
Yoshi invited, “We’d like for you to come to church with us tomorrow. We’ll meet you in the entryway, and you can sit with us. After the service you can give the card to our pastor and he will call your post and see if a special small group could be set up for you there to learn more about how to follow Jesus.” Then he told them the address of the church and what time to be there. And they all nodded.
On the farm, Hugo, Jose, Pedro and Luis were out on the playing field with their Dad, Felix, and some of the other farm boys who were close to their ages, and their dads and some of their moms.
After choosing teams with somewhat matched abilities they were going to have a game of touch football. Since Felix was the coach for both teams, another dad was the referee, and the rest of the parents were the audience.
Sunny was glad to have some time on her own in the house. First she grabbed the opportunity to practice the piano for some extra time, and then she got busy with some reorganizing tasks she had been putting off for lack of a good, uninterrupted block of time.
Felix began the game by reviewing all the rules, especially reminding them, “This is only touch, not tackle football. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
The boys playfully saluted and said, “Yes, Sir!”
“Very good,” Felix smiled and continued, “We’ll use a regular football. I’ll coach both teams with the objective of helping each team win, with no partiality.”
The referee stated, “The same goes for me. I know the rules, and I’ll be watching for rules being broken and a penalty will result.”
“Team one,” called Felix, “Come over here and we’ll determine our plan for the beginning of the game.”
When they understood it he urged, “Now go out there and do you best and have fun!”
All the boys played hard and fair. Only a few penalties were given. It was a close game and all the boys were good sports knowing how to win and how to lose graciously.
Felix complimented them, “Good job, boys. All of you did very well today.”
They answered in various ways, being sure to thank him and the referee for their help today.
Sunny had time to practice the piano and finish her tasks, so she felt good about the afternoon also.
Kosuke and Aneko talked during their next date about how God was leading each of them while Yoshi and Sakura played some video games. It was a nice quiet place to sit and talk as they watched.
Aneko observed, “It looks like those two are enjoying themselves. I’ve never liked video games myself.”
“I haven’t either,” Kosuke agreed, “but I did play them once in a while with Sakura since she likes them so much.”
Aneko commented, “That was nice of you. I think Sakura and Yoshi will be a good match, and I don’t think it will be long before he asks her the big question.”
“I think you must be correct,” he said and then he sighed deeply and shared, “Aneko, this is very hard for me. I tried to keep my emotions out of our double dates, but I’m torn. I know we're compatible and we think alike in so many things, so you’d make me a perfect wife, and be exactly what my parents desire for me. But after our last ministry time in the park, I was reminded about what I trained for all those years in the seminary. Now I know I still feel strongly that it is Jesus will for me to go alone to serve him as a chaplain in the armed forces, like I told you on our first date.”
Aneko made fists in her lap so she wouldn’t reach over and put a hand on his arm in sympathy, and he would take it wrongly.
Then she admitted, “I like you a lot, Kosuke, and it would be easy to let myself love you. I think you’d be a great husband for me under different circumstances. If I were a giddy teenager, I’d beg you to stay, but as a Christian woman, I could never do it. I have felt all along that you didn’t enjoy working in the restaurant. Besides, I’d never ask you to stay and go against God’s will. You’d be miserable and so would I.”
Kosuke did reach to undo her fists and held one hand as he continued, “The life of an armed forces chaplain is no place for a wife, so I would never ask a woman to go with me, especially not you! You’re too special.”
She smiled at him and responded, “I appreciate you saying those things and I thank you. But listen carefully to me. Please go and be free. I’ve enjoyed these dates, and getting to know you, but I want you to be free to do Jesus’ will. Let’s have no regrets, only good memories. You can be sure I’ll pray for Jesus to help you serve him.”
Kosuke tried to smile. “Thank you, Aneko. You are a genuine Christian woman. … If only …
She put a finger to her lips to hush him. “Remember, no regrets. You honored your parents and have taken care of your sister by going on all these double dates, and we’ll continue until they’re engaged and we can tell them our decisions. She’ll be happily married to my brother and be very well cared for!
He squeezed her hand and laid it back in her lap.
She smiled again and explained, “Since you told me when we started these dates, where you were coming from, I have been very careful to guard my heart, and I’m not surprised by your decision. Plus, now that you’ve told me your decision, I feel like Jesus desires for me to stay single and to continue living at home with my parents. Not many women have as close a relationship with their parents as I have with mine and Yoshi and now Sakura. We’ll make a great team at the restaurant. You can be free to go serve Jesus wherever he wants you to be, and you can know that I’ll be content here in Pine City.”
He nodded and she went on, “I imagine your life there will be much harder than mine will be here.”
Kosuke was finally able to speak again, “But I’ll be doing it for my Lord and Master, Jesus, and not for my parents or for you. That will make all the difference. My plan to keep my emotions out of these dates backfired on me. I couldn’t do it. I think it was a test to see if I would do God’s will and not my own. So, now that I’ve passed the test, I will gladly serve God and I’ll keep all the good memories of you and these double dates, like you mentioned.”
“Good for you!” Aneko commended, “If you’ll send emails to Sakura and Yoshi, they can keep me informed about how I can pray for you and your ministry. This is just the right note to end on for this discussion. Here come our siblings, so let’s keep smiling.”
“I’ll do it for sure,” replied Kosuke. “God bless you, Aneko.”
She smiled and returned the same blessing.
The girls on the ranch had continued gathering wildflowers in the summer and fall along with different colored leaves from the trees on the ranch.
One day it was raining, so the girls were inside working on their scrapbooks. Karen joined them with hers.
Hanna commented, “The flowers under this encyclopedia should be dry enough to put them into our scrapbooks. The date we put here says it’s been four weeks.”
“Well, I don’t know,” Ellie faltered, “I think I’ll leave mine for another week. After my other fiasco, I’d rather be extra careful. Oh, here I have another one that has been five weeks.”
Hanna reconsidered, “OK, I’ll look for a different one too. Here it is and I agree that it’s better to be safe than sorry, because those flowers probably aren’t blooming any longer this year.”
Christy, Lisa, and Karen also found some that had been drying for five weeks and they all very carefully removed the books and gently lifted the newsprint off the flowers.
Lisa exclaimed, “Wow, they’re almost as pretty now as the day we picked them! Especially since this kind isn’t blooming now.”
“Definitely,” agreed Christy, “I'm so glad we asked Vera if we could collect wildflowers for a scrapbook, and she decided we and our mothers also could each make one instead of just one per family.”
“Same here!” the others emphasized. Then they made sure to get the right flower on the correct page which was ready because they had written all the information to go with the flower name on the page right after they had collected the flowers.
Another day when they were outside gathering fall leaves for their notebooks Liz asked, “Stella, do you remember when you told me about the river birch tree a couple days after I came to this ranch?”
“Yep,” she replied, “I remember. We had just had a race to it and we had a tie. Then I told you everything I could remember about the tree at that time from what Mom had told me.”
Liz went on, “Plus, I’ve learned so much more, since we’ve been doing this wildflower and tree leaf project. We collected some of this tree’s green leaves in the summer, and now the leaves are yellow but they still have the same oval shape with saw type edges.”
“Right,” agreed Stella, “I like them both ways, and I’ve learned a bunch more right along with you. God was so good to put us here in this wonderful place where we met Jesus and have learned so much about him also.”
“Absolutely!” Liz exclaimed, “sometimes it all seems too good to be true, when I think about my past life, but then I look at my right hand and wrist and I know it’s true! Then I thank Jesus all over again for healing it and saving me!”
Stella added, “I think it’s good for us to tell Jesus how thankful we are for all he has done for us, and I’m sure he must like it too.”
“I agree,” said Liz, “let’s collect the leaves we need from this tree and go back toward the group.”
On the way they gathered leaves from each of the other trees, just as the other girls were doing, and their minds were full of thanks to Jesus for all the things he had done for them.
One evening after supper, Glenda mentioned, “Patrick and Riley, I saw an interesting little drama at the Local Grocery this morning while I was waiting in line to check out my groceries.”
“Please tell us about it,” requested Patrick. Riley nodded too.
So she described it, “A man in a hurry laid a big ham on the counter with its special order form and told the clerk he forgot something and would be right back. Just at that moment the clerk was told to go on break and another one took over for her.”
Riley mentioned, “This is getting interesting.”
“Yes,” continued Glenda, “because the next lady in line had already put her things on the counter also, and the clerk not knowing about the man with the ham, rang up the ham and all of her things at the same time. The lady didn’t realize it until the total came up and surprised her, so she told the clerk that the ham was not hers, but was for a man who put it there so he could go get one more thing.”
Patrick guessed, “In the meantime, I’ll bet the line is getting longer and people are getting impatient.”
“Exactly,” she nodded. “The clerk had no idea what to do about it. She must have been new. So the lady just put her credit card in the slot saying, ‘Just tell the man that the lady behind him paid for his ham and hopes he will enjoy it. This way we can finish this transaction and get the other people checked out quicker.’ She took the special order form and wrote on it that she had paid for his ham and did not want to be repaid, and that Jesus loves you. Read John 3:16. Call my phone number, which she also wrote, if you have any questions about Jesus. I know what she wrote, because I was next in line and got to see it.”
Patrick exclaimed, “This is an amazing story!”
“There’s more,” Glenda informed them. “The man next to me in line stated, ‘That lady’s crazy. I’d never pay that much for another person’s great big ham. Those things are expensive!’
“I think I agree with him,” stated Riley.
Glenda went on, “But since I knew what she had written I explained to the man and the others who had agreed with him, that the lady wanted to show and tell the man that Jesus loves him. She also wanted to show love to the people in line by not making all of them wait while the clerk figured out how to solve the problem.”
Riley admitted, “It was actually very nice of her to do that.”
“Yes it was,” Glenda concurred. “The lady told the clerk to be sure the man got the ham without having to pay for it and to tell him to read what she wrote on the paper. I told her I’d stay and tell him.”
Patrick deduced, “So now you were involved in the drama and had to stay until the man was checked out by the clerk.”
“Right,” she agreed, “but it was okay with me since I wasn’t in a big hurry this morning. After being checked out, a couple other curious women and a man stayed in the area to watch. When the man got back he had to go to the end of the line of course, but he could see that his ham was still on the counter.”
Riley surmised, “But he was in a hurry, so he was probably feeling impatient.”
“I’m sure he was,” Glenda said, “but I saw him take a deep breath and try to relax. It wasn’t very long before it was his turn and he was totally surprised to find out what the lady had done.”
Patrick asked, “What did he do?”
She answered, “He paid his little charge, picked it up along with his ham and almost shouted, ‘Where is she? I need to talk to her.’ but one of the women told him she had already left. At that point I stepped forward and asked him if he had read what she wrote on the paper. He nodded, but read it again, and shook his head, completely dumbfounded.”
Riley questioned, “Then what? It can’t end that way!”
“Assuredly not!” Glenda exclaimed. “I couldn't let a golden opportunity like this slip away, so now that I had all their attention, I explained again why the woman had done this and then told them the Good News about Jesus. Nobody else was in line now, so the clerk was listening also. Then I asked if there were any questions. There were a few so I answered them and invited them to accept this amazing Jesus as their Savior. I led them in a prayer, and answered some more questions, gave each one of them a little booklet with a card, and invited all of them to come to church next Sunday. I said I’d wait for them at the entryway of the church. They thanked me and said they’d see me on Sunday. The man with the ham said he’d call the nice lady and thank her.”
“Praise the Lord!” exclaimed Patrick. “Isn’t it awesome what God can do through people who are willing to serve him?”
Glenda prayed, “Yes, I thank you very much Lord for the lady who paid for the man’s ham to show him Jesus love, and for working through me to bring those people into your family!”
Riley concluded, “And I thank you for my mother’s willingness to wait and see that the man was properly charged, and then tell those people about Jesus. Thank you that you drew all of them to yourself. Now please help them to live for you.”
Yoshi and Sakura and Kosuke and Aneko spent their next double date in Pine City’s gorgeous enclosed rose garden where roses bloomed all year long, no matter what the weather was outside. The climate inside was always the perfect temperature for perpetual roses.
They had walked in pairs through the whole garden, being sure to sit now and then on the strategically placed benches, so they could admire the roses near them. They enjoyed talking about their beauty, colors, sizes, and abundance. And at every opportunity they praised the great, creator of the roses.
They had chosen to go during the morning on Wednesday so very few other people were in the garden. Aneko had brought the camera and took pictures often.
Near the end of this date while they were resting on a bench, Yoshi felt nervous, but decided to take the plunge. “Sakura, we’ve only known each other for a few months, but we’ve been on many dates, we’ve worked together at the restaurant and on the five member ministry team. It’s like we’ve known each other for years.”
“I agree,” Sakura smiled. “We probably have shared more personal information with each other than some couples who’ve been dating for years.”
Yoshi agreed and then inquired, “Can you think of any more issues you want to discuss?”
“No,” she replied, “not that I can think of. We’ve talked and agreed about a bunch already.”
Yoshi stated, “I can’t think of anything we haven’t covered, either, except my most important question of all.”
He took her hand in his for the first time except for on that hike. “Sakura, I love you. Do you think you could love and marry me even though I only have a job in my parent’s restaurant? I know I don’t have, and may not ever have a lot of wealth to offer you, but I know I will always love and take good care of you. I make enough money at the restaurant to be able to do that.”
“Yes, Yoshi,” she responded, “I already love you, and I would be overjoyed to marry you and spend the rest of my life loving you.”
He smiled his happiest smile, squeezed her hand gently and placed it back in her lap. “Right now, I’m the happiest man in the world to know I already have your love and you will marry me. Thank you, Sakura! I don't have an engagement ring this morning, because I’d like you to help choose it and our wedding rings.”
“Oh, good,” she said with relief. “I couldn't call our rings an issue to discuss, because it would have been presumptuous of me before you proposed. But I’m glad you had not bought one already. I have an idea for our rings.”
Yoshi smiled again and said, “I’d like to hear about it.”
She explained, “I don't want an engagement ring, just a wedding band. I’d like to have them be very simple and identical. I envision narrow gold bands with a pretty design engraved on them, and with one small gem of our choice embedded in the top. They won’t get in the way of our work at the restaurant, or work around home, or hurt our babies when we’re playing with them or changing their diapers or giving them baths.”
“The rings sound unique,” he declared, “and charming and splendid just like you are, dear Sakura. As soon as we're finished here in this delightful garden, we can go and buy or order just what you described.”
They joined hands for the first time and almost skipped like children as they went to tell Kosuke and Aneko, who were seated on a bench not too far from where they had been. They found a bench they could carry and placed it facing them.
Then they informed their siblings, about their decision. Aneko and Kosuke were ecstatic. After rejoicing with them, Kosuke explained to them, “I told Aneko about my parents’ desire for me to get married, and about my desire to do God’s will on our first double date. Sakura, you know that I took four years of evangelism training in a seminary when I was living in the other big city. After our last ministry time in the park with those army men I am convinced again that Jesus desires for me to join the army to serve as a chaplain. It’s not a good place to take a wife since I might have to be in dangerous situations, so I need to remain single.”
Then Aneko shared with Yoshi and Sakura, “I think Jesus desires for me to stay single and to continue living at home with my parents so we can work together as a team at the restaurant.”
“Wow!” exclaimed Sakura, “I had no clue! I would have guessed that you two were pretty close to becoming engaged yourselves.”
Yoshi agreed, “Same here, but I know it is best to do what you know to be God’s will instead.”
Then the four of them went to the store and Yoshi and Sakura found the kind of wedding rings she desired. Yoshi bought and paid for them right then and they all went to tell her parents.
After that, Kosuke and Aneko shared their decisions with his parents and her parents. They understood and accepted.
Shortly afterward, Kosuke joined the army and went to serve his Lord as a chaplain. He made sure he took several of the “I Can Do” booklets with him so he could use them to train ministry teams.
Aneko continued to go with Yoshi and Sakura on their dates because they both asked her to join in their fun and add her thoughts to their discussions and continue to keep them accountable.
Julie liked to use Kippy on the ranch with the quadruplets especially when Maria was there to join in the fun. Maria was getting lots of practice working with young girls and enjoyed what she was doing.
As she came in the door one day she heard, “Hurry Auntie Maria, come over here and join us for Kippy time,” invited Rose.
“Oh good!” stated Maria, “I was afraid I might be too late.”
Julie said in her Kippy voice, “Hi Auntie Maria. I’m glad you made it here in time! We all like to have you join us.”
“Thank you. I like Kippy time,” she replied. “You have such a happy smile that I smile every time I look at you or even think about you when I’m at home.”
Kippy responded, “Thank you, too. What did you do last week?”
“I worked at the CPA office and went to lunch with some of my coworkers and talked to them about Jesus, plus I went to church and small group, did some grocery shopping, did laundry, cleaned house and looked forward to spending the weekend here on the ranch.”
“Wow!” exclaimed Kippy, “you did a lot! Iris, were you as busy as your Auntie Maria?”
She answered, “I think so, but not doing what she did. She did grownup things and I did little girl things.”
“Like what?” asked Kippy.
In a very grownup way Iris replied, “My sisters and I do many of the same things so I’ll answer for all of us. We did our morning tasks, went to school and learned a lot, played with our friends at recess, came home and did more tasks and practiced the piano after our horseback rides, helped get supper, and cleaned up afterward. Then we did our homework, played outside, listened to devotions and went to bed. Oh, and we went to church and small group also, last week.”
“Oh, my!” declared Kippy, “you and your sisters were very busy last week. I think I must have been asleep most of that time.”
Lily empathized, “It’s okay, Kippy, we know you need much more sleep than we do, so we can just tell you about the things we do.”
“Thank you, Lily,” said Kippy, “it’s nice to be understood.”
Maria added, “I didn’t realize how busy you four girls are either, since I only get to see you for a while every other weekend. You are all very busy being first graders, learning more about the Bible and Jesus and helping at home, besides learning how to play the piano. Those are all good things to do. I’m sure your mommy is very pleased with what you do.”
Kippy turned to look at Mommy who was smiling and nodding.
Violet added, “Mommy is just as busy as we are, because she teaches third grade while we’re in first grade, and she’s always with us the rest of the time. Then after we go to bed she’s busy doing even more things. Thank you Mommy for all the things you do!”
Julie smiled one of her happiest smiles and stated, “It’s my pleasure and you’re very welcome!”
Kippy clapped and jumped up and down. “What a wonderful family this is! And now I’m getting sleepy. See you next time.”
Chapter 5
1 John 1:7a, If we walk in the light as God is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another…
The Suehiros discussed their new tea room idea during a lull one afternoon at the restaurant with Yoshi, Sakura, and Aneko. Tomo explained, “Ami and I were thinking about an idea we had. We were thinking that since you three will be able to handle the restaurant by yourselves, we could change our jobs to have a morning tea room here in the restaurant.”
Ami continued, “We could start conversations with people, get them talking about spiritual matters and answer their questions.”
Tomo inserted, “Of course we’d wait until after the wedding and honeymoon, but we’d like you three to think about this idea and tell us your honest opinions about it.”
“Don’t answer right now,” stressed Ami, “but think about it, pray about it, and talk together about it. When you’re ready, we’d like to hear what you think.”
The three young people nodded and they all went back to work.
Mindy, Ben, and Amelia were in the nursery of the Anderson home visiting while the girls got the little boys up from their naps. Ben liked to watch, but didn’t offer to help. He’d rather hold them when they had dry diapers and were dressed.
Amelia commented, “This is good practice for me, if I ever have any children of my own.”
“Without a doubt,” agreed Ben. “It’s like on the job training, and Mindy is a good teacher, since she’s done it so often in her life.”
Mindy concurred, “Yes, when I was helping Anita with her day care children, I got lots of practice with her two little ones and the others she was taking care of at the same time.”
Amelia wondered, “How did she ever keep up with so many at the same time?”
“Good question!” Mindy exclaimed, “I never asked her, but I did notice she was very tired some afternoons when I got there after school.”
Ben remarked, “Well, you do an excellent job with these boys and it’s easy to see that they love you.”
“Thank you, Ben,” responded Mindy. “I love them too and I’d much rather spend my after school hours and Saturday mornings here than running with the high school crowd.”
Amelia agreed, “I never fit in with the bunch at school either, and I’m just as glad, because too many of them get into trouble of one kind or another.”
“Very true!” declared Ben. “I feel the same way as both of you do, and I think we're better off this way.”
“Amen!” exclaimed Matt and Fiona who had been listening to the last part of this conversation and had come to join them.
Fiona suggested, “Let’s all go into the living room and visit some more while I nurse Patrick.”
While they were visiting, Johnny enjoyed all the attention he got as he went from person to person and they played roll the ball or picked him up for a cuddle.
Nathan and Esther's four girls were together on the playground at school. Esther was watching them during first recess. Today it was just the four of them playing with a ball, bouncing it gently to the person across from them and catching it when it bounced back.
Holly said, “That was a good one, Val, it came right to me and was easy to catch.”
“Thanks, Holly,” Val replied, “yours are all good, and I’m glad to hear mine are getting better.”
In a couple minutes Willow suggested, “Lucia, let’s both try to bounce the ball a little higher.”
“Good idea, Willow,” agreed Lucia, “I think it would make the ball easier to catch if we do.”
About half way through the recess, they changed partners and with practice all of them were doing better by the time the bell rang.
Esther remembered the day before when her four and the other four girls from the ranch were taking turns trying to learn how to turn the long jump rope so the others could jump. It was hard for them and Esther had to make herself not go and help them. By leaving them alone they all got better at it after two recesses of trying.
A few days before, she had noticed that the four girls were each in a different group of girls and each group was playing a different game. She was glad to see they had made friends with other girls too instead of relying on their own home group.
As she watched all the children at recesses, she was amazed at the way the children got along with each other. There were seldom any fights and there were no cliques like she remembered when she was in second grade and on up in the public school. It was another benefit of this Christian church school. Again she thanked Jesus for her girls being able to attend such a good school.
Ruth mentioned during lunch one Friday, “Maria, I’ve decided to read the Bible all the way through again. It’s been a while since I’ve done it and I’ve always found it helpful to get a review of the greater picture.”
Maria admitted.“I've tried doing it a couple times and I got discouraged because I couldn’t keep up with the printed schedule in order to get it finished in a year.”
Ruth declared, “This is why I’m going to start now instead of on January first. I won’t even try to follow that schedule. It has you reading some from both the Old and New Testaments every day so it defeats my purpose.”
“What is your purpose?” asked Maria.
Ruth explained, “I want to read it like a book that tells a story. Therefore I bought a chronological Bible which has the events in the order they happened rather than the way a normal Bible is arranged. I used it the last time I read all the way through the Bible and it made a lot more logical sense. Besides, the whole Bible is important as it says in Romans 15:4, whatever was written in the past was written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scripture might have hope.”
“I really like your idea!” Maria exclaimed. “Consequently, I’ll plan to go after work today to the Bible Book store and buy one of those chronological Bibles in my preferred translation. Then I’ll get started reading the Bible all the way through this evening. That old schedule won’t get the best of me this time. Thanks, Ruth, for the good idea! How’s everything else going for you?”
“You’re very welcome,” Ruth responded, “everything is great. I have so much to be thankful for and so many things to do. I wonder how some people can say they get bored.”
“Same here,” agreed Maria, “I have such a nice time at Mercy Valley Ranch every time I get to go there. Sometimes I can’t believe how privileged I am that Esther keeps asking me to come stay with them for alternating weekends. I sure am glad she does!”
“Ditto for me!” exclaimed Ruth. She sang “God is Good All the Time.” And Maria joined right in.
Aneko went with Yoshi and Sakura on another date. Near the end, they had a conversation about Tomo and Ami’s idea.
Sakura asked, “What do you two think about your parents’ idea?”
Aneko answered, “We talked about it on the way over to pick you up, and we think it could work very well.”
“I have one concern,” admitted Sakura. “How will it work when or if I have a baby or two and want to stay at home with them?”
Yoshi put her worry to rest, “Before you and Kosuke started working at the restaurant, Aneko and I ran the restaurant easily while they were gone to visit Afta and family and on an RV ministry trip, by hiring a part time waitress. I think we can do the same thing after our baby or babies are born and you can stay home to care for them.”
“Indeed we can,” Aneko agreed, “it would be terrible to put it or them into day care just so you could continue working at the restaurant with us.”
Sakura sighed with relief, “Thank you both for understanding and assuring me. I’ve always thought it would be best for me to be a mother who stays at home to take care of our children. Therefore, now I also like your parents’ idea.”
Aneko concluded, “Consequently this afternoon we can tell them what we think about the idea. I do think I’ll ask if they will still be able to go on RV ministry trips if they have a tea room.”
“I wondered about that also,” Yoshi commented, “they’ve had several good times of ministry on their trips, but it doesn’t happen as often as the tea room would.”
Sakura suggested, “Maybe they can figure out a way to do both.”
“It would be good if they could,” Yoshi agreed, “we could suggest it as an idea for them to consider.”
On the way back from taking Sakura to her home, Yoshi shared, “I’m ever so glad you didn’t marry and move far away with Kosuke. He will have a hard and lonely life, and it’s not a good place to take a wife, especially you. It was thoughtful of him to tell you beforehand so you weren't totally brokenhearted by his decision.”
“I agree completely!” Aneko shared. “Since he did warn me, I had guarded my heart, so I was ready for his decision. I’m truly content with the way this ended. Our dates were fun and we got to know each other and would have been compatible, but I knew he was not happy to be here, when he knew the Lord wanted him to be some other place. I’m glad he chose the better way.”
“Yeah,” Yoshi agreed, “he told me how hard it was. I felt sorry for him, but Jesus will help him get through it.”
That afternoon, the three young people told Tomo and Ami what they had decided about the tea room idea.
“Thank you all for your support,” responded Tomo, “we’ll get started setting up the group meeting room in the restaurant as a tea room. It can still be used for group meals, because the tea area won’t take up much room.”
“Right,” agreed Ami, “it will be a perfect room to use since it’s close to the entrance. Also we’ll start thinking about a way we could do both the tea room and RV trips with ministry times.”
Tomo added, “We should be able to have the tea room ready to go when Yoshi and Sakura get back from their honeymoon.”
As they were shopping after school one day Lucia asked, “Mama, could we each please have a mechanical pencil?”
“Oh, yes!” agreed Holly, “It would be so nice to have one that would stay sharp.”
Val added, “Yeah, ours get blunt so quickly and the handwriting doesn’t look the same or as nice as when the pencil is sharp.”
“Right,” Willow tacked on, “I’d like to have one too.”
Mama answered, “Yes, I’ll buy some and give each of you one when we get home.”
They chorused, “Thank you, Mama.”
Esther bought a package of pencils with four different colors on the barrels. She let the girls pick one color to be their own, so there would be no way to argue over whose pencil was whose.
She explained, “If you lose yours, the consequence is, you’ll have to use the old fashioned kind that needs to be sharpened.”
They all thanked her again and chose a color. They took extra good care of the new pencils and enjoyed writing with them at home. Esther told some of the other mothers on the ranch her idea and they did the same thing for their girls.
On Mercy Valley Farm, Felix and Sunny’s boys staged a debate for the other boys on the farm. Even though all four of them were now believers, two of them debated for evolution and the other two for Biblical creation. Felix was the Master of Ceremonies.
Felix: Gentlemen, welcome to this very important debate! At this table are Luis and Hugo who will be debating that evolution is true. Pedro and Jose will be debating that creation by God is true. Luis will speak first.”
Luis: I read all the things I could find about Darwin and his theory of evolution, and it made a lot of sense to me. It’s a very useful way to explain how the world and living things came into being. I like it because this way, I don’t have to believe in a god.
Hugo: Evolution has been taught as a fact in the public school for years and I’ve never heard anyone deny it could be true. I like it because I don’t have to be accountable to anyone for things I do.
Luis: Yeah, it’s a lot more fun to live this way and not have to worry about sinning and going to that bad place because of sins.
Hugo: Yep, that’s a very scary thought! I’d rather not think about it, and just go on having fun for the rest of my life.
Luis: I read one article that says humans have many genes in common with the chimpanzee.
Hugo: Well, maybe that’s why some people act so much like monkeys.
The audience laughed uproariously for a while.
Felix: Thank you Hugo and Luis. Now we’ll hear what Carlos and Jose have to say about Biblical creation.
Carlos: First we’ll explain why we believe the Bible is true and then Jose and I will read verses from it that prove Almighty God created the universe and all that is in it. First, the Bible has more copies of ancient manuscripts than any other classical text.
Jose: Second, archaeologists have made many discoveries that prove that the Bible is accurate.
Carlos: Third, much of the Bible was written by eye witnesses who were persecuted and even killed because they would not change what they had said.
Jose: Fourth there are many other historical people who wrote things about what happened in Bible times, and they agree with what the Bible says.
Carlos: Fifth, many different people wrote the books of the Bible, but they all consistently told how God planned for salvation to be provided by the Messiah.
Jose: Sixth, hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled by Jesus in his birth, life, death, and resurrection.
Carlos: Seventh, multitudes of people have had, and continue to have their lives changed by believing the Bible and accepting Jesus as their Savior from sin.
Jose: So now we’ll read verses about creation like Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Carlos: The rest of Genesis chapter one tells us the creation included light, day, night, dry land, seas, plants yielding seeds that grow into more of the same plants, the sun, moon, and stars, living creatures, each after its own kind, in the seas and on the land, including humans.
Luis: But that chapter says it only took six days for God to create all those things. How do you explain the timeline of millions of years and the dates that tell how old the rock layers are in places like the Grand Canyon?
Carlos: God worked fast, so it was no problem for him. He just spoke the word and it was done. Listen to Jose.
Jose: Evolution had no power or wisdom to make the universe happen, just time and chance, but God did have that power, as it says in Psalm 33:6-9, By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea together, … Let all the earth fear the LORD. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him, for he spoke and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast.
Carlos: Colossians 1:16,17, By the Son of God all things were created that are in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible, … all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and he maintains all things.
Hugo: What about the fossils and how they are dated?
Carlos: Fossils were formed during the world wide flood of Noah’s time when the living things were drowned and buried in rock layers all over the earth. The fossils of species show they are the same now as they were then, with no evolutionary changes.
Jose: Psalm 8:1,3,4a, O LORD, our LORD, how excellent is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him?
Carlos: Isaiah 42:5,8, Thus says God, the LORD, he that created the heavens and stretched them out, he that spread forth the earth and that which comes out of it, he that gives breath to the people upon it, I am the LORD, that is my name, and my glory I will not give to another…
Jose: Proverbs 3:19,20, The LORD by wisdom has founded the earth, by understanding he has established the heavens. By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.
Carlos: Psalm 146:5,6, Happy is the person who has God for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in it, who keeps truth for ever.
Jose: Romans 1:20, The invisible things of God like his eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen in the creation, being understood by the things that were made, so men are without excuse.
Carlos: Therefore people who believe evolution can’t use it to excuse their behavior, because God exists whether they believe he does or not, and they will be held accountable.
Then Carlos and Jose each read essays they had written about how animals and plants all reproduce after their own kind,
At the end Jose and Carlos said Psalm 95:6-8a in unison, O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our maker. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today if you will hear his voice, don’t harden your heart…
Hugo and Luis nodded their heads and admitted that the creation team had proved Biblical creation to them. Then they all quoted Exodus 20:11, which says, For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day… Next, they sang together in four part harmony the hymn “I Sing the Mighty Power of God,” which tells about God creating the mountains, seas, and skies with the sun and moon and stars. Then he made plants for food, the animals and humans. Everything he created shows his great power and glory.
Felix: Thank you gentlemen for this good debate. There’s no doubt in my mind that Biblical creation is true, and therefore each person here has a choice to make. He went on to explain the Good News and led those who chose to accept Jesus in the following prayer with time for them to repeat after him: “Father in heaven, I admit that I’m a sinner, … and that I can do nothing to save myself. … I confess my sins to you. … Silently name the ones you can think of right now. … Please forgive me. … Thank you that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. … He paid for my sins by dying on the cross, … and being raised from the dead. … I believe in you, Jesus, and ask you to be my Savior. … Please help me live the way you want me to live. … Thank you, Jesus.”
Several of the boys prayed with Felix and there was great rejoicing. Felix, Sunny and their foster boys used this same debate as a ministry idea for their family. They went to Pine City parks on warm days and gathered a crowd. On cold winter days or hot summer days they would go to the inside walking mall. They even got permission to perform it in nursing homes in the city and in the city’s senor center. They lost count of the number of people who accepted Jesus as a result, but always had enough little booklets and cards to give to the people. Then they’d invite them to church and meet them in the entry way, so they could sit together and then introduce them to Pastor Don, so they could give him their cards and become members of small groups for new believers. So God was adding to his church daily those who were being saved, as it says in Acts 2:47b.
Another date with just three cousins was such fun, but they all silently missed Kosuke and wished he could have joined them. He would have enjoyed a ride in the hot air balloon too.
Aneko was a little apprehensive when they arrived and saw the monster sized balloon lying on the ground before it got filled with hot air. “Are we really going to trust a little basket, that balloon, and the pilot with our lives?”
Yoshi calmed her down, “Precisely, because I did a lot of research before planning this date and then talked extensively to this pilot. He knows what he’s doing, the weather is perfect, and you’ll enjoy it, just wait and see.”
“Okay,” she acquiesced, swallowing her fears and pasting a smile on her face.
Sakura put a hand on Aneko’s shoulder and confessed, “I'm the one who came up with this idea, but I’m a little frightened myself. I’ve heard so much about how fun it is that I wanted to try it. I hope we will all like this.”
“Well,” stated Aneko, “it’s not something I would ever try by myself, so it’s now or never. Let’s go for it.”
Just then the balloon rose up from the ground to float above the basket. Now it really looked awesome, and the torch reminded Aneko of the fire breathing dragons in some of the books she had looked at when she was growing up.
In a few more minutes, they were motioned over to the basket where there were steps for them to climb. The pilot demonstrated how to climb the steps sit on the edge of the basket and jump down inside. Yoshi went next and then helped the ladies jump down.
Now they were very close to the dragon’s breath and noise, so talking was not an option. They all took a firm grasp on the edge of the basked to brace for the takeoff. It wasn’t so bad, and soon they were leaving the ground behind them and seeing things get smaller as they moved higher. What an odd feeling!
Every now and then the dragon was turned off. Then it was so quiet! They could talk and exclaim about the ride and the view.
“Look!,” Yoshi emphasized, “the football field looks like it has toy players on it. Everything is in miniature from up here so high.”
“Agreed,” Sakura said, “except for the mountains. They look even bigger as we get closer to them. This is amazing!”
“Without a doubt,” Aneko admitted, “this is an experience I’ll never forget. It’s delightful up here when it’s so quiet. And to think that I was wishing I could figure out a way to back out and send you two up by yourselves. I’m very glad I didn’t.”
Then Sakura asked the pilot, “Do you know who made those spectacular mountains?”
“Yes I do,” he replied. “He is the God who made everything in the universe. He is the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior from my sins. Do you know him?”
“Positively!” she responded, “all three of us do, and we're so glad you know him also!” This made the ride even more special for them.
Kevin and Jack often discussed with their family things that happened at the church school.
One day in October, when the younger boys weren’t close enough to hear, Jack mentioned, “We found out today that third graders get to keep the Bible they’ve been using since second grade and take it with them.”
“Oh yes,” Cory stated, “I didn’t tell you last year when they told me, because they want it to be a surprise for others in the family.”
Kevin declared, “It sure was a good surprise!”
The next day, again when Levi and Max were elsewhere, Jack shared, “Today we started learning about how to be Jesus’ missionaries in fourth grade next year.”
Kevin continued, “Yes, and Mrs. Blake had another surprise for us. She told us that the church school was giving a pocket New Testament to each of us to take with us to public school and to other places for the rest of our lives.”
“Right,” agreed Jack, “it has a list of verses we can use to share the Good News.”
Kevin went on, “Plus it has a diagram showing how Jesus is the bridge to God.
Cory remarked, “Exactly, the one they gave me sure has been a great help this year as my partner and I have been sharing the Good News about Jesus with our classmates. Then if I get overly nervous, and forget what to say, I can just take it out of my pocket and use it.”
Greg emphasized, “I’m so glad you boys have been able to be in the church school the past two years. You have a solid foundation to go out and win others to Jesus.
“Yes, it’s been very good for us,” Kevin agreed, “and it’s been extra good for both of us to be together in Mrs. Blake’s class. She is such a good teacher, just like Cory told us.”
Oralie noted, “When I requested that for you two boys, they agreed since you aren't brothers by birth. I know from watching you in classes, that both of you are very well behaved. I’m very thankful.”
One Monday at lunch Ruth asked, “Maria, how are you doing with your plan to read the Bible all the way through?”
“I really am enjoying it.” Maria answered. “Now that the pressure is off I can concentrate on the stories. The other day I remembered two verses in 2 Timothy 3:16,17, which give another good reason to read the whole Bible. They say, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. If I remember those verses as I read, I can look for some of those things.”
Ruth wrote the reference on her napkin and stated, “I plan to copy those verses on the bookmark I use to keep my place in the Bible. Then I can read them just before I do my reading for the day.”
“I like your idea,” Maria remarked, “having it right there on the bookmark will make it easier to see the things to look for in the scripture I’m reading right then.” Then she changed the subject, “How are your parents doing on the farm with their foster boys?”
Ruth replied, “It’s a lot of hard work for both of them, but they enjoy it. The other day Mom mentioned that she thinks the boys help them feel younger. Since my parents are busy all the time, they have no chance to feel bored.”
Maria supposed, “I would imagine it would be harder to start with the older boys rather than the way Esther and Nathan did by starting with girls who were all six years old.”
“I agree,” said Ruth, “the girls accepted Jesus much sooner and more easily than those boys did. The girls are already seven and the way time flies, they’ll soon be eight. It’s fun for me to be able to watch the progress of both the girls and the boys. It is a big adventure for both families.”
The farm and ranch families do ministries as families when their children are saved and ready to minister. Usually Ian and Yolanda Hopkins and their four foster girls, Candy, June, Sara, and Kim go grocery shopping once a week before they return to the ranch after school and work. Ian and two of the girls take one half of the shopping list and a cart while Yolanda and the other two girls find the things on the other half of the list with their cart.
As they shop they pray for the people in the isles and many times they will have a chance help a person in an electric shopping cart reach an item above them. Or they can get a conversation going with a fellow shopper or a worker while they are choosing fresh produce for their meals that week. If their conversation becomes long, they move their carts out of the way of the other shoppers.
One rainy afternoon Sara mentioned to everyone within hearing, “This bunch of red beets with their tops still on are proof to me that only an intelligent creator could design them.”
A woman bystander asked, “What do you mean?”
Sara replied, “Well look at the little roots still attached to the beet. They gathered water for the plant while it was still in the ground. The beet itself stored food for the plant. This beautiful green part made the food that was stored. Only a very wise designer could have figured out all of that.”
Ian agreed, “For sure! It couldn't have just happened.”
The woman mentioned, “And besides, both parts are edible and very tasty.”
“Yes they are,” then Sara suggested, “Lets move over here out of the way. Then she asked, “Did you know that God created all the plants on the third day of creation?”
“I agree,” Kim said. “Genesis 1:11-13 tells about it. God was so wise that he knew the plants all needed to be made before creating the animals and humans who would need them for food on the sixth day of creation.”
Ian stressed, “Those facts prove to me that the Creator cares about his creation because he took care of those details.”
“This is interesting,” said the woman, “but how does it affect me and all the other people in the world?”
Kim replied, “Listen to Colossians 1:15-17. God’s Son is the image of the invisible God … All things were created by him and for him, and he is before all things, and he holds all things together. I think this means that without God’s Son, Jesus, continuing to keep everything working, this world could not exist.”
“Oh,” the lady realized, “I had never even thought about it.”
Sara continued, “But God didn’t just take care of his creation, he loved the people he had created so much, that when Adam and Eve disobeyed him in Genesis chapter 3, he made a way that they and all their offspring could be forgiven.”
The woman asked, “How did he do it?”
Kim answered, “Look here in my little New Testament. In 1 John 4:9,10 it says, This is how God showed his love to the world. He sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the payment for our sins.”
Sara continued, “You see, Jesus the Creator came and died on the cross to pay sin’s penalty of death, for all people for all time. God the Father accepted Jesus’ death as payment and raised him from the dead. He’s in heaven where he continues to hold all things together and he is also praying for you and others to believe in him and ask him to be their Savior.”
Kim asked, “Would you like to believe in Jesus and ask him to be your Savior right now? You can do it right here.”
She replied, “You teenage girls are so happy and confident in what you believe. I wish I could feel the same way.”
Sara encouraged, “You can! Just do what we’ve said and Jesus will do the rest.”
“Will you help me?” asked the woman.
“Kim answered, “Of course! Just repeat after me.” Then she led the woman in a prayer like others in this book.
“Wow!” she exclaimed, “Jesus did it. He forgave me and I know he is my Savior now, so I have a joy and peace I’ve never felt before!”
They rejoiced with her, gave her a little booklet, explaining what was in it and about the card. Then they invited her to church and she said she would see them there. She went on her way, and the three of them finished their half of the shopping, met up with the other three and they all went to pay for the groceries, rejoicing.
Aneko, Yoshi, Sakura, and Tony went as a four person team to minister in the park. Pretty soon, they came upon a crowd of people relaxing after a big picnic so they asked if they could sing a song for them. Everyone nodded, so the four of them sang “I Read the Back of the Book” and we win!
The first verse basically says that the Bible tells about the end of the world, and it certainly gets nearer each day. But for the singers, it is no concern because they know they win, since they read the back of the book.
The second verse is about people wanting to win, but because they’re sinners they can’t win. The only way to win, is to be born again and let Jesus’ blood take care of the sin. Then they can also sing the chorus about having no worry.
After the four of them finished singing the song the people all called for an encore, so they sang it again. Then the people started asking questions, which were gladly answered. The gospel was explained clearly by the four members taking turns reading verses from their Bibles.
When Yoshi gave the invitation, many of the people prayed the prayer he led. They stayed after the others had left to ask more questions that were all answered, and then the four members gave out little booklets. Aneko explained about them and the little card.
Sakura asked them all to come to church the next day, and Tony told them they’d be waiting to greet them in the entryway of the church, giving its address and the time. The people smiled and said they’d be there.
Nathan and Esther had taken Lucia, Val, and the twins, Holly and Willow, on a walk at the ranch to see the fall leaves earlier in the fall. Today they went walking again.
“All the leaves are gone now!” exclaimed Willow. “I thought they were so pretty on our last walk.”
“I agree,” then Esther proposed, “Let’s see if we can find some ways the trees are pretty even without their leaves.”
Nathan and Esther were quiet so the girls would have a chance to look and think.
Val looked up through the branches and noticed, “I can see the pretty blue sky through the branches since there are no leaves in the way. The branches and twigs make a pretty pattern.”
“Oh yeah,” Willow agreed, “I can see it too, and when I look at the ground under the tree the branches and twigs make the same pretty pattern as a shadow on the ground.”
“Hey, this is neat,” exclaimed Holly, “I see what both of you mean! Plus I was noticing that the trees still have their same shapes. It was the branches and twigs that made the shape for the leaves to dress them.”
Lucia laughed, “It sounds like they’re all at the doctor’s office having a check-up. Without their leaves he can see if anything needs fixing.” They all laughed with her, then she finished, “Without their leaves during the winter the branches and twigs will be able to hold the frost and make a winter wonderland like they did last year.”
“Exactly,” then Holly mentioned, “I just thought of another pretty thing about the trees without their leaves. Their leaves made a pretty yellow carpet before they turned brown.”
“Yes,” Val agreed, “and now the leaves are making a home for some insects and will make food for the tree to grow next spring.”
Lucia prayed, “Father in heaven, thank you for making trees, and for all we're able to learn about them.”
“Yes,” added Esther, “thank you for the ability to find beauty in different ways and times.”
Nathan concluded, “Plus I thank you great Creator for the variety you made and we can see even just in these trees.”
After a date when she had not gone with them Aneko questioned, “Yoshi, how are you and Sakura’s wedding plans, coming?”
“We’re all set,” he responded. “We already have a date set for the second weekend in November, and have asked Pastor Don if he would do the ceremony for us that Saturday at 10:30 AM here in our newly remodeled garden area.”
“You two work quickly,” declared Aneko. “Is Sakura sure she just wants a small wedding and so soon? The garden doesn’t have room for very many people.”
“Of course,” he replied, “this small wedding and the date were her idea and I totally agree, because neither of us is getting any younger. Plus, we’ve found a nice house to buy near here.”
Aneko smiled and nodded at her dear younger brother.
Yoshi shared, “Mom and Dad are thrilled, even though only one of us is going to get married. They’re hoping we’ll have a boy to carry on the Suehiro name and also at least one set of twins.”
“What does Sakura think about their ideas?” asked Aneko.
He replied, “She’s glad, because she’d like to get a family started soon, since she’s already 24, and I’m glad, because I’d like the same thing. I desire for her to stay home with the children and not have to work outside the home, and she’d like it that way also.”
“I’m so glad you two have such unity!” exclaimed Aneko. “Yours will be a wonderful marriage. Mom and Dad have accepted the fact that I feel I should stay single and keep working in the restaurant. You, Sakura, and I can handle it on our own by taking turns waiting on people like we have been, now that they’ve decided to change their jobs to a morning tea room here in the restaurant where they can start conversations with people, get them talking about spiritual matters and answer their questions.”
“Absolutely!” Yoshi agreed. “I think it’s a perfect idea for them to do as a ministry. Sakura told me she’ll work here at the restaurant until just before the first child is born, and then she’ll help with bookkeeping at home if we get too busy for me to do it at the restaurant, so I can help you with the cooking.”
Aneko sighed with relief, “That should work well. We can hire a part time waiter or waitress for the busy hours for lunch and supper. This all sounds like a great plan. After your whirlwind courtship, it’s nice to slow down.”
“Positively!” concurred Yoshi.
Many moms in Pine City used an idea from the church list of doing day care for families in their church or their neighborhoods who want to keep their preschool age little ones out of public preschools and have them learn Bible stories and songs and ways to get along with others. The church provides notebooks with daily plans for them to use.
The day care moms who lived close enough to a nursing home to walk, often get written permission from the parents to take the children to cheer up the residents. The moms carried their little boombox with an SD card so the children could sing some of the songs they were learning. It really helped to cheer up the older people.
Some moms teamed with another mom or older woman with no kids at home to do day care, which is like a preschool, when they use the church curriculum in those notebooks. They could rotate houses or just use the mom’s house who has kids.
With two adults they could care for more children than two moms could by working alone and they could divide the money they earned. It would lessen the work each would have alone and give them a chance to take a little break when necessary during the day. This way the kids would never be left alone. They could team teach or each teach her own area of expertise.
When the non-church going mothers saw the difference these day care people made in the lives of their children, they started attending church and most of them accepted Jesus in a short time. Their next step was to plan and work out a way to put their child into the church school for kindergarten through third grade. As a result, the church numbers and class sizes began to grow from this idea.
Jeff, Karen and their girls were cleaning up some of the flower garden areas. Hanna commented, “The flower gardens aren't as pretty now as they were during the spring and summer.”
“Yeah,” Lisa agreed, “I liked to see the flowers blooming and the plants green.”
Jeff concurred, “I did also, but since we live in a part of the world where we can’t have flowers all year long, I guess we’ll have to accept the late fall and winter browns.”
“For me,” Christi mentioned, “The browns help me appreciate the colors even more when they come back.
Ellie remarked, “I see what you mean. It’s a good way to consider this time of year. I can accept it better this way.”
“Good thinking, girls,” Karen commended. “Plus, this time of year gives us a chance to clean up the garden areas and decide which flowers we’d like to plant next spring, or which new bulbs to plant now for some beautiful flowers in the spring.”
After working together for an hour, the garden areas looked much better than when they started.
Then after supper they studied some verses in Philippians.
Jeff instructed, “listen while I read chapter 2, verses 2b,3,14,15a, … be like-minded, have love, be of one accord, … don’t do things with strife or pride, but be humble, … Do all things without murmuring or disputing, so you may be blameless and harmless, the children of God, without rebuke, … so you can shine as lights in the world. How might these verses go with what we did this afternoon in the garden?”
The girls thought for a while, then Lisa observed, “being like-minded, loving, humble and in unity could be like the pretty flowers we mentioned.”
Hanna remarked, “Strife, pride, murmuring, and disputing could be like the weeds and dead plants we cleaned out of the garden.”
“When we got rid of them,” Ellie went on, “the area was ready for us to plant the bulbs Mom brought.”
Christi laughingly stated, “And in the spring those bulbs will shine like lights in our world.”
They all had fun laughing with her and then she clarified, “Actually, those bulbs will grow into more beautiful flowers to help light up our lives, since we all like flowers so much.”
“You are so right,” Karen agreed, “and that was a fun analogy.”
Jeff tacked on, “I liked it too. Now how can we use these verses to improve the way we live our lives?”
Lisa said, “We can do all the things that are like pretty flowers.
“Right,” continued Hanna, “and we can get rid of all the weeds and dead plants.”
Ellie added, “Then, the gardens of our heart can be ready for new flower seeds and bulbs to be planted.”
“Then,” concluded Christy, “we will be blameless and harmless children of God who can shine like lights in the world.”
Karen commended them, “Excellent job girls. We had a fun time of working and learning together today.”
Yoshi and Sakura’s wedding was everything she had ever dreamed of for her wedding, and her groom was even better than her dreams. Aneko was her maid of honor, and Tony was Yoshi’s best man. Her dad escorted her down the isle to where Yoshi was waiting. It was a small wedding, since the size of the garden limited the number of guests who could be seated.
All four of them and Sakura and Yoshi’s parents dressed in traditional Japanese kimonos in many colors with beautiful flowers, peacocks, or other birds for the women, and mountains and sea waves for the men. They were able to find inexpensive ones they could wear over and over again as they waited on people in the restaurant. Yoshi bought one for Tony to borrow since his could be used for a part time waiter in the future. Tony knew he would have no use for it after the wedding. Therefore there would be one for the part time waiter. Sakura’s mom donated hers after the wedding so a part time waitress would have one to wear.
Together, the three cousins had decorated the Japanese arbor with flowers they bought from The Garden Shop, since no flowers were blooming in the garden in November. The bride and groom would walk through this beautiful arbor after the pastor proclaimed them man and wife,
Pastor Don had been asked to include the Good News and a prayer to lead those who wanted to accept Jesus before the actual ceremony. He was happy to do it and thought it was a super idea since so many of the bride’s friends and friends of her family had come from the other city to attend her wedding. Several of them did accept Jesus! That was the icing on the cake for the newly married couple!
Instead of having a traditional Japanese wedding cake with all its sugary sweetness for the reception, Tomo and Ami, made yummy, nutritious finger foods like they had served to the very first church small group they had hosted at their home. This kept the reception more inexpensive and provided healthier food for their guests.
Before eating, Yoshi and Sakura gave speeches thanking their parents for all the things they had done for them as they grew up. Sakura especially thanked hers for moving to Pine City so she could meet and get to know Yoshi.
There was no bridal shower for Sakura since she knew so few people in Pine City. When the invitations were made, they included directions for gifts. The traditional Japanese gift for a wedding is cash. The people could put cash in an envelope and decorate the envelope being sure to put their names on it and their wishes for God’s blessings on the couple. This way Yoshi and Sakura could write thank-you notes when they returned from their honeymoon. They would use the money to buy whatever else they needed for their new life in their house. Yoshi had included that information in his speech at the reception.
After Timmy and Mary were asleep, Don stated, “This wedding I performed today was the biggest surprise I’ve had in a long time! I had no clues, since the young people just kept sitting with their parents until Yoshi and Sakura asked me to officiate their wedding.”
Anita remarked, “You have the best place in the church to observe things like this. From where I sit in the back row with the children, in case one needs to be taken out for some reason, all I can see is the backs of people’s heads.”
“Yes I do,” he agreed, “but this time it didn’t help, and nobody in either family said anything either. When they came to talk to me, the couple did give me a good summary of their courtship, so I think they were well prepared for marriage.”
“Very good,” she commented, “it was a delightful wedding there in the restaurant garden area. I could see they had done a lot of work changing things around to make a special place for weddings there, and I would imagine that many couples will have their weddings there in the future.”
“Definitely,” Don concurred, “when word gets out about how pretty it is, they won’t need any other advertisement.”
“For sure,” and she went on, “I liked the traditional Japanese kimonos they wore. The material was absolutely beautiful.”
Don nodded. “Indeed, and I also liked the food at the reception. I noticed that it was the same finger food they shared at the very first small group they hosted at their home.”
“Oh yes,” Anita declared, “and it was just as delicious both times. Timmy and Mary sure enjoyed it too.”
Don added, “November seemed to me a strange month for a wedding, but they explained they’d like to start a family soon since they’re both 24 already.”
“Well then,” she observed, “it was a good time for their wedding.”
Riley was leaving for Ireland on Monday on a business trip for his company. He exclaimed, “I’m so excited! I get to go to the land of my great great grandparents!”
Patrick stated “We’re excited for you too. Be sure and take lots of pictures.”
“Indeed I will!” Riley went on, “Since I’ll be there through Friday, I’ll be able to sight see all day Saturday and on Sunday morning before I fly home. I think I’ll rent a car.”
Glenda asked, “Do you think you’ll like driving on the wrong side of the road?”
“Oh, I forgot about that detail,” he answered. “Maybe I’d be better off to use the local buses. Do either of you know about places you’d like me to visit near Dublin, since that’s where the company is sending me this time?”
Patrick suggested, “Let’s look up the area on the web and get some ideas.”
“Yes,” said Riley, “here’s a map that shows lots of things to choose from in and around Dublin. It might be good to start with the National Museum of Ireland.”
“Without a doubt,” Glenda agreed, “it could give you some good historical information.”
Patrick mentioned, “Maybe you’ll be able to visit and tour a castle in the area.”
“That would be great,” replied Riley. “If I spend some time today reading about places on the web, I could compile a list and then visit a tour agency after work one day and see what they could set up for me to make the best use of my time.”
When he arrived in Dublin on Monday, it was already pretty late because of the time change. Since Dublin was a big city he spent the next four days visiting two companies each day to see if they’d be interested in buying things his company had to offer. He was able to make some good sales.
He had compiled a long list of sights to see and places to go and put stars by the best ones. On Wednesday evening he stopped at a tourist office and they helped him set up a tour for Saturday including most of the places he had starred. They did advise him to fly home Sunday morning so he wouldn’t get in so late in the evening and be tired at work the next day. He agreed and made that change with the airport. Then he managed to see a couple places on the way back to his hotel the next two evenings. One of those included a walk along a cliff with views of the ocean and Dublin.
He was tired when he arrived home Sunday in the afternoon and was glad he had taken their advice and was more rested up by the time he went to work on Monday. Then by Tuesday after supper he was ready to share his trip pictures and ministry times with his dad and mom. They were fascinated.
Ernest, Connie, Ben and Amelia and their small groups had begun a weekly meeting on Sundays at a cool or warm enough time of the day to pray for our nation. Before starting, they’d put up a sign that welcomed anyone to join them.
They would gather by the flag in a city park and begin by singing a song like “America the Beautiful,” “God Bless America,” “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” or another song someone would choose.
After that they’d take turns reading from the Bible, verses such as the following.
1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul exhorted that first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who would have all men be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Another person reminded them that Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, where two or three are gathered together in my name I am there with them.
One would state that God said this to Israel, but believers can pray it for their nation, 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Then someone would pray parts of Psalm 72:12,18a,19, that our leaders would deliver the needy,… the poor, … and those who have no helper.
Then they added praise, Blessed be the LORD God … who alone does wondrous things, and blessed be his glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory…
A person would pray Psalm 67:1-3, God be merciful to us, and bless us, and make his face to shine on us. May your way be known on the earth, and your salvation among all nations. May the people praise you, O God, may all the people praise you.
Then they would take turns praying short prayers for the president, vice president, cabinet members, representatives and senators, judges, armed services, state and local leaders, for Israel, and any current events or issues.
At the end they always used Psalm 122:6,7, We Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love you. Peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your buildings.
Yoshi and Sakura’s honeymoon was really unique and special for them. Two days before the wedding, they were given lessons on how to live for a week or two in the RV van that Tomo and Ami had bought. During slow times at the restaurant they had all helped to cook enough food for much of the trip.
Aneko suggested, “Let’s wrap this food up in meal sized packages and freeze all of it the big freezer of the restaurant kitchen.”
Tomo added, “Then on the evening before the wedding, we will put them all in the refrigerator and it’s freezer in the van to be ready for you to leave right after the noon wedding reception.”
“On the trip,” Ami instructed, “you can take out enough for a meal and let it thaw before warming it up on the stove or in the microwave if you’re in a campground with electricity.”
Sakura responded, “Thank you so much! This will save us a lot of time, and we probably won’t even need to go shopping.”
“Yes, I thank you very much also!” exclaimed Yoshi. “Plus we thank you for the use of the RV van! It makes it possible for us to go on a fabulous honeymoon without having to spend so much money.”
They had spent several mornings with the help of Tomo and Ami planning where to go, what to see, and what route to take.
Also the evening of the day before the wedding the parents of the bride and groom separately instructed their grown children about all the things they would need to know in order to make their wedding night an enjoyable experience as they began their lives together.
After the wedding reception, Yoshi and Sakura drove from the restaurant to Interstate 25 and traveled south. After several hours of driving, they stayed in a commercial campground, where they ate a light supper. Then they enjoyed an exciting evening as a newly married couple. Both of them were thankful they had saved this experience only for marriage.
The next day they drove south on some secondary highways until they got to White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. After driving on a couple of the roads to see the white sand dunes, they continued on Interstate 10 to Benson, Arizona and found another commercial campground by suppertime.
Yoshi commented, “I really like having our own accommodations and we don’t even have to go out for supper.”
“I agree!” Sakura nodded and smiled, “And therefore, we have time to experiment with some more of the ideas both our parents gave us separately. It will help us decide and discuss which ones we like or don’t like. I’m glad we both took notes on what they said.”
Yoshi also nodded. “For sure! Mom stressed to me that we need to be open and honest with each other and only do what our spouse also enjoys whenever we make love.”
Sakura added, “Exactly, and this trip is a great way for us to be alone with each other and get to know about this important part of our lives, without having to hurry. Shall we go to our own private bedroom now my love?”
“Yes,” stated Yoshi, “I’m very ready for another evening with you, my darling!”
In the morning it wasn’t very far to Saguaro National Park. Their main interest in this park was the huge saguaro cactus growing there in abundance. They drove into the park and to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. It’s a huge museum, combined with a botanical garden, zoo, aquarium, and art gallery. They were glad for the chance to walk on the two miles of paths enjoying the flora and fauna in their natural settings. It was their first experience with cactus, and they stayed far away from those stickers. After that lovely walk, they drove back out of the park the way they had come.
Then they made their way back to Interstate 10 and drove north east to Interstate 8, which goes through Sonoran Desert National Monument also in Arizona. Here they saw more saguaro cactus and other desert plants. They turned north and followed the western edge of the monument as they enjoyed more views on the way to Interstate 10 again. This way they were able to avoid the busy Phoenix area and head west toward California.
That evening they made it to Joshua Tree National Park in California where they had reservations in the campground and it would allow meetings at their camp site. It was warm enough this far south of Pine City, so, like last night, they didn’t have to use the furnace in the van.
They arrived early enough to go to the visitor center and get all the information they needed about where to drive to see the sights and which hikes would be the best for them to take.
They found out that rock climbing was very popular in this park, but they shook their heads and Yoshi said, “There will be no rock climbing for this couple. We want to keep our bodies safe for our new life together.”
“Right!” agreed Sakura. “We just got married and we’re on our honeymoon.”
The volunteer at the desk exclaimed, “Congratulations! May God bless your lives together.”
“Thank you,” Yoshi responded, “It sounds like you must know him also, and I’m glad.”
He said, “Definitely. It’s nice to meet fellow believers.”
Since the Skull Rock Nature Trail was close to the campground, and they needed some exercise, they left the van in its camping spot and hiked the 1.7 mile loop trail. The Joshua trees for which the park is named were fascinating and not at all like any other trees. This is not surprising since they’re not really trees at all. They’re a member of the genus Yucca and are really the largest yuccas in the world.
The rocks were also totally different than any they had ever seen anywhere. They had been eroded into many different shapes and came in numerous sizes. There were some rock climbers in the area so they got to watch and understood just how dangerous that sport could be.
After a delicious supper of foods they brought with them, and another terrific evening exploring their married freedom from the restraints they had while they dated, they went to sleep early, so they could get up early and sight see, hike and get back in time to be ready for their first RV ministry time.
After breakfast they drove to the parking area for the short 0.3 mile loop Cholla Cactus Garden Nature Trail. There was not a blade of grass in sight, and there were no trees on the low mountains. It was a completely unique ecosystem, one they had never even heard of before.
Next they hiked the 1.3 mile Barker Dam Nature Trail. It was another easy loop and it was good to see the water in the lake and some vegetation growing around it. They got to see some birds flying around and small animals getting drinks out of the lake. They weren’t lucky enough to get to see any big horn sheep, though. The dam was named for C. O. Barker who with other cattlemen had constructed it to store water for their cattle. Maybe back then there had been much more grass to feed the cattle.
Next, they drove to the Lost Palms Oasis and Yoshi observed, “It was not even visible until we got close to it.”
“Right,” agreed Sakura, “I'm amazed by so many palm trees in the middle of this very rocky, hilly desert.”
Yoshi continued, “Yes, it’s a beautiful area, let’s eat lunch in the shade of these palm trees.”
Next they went to the trailhead for a two mile walk on the Split Rock Loop Trail, which went up and down and over some rocks and around a lot of strange looking rocks. If you had a good imagination you could see animal shapes or cartoon like creatures in some of the formations. It was a pleasant, quiet trail and it quickly led away from any traffic noise. Plus they were glad they got to see several bighorn sheep on this walk.
After that walk, they returned to their camp site to fix and eat supper and get ready for their first ministry time. But when they started to set up the chairs outside, the wind started blowing and there was lots of dust, so they put the chairs away and went inside out of the dust storm. They were disappointed about not having a meeting. But they didn’t stay that way for long. Instead, they turned on the music for the songs they would have sung and listened as they studied the map to plan the next part of their trip. The extra time was also put to good use as they explored some more ways they could help each other enjoy their personal times together.
The next morning they left Joshua Tree National Park after making use of the RV dump, and drove to Lake Havasu just over the border into Arizona again.
As they were driving north from there back to Interstate 40, Yoshi mentioned, “I had heard so much about how the London Bridge was moved here from London, stone by stone and reassembled at Lake Havasu. I’m glad we got to see it.”
“I am also,” Sakura agreed. “The lake is very pretty too.”
Yoshi went on, “Absolutely, and all those lighthouse replicas were very interesting to see and photograph.”
“I liked those also,” said Sakura. “I’m glad we didn’t go to all the shops in the city though.”
“Same here!” Yoshi exclaimed. “There sure were a lot of resorts and hotels, and I’m glad we don’t need to stay at one.”
Sakura emphasized, “Indeed, this van is much nicer for us! And now we're on our way to see The Grand Canyon. I’m sure it won’t be as commercialized.”
It took most of the day, but by each one eating lunch while the other drove, they arrived at the south rim of the Grand Canyon with plenty of daylight to see and photograph all the viewpoints.
Sakura remarked as they left the area, “Grand Canyon National Park is just as astounding as we had heard it was.”
“Undeniably, my dear,” Yoshi concurred, “the size is immense, in depth and width and length! Not to mention that we only saw a small part of it.”
She agreed, “True, but it was enough for me. The afternoon and early evening light was perfect today. I think we were able to get a lot of good pictures.”
He responded, “Certainly, and it was fun taking turns with the camera. What did you think about all those people riding mules up that winding pathway?”
“Incredible!” she exclaimed. “I hear mules are more surefooted than horses, but I still think I’d be afraid to trust my life to any animal on that narrow trail!”
“For sure”, he replied and then after thinking he suggested, “If we do the same for supper as we did for lunch, we could make it to Flagstaff and find a commercial campground with electricity for the night, since it is at such a high elevation it will probably be cold, and we’ll need the furnace.”
“It’s a great idea, Honey,” she responded, “taking turns eating and driving worked well for lunch today.”
They reached a nice campground in time to get set up and warm, and went to bed and to sleep early after just a quick cuddle so they could get an early start the next morning to drive down Oak Creek Canyon to the little city of Sedona and the amazingly beautiful area around it.
They ate a hurried breakfast in the morning and got an early start. The canyon has a winding road so they took it slowly and enjoyed the fact that there were still many trees with fall colors since fall comes later that far south. The whole canyon has spectacular views at every turn. At the upper elevations the cliffs are mostly light colored and there are many evergreen trees. As it goes down in elevation these give way to red cliffs and more deciduous trees. They took every pull-off to enjoy and photograph the scenery and decided that Oak Creek Canyon is indeed delightful.
When they reached the valley, they also drove through each forest service campground along the way hoping to find an empty site, but they were all full. This was one of the busy tourist times of the year. Near the end of the canyon they did find a campground with one unoccupied site that had no reservation for this night and the next. They quickly grabbed it up and thanked the Lord, since they desired to spend a couple days exploring the area around Sedona since the red rocks of the Sedona area are unsurpassed!
Their first day was busy and in the evening they talked about what they had done and what they had seen. Yoshi remembered, “First we hiked to see Vultee Arch. It was spectacular with gorgeous scenery all along the way.”
“For sure,” Sakura said, “and I’m glad we didn’t try to get all the way up to it. Scrambling over rocks is not my idea of fun.”
“Nor mine either,” he agreed. “After that we walked up a road to a sink hole and then on another road which led to The Submarine, a huge red rock formation that really resembles a submarine with a green juniper and pinon pine "ocean" all around it.”
“It was really fun,” Sakura continued, “We were even able to climb up the gentle slope on one end of it and walk around on it. It truly was huge! The scenery all around and along the trail is so breathtaking and magnificent!”
He commented, “I’m glad we were able to bring the family camera along, because there are no words good enough to explain what it looks like here.”
“You’re so right,” she went on, “it’s like being in a different world, compared to the other things we’ve seen this last week. It’s so unique and greener, even though it’s autumn here.”
He declared, “And it is much more attractive and pleasing than any of the other places we’ve seen so far on this trip. To me it’s a delightful and amazing area.”
“Positively!” she emphasized. “All the evergreen vegetation goes so well with the red rocks, formations, and cliffs.”
He nodded emphatically, “Plus, when you add the autumn colors, it’s even more spectacular.”
She tacked on, “Exactly, plus the sunset was glorious at the Chapel of the Holy Cross. The rock colors got even more intense, and the way they built the chapel just fits in with the surrounding scenery.”
“Right,” then he concluded, “it was the best ending to a lovely day of seeing the sights and hiking, to be able to go into the chapel and praise our great creator there before we saw the sunset, even though it did make us too late to have a meeting.”
The next day was an interesting day. The hike at the end of Soldier's Pass Road to another sink hole was very nice. Then they drove to Red Rock Crossing and could see why it was so special. The stream and vegetation added to its beauty. Later they learned it is the most photographed scene in the area, and is the icon for Sedona.
The hike up the West Fork of Oak Creek was the high point of this day. They went as far as they could without having to wade and get their feet wet. Autumn colors were abundant in this area and they could tell the scenery would be very much like pictures they had seen of hikes up the Virgin River in Zion National Park.
They sat for a while on the rocks beside the stream and marveled at the colorful high cliffs on both sides of it. Not very far from where they sat they could see where the stream had undercut the rocks leaving them in a crescent shape like the Subway in Zion. Since the trail was at the upper end of the valley, there were rock cliffs and formations in both the whitish and reddish colors.
They got back to the campground in time to have another delicious supper and get set up for a ministry time. A few people came, and it was fun to sing and talk and answer questions. Some of them took the tracts they were offered, and promised to read them.
After and lovely evening in the van and a good night’s sleep, they left early and drove to the Petrified Forest National Park and the Painted Desert also in Arizona.
Later as they were traveling into New Mexico, Yoshi reminisced, “I liked driving in the Petrified Forest National Park and stopping at the view points for the Painted Desert area and the Petrified Forest area. The colors were fantastic.”
“Yes,” Sakura concurred, “and since the gusty wind kept trying to blow our hats away, it was easier to stay in the van. The sun was just right for taking pictures out the windows as we went around the loop.”
He stated, “Indeed, and both visitor centers were interesting. I also liked the huge petrified wood store we went in that had tons and tons of petrified wood and other gem stones and crystals.”
“So did I,” she said, “they had tables made of polished petrified wood that were gorgeous, but also outrageously expensive! The polished petrified wood is beautiful. I’m glad we bought a small piece for a keepsake.”
Yoshi added, “So am I, since we’d have no place to put one of those big tables in our house anyway. The museum section with more polished petrified wood, gemstones, and crystals was very interesting.”
“Definitely,” Sakura went on to say, “plus, the whole place was clean and tastefully displayed. They even had a waterfall and fishpond, made with all petrified wood, except for the water. They had the most beautiful “picture” sand stone slabs and there was lots of polished agate too. I got to thinking that since natural things on earth are this beautiful, just think how gorgeous Heaven will be!”
“Positively!” he exclaimed. “I look forward to living there for eternity, and we won’t even need a travel van!”
After that busy day, they made it to Bluewater Lake State Park northwest of Grants, New Mexico in time for supper and another ministry time. More people came to this one, and after a good question and answer session, several of them prayed to accept Jesus. The newly wed couple was thrilled!
After checking the weather on their laptop and looking at the map they decided they could probably make it home to Pine City the next day. There was snow in the forecast in a day or two and they thought it would be best to be home before then.
But they had one more area to visit on the way. They went to see La Ventana Natural Bridge, which is a very beautiful buff colored natural rock span in El Malpais National Monument. It's about 20 miles one way to get there from the interstate. The buff colored cliffs and formations on the left as you’re going in, and lava from volcanoes on the right make the drive worthwhile. It was extremely interesting!
After seeing it, they had an uneventful drive home by staying on the interstates until they got to Pine City. They even got home in time to unload their things and the rest of the food from the van into their house, launder the bedding and towels and clean the inside of the van. Then they took it back to the Suehiro home and told them a little about their fabulous trip and honeymoon, before going back to their new home. They had learned so much about this beautiful nation and about each other. It resulted in them loving each other all the more.
During recess, some of the church school kids shared what they had been learning about the Bible.
Today Mary, who was in kindergarten this year, joined her first grade friends, Hope, Joy, and her brother, Timmy, who were talking. She asked, “What did you learn about the Bible today?”
Timmy let Hope answer, since they were in the same classroom this year. She told Mary, “Today our lesson was about how to find the words of Jesus in our Bibles.”
Yes,” Joy went on, “It’s really easy, because the Bibles we use in our classrooms all have his words printed in red instead of black.”
Mary asked, “Why do they do that?”
Timmy explained, “They want to make them easier to find because all the things Jesus said are very important.”
“Oh, I see,” Mary said. “We don’t get to hold and look at real Bibles yet in kindergarten because our fingers aren’t smart enough to know how to turn the pages carefully and not tear them.”
Hope remarked, “What a nice way to say it. I remember my teacher saying it that way last year. It wasn’t meant to make us feel bad. It was just the truth.”
“Right,” agreed Joy, “our fingers just need to learn and also be able to turn those very thin Bible pages. I’m sure it’s hard to do.”
Timmy added, “Yes, so it won’t be until second grade that we’ll be able to start looking up things in the Bible. What did you learn about the Bible today, Mary.”
She answered, “We learned that the Bible is like a whole library. It has 66 different books in it!”
“Yeah,” stated Hope, “it’s a lot of books. Some are very long and some are really short.”
Mary continued, “We also learned each one tells about a different part of the whole story of the Bible. Or they tell it in a different way, and that each book is important.”
“I remember that lesson,” said Joy, “it was a good one.” Just then the bell rang and they waved at each other and ran to get in line.
Chapter 6
Romans 12:2, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.
In November, Maria called Anita, “I had a dream last night about being happily married to a wonderful man. It made no sense to me at all, because I thought my singleness was settled. Please pray with me that God will either erase its memory or make its meaning very plain to me soon.”
“Amazing!” exclaimed Anita. “Of course I’ll pray with you! I do know that sometimes God leads his children by dreams, so we definitely shouldn’t discount it.”
Maria conceded, “No, I guess not, but I don’t like being up in the air about something I thought was settled.”
“Do you remember,” asked Anita, “what you told us when you called that Saturday afternoon when you got home from lunch at the Becketts?
“I can’t remember exactly,” admitted Maria.
Anita reminded her, “You told us about your commitment to remain single if God willed, so you could give your full attention to serving Jesus.”
“I do remember now,” stated Maria, “and I hear and understand your emphasis on if God willed.”
Anita explained, “I’m only suggesting that you stay open to God’s leading. Maybe he desired to have you be single for the last period of time, and now he could be preparing you for a different season in your life.”
“I do see what you mean.” Then Maria prayed, “Forgive me, Father, for wanting instant answers and settled issues. Please help me to be open to whatever your perfect will is for me.”
Anita continued, “Thank you, Father, that you heard all we discussed and you know the answer. Help us wait patiently for you to make your will clear! May I share this news with Don?”
“Please do!” Maria exclaimed. “The more people we have praying about this the better!”
In a couple days Maria called Anita again and asked, “You don’t think that wonderful man could be Jason, do you? I’ve never been comfortable around him and I don’t see how he could be wonderful!”
“I can tell this has you upset,” Anita sympathized, “and I can’t say I blame you. Your past dealings with him have not been pleasant.”
Maria admitted, “No they haven’t and that’s why this is such a scary thought to me right now.”
“I understand,” said Anita, “but I’ve found that if I agree with God to do his will, whichever way it goes, I have less stress.
Maria paused to think. “So, I would need to agree with God to either stay single or marry a wonderful man, whoever he is, and trust God’s will to be the best way for me, even though I’m more comfortable with being single right now, and I’m scared about who the man might be.”
“Yes,” agreed Anita, “we might compare this to Jesus praying in the garden for the bitter cup to be taken away in Matthew 26:39. But he said, ‘Not as I will, but as you will.’ I know this is not even close to how troubled he was in the garden, but it might help you if you could relinquish your desires and fears and ask God to do his will.”
Maria concurred, “Your are absolutely right, Anita. Thank you for getting me back on track. Father in heaven, please forgive me again. I now give you my fears and desires and ask you to do your will for me, and please make your will very clear to me.”
“Yes, Father,” concluded Anita, “please do, and we know it would take a miracle, but you could even change Jason into the kind of man who would make a wonderful husband for Maria. May your will be done in this situation, not ours.”
That evening after Timmy and Mary were asleep, Anita shared, “Do you remember what I told you a couple days ago about Maria and her dream? We prayed about it then. Today she called again and I could tell she was upset because of worrying that the ‘wonderful man’ could possibly be Jason. Of course I don’t blame her after her past dealings with him. Maybe he has changed big time by now. Who knows? Anyway we prayed some more and then she felt better, but maybe we could pray for her some more now.”
“Sure, Honey,” he replied, “she’s a very special friend of ours and we’ll pray for the very best man for her if God does plan for her to get married.”
On a cold, windy day, Cory’s family from the farm went to visit a science museum in Pine City where there’s a room about the human body and the way it works. For several days before they went, the boys practiced some Bible verses they could quote if they had the opportunity to witness while they were there. They were looking at a display about how the eye works. Several other families were looking at it also. They all watched the short video about how the eyes function.
At the end of the video, Kevin, who is in Julie Blake’s third grade classroom this year said, “I thank God for my eyes. In Psalm 139:14 it says, I will praise you, O LORD, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are marvelous. I know that right well.”
Then the rest of the kids took turns telling facts from the Nature Corner stories they had heard at home about the human eye and the way it works, proving that only a master designer could have made something so intricate, and make it keep working.
Greg asked the group that was listening, “How many of you know this great creator personally?”
The people looked down at their feet wishing they could be anywhere else, except here, having to answer this question.
Oralie told them, “It’s really very easy to get to know him. I’m sure most of you have heard about him before. He is the Almighty God who created the world and everything in it, as it says in Acts 17:24a.
Jack, who is also in Julie Blake’s third grade class continued, “John 1:1 and 3 say, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and without him there was nothing made that was made.”
Levi, now in second grade went on, “Verses 10-12 say, He was in the world and the world was made by him, but it did not know him. He came to his own, but they did not receive him. But as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become the sons of God, if they believe on his name.”
Max, in first grade added, “The first part of verse 15 says, “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And verses 17 and 18 say his name is Jesus, the Son of God, and that he showed us what his father was like.”
Cory who was now in fourth grade in the public school, and had been trained in evangelism when he was in third grade at the church school, told them the Good News about Jesus and explained to them how they could have a personal relationship with God the Father through his Son, Jesus, much like some of the others in this book did.
Then Greg inquired, “Now how many of you would like to do this?”
Now they all looked at him and nodded, so he led them in a prayer like others in this book. After rejoicing and thanking God, he gave each family a booklet and explained the card and invited all of them to come to church Sunday.
Oralie gave the address and time to be there. They all smiled, said they’d be there, thanked the family for sharing the gospel with them, and everyone moved on to the next display.
The next weekend, Maria was visiting Esther at the ranch but didn’t tell her anything about her strange dream.
Even so, Esther told her about a recent conversation she had had with Ruth. “I’m so glad I didn’t give up on those strange dates when I was going out with two men at once almost two years ago. There were many points when it seemed like an impossibility to choose the best husband for me between the two of them. Staying single seemed so much easier, but if I had given up, I would have missed out on my marriage to the very best husband for me, our girls, and our home here at the ranch. Many of my dreams have come true.”
“I’m so happy for you, Esther,” exclaimed Maria. “Your perseverance paid you in rich dividends.” Then to change the subject she asked, “What can I do today to help you with your girls?”
Esther answered, “Since it’s so nice out right now, let’s take them over to the swings and push them until they’re going so high that they squeal with pleasure.”
“Yes, let’s do!” agreed Maria. “I like to see and hear them enjoying themselves.”
Later the same day, Maria went and helped Julie with the quadruplets. While they were watching the girls make mud pies in the backyard, Maria told Julie about her strange dream and what she and Anita had talked about.
Of course Julie empathized, “I can imagine how you felt when you thought about Jason, but I’m glad you were able to give God your fears and desires and then ask for his will to be done. A song just came to my mind. It’s called ‘Travel On’ and the words say something about Jesus being on your side, so he will guide you. Your fears will be gone and you will go on ‘til your journey is over and you’re home in heaven. I’ll have Ted sing it for you when he comes in for lunch. I think it’s really pretty.”
“Thank you, Julie,” said Maria. “I’m not nearly as fearful now, since I prayed with Anita. Plus I think it’s time for me to grow up and not be so easily upset about things as I have been in the past. Maybe I let the situation with Jason make me worry too much. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Good,” declared Julie, “because I’m very curious now and also because I care so much about you, my dear friend!”
Just before lunch, Ted sang the song beautifully, and it was very meaningful for Maria. She thanked him profusely and looked the song up on the web when she got home. But she couldn’t find it. So the next time she went to the ranch, she took her recorder and had him sing it again so she could record and listen to it again at home.
The week before Thanksgiving, Karen asked her Bible Study Groups, “How many of you are still doing your Thankful Notebooks?” All hands were raised! “Good, let’s bring them next week and be ready to share a verse with some form of the word ‘thank,’ with the others in our group.”
The next week Karen started the lesson by playing the song sung by Jim Reeves, called “We Thank Thee.” She brought it up on YouTube on her laptop. The girls really enjoyed hearing it.
Then Karen shared a verse from her notebook, “I like this verse because it talks of peace and thankfulness. Colossians 3:15, Let the peace of God rule in your hearts since you were called to have peace, and be thankful.”
June was next, “I like this command in 1 Chronicles 16:34, O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures for ever.”
Then Kim read “1 Chronicles 29:13, Now therefore, our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name.”
“I like 2 Corinthians 2:14,” continued Sara, “Thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes the fragrance of his knowledge be shown by us in every place.”
Candy shared, “This is Psalm 75;1, Unto you O God, do we give thanks … for your name is near as your wondrous works declare.”
Stella stated, “I like Psalm 100:4, Enter into the LORD’s gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to him and bless his name.”
Emma said, “This one is very short because only the first part of Psalm 50:14 works. Offer to God Thanksgiving.”
Liz read, “1 Corinthians 1:4, I thank my God always on your behalf for the grace of God which is given to your by Jesus Christ.”
Nan chose 2 Corinthians 9:11, “You are being enriched in everything to all abundance, and it causes thanksgiving to God.”
Lisa stated, “I especially like Philippians 4:6, “Don't worry, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
Hanna continued with, “Colossians 2:7, Be rooted and built up in Jesus and established in the faith as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”
Ellie went on, “Psalm 95:2, Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.”
Christi finished, “I liked hearing all those verses. I’ll read part of Psalm 119:62, I will give thanks to you O LORD because of your righteous judgments.”
“I liked all the verses also,” Stella agreed and then she requested, “Would you please play the song, ‘We Thank Thee’ again? I really like the words and the tune and his voice.”
Karen looked to the other girls questioningly, and they all nodded, smiled, and did a thumbs up.
“Of course,” responded Karen, “I like it very much also.”
Stella and the rest of the girls thanked Karen before leaving.
One time during their three member team ministry later in November, Ruth, Maria, and Pam ran into Jason and his two partners in the inside walking mall, where they all sat on some benches and talked for a while.
Jason told the group, “Maria is the woman who explained to me the only way to get to heaven.”
She responded, “I'm glad he listened, and God brought him to salvation.”
The topic changed, and after a little more visiting, both groups went on with their ministry times.
The next week it happened again. This time Jason had asked Ruth to set it up for him. The group sat at a table. Before Maria knew what was going on, the other four left to go get something, and Maria found herself alone with Jason looking at her from the other side of the table. She sent up an emergency prayer for help to not be afraid and to respond well and that God’s will would be done.
Jason began, “I asked Ruth to fix a way so I could speak to you alone. I think Jesus wants me to tell you some things.”
“Okay,” said Maria, and gave him her full attention.
He continued, “First, I thank you so much for telling me the right way to get to heaven. I’m eternally grateful.”
“You’re welcome,” she responded. “I’m so glad it helped you to search until you found the answers you needed, and then you accepted Jesus as the way to be sure of going to heaven.”
“It definitely did help me!” he exclaimed. “Second, I want you to know that you are the only woman I have ever loved, and I’ll probably never love another one.”
Maria swallowed and tried to school her features, as she silently told God again, “Your will be done.”
Jason quickly went on, “But having said this, I also want you to know that I realized I could never be the husband you need and deserve to have. I hope I was not the cause of you remaining single and I really hope you will someday be happily married to a wonderful man.”
Maria noticed that what he had said right then was just like her dream! She let out the breath she’d been holding, looked at the sincerity in Jason's eyes, and smiled. “Jason, I feel honored and complimented by your love, even though I was not able to return it. And I thank you for the generosity of your hope for me.”
“You’re very welcome!” he emphasized. “I know I probably would have made you miserable if we had gotten married, so I’m glad you stood firm both times when I wanted to ask you to be my wife.’
Maria expressed, “I was sorry then, and I still am sorry that I had to hurt your feelings in the process, though.”
“Don’t be sorry. I understand now,” he replied, “and I know it was for the best.”
She nodded and Jason went on, “If it hadn’t happened the first time, I wouldn’t have ever realized my erroneous thinking and I would have been lost eternally. The second time caused me to realize I didn’t understand women well enough to honor them and be a good husband.”
“Oh,” Maria responded, “I can understand what you mean, and I don’t think you were the cause of me deciding to remain single. I told Jesus I would remain single if he so willed, so I could serve him better. If Jesus leads me the other way in the future, I’ve told him I’ll follow wherever he leads. So far, being single has been a good decision, because Ruth and I have been able to witness to our coworkers, as I’m sure Ruth has told you. She also told me about your ministry with your parents foster boys on the farm.”
He mentioned, “They’re good boys, and it’s wonderful that all of them are also now in God’s family.
“Yes it surely is,” Maria agreed. “I know the main reason for the ranch and the farm is to teach the foster children about Jesus, and pray that he will save them.
“Indeed it is,” he said, “and I’m glad it’s working so well. I have great respect for you, Maria, and the way you live for Jesus.”
She inclined her head. “Thank you for another compliment, Jason, and I thank you for obeying Jesus prompting to tell me these things. He has used what you said to relieve my stress and free me from my regrets about hurting your feelings.”
“Good,” he concluded, “I feel better now also.”
Maria added, “I’ve heard it said, ‘Never say never.’ I’m learning that I need to be more open to what God can do, and do what he asks me to do.”
“I wonder what that might mean for me,” he mused, not really expecting an answer.
But Maria responded, “Sometimes God surprises his children. Maybe he has a princess for you sometime in the future, one you could treat like a queen as your wife, and she’d like it…”
Jason prayed then, “Lord, if you do have one, I will be open.” Then he gave a signal that Ruth saw and the others came back to the table. After a little more visiting, the teams split up to go on with their ministries.
The next day at work, Ruth stopped in Maria’s office and said, “I hope you aren't angry with me for setting up a way Jason could speak with you alone. I would only do it after he had told me it would not be to ask you again if he could court you. He called me last night and said it went very well.”
“No, I’m not angry, instead, I thank you. It did go very well,” agreed Maria. “He was sincere and careful and I needed to hear what Jesus wanted him to say. I’ll tell you more about it during lunch.”
Ruth stated, “Great, I’d like to hear your side of it.”
While they walked up and down the stairs in the office building before eating, Maria told Ruth a good summary of the conversation yesterday and how it had helped her.
The next day Maria called Anita. “Hi, I have some very good news to share with you. Do you have a few minutes?”
“Certainly,” answered Anita, “I love to hear good news!”
So Maria gave her a longer summary of her last two meetings with Jason emphasizing the most important parts. Then she concluded, “At this point, I feel like the situation with Jason has good closure. I no longer need to regret having hurt his feelings, and he understands why it had to happen that way. We both felt better at the end. Plus Jesus graciously let me know that ‘the man’ will not be Jason.”
Anita exclaimed, “This is incredibly good news! I’m extremely glad for you, Maria.”
She responded, “Thank you, Anita. Now I’m feeling excited about the dream I had. My desire for a husband has returned, and I really like the part of my dream about him being a wonderful man.”
“For sure!” agreed Anita. “Please keep telling me your news. I like romances. We’ll keep praying for you.”
Maria replied, “I will and thank you again. Is there anything I can pray about for you and your family?”
“Not right now,” Anita answered, “but thanks for asking.”
“You’re welcome.” Then Maria said, “I’ll talk to you later.”
After that conversation Maria called Julie and shared the same information with her with the same good results.
Sunny was working in her kitchen on the farm while she listened to one of their four boys practice the piano. Each one told her when he started his turn, so she would know who was playing.
“Hugo,” she called from the kitchen, “I heard two wrong notes in the last line you played. Look at it carefully and try that line again.”
“Okay, Mom.” he replied and did as she said.
She told him, “Much better, now play it all from the beginning again, being sure to get the right notes this time.”
Hugo responded, “Thank you, Mom, I’ll do better this time.”
Sunny could hear that it was much better this time and since she was finished in the kitchen, she dried her hands and went to sit and listen as he finished.
“Good job, Hugo,” she commended him. I like to listen to each one of you play while I’m working.”
Again he said “Thank you,” and then asked, “How did you know I hit two wrong notes?”
“Because,” she answered, “I did the same thing this morning as I was practicing that piece.” They both laughed together.
He wanted to know, “Do you enjoy practicing the piano?”
“Yes I do,” she replied, “when you boys started taking lessons and I went to watch and listen so I’d know how you should practice, I learned a lot and thought I’d like to learn how to play also. But I knew I didn’t have time to go to the big house to take lessons and practice.”
He questioned, “So now you do have time?”
Sunny nodded, “Yes, when your Grandpa and Grandma Mendoza bought this piano for our family, it made much more time for me, since I could listen to you practice as I do housework. Plus your dad offered to do one of my chores for me so I could practice here during the time it would take. Besides, I don’t need to take lessons, since I have learned right along with you boys. So I enjoy practicing and learning and I'm very thankful to God for working everything out so I could learn to play the piano also.”
“Thank you, Mom,” said Hugo sincerely, “for explaining to me. Sometimes I’d rather be outside playing, but I will be more thankful for practice time and I’ll thank God for the opportunity to learn how to play the piano now that I know how much it means to you.”
Riley and his parents were visiting the Anderson home and Matt stated, “It sure is nice that all three of you could be here today.”
“For sure,” Riley replied, “I like my job, but they keep me busy traveling even more often than I thought they would.”
Fiona suggested, “Maybe someday you’ll be able to write a book about all your travels.”
“I hope you will,” Matt declared, “I’d like to read it since you don’t get to come here very often and tell us about it.”
Riley responded, “I’ll think about doing it, if I ever have enough time. Where are the boys? It’s been too long since I got to see my nephews!”
Fiona answered, “They’ll be waking up very soon from their afternoon naps, and they’ll be glad to see you.”
Her dad, Patrick, stated, “I’m glad I get to see you and them on the morning you bring them to The Garden Shop. I feel very privileged to get to hold and love them sometimes for a little while when you are there.”
She smiled and explained, “You’re privileged because they’re used to you and like you. They don’t do as well with the people who are strangers to them.”
Glenda inquired, “How are they doing now when you leave them at the church nursery?”
She answered, “They’re getting better, especially when someone is in there who has been there before. Plus if Johnny doesn’t cry then Patrick doesn’t either.”
Matt added, “It helped that you had taken your turns in the nursery for several weeks before you tried leaving them there without you staying.”
“Yes, that was a good idea.” then Riley asked, “How is your job going, Matt? I haven’t gotten to ask you lately,”
Matt replied, “I still like it a lot, especially when both crews are working together on a project and I get to work with Walt. Also, I’m glad we aren’t doing the two shortened shifts a day any more. I like the regular work hours better, even though it was my idea in the first place.”
“It worked very well though, “Fiona tacked on, “when both crews were working here to finish up this house before our wedding, and when all the crews were working on the new church and school that year.”
He nodded and acknowledged, “Yes, Honey, it did! And I’m still so thankful for our lovely home being finished so soon and all the things they paid for to furnish our house.”
Just then Glenda noted, “I just heard Johnny’s wake up noises. May I come and help you?”
“Of course,” said Fiona, “thanks for the offer. Then you can bring Johnny out here to see his uncle and Grandpa while I nurse Patrick.”
Larry and Jane Kelsey called their friends, Ted and Julie, on Thursday evening as they usually did from the southern city where they had moved with a group of people to plant a church.
Larry asked, “How are things going for you and your big family there on Mercy Valley Ranch?”
“Very well,” Ted responded. “We like it here more and more all the time, and our girls continue to make good progress in school and as a family. Besides, they’re growing as believers.”
Jane mentioned, “I knew you two would do a good job with that project, and I’m so glad those quadruplets get to have such good parents and live on that gorgeous ranch. Do they still like to ride the horses?”
“Without a doubt!” Julie emphasized. “It remains one of our family’s favorite activities. In April they taught their father how to prepare and ride a horse. Plus, they still like taking piano lessons and practice faithfully every day. Ted and I do also. Now please tell us about how your church is doing.”
Jane responded, “Well just in the last couple weeks, our new church has been growing very fast. The members have each added to their lives at least one new ministry from that list of ideas, and God is adding to his church daily the ones who are being saved, just like it says in Acts 2:47b.”
“Yes,” added Larry, “Now we don’t have to keep saying like we used to so often that we have slow, steady growth. We were thankful for that growth, but this is phenomenal!”
“Excellent!” Ted exclaimed and then asked, “Where are you meeting now?”
“It’s still warm out,” Larry replied, “so we’re able to meet in the park, but it will soon be too chilly, so we're busy looking for a church with a large sanctuary we could rent for a service on Saturday or Sunday and still have room to grow.”
Julie stated, “It sounds good. We will pray that you find just the right one soon, one with a baptismal you can also use for all the new believers God is adding to your church.”
Jane continued, “Thank you. Also, the day care mothers have developed a Christian school for the kindergarten through third grade children. It’s for families who went from Pine City for the church plant and some of the new believers. Of course they’re using the church school curriculum. There’s room for more children in each of the four day care homes for new students if other new believers have some children who are those age levels and they desire a Christian education for them.”
“Terrific!” declared Julie. “Of course you already know I think this curriculum is excellent. It’s the very best way to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it, as it says in Proverbs 22:6.”
“For sure,” then Larry prompted, “Honey, tell them about your Wednesday group.”
“Okay,” replied Jane. “I've changed my Wednesday Bible Study Group into an After School Place. Since I only had high school boys in the group and since Larry is home in the afternoons, he helps with activities the boys really enjoy. I still tell them one or two Bible stories every week, or do things like you told me William does on the farm for the boys there. It’s working out very well.”
Ted remarked, “You two have definitely helped the new church there a lot. I’m glad you followed God’s leading and were willing to sell your house in Pine City and move with the group to plant the new church there.”
“Right you are!” Larry agreed. “Things always work best when people are in the middle of God’s will.”
They closed their phone call after a time of conversational prayer.
The first week in December Tony called Ted, “I've been promoted to the daytime management position at the Fiesta Restaurante with a big raise in salary, working from 7:30 to 5:00 so the owners can semi-retire and just work from 5 PM to 9 PM. The raise covers the cost of a small van they said I’ll need for my new position. I need to take a crash course on driving, get my license, and learn about vehicle care. Would you have time to help me?”
“Of course!” exclaimed Ted. “It will be my pleasure. We’ll use my car after you get your learners permit and you’ll learn how to drive in no time. I’ll help you look for a good used van too.”
“Thank you, Ted,” said Tony. “I’m glad you’re such a good friend and you quickly understood and offered even more help.”
Tony learned how to drive quickly and they found a good used van right away that had seats that would fold down allowing him to carry the things needed for the restaurant, but would also work well with passengers.
The next week, Tony’s storytelling partner informed him he’d be moving to another city in a month where he would have to find another partner. Tony would be left without a ministry. So he called Pastor Don.
“Hi, Pastor, this is Tony. Do you have time to listen and then tell me what you think?’
“Positively,” answered Don. “What’s going on?”
Tony shared, “Interesting things have happened in my life in the last couple weeks. I was promoted to the daytime management position at my job, with a generous raise that will cover the cost of a small van I’ll need for my new position. Ted Blake is teaching me how to drive and helped me find a used van.”
Don commented, “So your lifestyle is changing on a large scale, from evening hours to daytime and from walking, bicycle, and bus transportation to owning your own vehicle!
“Exactly,” Tony went on, “and on top of those things, my partner in ministry will be moving to another city in about a month, so I’ll be left without a ministry. Then from somewhere, out of the blue, my desire to be married came back very strongly. I thought I was suppose to remain single.”
Don admitted, “It does sound very confusing for you.”
“It is,” concurred Tony, “but now I do have a career that can support a wife and family and still be able to give over 10% to the Lord’s work. So what do you think?”
Don explained, “I think you could consider yourself as being very blessed by Jesus. Possibly he only wanted you to be single for the past period of time, so you could serve him with your partner in ministry that long and while you learned to be such a good manager and were promoted. Now you can let Jesus lead you to the very best wife he has for you since you can support a family now.”
Tony admitted, “Those thoughts will take some getting used to and a big change in the way I’ve been living since the time I’ve been out on my own. Will you share this with Anita and both of you pray for me that I’ll be able to see and do God’s perfect will?”
“Definitely,” Don replied, “we’ll be glad to pray. Father in heaven, you have just heard all Tony told me, and we agree together right now asking you to make your leading very clear for him as he goes through all the changes in his life now and in the future. If it is now your will for him to get married, then please send him the best wife.”
“Yes, LORD,” continued Tony, “You know I only want to do your perfect will in every part of my life, so I thank you in advance for your leading, and now that all the details are in your hands, I can be free of anxiety and trust you to lead me so I’ll have no doubts.”
Don closed, “I agree and thank you also. We pray in Jesus precious name. Amen. Tony, please keep me posted.”
“I’ll be sure to call you when I know more,” stated Tony. “Thank you so much for your time and your prayers!”
Later that day Don and Anita were watching Timmy and Mary play in the backyard. He shared, “Tony called me earlier today and asked me to share what he had said with you, so we could both pray together for him.”
When Don had finished telling her, she let out a little gasp. “You don’t suppose …?”
He almost shook his head, but responded, “Let’s not suppose anything … yet, anyway.
“But it’s so fun!” she declared and giggled.
He grinned. “I admit it sure is fun and I wondered the same thing, so I guess it’s okay for us to suppose, as long as we don’t say anything to either of them!”
“Absolutely!” she agreed “We’ll stay out of God’s business and enjoy watching as we pray for them.”
“Exactly!” he exclaimed and then prayed, ‘Father, thank you for making us pastors of your flock here. It definitely has it’s fun moments. Please guide these two young people to each other if that is your will, and if not, then lead them to the correct ones instead.”
Anita stated, “Amen. Your prayer said it all, Dear.”
The second Saturday in December, Joy described to her family, Roy, Sherry and Hope, “I had a horrible dream last night. You know how I’ve been bothered by the fact that Hope got to be in Timmy’s classroom all year, because I wanted to be there too.”
Her family nodded, so she continued, “In the dream I had planned for months to get to spend a day with him in his classroom. Finally Hope and I both were coming down with a cold or the flu and needed to stay home from school, but I didn’t tell Mama about me. This was my chance, and I was determined to take it. I put freckles on my right cheek with our play makeup.”
Hope put a hand over her mouth and looked down, but Joy went on, “Mama and Hope let me out at the school, and I lined up at the end of their line so I’d know which desk to sit in, but Timmy and another kid were also absent and there were three empty desks, so I just went and sat in one. So far my luck held out because it was Hope’s desk.” Joy paused for a while.
Daddy prompted, “What happened next?”
Joy shared, “By that time in the dream I was feeling very guilty, because I realized I was telling lies to so many people. Besides, it hadn’t done any good, because Timmy wasn’t even at school that day! I didn’t even know the names of the other kids in his class and I was so scared they’d find out I was just a big liar and hate me. It was awful.”
Mama nodded, “It sure would be! I’m glad this was only a dream.”
“But it seemed so real!” Joy admitted. “I managed to fake it until just before the first recess, but by then I was so scared and guilty and my nose was running and I felt hot and nauseated. So when the others went out to play I just put my head down on the desk and cried.”
Hope put her arms around her sister in sympathy, and Joy thanked her, and then told the rest. “When the teacher came to the desk, I told her the truth and she took me to the nurse’s office, where I spent the rest of the day being sick after I wrote apology letters to both teachers, my mama and daddy, and sister. At least Timmy never found out about it.”
Now Joy finally broke down and cried. It had been hard to tell about this horrid dream. Hope was crying with her by now, so Mama and Daddy had to comfort both of them.
Mama stressed, “Joy, thank you for telling us about your dream. Since it was only a dream, you’ve done nothing wrong, and don’t need to feel guilty about it.”
“Exactly,” agreed Daddy, “but it will be good to take this dream as a warning to never try deceitfulness to get what you want.”
“For sure, Daddy,” said Joy. “Instead I’ll pray that some year I’ll get to be in Timmy’s class all year for real.”
Mama prayed, “Yes, Father in Heaven, we agree with Joy’s prayer according to your will and timing, and thank you for the vivid lesson the dream taught us about truthfulness.”
Felix and Sunny asked their foster boys to tell what they learned in William’s group this week. The boys got their notebooks and used them as reference.
Luis answered, “We had a very interesting lesson this week about
The Sermon on the Mount. William began by reading the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:3-12.”
Hugo continued, “Then he reviewed the lessons he had done earlier about salt and light and about not taking revenge, but to love our enemies in verses 13-16, 38-40, and 43-47.”
Jose commented, “He doesn’t go verse by verse, but chooses ones that are most useful to us right now. Like he summarized verses 1-4 of chapter 6 like this. Don’t give donations in order to be seen by others, but do them in secret so your Father in heaven will see and reward you,”
Sunny stated, “I like that summary. William makes it easier to understand.”
Luis added, “Yeah he does. He used a cross reference to Matthew 16:27b where Jesus said, his Father would reward every man according to his works.
Pedro went on, “He said we can use the Lord’s prayer in verses 9-13 as a pattern for our prayers, and not just say it from memory all the time. He also stressed that it is important to forgive others.”
Jose backtracked, “I just noticed in my notes, at the beginning of the lesson, William said ‘The words of Jesus are very important, and that’s why our church always buys red letter editions of the Bible with all of Jesus’ words printed in red so they’re easily found.’ I’m glad the church gave each of us boys on the farm a Bible we get to keep, from the church’s used Bibles. The boys who are in the church school have Bibles given to them in second grade.”
“Indeed,” Felix agreed, “it was very generous of them, and you boys are making good use of them.”
Sunny inserted, “In John 14:26b Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach you all things and help you remember whatever I have said to you. That would include all his words in red in your New Testament. But we have to read them before he can remind us of them.”
“I agree,” then Hugo concluded, “Our homework is to look up words or synonyms for some of the words in the Beatitudes and find other verses to go with them. He gave the example that poor in spirit is about the same as humble, which also means lowly. I found Proverbs 3:34b, God gives grace to the lowly.”
Pedro suggested, “Let’s do the rest of our homework right now.”
“Yes, let’s do,” agreed Jose. “We can use the concordance in our Bibles to find a good verse to go with a word from the Beatitudes. But if not, we can find a synonym on the web and look for it.”
They did that and told each other what they had found.
Hugo shared, “I looked up a verse to go with comforted and found Psalm 119:76a, Let your merciful kindness be for my comfort.”
Luis said, “Meek has a lot of synonyms like patient, forbearing, gentle, humble, and so forth, but I found a verse using ‘meek’ in Psalm 25:9, God will guide the meek in judgment and teach them his way.”
Pedro continued, “For those who hunger for righteousness, I think Psalm 63:1a and 5 might work. O God you are my God. I will seek you early. My soul thirsts for you. My flesh longs for you… My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips.”
Jose remembered, “We already had a lesson on mercy so I skipped it and did pure in heart. Psalm 24:3-5 says, Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Who shall stand in his holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. I think this is a wonderful promise!”
“It sure is! Very good job, boys,” commended Felix. “Now that you have finished your homework, shall we go find some other boys to join us in a game of soccer, since it’s not too cold?”
They cheered, put their Bibles and notebooks away, and went outside with him.
Jason likes to start conversations with the person who is next to him at the rec center as they are on exercise bikes and then get him talking about spiritual matters.
One Monday evening Jason asked the man next to him, “How did your day go for you today?”
“It was awful,” the man stated, “I can’t remember when I’ve ever had such a bad day.”
Jason questioned, “What happened?”
He answered, “I couldn't find the things I needed to take with me to my job, so I was late to work and without things I needed. They docked my pay, of course, and I’ll have bad remarks on my annual review because I wasn’t able to complete part of my work.”
“Oh,” sympathized Jason, “that would be awful.”
The man continued, “I had to skip lunch since I didn’t have time to make one and I have such a short lunch hour I couldn't go out to eat. It probably didn’t hurt me, because I could stand to lose some weight, but it added to my stress.”
“I’m sure it did,” acknowledged Jason.
The man went on, “Then on the way home the police pulled me over because one tail light on my car wasn’t working. My billfold was one of the things I couldn't find this morning, so I couldn't show him my drivers license. He said he could give me a ticket for driving
without a license, but he was merciful, followed me home and gave me time to go inside, find it, and show it to him. Then he told me to get the light fixed as soon as I could. I was definitely relieved.”
“For sure,” then Jason mentioned, “it was very nice of the policeman to be merciful. The God I serve is also merciful. If I got what I deserved for all the sins I’ve committed, I would have no hope, but he sent his only Son, Jesus, into the world to live a perfect life and then be the sacrifice needed to pay for all my sins and the sins of all the other people in the world. When I realized that I needed to have that payment to take care of my sins, I confessed them, asked for forgiveness and accepted Jesus to be my Savior. Have you asked Jesus to be your Savior?”
The man stopped his exercise bike and almost got off to leave, but he reconsidered and started peddling again.
He admitted, “You are the fourth person to ask me the same question within the last week.”
“Wow,” declared Jason, “I’m glad so many people are interested in your eternal welfare. God loves you and has sent these people to you to give you several chances to think about this issue. But if you keep saying ‘no’ by walking away or ignoring or brushing it off, he will eventually stop and let you go the way you want to go, on your own. Do you have any questions, or would you like to talk about what is holding you back about the question I asked you?”
“Yeah,” he answered, “I have loads of questions, but I don’t think anyone would want to take the time to answer all of them.”
“I want to answer them!” exclaimed Jason. “If you will meet me here on alternate nights to exercise, I’ll be glad to spend the time we exercise to answer your questions.”
The man smiled for the first time all evening, looked at his watch, and said, “Okay, I usually peddle for half an hour, so I’ll be here on Wednesday at the same time we started today.”
Jason replied, “Good, I’ll see you then.
The man came faithfully for many sessions and Jason was able to answer all his questions and more fully explain the Good News to the man who finally accepted Jesus as his Savior, praise the Lord.
Amelia and Ben were helping their parents put up the Christmas tree after supper one evening.
Connie observed, “It seems a little strange for us to put up an artificial tree, when we’re selling potted trees at The Garden Shop.”
“True,” Ernest responded, “but we have almost too many trees in our yard already, and that’s why we’ve been using this tree for years.”
Ben stated, “I like this tree. It brings back a lot of memories. Plus, it’s still in very good condition.”
“I like it also,” agreed Amelia. “the only thing I miss is the fresh smell of evergreen, so I bought one of our beautiful garlands made with fir tree sprigs. Where shall we put it?”
Connie suggested, “How about on the mantle of the fire place where we can see it and it can spread its fragrance all over this room?”
“Perfect,” stated Ernest, “I admit I’ve missed that aroma at other Christmas times, so I’m glad you bought one, Amelia.”
“Indeed,” Ben declared, “this will be a hundred times better than the can of pine spray we bought one year!” The others nodded.
Amelia and Connie put the fir garland on the mantle and enjoyed its looks and odor. When they got back to the men and the tree, they could see it was all put together and was lit up with its preinstalled colored LED lights.
Amelia remarked, “It looks so pretty, even with only the lights and they make it more fun to put on the rest of the decorations.”
“I agree,” and as Connie opened the two big clear plastic storage bins she observed, “We probably have enough decorations for three trees in these boxes!”
“Terrific,” applauded Ernest, “we can use some of them to decorate the fir garland so it won’t feel left out of the fun.”
“Exactly,” and then Ben proposed, “Maybe if or when Amelia and or I get married we can take a few of these decorations with us to our new homes and enjoy the memories they’ll bring.”
“Brilliant idea!” exclaimed Connie. “Please remind us when the time comes for either of you.”
Ernest questioned, “Do either of you have something to tell us?”
They both laughed and shook their heads.
Ben explained, “I still need to get established in my career before I can give you that kind of news.”
“And I,” Amelia shared, “just don’t feel ready yet.”
Connie smiled and stressed, “There’s no hurry for either of you. You know you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like.”
Ernest nodded, so Ben and Amelia thanked them and gave them hugs.
The next nice day in December, Hope suggested to a big group of friends, “Let’s play a funny game Joy and I made up today. If you’re in the same classroom this year as somebody else in this group, go stand by that person or those people.”
They did what she said to do and then Timmy asked, “What do we do next?”
She instructed, “Look at each one and say, “I’m glad we were in the same classroom this year. I liked it.”
Next Joy said loudly, “This year is almost over and in January we all move up one grade and will probably be with different people.”
“So,” Hope stated, “Everybody join hands in a big circle and say together, ‘Let’s get together again during recesses if we can next year.’ Some of us might not be able to next year.”
Joy directed, “Each one should bring a new friend and introduce everyone. Now let’s sing that song about meeting new friends and keeping the old ones.”
They all sang vigorously and swung their hands back and forth.
At the end of the song Hope told them, “Now drop hands and look at the back of the person on your right and all of us start walking on the count of three. One, two, three!”
The circle moved smoothly to the right until Joy had them stop, face the center of the circle, look up, and say loudly, “Hurrah for friends!”
Then the bell rang and they all ran to get in the right lines.
As they ate lunch on a Friday Maria mentioned, “I decided to take a few days off from my plan to read through the Bible and concentrate on the story of Christmas.”
“Amazing!” stated Ruth, “because I’m doing the same thing! I haven’t reached the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus birth yet, but I have noticed that Matthew refers to some of them.”
“For example?” Maria asked.
Ruth responded, “Like after the angel told Joseph to not fear, but take Mary for his wife, Matthew 1:22,23 say, Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled what was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying, ‘Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.’ I’m sure the scripture helped to relieve his fear.”
“Without a doubt,” Maria agreed, “and I remember later in chapter two when the wise men came to find the new king, Herod demanded the chief priests and scribes to tell him where Christ would be born. They answered in verses 5 and 6, In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet, You, Bethlehem in the land of Judah are not the least among the princes of Judah, for out of you shall come a Governor who shall rule my people Israel.”
Ruth remarked, “Right, both sets of verses are good ones. The prophecies were fulfilled and help make the story more believable.”
“Exactly,” Maria went on, “and it reminds me of 2 Peter 1:20,21, Know this first, no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy did not come in old times by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Therefore what they said was truth.”
“Positively,” agreed Ruth, “and those verses go well with the story in Acts 18:24-28, where Aquila and Priscilla taught Apollos the way of God more perfectly and then in verse 28, he convinced the Jews mightily in public showing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ, or the Messiah.”
Maria looked at her watch and observed, “Our lunchtime went so fast today, but we’ve had a very good Bible study along with it.”
During the latter part of December, Karen and William used many of these verses in discussions with their Bible Study groups on Mercy Valley Ranch and Farm.
Vern, Lora, and Mindy took an RV trip to Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas and Carlsbad National Park in New Mexico during the school vacation at the end of December and beginning of January. Some of their friends who had been there before, shared with them what they thought would be the best order to see things in the area that were worth seeing.
So they had made reservations at some of the campgrounds ahead of time and hoped to find a dispersed camping site in another place. A site like that is in a National Forest or Bureau of Land Management area, but is away from developed sites. They ask you to use existing sites and to carry out all your trash.
On the way south, they stopped at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
“I like this nice visitor center,” commented Lora. “It has good animal and plant displays.
Mindy agreed, “Yes, and the video we watched was so well done.”
“I think so to,” declared Vern. “let’s buy a copy of it so we can take it home with us.”
“Thank you, Dear,” said Lora, “it will make a nice keepsake.”
Mindy added, “Yes, thank you, Dad. You’re the best! Could we go outside now and try to see some of the wildlife?”
“You’re both very welcome,” replied Vern, “and, Mindy, you’re the best too. And of course we can go out and look. It’s what we came here to do.”
Since it was winter, and this is a stopping place for birds as they migrate north in the spring and south in the fall, and others come there to nest in the summer, there weren’t many birds to see. The dragonflies weren’t there either.
Sometimes people get to see deer, bob cats, and badgers from one of several observation platforms. The water in the refuge is home to the small Pecos pupfish, the Roswell spring snail, and a fish called the greenthroat darter. The water wasn’t very clear, but they imagined they could see two different kinds of fish, but no snails. They also saw a couple deer, so it was pretty good considering the time of year.
From there they drove to Bottomless Lakes State Park where they had reservations for the night in the campground. They put out their meeting sign, ate supper and got set up for an evening meeting.
“We won’t need the screen tent,” commented Vern. “The insects aren’t bad at this time of year.”
“Good,” remarked Lora, “it will make it easier since we're only here for one night.”
After waiting for a while outside, Mindy concluded, “Well, maybe winter is not a good time to have evening meetings. It is getting rather cool out here.”
“You’re right,” responded Lora, “let’s put the chairs away and go in where it’s warmer.”
Vern suggested, “If we get to our next campground earlier, we might have our meeting in the afternoon instead.” They nodded.
In the morning they went to see the bottomless lakes. Mindy read one of the signs, “There are nine lakes with different sizes and depths. Some are very small, others are big enough to go rowing on or for swimming in the summer. The lakes are sinkholes filled with water and have a greenish blue color, and are 17 to 90 feet deep.”
“Yes,” then Vern continued reading, “Some cowboys named them Bottomless when they couldn't tie enough of their ropes together to reach the bottom of the lakes to measure them.”
Lora commented, “Interesting, and it is a very pretty area with the color of the water next to the red bluffs behind them.”
When they finished looking and taking pictures, they continued driving south through Carlsbad, into Texas and to the next campground where they had reservations in Guadalupe Mountains
National Park. The four mountains in the park rise up steeply from the surrounding plains and have interesting shapes with very few trees.
It’s a very small park, and the campground is really more like a parking lot.
“Somehow,” observed Lora, “this campground doesn’t seem quite right for a ministry meeting.”
“True,” agreed Vern, “we’ll just skip that for today.”
They went to the visitor center, watched the slide show and saw the exhibits, which were well done. Things to do in the park included wildlife viewing, birding, stargazing, nature walks, and hikes.
It was basically a desert, but this was a pretty area with cactus and yucca. They took pictures of those and the mountains and went on a nature walk where they learned some of the names for the desert flora, being careful to watch out for rattlesnakes.
They ate an early supper and went to bed early so they could get up early to drive back north to Carlsbad where they’d visit the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park.
“This is a beautiful place!” exclaimed Lora, “I’m glad we came here after the other two places.”
Vern concurred, “Yes, it is very well done and we get to see more desert flora and even all the animals in the zoo.”
Mindy remarked, “It will be good exercise to take the 1.3 mile round trip walking tour to enjoy all of it.”
After walking a while Lora emphasized, “I never realized there were so many different kinds of cactus!”
“For sure!” Mindy agreed, “the desert is beautiful in its own way.”
Later Vern asked, “Now that we're finished here, are you two ready to go driving through Dark Canyon?”
“By all means!” declared Mindy. “I remember that our friends said Dark Canyon is beautiful.”
So they drove toward Sitting Bull Falls, found a dispersed camping spot in the National Forest, and ate supper. It was so nice and quiet!
The next morning they drove the rest of the way to the falls parking lot and walked along the handicapped accessible trail to see Sitting Bull Falls, following a family with a mother in a wheelchair. When they reached the second viewing platform they built rapport with the family with conversation for a while.
The mother stated, “I like this view of the falls better than the one at the other platform.”
“So do I,” Lora agreed. “This is a beautiful waterfall even though there’s not much water in it this winter.”
The dad remarked, “I’m glad this nice handicapped path and platform were built here so we could all come and see the view.”
“Yes,” said one of the girls, “it’s nice to be able to do this kind of thing as a whole family.”
Mindy commented, “You have a nice big family.”
“Thank you,” responded the mother. “Nice is the best word for this family. They planned this whole trip to include all handicapped trails so I could be with them instead of back in the motel waiting for them to return and tell me about what they saw.”
Vern exclaimed, “How wonderful of them. I always like to hear about good things families do for each other.”
“Indeed,” Mindy concurred, “it is just the way God wants us to live.”
Lora continued, “There are some verses in Psalm 139:12-16 that talk about how God can see everything even in darkness, like even inside our mothers before we were born. His work in making us is marvelous and I know he can even fix things that go wrong with our bodies later.”
“Right, Lora,” said Vern, “even though we don’t know what’s wrong, we know that God can fix it.”
The family looked interested, but didn’t say anything.
So Lora asked the mother, “Would you be willing to let Mindy and me put our hands on your legs and Vern put his hand on your head as we pray for God to heal your body completely so you can walk and live a normal life?”
The dad questioned, “Could we discuss it as a family and then answer you?”
“Sure,” replied Lora, “we’ll go over to the other platform and look at the falls while you talk about it.”
So Vern, Lora, and Mindy went over there and prayed while they looked at the falls until another of the girls ran over to ask them to come back.
The mother explained, “We like to be in agreement before doing something new, so we needed to talk about it. Everyone said it would be okay, so please do what you said.”
Lora nodded and said, “What a good idea to get agreement first. Mindy, come put your hands with mine on her legs, while Vern puts a hand on her head and prays out loud.”
Vern prayed, “God in heaven who created the universe and all the things in it, including us humans, we thank you for your creation and that you keep things going and can fix the ones that don’t work right. We ask in the name of your Son, Jesus, to fix this dear mother’s body so everything in it works correctly, so she can walk and live a normal life.” Then he spoke to her body, “In Jesus name, body, be completely healed and function properly.”
They kept their hands in place for a few moments as Jesus power flowed through them into the mother’s body. She felt it and knew she had been healed, so she started to move and stand up, while the others got out of the way.
She immediately had strength and balance so she could walk from one end of the platform to the other! She and her family were so thrilled and thankful that God had miraculously healed her. Vern, Lora, and Mindy then shared the Good News with them. Praise God, everybody in the family accepted Jesus as their Savior and were so thankful to him for the miracles of healing and salvation. Lora gave them a booklet and they said there were good churches in their city.
Later, the Jones family had lunch by the pretty stream, and then drove back out of Dark Canyon the way they had entered. It was just as pretty on the way out as it had been when they drove in last night. They went to an RV Park in White’s City, where they had reservations for three nights. They arrived in time for supper, but after finding out that the park didn’t allow meetings at the camp sites, they were rather disappointed. However they accepted it, went to bed early and were ready to see the cave the next day.
After an amazing day, they talked about it in the evening.
Lora expressed, “It was a wonderful day spent mostly in the cave at Carlsbad Caverns National Park and I’m glad we didn’t take the camera with us and try to take pictures. There wasn’t enough light in the cave for them to turn out well.”
“Indeed,” Vern went on, “we took the King’s Palace tour from 10 AM to 11:30 AM, went up the elevator, bought a couple books and a DVD with good photos of the cave formations, came out of the gift shop and left the parking lot for a more scenic lunch spot.”
“It was a smart plan,” Mindy agreed. “The underground lunchroom is interesting, but it really doesn’t have a good view to look at while eating.”
“For sure,” said Vern. “Lunch revived us enough that we could go back down the elevator and walk slowly through part of the Big Room, savoring the flavor for most of the afternoon.
Lora commented, “It was interesting to follow and converse with the family who had a grown daughter in a wheelchair.”
“Yeah,” Mindy tacked on, “and it was amazing to realize she had been in a wheelchair all her life, even though they didn’t tell us why.”
Vern declared, “I’m so glad they finally decided to let us pray for her and Jesus healed her! She stood right up and walked expertly around for the rest of the afternoon, enjoying her newly found freedom.”
“And best of all,” stated Lora, “the whole family accepted Jesus and promised to find a good church in their city.”
Mindy added, “I thought it was neat the way the family gave the wheelchair to Carlsbad National Park for the use of other people who might need it.”
“I agree,” said Vern. “The family was so excited and thankful, and they couldn't wait to be rid of it, so they asked the next ranger they saw to take it back up to the administrator of the cave with a signed note giving the chair to the park.”
Lora realized, “I guess we didn’t need to have campground meetings this time. We had great meetings in the cave and by the waterfall.”
Mindy shared, “For sure. I liked the way you summarized those verses in Psalm 139, yesterday, Mom. It worked well since there were a couple young children who wouldn’t have understood them.”
“Yes, I liked it also,” and then Vern prayed, “Thank you, Lord for the miracles today and yesterday!”
The next day they spent many awe-filled hours in the cave. Then they drove back to their camp site, and Mindy wrote about it in her daily journal.
We went down the natural entrance and around the Big Room. The trail from the natural entrance would have been very steep, but the many switchbacks helped. There are handrails and my hiking boots held onto the paved trail very well. There weren’t many wet spots, so it wasn’t slick. There are so many gorgeous speleothems. The big word means cave formations made by dripping water depositing minerals that build up into stalactites or stalagmites. There are other formations made by flow stone.
We stopped as often and as long as we liked to gaze at them. Nobody hurried us to keep up with the tour, since this part is self-guided. We rented hand held radio receivers and listened to the guided tour on them. Our friends had loaned us a big flashlight so we could see the parts that aren't lighted. So we saw a 100 times more than we would have without it. Without a flashlight, most of the formations would be missed. Every few steps had a different set of formations.
During supper we looked at the cave books Dad had bought, which is a nice way to recall what was seen. They have very good pictures. We decided for caves, it is best to buy books and a DVD rather than to try to take pictures. We let the professional photographers do it for us.
There were very few people in the cave today, so it was almost like having it all to ourselves. I liked the way we didn’t have to hurry, or listen to noisy talk, and there were hardly any perfume smells. So much beauty is overwhelming! What a privilege it is to get to see God’s creation!
The next day they drove from White’s City north to stay the rest of the day and night at Sumner Lake State Park. It has a big reservoir where people can go boating and catch many different kinds of fish.
They stopped at many viewpoints along the lake and saw pinyon, juniper, cottonwood, and mesquite trees, grasses, yucca, and cactus like cholla and prickly pear. The visitor center staff person told them they might also see a bald eagle, falcons, mountain bluebirds, ducks and geese, plus antelope and deer.
When they reached their reserved camp site, they asked the camp hosts if they could have a meeting at it, and were assured that it would be fine. So they tried to have an early afternoon meeting, but not many people were in the campground at that time, so they went for a walk around the outside of the campground looking for any wildlife in the area and they saw several kinds of birds.
Afterward they drove the van to some other areas of the park, enjoying the views and taking pictures. By the time they returned to their site it had gotten chilly, so they put the chairs away and enjoyed their supper inside where it was warm.
The next day they drove back to their home in Pine City and spent the rest of the two week vacation looking at their photos, books, the DVD, cooking, sewing, reading, and relaxing, after cleaning up the RV, putting things away, and winterizing the RV again.
While they had been gone, the rest of Pine City, plus Mercy Valley ranch and farm had celebrated Christmas much like they had last year, and now they were getting ready for New Year’s Day and for the new school year to begin the first week of January.
During the first Saturday and Sunday church services of the new year, the congregations sang the following songs. “I’ll Tell the World That I’m a Christian,” Romans 1:16a, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to every one who believes. The song stresses the importance of taking Jesus with you everywhere, and to testify about how he saved you and is coming again soon.
“Isaiah 6:3,” is a chorus based on Isaiah 6:3b, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory. They sang it through three times, since it’s so short.
Next they sang “Come and Praise the Lord Our King,” Hebrews 13:15, By Jesus therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually. It is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. The seven short verses in the song invite people to praise Jesus together and give a good summary of his birth, life, death, resurrection, work in heaven, and that we will live with him some day. Each line of the song ends with two alleluias. It was a fun song to sing and a good reminder of why Jesus came at Christmas.
And last they sang “Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him.” Psalm 148. Many parts of the stanzas in the song are taken from the psalm, word for word. The pastor had the people read verses 1-5, 7-13 out loud with him, Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD from the heavens. Praise him in the heights. Praise him all his angels, praise him all his hosts. Praise him sun and moon, praise him all you stars of light. Praise him you heavens of heavens, and you waters above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he commanded and they were created. Praise the LORD from the earth, … fire and hail, snow and mists, stormy wind fulfilling his word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all cattle, creeping things and flying fowl, kings of the earth and all people, princes and all judges of the earth, both young men and maidens, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the LORD for his name alone is excellent. His glory is above the earth and heaven.
The teaching time was a gentle reminder to live our lives this coming year praising the LORD like the songs said to, and following the Lord’s leading to tell the people in the world the Good News about Jesus and his love. He commended them first for all the ways they had already been doing this.
Timmy was elated when he came home from the first day in second grade at the church school. “God answered our prayer with a ‘yes.’ Joy is in the same classroom as I am this year and she is so happy. Of course I am too.”
“Wonderful,” his mom, Anita, responded, “I like it when we get the answer we’d like to have, especially when it makes someone else happy also.”
Mary stated, “I’m glad for Joy too, and so is Hope. I got to talk to both of them on the playground after school. We don’t have recess at the same time now.”
“Oh,” Don, their dad, commented, “Every year brings changes to our lives. Some of them are nicer than others.”
“Well,” observed Mary in a matter of fact way, “Joy told me about it in December, so I decided to just enjoy the people in my class.”
“What a good idea, Mary!” Timmy exclaimed, “you’ll be a lot happier that way than by wishing things were different.”
“Wow!” thought Anita, “When did you get to be so wise?” She was very pleased with the progress both her children were making.
Sakura and Yoshi were receiving and sending emails to Kosuke and learned about his ministry.
At the restaurant they informed Aneko and Yoshi's parents who were there helping out on this afternoon, even though they did have their tea room set up in the mornings and business was good. Sometimes they missed working in the restaurant.
Yoshi shared, “Sakura and I have gotten several emails from Kosuke. He’s in Japan now, and since he has no wife, he’s living in the barracks with the men. This makes it easier for him to interact with the men there.”
Tomo asked, “How is his ministry with the men going for him?”
Sakura replied, “He says that being able to live in the barracks with the men gives him many more opportunities to talk one on one or to small groups of the men. They’re more open to him because he lives just like they do.”
“Thank you for sharing this with us,” Aneko said. “It’s good to hear how he’s doing there. The Lord knew what would work best for him.”
“Undeniably,” and Yoshi continued, “already several men have accepted Jesus, so he started a small new believers group just for them. Plus every week he takes two men with him who can speak Japanese, and they go into the city to do group ministry like we do here.”
“What a great idea,” Tomo exclaimed, “they’ll learn a lot from him and the Lord can add to his church the ones who are saved.”
Ami suggested, “Since we have no customers here right now, let’s have a conversational prayer time for Kosuke.” So they did.
When all the small groups were changed in January, one new small group had Tomo and Ami Suehiro as facilitators, with Afta, Hana, and Denji Suehiro, Roy, Sherry, Hope, and Joy Foster, Vern, Lora, and Mindy Jones, Maria Gomez, Beth Davis, and Tony Valdez as members. They introduced themselves in the usual way, giving their names and where they work. (See the addendum.)
Roy and Sherry Foster had decided the twins were old enough now that they were in second grade, to attend small group sessions with them rather than having a babysitter at home. They had told them how the small groups worked, and some of the rules to follow.
During their second meeting at praise time Joy shared, “I thank you, LORD, for answering yes to the prayers my family prayed in December. I get to be in the same class as a good friend of mine in second grade at the church school.” She was glad she remembered to not say his name since Timmy wasn’t in this small group.
At the second meeting, Tony, Denji, Maria, and Beth formed a four member ministry team. In this new group, they were all able to learn more about each other. They went to the inside shopping mall once a week, and shopped in pairs of men or women, all the while praying and being observant to find ministry opportunities. At the end of the time, they’d pray together before the men would take the ladies back to their homes.
In the third small group meeting after the praise time, they sang three songs and then discussed them and the scripture verses that went with them during the teaching time of the meeting.
After singing “In Times Like These.” Ami said, “this song goes with Hebrews 6:19, We have this hope as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.… What a precious promise this verse holds for believers.”
“Indeed,” Tomo agreed, “We usually think of this song as a good one for people who aren't yet saved, but it has a good message for us believers at the beginning of this new year.”
“Right,” agreed Sherry, “we might be facing new challenges this year, and knowing this hope is the anchor holding to the rock of Jesus will help us.”
Vern mentioned, “I like the way the song writer changed the words for half of the chorus to the person singing being very sure. It might be helpful to sing those words over and over as a statement to our souls about our assurance if we’re in a stressful situation.”
Hope and Joy both wanted to ask what an anchor is, but decided to wait until they got home and ask their parents rather than here in the group.
Then they sang “Sweet Peace, the Gift of God’s Love.”
Afta read, “John 14:1, Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. This is the verse that goes with this song. Jesus said those words to his disciples just before he was betrayed and arrested in the garden.”
“Yes,” Lora went on, “and the verse can help us any time we're facing a difficult or new situation.”
Roy added, “Definitely, since we're believers we have peace with God because Jesus paid our debt.”
“Plus,” Mindy tacked on, “the fourth verse in the song reminds us that as we abide in Jesus we’ll have peace.”
Hana remarked, “I especially like the chorus of this song. I sang it over and over as we got ready to move here from our home in the other city. God’s peace and love really did help!”
For the last song they sang “More Secure Is No One Ever.”
Beth noticed, “The hymnal says this song has a Swedish melody and was translated probably from Swedish. I like it.”
“I like it too,” concurred Tony. “The verses that go with it are Romans 8:38,39, For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Denji exclaimed, “Those two verses cover everything! They are a wonderful promise!”
“For sure,” Maria concurred, “and like the last verse of the song says, we can completely trust whatever God does.”
In the conversational prayer time several people thanked God for the precious promises they had sung and read about. Others had specific requests to pray about and others prayed in agreement with them. During this time at least one person in a family took notes on the requests so they could pray as a family about it at home again.
At the meeting in the last week of January, there was a word of knowledge given in their small group as part of the conversational prayer time. Vern said, “There are two people in this group who thought they were supposed to remain single, but God says it was just for a period of months.”
Tony and Maria’s eyes flew open at the same time, and they looked with surprise right into each other’s faces.
“Oh my,” thought Maria, “Tony could be the wonderful man in my dream!”
Tony was thinking, “Wow! I know Maria is a devout believer, and shares many of my ideas about finances. I’d be glad to get to know her better and see where God leads us.”
They smiled at each other and bowed their heads to rejoin the conversational prayer time. It was the confirmation each one was looking for before they could go ahead with this next season in their lives.
At refreshment time Tony asked in Spanish, “Maria, would you like to go with me to supper tomorrow evening so we can get better acquainted?”
“Yes, Tony,” she answered and they continued in Spanish, “I'd enjoy that. What time shall I be ready?”
He replied, “I’ll pick you up at your apartment at 6 PM. Just wear something casual, and we’ll go to a little cafe I know about. It has very good food and a quiet atmosphere.”
“I'll be looking forward to it,” she said. “You already know where I live and how to work the intercom since you and Denji have taken turns picking us ladies up for the four member team ministry. I’ll be ready.”
They parted and went to talk to others in the group, since they didn’t want to give anyone reason to speculate, but they did their own share of speculating as they tried to visit and pay attention to other conversations.
Each one went home to pray and anticipate their time together the next evening. Tony was remembering how pretty and sincere Maria had looked and sounded the evening when he and his other three member ministry group had seen them praying in the park last summer. And Maria was remembering all the times she had seen or talked to Tony. They were all good memories.
During the winter on the farm William wrote a fiction adventure book especially for boys, with teachings on how to grow up to be godly men. It was about several boys and the adventures they had together. There were some heroes in the story the boys could look up to and emulate. There were teachings scattered throughout this youth novel for boys, including all the things William taught the boys in book two of the Sunshine Series, “Rejoice As the Sun Shines on Restoration.” He had used verses and lists of qualities for both the man and his wife from 1 Timothy 3:1-15.
In this book, he also included Titus 1:5b-9, and 2:6-8a, ordain elders in every city, as I appointed you: appoint one who is blameless, the husband of one wife, has faithful children, not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless as the steward of God, not self willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not wanting money gained in a dishonorable way, but a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast to the faithful word as he has been taught, so he will be able to exhort and convince the disputers with sound doctrine. Likewise exhort young men to be sober minded. In all things show yourself to be a pattern of good works, in doctrine showing no corruption, but showing gravity, sincerity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned.
He read the book in sections like a serial to the boys in his Bible Study Groups. Each time, William provided time for them to discuss and ask questions about it. In the novel, he included the importance of saving sex for marriage only, to be loving caring husbands, and have only one wife for life, unless she dies, then they could marry another one.
William had told Karen about the book, so she also wrote a similar book for the girls on the ranch using the verses she had taught the girls in her classes. When Karen and William were finished writing the books, they gave copies to the pastor of church #1 to hear what he thought about them. He liked them a lot.
When Matt and Fiona found out about those books, they wrote one for the mixed youth small groups in Pine City, using their own romance as a model but with different names. They included the same scriptures as William and Karen had in their stories.
Since all three books were relatively short, the church was able to print and bind them like they did their other little booklets. Then they gave them to the facilitators of the small groups, youth groups, and the teachers on the other farms and ranches. So finally all the young people in these groups would have the important teachings about the qualities they should be developing in themselves, and what to look for in a spouse.
During supper, Amelia commented “I really am enjoying my job working with you, Dad and Mom, at The Garden Shop.”
“I’m glad and I enjoy having you there too,” Dad replied. “It has relieved me of the bookkeeping so I can do more with the plants and upkeep around the shop.
Mom added, “I like it also. I enjoy working with you to nurture the plants and getting to visit like friends. It’s a nice addition to our relationship.”
Ben commented, “I need to stop by there some day when all of you are there.”
“We’d love to see you at the shop,” stated Dad. “At least you’re still living at home, so we get to see you here.”
Mom encouraged, “Do come and bring your lunch so one of us can eat with you. Then you can wander around and visit with the others before you go back to work.”
“Yes, please do Ben,” requested Amelia, and then she suggested, “Tell Mom and Dad what you told Matt and Fiona last Saturday about how your job is going.”
His parents nodded and Ben explained, “As you both know, after spending a year working with Matt, I’ve started working with Walt Evans because he’s a contractor and I'm still hoping to become one.”
“Right,” acknowledged Dad, “your goal is a good one and I’m glad you realize it will take some time and effort to reach it.”
“Thanks, Dad,” and Ben smiled, “I’m glad you and Mom are such good encouragers and still like to have me living at home. Anyway, I really like working with Walt. He’s a good teacher and takes time to explain details as we go. The on the job training is much better than all I learned at school, although it did give me a good grounding.”
Mom remarked, “This sounds good, please tell us more.”
“At first,” Ben continued, “I didn’t want to stop working with Matt in order to go to work with Walt, but now I’m glad I did. Matt taught me so much while I was with him and Walt keeps telling me what a good job I did learning what Matt taught. Walt is happy with both of us and I feel so good about it. So I told Matt last Saturday and he beamed with pleasure.”
“Fabulous!” exclaimed Dad. “I always like to hear success stories! I’m very pleased with the way both of our children are doing.”
“So am I,” agreed Mom. “You are both working hard at your chosen careers and doing well. It’s nice to have you home in the evenings rather than cruising around with a questionable group of kids who are wasting money and are likely to get into trouble.”
Amelia declared, “We have such a great family, youth group, and church, so we have no need to look for fulfillment elsewhere.”
“My feelings, exactly,” concluded Ben.
Yoshi and Sakura received emails from Kosuke on a regular basis. His attitude was always happy and optimistic. He shared how his life was going and the successes and frustrations of his ministry. One set of emails was like a conversation.
Kosuke wrote, “Would you please keep me informed about the whole family, including grandparents, our parents, Tomo, Ami and Aneko, Afta, Hana, and Denji, and of course both of you?”
Sakura replied, “Sure, what a great idea!”
Kosuke wrote back, “I want to be kept up to date on everybody in our family and extended family so I won’t feel like they’re strangers when I get to come home on leave.”
Yoshi responded, “Of course, and we want the same about you so we can tell them all about you, and you won’t seem like a stranger to them when you visit. Plus, all of us can pray for each other.”
Then Kosuke wrote, “Exactly! Thank you both and God bless you and our extended family.”
Chapter 7
2 Peter 3:18, Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.
Time passed quickly for Maria and Tony the next day at work since their jobs kept them so busy. He was right on time.
She was ready and promptly went down and greeted him in Spanish. “Hi, Tony, how are you today?” She felt a little nervous.
“I'm fine,” he replied, “You look beautiful. How are you?”
Maria responded, “I admit, I’m a little nervous. I haven't been on a date for so long that I don’t know how to act.”
Tony smiled at her. “I was nervous too, but then I decided we already know each other from small group plus other places, and we just want to become better acquainted. The world’s idea of dating isn’t what we're doing. Instead we're trying to find out what God desires for us to do.”
“Exactly,” then she observed, “what you just said puts it in a whole new light. We both want to do God’s will and we can enjoy getting to know each other better.”
He nodded and they went to the van, where he opened her door. After making sure she was in and seated, he closed the door and went around to the driver’s seat. She thanked him and they were off.
After parking at the cafe, he went around and opened her door and waited to see her safely out before closing the door. Then they walked side by side to the cafe where he continued being a gentleman by opening the door there and holding it open while she went inside. They didn’t have a reservation, so they had a little wait in line before they were seated, but it wasn’t awkward, since they continued conversing.
After they were seated across from each other in a comfortable booth, the conversation went on in Spanish since he was still more comfortable using his native language. (But for this novel what they say will be written in English.)
During supper, they found out about the other person’s family, their childhoods, and schooling. Plus they already knew much information from the small group introduction time and the talking they had done during ministry times.
Maria explained, “I attended the university in my city while I was rooming with Julie and working part time. After graduation I looked for a smaller city with mountains nearby and a good church. When I visited Pine City I liked it and the church, so I interviewed several places for a job. Only one was hiring at the time, so I took the job in the office building where Jason Beckett was the boss. But I’ll admit I was rather lonely until Ted and Julie moved here.”
Tony listened carefully and said, “Thank you for all the information. I was wondering about your reason for living in Pine City. Now I know we are both from out of state. I went to the trade school in my city and lived at home until I got certified in restaurant management. Then because I desired a smaller city also, I did a web search about smaller cities that also had Spanish restaurants. I chose Pine City because it had several and sounded like a nice place, so I came here to interview. I ended up at Fiesta Restaurante, where I worked my way up from bus boy, then waiter, and then manager of the evening time period. This is where I developed my simple lifestyle using only a bicycle and the city bus for transportation. Now the good promotion to daytime manager, gave me enough of a raise that I can consider marriage and even have a vehicle to drive you to places.”
“Thank you, Tony,” Maria responded, “I feel like I know you so much better already.”
Then Tony asked, “Maria, What do you think about the word of knowledge the man gave during conversational prayer time last night?”
“I was amazed and surprised!” she answered. “Then I was even more astonished when I opened my eyes involuntarily and found myself looking right at you, with you looking right back at me. The word of knowledge was just what I needed to confirm a dream I had.”
Tony nodded. “I felt the same way you did. Can you tell me about your dream?”
“Certainly,” she replied, “it was a very short dream. A couple months ago I dreamed I was happily married to a wonderful man. At the time, it made no sense to me because I had thought I was supposed to remain single. But when I talked to Anita about it, she said God sometimes leads people through dreams, so I shouldn’t discount it. She added that maybe I was to remain single just for that time period.”
Tony stated, “This is incredible! You heard about my promotion and change in work hours at Fiesta Restaurante. At close to the same time, my desire to be married returned more forcefully than before I had decided God wanted me to stay single. When I talked to Pastor Don about the changes in my life, he mentioned that maybe God had wanted me to stay single just for that time so I could learn to be a good manager at work and be promoted. You see, now with this promotion and a good career, I will have enough money to support a wife and family if God so wills. In addition, my ministry partner has moved to another city, so I don’t have that ministry now.”
“Oh my!” exclaimed Maria, “your experience is also incredible! Thank you for explaining it to me. So do you think we can consider that the word of knowledge was meant for each one of us?”
Tony responded, “It seems very much that way to me. Maybe I should ask Don and you should ask Anita.”
“Yes,” Maria concurred, “I’ll call her as soon as I can.”
He nodded. “I’ll call Don soon also, and if you are willing, I'd like us to continue doing things together, taking time to discuss our values, plans, goals, and issues that are important to us, with the objective of determining if he desires for us to be married. It may not sound very romantic, but I think people should find out all they can before emotions get in the way.”
“Very well stated, Tony,” she concurred. “Since I’ve saved my body only for marriage, and I hope you have also, then if we keep our emotions out of the way, we won’t be tempted.”
“Exactly correct, Maria!” Then he stressed, “I’ve saved myself only for marriage also, so we both scored on this one!”
Maria smiled and raised both hands with her thumbs up. “I’m so glad. This way neither one of us has regrets.” Then she asked, “How much do you know about Esther and Nathan?”
He answered, “Not much beyond the fact that they’re happily married and have four young foster girls at Mercy Valley Ranch.”
So Maria told him an abbreviated summary of their story. Then she concluded, “During the courtship time she had each person write their own thesis about important issues. If there had been big differences, it could have signaled incompatibility and they would have stopped the courtship. But they agreed on every issue.”
“It sounds like a very good idea,” He stated. “If you agree, I’d like us to do the same thing, except I’d rather call it an essay. We could come up with a list of issues while we eat dessert here and the next time we meet, I could read your essay and you could read mine.”
Maria nodded emphatically and they each took out pen and paper to make duplicate lists. They both felt that their evening had been very productive. When Tony escorted her back to her apartment complex door, she thanked him for the delicious supper, dessert, and conversation.
Tony shook hands with Maria and thanked her, explaining, “The hand shake is to help us remember to keep emotions out of our times together, so we can continue to think clearly and find out how God is leading us. Yoshi told me this is how he handled his courtship with Sakura, and they’re now happily married.”
“I understand,” Maria responded, “and I’m glad you explained about it, because it did seem unusual. But it is an extremely good idea. I believe more couples should begin this way.”
Tony smiled and inquired, “How much time will you need to write your essay?”
She replied, “If I don’t take time to type and proofread it, I should be ready in two days.”
“Good.” He suggested, “Let’s both skip the typing and the proofreading and just overlook any mistakes. Then on Thursday after we’ve both eaten our suppers in our homes, I’ll come pick you up and we can go to the rec center where we can read and discuss them in one of the quiet visiting ares they have there.”
She nodded. “Then we can go walking on the inside track so we can get some exercise.”
“It’s a great plan,” he agreed. “Can you be ready by 7PM?”
Maria smiled, “Certainly, I’ll see you then.”
It was cold outside, on the ranch Wednesday evening, but the Hopkins girls wanted some exercise, so the family went over to the game room in the big house.
“Oh good!” declared Candy, “nobody else is playing table tennis right now so we could have a partners’ game.”
June stated, “It sounds like fun. Will you be my partner? You’re a good player and maybe I can learn from you.” Candy nodded.
“Ditto for me, Sara,” Kim echoed, “I need you to teach me, because you’re so much better than I am.”
Sara explained, “Candy and I have had more practice than you two because while we lived in Pine City, Mom and Dad took us to the rec center and taught us all they know.”
Ian and Yolanda nodded, smiled at them all, and cheered them on. After two games, they asked Mom and Dad to show them some tips and then play a game including the tips.
Ian went over the basic rules and emphasized, “Concentrate, keep your eye on the ball, and be ready to move quickly so you can hit the ball back over to the other side.”
They played a game slowly to demonstrate good form, and the then girls played two at a time to practice what they had seen.
After that, Ian instructed, “This is how to put a spin on the ball. Watch what I do with the paddle, and what the ball does when it hits the other side of the table.” He demonstrated it.
“Wow!” Kim exclaimed, “it would be hard to hit the ball when it goes off in another direction than you’d expect.”
“Right,” agreed Yolanda, “if you play together a lot, you can learn to watch the other person’s serve and be more prepared for what the ball will do.”
June requested, “Please show us how to do it several times.”
So they did and each one got better returning the ball after they practiced a few times. Then they played one game using regular serves and spins.
Sara commented, “It looks like it makes it harder when the serves are mixed, because you have to be very observant.”
Candy admitted, “I think I need more basic practice before I'd be able to try the spins.”
“Good thinking, Candy,” commended Yolanda. “Sometimes it’s more fun to play a game that outlaws spins, so you can relax a little.”
Kim and June thanked the others for teaching them so much, and then the family went home.
Karen taught the following lesson for the girls at the ranch. This time she instructed the girls. “Write in your notebooks some things you consider to be your valuable possessions.”
When they were finished she asked for a volunteer to read
Matthew 6:19-21, Do not lay up treasure on earth for yourselves, where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Karen continued, “In Matthew 6:25-33, Jesus tells you to not worry about what you’ll eat or wear because verses 32b,33 say, your heavenly father knows you need these things. But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Luke 12:22-34 is a parallel passage”.
Next she had a girl read Luke 12:15, Take heed, and beware of being covetous. For a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.
Karen went on, “Then Jesus told the story about a rich man who ran out of room in his barns for his crops, so he built bigger barns and said he could take it easy now. But he died that night and got no use out of his things. Verse 21 says, So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
One girl asked, “Do these verses mean that we shouldn’t have any treasures on earth?”
Karen responded, “Let’s look up treasures in the dictionary.”
Another girl did and read, “Treasures are a quantity of precious objects like gold, silver, or jewels. Synonyms are riches, valuables, wealth, and more.”
“I think” decided Karen, “we can have things we need and like, but not collect a lot of any of those things mentioned in the dictionary and then put our trust in them instead of in God. The key is to not gain treasure for ourselves but to be rich toward God.”
Sara questioned, “How do we lay up treasures in heaven?”
Karen replied, “This is a good question. Let’s use the concordance and center references for those verses and see if we can find our answer in the Bible.”
One girl said, “I read Proverbs 2:2-5. It basically said to seek for wisdom as if it were a hidden treasure so you can understand the fear of the LORD. So I think wisdom could be a heavenly treasure.”
Candy added, “Yes, and Isaiah 33:6 kind of goes with your verse. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation. The fear of the LORD is your treasure.”
A girl noted, “Proverbs 11:30b says, He who wins souls is wise.”
“Right,” and Kim continued, “in Matthew 19:21 Jesus told the rich young ruler what to do: sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me.”
Another girl said, “Luke 18:22 says the same thing.”
June added, “In Luke 12:33 Jesus told his disciples, Sell what you have and give alms. Provide yourselves bags that do not become old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief comes, and moths don’t corrupt.”
“Thank you girls,” said Karen. “Those verses give us some good ideas about how to lay up treasures in heaven. If you want to, you can look up that question on the web and get some more ideas.”
After a pause she instructed, “Now follow along as I read Matthew 7 verses 1,2a. Do not judge, so you will not be judged. For with the judgment you judge, you shall be judged. What do those verses mean to you?”
Kim answered, “To me it means that I shouldn’t criticize other people, because it usually results in them criticizing me.”
“Yes,” June agreed, “if I point out what I think is wrong with someone, he or she might come right back with something that is wrong with me.”
Candy stated, “Since I don’t like being judged, I should remember that other people don’t like it either.”
“I agree,” then Sara added, “Our parents or teachers can evaluate our work or things we say, and tell us so we can learn, but our peers definitely don't like to be evaluated by us.”
“Those are good thoughts, girls,” commended Karen. “now read verse 6 to yourselves. … It might help you understand the meaning of this verse if you know that dogs and swine were looked down on by the Jewish people. I think verse 6 means to not give holy things or thoughts you value to somebody if you know he or she won’t appreciate them or will judge or disagree with them. I see that our time is up for today, so I’ll see you next time.”
William taught a similar lesson to the boys on the farm.
While their first four boys were 15 and 16, William and Anna had a discussion and then a family meeting at the ranch with their other three children on a day when the four boys weren’t there.
William began, “We haven’t said anything about this to Gary, Carlos, Evan, and Sam, but your mother and I have been considering the possibility of adopting these four boys so they would have a last name they could feel good about when they introduce themselves to strangers and especially when they’re job hunting, and for going on through their lives.”
Anna continued, “We’ve heard them talking among themselves and whenever their past or last names come up, they look unhappy, discouraged, and embarrassed about the families they were in before.”
“We aren’t sure,” William went on, “if any or all of them might desire this, but we did a lot of research and know the steps to take. We might have to pay legal fees, or maybe we could get some assistance or a tax credit that would cover the fees.”
Anna tagged on, “But before we do anything else, we need to know what our beloved children think about this idea.”
Ruth mentioned, “They would need to learn about Esther, Nathan and their girls and probably even meet them, but it’s okay with me.”
Jason added, “You’d have to tell them that there would be no inheritance for them, since you already gave it to the three of us. If they desire to do it in spite of that fact, it’s fine with me.”
“I agree,” concluded Esther, “If they’d like to be adopted, I think it would be like a wonderful gift to them.”
“Indeed,” agreed Ruth, “it would be like us being adopted into the family of God. It’s such a privilege!”
“Precisely,” thenEsther tacked on, “I think it’s very generous for the two of you to offer this to those boys.”
Jason smiled, thinking aloud, “Then they really would be my brothers with the same last name, and if any of them get married and have sons, they can carry on the family name.”
“I never thought of that,” admitted William, “but it’s true. I think they might need some proof that this would be acceptable to you. So would each of you write a sentence or two to tell how you feel about it and sign it. Then they can read it if they’re wondering. We’ll talk to them and let you know the outcome.”
When the writing was done, Anna thanked them and suggested they all go for a horseback ride to celebrate the decision of the family meeting. It was a great way to celebrate.
Some families got the idea from the church list to do movie nights for unbelieving family or friends with videos like “The Jesus Film,” or “Magdalena,” or other videos that tell the Good News.
First they made sure they had seen the video themselves and could answer questions about it. Many times they would ask a family or two from their small group to come watch it with them and then they could all think of questions an unbeliever might ask and figure out good answers for them.
They’d be up front about the type of movie they would show and entice the people with the promise of all the popcorn they could eat. When they came, they would be made welcome and comfortable and be given a big container filled with fresh, warm popcorn, buttered and salted. They were also shown where they could get refills.
“The Jesus Film” is two hours long and is very well done. It is based on the Gospel of Luke. There’s also a version of it for children. Plus, “Magdalena” is a shorter film showing Jesus’ regard for women and would be ideal for a group with all women.
Before starting the film, they gave each person a pad of paper and a pencil so they could write down questions they had as they watched. At the end of the film, there was time for questions and comments.
Sometimes many in the group would be ready to accept Jesus as their Savior that evening. Others might need time to think at home. For those people, a pamphlet explaining the Good News again was sent home with them, and they were told they were welcome to call the phone number included in the pamphlet to get more answers.
They figured out that it was best to invite just one family or a small group of friends at a time if those friends knew and liked each other. They wanted them to feel comfortable enough with the others that they would ask questions.
On Thursday, Tony and Maria went to the rec center found chairs facing each other and read the other person’s essay. Then they discussed anything that needed clarification on the essay the other person had written.
Then Tony observed, “I noticed that we agreed on all the issues we wrote about in our essays. It’s nice to know we're in unity about all those important things.”
“Absolutely!” Maria stressed. “It puts us on common ground!”
Tony continued, “I like the way you told me about your former dates, especially about your boss, Jason. It must have been a very stressful time for you to go through. And then just two months ago you were relieved that he told you what Jesus wanted him to tell you, and it helped clear away the regret you have had by having to say, ‘no’ to him.”
“Right,” she agreed, “plus, it set me free from the worry that the ‘wonderful man’ could possibly be Jason. As soon as he said what Jesus wanted him to say, I was able to look forward to meeting the wonderful man.”
Tony stated, “I’m glad for you, Maria, it’s much better to be free of worry and enjoy looking for what God wants for you.”
“Thank you, Tony.” she expressed. “I’m glad you told me about your former dates, especially the one with Esther. Since both of you accepted your decision as God’s will for each of you, neither of you will feel awkward in the other’s presence, especially since she’s married now, and you might be also sometime in the future.”
Last they talked about what Don and Anita had said about the word of knowledge. Don and Anita had separately suggested that Tony and Maria ask their small group if anyone else had thought the word of knowledge was for them. If not, it would give them an instant answer to their question about whether it was for them.
So at their next small group meeting, before conversational prayer time, Tony said, “Maria and I would like to know if any of you thought the word of knowledge given at our last meeting might be for you.”
They all shook their heads and Tony explained what he and Maria had done so far and their plans to continue getting better acquainted. Therefore, many of the prayers in the meeting that evening were for Tony and Maria as they continued seeking God’s will for their lives.
The next day Tony called Don, and Maria called Anita. They reported what they had found out at their small group meeting, and what they had done together so far. Of course, after telling each other about the phone calls, Don and Anita nodded and smiled at each other thinking they were probably right in their supposing, but they also knew that time would tell.
One afternoon Riley stopped by The Garden Shop right after his work hours to see where his dad worked. Patrick gave him a quick tour and Riley helped hold some boards in place as Patrick repaired an outside planter. Then Riley hurried home to help his mom with the After School Place.
Afterward, Connie mentioned, “Patrick, the next time your son drops by, would you please bring him around and introduce the rest of us to him.”
“Sure,” replied Patrick, “since you asked. I didn’t want to seem presumptuous and use my work time that way today.”
Connie smiled, “I understand, and I appreciate your concern, but we’d like to meet that other person in your family.”
“For sure,” Amelia went on, since our family moved to the new church building, we don’t get to see you at our church.”
Ernest added, “Besides, he was gone for about four years at the university in the other city.”
“Right,” said Patrick, “I’ll invite him as soon as he has time to stop by again. He travels for his company as a salesman, so he is gone a lot of the time, and when he is home he usually hurries right home to help Glenda with her after school project.”
Connie responded, “Well, don’t push it, just do it whenever it works out best for both of you.”
“Thank you, Connie,” he replied, “I’ll be glad to do it.”
One Saturday at the end of a four member group ministry time Denji said, “My cousin, Yoshi, showed me some of the photos they had taken on their honeymoon. The pictures were of all the replicas of the lighthouses they had seen around Lake Havasu. He said they reminded him of the song called “Jesus Is the Lighthouse.”
Beth commented, “I remember hearing that song sung by the Heritage Singers years ago. I like it.”
“I do also,” continued Denji, “my parents have a recording by them, plus I also found it on the web.”
Maria mentioned, “I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing that song, but it sounds interesting. It looks like you brought your laptop with you today. Would you be able to find it now?”
“I hope so too,” added Tony, “since I haven't heard it either.”
“Sure,” answered Denji, “I have it ready to go. This video has the lyrics on the picture, so it makes it easier to understand the words.”
After they finished listening Maria observed, “The song has very meaningful lyrics. I like the way it introduces the idea that Jesus is the lighthouse and his light can safely lead us.”
Beth remarked, “I really enjoyed hearing it again.”
Tony added, “Thank you, Denji, I’m glad you brought it with you today so we could hear it. I’m thankful nobody can tear Jesus down like people in the song wanted to do!”
“I’m glad too,” Denji said, “and you’re welcome. I had an idea, if we can get permission from the mall authorities, how do you think it would work to bring a large monitor, a folding table to hold it, and folding chairs into the mall and set them up in an area near where people walk, but out of the way? Then I could play a slide show of all the lighthouse photos Yoshi and Sakura took. People could come sit and watch, and at the end we could play the song and ask if they have any questions. Then we could share the Good News, like it says in 1 Corinthians 15:3b-7, The gospel is that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures, and that he was seen … by the disciples, over 500 brothers, and the apostles. … Then we can answer more questions and ask who wants to accept Jesus.”
Beth stated, “I like your idea, but where will we get all those folding chairs and the table?”
“I think,” Denji explained, “my uncle and aunt, Tomo and Ami will let us borrow the ones they have in their RV van to use in their travel ministry in the campgrounds. My dad and mom will let me borrow their large monitor.”
“Good planning, Denji,” Tony complimented. “Shall we try your idea next week?”
Everyone nodded emphatically, so they did it, and the results were even more than they could have hoped for, because God the Father drew the people as it says in John 6: 44,47, Jesus said, “No man can come to me, except the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. Truly I say to you, he who believes on me has everlasting life.”
Many people, who could relate to the lighthouse idea, came and watched the slide show. They heard to the song and were willing to ask questions. They listened to the answers and to the Good News, got their other questions answered, and had time to think it over. Then many of them believed in Jesus. They were given little booklets and were invited to come to church.
The team worked well together answering questions and presenting the gospel. Since it was still winter, they repeated the project for several weeks, but on different days and hours so they could reach shoppers who might come at various other times. They made plans to do it again the coming summer in a city park.
Karen’s former coworker from Subs Are Great called and shared the latest news with her.
She stated, “I started attending a support ministry for women in the same situation as I’m in, who have to stay in their marriage and put up with the faults of their unbelieving husbands.”
“Oh,” Karen responded, “I’m glad to hear they have a ministry like that. Please tell me more about it.”
She explained, “A wonderful group of women from the Grace ‘n’ Faith Churches put together a fantastic ministry for women in Pine City. There are four separate groups, one for women like me, one for battered women, one for women who suffer mental abuse from their husbands, and one for mothers of preschoolers who don’t take their children to church day care homes.”
“Oh my!” exclaimed Karen, “it sounds like a very extensive ministry, but one that is so needed!”
She continued, “It certainly is! All the groups meet in the church schoolrooms every Saturday morning for two and a half hours. Child care is provided by teachers like Pam Green, each at their own grade level and in their own classrooms. This takes care of kindergarten through 3rd grade children. One kindergarten teacher is volunteering to care for infants, and two or more take care of preschoolers. They all use the school’s Bible curriculum materials to teach the children about the Bible and Jesus, except of course the one caring for the infants.”
Karen stated, “This sounds like an excellent program for the mothers and for the children.”
Her coworker went on, “I agree. Each women’s group is facilitated by a woman who is victorious in each type of situation, and each group has a little booklet printed by the church for the women to study and be ready to discuss each week. The cost is very affordable, just like everything this church does.”
“I wonder,” said Karen, “do they have any new practical ideas for you to try?”
She answered, “Definitely, this is one of the best parts. The meetings aren’t a pity party. We’re learning about and sharing ways to deal with our situations. We try something one week and tell how it helps at the next meeting. Plus each week we have at least one new Bible verse to memorize and we keep reviewing the others.”
“Thank you for telling me,” stated Karen. “I think it’s wonderful that the church has a program like this available for the women in Pine City.”
She replied, “You’re very welcome. I knew you’d be glad to hear about this. You’re such a caring woman yourself, and I’ll always appreciate the way you listen and pray and have helped me.”
“It’s been my pleasure,” Karen responded.
During the winter Vera asked, “William could your boys build some birdhouses for me, and the other women, and girls on the ranch? Anna told me about the ones they built last winter, and I’d sure like to have some bluebirds come to nest here on the ranch.”
“I think they’d like to do it.” he replied, “I’ll ask them and let you know what they say.” In a short while he called her back and said, “Vera, they’d be happy to build some more bird houses. How many would you like to have?”
Vera answered, “I’d like two for myself and there are eight other houses, plus the people upstairs and our vet. Some of them only want one, but the others would like two also. Altogether we’d like to have sixteen of them.”
“Well,” contemplated William, “sixteen is a lot, but if the other four boys would join us again, I think we could manage it, especially since the boys are old enough now to use power tools.”
“Magnificent!” Vera exclaimed. “We’ll pay for the wood, and we don't want them to be painted. Do you think the boys would donate their work time as a labor of love to help the people on the ranch enjoy the bluebirds also?”
William responded, “Indeed, I think this would be an excellent lesson and opportunity for them. I’m glad you asked us to do it. I’ll go to the city tomorrow, and buy the necessary supplies. Then you can pay for it by letting Anna and me come ride those wonderful horses every chance we get. Alternating weeks in the spring, summer, and fall just don’t seem to be enough for us.”
Vera laughed, “Consider it done! I hope you can come very often, and Oscar and I will ride with you as many times as we can!”
All eight boys were thrilled when they found out they could use power tools this year to build the birdhouses.
Carlos declared, “We can probably build two birdhouses apiece in the same amount of time at it took us to make one last year, since we get to use power tools.”
Evan promised, “We’ll be extra careful and use them just the way you say to do it.”
Gary asked, “Did you say this would be for the people on the ranch where we go ride horses sometimes?”
“Yes,” William nodded, “they’d like to enjoy the bluebirds like we’ve been doing.”
Sam questioned, “Do you think there are enough bluebirds to go around? I don’t want ours to leave here and go there.”
“Indeed I do!” stressed William. “I think there will be as many bluebirds as can find a good house to live in on the farm and ranch both.”
Evan inquired, “What’s a labor of love? You said this would be one.”
Gary answered, “It means that we do the work and don't get paid for doing it. We give the work as a gift.”
Sam added, “We do the work free of charge because we love the people on the ranch since they’re in the family of God.”
“Right,” Carlos concluded, “this will be a good way for us to learn that is more blessed to give than to receive, as Paul repeated what Jesus had said in Acts 20:35b.”
After a light snow, Tony and Maria went for a walk in the winter woods and looked for animal tracks on a Sunday morning. Several other people were also out walking on this crisp winter day.
“This is delightful!” exclaimed Maria, “I like being out here in the fresh air looking at the newly fallen snow. It’s so clean and serene.”
“Positively!” he was quick to agree. “This is something I’ve never gotten to do before. The bus doesn’t come here. I like having a vehicle now that I’ve gotten used to it.”
Maria acknowledged, “I can imagine it has been a big change for you after so many years of walking, biking, and riding the bus.”
He nodded and commented, “I’ve decided to use this as an opportunity to learn to be content in what ever state I am, whether to have little or to have abundance, … and I can do it through Christ who strengthens me, as it says in Philippians 4:11b-13.
Maria responded, “What a good attitude for you to have. I’m sure it will help.”
A little later he noticed, “There are some tracks on this side of the trail. Do you know what they are?”
“No, I don’t,” she admitted, “but I brought the little old track finder book my mom gave me years ago. Let’s look in it.”
They looked at a couple pages and he observed, “These can’t be chipmunk tracks because it says right here that they hibernate so their tracks aren’t seen in the winter.”
“Right” Maria agreed, “and these are too big to be mouse tracks.”
Tony remarked, “They look a little like this picture, so maybe they’re squirrel tracks.”
She nodded and smiled, and they moved on down the trail looking on both sides for more tracks. Pretty soon she pointed and they saw some different tracks. They studied them and looked in the book.
Maria guessed, “These might be rabbit tracks. This page shows how the hind feet are bigger and farther apart and the front feet are small and close together.”
“I think you must be right” he concurred. A little further down the trail he saw some other tracks and commented, “These are the biggest tracks we’ve seen today.” They looked in the little book and decided they must be deer tracks.
“This has been fun,” Maria expressed. “But I’m getting chilly and need some exercise, so could we walk briskly for a while and get warmed up with the exercise?”
“Definitely,” declared Tony, “I could use the exercise also.”
They walked quickly down the trail for a while and she got warmed up. They kept their eyes open for any wildlife they might see along the way and were glad to stop when a couple deer walked across the trail a little way from them. On the way back to the van they saw a rabbit hopping into the woods. This had been a fun time together.
Kevin and Jack had been put in different classes for fourth grade in the public school, but each one had a partner from their third grade class so they could work together as missionaries in the school.
After supper one evening when Levi and Max were working in their room Kevin mentioned, “Mrs. Blake was so right when she told us it would be hard work for us to be missionaries.”
“For sure,” agreed Jack, “in the first place public school is so different from the church school. The kids aren't friendly and don’t let newcomers into their groups.”
Cory declared, “You’re both right and I’m glad Mrs. Blake was honest and got us prepared for those facts. It takes a lot longer to make friends there, but if you keep looking for a boy who’s alone and you show him your friendly attitudes, he will be glad to have you for a friend.”
“Thank you, Cory,” Kevin responded, “it’s good to know you’ve gone through this and you understand.”
“You're welcome,” then he went on, “and remember that Mrs. Blake is praying for you and she welcomes the chance to talk to you after her class leaves. She’s a good encourager.”
Jack acknowledged, “That’s a good thing to remember also. I’ll do it and keep trying to make a friend.”
Their mom and dad reminded them that they were praying for them too, and Jesus was with them to help also.
When the little boys came from their room, the boys changed the subject so their little brothers wouldn't hear and worry about the future.
Yoshi and Sakura were enjoying married life. They liked working together at the restaurant, and it was extra fun to not need a “chaperon” now that they were married.
One day Yoshi read Ecclesiastes 9:9,10a to Sakura. Live joyfully with the wife you love all the days of your life, which God has given to you under the sun, for that is your portion in this life. … Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might… Then he mentioned, “I think we could both use these verses if you change wife to husband.
“I like your idea!” she exclaimed. “We had joyful times when we were dating, and now that we’re married, we have even more. I definitely enjoy being married to you, Dear.”
Yoshi stated, “Same here! It was fun to go out in the park and make snow angels when we had the last light snow.”
“Right,” she concurred, “there wasn’t enough to make even a little snowball, let alone a snowman, but we had fun anyway.”
He observed, “We even have fun doing housework together. It’s nice to have a clean house and since you let me help, we have more time to do other fun things together.”
“I appreciate your help, Honey,” she said, “and it is a lot of fun. We’ve been married for a little over three months, and it still feels like our honeymoon.”
“Indeed, I like it too,” He remarked, “I even like cooking breakfast and lunch with you here in our cozy, loving home. I’m glad we don’t have to cook very often at the restaurant. Aneko does a great job of cooking by herself.”
After the next big snow, they did get to go to a park and make a snowman and enjoyed it thoroughly. Afterward they went to the inside walking mall and bought hot herbal tea to warm up before going home.
When they got home Sakura shared, “Every month I have been checking and hoping. Now, I don’t want us to get our hopes up prematurely, but this month I’m two weeks late. Let’s not tell anyone else yet, just in case, but I wanted to tell you.”
Yoshi went to her and gave her a gentle hug and kiss. “Thank you for telling me, Darling. I’m excited to think there is a possibility. We’ll keep it a secret until we know for sure. Father in heaven, you know we both want a child. When it is your will and timing, please make everything go well for us.”
“Yes, please,” Sakura added, “since you made us in the first place we know you can make our children also. We thank you in advance.”
Then they both said, “Amen.”
Since it was still winter and there had been a big snow, Tony and Maria went to the park the next Saturday and built a snowman. They had decided to keep all their times together in public areas, since there was no other couple they knew about who would go on double dates with them.
Maria declared, “This is fun! I haven’t built a snowman in a long time. The weather is perfect today.”
“I agree,” said Tony, “the snow sticks together really well. We managed to get a very large ball for the base.”
Maria continued, “Yes, and I like your idea to build it next to the river so when it melts the water will run into the river rather than on the sidewalk or some other wrong place.”
“Right,” he agreed, “now I won’t feel like we have to dismantle and move him piece by piece to a place where his melting wouldn’t be a problem for the park. My dad taught me that when I was a kid.”
Maria said, “It was a smart thing for him to teach you. Then she shared, “I’m glad you asked the small group members about the word of knowledge. Now we know it was for each of us. I like being able to know God is leading me and not just my thinking. As our friend, Julie Blake, says ‘the best place to be, is in the center of God’s will,’ and I totally agree.”
“Yes it is,” Tony responded. “They’re both very nice people. Ted helped me a lot when my job changed in December.” Then he explained to her what Ted had done.
“Wow,” she stated, “that was really nice of him. Ever since he and Julie moved to Mercy Valley ranch and are taking care of four foster girls, I’ve been able to spend time with them, and with Esther and Nathan and their four foster girls on alternate weekends. Esther's house has an extra bedroom and she asks her sister and then me to come on alternate weekends. Therefore, I get to visit with both of my friends and help them with their girls.”
Tony exclaimed, “How wonderful for you and for them also! So you’ve worked with kindergarten, first and second grade girls. How do you like doing things with that age group?”
“I love it!” she emphasized. “Sometimes we get all eight of them together and it’s usually double the fun. They’re all good girls and are well behaved.”
Tony nodded and was glad to hear that she even enjoyed doing things with a bigger group of children. Now they were finished with the snowman. A brisk wind had come up, and it had gotten chilly, so he drove her back to her apartment and went to his own. They both did the housework waiting for them.
During the winter, the scrapbooks the girls were making on the ranch were finished and they wanted to share them with the girls in the other family. The two families got together for this.
Vera called on the phone and asked, “Karen, are you and your girls done with your scrapbooks yet?”
“Yes,” she answered, “we just got finished yesterday, and we all like the final products.”
“Great!” stressed Vera, “we’re finished also and my girls would like to be able to show theirs to all of you, and look at yours. Since we have a larger dining room table than you do, because of the dude ranch meals when this was a dude ranch, would you all like to bring yours and come over here tomorrow after supper?”
“Certainly,” responded Karen, “its a great idea. Thank you for the invitation. We’ll see you tomorrow then.”
It was a nice way to celebrate. Each scrapbook was carefully placed in a waterproof bag since it was snowing lightly, and nobody wanted to get even the covers wet.
Oscar greeted them at the door and ushered them inside where they stamped the snow off their boots, put their books on the couch and removed their coats. Then he had them bring their notebooks into the dining room. The others already had theirs on the table, each opened to a different page. So the rest of them did the same thing.
Jeff complimented them, “All of you ladies did an extremely nice job on these scrapbooks. Your handwriting is so neatly done.”
Oscar continued, “Yes, I like the way they all look, with not a petal or leaf out of place, and well chosen information written about each flower or tree leaf. It must have taken a long time and a lot of effort, but it was worth all of it. These will be wonderful keepsakes of a well spent summer.”
The ladies inclined their heads and thanked the men for their compliments.
Then Karen and her girls said in unison, as they had practiced at home, “Thank you, Vera for all your help in getting us started with this project, and for letting us pick enough flowers for all our scrapbooks this last spring, summer, and fall.”
Vera’s girls added their thanks, and Vera responded, “All of you are very welcome. It was my pleasure and we had hoped to be able to share our love for the flowers on the ranch with some of the girls, as we were making plans to change this ranch from a dude ranch into homes for girls like you.”
“I remember that,” Oscar remarked, “and now our dream has come true. We all thank you, Jesus, for your help to make this ranch into a place where all these girls have learned about you, and have accepted you as their own personal Savior.”
The others added their prayers of thanks and they ended with a time of group praise. Afterward, they sang all the verses of the hymn, “Fairest Lord Jesus,” which tell how Jesus is the ruler of nature and is more beautiful than anything in all creation.
The next weekend when Maria went to Mercy Valley Ranch she shared, “Esther, I have some news to tell you when the girls are busy doing something on their own.”
“Okay,” she replied, “you and I can play a couple learning games with them and then you can tell me while they listen to a Nature Corner story.”
They played for a while with the girls and then Esther got them settled to listen to their next Nature Corner story.
Maria told her, “Tony and I have been doing some things together in order to get better acquainted with each other. We aren't calling them dates and we’re keeping emotions out of the picture.” Then she gave a quick summary of her dream and the things they had done so far, after the word of knowledge in the small group.
“Oh my!” exclaimed Esther, “This sounds very interesting. Maybe God will lead you two to become a married couple.”
Maria smiled at her friend’s surprise and excitement. “I know it is at least a possibility, and Tony is a very good candidate.”
“Yes he is. Have you told Ruth?” questioned Esther.
Maria responded, “Yes I did, just yesterday at lunchtime. Had she told you about setting up a way for Jason to talk to me alone?”
“She did tell me,” answered Esther, “and I was surprised and pleased about what you and he said. I miss being there in that office with the two of you, but I wouldn’t trade this life for it.”
“Of course not!” Maria exclaimed. “This is just right for you. Do you still have the list Fiona gave you and anything you added to it? It would help me as Tony and I get acquainted, to look for those things and get them checked off the list.”
Esther declared, “Certainly, I’ll go right now and get it for you. You already have the important issues settled, so the rest of the list won’t take you very long.”
When she returned and handed it to her, Maria said, “Thank you very much, Esther. I’ll make a copy of this and get it back to you the next time I come here. Who knows, there might be someone else who’d like to borrow it.”
“You’re very welcome,” Esther stressed. “Keep me posted. I’m getting excited for you. The girl’s story just finished so maybe we can take them outside and get us all some exercise.”
Later that day, Maria went to visit and help Julie and the quadruplets. Since she called regularly to visit on the phone with Julie, she didn’t have anything new to tell her.
Karen added to the lesson about treasure another week, by using all of 1 Peter chapter 1. Karen explained verse 1, “Peter wrote this to people scattered in many areas, and told them they had been chosen by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus. Then he said in verse2, Grace unto you, and peace be multiplied. Now read verses 3 and 4 aloud with me.”
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant mercy has made us be born again unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance, reserved in heaven for you, that is incorruptible, undefiled, and that does not fade away.
Karen asked, “What do those verses mean to you?”
Kim answered, “I think to bless God here means to praise him.”
“Born again,” Sara continued, “means to be saved or to accept Jesus as your Savior.”
“God in his mercy,” added Candy, “did that for us, so it is our hope while we live.
June tacked on, “Our hope is because of Jesus resurrection from the dead. I heard that if there had been no resurrection, there would be no salvation or hope.”
Karen said, “Good job, girls. And now I get to say what the last part means to me. Last week we talked about treasure in heaven. Here we learn that it’s not just treasure we lay up in heaven, but our inheritance itself is a treasure, and while we live here on earth we have this hope.”
One girl remarked, “This is a nice thing to know. Not many people get an inheritance, but these verses say that people who are born again have an inheritance reserved for them in heaven. What a good hope to look forward to in heaven.”
Karen agreed and then she asked one of the other girls to read verses 5-7. You are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice greatly in this, even though for a while you suffer through many temptations, so the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it is refined with fire might be for praise, honor, and glory when Jesus Christ appears.
Another girl mentioned, “God’s power keeps us until the end.”
“Yes,” Sara agreed, “and I see some more treasure in heaven. It is our faith refined by trials resulting in praise, honor and glory for our Savior, Jesus.”
Kim noticed, “It’s good to know that we don’t have to be able to see Jesus in order to love him and have joy as it says in verses 8 and 9. Even though you have not seen him, you love him, and you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory because you will receive the goal of your faith, which is your salvation.”
Karen complimented them, “Those are more good thoughts, girls. Please read verses10-12 and write a summary in your notebooks.”
A girl read hers to the group, “The prophets wanted to know when the things they said would happen, but they didn’t get to know. But it was for those who would believe in Jesus. That includes us!”
“Exactly,” Karen concurred. “The rest of the chapter tells us how to live because of these facts. Read it and write down what you find.”
When they finished, Candy read her first one, “Make your mind be prepared for action, be sober and keep hoping until Jesus returns.”
Another girl shared, “Don’t live like you used to live, but be holy, because God is holy.”
June went on, “Remember that we will be judged by our works so we should use our time wisely.”
“Yes,” Karen added, “and I get to finish it, since we know we were saved by Jesus blood we should love each other, and recall that though we are like grass, the word of God endures forever. Thank you girls for the good contributions you made to today’s lesson. In closing lets sing “This World Is Not My Home” and remember that our treasure is in heaven.
The quadruplets, Lily, Rose, Iris, and Violet, enjoyed playing with Lucia, Val, and the twins, Willow and Holly, at some of the recesses at the church school. And when Levi, Max, Timmy, and the twins, Hope and Joy, would join the group, it was the more the merrier. They only wished Mary could be in their games and visiting, but the first graders didn’t have recesses with them.
Today they were jumping rope, and the boys enjoyed turning the rope for the girls even better than jumping. However they knew that jumping rope was a good activity to build up their muscles and balance and timing, so they gladly took their turns jumping also.
The girls from the ranch were happy to teach them the new jump rope rhymes they learned from Maria.
Other days, the boys would teach any new ball skills they had learned from their big brother Cory. And of course they all enjoyed playing tag.
Tony and Maria each took one of their favorite board games to the inside mall where they bought a simple supper to eat during the time they played the games. This would give them a reason to be occupying a table for a while.
Maria mentioned, “I see we both like Bible games. I have several I like and had a hard time choosing my favorite one.”
“Same here,” agreed Tony, “I see you brought one I haven’t played yet. It will be fun to learn how to play it.”
“Yes,” she nodded, “it will be the same for me, so we’ll both get a chance to teach each other and learn something new.”
“Excellent,” he declared, “please be the teacher first.”
She replied, “Certainly,” moved her food to the side and set the game up giving a summary of how to play it and the rules.
Tony quickly moved his food out of the way also and listened carefully. It was a fast moving game, and it displayed their knowledge of the Bible and that they were both good winners and good losers. Besides that, it was fun.
They put the game back in the box, and leaving things on the table to save it for them, they went to buy some dessert to nibble on during the next game.
After a few bites of dessert, Tony set up his game, explained the rules and goal of this game. It was very different from the first one, since it would have no winner or loser. They would draw a card, and answer the question on it, moving one space each time on the game board that had pretty scenery pictures on each space.
“I like this game,” Maria remarked. The pictures are beautiful, and I’m learning more about you as you answer the questions.”
Tony responded, “I like it also. It’s a good game to play without competition when you just want to get better acquainted.”
“Indeed,” she concurred, “it’s perfect for that goal.”
They played until their desserts were finished and decided it was time to go to their homes, since the next day was a workday.
William began his Bible Study lesson for the boys on the farm by having the boys silently read Matthew 7:7-11.
“I wrote a summary for these verses.” said William, “If you ask, you will receive. If you seek, you will find. If you knock the door will be opened. Good dads give good things to their children. Your heavenly Father will be even more likely to give you good things. Notice that we already talked about verse 12 in another lesson.”
A couple boys said, “Yes, it’s the Golden Rule.”
William nodded at them and instructed, “Read Matthew 7:13-20 to yourselves.”
Next he explained, “I looked up ‘strait’ in a Bible dictionary, and it said it means narrow or tight or difficult. Actually verse 14 uses the synonym, narrow, for the way leading to life. In your notebooks, write a paraphrase for verses 13 and 14.”
Afterward he asked a volunteer to read what he wrote, and Carlos read, “Come in at the narrow gate and go on the narrow way, because it leads to life, but not many find it. The gate that leads to destruction is wide and the way is broad, and many go that way.”
“Thank you, Carlos,” said William, “Your paraphrase is a good summary of those two verses. Listen to Deuteronomy 30:19 and see how well it goes with what Jesus said in Matthew. Moses told the Israelite people before they went into Canaan, I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both you and your offspring may live. Now all of you write in your notebooks what Matthew 7, verses 15-20 mean to you.”
When they finished, Gary volunteered to read his, “We need to watch out for false teachers who pretend to be gentle but are really harsh and unkind. The way to tell if they’re false is by what their lives produce. Evil results in evil, but good produces good. Bad teachers will be destroyed.”
William responded, “I like your explanation, Gary. This statement by Jesus is emphasized again in Matthew 24:11 where he warns that in the end times, many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. So we need to be very careful. I wish we had time to listen to everyone’s explanation, but lets go on.”
He called on Sam to read verse 21. “Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven.”
Then William stressed, “John 6:40 tells clearly what the Father’s will is, This is the will of him who sent me, that every one who sees the Son and believes on him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Then he had another boy read Luke 6:46, And why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say?
William stated, “Those verses clearly explain God’s will in this case. Now silently read verses 24-27 and write a summary of what Jesus taught there.”
Evan read his this time, “The person who hears and does what Jesus taught is like a man who built a house on a good foundation. It stood firm in the storms, but it’s the opposite if the person doesn't do what Jesus taught.”
William commended them all, “Thank you, Evan, and all of you boys. You did a good job today, as you usually do.”
Then William suggested, “Let’s all read John 14, verses 15 and 21 aloud. If you love me keep my commandments. He who has my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him, and will show myself to him.”
“Good expression, everybody,” said William. ““Now go back to Matthew 7 and notice that the last two verses say the people were amazed by Jesus’ teaching and his authority. They weren’t used to being taught the way he did. This is the end of the Sermon on the Mount, but Jesus continued to teach in the rest of this Gospel and the others. We’ll be looking at some of those things in later lessons. There will be no homework for today, since we actually did it during the lesson, so I’ll see you next time.”
The boys cheered and thanked him as they left.
After hearing about Tomo and Ami’s RV travel ministry as a praise during the last small group meeting, Roy asked while the twins were playing in their room, “Sherry, what do you think about a travel ministry for our family?”
“Well,” she contemplated, “The twins are in second grade now at the church school. They might be old enough to enjoy and gain from the travel, and even help with the ministry times.
Roy continued, “Yes, and if we only go during school vacations it might work. I got a good promotion at my job with the ability to take time off so we could travel most of the school vacation times.”
“But,” she asked, “How would we travel?”
Roy answered, “The Suehiro’s van would be big enough for us if the girls sleep in the dinette area.”
“Right,” Sherry agreed, “do you think we could rent it from them?”
Roy said, “I don’t know and I have no idea how much it might cost to rent a van like that, but maybe we could ask if they have any sewing you could do for them as a way to rent their motorhome.”
She responded,“Okay, since I’m caught up on the sewing we need for our own family right now, it might work.”
He went on, “But first we need to figure out a way to assess the way the twins feel about traveling, without getting them excited about something that might not work out.”
“Precisely!” Sherry exclaimed. “Do you have any ideas?”
Roy admitted, “No, Honey, I don’t. I was hoping you would.”
“Well …,” she responded, “Let’s think about it and talk some more later, here come the girls.”
Joy and Hope came into the living room and plopped down in front of the chairs where their parents sat.
Hope mentioned, “We got to talk to Mindy for a while during refreshment time at the last small group meeting. I’m glad we're all in the same group this year.”
“So am I!” Then Joy added, “She told us, that she and her parents also travel in a motor home and have done some ministry times.”
Hope tacked on, “It sounded really fun to be able to go other places and see the world God made.”
“One time,” Joy went on, “she told a bunch of people some facts she had learned back in third grade about some birds called ptarmigans, and a whole family got saved!”
“We wish we could do things like that,” Hope said wistfully.
Their parents looked at each other and smiled and nodded. Then Roy explained, “Your mama and I were just wondering if our family might be able to do a travel ministry. There are a lot of details we’d need to figure out first.”
“We’ll work on it,” promised Sherry, “and tell you more about it when we find out more.”
Joy asked, “Could we pray about it like we do in small group?”
“What a good idea, Joy,” declared Roy, “would you like to start the prayer time?”
She nodded. “Yes. Father in heaven, you heard all our family said about having a travel ministry. Please help the details to work.”
Hope followed, “We’d like to see more of the world you created, and have a chance to tell other travelers about you.”
“Yes, Father,” Sherry prayed, “Our family is in agreement about this idea. If it would be your will for us to do it, please show us the best way.”
“Right,” Roy concluded, “we need your guidance about this idea. Please show us in a way that we will know it is you, not just what we think we want to do. We pray in Jesus name.”
They all said, “Amen.” Then the twins went back to play some more.
Sherry emphasized, “The timing couldn't have been more perfect for them to come and tell us about their talk with Mindy!”
“Absolutely!” he agreed, “their desire and my better job could be road signs. If the Suehiros travel when school is not on vacation, so we could travel during school vacations, this could work.”
Sherry stated, “So if they agree to let us rent the motorhome to travel during school vacations, it would be like a green light for us to at least try travel ministry.”
“I think so too,” then Roy suggested, “Maybe we could talk to them during refreshment time next week.”
“Indeed,” she concurred, “and if they agree, I think it would be most helpful if we could go with the Jones family on our first trip so Mindy would be near to help the twins have fun. We could watch and take notes on things we could use on our future trips.”
“Sure,” he nodded, “we can talk to Vern and Lora afterward.”
So they carried out these plans the next week while Mindy kept the twins occupied as they told her about their new classrooms.”
When they got home that evening, they informed Joy and Hope, who were thrilled. On Friday that week they had the Jones family over for supper and a planning session for the trip.
Vern mentioned, “We plan to go to Utah to see Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park during the vacation before Resurrection Day since spring is a nice time of the year to visit those parks. Would that be agreeable for you?”
“Absolutely!” Roy exclaimed. “We know nothing about traveling or camping or where to go or when, so this will be a great big help!”
Lora remarked, “Since we will want to stay together and be in campgrounds for ministry times, we will need to get reservations in both parks for two RV’s in sites next to each other. It would be best to do it this evening, since the campgrounds fill up rapidly.”
Sherry expressed, “We really appreciate your help and expertise in this project. If you can teach us all we need to know, we’d be better able to do it on our own later.”
Therefore, they made the reservations in Arches park, but found out that Willow Flat campground in Canyonlands is first come first served, so they’d have to play that one by ear. Then Vern and Lora taught them what they would need to know about what to wear, things to pack, food to bring and so forth.
The next day Sherry went to the Suehiros’ house and came home with a big pile of mending, and material and patterns for some new clothes for them. She would be very busy for a while!
Closer to the time for their trip, Roy and Sherry asked Tomo and Ami to come to their house for supper, and then went back with them for an RV tour and instructions. Now they felt more ready for the trip.
On another Saturday in the midst of a snow storm, Tony and Maria went to visit an aquarium in Pine City. After a while, Maria stated loudly enough to be heard by those standing near them, “I like the way God created all the different kinds of fish and other creatures that live in the water.”
“For sure,” Tony agreed. “Even right here in this tank for instance, there are many different species, each with its own shape, colors, and capabilities.”
“Precisely,” said Maria, “and each species was made to do certain things and live in a certain place.”
Tony remarked, “The little ones can hide from the bigger ones by swimming into small openings in the coral.”
“Definitely,” Maria concurred, “and the coral itself is a wonderful creation. “Thank you, LORD, for making all this beauty and that we can see it with the eyes you also created!”
A man asked, “Do you two really believe that a god created all these things?”
“Of course!” Tony emphasized, “how else could you explain how every creature and plant can live and grow in only certain places and they all reproduce after their own genetic kind?”
The man stated, “By evolution of course, because that’s what so many scientists say happened.”
“Where’s their proof?” asked Maria. “Animals aren't currently evolving into higher forms as they claim happened. They can’t show this is happening or prove that it happened in the past.”
Tony continued, “Evolution is really just a theory some people developed so they wouldn't have to be accountable to a supreme being who deserves all the credit for the universe he created.”
Maria went onto say, “If people would honestly compare the theory with what really happened, they would want to praise the creator.”
“Hog wash!” the man exclaimed and walked off angrily.
A woman who had been listening remarked, “I think you two must be correct. I’d like to hear some more.”
Tony and Maria gladly told her and the others who stayed to listen how God had created the world in the right order with just the right ingredients on planet earth to support life and now he sustains it and keeps it going by his power.
“Yes,” Tony answered a man who asked it, “we do need to be accountable to God, because he made us, and all people will eventually have to answer to him, as it says in Romans 14:12.”
Then he and Maria explained how the story of the Bible is about God’s dealings with and for humans.
Maria began, “In Genesis chapters 1 and 2, it tells how God created light and dark, the universe, the earth with its waters gathered together into seas, vegetation on the earth, lights in the heavens for day and night, all the living creatures in the seas and on the earth, and how he made man, male and female, in his image.”
Tony continued, “The man and woman were the first married couple and God put them into the Garden of Eden to take care of it and to have fellowship with him. But in Genesis 3:1-7, the woman was deceived by the serpent, who was Satan, and she and the man ate the fruit God had told them not to eat. This is known as the fall of man and it broke their fellowship with God. They were destined to die eventually instead of living forever as they would have otherwise, and their sin passed on to all men after them.”
“But,” continued Maria, “God’s plan of redemption talked about in the Old Testament, with a lot of prophecy points to Jesus in the New Testament.”
“Yes, Tony added, “God chose Israel in Genesis chapters 12-50 and rescued them in Exodus where he also gave the Law that the people wouldn’t keep. The Bible is history and prophecy, and fulfillment of those prophecies.”
Then Tony and Maria went on to explain the gospel to the listeners and answered their questions.
After the people heard the Good News, most of them were very glad they had stayed and listened, because then they accepted Jesus as their Savior.
They were given a little booklet with a card and were invited to come to church. The people agreed and met them in the entryway on Sunday. Tony and Maria rejoiced for two reasons, all those people had accepted Jesus, and the two of them realized they could minister well together, if they did get married.
Chapter 8
1 John 3:1a, Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the sons of God…
Pam had been visiting an older lady in an assisted living apartment as a ministry she could do on weekends by herself.
Today the lady was looking out the window through binoculars and stated, “Oh no, they’re bothering my cute little dog again!”
Pam said, “I didn’t know you had a dog.”
“It’s not really mine,” the lady admitted, “I just like to pretend, because it would be fun to have a dog like that.”
Pam looked through the binoculars and asked, “How many days has the little dog been around here?”
She answered, “Over a month.”
Pam remarked, “He needs a home.”
“Yes,” the lady acknowledged, “I wish I could give him one, but
they don’t allow pets in these apartments.”
Pam inquired, “Would you like me to help you call Animal Control, so they can take him to the Humane Society where he could be adopted and be in a nice home?”
“Yes, please” she replied, “and thank you.”
Pam responded, “You’re welcome.”
They watched as the little dog was picked up and taken away.
Then the lady shared, “Now I can imagine him in a loving home with children to play with him.”
“Yes,” Pam declared, “it will be a much better way for you to think about him. Shall we do our Bible Study now?”
The lady nodded, and Pam chose some verses about adoption. First Pam read, “Galatians 4:4-6, When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because we are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying Abba, Father.”
“Yes!” the lady declared, “God did that for me the last time you came here to visit, so I’ve been adopted just like the little dog.”
“Exactly,” stated Pam, “you made a very good comparison. Now would you like to read the next verses?”
“Certainly,” she replied and read, “Romans 8:15,16, For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption. By him we cry Abba, Father. The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Precisely! Now I’m not afraid any longer!”
Pam responded, “I’m so glad to hear you say it. You are much more at peace than you were when I first started visiting you. Now I’ll read Ephesians 1:4,5, … God chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. He predestined us to be adopted as children by Jesus Christ, … according to the good pleasure of his will. These verses make it very clear that God planned his adoption program before he even created the world.”
“How amazing,” the lady declared. “Is it OK for me to thank him often for adopting me?”
Pam exclaimed, “Absolutely! I’m sure he loves to hear our gratitude often. In fact I know I should do it myself more often too.”
On the farm, Felix and Sunny played a Nature Corner story about Sigmund Spider as part of their evening devotions.
Luis stated,“I didn’t know spiders were so intricate and fragile and fascinating.”
“And now I know,” noted Pedro, “why its legs curled up whenever I used to try to catch one. I must have injured it so it lost some of its transparent blood and didn’t have enough blood pressure to make the legs straighten out again.”
Jose mentioned, “I’m glad we decided against having spiders in our bug collections. We could never have made them look right.” All the boys nodded in agreement.
Hugo said, “The story did a good job of telling the difference between spiders and insects, and I never knew spiders had so many joints in their legs.”
Sunny suggested, “Let’s look on the web and see if there are any other differences.”
Felix did a search and read, “Spiders have two body segments, eight legs and no wings. They have simple eyes and no antennae. Insects have three body segments, six legs and often have wings. They have compound eyes and antennae.”
“Thank you, Dear,” then Sunny asked, “How are your bug collections coming, boys?”
Jose answered, “Hugo and I usually find one or two different insects every day, and add them to the collection.”
“The same for Luis and me,” Pedro replied.
Hugo clarified, “Every once in a while we find a bee or wasp that’s already dead, but not decayed. Since they can’t sting when they’re dead, we can safely put them in the collection.”
Luis added, “Pedro and I do the same thing, but we make sure they’re very dead before we handle them.”
“Good,” Felix responded, “then you’re still following the rules.”
Sunny requested, “Could we come look at what you have so far?”
The boys all nodded and led the way.
“Wow!” exclaimed Felix, “you boys have a lot more insects than the last time I looked. You’re doing a good job too. They’re nicely mounted and labeled.
“Thank you,” they all answered at the same time.
Sunny added, “I’m very impressed! I think you’ve learned a lot by doing this project and I can see that your teams have worked well together.” They nodded and were very pleased.
Yoshi and Sakura had just arrived home from her doctor’s appointment. He hugged her gently as if she might break and said, “I'm so excited and pleased, Honey!”
“So am I, Dear!” she responded. “His diagnosis is wonderful news. Now we won’t have to keep it a secret. We can tell the family we’re going to have a baby! He did say it’s too early to tell whether it will be a boy or a girl.”
He agreed, “Right, but it’s OK. We’ll find out later. Let’s go sit on the couch and read this pamphlet the doctor gave us and find out how we can take the best care of mother and baby.”
Yoshi read the first sentence and burst out laughing at himself, because it told him he didn't need to treat his wife like she might break, but taking good care of her was important.
The pamphlet gave them some helpful guidance.
Sakura stated, “We already are eating a well-balanced diet including lots of fruits and vegetables, so it will keep mother and baby healthy.”
Yoshi nodded and remembered, “Your doctor gave us the name of a good prenatal vitamin. We can get it on the way to work today.”
“Yes. Drink plenty of water,” read Sakura, “is what the next one says. I’ll need to work on this one. Maybe we could buy a water bottle that I can sip from and refill several times a day as it gets empty.”
“Perfect,” agreed Yoshi, “We’ll get one for me also, because I know I usually don’t drink enough water.”
Sakura smiled and nodded, “We definitely need to keep Papa healthy also. I don’t need the next one since we already don’t smoke or use alcohol, or drugs, and we stay away from second hand smoke anyway since it smells so awful.”
“The next one is also easy,” he commented, “Neither of us likes coffee or teas with caffeine anyway. But maybe we should eat less chocolate, especially the kind with so much sugar. I agree with you, Honey, you’ve been right all along.”
“Thank you, Dear,” she said and read, “Maintain a healthy weight. The doctor said my weight is good right now, and that I can expect to gain 25 pounds or more. It seems like a lot!”
“I agree,” he acknowledged. “But you can probably get rid of the excess after the baby is born.”
Sakura remarked, “Yes, I’ve heard it is hard to get rid of, but I will sure work at it, since I want to stay healthy afterward.”
“Absolutely!” he exclaimed, “the next one says to get a proper amount of the right kind of exercise. Let’s look this one up on the web and develop a good regimen for you.”
She concurred, “Yes, let’s do, and maybe you could do some exercises with me so I’ll be encouraged to keep at it.”
Yoshi responded, “I’ll be glad to, Darling. The last paragraph here says to continue good care after the baby is born. Go to all doctor appointments to assure the mother is recovering well from labor and giving birth. Take your baby to all the recommended checkups.”
Sakura declared, “We can do this by working together. Plus we will need to buy a book on how to care for infants. I think the church has a booklet we can pick up about raising children to know and love God.” Then she turned to hug her beloved husband and they had a nice time of cuddling on the couch.
Maria and Tony each started calling their parents to tell them about the new happenings in their lives. Both of their moms and dads were thrilled and excited to hear that their children might possibly still get married even though they had said earlier they had decided to stay single.
Later, since Tony and Maria couldn't travel to meet either set of parents, they used their cell phones to call their parents, make introductions, and get acquainted. After exercising at the rec center, they found a quiet corner and took turns. It was an interesting experience using the phones with the speakers on, so both could listen. If Maria closed her eyes, she could almost imagine the expressions on her parents’ faces.
Since neither Tony nor Maria nor their parents had fancy, expensive cellphones, they couldn't make video phone calls. But they didn’t care. It was just nice to hear their loved ones voices and imagine the rest.
Both sets of parents said encouraging things and were pleased to meet the other young person even though it was just on the phone. They said they’d be praying for God’s best in their lives.
One of the weekends when Ruth and Jason were both at the farm, visiting their parents and their four foster boys, it was their turn to go on a field trip to the ranch where they’d get to ride horses. As they were brushing the horses before saddling up, they had a chance to talk about their CPA offices in Pine City.
Jason asked, “How are things going in your office, Ruth?”
“Very well,” she replied, “all the workers are doing a good job. How is your office doing?”
He responded, “’It’s excellent, and when I stop to think that Dad and Mom gave us these offices as our inheritance, I always feel astounded at their generosity.”
“I have the very same feeling,” she agreed and then inquired, “Do you remember what Esther was doing at your office building before she got married to Nathan?”
“Yes,” he answered, “she was going with two other workers to lunch most days, trying to make friends and being ready to witness. It was slow work, but she was persistent. She only had time to win one coworker before she got married.”
Ruth agreed, “I’m glad she was persistent. I can imagine that her coworker is rather lonely there. I was talking to Maria and we thought it might be a good idea to trade two employees at a time until all the workers in both of our offices become believers. It goes better when two believers take one unbeliever at a time and work with that person until they either accept Jesus or say they don’t want to hear any more.”
He wondered, “Do you have two employees who would be willing to come work at my office building?”
“Yes I do,” she replied, “they’re both good workers and do well as a team at lunchtime with another worker. The last person they were going to lunch with accepted Jesus just last week. So they could come right away and get started with one from your building. Then when one is saved, one can team with the new believer, and the other with the believer who is already there. Do you have a couple workers you’d be willing to transfer to my building so we could work with them?”
Jason answered, “I think I do have a couple who need a change of scenery. They’ve been in my office for a couple years and are getting stale, meaning they aren't producing as well as they did before.”
“I see what you mean,” she laughed, “a new boss might be just what they need to get back on track.”
Jason suggested, “Let’s do the switch on Tuesday this coming week, and keep each other posted on how it goes.”
“Thanks, Jason,” said Ruth. “Let’s remember to pray for them often also. Change is usually a hard thing to go through.”
By now they both had their horses ready to be mounted and join their parents and foster brothers for a long, wonderful ride on the ranch and public land. Ruth was always extra pleased when she got to go horseback riding on the ranch.
Karen and William’s next Bible Study lesson started with some of the miracles Jesus did after his Sermon on the Mount. First he read aloud to them Matthew 4:17,23, … Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” … And Jesus went around Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and disease among the people.
Then he had them read Matthew 8:1-4 silently, and he explained, “The illness of leprosy was terrible for people, and nobody was supposed to touch a person who had it. But Jesus did when he healed this man. Then he told the man, ‘go show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.’ Now read verses 5-13. and tell me your thoughts about them.”
One boy mentioned, “The centurion in these verses wasn’t even a Jew, but Jesus offered to go with him to heal the servant.”
“Right,” Gary continued, “it showed how compassionate Jesus was.”
Another boy noted, “The man knew he wasn’t worthy to have Jesus come to his house, but believed Jesus could just say the word and the servant would be healed.”
“That part was incredible!” exclaimed Sam. “I can see why Jesus commended the man for such a great faith and healed the servant just the way the man had said.”
William stated, “Excellent job, boys. Next do the same with verses, 14-17.”
A boy observed, “This time Jesus healed by touching the hand of Peter’s mother in law.”
“Exactly,” Carlos went on, “and later that day he cast out spirits with his word and healed all that were sick. It doesn’t say how he healed them, or how many there were, but I imagine it was a lot.”
Evan added, “I liked verse 17, and looked up the reference in Isaiah 53. Parts of verses 4 and 5 say, Surely he has born our griefs and carried our sorrows… and with his stripes we are healed. The other parts of that chapter tell how the people rejected Jesus.”
“Yes,” agreed William, “that part is sad. Now read verses 18-27.
Here is an interesting event and another miracle.”
A boy commented, “It was interesting how Jesus answered those who said they would follow him. He made it clear it would not be easy to follow him.”
“I liked the way,” Carlos declared, “Jesus slept through the storm and the disciples had to wake him up since they were so scared!”
Gary tacked on, “Then he asked them why they were so afraid and basically answered his own question by saying they had little faith.”
“The best part,” remarked a boy, “was in 26b,27, how Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm and then how astonished the men were.”
William stressed, “I can imagine we would be also, even though we know now he did things like that! Read to the end of the chapter.”
One boy admitted, “I would have been scared of those men, if I had been one of the disciples.”
“But Jesus wasn’t afraid,” said Evan. “He told the demons to go where they had requested and they did, but all the pigs were lost in the sea.”
Sam suggested, “Maybe that’s why the people who came from the city begged him to leave.”
“Probably,” William concurred, “and they might have been scared of Jesus and whatever else he might do. Nothing is said here about them being glad the two men were healed. We’ll look at chapter nine at our next meeting, so please read it. See you then.”
The four member team of Tony, Denji, Maria, and Beth had some interesting ministry times, since Denji was in high school, Beth was the church school principal, and Tony and Maria were each in established jobs in Pine City. There were opportunities for each person to use his or her knowledge and experiences to witness to people in his or her similar situations.
One time Denji walked over to talk to a basket ball team from a different school than his. They listened politely to what he said, but not one of them was willing to change the way he was living.
Tony and Maria got to witness to a couple who only spoke Spanish. They were in a hurry, but did take the offered tract. The next time they saw the couple they had read the tract and Tony and Maria were able to answer some of their questions and make the Good News very clear to them. They said they still needed some time to think.
Beth talked to a group of mothers with kindergarten age children and told them all about the church school. They said it sounded good, but they didn’t have enough money to send their kids there.
On other occasions, their times of ministry resulted in one or more people accepting Jesus as their Savior. Those were happy times of rejoicing for the group. So they kept going out to minister every week, knowing that it takes some people a longer time to be ready to ask Jesus to be in control of their lives.
On a different week Denji was able to share his testimony with a group of boys on a soccer team about how God had restored his sight, and how he and his parents had been saved because of God healing him. The other three members of the team prayed for him as he answered their questions and led them to Jesus. Then they went and rejoiced with him.
Another week, the Spanish couple recognized Tony and Maria and came over to talk with them. They asked some more questions that had come up when they read the tract again. Tony and Maria were able to answer all of them, and then the couple accepted Jesus as their Savior. Tony gave them a little booklet and told them about the Spanish Grace ‘n’ Faith Church. Maria gave them the address and time it met. The team had another time of rejoicing.
Beth had another opportunity to talk to three mothers of some preschool children this time. She told them the story about a family who had twins and wanted to give them some of the church preschool experiences. The mother had figured out a way to trade sewing and housework for the day care mother a couple mornings a week, so her twins could be in with the other children learning what they were being taught. Then when the twins were ready for kindergarten and grades 1-3, their mother came and volunteered four days a week in their classrooms to help pay for their tuition along with what they had saved up during the years before.
These three mothers promised to try and convince their husbands that Beth’s ideas would be good for their children. Beth knew if these families would put their children in church homes for day care, and in the church school, the children would be saved and the parents would probably also come to Jesus. So she and the rest of the four member team prayed asking Jesus to make it happen.
Julie’s third grade class this year has Levi and one of his friends from the farm, plus Val and one of her friends from the ranch. Julie liked having some of the children she knew from the ranch and some who lived at the farm. They fit right in with the city ones, but with a broader experience base because of their lives on the ranch and farm.
Julie especially enjoyed teaching music to her classes. Ted’s love for music had rubbed off on her, and she really liked singing with the children. By now she knew all the songs by heart, but she was glad to use the hymnal as an example of how to hold it, look up songs in it, and sing from it.
Whenever she had a few extra minutes during music time, she would even teach them about the notes and the basic symbols in the hymnal. They learned how to count and march in place, or tap, or clap to the beat of the music.
Of course Val already knew how to read music from her piano lessons, and Levi knew how to make the chords on his guitar. She let the children who already knew things about music come to the front and explain them to the rest of the class. If they needed more time than they had during the music lesson, Kippy would let them do it during sharing time.
Riley was headed into The Garden Shop, and Patrick came to greet him. Riley stated, “Mom sent me over here.”
“I know,” Patrick declared, “I asked her to do it so I could introduce you to the Clays who own and work at the shop, because they want to meet you.”
Riley smiled, “Oh, I understand now, so let’s go ahead.” He put on his professional demeanor and graciously met each one, answered their questions about his traveling and ministering, and then asked his own questions about their shop.
They all enjoyed his time there but he didn’t stay very long, since he wanted to get home to help his mom.
At home he asked, “Mom, why didn’t you tell me why you sent me to The Garden Shop?”
“Because,” Glenda replied, “I didn’t want you to say no, since I know how much you want to be here to help me with the students.”
Riley grinned at her, “You know me very well. I did enjoy meeting and talking to Ernest, Connie, and Amelia Clay. They are interesting people.”
“Good,” she responded, “and you didn’t stay very long, just as I suspected. See the kids are doing fine right now, so you’ll have enough time to decide what you’d like to do with the older boys.”
Riley laughed at himself, “I sometimes forget that you do this every day by yourself when I’m traveling, and you’re very capable! But I do enjoy helping you.”
“I’m glad,” she said, “and I like your help too. So do the students.”
Some of the second graders on the church school playground were talking one day as they rested from a game of tag.
Joy admitted, “I miss Mary now that we don’t have our recesses at the same time. I wonder how she’s doing.”
“She’s doing okay,” Timmy shared, “she misses all of us too, but she decided at the first of the year to just enjoy the children in her class this year. She’s made some new friends and they like playing together. It also helps that she gets to talk to all of us after school sometimes.”
Joy smiled, “I’m glad to hear that. Next year we’ll get to see her more often.”
“Yep, it will be nice,” then Hope changed the subject, “What did everybody think about the Nature Corner story we had a couple days ago about Toby Tooth?”
A girl who was new to this group stated, “It was a good story. I like the way Uncle Bob talks to parts of the body and we get to listen and learn interesting facts.”
The rest of the group nodded in agreement.
One of the new boys in their group, Levi who was in third grade, and was Max’s older brother replied, “I really liked that one last year.”
Max added, “It’s fun to talk to Levi about school since he already did everything we’re doing.”
Violet took this opportunity to ask, “Levi, is third grade very hard? My teacher told us some of the things we’d be learning next year, and they sound hard.”
“No,” he replied, “because this year you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to keep learning the harder things when you get to third grade. My older brothers told me that, and it’s true.”
Lily nodded, “This is a good thing to know.” Then she got them back to Hope’s question, “I liked Toby Tooth, because I learned how to take better care of my teeth.”
“I did also,” another boy agreed, “I never realized how important my teeth are.”
“Right,” agreed Iris, “we’d all look funny without teeth and we couldn’t talk so people could understand us.”
“Besides,” Rose added, “we wouldn't know when to swallow, because our teeth tell us when the food has been chewed enough.”
Max tacked on, “Plus, our teeth also tell us if there’s a bone or something else in our mouths that we’d need to spit out before we swallow.”
Joy mentioned, “Yeah, and Toby said we should brush after every meal and snack, but we can’t brush our teeth after lunch at school.”
“For sure,” Timmy went on, “but our school nurse, Mrs. Jones, told us we could swish and swallow when we get drinks after lunch recess and that would help get some of the food off our teeth.”
Hope concluded, “Right, we get to learn so many interesting things in this school. It’s fun to talk about them. But now let’s go play some more tag before the bell rings.”
For one of the small group teaching times, Tomo had the group members begin by reading 1 Peter 3:8-18 to themselves. It took Hope and Joy longer than the rest, but they just kept reading after the others started talking, and then they listened.
Tomo instructed, “These verses are only a part of what Peter wrote telling believers the way to live. Let’s go verse by verse now in order. When you’re ready, read a verse aloud and then comment on it.”
Sherry began, “Verse 8 says, All of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another, love as brothers, be pitying, be courteous. This verse tells us to do a lot of positive things. We need to be in unity or agreement. We should have compassion on each other like Jesus did for us. Pitying and compassion mean very close to the same thing. We are to be loving as in a family. Being courteous means to be polite, respectful, or gracious.”
“I agree, I’ll read Verse 9,” said Afta, “Don’t render evil for evil, or criticism for criticism, but instead blessing, knowing you are called to inherit a blessing. This verse goes well with what Jesus said in part of Matthew 5:44, bless them who curse you, do good to them who hate you…”
Lora continued, “Yes it does. Verse 10 says, He who will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from deceit. This one reminds me of some of the Proverbs. If a person wants to love life and have good days he or she needs to not speak evil things or tell lies.”
“Exactly,” Tony went on, “and verse 11 says, Let him avoid evil and do good. Let him seek peace and pursue it. This is another verse like a proverb, and it goes with verse 10. Staying away from evil makes it possible for us to do good and to search for and chase after peace.”
Ami added, “Yes, and verse 12 is another verse that is similar to a proverb or a verse in Psalms. It says, For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. I definitely want to be on the Lord’s side, and have him hear my prayers.”
Denji went next, “Same here!” Verse 13 asks a rhetorical question, Who will harm you if you are followers of that which is good? The answer is nobody. But the next verses tell us that it might still happen.”
“I agree,” Hana stated, “Verse 14 says, But and if you suffer for righteousness sake, happy are you, and do not be afraid of their terror, nor be troubled, so even if the usual answer for verse 13 is nobody, there might be a time somebody will suffer for doing right. This verse goes well with Matthew 5:10-12, which tells of being blessed by being persecuted for righteousness sake.”
Maria concurred, “It does indeed. Verse 15 says, but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to every man who asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and carefulness, we’re to sanctify or praise God in our hearts, and if someone asks why we have hope, we need to be prompt with a careful, humble response.”
“For sure,” Mindy went on, “and we respond like verse 16 says, having a good conscience so that if they speak evil of you, they may be ashamed, who falsely accuse your good conduct in Christ.”
Vern stressed, “Positively! And this can help us if we do suffer as it says in verse 17, For it is better if the will of God be so, that you suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”
“Definitely,” concluded Beth, “and as Peter said in 1 Peter 2:21, Jesus is our example for how to act during suffering. Verse 18 says,
For Christ has also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.”
Tomo said, “Thank you all for your good reading and comments! This has been a very good Bible study.”
Hope and Joy were relieved that there weren’t enough verses for them to have to read one each and comment on it. Maybe next year, when they’ve had more practice, they’d try it. But by listening to the others, they had learned a lot about those verses.
William and Anna talked separately to each of their foster boys about how they felt about their last names. Each boy told them why he didn’t like his last name, and then William and Anna asked each one to think about whether he would like to be adopted into this family. It didn’t take much thinking to realize it would be a perfect solution for them and a wonderful gift. Then William explained about their other sister, Esther and her family on the ranch and that the inheritances had already been given.
After all the legalities were taken care of, William informed their boys, “We’d like to have a family meeting after supper today, so I hope you can get your homework finished before suppertime.”
“Yes,” Anna continued, “this way you won’t have to worry about doing it if the meeting lasts a little longer than some we’ve had.”
The boys all agreed and got right to work. They all finished quickly and went to help with supper or do other chores early, wondering what this meeting might be about to make it take longer.
When supper and cleaning up afterward were finished, they gathered in the living room and William began, “We talked to each of you separately about our idea of adoption so you wouldn’t feel pressured by what the other boys decided. All of you decided separately that you would like your mom and me to adopt you so you would have our last name and be a real part of this family.”
Anna continued, “Our other three children have already agreed that it would be fine with them since you understand there will be no inheritance for you, since we already gave it to them, and we only have enough left to take care of ourselves, and some more foster children after you four graduate from the farm.”
The boys nodded and William went on, “we’ve taken care of all the legalities and paid the fees.”
“So,” continued Anna, “we’d like to come and get you right after school tomorrow. William will tell the bus driver that we’re taking you with us, and we’ll go to the lawyer’s office so all of us can sign the papers to complete the process.”
William asked, “Do you have any questions?”
“How,” inquired Sam, “did you get it taken care of so quickly?”
Anna replied, “We had already done the preliminary research before we asked you if you’d like to be adopted. So we just went through all the steps and God graciously made it go quickly.”
“Are you sure,” questioned Carlos, “that your biological children would really like to have us four boys as adopted brothers?”
William responded, “Indeed we are sure. Here, pass these papers around and you can read how they feel for yourselves.”
The result of reading was murmurs, nods, smiles, and Gary declared, “These papers answered that question completely! I’m glad to know how they feel, so I’ll never have to wonder.”
Evan asked, “How can we ever thank you and your family enough for this amazing gift?”
“I think,” explained William, “if you develop and become mature Christian young men who live to bring honor to Jesus as your Lord and to the Beckett name, it will be all the thanks we ever need.”
Some of their comments were, “We'll do it!” We promise!” “We’ll be forever grateful!” “This is kinda like I felt after I accepted Jesus!” plus a thank you from each boy in his own way.
“You’re all very welcome,” William and Anna stressed, and then he suggested, “after we get finished at the lawyers office we could go out to eat and then go meet your other sister, your brother-in-law and four nieces at Mercy Valley Ranch. Jason and Ruth will be there also.”
Anna went on to say, “I washed your riding clothes yesterday, so you can wear them to school and the lawyer’s office and to go out to eat, and to go visit at the ranch. Then our whole family can go together for a horseback ride to celebrate!”
This announcement was met with smiles, clapping, and cheers. The next afternoon and evening produced fond memories for the boys, who wholeheartedly enjoyed their new identities and did their best to live as members of this special family and the family of God.
Mindy thoroughly enjoys the time she gets to spend with the Anderson children every afternoon after school and on Saturdays before noon. This morning, the doorbell rang and Mindy went to the door.
“Good Morning, Ben and Amelia!” exclaimed Mindy. “It’s nice to see you again! Come sit in the living room, and I’ll go tell Matt and Fiona that you’re here.”
Ben responded, “Thank you, Mindy, it’s nice to see you also.”
“Hi, Mindy,” said Amelia. “I’m glad you’re often here when we come to visit our friends Matt and Fiona.”
Mindy replied, “So am I, because it is extra fun when the three of us get a chance to do things together with the children.”
Mindy ran and told Fiona, “Ben and Amelia are in the living room.”
“Oh, good,” Fiona remarked, “would you take the boys to see them? Matt and I will be there shortly.”
Mindy carried Patrick and held Johnny’s hand as he walked with her to the living room. He was walking pretty well now, but he liked to hold a hand as he walked.
When he saw who was there, Johnny said, “Ben and Meme!” Meme was how he tried to say Amelia. Then he walked quickly to go sit on her lap.
Patrick was holding out his arms to Ben, who was glad to take the little boy and cuddle him on his lap. Ben commented, “They’ve both grown a little since I saw them last.”
“Indeed they have,” Mindy agreed. “I’m glad they are healthy and growing well like they’re supposed to.
Matt and Fiona came and sat for a while and the visiting continued. Pretty soon Matt took Ben into the office so Ben could ask some more questions about house construction. Amelia went with Fiona to the sewing room so they could visit, and Mindy rolled a ball to Johnny, who tried to roll it back while Patrick watched.
Tony and Maria were at a roller skating rink. Maria shared, “I haven't roller skated since I was a little girl. We had some old fashioned skates we could clamp on our shoes and we skated on the sidewalk in front of our house. It was fun then, but I have no idea if I can still do it. It might take me some time to get my balance and some skills back.”
“I understand,” Tony acknowledged, “it’s been a long time for me also, so we’ll just take it slow and do the best we can. At least these skates aren’t inline skates, so we should be able to balance better.”
“Right,” Maria agreed, “I’m very glad about that. I’m also glad there aren’t very many people here today. There, mine are tied so I’m ready to start. I think I’ll stay by the wall for starters.”
“Good idea,” he replied, “I’m almost ready too, and I’ll stay far enough back that you won’t feel rushed.”
She smiled, “Thank you. This should be good exercise.”
Even though it had been years for both of them, their skills came back to them quickly, and they were able to go faster and feel more confident. When she started feeling tired, Maria found the bench where they had left their shoes and sat down to rest. Tony noticed and came to join her. Now more people were on the floor and the music had gotten louder, so it was harder to talk.
Tony suggested, “We could stop now, if you’ve skated long enough, and go find a cafe with herbal tea choices.”
“Yes let’s do,” agreed Maria as she reached down to untie her skates and put on her shoes. When they were both ready, they returned the skates they had rented.
After they got outside, he mentioned, “It was fun to skate for a while, but it’s a relief to get outside away from the loud music.”
Maria responded, “I enjoyed it also and thank you. I agree the music did get very loud.”
As they walked, they looked for a cafe. When they came to each one they read the menu posted outside and finally found one that had herbal tea choices, so they went in, ordered their favorite kinds, and enjoyed conversing as they sipped delicious tea.
Maria asked, “Tony, would you like to go horseback riding at the ranch sometime?”
“Well,” he contemplated, “I think I might like to, but I’ve never ridden a horse before, and I don’t know anything about them.”
She said, “If you’d like to try, I'd be glad to teach you what I know. It’s actually not very hard to ride these horses.”
“Why isn’t it hard?” he inquired.
She replied, “Because they are very gentle and well trained. I admit that I was very nervous the first time I went riding, but I got over it quickly. And if I can do it, I know you can.”
“OK,” he agreed, “I’ll give it a try.
This spring Vera’s girls, Emma, Nan, Stella, and Liz, and Yolanda’s girls, Candy, June, Sara, and Kim, were all in the lower game room of the big house playing jacks in pairs because Sara and Kim had kept their promise to teach the rest of the girls how to play. They all enjoyed it so much and had made up a few of their own special variations along with double bounces, no bounces, and others. One area of the game room had just the right kind of a smooth, hard floor for this game.
Their moms were talking as the girls played. Vera mentioned, “My girls have finished their wildflower scrapbooks. They’d like to show them to your girls if you think they’d be interested.”
Yolanda nodded, “I think they’d like to see them. It’s probably about time for them to get up and stretch after sitting on the floor for so long. It’s fun to watch them play. They’ve all gotten very good at the game.”
“Indeed they have,” Vera agreed, “and it’s so good for their coordination and sportsmanship.” Then she called out, “Girls would you please go get your scrapbooks and mine so we can show them to these girls?”
They nodded, jumped up and went to get them. The other girls got up and walked over to the table where their mom was sitting. When Vera’s girls came back, they opened their books to a page they especially liked and laid the books on the table to display them like they had done that day last winter. Then Yolanda and her girls looked at them exclaiming over how nicely they were done.
Kim nudged Sara who nodded and asked, “Mom, do you think we girls could each make a scrapbook like these?”
Yolanda smiled, “I think we probably could if we could get someone to teach us. I for one, don’t know anything about doing something like this.”
Stella stated, “Mom taught us how because she knows all about it. It is a lot of work, but it’s also fun.”
Vera declared, “I think you girls know enough that you could teach them just as well as I did. Are you willing to do it?”
Those four girls looked a little nervous, but nodded and agreed. So they started to teach the older girls about wildflowers and how to make scrapbooks of pressed flowers. Vera was always with them to answer any questions, but she left the teaching up to her girls.
The project would continue through the spring, summer, and fall with outside work identifying and collecting flowers. When they were inside, they would write information about the flowers on pages of the scrapbooks so the pages would be ready when the flowers were dry. By winter the older girls would have put their flowers into their scrapbooks and they would be ready to show them to the girls who had taught them how to do this project.
Yolanda came along to learn with her girls and make a scrapbook of her own. Then, when she would have all new girls, she could teach them how to do this also.
First the younger girls explained and demonstrated how to set up the heavy books with newsprint pages, not newspapers because the print could come off and ruin the flowers. They put old telephone book pages or old newspapers under the newsprint to help absorb the moisture, and a piece of cardboard under that to keep it from flexing. Now they’d be ready for the flowers. They stressed the importance of leaving them completely alone for at least four weeks after pressing the flowers so they wouldn’t get ruined like Ellie’s did last year.
Vera commented, “We bought tablets of newsprint, so the pages were already the right size for pressing the flowers. Also you can print the name of the flower on the paper close to where it will be pressed and you’ll know its name when you’re ready to put it into your scrapbook.”
Then the younger girls trained the older ones, one on one, how to use the wildflower books before going outside. They’d continue to remind them about certain points whenever it was needed, like in the following dialogs.
Emma instructed, “Candy, you have to identify the flower and write down its name and page in the flower book on your pad of paper before you pick the flower.”
“OK,” agreed Candy, “There are a lot of yellow flowers here that look very similar. How do you figure out which flower it is?” Emma showed her again and she did just fine.
Nan remembered to tell June, “It’s best to only pick about four flowers a day so they’ll stay fresh until you put them on the newsprint to get them ready to be pressed.”
“It sounds like a good idea,” June commented. “There’s a lot to learn for this project.”
Stella reminded, “Sara, our mom said it’s best to write all four names and page numbers before picking any of the flowers so they won’t wilt as soon.”
“Oh, yes,” Sara remembered, “Thank you for telling me again.”
Yolanda, who had joined this pair, mentioned, “There’s a lot of information to learn and keep straight. I’m glad we have good instructors to help us.”
Stella responded, “Thank you for the compliment. You are good students also.”
“Whoa.” Liz put a hand on Kim’s arm, “Stay alert so you don’t step on one of the flowers.”
“Oops!” exclaimed Kim, “I forgot to watch where my feet were going.”
Each girl worked closely with one of the younger girls and they became friends in the process, so this project was good for them in that way also. The older girls learned in humility from the younger ones, who gave their instructions respectfully.
Tomo and Ami were very happy to have Afta and Hana living in Pine City now where they could visit often and do things together. They were all making up for the earlier time when they lived so far apart.
Afta and Hana came over to the tea room to see how it worked, and they enjoyed it so much that they got good at starting conversations and answering questions like Tomo and Ami did. Therefore, they agreed to have this be a joint ministry where they could work together at the same time or take some time off and let the other couple do it alone.
One day Tomo asked, “Afta and Hana, do you think you might enjoy traveling in the RV van to see some of this delightful country and do some ministry times as you go?”
Ami explained, “We could take turns going places while the other couple runs the tea room. We’d need to go when school is in session so Roy, Sherry and their twins, Joy and Hope can use it to travel and do ministry during school vacations.”
Tomo went on, “We are going to rent it to them for those times, but you two and Denji are welcome to borrow it.”
“Or,” Ami tacked on, “Denji could stay with us while you’re gone since he will need to be in school.”
“Well,” responded Afta, “you two have everything figured out so it could work for us. We have never traveled because of our jobs, but maybe we could take them with us if we could find places with secure web connections. What do you think Hana.”
“I think it sounds enjoyable,” she answered. “We could try it once and see how it goes. We’d need ideas about where to go, and lessons on how to do everything.”
So during slow times at the tea room they studied maps and found a possibility they might try. They went home that afternoon and searched for secure web connections along the route and at the destination.
The next day Afta reported, “We called the company we work for and they told us it would be best to not travel and work. They also don't have vacation times for us. So we thank you for the offer and the idea, but we won’t be able to do it at this time.”
Hana added, “But you two can go any time that works for you, and we will be glad to run the tea room while you’re gone.”
“Thank you both,” replied Tomo. “Maybe someday your company will figure out a way to give you a vacation, and then you can go.”
Afta responded, “Maybe so, and in the meantime we will enjoy being able to come see you often and help with the tea room.”
“Absolutely!” Tomo exclaimed. “it’s splendid having you live in Pine City now!”
In the small group, Tomo, Ami, Afta, or Hana would often share a praise about the tea room.
Karen’s lesson at the ranch was about Matthew chapter 9. The girl’s homework had been to read the chapter, so she had them tell what they had noticed or thought about the various happenings.
Candy summarized the first eight verses, “After Jesus came back to his own city, he healed a sick man who was lying on a bed by forgiving him. Some people thought he was blaspheming, so Jesus showed them he had the power to forgive sins by telling to the man to get up and take his bed to his house. When the man did that, the people finally gave God glory.”
A girl said, “in verse 9, Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to follow him and he did.”
“Yeah,” added Kim, “and when Jesus ate with many sinners the Pharisees were disgusted about it, but Jesus said in verse 12b, Those who are whole don’t need a doctor, but those who are sick do need one.”
Another girl went on, “In verses 14-17, Jesus answered that the reason his disciples didn't fast was because he was with them, but later when he was gone they would fast. He also told them it does not work to patch clothes with new material or put new wine into old bottles.”
“In verses 18-21,” Sara described, “a father came to ask Jesus to come heal his only daughter. On the way he was interrupted by another needy woman. He took the time to heal her on the way.”
June added, “Then when he reached the father’s house they told him the girl was already dead. But he said she is not dead, and he took her by the hand and she got up. Jesus fame spread all over.”
A third girl told how Jesus had healed two blind men.
The other girl said, “Then he cast out a devil and the man who had been dumb was able to talk.”
“Good Job, girls,” Karen commended them. “Now lets read verses 35-38 out loud together, And Jesus continued going to the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they were scattered like sheep having no shepherd. He said to his disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.’ Your homework this week is to make that last verse a prayer one time every day. We’ll talk about Matthew chapter 10 next time.”
For a warm weekend when Maria was at the ranch, she had invited Tony to come after lunch on Saturday so she could teach him how to prepare and ride a horse. He had never had the opportunity to ride before so he was a little nervous.
In the morning she explained, “Julie, I know the quadruplets like to teach people how to ride and all that goes with it, and I also know they do a good job, but I’d like to have the pleasure of teaching Tony myself this afternoon.”
“I understand,” replied Julie, “you can eat early, and I’ll keep them busy here in the house until it’s 1:30 and time for us to come join you after we get our horses from the pasture. Ted will be thrilled to see Tony here on the ranch.”
“Very good,” Maria responded, “we’ll take a very short ride on the road so he can get used to it and then dismount and walk around for a little while as your family finishes getting your horses ready, so his legs can have a rest.”
Julie suggested, “If he does get tired while he rides with us, you two can go back to the tack room early, while we finish our ride.”
“Thank you, Julie,” said Maria, “I knew you’d understand and help to work it out the right way. I’m so glad you’re my friend!”
Julie expressed, “The feeling is definitely mutual, Maria. If you two do get married, I hope you can continue to come often to visit, work with the quadruplets, and ride horses like we have been.”
“I hope so too!” shared Maria. “I treasure this time here on the ranch. Nothing has been said yet to give me any clues about how he is thinking, so I'm trying to guard my heart, since it could go either way. He said we should keep our emotions out of the times we spend together.”
Julie commented, “It is probably a good idea, until you’re sure of what God’s will is.”
“Yes,” then Maria admitted, “but, I think I'd be very disappointed if Tony is not the one for me. There I admitted it. I’m trying to be open either way, but I like him better each time we do something together.”
“Well,” Julie observed, “you are doing the best you can and you do need to be evaluating him, so you’ll know how to answer if he does ask the big question, so don’t be hard on yourself. And if perchance, it is not Tony, then it will be someone even better. Trust your Father. He’s the only one who can really arrange good marriages.
“You’re right of course,” Maria agreed, “I needed the reminder, and I’ll continue to work on not wishing or worrying.”
“Good for you,” complimented Julie. “Now let’s go see how the girls are doing with the new puzzle you brought today.”
They were making good progress as they worked together at the little card table with a girl on each side.
Later just before noon, Maria ate her lunch and changed into her riding clothes while the girls were busy doing something else. Then Maria went to greet Tony when he arrived, took him to the tack room to get a helmet, and they went to the pasture with two halters and lead ropes.
First Maria suggested, “Let’s speak English today, so Ted and the girls can understand us.”
Tony stated, “Good idea. All these horses are so beautiful. How do you ever decide which one you want to ride?”
Maria laughed. “You’re absolutely right! They are beautiful! The size of the horse helps me decide, since I’m too big to ride the little ones, and I avoid the tallest ones.”
By this time they were at the pasture and he commented, “I see what you mean. The little golden one with the brown mane and tail is a perfect miniature horse, but it doesn’t look like a pony or a baby.”
“No, she isn’t a pony or a baby,” she explained, “but she is the smallest horse on the ranch and is full grown. Her name is Honey, and she’s just as sweet. You’ll get to see one of the quadruplets ride her after while. Another thing that helps me decide is whether the horse trots and is bouncy. I like the ones that are not bouncy.”
Tony decided, “OK, I’ll use the same criteria for me. I'd like one that is not too small or too tall and is not bouncy.”
“Therefore,” Maria suggested, “for your first ride, I think Coffee or Tea would be good choices.”
He looked at her incredulously, “I really don’t want anything to drink right now, thank you anyway.”
Maria could have doubled over in laughter, but instead she smiled in understanding. “Oh my! I should have explained better. Coffee and Tea are the names of two medium sized horses, and they don’t bounce you up and down with a trot, because they don’t trot.”
“Hey! This is fun!” exclaimed Tony. “Now that I understand, I’ll ride Tea, not drink him! Tea must be the lighter brown horse.”
Maria responded, “You’re right. I’ll ride Coffee. They are both much better to ride than to drink, especially coffee, since neither of us likes coffee! Sometime I’ll tell you the other horses’ names.” Then they laughed about the names for these horses.
Using Coffee to demonstrate, she taught him everything Vera had taught her for her first ride. She told and showed him how to walk up to and talk to the horse and stroke or rub it in places it liked and how to put on the halter and attach the lead rope. He did it correctly for Tea and when Tony opened the gate, she led the horses through, and he closed it.
They led their horses to the tack room and she explained and demonstrated how and why to brush the horse and check and clean its feet and how to saddle and bridle the horse. He watched and did the same for Tea. Then she went over the rules of the ranch for horseback riding and showed him how to mount and dismount correctly. He practiced it and then they went slowly up the road for five minutes before going at the faster single-foot gait.
“I like this!” Tony stated. “I admit that it does feel very different than being on a bicycle, but it’s a good difference.”
Maria smiled at him and declared, “I’m glad you like it. We’ll ride a little longer and then go back to the tack room, dismount and walk around a little to stretch your legs. You can talk to Ted, Julie and the quadruplets while they get their horses ready and then we’ll ride with them. If you want to stop before they are finished, we’ll just excuse ourselves and go back. I don’t want you to get so sore that you won’t like riding any more.”
“All right,” he concurred, “it sounds like a good plan. I met the girls one evening when Ted and Julie brought them to supper at the restaurant. I wonder if they’ll remember me. Please tell me their names again.”
Maria replied, “It will be fun to see if they do. Their names are Rose, Lily, Violet, and Iris.”
By this time they were back to the tack room and the girls looked up. Violet called, “Hi, Auntie Maria, you’ve already been riding!”
Lily added, “We wondered where you were. I’m glad you hadn’t gone home already.”
“Look, Auntie Maria,” Iris requested, “I’m going to ride Honey today. Now that I’ve brushed her smooth, she looks just like honey.”
Rose saw Tony and greeted, “Hello Mr. Valdez. It’s nice to see you again.” Then the other girls greeted him also.
Tony responded, “I’m glad to see you again also Rose, Lily, Violet, and Iris. You have each grown a little taller than the time I saw you at the restaurant.”
Ted came over to give Tony a hug and expressed, “It’s so good to see you here on the ranch. I’ve always wanted you to be able to come see us here. How’s your van working for you.”
Tony answered, “It’s great and I thank you again for all your help. I’ve gotten so I really enjoy having a vehicle.”
Julie smiled at him and shook his hand. “Welcome to the Mercy Valley Ranch. I’m glad you could come and go riding with us today and stay to visit afterward.”
“Thank you,” he smiled and replied. “This is truly a pleasure for me to be here today.”
Ted suggested, “If everyone is ready, let’s mount up and go for our horseback ride.”
Everyone had a delightful time on the ride and the rest of the afternoon. Mr. Valdez was such a nice man that the quadruplets liked him instantly. He was even comfortable speaking English. By the time he went home, Maria knew she could check off all the other good qualities on the list she had copied from Esther.
Tony went home thinking about how Maria had made learning to horseback ride an enjoyable experience. He was glad he could see her interacting with the four girls. It was clear to see that they loved and enjoyed doing things with her.
For springtime on the farm again, all the boys had added chores of picking up weeds, branches, twigs, and trash after the winter and early spring winds. The boys were asked to work for an hour as soon as they arrived home after school each day.
Today Carlos mentioned, “It looks like someone came through here, cut these branches off and just left them where they fell.”
“Yep,” Gary agreed, “the wind is a good pruning machine, but it doesn’t clean up after itself. I guess we’ll have to do it.”
Sam remarked, “This is a good place for you to show off your muscles, Carlos. They’re bigger this year than they were last year.”
“Thanks,” he replied, “I might as well put them to good use.”
Evan smiled and observed, “When I see all these branches on the ground I wonder how there can be any left on the trees.”
“For sure,” then Gary suggested, “Let’s see how many we can get picked up and added to the big pile over there in one hour.”
Working just ahead of them, the other boys their ages on the farm were toting the huge tumble weeds that had blown into the fields to a big burning pit. With those out of the way it was easier to collect the branches.
Following Gary’s group came the twig gatherers. There were two groups of them cleaning half of the area each.
Pedro declared, “The wind’s pretty rough when it breaks off branches and throws them on the ground. It breaks off lots of twigs for us to collect.”
“Right,” and Jose added, “I'm glad we have a big basket between us to put them in, so we don’t have to try to hold them as we gather them.”
“Yep,” tacked on Luis, “this is a much more efficient way to collect all these little twigs that fell off the branches.”
Hugo stated, “I like to watch the chipper shredder make mulch out of the branches and twigs. Then it can be put in special areas to help hold in the moisture, or it can be added to the compost pile.”
“Yuck!” Pedro declared, “I don’t like the smell of the compost!”
Luis agreed, “I don’t either, but it does eventually make good fertilizer.”
Jose stressed, “I'm thankful that we don’t have to spread it on the fields. They have a good machine to do that job.”
“Hurrah!” Hugo exclaimed, “and now our baskets are full, so let’s go dump them on the pile.”
When the elementary kids got home, their job was to pick up trash that had blown onto the property. They used smaller baskets and also had two groups, each cleaning half the area.
Max stated, “I’m glad the bigger kids already removed the weeds, branches, and twigs from this area.
“Same here,” agreed Levi, “it’s easier to find the trash this way.”
Kevin said, “I wish people would control their trash so it wouldn’t blow around and land on the farm property.”
Jack tacked on,“It sure would be nice and it would help to cut down on our work.”
“I agree with all of you,” remarked Cory, “plus I’m glad we can all be out here in the nice weather working together.”
The men did the harder work of checking the stream going into and out of the pond and repairing all the water ditches that carry water to irrigate the various fields.
After those things were finished, it was time to start preparing the fields for planting. The tractors, field levelers, plows, row makers, and other equipment had been cleaned, examined, and repaired if needed during the winter, so they were all ready to be used. The men did this work since it would be dangerous for even the older boys. It took a lot of time and effort to get each field ready to be planted.
Earlier in the spring, William and his boys and the other dad and his boys had brought all sixteen of the finished birdhouses to the ranch. First they had asked that each household put markers where they’d like to have them mounted. When they arrived they were able to get them all put up the same day.
The ladies who were home that day came out and thanked the ones working in their yards and Vera thanked them for herself and for the others who weren’t home. All the boys who had made the birdhouses decided that it was a good feeling to do a labor of love for someone else.
Later when the birdhouses were filled with nesting bluebirds, all the parents and their girls wrote thank-you notes to the eight boys and their dads for making the birdhouses.
They included how much they enjoyed getting to watch those beautiful birds with their binoculars. It was fun to see them bring nesting materials to the houses and disappear inside with them. To finish the note, they said they were looking forward to watching the parent birds bring insects to feed the babies after they hatched.
Then in order to enrich the experience, each family looked up bluebirds on the web, looked at pictures of them there, and read the information available about them. There were even some videos to watch.
Later Vera and Karen called each other back and forth to talk about what they saw at the birdhouses, and about birds they saw at their bird feeders. Karen bought a book like Vera had so she could start learning some of their names. Then she started telling her girls about them also, and they also learned how to use the bird book.
All the small groups elected a secretary, or at least got a volunteer to take notes on the praise reports each week. Then this person would type up the ones that involved an idea from the church list and would include how successful it was, or explain how it was done. Sometimes it was a new idea someone had and wanted to try.
At the end of each month each group’s secretary would send the report to the pastor of their church who in turn would take all of them to the pastor of Church #1.
He would have a great time praising and thanking Jesus for his help in these endeavors. Then he would pass the reports on to the church secretary who would type all the new ideas into the beginning of a second list of ideas they could hand out when there were enough ideas to fill a page on both sides.
Then on the second Saturday of each month he would include an encouraging compliment in his teaching time to all the people of the churches about how well they were continuing to do as they had been adding at least one idea from the list. Anyone who wanted to hear it could find it on the web.
Sometimes he would announce, “God is adding to his big church! Our little churches are growing because God is using the things the members are doing. Keep up the good work. Another one of our churches is ready to send a church plant to a city that needs a good church.”
Chapter 9
Acts 3:18,God showed by the mouth of all his prophets,
that Christ would suffer, and it was fulfilled.
Ruth and Maria planned to find prophecies fulfilled about Jesus so they could discuss them at lunch the week before Passover. On Mercy Valley Ranch and Farm, Karen and William did similar lessons with their Bible Study students.
Ruth admitted, “This was a hard Bible study for me, because I don’t like to think about the horrible things people did to Jesus.”
“I agree,” and Maria nodded. “But since we're both reading through the Bible, we’re interested to see how the prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled. Now I’m even more grateful to Jesus.
“Definitely,” stated Ruth, “so am I. The first thing I found was that God who created everything and everyone, chose one man, Abraham, then one nation, Israel, and rescued them from slavery in Egypt, as we’ve already read in Genesis and Exodus.”
“Right,” continued Maria, “Deuteronomy 7:8a says, God did it because he loved them and would keep the oath he had sworn to their fathers. This is not a prophecy, but it is very important history.”
Ruth went on, “Yes, and in the book of Joshua, the history of how God overthrew the nations in Canaan, and gave their land to Israel as their inheritance is also important.”
“Correct,” Maria acknowledged, “and then they had judges until they asked for a king. Saul was king for 40 years, then God chose David, who would do what God desired him to do.”
Ruth added, “Indeed, and David was chosen by God to receive this promise in 2 Samuel 7:12,14a, When your days are fulfilled and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you … and I will establish his kingdom… I will be his father, and he shall be my son. This is why the genealogy of Jesus goes back through David and ultimately to God himself.”
“Exactly!” declared Maria. “We already went through a lot of prophecies that were fulfilled for Jesus at his birth when we talked before Christmas. So I’ll skip over to Malachi 4:5, which says, Behold I, the Lord, will send you Elijah, the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.”
Ruth went on from there, “Yes, and Isaiah 40:3, was quoted in Luke 3:4 as being fulfilled by John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Then Jesus clearly said in Matthew 11:11-14 that John the Baptist was Elijah who was to come. And in Matthew 17:12,13 he said, I say to you that Elijah already came and they did not know him, but have done to him what they liked. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer by them. Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them about John the Baptist.”
Maria observed, “Those verses make it very clear. Acts 13:27 says, the people and their rulers in Jerusalem did not know who Jesus was, nor did they know the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, but they fulfilled them by condemning Jesus.”
“Absolutely!” exclaimed Ruth. “Here are some of the prophecies in Isaiah 53:3-7a,9,12b that were fulfilled, He (Jesus) was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief … Surely he has borne our sorrows, … he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way, and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, … he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter … he made his grave with the rich in his death … He was numbered with the transgressors, and he bore the sin of many …”
“Wow!” declared Maria, “Right there are many of the things that happened to Jesus during the Passover week. Isaiah 50:6 adds, I gave my back to those who smite, … I hid not my face from shame and spitting.”
Ruth added, “Exodus 12:46 said to not break a bone of the lamb they killed for the Passover, and in John 19:36 it was fulfilled, because they didn’t break any of Jesus bones.”
“Right,” said Maria, “then there are several more that were fulfilled
from Psalm 22:1a,7,8,14-16,18, My God, my God, why have your forsaken me? All that see me laugh me to scorn … they shake the head saying, he trusted in the LORD, let him deliver him. … I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint, … my strength is dried up … and my tongue cleaves to my jaws, … they pierced my hands and my feet. … They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. All of that and more happened to Jesus in Matthew 27.”
Ruth observed, “It’s no wonder the disciples had so much grief when they saw these things happen to their leader, especially when they expected him to become the king.”
“Precisely,” Maria stated, “We know the end of the story, but they didn’t. Let’s talk about the prophesies fulfilled for his resurrection next week.”
Ruth nodded, “Yes, let’s do. I’m so glad we know how the story ended, and we are not grieving like they did.”
Vern, Lora, and Mindy plus Roy, Sherry, and the twins traveled on the week before Resurrection Day (Easter) to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. They left early in the morning and drove to a dispersed camping area near the old Dewey Bridge site beside the Colorado River in Utah. There was room for both RV’s in a place that gave them a good view of the river and some beautiful red rock cliffs and formations.
Since they weren’t in a campground, they didn’t have a meeting. Instead Roy, Sherry, and the twins used this first evening to get acquainted with this kind of camping. Whenever they had a question, one of them would walk over and ask Vern, Lora, or Mindy, who were glad to be able to answer.
The next day they drove the rest of the way to Moab, Utah, on highway #128, a scenic byway, beside the Colorado River. The scenery is varied and plentiful, and the road is narrow with many curves, so they drove slowly and carefully as they enjoyed the views.
After buying fuel in Moab, the two families drove north of Moab and up a winding road to the Island in the Sky portion of Canyonlands National Park where they thanked the Lord for two sites pretty close together in the Willow Flat Campground.
After securing their sites, they went and found room to park at the trailhead for Mesa Arch, put on their hiking boots and hiked the short quarter of a mile trail, stopping at the one place on the trail that looks down on the arch from a little distance.
“What’s an arch?” both Hope and Joy asked at the same time.
Mindy answered, “An arch is a rock formation that has a hole of some size and shape in a rock.”
“I see it,” Joy declared, “it’s a very big rock!
Hope added, “Yeah, and the hole is big and long.”
“Right,” Mindy agreed, “We’ll see a bunch more when we get to Arches National Park later. I read on the web that there are over 2000 arches in the park, but most of them aren't easy to see.”
Both families took pictures from that viewing area and then continued to the arch. When they reached the arch, each family took pictures of the other family standing in front of the arch with that family’s camera and their own. These would make good memories. They also took pictures of the arch without any people in the picture.
Then they looked through the arch and could see mountains in the distance. Just below the arch were two formations. One contained a small arch in such a way that it made the formation resemble a woman doing laundry by hand. The other formation resembled a large man standing watch.
Lora asked a group of people who had just arrived, “What are the names of those two formations below Mesa Arch?”
One of the ladies answered, “They are called The Washerwoman and Monster Tower.”
“Thank you for telling us,” Lora responded. “I can see that the first one does look like a washerwoman. The second one doesn’t look like a mean monster towering over her, but like a large man who’s protecting the woman.”
“Yes it does,” the lady agreed. “I never did like the name they gave to that one.”
“I don’t either,” stated Lora. “Therefore I think I’ll rename it, for myself anyway. I’ll call him her Defender.”
The lady smiled, “I like your name much better.”
“Thank you,” and Lora explained, “I chose that name because it reminds me that God is our defender if we want him to be. He is also our salvation as it says in Psalm 62:1,2, Truly my soul waits upon God. From him comes my salvation. Only he is my rock and my salvation. He is my defense. I shall not be greatly moved.”
The lady asked, “Why do we need salvation and a defender?”
“I’m glad you asked,” replied Lora. Then she gave a short summary of the creation, the fall and it’s results, and God’s plan of salvation. “But it is not automatic. People have to do their part too.”
The lady questioned, “What is our part, and is it hard to do?”
“No, it isn’t hard to do,” Lora assured her, and then explained it. After answering other questions from the other people listening, Lora asked them if they’d like to accept Jesus. When they nodded, she led them in a prayer like the others in this book. There was much rejoicing, and Lora gave each of the two families a booklet after finding out that they each knew about a good church in their city.
After that hike the Jones and Foster families drove around the park stopping at all the viewpoints to take pictures. At the Grand View Point Overlook, the twins leaned over the railing to look down at the plateau below them.
“Look,” Joy shouted, “there’s a dirt road way down there that goes very close to the edge of a big drop off!”
Her daddy, Roy, showed them a map inside the park brochure and explained, “It’s called the White Rim Trail, and it’s 100 miles long.”
Hope declared, “It looks like it would be fun to ride on it.”
“Yes it does,” her mama, Sherry, responded, “but we don’t have the right kind of vehicle to go on that road. It needs a smaller one with high clearance and four-wheel drive.”
Joy observed, “Oh, I see one way down there. It looks like a toy car from up here.”
On the way back to their campground, they went on past it as they followed the Jones’ RV, and Hope gasped, “We just passed up the campground!”
Daddy reassured her, “It’s OK, they know of one more viewpoint we can look at before we get ready for a meeting at their campsite.”
Just a short distance more and they were at the Green River Overlook. Before getting out of the van Sherry cautioned, “Please stay close to us and be careful not to fall. There’s no guard rail at this viewpoint.”
Joy and Hope nodded solemnly and each one held a parent’s hand as they went to see the Green River far below them.
“Look,” remarked Mindy, “it’s even green, just like it’s name. The Colorado River is supposed to be red, but it was just muddy brown.”
Lora commented, “I imagine that sometimes it is red, but right now with the spring runoff, it has a lot more dirt in it from the mountains it had gone through to get this far.”
“I understand now,” Mindy responded, “Thanks, Mom, for explaining about it.”
Later they finished setting up the Jones campsite for a meeting and decided to have it before supper, in case it might be too chilly afterward. The two families they had met at Mesa Arch came to the meeting, and the seven campers had fun explaining to all those people how to use a hymnal and how to read the verses. Then they enjoyed singing songs about what Jesus had done for them like in the song, “Heaven Came Down.”
One of the people mentioned, “This definitely has been a wonderful day and I’ll never forget it, just like this song says in verse one. I met my Savior, Jesus, and he met my need for him and gave me an enduring hope like verse three says.”
After singing the song two times (by request) the Jones and Foster families took turns answering questions the people had after reading the booklets. When a child asked a question, Mindy, Hope, or Joy got to answer it.
The next morning on the way out of the park the two families stopped and got out at the overlook on The Neck. Looking down from the railing Mindy exclaimed, “That serpentine road is called the Shaffer Trail and it’s one way to go into or out of the White Rim Trail! A person would have to be a very good driver with the right kind of vehicle to go on that road!”
Joy agreed, “I’m kinda glad we don’t have the right kind of vehicle because Daddy might want to try it!”
Roy and Sherry laughed because their daughter was probably right. Mindy looked at her dad, Vern, and he winked at her. Mindy smiled and saw Lora raise her eyebrows and then nod and smile at the husband she loved so much.
“I’m really enjoying this trip,” shared Hope. “We would never see things like this where we live.” Everyone else agreed.
After the overlook, they drove down to the valley and then up another winding road to Arches National Park. Since they did have reservations in the campground for four nights, they were able to take all the pull-offs and see all the viewpoints along the way to it. But first they stopped at the visitor center for more information about hikes they could take. The following is a summary they were given about part of the easy trails. The underlined ones were taken by these two families. If you’d like to see color pictures of each of these, just look them up on the web.
Balanced Rock is a walk of less than half of a mile and is paved part of the way. A walk around it gives a good idea of its size and how different it looks from various angles.
The walk to the North Window, South Window, and Turret Arch is about one mile, round-trip with a gentle climb up and back. As you get closer you can appreciate how massive the windows are.
It’s fun to get up inside Double Arch after a quarter mile one way mostly flat gravel trail, but you have to be very careful and willing to scramble up the sandstone.
There is a wheelchair accessible trail to a view of Delicate Arch, which is only 100 yards long. The hike to Delicate Arch viewpoint is a steep trail, about half a mile up and back. The view is still a distance away from the arch and the viewpoint is separated from the arch by a steep canyon, but it is spectacular. The other trail to get closer to Delicate Arch is a difficult three mile round-trip, but would definitely be worth it if you have the time, energy, and ability.
Sand Dune and Broken Arches can be walked to one after the other on sandy trails that will equal about two miles round-trip. They are both especially beautiful.
Skyline Arch is very visible from the scenic road, but can be hiked to on a short trail.
Plan to see Tunnel and Pine Tree Arches as a side trip on the way to the famous Landscape Arch, which has a span longer than a football field. The hike would be a little over two miles round-trip, without much change in elevation. Other arches like Partition, Navajo, and Double O Arch beyond Landscape Arch require climbing, rocky trails, and walking on narrow ledges. The trail is considered difficult.
When the families reached the campground and found their reserved sites they had just enough time to get set up for a meeting before supper. Mindy and the twins were given the job of selecting the songs to sing for this first meeting while the others set up the chairs.
They chose “Only Trust Him” for the first song, and “The Savior is Waiting” for the second one. If the people wanted to sing more after those, they could choose them. The first one would be easy for teaching the people who need to learn how to use the hymnal, and both songs could generate questions for the people to ask. Both songs also invited the people to accept Jesus.
This meeting went very well, and the people left with a tract to read, promising to come back the next evening to get their questions answered and bring the people camped next to them.
The next days were spent hiking to the underlined arches above, taking pictures of them and talking to people whenever they got a chance.
The last evening they even got to have their meeting in the amphitheater, which was extra nice and held a lot of people. Mindy, Joy and Hope sang “Room at the Cross for You” at the beginning of the meeting with the SD card as backup, and then the song was also used as one the people would sing. For this meeting, they let the people choose the other songs.
The first two families who had accepted Jesus at the second meeting, kept bringing other families to the following meetings. They stood up and told the people at the last meeting their testimonies, and even helped to answer some of the questions. At the end of the last meeting several other families also accepted Jesus.
Back at their campsites Vern exclaimed, “This has been an outstanding trip in every way, especially considering how many people now are in the family of God.”
“Yes,” Roy agreed, “I was amazed at the openness of the people to listen, ask questions, and consider their need for Jesus.”
Sherry stressed, “I’m so grateful we got to come with you three and learn so much about travel, camping, and ministry times!”
Lora shared, “It was fun to travel with another family. Maybe we can do it again sometime.”
“I liked it too,” stated Mindy, “especially having my friends Hope and Joy come on the same trip so I could see the way they enjoyed what they were seeing.”
Hope declared, “It was all even better than I could imagine it would be. Thank you, Jesus that we could come here.”
Joy added, “I thank you too, Jesus, especially for all the people you added to your church.”
The next day both families drove back to their homes, stopping in Grand Junction to use the RV dump at the Colorado Welcome Center. After a good night’s sleep Friday night they had the next day to unpack, and clean the RV’s. The Fosters took the van back to the Suehiros with lots of thanks and told them about their trip. Then they went to church on Sunday even though this week their church time had changed to Saturday. They had decided they could do it this way just when they went traveling, so they’d have an extra day to do cleanup and relax, but still go to church and have the rest of Sunday to feel ready to go back to school and work on Monday.
The first Saturday and Sunday in April was again the weekend for the church time to change. This time it seemed like a bigger change in lifestyles for church #4, because the church service would be at 10 AM on Saturdays, instead of having church on Sundays like they had been used to in other years.
Church #1 had moved to the 8 AM time slot on Saturdays a couple years ago and stayed there so they could always have their service recorded and ready for people who needed to watch it on the web. Nobody else really wanted that slot anyway, because many people like to sleep later on Saturday mornings.
Ernest mentioned when they got home from church that day, “As of today all our friends in Church #4 are meeting on Saturdays like we have been since we volunteered to move to the new church building.”
“You’re right,” agreed Connie, “I’d like to hear how they’re doing.”
Amelia commented, “I remember it took me some time to get used to attending church on Saturday.”
“Same here,” said Ben, “and it won’t be very long until our church changes to 8:00 on Sunday mornings, which will be a harder change for me. It will be like getting ready to go to work at that time, instead of sleeping later like I enjoy.”
“Right,” Ernest concluded, “this is the price we pay for attending a church like ours. Everybody has changes to get used to each year and there’s no favoritism. It only takes a couple weeks to get acclimated each year, so it’s not so bad.”
Since Ted and Julie had informed the father of the quadruplets about the church time changing two weeks before it happened, they had their plan in place the first weekend. They would meet at church on Saturdays at 10 AM, sit together as usual, and then he would take the girls with him for the rest of the day, and bring them back to the ranch in time for a horseback ride before supper. He had gotten so he enjoyed riding as much as the rest of the family. He also liked to eat supper there and help cleaning up afterward.
For all the school children on the ranch, it seemed strange to get up and go to church on Saturday morning, instead of the things they had been used to doing, but they adjusted quickly.
Mindy and Fiona needed to change Mindy’s time of helping on Saturdays to the afternoon rather than in the morning because of the church time change.
Fiona mentioned, “It’s amazing how one little change can impact so many other areas of our lives.”
“It sure is!” Mindy agreed. “But at least we got this one resolved pretty easily. My parents are so supportive of me. They agreed right away to the change.”
During the week before Resurrection Day, William and Karen had used many of the same scriptures as are in the following scene with their Bible Study groups on the farm and ranch.
Ruth and Maria were talking as they ate lunch the Monday after Resurrection Day.
Maria observed, “It seemed very strange to celebrate Jesus resurrection on Saturday instead of Sunday.”
“I agree,” Ruth nodded, “but we may as well get used to it since we have the next five years to do it. I liked reading and looking for prophecies about Jesus resurrection this week better than what we did last week!”
“Same here,” and Maria noted, “I liked the way Jesus told the disciples about what would happen in Matthew 20:17-19, As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside and said to them, ‘Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem and I will be betrayed to the chief priests and scribes, and they shall condemn me to death and deliver me to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify, and the third day I shall rise again.”
“Indeed,” remarked Ruth, “it was like a prophecy, and then it was fulfilled shortly thereafter.”
“Exactly,” said Maria, “and even during his arrest, Jesus mentioned two times, in Matthew 26:54 and 56, the things that were happening were the way the scriptures were being fulfilled.”
“Yes,” Ruth commented, “as I was reading Luke 24, I noticed in verses 7and 8 the angels reminded the women who had come to the tomb that Jesus had told them what was going to happen while they were still in Galilee, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’ Then the women remembered and believed.”
“Yes, but,” Maria continued, “the disciples didn’t believe the women’s report, especially the two going to Emmaus. They had basically given up and were going home. Jesus graciously went to them and in verse 27 he explained how Moses and all the prophets had written scriptures about things that would happen to him.”
Ruth went on, “Right, and when he appeared to the disciples that same evening he reminded them in verse 44, These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me.”
Maria noticed, “Jesus mentioned the psalms there and I found Psalm 16:10b The LORD will not let his Holy One see decay.”
“Perfect,” stated Ruth, and I found verses 46-49 in Acts 13, that fulfill Isaiah 49:6b, I will give you for a light to the Gentiles, that you may be my salvation to the end of the earth.”
Maria continued, “Then in Romans 1:1b-4 Paul said, the gospel of God was promised before by God’s prophets in the holy scriptures, concerning his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who was of the seed of David according to the flesh. He was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.”
“Oh,” Ruth declared, “what a great verse to prove the resurrection to people!”
“Yes it is,” then Maria prayed, “thank you Jesus for being willing to come and rescue the people you created.”
Ruth added, “Yes, we praise and worship you, Jesus!”
Roy, Sherry, Hope, and Joy came on a Sunday morning to go horseback riding with Ted, Julie and the quadruplets on the ranch, since they all go to church on Saturdays now. It was always a special time and the Foster family looked forward to the alternate weekends when it was their turn. The girls visited as they walked to the pasture.
“We got up very early this morning,” Joy commented, “so we could get here in time.”
Hope continued, “Your family must have the earliest riding time today.”
“Yeah,” explained Rose, “All the families rotate through the coolest times in the summer and warmest times in the winter, so we all have the same chances to ride in better weather.”
“Right,” Iris went on, “I like the way all the parents on the ranch work together to make things fair for everybody.”
Lily tacked on, “Since we share the smallest horses with two other families we have the best time scheduled for our family every three weeks.
“Sometimes,” Violet added, “one of those families might come and ask to trade with us if they have something they need to do during the best time.”
“Hey,” exclaimed Iris, “we got so busy talking we forgot to look at our list telling which horse each of us gets to ride today!”
Lily stated, “And the list is back at the house.”
“Well,” proposed Violet, “let’s not waste time going back to look, instead we can all go up to our favorite horse and choose it.”
Rose asked, “What if two or more of us chooses the same one?”
“Then,” suggested Joy, “we can draw straws or pieces of grass and the one with the longest one wins the horse this time.”
Hope concluded, “It sounds like a fair way to me, and it will be interesting to see which horse is each person’s favorite.”
The funniest thing happened! All six of them chose a different horse and nobody had to draw straws. They were all pleasantly surprised when they got to ride their favorite horses. As their parents listened and watched their girls, they were so pleased with the way they had handled a potential problem and solved it.
While they were riding and talking, the girls decided it was good practice to ride a different horse once in a while, so they still used the list for some of their rides.
Tony and Maria played miniature golf during their next time together. Since neither had played before they each had researched the rules on the web before they went to the course.
When they arrived there, Tony suggested, “Since neither of us likes competition, let’s not keep score or worry about all the rules we read about when we looked on the web.”
“I like your idea!” Maria agreed, “We can just take turns hitting the ball until we get it in the hole, and then go on to the next one.”
They enjoyed being out in the sunshine, laughing at themselves as they hit the ball and it didn’t go where they thought it should. By the time they played a second game, they had both improved their skills a lot.
After that game, they decided to go grocery shopping together so they could discuss foods they liked and didn’t like, and the kind of diet each one was eating at that point in time.
They went through the store, putting items in separate places in the cart so each could pay at the end. When they were almost finished, each one explained to the other why they had chosen what they did. It was an interesting exercise and they learned a lot more about each other by doing it.
Maria mentioned, “Our diets and food ideas are pretty far apart. Do you think this would be a problem in a marriage?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Tony answered, “it would just take some planning and compromise on the part of each one to figure out what would work. I'd be willing to change a lot about my diet, because I just realized the prepared foods I usually buy are easy to fix, but are not very nutritious.”
Maria added, “And I'd be willing to buy some of the fast, easy meals to keep on hand for hurried times when there wouldn’t be enough time to cook something more nutritious.”
“Therefore,” he concluded, “diets and food ideas wouldn’t be a problem. How often do you like to eat out in restaurants or cafes?”
She replied, “Before I started working in Ruth’s office building, I hardly ever ate out, because of trying to save money to give to effective church ministries. But when Ruth, Esther, and I started going to lunch with our coworkers so we could make friends and have a chance to tell them the Good News, most of them were going out to eat at cafes. I decided I could call going out to lunch a part of my ministry, so I let them decide if they’d rather eat a sack lunch after a walk in the park or go out to eat. It has worked well. Now to answer your question, I guess I'd say that I like to eat out for special occasions with friends or for the ministry at work.”
“Thank you for explaining it to me,” he said. “Since I used to eat my supper at the restaurant and now I eat my lunch there, I eat out every day, so I also would rather go out to eat only on special occasions.”
Riley was off traveling for his company again. This time along with being their salesman, they had asked him to also look for ideas of things that would help his company become even better.
So instead of looking for ways to witness on this trip, he was taking notes on everything he noticed in the companies he visited that would help his company. He stayed after closing times to talk with the management and ask them questions.
Then he used the extra day he had scheduled into his travel plan to type all these ideas into his laptop computer, added his own comments and proofread and edited it like he had some of the papers he wrote while he was at the university.
By the time he arrived home, he was extra tired and worn out, so he listened to the church service on the web after sleeping in that morning. In the afternoon he shared with his parents what his last trip was like.
He was rested and refreshed by Monday morning and took a printed copy of what he had written about the ideas he had seen that might make his company better. As usual he and the management had a session first thing in the morning for him to report his sales and what he had found out.
After listening to Riley’s report and reading his paper aloud to the other members, his boss smiled and exclaimed, “This is exactly the kind of ideas we’ve been hoping to find! Thank you very much, Riley.”
“You’re very welcome,” Riley responded. “I’m glad I could be of help to you.”
Next his boss explained, “While you were gone, we met as a team and decided that if you brought back some good ideas, we’d give you a promotion and have you be the one to implement these ideas into our company. If you’d like to, then you would no longer be a traveling salesman. We can find somebody else to do that job.”
Riley responded, “Thank you, Sir. I'd be extremely happy to be the one to help make this excellent company even better.”
“Perfect,” he declared, “your new position will come with a substantial raise in salary and an office in which to do some of your work. If you need a secretary we can provide one.”
“Thank you again,” Riley said. “When would you like me to get started on this project?”
He answered, “Immediately. Come with me and I’ll show you your new office.”
Tony and Maria had a picnic in the park one Saturday after church. He had asked her to bring a list of questions on any topic that she would like to ask him and he would do the same to ask her.
They had already covered finances and many other things in their essays about important issues. At that time they had decided each one of them should go to the doctor and get a complete physical since neither had done this for several years. Therefore one of the subjects they discussed at this picnic was the results of those physicals.
Maria reported, “My doctor told me I'm in very good physical condition so I need to keep up the good work of exercising and a nutritious diet, and keep my weight about the same as it is now. She said if I decide to have babies I'd still be in a good age range.”
“I’m glad for you,” Tony stressed. “My health and weight are good also, although he told me I should improve my eating habits. He also informed me that I would not be able to have my own offspring because of a genetic defect. He said it’s not my fault, but also that it cannot be fixed. I’m sorry to have to report this to you, and I will understand if you’d rather go find someone who can.”
“Oh, Tony,” Maria sympathized, “please don’t worry about it. Now I know that we should have included the issue of having children when we wrote our essays. I could have told you at that time what I’m going to say now. I have never longed to give birth. From what I hear, the whole process can be very uncomfortable from beginning to end, besides all the possible risks. So actually I’m relieved. If we want to raise children, there are other ways to acquire them.”
Tony responded, “Thank you, Maria, for your understanding, concern, and honesty. So now I won’t worry. What are your thoughts about wanting to raise children?”
“Well,” she replied, “I have mixed emotions. It would be a very big responsibility and a lot of extra work on top of being a wife and having an eight to five job that I do not want to give up, as I already told you in my essay. What are your thoughts, Tony? Does what the doctor had to tell you disappoint you or spoil one of your dreams?”
He stated, “No, to be honest, I had never thought about it.”
So Maria continued, “After watching and helping both Julie and Esther with their four girls I can see how happy and fulfilled they both are. In a way I'd love to live on that ranch and be able to help four other abused girls, but if I did that, I’d have to give up my job, since one parent has to be home when they get home from school.”
Tony acknowledged, “I can see what you mean.”
“So I guess I’d rather not raise any children,” Maria admitted, “but just be able to continue going to the ranch part of one day every weekend to help one or the other of them and be able to continue my friendships with them, and of course get to go horseback riding.”
“I understand,” Tony said, “and I agree with what you’ve explained. In addition to what you just said, once in a while I might have to do a little overtime at my job, so I wouldn't always be home soon after five o’clock to help you with the children. Therefore I think for us it would be best to not raise any children.
Maria nodded, “Indeed it would be, and since we’ve discussed this topic and have agreed about it, we wouldn’t have the problem many couples have as they wait to see what will happen for them. The fact that we already know, is in itself a benefit.”
“It certainly is!” Tony declared. “Next on my list is, Do you have a great desire to travel and see this country and be able to minister like the Jones and Suehiros and now the Fosters have been doing?”
She answered, “No, because since I’ve been working for the Beckett CPA offices, I haven't had a vacation. I only get federal holidays off, so I wouldn’t be able to travel. How do you feel about traveling?”
He observed, “I won’t even have the days off that you have, so traveling wouldn’t work for me. But we do both have weekends off.”
“I agree, and it’s good we both have weekends off,” next she asked, “Do you know what you’d like to do since your ministry partner has moved away?”
“Definitely!” he exclaimed, “I really enjoyed partnering to read stories to the children in the parks, and I’d like to figure out a way to do it again.”
Maria stated, “In that case, I’ll add your desire to my prayer list and ask God to show you the way you can do it again. My next question is, if you get married, how would you like to handle household chores?”
“Well,” he contemplated, “we’ve both been doing our own for all these years. Let’s both make a list of them right now and decide what would be the best way to divide them between us.”
It was a great idea and didn’t take long. Then they finished the rest of their questions including:
“My next question is,” Maria continued, “Do you like cats?”
His answer was, “Yes! But I’ve never lived where I could have one. Do you have a cat?”
“Yes, her name is Calico,” Maria responded, “and as far as I know she is not afraid of men because she lets Ted pick her up when he and Julie come to visit me.”
After the last question and answer, they went for a walk.
One day Cory was looking out the kitchen window into the backyard where their dog, Jolly, who was full grown now, was sleeping in the shade on the grass. Pretty soon Cory saw a little gray bird land on the dog’s rump and it started to pull out little tufts of fur. Jolly didn’t even wake up or seem to feel it.
Cory quietly left the window and went to tell his mom and dad. He asked, “Is that bird hurting Jolly somehow even though it doesn’t look like he even feels anything?”
Oralie answered, “No, it’s fine, Cory. That bird is a Juniper Titmouse and is just taking some of the fur that is already loose since Jolly is shedding his winter coat now.”
“It’s fun to watch,” mentioned Greg. “there’s a pair of them who have built a nest and now want to give it a nice soft lining. Go see if your brothers would like to watch.”
Of course they did and enjoyed it too. Jack laughed, “The Titmouse just jumps around looking for the best place to get fur.”
“Yeah,” agreed Kevin, “I would think it would wake Jolly up but he just keeps sleeping.”
Levi added, “Look, it’s pulling so much on the long fuzzy fur that it almost goes over backwards.”
Max observed, “The Titmouse is not even afraid when Jolly wakes up enough to roll over. It just comes right back for more fur.”
“Yes,” Greg agreed, “many birds use fur and hair to line their nests, but these cute little gray birds with the neat pointed crest of feathers on their heads go straight to the source to get the fur they want for their nest.”
After supper they found more information on the web about the Titmouse. There are many different species and each one lives in different areas of the United States. Each species has different coloring, but they all have large Black eyes, a short round bill, and a crest or tuft of feathers on their heads.. They don't migrate. They’re active in the daytime and eats insects, seeds, nuts, and berries.
Amelia and the rest of her family went to her favorite park one Sunday for a picnic. As they were in the car she commented, “I like the fact that our shop is not open on Sundays.
Ernest responded, “So do I. Your mom and I decided to close on Sundays when we first started the shop so we could use the day to go to church and take some time to rest or get caught up at home.”
“Right,” Connie continued, “and it was a good idea even though we didn’t know we’d spend several years attending church on Saturdays.”
Ben remarked, “But you’ve made it work by taking turns, or going to a different service together.”
“Sometimes,” inserted Amelia, “I attend a service by downloading it from the web and using my mp3 player with headphones. I can do that while I’m nurturing plants. If a customer comes to talk to me I just put it on pause and remove the headphones. Then I can listen and answer questions.”
Ben realized, “I can visualize you doing that, Amelia. I’m glad I brought my lunch to the shop last week and could see how well all of you are working together.”
Connie nodded and then suggested, “Would any of you like to take a walk before we eat? We could leave the food in the car and get some exercise first.”
“Great idea, Honey,” agreed Ernest, “it will be good to stretch our legs after driving across town.”
As they were walking, they passed the prettiest gazebo anywhere in town, and Amelia looked at it closely. She started daydreaming about how romantic it would be to have the man of her dreams propose to her there.
When she realized what she was doing, she blushed and hoped nobody in her family noticed. She reminded herself that she was not ready to even start looking for a husband yet, so she took a deep breath of fresh air and walked on with confidence in her heavenly Father to work out that part of her life when he was ready.
As a consequence for fighting on the playground, Val, one of Esther’s girls in Julie’s classroom and the girl she had fought with, had to stay in the room during the next recess and write in their journals what each had done and how to fix it. When Val finished writing, she put her head down on the desk and went to sleep. Julie quietly read what she had written and let her sleep while she read what the other girl had written and talked to her before sending her outside. Then she gently woke Val up so she wouldn’t be startled and she could ask some questions.
“You did a good job of writing in your journal. Did you not sleep well last night?” Julie asked.
“No, Mrs. Blake,” Val answered, “I have a piano recital after supper today, and I worried about it during the night.”
Julie questioned, “Did you talk to your mother about it?”
“No,” replied Val, “I was afraid she might get angry and whip me, but just before the morning alarm went off, I remembered that she isn’t like my real mom. She’s nice and would have understood and helped me.”
Julie said, “I’m glad you realized it at that time, but I think what you need right now is some more sleep. Let’s go see the nurse, so you can have a nice nap. Don’t worry about what you’ll miss in the classroom.
“Thank you, Mrs. Blake.” replied Val. “I’m sorry I got into a fight. I’ll be more careful from now on.”
Julie smiled at her and said, “You’re forgiven. I’ll see you after your nap. Take a nice long one before you come back to the room.”
Val returned to the room near the end of last recess. “Now I feel much better, Mrs. Blake. May I go out and apologize to the other girl before the bell rings to come back inside?”
“Yes,” Julie answered, “that’s a good idea. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. Will you talk to your mom when you get home?”
Val nodded, “I will, and I’ll ask her if I can practice some more before we have supper.”
“Very good,” and Julie smiled at her as she went out the door.
When Val got home she told her mama, Esther, about the whole problem, including worrying and not sleeping, fighting at school, having to stay in at recess, taking a nap, promising to be more careful, and about apologizing. Then she asked if she could practice her piano piece again before supper so she could do better on it at the recital.
Esther hugged her and responded, “Of course you can practice it again. I’m very sorry it worried and kept you awake last night. I understand about your fight and I’m glad you apologized. Please tell me soon if something worries or bothers you. I want to be able to help you.”
“Thank you, Mama,” Val replied, “Somehow last night I forgot how nice you are and only remembered getting whipped by my other mom. I’ll try to do better.”
Esther gave her another hug and assured her, “You’re doing very well and I know you still might have a lot to forgive and get over from your past life. Remember you can talk to me or Papa. Now go ahead and practice your piano piece again. Your sisters and I will do your tasks for you to help get supper ready.”
“Thank you again, Mama!” Val exclaimed as she hugged her back before she went to practice.
After practicing the piece several more times, Val felt much more confident as she went to thank her sisters and mama for doing her tasks for her, and then she enjoyed supper.
Esther explained during supper, “I should have reminded all of you girls that our piano recitals are not competition, to see who can do the best job of playing their piano piece. We have recitals to help us get used to playing while others are listening. Another word for that is performing. Yes, we try to do our best, but it is never worth worrying about. And if you think you aren’t ready with your piece yet, come and tell me. Maybe we can schedule a different time for the recital so you can have more time to practice.”
Val stated, “I think I feel ready now, Mama, especially since you let me practice some more and just now you explained that recitals are to help us learn how to perform.”
“I’m glad, Val,” said Esther and then she asked, “How are the rest of you girls feeling about the recital today after supper cleanup?”
Holly answered, “I don’t feel as nervous now that you explained it to us. Thank you, Mama.”
“I think recitals are fun,” remarked Willow.
Lucia added, “I like listening to the pieces my sisters play.”
After supper was finished and cleaned up, Val got to play her piece first for the recital and she did very well on it. Now she could relax and enjoy listening to her sister’s piano pieces. She had learned a valuable lesson that day. Now she knew she should practice better before recitals, but never worry about them. Plus she would remember to talk to her loving, caring parents whenever she had a worry about anything.
One Sunday when they were on a horseback ride at the ranch with Ted, Julie, and the quadruplets, Tony and Maria were leading the group as they rode on the public lands up the center trail. They cantered their horses on one level place, and got ahead of the rest of the group.
When they reached the viewpoint that looks like a miniature Mercy Valley, they stopped to look and admire the view. Then Tony had his horse step sideways until his leg touched Maria’s leg. He held out his hands and she placed hers in his. Then looking deeply into her eyes, Tony proposed to Maria.
“My dearest Maria,” he began, “I can't keep my emotions out of our relationship any longer. I love you so much and think about you constantly. When we’re apart, I long to be back with you. You are everything and more than I could ever hope to find for a wife. Will you please marry me, Maria?”
“Oh, Tony,” she responded, “My feelings are very much like yours. I’ve been hoping for weeks that you would be the wonderful man I would be married to, and now my dream and wishes have both come true. I’ll be delighted to be your wife and have you be my wonderful husband, precious Tony!” Then Maria smiled, nodded, and exclaimed, “Yes, I will marry you, my wonderful Tony!”
Still on their horses, which had stood very still through all of this, the two lovers leaned together, embraced, and enjoyed their first kiss.
Ted, Julie, Violet, Iris, Rose, and Lily had stopped their horses and watched the drama from a distance. Julie explained to the girls what was happening so they would be quiet. Then Ted told them what the six of them would do if they saw the couple kiss each other.
After they saw Maria nod and say yes and the two had their first kiss, the six of them cantered up to them cheering and rejoicing. The horses they were riding weren’t spooked at all by the noise, laughter and movements of their riders. All these horses had been trained very well.
Later, Tony told Maria, “Last Saturday after church I came up to the ranch and had Ted teach me how to get the horse to move sideways. Since I know how much you enjoy horseback riding, I thought it would be a romantic place to propose to you.”
“Oh, it definitely was!” she exclaimed. “It will be a memory for me to treasure in the years to come!”
That same Sunday when Tony had a few minutes alone with Ted he requested, “Ted would you teach me how to be a good husband? I desire to have a marriage as good as yours is.”
Ted responded, “I’d be glad to share with you what has worked for us. Could I call you some evenings after our girls are in bed?”
“Yes, please,” replied Tony, “then I’ll be able to take notes and ask questions.”
When Tony had gone home after his proposal, Maria asked, “Julie, will you please tell me how to be a good wife. When I see how well you and Ted get along, I know you must have many ideas that will help me as I marry and live as Tony’s wife.”
Of course Ted and Julie were happy to help their friends, and felt it was a great compliment to be asked.
Monday after work, Tony took Maria to a jewelry store where they picked out an engagement ring and matching wedding bands. Then he took her out to eat to celebrate this special occasion.
William was discussing Matthew chapter 10 with the boys. First he instructed, “Look at verses 2-4, which have a list of the names of his twelve disciples. Verses one and five tell us Jesus gave them power to heal and to cast out unclean spirits. Read those two verses and use your center reference to find two other places where it tells about this same happening. See if you can find other details we should know.”
In a few minutes Hugo remarked, “I looked up Mark 6:7 and it said Jesus called the twelve to him and began to send them out in pairs.”
Pedro added, “Luke 9:1 is about the same as Matthew 10:1, but verse two in Luke says Jesus sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
“Thank you, boys,” William said, “those are two important details we need to know. Why do you think they’re important?”
One of the other boys answered, “Because it’s usually better to work in pairs when you go to minister, and we need to know what he said to preach and to heal the sick.”
“Yes,” agreed William, “The next verses in Matthew 10 include Jesus telling them where to go, what to take, what to do, and some things that might happen. Then in chapter 11, Jesus talks about John the Baptist and rebukes the people listening right then and the ones in other cities for not repenting when they saw the works Jesus did. The verses I want us to concentrate on today are 27-30. Luis, would you please read verse 27 aloud?”
Luis answered, “Yes, it says, All things are delivered to me by my Father. No man knows the Son except the Father, and no man knows the Father except the Son, and the ones to whom the Son will reveal the Father.”
“Thank you, Luis,” said William, “I like your good expression.”
Jose shared, “I found a center reference that goes with this verse.
John 1:18 says, No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, … has declared him.”
“It’s a good verse,” William observed, “thank you, Jose. Plus it reminds me of two other verses. Jesus said to his disciples in John 14:7 and 9b, that if you had known me you’d have known my Father also and from now on you do know him and have seen him. He who has seen me has seen the Father.”
Another boy mentioned, “It would have been neat to be able to see Jesus face to face, but at least we have many things he said and did to read about in the Bible.”
“Yes, indeed,” William agreed. “And in a way what we have is even better than what they had, because the New Testament has all the details they didn’t understand at that time. Now read verses 28-30 to yourselves.”
In closing William suggested, “If you talk to anyone at school who’s having a hard life, you might use verses 28-30 to encourage them and open a door to witness. Be sure to tell them it was Jesus who said, “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Then you can tell them the Good News about how much Jesus loves them and what he has already done for them and that he longs to save them and help them with their hard lives."
Right after buying their rings, Tony took Maria to supper at Ami’s Japanese Restaurant to celebrate their engagement. Tony had reserved seats for them in the garden area of the restaurant.
It was a nice time for the happy couple, and Tony got to visit with Aneko and Yoshi as they came and went serving them. The food was delicious as usual.
Near the end of their meal, Tony asked, “Yoshi, what’s the price of renting this garden area for a wedding.”
Yoshi smiled with delight, “Are you and Maria engaged?” After they nodded and she showed her new ring, Yoshi, answered, “For you my friend, it will be my wedding gift to you!”
“Oh wow!” Tony exclaimed. “Thank you so much! I can’t think of a nicer gift.”
Aneko had been listening and added, “My wedding gift will be to make finger foods like we had for Yoshi’s wedding. So this will take care of your reception.”
Tony was surprised speechless, so Maria responded, “Thank you, Aneko and Yoshi. I’m overwhelmed by your generosity. I hope we will all be able to find time to continue these friendships.”
Just then Sakura came into the garden and Tony could see that she was obviously expecting so he congratulated both of them.
Then Yoshi explained, “Sakura, Tony and Maria are engaged!” And he told her about their wedding presents.
“Those are perfect!” Then Sakura asked, “When do you plan to be married?”
Tony answered, “We still need to plan where to live, and set a date, but I’m hoping it can be soon.”
“I hope so too,” Maria agreed.
Sakura remarked, “Good, then the garden should still have many flowers blooming and you won’t have to buy some from The Garden Shop like we did.”
Maria exclaimed, “This will be a lovely place for our wedding!”
It was sharing time in Julie’s third grade at the church school. She had been teaching the children how to listen to each other and ask questions or add information, but not interrupt each other. The koala puppet, Kippy, asked this time, “What are some fun things you’ve done outside in the spring or summer?”
Levi shared, “Last summer and the summer before, our family went on a hike together with two other families from the farm where I live to a neat place on Mercy Valley Ranch. It seemed like a long way and parts of it were kinda steep.”
“What did you see?” inquired Kippy.
“First we saw Mercy Stream and the horses in the pasture, and a lake, but I can’t remember it’s name.”
Val inserted, “I remember it’s name, because I live at the ranch. It’s Wild Mint Lake.”
“Thank you, Val,” said Levi, “Some of the older boys get to row in small boats on the lake. You can help me add other things if I forget to tell about them, Val. Anyway, when we came to Little Mercy Stream, which flows into the bigger stream, we followed a little trail beside it, and that’s where it started to have some steep places. There were pretty wildflowers blooming beside the trail.”
“I like wildflowers,” commented Kippy. “There are so many different kinds and colors and sizes.”
Levi nodded and continued, “I like them too. Soon the trail got even steeper and my parents said we were almost there.”
“Where, almost where?” asked one of the boys in the class.
Levi answered, “To one of the most fun and prettiest places I have ever been! It’s called Lavender Falls because many of the rocks and flowers around it are lavender colors.”
One girl remarked, “Waterfalls are some of my favorite things.”
“That’s nice,” then Levi went on, “I had never been to one before, but now this one is one of my favorite places.”
A boy asked, “What is there about it that makes it a favorite?”
“The rocks,” explained Levi. “They’re pretty when they’re dry, but when they get wet, they’re shiny and a much darker lavender color. At first I couldn’t believe they were the same kind of rocks, but my dad had each of us pick up a dry lavender rock and hold just part of it in the water, and we were astonished at the difference it made!”
Val added, “My dad had us do the same thing, and our family got to take one rock home to keep as a souvenir of the hike.”
“Right,” agreed Levi, “our family has one rock in our house also.”
Val tacked on, “After one of our dads prayed, thanking God the great creator for all he made, I enjoyed eating the lunch and drinking the water we carried all the way there, since the water in the stream might not be clean enough to drink.”
Kippy complimented, “That was very interesting. Thank you, Levi and Val for sharing with us about such a special place.”
They both smiled and Levi responded, “You’re welcome, and now I’m looking forward to our next hike to that wonderful place this summer.”
Tony and Maria were so happy now that getting acquainted, evaluating, and the questions had been answered, and they were engaged. They decided to have some fun times together besides continuing to plan and set a date. They were talking as they sat on a bench in a park by Mercy River.
Maria mentioned, “I went with Julie and Ted to watch them square dance at the church once a month before they moved to the ranch. It looked like it would be fun and good exercise.
Tony responded, “I had heard Ted and Julie talking about square dancing when I visited them also, before they moved to the ranch. So I looked it up on the web and decided it does look like fun and good exercise.”
At home, they both studied all they could find on the web, which included some basic lessons and they learned the names for many of the moves. When they felt ready, they found a place doing weekly lessons, and joined a class that had just started the week before. They both enjoyed learning and doing the simple beginning dances.
Between dances Maria commented, “I really like the pretty dresses the ladies wear at the church and on the web. If we continue lessons and then dance with the club at the church or any other place, we’d need at least one outfit apiece.”
“I think,” Tony remarked, “we will be able to afford buying some clothes that would be like the square dancers we’ve seen on the web.”
“I do also, and I just had an idea,” Maria stated, “since we haven’t discussed what we will wear for the wedding yet, maybe we could buy an outfit each that would work for both the wedding and square dancing after the wedding.”
Tony complimented her, “I like the way your mind works, my dear Maria. Yes, it would be an excellent idea to make purchases that will work for the wedding and square dancing,”
She responded, “Thank you, my beloved Tony. I desire for our wedding to be pretty and pleasing for those watching and for our memories, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it.”
“So,” he commented, “we won’t need to spend a lot of money on the wedding. With this good idea plus the presents from Yoshi and Aneko, we’ll have a beautiful wedding.”
The next evening they went shopping separately. Tony bought a new brown suit with western style slacks and a western style white shirt. He could use it for the wedding and then for square dancing without the suit coat. He also bought brown dance shoes he could wear for their wedding and for dancing.
Maria was so happy and liked being in love. She went to a square dance store and bought a white below the knee skirt that was very full and had three layers of different lengths of very lightweight material, each ending with ruffles. It had a matching white blouse and many pretty colored scarves and belts to brighten up its looks after the wedding. She could also wear different colored blouses with the skirt for the dances. Then she bought a pair of white low heeled dancing shoes she could also wear for the wedding. After the wedding and when they finished lessons and started to attend dances at the church, she would buy the petticoat and bloomers to complete the outfit for square dancing.
Vera and Unice enjoyed having ministry times in various places. One time they talked with another lady in a park before they went grocery shopping so the food items wouldn’t get too hot in the vehicle.
“Hi,” greeted Vera, “It’s such a beautiful morning and this park is so pretty.”
The lady agreed, “It surely is. I’m out walking before it gets too hot. Would you like to join me?”
Unice replied, “Yes, that would be very nice. This sidewalk is plenty wide enough for all of us to walk together.”
“Yes,” she said, “and it’s more enjoyable to be able to visit with someone as I walk. The lady I usually go with wasn’t able to meet me here today.”
Vera mentioned, “It’s good that you decided to go walking anyway. The exercise is good for us and the fresh air and beauty of this park can help us feel renewed.”
“I need that,” she stated, “after listening to the news this morning.”
Unice commiserated, “We heard the news on our way to the city today, and I completely understand how you feel. When things like that happen, it reminds me just how much the world is in decline.”
“Precisely,” concurred Vera, “and at times it worries me, but then I remind myself that the Bible predicted this would happen, and it all points to the time when Jesus will be the true king of all the world and he will make all things right.”
“Indeed,” and Unice continued, “and in the meantime Jesus can give us peace and hope in spite of the news.”
The lady asked, “How can I possibly have peace and hope when I hear about the bad things that happen?”
Vera answered, “Listen to these verses from Romans 5:1,2, Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we also have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
Unice added, “then verse 5 says, and hope does not make us ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us.”
“Those are nice verses,” the lady observed. “Do you just say them over and over to yourselves and then feel peaceful and hopeful?”
Vera explained, “No, they aren’t like a mantra some people say. Instead they tell what can result when a person has realized their need to have Jesus be their Savior and the Lord of their lives.”
“I’ve heard about him” she recalled, “and the lady I usually walk with has told me I need to repent and accept Jesus so I can go to heaven when I die, but I never knew he could give me peace and hope. I need that while I live in this messed up world, not just so I can go to heaven.”
“Exactly,” Unice concurred, “We also need Jesus peace and the hope and help he can give us to live each day here on earth.”
Vera inquired, “Did the other lady explain to you how you can accept Jesus?”
“She did several times,” replied the lady, “but I didn’t want to just go to heaven, although I’m sure it will be nice. I wanted help to live here in the meanwhile.”
Unice suggested, “Here are some benches in the shade. Would you like us to answer any questions before you pray?”
“Actually,” she admitted, “I understand it and I’d like you to listen while I pray.”
Vera and Unice nodded, and the lady did pray, repenting, confessing her sins, asking forgiveness, and for Jesus to be her Savior and Lord to help her live in this world with his peace and hope.
Then she exclaimed, “He did it! I already feel more peace than ever before in my life!”
“We’re so happy for you!” declared Unice.
After a time of rejoicing, Vera gave her a little booklet and explained about the card. Then she invited her to meet them at the church, giving the time and address.
“I’ll be there!” the lady stressed. “The lady I usually walk with will be very happy for me also when I call and tell her.”
Vera agreed, “I'm sure she will be. Bye for now, we’ll see you at church.”
One Saturday afternoon while the boys were napping, Mindy stated, “I had better hurry and pick up all these toys and books before Matt and Ben come back in the living room, or my dad or mom arrive to take me home. It’s too bad Amelia wasn’t well enough to come visit with you today.”
Fiona agreed, “Yes, I was sorry to hear she has a cold, but I appreciate her thoughtfulness to stay home and not spread it to this family.”
“For sure!” exclaimed Mindy. “I’m thankful about that also.”
Fiona suggested, “Mindy, come sit and visit with me for a while. Matt and Ben are both used to seeing toys and books laying around. I appreciate all your help so much, but I just remembered something my great aunt Cara said when she was flustered. ‘The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!’ I know the grammar is wrong and it should say more behind, but it has more impact the other way.”
“Yes, it does,” agreed Mindy, who had come to sit across from Fiona. “It’s so true besides. When I get in a hurry I often do things wrong and make the task take longer than it would have otherwise.”
Fiona nodded, “She helped me learn to just do as much as I could, and leave the rest for the next day.”
“I like her idea,” Mindy remarked, “if I would do it, I’m sure I'd have much less stress and probably still get a lot finished. Would you please teach me some more of the things you learned from your great aunt and from other things in your life?”
“Certainly,” responded Fiona, “I’d be glad to tell you more things.”
Mindy said, “Thank you. I’ll bring a notebook to keep here in the bookcase and whenever we have a few minutes to visit, I can write your ideas in it.”
“I like your plan,” said Fiona, “and the next time you come I’ll give you a list of things to look for when you get ready to start looking for a husband. Not that you’re old enough yet, but I want to give it to you before I forget.”
“Thank you, Fiona,” Mindy replied, “I'll take it home and put it in the box where I keep things I’ve made to go in my home when I grow up enough to have one of my own. Then when I’m ready to start looking for the right man, I’ll know just where to find your list.”
Fiona said, “Good idea, Mindy. What are some things you’ve made so far?”
Mindy answered, “Lora has been teaching me how to sew, and I have made some pot holders, pillowcases, and dish cloths. Now she is teaching me how to embroider so I can make some pretty pictures with colored thread on them using patterns we can buy and transfer onto them with an iron.”
“It’s a good start,” Fiona mentioned, “and it sounds a lot like what my mother taught me. I’m using some the things I made at that time, now in this home, and it’s fun to look back and remember. By the way, how is your home schooling going for you? You haven’t called needing any tutoring in a long time.”
“Oh,” laughed Mindy, “it’s going great! I’ve learned how to find so many answers on the web and it takes less time than a phone call would. I’m glad I haven’t had to interrupt you as often as I did at first.”
Fiona mentioned, “I'm glad I was able to help you when you did call, which wasn’t very often.”
“I’m glad too,” Mindy agreed, and continued, “Next time I come I’ll bring the progress reports from last year. I’m sorry I haven’t kept you better informed since you are my tutor.”
“Forgiven, Mindy,” replied Fiona. “I’m glad to hear that you’re doing so well.”
Mindy said, “Thank you, Fiona. Last year I was able to finish ninth and tenth grades and start eleventh, which is harder, and I know twelfth will be harder yet, but I’m thoroughly enjoying my studies. All of it makes so much more sense because I don’t have to wait on the rest of the class at school and plod along at the rate they do. God worked out that bad situation at school to be for my good.”
Fiona clapped and exclaimed, “Thank you Lord!”
During preparation for a yard sale a woman was helping her neighbor with pricing. Toward the end of the day, she found two large boxes of bows she really liked but didn’t know how to price them so she could ask to buy them herself.
So she asked, “How much do you want to get for each box of bows? I can’t seem to figure out a good price.”
“Oh,” was the answer. “Those are so old and have been used a couple times apiece. I don’t know if they’re even worth selling. How about a dollar a box?”
“Oh my!” she exclaimed, “I think they’re all so beautiful and unique. I was trying to come up with a fair price so I could buy them myself. I’d be glad to give you five dollars for each box.”
“Therefore,” was the reply, “since your help has been invaluable today, I should pay you to take them off my hands.”
At that point they both dissolved into laughter, thinking how different their points of view were, but how nice it was to attend the same church and be neighbors, who could help each other in different ways.
Chapter 10
Amos 3:3, Can two walk together, unless they have agreed?
Genesis 2:18, The Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a helper and companion for him.
The next day Tony and Maria discussed some more of their plans and Maria asked, “When would you like to have our wedding?”
He replied, “How about the second weekend in June? We could have the ceremony on Friday evening at 7:30, and then have the whole weekend to enjoy each other before going back to work on Monday.”
“Great plan,” she stated. “We already knew we’d have no traveling honeymoon, so your idea should work fine.”
He continued, “That date doesn’t give us much time since we still need to find a place to live after the wedding and decide whether to get it already furnished or buy furniture.”
“You’re so right,” so Maria suggested, “Let’s go to the library and do some research about what would be the best use of money, to buy a small house or to rent an apartment.”
They found out that it depends on a lot of things, such as individual preferences, rental availability and prices, the housing market, interest rates for a house mortgage, how long you plan to live in a certain place, whether you’re able to take care of the house and yard maintenance yourself or have to hire someone to do it for you.
Then they made phone calls to ask several people what they thought about whether it would be better to rent or to buy a place to live. First they asked the Blakes.
Julie replied, “Ted and I rented in that first city, since we didn’t know if we were going to stay there. Then when we moved to Pine City, we rented, since it was easier for our quick move.”
Ted continued, “It worked out well for us since we later moved here to the ranch. The work I do here at the ranch pays for our rent.”
“Plus,” added Julie, “this house was already furnished so it was good that we hadn’t bought our own yet.”
Next they asked the Spencers.
Jeff answered, “We owned our home in Pine City for all the years we lived there. For us it was a good investment.”
“Yes,” Karen went on, “When we bought that house, the real estate prices were pretty low and so were the interest rates, so by the time we sold it and moved here it had gained a lot of equity.”
Jeff tacked on, “We put the money it had gained into a savings account, which continues to earn good interest.”
Karen explained, “We had bought mostly used furniture, so when we moved here we were glad to give most of it away.”
When they asked Beth Davis she responded, “I rent an apartment since I’m single and I plan to remain that way. I don’t have the time, energy, knowledge, or desire to do yard and house maintenance. This way it’s done for me. I guess I could buy a condominium, which is like an apartment and the price includes those things also.”
Tomo and Ami Suehiro said that owning their own home was much better for them than renting an apartment would have been.
Last they asked Vern and Lora Jones.
Vern answered, “Lora and I discussed the options and we decided for us buying a home would be best, since we plan to stay in Pine City where our jobs are located and we like it here.”
Lora said, “Yes, the church here is great too. While I was single renting an apartment worked best for me, but I much prefer living in a single family home. It is more quiet and more private.”
Vern agreed, “Plus, Mindy is used to living in a house and this made the move easier for her.”
Maria wrote down the basic facts each person had said and Tony and she reviewed them along with the research they had done. Next they found out the cost of renting a larger apartment and looked at houses on the web to get an idea of prices and what was available. Then they discussed their preferences.
After they agreed they would both be content with good used furniture and both of them thought it sounded ideal to live in a small house in a quiet neighborhood, they started looking for a house. They chose a good Christian realtor in their church to help them find just the right place. They were hoping to find something near their favorite park in the city.
Karen and William chose some topics and verses in Matthew 12-15 that they thought their students could relate to and use in their lives at school or on the ranch or farm.
Karen began, “Today we’ll read and talk about some more things Jesus said and did in the book of Matthew. Find chapter 12, verses 34b-36 and follow along as I read them. See if you can find something to help you control your tongues. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things. An evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. Therefore know that men shall give account for every idle word they shall speak, in the day of judgment.”
Lisa shared, “The last verse you read is a good warning. If we always remember about being accountable for what we say then maybe we’ll be more careful.”
“Yes,” added Stella, “and if we fill our hearts with good thoughts, we will have good things to talk about, instead of evil ones.”
“Good ideas, girls, “Karen smiled, “Now, in chapter 13 find the parable of the sower and how Jesus explained it. Remember that we studied it some months ago. It’s good to review this story once in a while so we remember to keep the soil of our minds in good preparation so we can yield a good harvest. There are several other parables in this chapter, but we won’t talk about them today.
In Matthew 14 Jesus did several miracles. See if you can find them by looking at the headings that come before the verses.”
Ellie found, “Verses 15-21 tell about Jesus feeding five thousand men besides women and children with five loaves and two fishes.”
“That was amazing!” stated Liz. “And in verses 22-27, Jesus sent the disciples in the boat to go to the other side of the sea. He went to pray and later during a bad storm he went to them by walking on the water.”
Hanna said, “The disciples were amazed. Then in Verses 34-36 many sick people were healed just by touching the hem of Jesus garments.”
“I noticed,” inserted Nan, “the center reference for verse 36 has Matthew 9:20,21 where the woman who had a disease was healed just by touching the hem of Jesus garment. We read about it when we studied that chapter.”
Karen commended, “Thank you for that reminder, Nan. Now we’ll skip over to verses 18-20 in chapter 15. Read them and write your own summary in your notebooks.”
When they had finished, she asked Christi to read what she had written. She read, “The things people say come from the heart and they can corrupt a person. Terrible things can come out of the heart.”
Emma observed, “That goes very well with the verses we read in chapter 12 today.”
“Yes it does,” agreed Karen, “now read verses 29-39 and notice that they’re similar to the happenings in chapter 14.”
When they had finished reading, she continued, “Jesus healed many who were lame, blind, dumb, and crippled in some way. He also fed four thousand men, plus women and children with seven loaves and a few little fish.”
The girls nodded, and Karen concluded, “I think it’s immensely interesting to study things Jesus said and did. I’m glad we have the Bible so we can read about so many of them.”
Cory enjoyed going to the church school on Wednesdays, the day his school let out early. It was the day he got to help the third graders with projects they were doing. Since his mom was at the church school volunteering he went there every day after school and helped in the room where she was. But he looked forward to Wednesdays.
Today he got to stay a few minutes after the class left, so he talked to his favorite teacher, Mrs. Blake (Julie). “I’ve been in fifth grade now for about half a year. I have a different partner this year and so far we’ve made a few friends, but it seems all they want to do is have fun conversations at lunch and always change the subject when I try to get serious.”
She responded, “I’m sure it is hard for you to be patient with them. They probably don’t have a very happy time in school or home so maybe they want to stay happy at lunchtime.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” agreed Cory. “The atmosphere of the public school is completely different than the church school and I sure do miss being here. But I also understand that I have a job to do there, so I’ll continue to do my best.”
“I know you will, Cory,” she declared, “because that’s what you always do, and remember you always have Jesus with you and you can do all things with his help, like it says in Philippians 4:13.”
Cory shared, “Yes, I needed that reminder. Coming here on Wednesdays helps to recharge my batteries for the next school days. Thank you for being so understanding and encouraging.”
“You’re welcome,” she replied, “and I thank you for your good help every Wednesday last year, and this year!”
He stated, “It definitely is my pleasure! I’ll see you next week, Mrs. Blake.”
“Terrific,” she said, “God bless you, Cory, I’ll be praying for you and your partner. Keep up the good work.”
On the ranch Julie and Esther were walking along the road with their girls one day, and they heard the sound of a small animal in distress.
“Oh my!” exclaimed Val, “It looks like that bird has a broken wing and can’t fly!”
“The poor thing,” added Rose. “Mommy, do you think we could catch it and take it to the vet here on the ranch. She could help it.”
Julie replied, “It’s nice that you want to help the bird, Rose, but it doesn’t look like it wants to be caught. We might even hurt it worse if we tried to catch it.”
Lucia suggested, “Maybe Vera would know what to do. Could we go see her, Mama?”
“Yes, let’s do.” Esther answered. “She knows a lot about birds.
Oscar, Vera, and their girls were happy to come outside and sit on the big lawn in the shade so they could answer questions.
Holly described, “We heard what sounded like a wounded animal and saw a bird running away from us dragging one of its wings.
Willow asked, “Is there any way we might be able to help the bird?”
“It looked and sounded so sad,” added Iris.
Vera explained, “From your description, the bird you saw must be a killdeer. They’re fascinating birds because they put on an act of being wounded and try to lead intruders away from their nest.”
Oscar continued, “The male and female birds each take their turns guarding the nest. When either one feels the nest is threatened it makes loud noises, mimics being injured, and runs away from the nest to lure the intruder away. They even do this after the chicks are hatched, leaving the chicks where they are and trying to get the predator to follow them instead.”
Vera went on, “They make their nests right on the ground in the gravel. Oscar puts out markers by the nests when he finds one so people or vehicles will go around them.”
“Wow!” declared Violet, “I’ve never heard of a bird like this before. Thank you for telling us.”
Lily asked, “Are you going to put markers by its nest?”
“Yes,” Oscar answered, “why don’t you girls stay here on the lawn while your mommy shows me where you were when you saw the bird.”
On their next horseback rides the girls noticed the markers Oscar had put by the nest and found that their horses weren’t frightened by the movement or noise the bird makes.
At home they looked up facts on the web and found good pictures and a lot of details about the killdeer, including, the birds are beautiful, with long legs a pointed short bill and distinctive black stripes on their heads, neck, and chest. Their call sounds similar to their name. They help control insect populations. Their nests and eggs camouflage well with the gravel. It’s usually hard to see them. The chicks are able to walk from the nest as soon as their feathers are dry and they look for food like their parents do.
Tony and Maria were able to find a house that was ideal for them in an amazingly short time, without much looking, because of God’s wonderful help.
An older couple in their church had just found out that they needed to go into assisted living, so it was necessary for them to sell their house quickly. They called the same realtor who was helping Tony and Maria.
The man explained, “We have no family and we don’t have time to have an estate sale.”
“Right,” added the woman, “Our doctor told us we should not even try to take care of this house and yard any longer, so we found a nice assisted living complex that has an opening for us right now.”
He continued, “That place is furnished and all we need to bring with us is our clothes and linens.”
“We hope,” stated the woman, “that you can find some nice couple who’d love this home like we have.”
“Definitely,” the man continued, “About three years ago we had all the carpets removed and good vinyl flooring put in every room so that I could operate my wheel chair better,”
She added, “Besides it was much easier to keep clean, but I can’t even do that any longer.”
He informed the realtor, “All the appliances are only four or fewer years old, and they all work very well.”
They and the realtor agreed on a fair price to include all the furnishings, appliances, and the tools in the garage. It was as much as they might get by having an estate sale, and it sure was a lot easier for them.
They had asked the realtor to just list it as her exclusive sale, so they wouldn’t have even one other realtor and a lot of unnecessary people traipsing through their home. They also stipulated that they couldn't leave the house when people came to look at it.
The following Sunday, the realtor introduced Tony and Maria to them at church after the church service. They were all impressed with each other. Tony and Maria went to see the house and both of them liked it immediately. It had been lovingly cared for until the couple couldn’t do it any longer, so it was a little run down in places and was dusty and messy. But, they could hire Ted to do the handyman jobs and Yolanda and her girls to help clean and sanitize the things in the house.
It was an extra bonus for Tony and Maria, to have this house furnished, including all the appliances, which were in good working condition. And because they had already decided to not raise any children, the small size with only two bedrooms was perfect for them. Plus it was on the same block as Matt and Fiona’s house. It overlooked the same park and had a great view of the mountains.
A few days later, Tony exclaimed, “This is like a great big wedding present from our Father in Heaven! This house will be perfect for us.”
“Absolutely!” agreed Maria. “There’s no other way to explain it. It’s a miracle only he could have orchestrated.
Tony went on, “The price was better than any we saw as we looked on line. The loan was easy to get, and the interest is very low. The payments will be less than we’d pay to rent a one bedroom apartment.”
“Exactly,” Maria added, “and the payments will build equity in the house instead of being wasted like rent is.”
The realtor and the older couple joined Tony and Maria in a time of thanksgiving and praise.
Then they all realized at the same time that the closing on the house couldn't be held until after the wedding so the house could be in joint ownership.
The older woman said, “I know what we can do. We can rent the house to you for one dollar a day for the two weeks before the wedding so you can fix things and do the cleaning and get your things moved into the house. Then you can spend your honeymoon in the house like you planned.”
“Right,” her husband agreed, “then the closing can be the following Monday evening at the earliest time you can both get there after getting off work.”
Tony stated, “We can both get there at 5:15 PM. Will that work?” he asked the realtor.
She replied, “Yes, I’ll make all the arrangements. Both of your credit reports were excellent, so there will be no problems.”
Riley mentioned at supper, “I’m getting used to my new position at work. I get to work pretty closely with my boss, and he is a very good Christian man who attends Church #1. I’m learning a lot from him about the company and about being a man of God.”
“It sounds good,” Patrick stated. “Have you implemented any of the new ideas you found on your last trip, yet?”
Riley replied, “Yes, we’ve tried a couple of them and so far they’re working well. First the boss called a meeting of all the employees and explained his goal to make our company even better than it was. He was able to get them to buy into his goal, so they’re willing to try new things.”
Glenda asked, “Do you miss traveling and being their salesman?”
“Actually, I don’t,” answered Riley. “I thought I might, but as I trained the new salesman I remembered how much stress, hurry, and the skills of persuasion it involved, so I'm grateful to not be doing that job any longer.”
She acknowledged, “I can imagine it is a relief. I really like knowing you’re coming home each day. Now I don’t have to look on the calendar to find out where you’ll be.”
“I like this part too,” he agreed. “Now I can plan things to do with the boys that take more continuity than I was able to have before.”
Patrick suggested, “If you’d like to, you can join Mom and me in our ministry times since you’re in our small group and there are no other singles in it.”
“I would like to join both of you,” he responded. “I miss the ministry times the most. Traveling was interesting and I did get to see a lot of interesting places and things, but it was also tiring. The job I have now is more like a normal, regular one.”
Ruth and Maria discussed the ascension of Jesus, which happened forty days after Resurrection Sunday. Then they talked about Pentecost, which was ten days after his ascension.
Maria commented at lunch Monday, “Yesterday was Ascension Day, so I read Acts 1:1-14, and one of the things that seemed very important was verse 3, Jesus showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen by the apostles forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. I wish we had those things written here in the Bible.”
“So do I!” exclaimed Ruth. “But since they aren’t here, I guess God didn’t mean for them to be. I especially like verse 8, where Jesus said, You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. This verse made it clear to them that even the Samaritans and Gentiles, which means non-Jewish people, were also supposed to to hear the good news.”
Maria declared, “I’m so glad Jesus came for all people, otherwise we would be without hope. As I was reading this portion, I thought the apostles probably were wishing he could have stayed with them, but then I remembered he had told them before in John 16:7, it is more profitable for you that I go away, for if I do not go away the Comforter (Holy Spirit) will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you.”
“Exactly right,” Ruth agreed, “after the ascension they had to wait for ten more days. Then in Acts 2:1-4, Jesus sent them the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. It was a feast described in Leviticus 23:15-21. Pentecost was fifty days after Passover and was also known as the Feast of Harvest or Firstfruits.”
“Yes,” Maria concurred, “this was a very important occurrence for the new church, as the rest of chapter two tells the story and verse 41 states, then those who gladly received Peter’s words were baptized, and the same day about 3,000 people were added to the church.”
“Precisely,” stated Ruth, “and God keeps adding to his church every day those who are being saved. We’re privileged to be a part of sharing the Good News with others, even if our part is small.”
On another day Maria called her parents and shared, “I know you can’t afford to come to the wedding, so I’ll ask a friend to take a video of the wedding and reception so I can send it to you.”
“How nice that will be!” Mom exclaimed. “Telephones and videos are great inventions and I’m thankful for them.”
Maria responded, “They sure are. And Mom, I know nothing about the intimate part of marriage so I need your help to prepare me for the wedding night.”
She replied, “Of course, I’ll send you the little booklet I bought for you years ago just for this happy occasion. Plus in the same package, I’ll send my bridal veil for you to use and keep.”
“Thank you so much, Mom!” exclaimed Maria, “I’ll love using your bridal veil, and keep it for the memories, and I’ll read the little booklet carefully as soon as it arrives and call you if I have any questions.”
“Good,” she declared, “I’ll be happy to answer any and all questions. I’m so happy for you my dear daughter!”
“And I’m so happy myself,” stated Maria, “I liked my life as a single woman, but I enjoy being in love even more.”
Tony’s parents sent him one of the same kind of booklet, so soon they were both ready for the wedding and the first night of the rest of their lives together.
Tony hired Ted to help him with the things that needed to be fixed on the house they were buying. When they started working early on a Sunday Tony suggested, “Could we do all the inside work first so it will be ready for us to clean it up and move all our things in? Then we can get them organized before the evening of our wedding.”
“Definitely,” agreed Ted, “I know you won’t be going somewhere on a honeymoon since you have to be at work the following Monday.”
Tony declared, “Right, and I’m so thankful for my friendship with you, Ted. You understand things without me having to explain them over and over.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Ted responded. “I also enjoy having you for a friend.”
“I’m glad,” next Tony requested, “Will you please stand up with me for my wedding?”
Ted replied, “It would be an honor for me. Thank you for asking.”
“Excellent!” Tony exclaimed, “I will also ask Yoshi since I was in his ministry team last year and he has also become a friend. So I’ll have two godly men standing up with me.”
Ted remarked, “I’m very pleased for you, Tony.”
“Thank You, Ted,” responded Tony, “It’s hard for me to believe how my life has changed since I first met you and then Julie and Maria. I would never have dreamed or hoped of getting to marry Maria back then or during the time I was single. But now I know she’s just right for me.”
Ted concurred, “Yes, and you’re just right for her.”
The two of them quickly got to work after that conversation and were able to accomplish a lot that day.
The same Sunday, Maria drove up to Mercy Valley Ranch to be there at the same time as Ruth was. As soon as the four girls were busy doing their homework for school the next day, Maria explained, “I came here today so I could talk to both of you at once and see if you can help me solve my dilemma.”
“I hope,” inserted Esther, “it’s not a problem of some kind you’re having with Tony.”
Maria shook her head, “No, no, no! Tony is the gem I thought I could never find. But, he desires to have only two men stand up with him for the wedding, so that means I can only have two ladies. Julie has been a good friend since the time we were roommates at the university, so I already asked her and she accepted.”
“Therefore,” Ruth guessed, “you can only choose one more besides her.”
“Right,” Maria nodded, “if I could have three ladies I could ask both of you along with her, but it wouldn’t be good to make the wedding look lopsided.
Esther agreed, “You’re right, and it’s not worth a disagreement with your intended.”
“Precisely,” and Maria continued, “So hear me out, I’d like you two to decide which one of you will stand up with me, and which one will take a video of the wedding and reception so we can send one to my parents and one to his parents who can’t afford to come to the wedding. Plus, I’d like to keep one video for ourselves as a keepsake. We’d like to pay for the cost of the videos. So would you two go talk it over and decide?”
They nodded and went into the guest bedroom, talked, and came back quickly. Ruth declared, “This was easy. Since I didn’t get to be in Esther’s wedding because I was the planner, I’d like to stand up with you while Esther takes the video. She’s better at taking videos than I am anyway.”
“Thank you big sister,” noted Esther, “for the compliment. I think this is a good solution for your dilemma, Maria. What do you think?”
Maria declared, “I think it’s brilliant! And I thank you both very much. I no longer have a dilemma and I still have very good friends.”
Esther stressed, “I couldn’t be happier for you, Maria! Being married is filled with numerous joys that I’ve been wanting for you to be able to enjoy along with me.”
“I'm extremely happy for you also,” stated Ruth, “and I’m ever so thankful that you’ve decided to keep working in my office building. Now that Jason has agreed to send two women at a time to us from his office building, we’ll have a ministry for years to come. Are you sure you don’t want Esther and me to give you a wedding shower?”
“Yes, I’m very sure” replied Maria, “it’s sweet of you to want to do it and to ask again, but like I told you both when I called you earlier, the house we’re buying comes fully furnished and Tony and I have all the things we’ve been doing housekeeping with for all our single years. We’ll have to go through them and the things in the house and decide what to keep and what to donate. So, you see, I don’t need a shower or presents at the wedding! But if you insist on giving us a present, then you can consider taking the videos and standing up with me to be your presents.”
Julie asked, “Esther, could the quadruplets sit with your girls with Nathan to watch all of them during the wedding ceremony for Maria and Tony?”
“I’m sure it would be fine,” answered Esther.
Julie continued, “Ted and I decided to take the quadruplets to eat supper at Ami’s Japanese Restaurant during the week before the wedding so they would be familiar with the garden and would have a chance to talk about it at that time. Then they might be able to stay quiet during the ceremony.
“It sounds like very good planning,” agreed Esther.
Julie told the quadruplets, “We’ve been invited to attend Auntie Maria and Mr. Valdez’s wedding this coming Friday evening.”
“Yippee!” exclaimed Iris, “I’ve never been to a wedding before.”
Rose commented, “It should be interesting, and since it’s for Auntie Maria, I hope it will be extra nice.”
Violet admitted, “I don’t know what a wedding is.”
“Neither do I,” added Lily. Would you please tell us?”
Ted covered his mouth with his napkin to hide a smile, so Julie explained, “Do you remember we told you to stop and stay quiet while we watched Tony ask Maria if she would marry him?”
“Yeah,” answered Violet, “then when she said yes, we got to canter our horses up to theirs and tell them we were happy for them.”
“Right,” said Julie, “they aren’t married yet because they had a lot of things to plan and get ready. Now that everything is finished, they want their friends to come watch a special service for them, called a wedding ceremony with Pastor Don teaching and then asking them questions.”
Lily asked, “Is that all that happens?”
“No,” replied Julie, “After they answer yes or I do, to the questions, Tony and Maria will separately promise to love, cherish and be faithful to each other in this life. Then Pastor Don will tell them and the people watching that Tony and Maria are now husband and wife, and he will tell Tony he can kiss his bride, which means Maria. The kiss seals their promises.”
Rose wondered, “Why is all of this so important?”
“Because,” explained Julie, “The wedding is the public way of showing that two people are married, so they can begin to live together for the rest of their lives and do things in unity. They also promise to only have that kind of relationship with each other and not anyone else. People need to be married so they can have children and be parents if God wants it for them.”
“Daddy,” questioned Iris, “did you and Mommy have a wedding? We didn’t get to see yours if you did.”
“Yes,” he responded, “it was a very nice wedding and happened more than two years before the time when we met you four girls and you came to live with us. Your nice grandparents were taking care of you at that time.”
Violet inquired, “Where will their wedding be?”
He answered, “It’s going to be in the garden area of a very nice restaurant in Pine City. We’d like for you to see it before the wedding so you can ask all your questions while we’re there eating and then you’ll all be able to be very quiet during the wedding ceremony on Friday evening. We’ll eat supper here at home that evening, but tomorrow is Tuesday, and since we’ll all be in town we will go there to eat supper after school tomorrow.”
Rose stated, “It sounds like a fun place to go, and we can look forward to it.”
Lily said, “Thank you, Mommy, for explaining to us about a wedding and being married.”
“And,” Iris tacked on, “Thank you both, ahead of time for taking us to the nice restaurant and the wedding.”
Daddy expressed, “You’re all welcome. We think these will both be good experiences for you girls.”
“After the wedding ceremony,” Julie added, “there will be a reception inside the restaurant area where we’ll eat a little food of some kind and listen to speeches by Tony and Maria.”
Ted instructed, “This next part is very important. Your mommy and I need you to help make this wedding go very well since she and I will be a part of the wedding. Tony asked me to be one of the men who would stand up next to him during the wedding.”
“And,” continued Julie, “Maria asked me to be one of the ladies who stands up next to her during the wedding. So when we get to the wedding on Friday, you four girls will sit with your friends Holly, Willow, Lucia and Val, and their papa. Their mama will be taking a video of the wedding and reception.”
Ted emphasized, “All eight of you will have to be very quiet during the wedding ceremony like you are in church. Do you think you can do that? Mr. Mendoza will give us a report about how you behaved.
All four heads nodded solemnly and they promised.
“Good, we’re counting on you to help us,” stated Julie. “After the wedding you girls can call Mr. Valdez, Uncle Tony, since he will then be Maria’s husband and she is your auntie.”
Nathan and Esther also took their four girls to supper at Ami’s Japanese Restaurant that week on Wednesday, so they could see and comment on the garden and restaurant before going to the wedding on Friday.
Then Papa impressed on them, “It is really important for you to be quiet and well behaved at the wedding. The quadruplets will be sitting with you because their parents are part of the wedding, and your mama will be taking a video of the wedding and reception.
Esther explained, “Mr. Valdez will be your Uncle Tony after the wedding since he will be married to your Auntie Maria. You’ll probably get to know him better when she and he come to the ranch to visit us some weekends. But she won’t be staying the whole weekend in our extra room like she did before the wedding.”
Their girls were happy to learn that Auntie Maria would still come visit them even though she couldn’t stay as long each time.
Roy, Sherry, Joy, and Hope were talking about the scripture verses and teaching time in the church service last Saturday.
Sherry mentioned, “I liked 1 Timothy 4:8, which says bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that is now and of that which is to come. It reminds me to continue with my physical exercises for the benefits I can get from them.”
“Our nurse,” inserted Hope, “at school, who is also Lora in our small group, said that doing exercises can help us keep our bodies healthy.”
Sherry agreed, “Yes, and she’s right. But the verse stresses that godliness is even more important, so we need to do both.
“What is godliness?” asked Joy.
Roy answered, “Some words that mean about the same are: holiness, purity, being virtuous, and being like God.”
“I think,” stated Sherry, “godliness is harder to do than physical exercise, but God will help us do it.”
Roy observed, “I agree. The next verse Pastor Don talked about gives us some ideas that can help us. 1 Timothy 6:6-10a, Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. Let us be content with having food and clothes. But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, … for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil …
“So,” remarked Joy, “we need to be content with our food and clothes and not want to be rich.”
“Right,” agreed Sherry, “wanting to be rich can cause many problems.”
Hope added, “Being content means we’re happy with the way things are and so we’re thankful for them.”
“Yeah,” Joy tacked on, “we thank our parents and God for the good things we have and don’t wish or beg for more.”
“Exactly, Hope and Joy,” Roy complimented, “and those thoughts go well with the last verse, 1 Timothy 6:17, Urge those who are rich in this world to not be high minded and to not trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who richly gives us all things to enjoy.
Sherry concluded, “Definitely, and we show we’re content when we’re thankful to God and trust him. We enjoy all the things he has already given to us.”
Tony and Maria were looking forward to having their honeymoon in their ‘new’ house, since Tony couldn't take off any time from work. Everything was fixed now and Maria had hired Yolanda and her girls Sara, Kim, Candy, and June to come the Saturday before the wedding and help her clean and sanitize all the things that needed it. Now the house felt ready for them to live there.
The next day, Sunday, Tony with the help of Ted and Yoshi moved all his things from his apartment to the house, except what he needed for the next week. Then he put his clothes away in the closet and dresser that would be his. He left all the pans and dishes, cleaning supplies and other miscellaneous items in boxes so Maria and he could go through them and decide which to keep and which to give away. He would get dressed for the wedding at his apartment and then drive to the church. He and Maria would go on Saturday or Sunday to bring the rest of his things to the house.
On the Friday of the wedding, Maria took the whole day off work to finish packing, and with the help of Ami and Hana, who were in her small group, all her belongings were moved from her apartment to the house. She also left her pans and dishes in their boxes so she and Tony could go through them and the ones the couple left in the house to decide what would be the best for them to keep. But Maria’s other things were unpacked, organized, and put away so their marvelous house was ready for Tony and Maria on their wedding night.
After Ami and Hana left, Maria picked up her cat and declared, “Wow! Today is my wedding day, Calico! You’ll like Tony, cause he already told me he likes cats and wants me to keep you.”
Calico purred in reply and Maria continued, “I’m feeling ready to be married, after eating a light supper, taking a shower and getting dressed. It’s really nice of Ruth to come help me with my hair and the bridal veil, before she drives us over to the restaurant. Then I can ride home with Tony, who will then be my husband, after the wedding and reception!”
She laughed at herself, but kept on talking to her cat the way she had been doing as a single. “Everything is ready in our new home for our honeymoon! The only things I had to buy were sheets and blankets for the bed. I’m glad Mom sent that book and then answered all my questions. I’m excited about coming home here after our wedding so Tony and I can learn together more about how to enjoy the intimate part of married life.”
She put her cat on the floor and prayed, “Thank you Lord for the marvelous way you have worked all of this out for our good! It’s all so much more than I ever hoped or dreamed of having. I enjoyed my single life for those other years, but this will be even better.”
Then she picked up Calico again and gave her a room by room tour of the house that would be her new home also.
At a Pine City day care home two boys, who were almost five years old, were having an argument in the backyard. It ended with this dialog.
The first one said, “I’m gonna tell on you!”
The second one asked, “Who you gonna tell?”
The first one shouted, “Your mom!”
The second one retorted, “Aah, that’s OK. She already knows.”
The first one stated, “Then I’ll tell your dad!”
The second one replied, “He already knows too.”
The first one declared, “Then I’ll tell God!”
The second one exclaimed, “Go ahead! God knows even more than my mom and dad do, and he knows all the bad things you’ve ever said and done besides!”
The first one demanded, “Why? Did you tell him on me?”
The second one answered, “Nah, he just knows everything about everybody.”
The first one could only say, “Oh.”
“But,” The second one admitted, “I agree with you. What I said and did was wrong of me and I’m sorry. I’ll tell God I’m sorry too. Please forgive me and I’ll try to do better.”
Therefore the first one responded, “I forgive you, and I’ll ask your mom to help me pray so I can accept Jesus as my Savior, and he can forgive all the bad things I’ve said and done. And then God will forgive me too.”
The second one stressed, “I’m glad you’re going to do that. Would you like me to go with you?”
The first one nodded, “Yes, and maybe we can be better friends.”
The second one agreed, “I like your idea.”
On their way home from the wedding Don commented, “We were correct in our supposition this time, and I’m not at all surprised.”
“I’m not either, and I'm so glad for them!” Anita exclaimed. “Tony and Maria’s wedding in the garden area of Ami’s Japanese Restaurant was lovely and it was a pleasure to be there and watch!”
“Yes, Mama,” Mary stated, “It was just as pretty as when Yoshi and Sakura got married.
“Right,” Timmy agreed, “The flowers on the arbor were of many different colors this time.”
Anita said, “You’re right, and they were all blooming there naturally. Other June flowers were blooming in the Japanese garden in various places and the ambiance was perfect for the wedding without adding anything more.”
Don continued, “Yes it was perfect. Tony and Maria invited all the people who’d been in small groups with them in the last few years. It made just the right size congregation for the garden area and included all the friends and important people in their lives, except for both sets of parents who couldn’t afford to come to the wedding.”
“Yes,” Anita concurred, “I saw Esther taking a video of the whole wedding and the reception. They’ll probably send copies to both sets of parents.”
Timmy mentioned, “Esther stayed out of the way so well, that I hardly realized what she was doing.”
Mary remarked, “Maria’s wedding dress was one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen. It was made of the nicest material,”
“Yeah,” Timmy nodded, “and it wasn’t just all the same shade of white. I counted five different shades.”
Maria added, “Yep, the blouse part had a pinkish glow that went well with her long shiny black hair and it looked silky under the pretty wedding veil.”
“Indeed,” then Timmy continued, “The top layer of the skirt was like a pearl, and when the light hit it just right I could see other colors shining on it. The second layer was like the ivory keys on a piano, and the third one was a natural white like some of Mama’s nice dish towels. The ruffles were of a brilliant shiny white that also had different colors shining from them when the light was in the right place on them.
“Right,” concurred Anita, “When the colors do that, it is called iridescence. I liked her wedding dress very much also. You and Mary are becoming very observant and able to describe things. Another thing I noticed was that the couple who sold their house to Tony and Maria were also at the wedding, and they looked so at peace and happy.”
Don agreed, “Yes, now they’re settled into the assisted living complex, and they know Tony and Maria will love the house as much as they did while they lived there.”
“I’m glad for them,” then Anita added, “I liked the way the wedding invitations stressed that they only wanted people’s presence and no presents at the wedding.”
“Mama,” asked Mary “what did that mean?”
She answered, “It meant that they wanted people to come to the wedding, but not to bring any gifts.”
“But,” Mary questioned, “why didn’t they want any gifts?”
Timmy tacked on, “I wondered about that too. I think it would be fun to open all those presents.”
Mama answered, “Because God helped them find just the right house to buy and it already had almost everything in it that they would need.”
“Now I understand,” said Timmy. “Daddy I like to watch how you marry people and tell them how to love each other.”
“I do too,” Mary nodded. “I think we’re lucky because we get to go to so many weddings. They’re always so pretty.”
Anita agreed, “Yes they are. I noticed Ruth and Esther each telling Maria they were very happy for her. Later I heard that when Ruth told Jason the next time she saw him, he said he was happy for her also. I’m always amazed at the way God works things out for the best.”
“Yes,” responded Don and then he prayed, “Father in heaven we thank you for your wisdom and your leading in the lives of our good friends. We ask you to guide and bless their lives together.”
Later in the evening when the children were asleep, Don and Anita were relaxing on the couch in the living room talking about many things.
After a while Anita declared, “I agree with Mary that we’re lucky to get to go to so many weddings. They are pretty and I enjoy each one in different ways.”
“Yes,” said Don, “and I was thinking about another wedding that was so beautiful and had the loveliest bride I’ve ever seen at a wedding. And you’re still just as lovely, my beloved.”
Anita smiled, “Thank you, Dearest, for the special compliment.”
Don pulled his wife closer to him on the couch and whispered, “I think I’m the most blessed of men to have you for my wife, Darling. You’re so easy to be with and we have such excellent conversations on many different topics.”
Anita snuggled up with him and responded, “Those are my exact thoughts about you, my love! It’s super to have unity instead of arguments like too many couples have. Thank you Lord for my outstanding husband!”
“Honey,” Don inquired, “could we continue this heart to heart exchange in our bedroom?”
She smiled at him, “By all means Sweetheart! It would be my pleasure!”
Caring Foster homes in Pine City usually have one to four children, plus maybe one or two of their own children. Some of them got started at the same time the ones at the ranch did. Others had already been going, and many others started since the church handed out the list of ideas. Being foster parents was on the list and there were many families who decided to share their homes and parenting skills with needy, abused children.
Shortly after Pastor Don had reported what Candy had told him after he caught her stealing at the grocery store, Candy’s brothers and younger sister were removed from that home and were assigned to church member foster homes in Pine City. They became believers and were learning how to grow up to be productive citizens who would also share the Good News.
One couple who took the training and were assigned siblings whose parents had died in a wreck. The boy was ten, and the girl was nine. After the two had been helped through the grieving process, the family started to travel using a motor home. On one of their trips, they traveled to a place by the ocean where they waded in the water with their old tennis shoes on.
They got to see many fish and even a dolphin which was further out in the ocean. The children remembered a time when they were six and seven and they had gone to a beach but didn’t get to wade. This was definitely more fun.
Dad said, “Now let’s go on to the next stop.”
Mom instructed, “You can take your wet shoes off at the motor home and put on your slippers. Then you can use those shoes at the next stop. We brought along a new pair of tennis shoes for each of you, which you will of course keep out of the water.”
It was an excellent trip and all of them enjoyed it. Several months later both children accepted Jesus as their Savior, because of all they had learned at home and at church and small group.
Later the family decided they would use their travel times for travel evangelism. So they got the booklet from the church and studied it together and bought the things they’d need to take with them for doing the ministry. Then they planned where they would go on their next trip.
Amelia had been working on her independent Bible study. Earlier she had bought some notebooks in different colors so she could keep her studies in them and enjoy a new color every time she had one filled. Today, she would begin a new one with a new topic, but before that, she took the first one to show her brother, Ben.
“Hi, Ben,” she greeted, “would you like to see my first independent Bible study notebook?”
“Of course, Amelia,” Ben replied and she handed it to him. After looking he exclaimed, “Wow! You’ve done a lot since you started!”
Amelia smiled, “I’m so glad you gave me that suggestion, because this has been a perfect way for me to use my time in the evenings. So I thank you.”
He commented, “You’re welcome. I like the way you used different colors for the three members of the trinity, and various other things.”
“I got that idea from Mindy,” Amelia responded. “She told me about it one day when I was there waiting for Fiona. Mindy got it from Candy at Mercy Valley Ranch, who learned it from Karen Spencer, the teacher of their Bible study classes.”
Ben remarked, “That idea traveled through a lot of people before you told me about it.”
“For sure,” and Amelia continued, “They use the idea for underlining those things in their Bibles, and I do also, but I added it to my Bible study notebook as a way to coordinate them. Mindy said they use erasable colored pencils so they can make corrections, and so the colors don’t bleed through the page to the other side. They also use the pencils to write each verse in a different color for their Thankful Notebooks. So that’s what I’m using also, and it does work a lot better.”
Ben observed, “I’ll bet it does, and I also like the way you used mapping for some of the topics.”
“I learned about that,” she said, “in one of my high school classes. It’s nice to be able to use what we learn in one place and make it work well in another.”
“For sure,” then Ben noticed, “the study you just finished is longer than the rest. I really like the topic.”
“I do also,” Amelia agreed. “The word ‘bless’ with its other endings is intriguing. I really enjoyed this study.”
They read and commented on just some of the verses she had copied.
The first heading said blessed can mean happy.
Ben read Psalm 119:1,2, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. Blessed are those who keep his testimonies and who seek him with their whole heart. I think these two verses remind me of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-11.”
Amelia said “I think so too, and Psalm 106:3 is another one of that type. Blessed are those who keep judgment, and he who does righteousness at all times.”
The heading for the next set, said blessed can mean favored.
“These next verses,” Ben stated, “are some of my favorites. Numbers 6:24-26, The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace.”
Amelia concurred, “Without a doubt, and there’s even a song that goes with it, using the same exact words. The next verses are the best blessing and we’ve already received it! Galatians 3:13,14, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. For it is written, ‘Cursed is every one who hangs on a tree.’ (Jesus redeemed us) so the blessing of Abraham could come to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; so we could receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
Ben nodded and they both thanked God for that blessing.
The next heading said bless can mean to praise.
Ben remarked, “I like the way David commanded his soul to praise the LORD in Psalm 103:1,2, Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits. I also like the way it goes with that song by John W. Peterson with the same title. The verses he wrote include how we can praise Jesus for his completed work on Calvary, how our needs are supplied, and we can know our destiny.”
“I like it also,” replied Amelia. “The chorus of that song has the exact words as are in verse one in the Bible. This last verse I studied combines two of the meanings for bless: to praise and to be favored. Ephesians 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”
Ben stressed, “Thank you, Amelia, for showing me your notebook. Maybe I’ll start one of my own.”
“Good,” she responded, “then you can show me and we can enjoy talking about the verses together.”
Tony and Maria’s June wedding made cherished memories for each of them, and their honeymoon in the house God had provided for them was the delightful beginning of their married life.
After they got home from the wedding and reception, they nervously undressed together in their bedroom.
Tony exclaimed, “Oh, Maria, your body is even more beautiful than I ever imagined it would be!”
She responded, “Thank you, Tony, and yours is even more well-built, strong and handsome than I could visualize.”
Nervousness fell away and they were unashamed before each other as they explored ways to express their love.
The weekend was full of new experiences for each of them, and they were so glad they had saved themselves for only each other.
Everything they did together during and after that weekend, including making love, sorting through pans, dishes, and tools, packing the extras to donate, getting used to a new way and place to live, helped them to love one another even more.
After becoming settled in their new roles, the Lord led the two of them to continue Tony’s ministry in the parks as a married couple.
Tony exclaimed, “This is a perfect ministry for us, my cherished wife! I know you could do well in either Spanish or English, but since I’m still not as fluent as you are in English, I’m glad I get to read the Spanish stories and you read the English ones.”
Maria smiled. “Yes, my wonderful husband, and you've taught me so much already about working with the children. Along with that, I’m glad I’ve had experience with Julie and Esther’s girls at the ranch. I enjoy working with the younger children this way.”
“I'm glad, Honey,” continued Tony, “and the van works perfectly to carry the story telling booth to the parks.”
Maria agreed, “Definitely, plus it didn’t cost us very much to buy the Big Books and flannelgraph stories and the flannel board. We can keep adding more as we continue in this ministry.”
“Yes we can,” then Tony shared, “I like your idea for the sign above our storytelling booth, which is part of Luke 18:16, Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.’ It can speak right to the parents and they might obey.”
“I’m glad you like it,” replied Maria. “I got the idea from Oscar one day at the ranch when he had me listen to the song Michael Card sings about letting the children come. They wanted to let the abused children come to their ranch where the parents and Karen could teach them about Jesus and then he could save and restore them. It’s working very well there.”
Tony concurred, “It’s a great idea for the ranch and for us too. In addition, I just realized that since we got married in June, we’ll have the rest of this summer and fall to do our ministry in the parks. I’m glad we decided to not raise any children ourselves, because if we did, we would not be able to do the park ministry.”
Maria stated, “I am also, and I’m glad we can each continue our ministries at work. I also like having you come with me to Mercy Valley Ranch and to the committee meetings for the Helps Fund.”
“I like going with you,” then Tony concluded, “I just counted the things you said and when we add the ministry in the park, we each have four ministries. It was very good for us to get married and be able to work together for Jesus and also be able to have all the joys of a married couple. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing us two singles together and for guiding us to love and get married so we can serve you together as two people in unity.”
Nathan was reminiscing with Esther on a Wednesday since she didn’t volunteer at the church school those days.
He mentioned, “Honey, I think we have a very good life together here on this ranch with our four foster girls.”
“We surely have, Dearest!” she exclaimed. “I continue to enjoy it every day, especially on days like today when we can spend so much time together.”
“Same here!” Nathan exclaimed, “and I was just thinking, it has worked well for you to volunteer at the church school four days a week.”
Esther responded, “Yes it has. And I just realized I only have the rest of this year to volunteer, because next year the girls will be in fourth grade in the public school and will ride the school bus. And besides, this year is already more than half over.”
“You’re right, and have you thought,” he asked, “about what you’d like to do when you no longer need to volunteer?”
She answered, “No I haven’t, but now that you asked, I think that for the first few months I'd like to enjoy being with you more often, do more horseback riding, and just be a homemaker. Maybe I could also get some sewing done. And of course I’ll continue to do the bookkeeping for the ranch.”
“Your ideas sound good to me also,” Nathan agreed. “I would very definitely enjoy being able to spend more time with you! You have been very busy for the last few years. It will be good for you to have a few months of doing things you desire to do.”
Esther responded, “Thank you, Dear. I will also start praying about what else God wants me to do.”
“Perfect,” he nodded, “I’ll be praying about it also.”
They prayed together about it right then and since Esther didn’t have to go pick up the girls for another hour they also had time for some delightful intimacy.
In one small group meeting, the teaching was about using parts of many of the Psalms as a way to praise God. For example, Psalm 57:9-11, I will praise you, O LORD, among the people, I will sing to you among the nations. For your mercy is as great as the heavens, and your truth reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be above all the earth.
So Tony and Maria used their Spanish Bibles for a month now and then, and their English Bibles for another month, when they had their devotional times together. They would spend that month in the Psalms. They had other ideas which they could use at other times.
They did other Bible studies together also, and Maria continued to read each day where she left off the day before in her plan to read all the way through the Bible. Tony continued his other Bible reading and devotional times also.
Maria observed, “Tony, I really enjoy our times together when we do Bible studies and have prayer times. I also still enjoy doing individual times of reading and prayer.”
“I feel the same way,” he agreed. “What is something you were doing before we got married?”
Maria took out the notebook where she kept her past studies and showed him especially the ones she had done and then had talked about with Ruth concerning the prophecies that were fulfilled for the Bible holidays of the last seven months.
Tony exclaimed, “Super! Thank you for telling me about those. Your idea of keeping a notebook about things you’re studying is a good one. I think I’ll do it too from now on, so I’ll buy a notebook the next time we go shopping together. I read a verse yesterday that I really like. It’s found in Hebrews 4:12 The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any sword with two edges, … and can discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
“Yes,” Maria agreed, “I really like that one also. I’m glad we can share with each other about the things we’re learning from God’s Word. It helps me remember them better.”
Vern, Lora, and Mindy had traveled to State Forest State Park in northern Colorado near Walden, during the Fourth of July vacation week. They had made their reservations well in advance and paid the park entrance fees at the same time. When they arrived in the late afternoon on Saturday, they had plenty of time to get the screen tent set up and be ready for an after supper meeting.
It was nice and cool in the high mountain area compared to the valley where Pine City was located. So it was a pleasant way to get away from the heat and the scenery was spectacular, as it is in most Colorado mountain areas.
The people at the meeting appreciated the screen tent, since there were lots of mosquitoes in the area.
At the beginning of the meeting that night a man asked Vern, “Why do you travel?”
Vern explained, “We travel to see God’s creation. It helps us to appreciate his handiwork and then we can give him the glory that only he deserves. Like it says in Psalm 104:24a, O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you made them all… Why do you travel?”
The man answered, “To get away from the noise and busyness of the city so I can feel refreshed.”
His wife mentioned, “I like the fresh air since we usually go to the mountains to get away from the smog of the big city.”
Another man added, “I come to mountain lakes like this so I can go fishing. It’s a good way to relax.”
His wife went on, “I get to relax by reading a novel in the camp trailer while he fishes. Then we usually take a walk when he gets back, unless he has caught enough fish to cook for supper.”
Lora remarked, “Those are all good reasons to travel, and I agree, places like this are good for relaxing and being refreshed.”
The other couple attending the meeting nodded in agreement, and after that conversation, the Jones family explained and demonstrated how to use and read the verses in the hymnal. The rest of the meeting went much like others they had in other places. The people had some good questions and listened to the answers. They promised to return the next evening. They did as they promised and also came the next four evenings. By the last meeting, two of the couples had all their questions answered and they accepted Jesus. The other couple said they still needed more time, so Lora gave them their phone number so they could call with more questions if they desired.
The second day Vern and family went to the Moose Visitor Center they had passed on the way in the afternoon before. They had not stopped then, since they wanted to have time to set up their site for a meeting.
“Look,” exclaimed Mindy, “the moose statue we saw here yesterday is made from barbed wire!”
Lora responded, “I wouldn’t want to try and make anything out of barbed wire.”
Vern said, “I wonder how many wounds the person got in the process of making it. It is a very good job.”
Inside the visitor center was a stuffed, full-grown, bull moose, showing just how large and especially fearsome looking it is with its huge set of antlers. Live ones including the cows, particularly if they have a calf, are best seen from a distance. There were many displays and books to buy in the visitor center. Besides, it was in a strikingly attractive building.
They were able to get information about hiking trails in the area.
The trail to Lake Agnes they chose was about three and a half miles long and was pretty steep at the beginning. The other trail to Lake Agnes is not as steep but would add about three additional miles to the hike. Either way, the lake is well worth the work of getting there.
They had done some shorter more level hikes the first couple days while they got acclimated to the higher elevation. As they hiked on level places they sang the chorus to “Joy in the Journey.” It helped them keep going as they thought about enjoying even the hard parts of the hike. All three of them were very pleased with Lake Agnes when they finally reached it and could enjoy its singular charm.
Later as they were driving around in the area, they were able to see a formation high in the mountains known as Nokhu Crags. When they told friends about it and Lake Agnes later when they got home to Pine City, they mentioned that there are good pictures of both of them on the web.
Lora sometimes stayed at the motorhome and sketched the scenery she could see from it on the very few days when she was not feeling up to a hike, so Vern and Mindy went hiking those days. Later, after observing Lora sketch, Mindy bought a notebook and pencils so she could try sketching also on their next trip.
All three of them enjoyed their travels, including planning them, getting things ready to go, being in new places and seeing all the impressive scenery, hiking, meeting new people, and having ministry times. Then when they got home it was even fun to do the unpacking and cleaning together. Looking at the pictures they took etched the trip in their minds so they had great memories to talk about to each other.
Right after they got home from Utah, the Fosters had talked to Vern, Lora, and Mindy about where they had gone last fall. Then Roy, Sherry, and the twins had made reservations in the same campground so they could visit some of the same places the Jones family had. But they went during the week of the Fourth of July. So instead of seeing fall colors, they saw green trees and grass and wildflowers. They also hiked to a couple waterfalls.
Joy and Hope were so captivated by the beaver pond and what they got to see there, that they talked about it for weeks after they returned home. They even shared about it in third grade the next year during the lessons when beavers were studied in science.
The Fosters didn’t have a screen tent, but they and everyone who came to the evening meetings used mosquito repellent and it worked well enough. The Fosters felt confident about having meetings after learning so much from the Jones family. The meetings went well and it was nice to have repeat attendees along with new families when some of the others moved to another campground or went home. They used the song “What More Could He Do?” in their meetings. It asks that question after telling about all Jesus did when he came to earth to live a sinless life so he could give his life as the perfect sacrifice that would pay the penalty of sin.
They had sent a tract with any family who was leaving and it contained their phone number if the family wanted to call after they arrived home. They did get some phone calls. By the end of the week, two couples and one family had accepted Jesus as their Savior.
When they got home and everything was put away, Sherry commented, “I really enjoyed our week in these mountains close to Pine City.”
Roy agreed, “So did I. It was nice to be set up there and not have to make a hurried trip for the day and then rush home.”
“My favorite place,” declared Joy, “was the beaver pond!”
“Same here,” agreed Hope, “and I’m glad we got to go visit it two times this week, because we saw some different animals each trip.”
Sherry nodded, “It was fascinating, and I could tell you both liked it, because neither of you commented on how early or chilly it was the second time we went.”
Roy remarked, “Yes, and I’m glad our ministry meetings went so well. We had good teachers.”
Hope admitted, “I’m glad too, but I missed having Mindy camped close to us this trip. I know we can’t expect to go with them every time.”
“I missed her too,” added Joy. “Maybe we could join them again another time, like maybe the week of Labor Day.”
Sherry responded, “Both of you are right. We don’t want to be a nuisance, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Let’s talk to them during refreshment time at the small group this coming week, and see what they have planned.”
So they did, and were surprised and pleased when it was Vern who suggested another trip together for Labor Day week. The Fosters had them come over for supper one evening and the adults made plans then while Mindy played some games with the twins.
After Maria’s wedding, Esther invited Ruth to come every weekend to the ranch if she wanted to. She did so, and still made time to visit her mom, dad, and their boys on the farm for some part of the alternate weekends.
In addition to that, Ruth and Pam started a single women’s group of believers and unbelievers both. One aim of the group was to encourage singles to feel that their lives were complete and useful without having to be married.
They met in Pam’s schoolroom on Sunday afternoons and included a time of exercising to the accompaniment of praise music at the beginning of each meeting to add another purpose for the meetings.
At the end of each exercise session they used the song, “Times of Refreshing,” by Marty Nystrom to do slow exercises and cool down. The lyrics tell of the happiness of being in the Lord’s presence and feeling renewed. They played the music on a boombox so everyone could hear it.
One of their first teaching times focused on times when singles might feel sad or upset about being single. For comfort, they used 2 Corinthians 1:2-5, Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies, and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles that we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble by the comfort God has given us. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds by Christ.
Then they used Matthew 11:28, and had the ladies personalize it by saying, “So I’ll come to you, Jesus, when I am weary and heavy laden, and you will give me rest.”
This group had a lot of unbelievers since part of its purpose was to teach them the Good News and pray for the Holy Spirit to lead them to Jesus for salvation. So as a part of every meeting they explained the Good News and gave an invitation.
At one meeting a lady informed them, “I'm handicapped because my mother drank alcohol while she was pregnant with me. The medical term is fetal alcohol syndrome. I have many of the symptoms listed on the web sites and I know there is no cure for it. The most noticeable ones are my small size, thick glasses, and the deformed fingers on my left hand.”
The way she said the information sounded like she had memorized it as a way to satisfy people’s curiosity, not to gain sympathy. She had accepted and was learning to live with her problem.
Her mother came with her one Sunday, by invitation from her daughter, and it was obvious that she still had a drinking problem.
About half way through the meeting, Ruth and Pam felt led to pray for healing for the handicapped lady. Pam told the story of her mother’s stroke and how Jesus had healed her.
Then Ruth read Luke 4:40 to everybody. “Now when the sun was setting, all who had any sickness were brought to Jesus and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. Jesus is still the same today. He can heal any problem.”
Pam asked the lady, “Would you like to be healed?”
The lady nodded emphatically, so Ruth inquired, “May we place our hands on your head and ask Jesus to heal you?”
Again the lady nodded, so Ruth and Pam gently put their hands on her head and Pam prayed, “Jesus, you already know all the problems this dear lady has and you have the power to heal them even though the doctors say there is no cure. We ask you to come right now and heal her. Body and brain, you are completely healed and made whole in the name of Jesus Christ the Messiah.”
Pam and Ruth could feel Jesus healing power going through their hands to the lady, who sat there and trembled slightly as Jesus healed her completely. The women in the meeting watched as the deformed fingers became straightened and the lady could move them naturally. Her facial features became more normal and when she stood up they could tell she had grown a couple inches taller. She was able to walk now with balance and coordination. She took off her glasses and could see everything sharply and clearly.
Seeing all of this with her own eyes, her mother fell to her knees to worship Jesus who had healed her daughter. Then she repented of all her own sins, asked forgiveness and for Jesus to be her Savior as she had been taught some other place, and for deliverance from her alcoholism. She asked her daughter to forgive her also, which she graciously did and of course, she also accepted Jesus as her Savior.
The other women there who were unbelievers were also convinced by seeing the miracle, and they prayed their own prayers, including what they had been taught in this group, and every one of them accepted Jesus that day.
The women who were already believers joined in with the gratitude and rejoicing in the room. It had been an amazing meeting. Ruth and Pam handed out little booklets, explained about the card inside and invited all of them to church. The ladies came and handed their cards to Pastor Don, and he immediately organized a small group for them to join.
The women all liked the new believers group and kept attending it after the baptismal service, and they learned so much about how to live their new life. When new groups were formed in January, they were placed in new groups in pairs so they would at least know one person there and not feel alone. They were able to make many friends in the new groups and find ways they could serve their new Lord and Master.
Tony asked Maria, “Do you think you would like to learn how to ride a bike?”
She answered, “Yes I would, if you still enjoy riding yours.”
“I do enjoy it,” he stated, “it’s good exercise and if we stay on the bike paths it will be safe also.”
She asked, “Do the bike paths go through some of the parks in the city? When I get good at riding it would be fun to see things in the parks.”
“Yes, they do,” he answered, “I like seeing things in the parks also. So, shall we rent a bike for you this weekend and bring it here to the park by our house so you can learn to ride and see if you like it?”
She responded, “Sure, let’s do. Is it very hard to learn how to ride a bike?”
“Well,” he contemplated, “it wasn’t hard for me, but I started when I was pretty young, and my dad helped me learn. I’ll help you, Honey.”
“Thank you, Dear,” she said. “I’ll also look on the web and read all I can about it. I’ll watch a few YouTube videos also.”
Tony and Maria went together to find a bike that would fit her and they rented it and a helmet for the weekend. He helped her practice getting on and off first and how to use the brakes on the handlebars.
After she got going, he ran along beside her so he could steady her if needed, especially in getting stopped and putting a foot down so she and the bike wouldn’t topple over.
When the first lesson was over, they took their ministry booth to another park in the city and read stories to the children as they rested from playing on the playground. Today the children listened, but none of them raised a hand after the invitation.
So they went home, ate a nice lunch and practiced again with the bicycle for about half an hour three times with a rest in between. Tony was riding beside her on his bike by now. After supper, they found an empty parking lot and Maria learned how to ride in circles both directions and how to turn corners.
The next day they spent the morning with the Blake family at Mercy Valley Ranch, told them of her new adventure and then had a nice horseback ride together with them.
At home again, after lunch Maria practiced riding with only one hand on the handlebar so she could signal with the other hand. She had learned all the signals for turning and slowing or stopping from what she read and watched on the web. Then they rested and used the bike path in the park to practice stopping at pretend stop signs and then get going again.
During one of their rest times, Tony commended her, “Maria, you’re learning quickly and are doing everything correctly. What do you think about riding a bike?”
“I like it now,” she answered, “it was scary at first, but your help and encouragement were so good, I’m feeling much more confident than I did at first.”
“I’m glad,” then Tony inquired, “Do you think you’ll like it enough that it would be worth buying a bike for you?”
Maria responded, “Certainly, especially if we get a good used one instead of a fancy new expensive one. I'd like one I can shift to make it easier to pedal when we go up hills. I can learn how to shift the bike with you to teach me. You’re a great teacher, Dearest.”
“Thank you, Sweetheart,” he replied, “it’s easy, with you being such a good student.”
So they looked in the newspaper and online and other places. They did find a used bike in good condition in a bike shop. It had as many speeds as Tony’s had and was well built like his, so he felt good about buying it. Maria quickly learned how to shift gears and they had many enjoyable rides together.
During supper Jack and Kevin both had good news to share about being missionaries in fourth grade.
Jack began, “My partner and I have made friends with another boy while we eat lunch across from him. For some reason a group of boys had dumped him out of their group. He’s been feeling very hurt and resentful about it. But he had finally let us be his friends and he’s feeling better. Pretty soon we should be able to witness to him.”
“Great job!” Cory exclaimed. “Keep up the good work!”
Next Kevin shared, “I'm glad for you Jack. My partner and I have been playing with a boy who’s a loner on the playground. It took him some time to be able to trust us, because he had been hurt the same way. He is starting to ask us some questions, so we’re hopeful.”
“Good for you also,” declared Cory. “I knew you two could do it. Now we can all keep praying that you can share the Good News soon and these two boys will have Jesus to be their best friend.”
The rest of the family applauded them and the topic changed as they continued supper.
Another day Kevin and Jack together taught Max and Levi how to whistle with blades of grass after listening to the Nature Corner story that mentioned it.
Jack instructed, “Choose a wide kind of grass and pull off a piece that’s longer than your thumbs.”
Levi asked, “How’s this one?”
“It’s perfect, Kevin answered, “Now put the piece of grass between your thumbs so you can see both thumb nails.”
Max questioned, “Is this the right way?”
“Yes,” Jack replied, “Now put your hands up to your mouth and blow between your thumbs.”
Levi and Max both tried it and no sound resulted, so this time Kevin and Jack each picked a blade of grass and demonstrated how they did it.
Kevin explained, “You need to keep the blade of grass tight, or it won’t make a sound.”
After a lot of tries, Max and Levi were also able to make a whistling sound with their blades of grass. It was fun!
Chapter 11
Ephesians 2:10, For we are God’s workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Tony and Maria visit the ranch every weekend so Maria can continue her friendships with Julie and Esther and she can help them with their girls.
One day they arrived at the ranch, and went to the pasture early so Maria could tell Tony about the names of the rest of the horses.
Maria explained, “Vera made up the names of these horses by using their colors or markings so the people who came to the dude ranch could easily remember the horses names since most of them were only here for a weekend or maybe for a week or two. The first time I came to this ranch was with Esther and her family. She told me some of the names and then I started guessing what the others would be from the clues she gave me.”
Tony stated, “It must have been fun for you. Let’s do the same thing with me and pretty soon I’ll be able to tell someone all the names of the horses too.”
They had fun with Tony guessing the horses’ names by clues Maria gave him. Then they chose the horses they would ride that day. Maria chose Patches, and Tony chose Spots. Maria was glad she had already ridden Patches once so his tallness didn’t bother her at all on this ride. She told Tony about her first ride on Patches, and they chuckled about it.
When Esther and the rest of the family arrived at the pasture, the girls started talking.
First, they all said, “Hi, Auntie Maria and Uncle Tony!” and they were greeted in return.
Lucia mentioned, “We didn’t know you were already here.”
Maria explained. “We came early so I could tell your uncle Tony the names of the rest of the horses, and how they got their names.”
“Oh, yeah,” remarked Holly, “Mama told us one day, and it was interesting.”
Val observed, “I see you already chose your horses and they’re big tall ones. I’ll have to look way up at you from Honey. She’s still a good size for me.
“Yes she is,” Maria agreed, “even though you have grown an inch or two since I first met you.”
Willow added, “So have the rest of us, but we still like our favorite horses, and we’ll ride them until we get too big for them.
Tony remarked, “I think it’s a good idea for you to keep riding your favorite ones because they’re the best sizes for you.”
“Definitely!” exclaimed Maria, “Since we’re grownups we have more choices.”
The girls nodded, finished putting the halters on their horses and the group led their horses to the tack room. It was a lovely day for a ride and all of them enjoyed it, especially since they got to take a long ride and go onto the public land through the gate at the end of the ranch.
Later at home Tony shared, “I look forward to the horseback rides with each family on the ranch. I’ve even gotten so I can match the right name with the right girl in both families.
“Good job,” Maria stated. “I look forward to riding with them also. Going horseback riding every weekend and on bike rides a couple times a week in the evenings helps keep us in good enough shape so we don’t even get stiff and sore any more. And of course I get to keep walking in the park at lunch time at least a couple days during the work week, so I’m getting lots of good exercise.”
“Yes,” and Tony added, “I get plenty of walking at my job, so I think we’ll both get enough exercise.”
Maria remarked, “I’m glad you’re able to help Ted with whatever handyman jobs need attention when we visit their family at the ranch.”
“So am I,” Tony stressed, “because he’s teaching me a lot of things, like he did when he fixed the things on our house. This way I’ll be able to fix some of the same things I’m learning now if they need it on our house.”
Maria responded, “This is great because it helps both of you at the same time.”
“Indeed,” Tony nodded. “Ted told me he has started studying Spanish again, and they even are teaching it to their girls.”
“I’m glad!” Maria declared. “The girls are at a good age to learn another language. It’s easier for children to learn another language when they’re young.”
One day at the ranch Maria shared, “Julie, I once told Ruth and Esther that you had found a gem for a husband when you found Ted. I know you call him your treasure and I’m sure you’re right. I’m thankful I found a gem for my husband when Tony and I got to know each other. Now I am happily married to a wonderful man, just like in my dream and it all was in God’s timing not mine!”
Julie responded, “I agree with everything you just said, Maria, and I’m extremely pleased for you!”
Maria went on, “I've learned so much since you moved to Pine City. You’ve helped me a lot, Julie, especially with all you told me about being a good wife. I enjoy doing it and I know Tony likes it too.”
After Maria and Tony left the ranch that day, Julie asked, Ted, do you remember when you introduced Maria and Tony?”
“Indeed I do!” Ted declared. “It was not too long after we moved to Pine City and was after Maria’s horrible date with Jason. You mentioned that it seemed like I was trying to be a matchmaker.”
“Oh, yeah,” she admitted, “it did seem like it at the time. Nothing came of it right then, but now a couple years later, we can see that they certainly are a good match, much better than she and Jason would have been. I’m really glad it worked out this way!”
“So am I,” he agreed, “Tony and Maria are much more in our league than Jason and Maria would have been.”
“Exactly, Dearest!” exclaimed Julie. “Tony has become a good friend for you and Maria continues to be my good friend.”
Ted remarked, “I’m glad they both want to come help out at the ranch. I get to see more of Tony than before and you still get to see Maria on alternate weekends since the other one is spent with Esther, Nathan and their family.”
“Same here,” Julie agreed, “and the girls are happy also. Now they have both an auntie and an uncle. Tony does very well with them. They already like him.”
“Yes,” Ted concurred, “Everybody wins! Tony has told me how happy he and Maria are to be married.”
Just before the middle of July, Tomo and Ami had a surprise for Aneko. So Tomo explained, “During the winter, we called to get reservations for camping sites in Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks, and some other places along the way so we’ll be sure to have places to camp.”
“What a good idea, Dad,” remarked Aneko, “now you’re better prepared than when you went to Teton, Yellowstone, and Glacier National Parks, and it will be easier and more enjoyable for you.”
“True,” then Ami continued, “Sakura is doing so well with her pregnancy that she is still able and happy to be working at the restaurant. She said she’d like to take over the cooking for a couple weeks.”
“Oh,” and Aneko wondered, “you mean she wants to do it without me in the kitchen?”
Tomo and Ami both nodded with funny grins on their faces.
Aneko asked, “Then what does she want me to do, take over her job in the garden and do the bookkeeping?”
“No,” answered Tomo, “Yoshi said he can do all of that work.”
“Then what,” inquired Aneko, “will I do for those weeks?” She wasn’t able to catch on to their surprise.
Ami laughed, “We’ll take you with us, of course, and you can see some of God’s beautiful, magnificent creation!”
“Also,” added Tomo, “the three of us can do campground ministry times together.”
Aneko gasped, “Do you really mean it? You want me to go with you to those delightful,” and she sang, “far away places with those strange sounding names, so I get to see them in real life, not just your pictures of them?”
“Yes!” Ami exclaimed, “We really mean it and we’ll be leaving this coming Saturday right after church. I’ll help you figure out what you need to pack and take with you.”
Tomo tacked on, “we’re looking forward to having you join us, and Yoshi and Sakura are very happy to help us with this surprise because they enjoyed the trip they took in November so much. They wanted you to have a traveling experience also.”
“Thank you so much!” Aneko declared. “I’ll thank them too. I’m sure I will completely enjoy the whole experience, especially since I know the restaurant is in good hands while we’re all gone.”
“Right,” Ami went on to say, “Afta and Hana are also glad to take over the tea room ministry while we’re traveling.”
Aneko smiled, “I’m amazed you were able to plan all of this and I never had a clue about what was going on. You did a good job of keeping it a surprise!”
After the lesson on Matthew 12-15, Karen and William decided that for the next few lessons, they would choose verses from one of the Gospels and have the class find parallel passages in the other Gospels or cross references that would go with the teaching.
This day William had them look up Matthew 18:21,22 and read it aloud with him. Peter came and asked, “Lord, how often shall I forgive my brother who sins against me, until seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I say not until seven times, but until seventy times seven.”
Carlos exclaimed, “Wow! It would equal 490 times! I’d lose track, but I think that’s what Jesus had in mind. Don’t bother to keep track, just keep forgiving.”
“Precisely,” agreed William, “but I also think if a person continues to sin against you it would be good to avoid that person if you can. So now let’s look at the center references and in our concordances to see what we can find that goes with these verses.”
One of the other boys found Luke 17:3,4 and read, “Take heed to yourselves, if your brother sins against you, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day and says to you ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”
Evan noticed, “In Matthew, Jesus didn’t mention the brother repenting like he did this time, he just said to forgive him.”
“True,” acknowledged another boy, “but it’s easier to forgive if he repents.”
“I agree,” then Gary observed, “I found Luke 11:4a, which is part of the Lord’s Prayer and says, forgive us our sins as we also forgive everyone who sins against us.”
Another of the boys mentioned, “After the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, Jesus added verses 14 and 15, For if you forgive men their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive men their sins, neither will your Father forgive your sins.”
Sam remarked, “Here are two more verses to go with that thought, in Mark 11:25,26, When you stand praying, forgive, if you have something against anyone, so your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your sins.”
“Good work boys!” William exclaimed. “Your verses and comments point out how important it is to forgive. Now go back to Matthew 18 and read verses 23-35 silently. Then write in your notebooks how you think these verses could go with the others we read today.”
The last of the other four boys shared his, “A king forgave one of his servants his huge debt, but the man wouldn’t forgive his fellow servant a small debt, so the king withdrew his forgiveness and had the first one tormented until he would pay. Jesus said that’s what will happen to us if we don’t forgive other’s sins against us.”
“Correct,” William concurred, “it emphasizes how important forgiveness is. The person who refuses to forgive someone’s sin against them will feel tormented and without peace, unless or until he or she takes care of forgiving like Jesus said to do.”
All the boys nodded and were thankful they had already taken care of things in their past lives that needed to be forgiven and they would remember to continue forgiving others who would sin against them in the future.
In closing William had them read in unison, Colossians 3:12b-14, Put on mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and forgive one another, if anyone has a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you so also you must forgive. And above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfectness.
One weekend while Jason was visiting his parents and adopted brothers on the farm, he found time to talk to his parents alone while his brothers were doing their homework.
He began, “I’ve been considering the purchase of a house so the money I pay for rent could be better used to build equity in real estate rather than just going into some other person’s pocket.”
William nodded and contemplated, “What you just said makes good sense to me. I’ve heard the mortgage interest rates are down right now, but the house prices are rather high.”
Anna commented, “I like living in a house a lot better than in an apartment. Somehow it seems more like home.”
Jason agreed and asked, “Do you know of a good Christian real estate agent in our church?”
“Yes,” William answered, “in fact I do. I’ll write it down for you right now and you can look up the number of the office and ask for him because I don’t remember the phone number.”
Anna declared, “I’m getting excited for you, Jason. Be sure to think through all the things you would like to have in a house and what kind of view and neighborhood you would like.”
“Thanks Mom and Dad,” Jason responded, “and I would like both of you to write some suggestions and things I need to think about.”
William replied, “We’ll be glad to and remember, you can call us with other questions. Plus I can take off work to go with you to examine it closely if you find one you like.”
Anna offered, “We’ll be praying for you as you are looking.”
“Thank you both! I couldn't ask for better parents than the two of you!” Jason exclaimed.
During the next few weeks, Jason made his search into a project to find the ideal home for himself. He wanted to feel more like he had a home, not just a place to eat and sleep. He used all his parents’ suggestions and ideas and in a few months he was moved and settled into his new home.
Later William and Anna asked, “Ruth, what do you think about Jason’s idea of buying a house instead of renting?”
“I think it’s great for him,” answered Ruth, “since he can do all the upkeep and yard work. I can’t, or at least don’t want to do that, so I think buying a condominium would be a better choice for me.”
So they helped her the same way they had helped Jason and soon she was also gaining equity in real estate.
Now that Jason had a nice home, he couldn’t get Maria’s comment out of his mind about finding a princess he could marry and be able to treat like a queen, so he started looking for one. But first he spent time with his dad learning how to be the kind of man who would make a good husband. He also learned what to look for in a good wife, and how to act on dates.
Afterward Ruth told him, “One of the last pair of ladies you sent to my office has become a believer already and she might be a good princess.”
“Yes,” he remarked, “I remember she was a quiet, good employee, who never tried to get my attention. I have her telephone number, so I’ll call her and see if she would agree to let me court her, and if I need to ask her father for permission first. I want to do all of this correctly this time.
Ruth nodded. “Your plan sounds good. I’ll be praying for you.”
Saturday morning church service was wonderful as usual. As soon as they got home and changed, the three Suehiros were on their way in the van. It was a long way to Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks and they had planned to make the trip into a loop and see other things along the way there and on the way back home.
They drove on Interstate 70 through the Colorado mountains, and Aneko was busy looking out one window or the other at the scenery along the way. There were a few pull-offs where they could stop and take pictures, walk around, and stretch for a while. Aneko took a turn driving the van for a while.
After Green River, Ami took her turn driving and Aneko got to see the completely different kind of scenery Utah has along that part of the interstate. They stopped, walked around, and took pictures at every pull-off on their side of the interstate.
Aneko declared, “This scenery is fascinating! There are more pull-offs in Utah than in Colorado.”
Tomo and Ami nodded. “We thought you’d like it.”
Just a few miles before reaching the place where they would turn north they found a place some friends had told them about in the Fishlake National Forest. It was far enough off the interstate to be away from the noise and they found a nice dispersed camping site where they could spend the night. This would give Aneko a chance to get used to this kind of living with no other campers around and no plan for a ministry meeting. Aneko adapted well to camping.
The next day they turned north on highway 28. This highway was also scenic as it went through the national forest. When they reached the junction with Interstate 15, Tomo and Ami explained one of their decisions.
Tomo began, “When we were planning this trip, we had thought it might be fun to take a swim in the Great Salt Lake and spend a day in one of their campgrounds.
“So,” Ami went on, “we looked up all the information on the web. We found out the lake is many times more salty than the ocean, so it’s very easy to stay afloat. It would be an interesting experience but not every campground has hot showers where all three of us could wash the smelly salt water off our bodies and out of our hair at the same time.”
Tomo stated, “We’d run out of water after one person showered in the van if we tried it. And the others would have to go without, which would be very bad, since the lake water smells terrible.”
“Also,” added Ami, “we read the biting gnats are so bad that people can’t stand to be outside very long.”
“Therefore,” stated Tomo, “we made an alternate plan, and I think we’ll like it even better. We found a cave we can take a guided tour through and enjoy God’s creation there.”
Ami continued, “It’s called Timpanogos Cave. There’s a good strange sounding name for you, Aneko.”
She remarked, “I like the sound of it and I agree. I like this plan much better than going swimming in smelly water and being bitten by gnats.”
On the way to the cave, they took a side trip up Provo Canyon on Highway 189 and saw Bridal Veil Falls, which is a double falls. The bottom portion looks very much like a bridal veil, especially in the spring and early summer when it has more water in it.
After seeing the falls, they went north to Highway 92 and west to the parking lot by the visitor center, which is the place to purchase tickets and then hike a mile and a half to the cave entrance to meet the ranger who would guide the tour. The hike had spectacular views of a canyon and valley, so they liked the hike even though it was rather steep. They carried their jackets with them since it would be cool inside the cave. It would feel good after this very warm hike.
All three of them savored the tour of the cave and joined in the exclamations about how beautiful the formations were. They didn’t even try to take pictures in the cave since there was not enough light. Instead they bought a book and video of the cave as keepsakes.
The rest of the day they drove quickly through Idaho and eastern Oregon to the Emigrant Springs State Heritage Area where they had reservations for the night. The campground was very nice and had a lot of evergreen trees and good shade.
They arrived early enough to have supper, and then they found a cute little area outside with a big standing fireplace and logs that had been sawn in half and placed on other logs to make benches.
Tomo stated, “This will make a perfect place for our meeting.” So they got permission to have a meeting there. It was fun to set up the boombox on a bench protruding from the big fireplace, and put the hymnals on the other one. The people were told to pick up a hymnal before being seated.
Several people came at first and then others seeing the gathering, joined the group while they were singing the first hymn. All these people already knew how to use a hymnal. After the singing time, some of the people had some good questions which the three travelers took turns answering. Two of the couples took the offered tract and promised to read it.
In the morning Tomo, Ami, and Aneko went to the visitor center, and learned a lot about the pioneers who had traveled the Oregon Trail. It was a long hard trip, with no nice campgrounds along the way and usually only slow oxen to pull their covered wagons.
Ami exclaimed, “I definitely prefer our way to travel!”
Before leaving in the morning, they made use of the hot showers in this nice campground and the RV dump on the way out. Then they drove to their campsite in Mount Rainier National Park where they stayed for two days in the Cougar Rock Campground. It was rather late when they arrived so they waited until the next evening to set up their site for a meeting.
During the day they drove on the paved roads in the park taking all the pull-offs so they could get out and stretch and take pictures. There were several places where the wildflowers were blooming.
The visitor center suggested several hikes and they chose to go to Myrtle Falls on an easy paved trail. When they reached the falls, they took pictures at both viewpoints. The second viewpoint required a steep hike down hill, but the picture was well worth the effort.
Ami exclaimed, “I was able to fit the waterfall, trees, ridges, and Mount Rainier with blue sky and a few puffy clouds all in the same picture!” The other two looked and proclaimed it perfect.
The same day they hiked a moderate trail through fields of wildflowers and took the spur trail to Bench Lake. They got to walk through a tunnel that had been cut through the thick vegetation. At Bench Lake they took some more spectacular pictures of the lake with Mount Rainier. Since the wind was blowing, it made ripples on the lake, so they didn’t get a good reflection of the mountain in the water. After taking pictures at each destination they stayed a little longer to savor the scenes and feel renewed.
There was a group of young people enjoying the same view at the lake, so Aneko walked over and asked them, “Do you know who made all this beauty?”
They shook their heads, so she continued, “He is the same one who created the rest of the universe, and all the plants, animals and people, including you and me. His name is Jesus.” She went on to quote many of the verses used other places in this story to tell them the Good News.
When their questions got beyond what she knew, she motioned for her parents to come over and help her. They added their answers and several people in the group decided to accept Jesus. It was the high point of the day so far!
Those people brought the rest of their families to the evening meeting at the Suehiro campsite where they all learned how to use a hymnal. Aneko got to choose the hymns, so she picked some of her favorite ones that tell the Good News in the verses.
They sang verse one of “I Lay my sins on Jesus,” and it goes with Isaiah 53:6, which she read aloud to them. All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned every one to his own way, and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Next they sang verses one and two of “To God Be the Glory,” after she read Psalm 126:3 to them, The LORD has done great things for us, and we are very glad. They sang all four verses of the last song, “What a Wonderful Savior” after she read and explained John 4:41,42 to them. Many more believed because of (Jesus) own words, and said … Now we believe, for we have heard him ourselves and know that he is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.
When the rest of each family heard and understood the Good News, they also accepted Jesus. It was another high point!
Tomo asked, “Do you know of a good church in the city you are from so you can continue to learn how to live your lives as believers in Jesus?”
The parents in the group nodded their heads and promised to go as soon as they got back home.
The next morning after dumping their waste water in the RV dump, they continued on to Olympic National Park where they stayed in a different campground, most evenings after a day of driving and hiking in each area. It’s a big park!
Their first two nights were spent in the Fish Creek Forest Service Campground, and they got there in time to have a meeting. Then they used the next full day to drive on two different roads in the park connected by a third one and were able to see a rain forest, and a good cross section of the interior of the park. Several times during the day they hiked a short distance on a trail and back so they’d get some exercise between driving and riding. The three roads put together made a round trip loop and brought them back to the same campground where the had spent the night before. This time it was too late to have a meeting.
The next day they drove to one of the beach areas of the national park and got to see the Pacific Ocean and a good sample of the coast. It had some nice sandy beaches, some rocky places and tide pools with lots of sea life in them. They did some wading, but decided the water was too cold for swimming, which could be dangerous anyway with the rip tides in the area. After spending time at the beaches, they hiked through a coastal forest, and then made it to their campsite in time to have supper and get set up for a meeting. The people who attended enjoyed the songs and liked talking about all the things they had seen so far in the park.
The following day they drove through the rain forest, stopping at the visitor center where they bought a book and video about the whole Olympic National Park. They took a few short hikes along the way, and then hiked to Sol Duc Falls.
Aneko read, “This trail is less than a mile long. The falls is usually a triple falls, but when the water is high it can have a fourth one as it cascades into the narrow canyon. This waterfall is visited often and it’s the most famous and photographed of the falls in this park.”
Her parents nodded, “We can certainly see why.”
That evening after supper, instead of a ministry time, they went to the amphitheater to listen to the ranger give a talk about why there are rainforests in the park. Thankfully he didn’t attribute it to evolution, but instead explained about the climate and the big amount of rain each year. These are temperate rainforests, so they have less vegetation than tropical ones, but still a lot. The people were told to look for moss on the ground, ferns, tall cone bearing trees, bigleaf maple trees, and moss draping the branches of the trees and covering parts of the tree trunks, plus a lot of other details you can find on the web if you’re interested.
For their last day in the park, they drove past part of Crescent Lake, took pictures of it and then went to the trailhead for Madison Creek Falls. This falls was easy to reach on a handicap accessible trail. There hadn’t been as much rain this week, for which they were very thankful, since they got to see more of the park. The falls didn’t have as much water as some of the pictures they had seen on the web, but it still was very special.
After this short hike, they drove to Hurricane Ridge and because it was a clear day they got to see and photograph the spectacular views of the mountains from there. Then they walked an easy paved trail and enjoyed other views from it.
From there they drove as far as they desired across western Washington and found a commercial campground for the night. The next day they made it to their reserved campground site in Glacier National Park. They spent three days showing Aneko the same things and doing the same hikes they had done last year and they had good ministry times in the evenings.
Tomo explained, “Our next stop is Yellowstone National Park. We added some hikes to the ones we did last year.”
“Wow!” Aneko declared, “all the things we’re seeing are delightful! Plus I’ll even get to see the things you saw last year!”
One additional hike in Yellowstone was in the Biscuit Basin area where they enjoyed the thermal features along the boardwalk. The Sapphire Pool was a gorgeous blue, and was very photogenic. From the end of the boardwalk, they took the one-mile trail to Mystic falls, which was extra special. It has several tiers and it was hard to get all the tiers into one photograph. They sat on the hillside to eat the lunch they had brought with them, and Aneko got too close to one of the many seep springs in the area. It seeped into her slacks while she ate lunch, and because the water was so warm she didn’t feel it. It gave them a good laugh, since it dried quickly on that very warm day. The site they had reserved in Coulter Bay Campground was just like parking by the side of the road. It seemed very strange, and for that reason it wasn’t conducive to a ministry meeting.
Tomo and Ami had not hiked at all in Teton National Park last year, but this year they were able to find a parking space at Jenny Lake and decided to take the boat ride across the lake so they could hike the steep, rocky trail that went up and down to get to Hidden Falls. It was well worth the expense of the boat ride and the difficult hike because it had lots of water and it was a very high and scenic waterfall. They had to wait for a while to get photos of the falls without lots of people in the way.
After that hike and boat ride, they drove east from the Tetons and that evening they camped in Falls Campground in the Shoshone National Forest. There were many mosquitoes, but it had a very nice view of some spectacular mountains, called The Pinnacles. Since they didn’t have time for a meeting they didn’t even get out of the van, and therefore didn’t have to fight the mosquitoes. The next morning it was cool and breezy, so there weren’t any and therefore they got to hike to Brook Lake Creek Falls right from their campsite. The falls was spectacular and had lots of water and interesting cliffs on one side with some tenacious little fir trees growing out of an almost vertical cliff by the falls.
Aneko exclaimed, “I’m so thrilled to get to see all these things myself! The phone calls we’ve made off and on during this trip to Yoshi and Sakura have put our minds at ease about how they’re doing at the restaurant.”
Tomo and Ami smiled with pleasure at her enjoyment.
On their way back to Pine City they saw whatever they could along the way. Their favorite place on the way home was the day and two evenings they spent in a small campground just southwest of Douglas, Wyoming. It had a unique and beautiful natural bridge over a peaceful stream, in Ayers Natural Bridge Park. The land had been donated by a ranch belonging to the Ayers family to the county to be used as a park. Their van was under the length limit, so they had no trouble on the winding county road that gave them no clues about the delightful place where it took them.
The first evening after supper, they walked around the area of the campground studying the scenery and inviting people to come to the meeting at their campsite. Several people came and had fun learning how to use a hymnal and sing some of the hymns. The question and answer session was interesting, and they all promised to come again the next night and bring someone else.
On an early morning walk the next day they got to see a raccoon mama and her three kits catching their breakfast in the stream and then washing it before they ate it. After the trip, when they arrived back home where it was easier to get on the web, they found out the reason is probably because they don’t use their eyes to catch their food, so they dunk it in the water and feel it with their paws, which are very sensitive, so they can know what they’re eating.
After eating their own breakfast in the van, the Suehiros hiked on some of the hiking paths around the area taking pictures of the multicolored rocks. The major colors were red and buff. They also got pictures of some deer, antelope, rabbits, and several birds.
Ami mentioned, “It was hard to find a place to get a photograph of the whole bridge with the stream under it and that red rock formation at one end of the top of the bridge.”
“Yes, Dear,” agreed Tomo, “but we finally found places from both sides of the bridge where we could get most of it in the picture.”
Later in the day they ate lunch in the picnic area while they watched some children of other campers playing on the playground. After their food settled, the Suehiros also went wading in the stream.
Ami admitted, “It’s pretty cold, but it feels good on this hot day.”
The afternoon was spent resting, reading the books they had bought at the visitor centers and writing some travel memories in their journals. Their last ministry time for this trip was another high point, since several families accepted Jesus, and were given little booklets to take home. Those families all promised to find good churches in their cities. This was an outstanding way to end their trip before they drove home the next day.
Aneko exclaimed, “I’m so happy and thankful you planned this fantastic surprise for me! I thoroughly enjoyed all of it.”
Tomo responded, “We thought you might, and we’re glad you did.”
“Without a doubt,” Ami added. “It was our pleasure. We’re glad you consented to go with us and that you did enjoy it.”
Timmy, Mary, and their parents had just finished their horseback ride with the quadruplets and their parents on the ranch. Don and Anita had gone to visit with Jeff and Karen and their girls, so Timmy and Mary got to have some extra time talking and playing with Ted and Julie’s girls. Mary especially enjoyed this time because it helped make up for not having recesses with her brother and friends in second grade.
A rain shower came up while they were outside jumping rope. The kids and Ted and Julie ran to the game room in the big house where they quickly dried off and then played some fun board games.
Mary commented, “I think it would be fun if there were two more little horses on this ranch so Joy and Hope could join in our horseback rides.”
“Yeah,” Lily agreed, “I think so too. It would be like it was last year when we got to have recesses together.”
Rose inserted, “But I guess we can’t expect the ranch to buy two more horses just for our wishes.”
“No,” Timmy shook his head, “I know you’re right, so let’s be thankful for the good things we already have.”
Right then, they all stood up and sang the song that goes with what he had just said. Julie joined right in with them. When they finished they sat down laughing with the pleasure of sharing things they had learned at the Christian school.
Iris mentioned, “I’m thankful we get to have this extra time to talk and play while your parents visit other people on the ranch.”
“Plus,” continued Rose, “I’m thankful that we got to jump rope for a while before the rain started.”
Violet added, “And that we got to come get dry in the game room of the big house and play with the games.”
Mary exclaimed, “Look out the window! I’m thankful for that shining rainbow we can see from here while it’s still raining.”
“Yep, stated Iris, “I'm also thankful for those huge, puffy white clouds we saw before it rained on us.
Besides,” Lily tacked on, “I’m thankful we can all be good friends.”
Violet went on, “I’m thankful we got to finish our horseback ride before it rained.”
“In addition to all those,” Timmy concluded, “I’m thankful that we’ve all accepted Jesus and he is our best friend.”
“Amen!” exclaimed Don and Anita, who had just come into the game room and heard the last comment.
“Tomo and Ami’s small group was special this week,” mentioned Hana to Afta and Denji after supper one evening.
“Yes,” agreed Afta, “It was good to have everyone there this time, after all those trips. I liked the way Tomo and Ami started the praise time by telling about their trip with Aneko the last couple of weeks. I’m glad they explained how to find color pictures of the things they saw, by typing the name of the national park or area in the search box for the web.
Hana nodded, “The Jones and Foster families had already praised God about their last trips at the meeting after their trips. It does sound like they have a lot of fun. Plus Vern and Lora did a good job of facilitating the group while Tomo and Ami were gone. I also liked hearing about their courtship and marriage.
“So did I,” and Afta continued, “I liked hearing Tony and Maria’s praises about how blessed they are to be married and for their ministries. This small group is a good way to get better acquainted with some of the people in the church.”
“Absolutely,” Denji went on, “I was thankful that Tony and Maria are still in our ministry group even though they are married. Beth agreed with me.
Afta added, “I agree and we got to praise God for the tea room ministry. And then the psalm and hymns were a good introduction to the teaching time.”
“Definitely,” said Hana, “I especially like the one that goes with Psalm 36:5b, Lord, your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. It’s called “Your Steadfast Love.”
Afta continued, “I like it also. The verses in the hymn, ‘My Faith Has Found a Resting Place,’ go well with the scriptures we read later about faith.”
“Yes,” said Hana, “and the other hymn, ‘I Know Whom I have Believed’ is one of my favorites. The words of the chorus are almost identical to the second part of 2 Timothy 1:12, I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day,” she sang.
Denji agreed, “It definitely is a good scripture and song.”
Hana continued, “The teaching time this week was special with those verses about faith. I’m working on memorizing Hebrews 11:1,3,6, so Afta, would you please check to see if I do it right? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen … Through faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear … Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him.”
“Very good job, Darling,” applauded Afta, “it was word perfect. Those are very good verses to help us understand what faith is, and how important it is.”
“Yes,” she agreed, “I can understand it better now and the verses will help me remember.”
Afta remarked, “I liked the way the last verses made it clear who gave us our faith. 2 Peter 1:1b,2, … we have obtained a precious faith through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Grace and peace be multiplied to (us) through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
“So did I,” Hana concurred, “and the prayer time all went with the verses about faith, because everybody prayed something that went with the verses.” After a pause she suggested, “We talked today about the Jones family. How would it work to have them come to lunch or supper on a Sunday?”
Afta answered, “I think it would be great. They seem to be a very nice family, and I’d like to get to know them better.”
“Same here,” Denji tacked on, ‘I like Vern, Lora, and Mindy.” Then he said, “Now I’m going to change the subject. I’m a senior this year and I’m taking business math rather than college preparation classes, because I’d rather not go to college. We had already talked last year about me doing this, but now I need to decide which job or career would be the best for me.”
“Definitely,” Afta responded, “this year is moving along, and it’s time to make some plans.”
Hana asked, “Have you researched any jobs or careers on the web yet.”
“Yes, Mom,” he answered, “I’ve read information about ten or more of them. Being a stocker in a store or an assembler in a manufacturing plant or a plumber aren’t jobs that interest me. I was looking in the phone book in Pine City also and there are already several building contractors. It takes a long time to be one of those anyway. I think the one I’m most interested in is being a construction worker.”
Afta questioned, “Does the trade school in this city offer classes for people who desire to be construction workers.”
“Yes, Dad,” he replied, “they have a one year program which gives a certificate to those who pass and complete it. They even help with writing a resume and will be a reference to help a person get hired.”
Hana noted, “Well, you already know there are several contractors in the city, so you’d know where to start applying when you finish your training.” Denji nodded.
Afta suggested, “Your uncle Tomo probably knows some construction workers in our church and you could talk to them before you make your final plans.”
“Great idea!” exclaimed Denji,. “I’ll do it as soon as I can.”
Ted mentioned to Julie after their girls were asleep, “Besides continuing with the older girls singing lessons, I wonder how it would be to have you and the quadruplets sing songs with me as I play the guitar.”
“I like your idea,” Julie replied. “Now that they’re in second grade and all of them are reading pretty well, it will be a good activity for them to read and sing out of the hymnals.”
He continued, “Indeed and we could even use that time for me to practice my bass part for the music preparation team at church.”
“Brilliant!” she exclaimed. “I know I’ll enjoy our times and I think the girls will also. I’ll sing the melody part with them.”
“Right,” Ted agreed, “and maybe when they get old enough two of them can learn the alto part and you can sing the tenor, so we can have a quartet.”
Julie declared, “What a great idea! Then if we get good enough we might figure out a way to use it as a ministry.”
“By all means!” he responded. “Although it might take a few years to reach the point of performing as a ministry.”
Julie agreed, “You’re correct of course, my treasure, but I think it will be worth the time and effort. Plus all of us will get to know the words to the songs and they might be useful to us at other times.”
He added, “Yes, memorizing is very good for our brains, and the Holy Spirit can remind us of scripture and words to songs whenever we might need them.”
“Indeed,” Julie stated, “I can hardly wait to get started, Honey. I do enjoy listening to your wonderful, deep, mellow, bass voice while I’m singing. I love you and it very much!”
“And I love you and everything about you very much too, Darling!” Ted stressed as they joined hands and headed for their bedroom to celebrate their love.
The next evening after cleaning up the supper dishes, Ted explained his idea to their girls.
“Hooray!” applauded Iris. “It’s fun to listen to the older girls when they come here to sing.
Rose agreed, “Yes, it sounds pretty and I'd like to be able to sing too.”
“Same here,” added Violet, “plus we’ll get to sing the songs you sing for the small group, even though we’re in another room during those meetings.
Lily tacked on, “I'm looking forward to this. When will we start, and how often will we get to sing?”
“How about starting right now?” he asked, “All of you already finished your homework for tomorrow. We’ll be sure to sing every Tuesday and Wednesday evening so I’ll be ready for the Thursday group. The rest of the days, we’ll sing every chance we get.”
It was Cory’s turn to clean up the backyard and play with Jolly, their dog, at their home on the farm. Each boy gladly took his turn to clean up after Jolly since it was so much fun to play with him.
The day before, Cory had commented, “I think it’s remarkable that each of you, my parents, also take your turns cleaning up after Jolly, just like all we boys do. This way we each only have one day a week, because there are seven people in our family.”
Greg responded, “We thought it would be a good idea to teach this responsibility by example. Besides, it’s fun to play with Jolly.
“Yes, agreed Oralie, “He’s such a good dog. I have fun putting him through all the tricks he’s learned and rewarding him with a pat or a treat. He seems to enjoy it a lot also.”
Cory continued, “And I think it’s good for Jolly to have regular times with each of us separately, along with the times several or all of us play with him.”
When the other boys heard them talking about Jolly, they came to get in on the conversation.
“Yeah,” said Max, “last week when I was sick with a cold, I missed getting to have my turn, but at least I didn’t give my cold to Jolly. Thank you again, Cory, for doing my chore and playing with Jolly when I couldn't.
Cory replied, “You’re very welcome, my youngest brother. It definitely was my pleasure, and I’m glad you stayed in your room and only gave your cold to Levi who shares that room with you.”
Levi stated, “Well, we’re both all better now, so we can take our turns with Jolly this week. And I thank you, Jack, for doing it for me last week.”
“You’re welcome, Levi.” responded Jack. “I’m glad we can do things for each other. Plus now since we’ve trained Jolly to only go potty in one area of the yard, he has made the chore very easy, and then we get to play with him.”
Kevin concluded, “We have the best family I can imagine, and Jolly is a valued member, even though he can’t carry on a real conversation with us. He lets us know how he feels other ways.”
Karen and William’s next lesson started with Matthew 19:26b, With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
After reading it aloud Karen mentioned,” Jesus said this after talking about how hard it is for rich people to get into heaven. Are there any verses in the center reference or concordance that could go with this verse?”
June stated, “Luke 1:37 says it in an opposite way, For with God nothing shall be impossible. The angel said that to Mary when he told her she would give birth to Jesus.”
“That’s a good one,” one of the girls said, “and Luke 18:27 is in a parallel passage to the one in Matthew, but it is stated a little differently, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Sara continued, “Yes, and in Mark 9:23 Jesus said to the man who wanted his son healed, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
“I like that verse,” another girl remarked, “In Mark 10:27 I found another parallel passage for the Matthew verse and it has an added phrase. Jesus said, With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible.”
Kim proposed, “Right, and here’s one in Genesis 18:14 and although it doesn’t use the word ‘possible,’ I think it could go with these. When Abraham and Sarah doubted they could have a child when they were so old, the LORD replied, Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. And that’s exactly what happened!”
“I like it!” Candy declared. “Since your verse works so well, I’ll read part of a prayer in Jeremiah 32:17. Ah Lord God! Behold, you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for you. The verses go on to mention the LORD’s loving kindness, signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, and how he gave the land of Israel to his people. Then in verse 27, the LORD answered Jeremiah, Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?”
“Those are great verses,” said one of the other girls, “I think Romans 4:20,21 would go with Kim’s verse. It says, Abraham didn’t stagger at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. He was fully persuaded that God was able to perform what he had promised.”
“Thank you, girls,” commended Karen. “you’ve found some very good verses, and they can help to build up our faith in our great LORD of the possible. Let’s finish our study time by singing the song, ‘Ah, Lord God’ since it uses the scripture Candy read a few minutes ago in Jeremiah 32:17.”
Ernest, Glenda and Riley went as a three person ministry team once a week, now that Riley wasn’t traveling any longer. This week, Riley joined them as they did grocery shopping and he learned a lot about how to shop for the best looking produce and comparison shop for the best prices and quality.
He commented, “This is good training for me. I like learning things that will help me when I get out on my own or get married.”
Glenda remarked, “Don’t be in too big a hurry to do either of those things. We still like having you live at home.”
“I agree,” declared Ernest, “this is an enjoyable time for us.”
“Don’t worry,” Riley stressed, “so far, I have no plans to do either. But let’s keep doing things that will help train me for when the time does come, unless Jesus comes back again first.”
A young boy standing with his family, who had heard that last statement came over and asked, “What did you mean about Jesus coming back again? Is he going to be born as a baby somewhere again, and we’ll have another Christmas?”
Riley didn’t laugh at this question, which was asked in all seriousness. Instead, he hunkered down to the level of the boy and explained, “No, Jesus won’t have to be a baby again, because he finished the work he came to do the first time. He died on the cross to pay for all the sins people have committed and God raised him from the dead. He went to heaven after that, and some day he will come to earth again to gather all the people who believe in him and have accepted him as their Savior. He will take them all to live in heaven with him at that time. Have you and your family done this so you can go live with Jesus in heaven?”
The boy shook his head and looked up at his parents who also shook their heads.
So Riley stood up and told them, “It isn’t hard. Would you like to learn how you can do it?”
They nodded, and since they were out of the way of other shoppers in the store, Riley went on to explain the Good News to the boy and his family, while Riley’s parents prayed for him as he talked and that the Holy Spirit would help the family understand and draw them to Jesus for salvation.
The family had lots of questions, which Riley successfully answered. When they all understood and saw their need, Riley helped them pray a prayer like some of the others in this story. Then they all had a time of thankfulness and rejoicing and Riley gave them a little booklet, explained the card, and invited them to church, saying he would meet them at the entrance and they could sit with him.
After Aneko and her parents had been home for a while after their long ministry trip, they had a discussion.
Aneko shared, “I really enjoyed our long ministry trip, and I truly thank you again for planning it all and taking me with you.”
“And again I say it was our pleasure!” Ami exclaimed. “We all got to see two or three trips worth of scenery on that trip, and the ministry times were all excellent.”
Tomo remarked, “It was fun to tell Yoshi and Sakura about our trip and show them the pictures. They were impressed!”
“Definitely, and so now,” Aneko stated, “we young people will be happy and content to stay home and take care of the restaurant and Sakura will nurture her baby when it comes. And you, our dear parents, can travel when you have time. But I’ve been thinking and I’ve been looking at the list we got from church since we got home. I’d like to have another ministry along with the small group team ministry times.”
Ami asked, “Did you find one you feel led to do?”
“Yes,” she replied, “but only if the two of you would also be led to do it with me. But please don’t feel like you have to do it.”
Tomo asked with curiosity, “What is it?”
She answered, “I know there are some teenage girls who have dropped out of high school and are living on the streets. I also know we could only care for one at a time, but it would be one less on the street. If the three of us would take the training to be foster parents, we could ask for one of them to be assigned to us. You two would be the parents, of course, but I could help with her care.”
Tomo nodded, “Even if it would only be one at a time, it would be a good ministry.”
“Yes,” added Ami, “she could stay in Yoshi’s empty room. We can teach her about Jesus and he can lead her to salvation. She could help in cooking, cleaning, dishes, waiting tables at the restaurant, and at home she can learn how to sew and help with the housework.”
“Exactly,” agreed Aneko, “and she could travel with you on some of your ministry trips. As soon as Sakura has her baby, the girl could take over serving customers, and in the mornings I can tutor her and help her finish her senior year online. Plus I can get a copy of Karen Spencer's lesson plans and teach her things about the Bible she needs to know.”
They took the training, and were assigned the care of a street girl who had just dropped out of high school during her senior year. It was a challenge for all of them, but by working and praying together, their plan worked, and that girl was saved and learned from them how to be a useful citizen.
A month before she was ready to go out on her own, they requested and were assigned another girl who stayed in the same room, and learned a lot of helpful things from her roommate. The Suehiro family decided they could follow this plan for many years. It was very good for the girls. Plus it was a great ministry for this family and it even helped them with the restaurant.
William and Karen used Matthew 20:20-28 and the parallel passage in Mark 10:35-45, with their study groups with other verses to teach about being servants.
William began by having them sing together the song, “Servant of All.” Then he had half the group read the passage in Mark and the other half read the one in Matthew.
“Now,” he instructed, “write a summary for those verses in your notebooks.” When they had finished he had a volunteer read his.
Luis read, “In Matthew it said that James and John’s mother requested that her boys would get to sit on Jesus right and left hand in his kingdom. Jesus told her it was God’s place to do that. The other ten disciples were angry about the request, but Jesus told all twelve of them, they were not to be like the world. Rather they should be like Jesus who came to serve and give his life to ransom many.”
One of the boys commented, “It was almost the same in Mark, so it must be a parallel passage.”
William replied, “You’re right. Good summary, Luis. Now, let’s look up some other verses that speak about being servants.” He handed out slips of paper with verses written on them. “Look up your verse or verses and be ready to read and or comment.”
Jose observed, “John 13:16 and 15:20 have parts that are identical where Jesus said, ‘The servant is not greater than his master,’ so we can’t expect better treatment than Jesus got.”
Another boy read, “Philippians 2:7, Jesus made himself of no reputation, and took upon himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.”
The next boy remarked, “I like the last part of Galatians 5:13 that says to serve one another in love.”
Hugo noted, “Luke 22:26,27 follow another argument among the disciples about who would be the greatest. Jesus told them to be like he was and serve.”
Pedro read, “1 Peter 4:10 says, Every man has received a gift, therefore minister or serve it to each other as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
Next William read Matthew 23:10-12, Don’t be called masters because one is your Master, even Christ. But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be abased, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted. See if you can find some more verses about being humble.
Hugo mentioned, “Philippians 2:8 comes right after 7, which we already heard. It says that Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.”
Luis commented, “James 4:6b, and 10 say, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble… Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”
Another boy said, “1 Peter 5:5,6 says almost the same thing.”
Jose added, “Yes, and Luke 14:11 says the same as Matthew 23:12.”
“I found a long one,” Pedro concluded, “in Isaiah 57:15. For thus says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy, ‘I dwell in the high and holy place with him also who is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”
William smiled at them all and complimented them. “Thank you boys for your good work today. I hope we will all remember to be humble servants for our Lord Jesus.”
Then they sang the song, “Servant of All” together again. They left quietly, thinking about how to be servants.
Matt and Fiona took their boys, Johnny and Patrick on one of their monthly outings to the mountains. It was a time of refreshing and renewal for their parents and the boys liked to be in the fresh air also.
When they went on short hikes, Johnny rode in a backpack on Matt's back, and Fiona carried Patrick in a smaller one on her back.
This Sunday they got an early start and drove to the trailhead for the waterfall they both liked, and the trail was only a mile long.
Matt commented, “Since it is later in the summer, there won’t be as much water in the falls.”
“Right,” agreed Fiona, “and maybe it will be better with less water, because the boys won’t be so frightened by the loud roar and all the gushing water.”
“Good thinking, my love,” Matt responded.
Each boy was changed to a fresh dry diaper before the family set out on the trail, and they took extras along just in case they were needed.
The trail was just the right length for a hike, since it included carrying the boys, who were excited and thrilled with the waterfall. It was such a new and different experience for them.
Fiona mentioned, “I'm glad we were able to come here today, even though it was a lot of extra work for both of us.”
“So am I,” Matt concurred. “The excitement and enjoyment the boys showed at the falls made it well worth it. Besides, this is one of our favorite places to visit.
Chapter 12
2 Thessalonians 3:16, May the Lord of peace himself
give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.
Glenda was happy to have Fiona, Johnny, and Patrick visiting her during the middle of the day on a Wednesday. She asked, “How’s everything going for you and your sweet family?
Fiona answered, “Great! I really enjoy being a wife, homemaker and mother. I do admit that it’s a lot of work, but it’s very fulfilling.
“Without a doubt!” Glenda declared. “I remember the days when you and Riley were little with fond memories. The work memories have just faded away.”
“How wonderful, Mom!” Fiona replied. “I imagine the same will happen for me. Now to change the subject, do you think Riley will ever get married? Has he said anything lately? Has he found anyone to be interested in yet?”
“Whoa!” requested Glenda. “Let me answer those three questions before you add any more. First, I have no idea if he will… Second, he did say on our last shopping trip that he was learning things that would help him when he gets out on his own or gets married, so it sounds like he is thinking. But we told him to not get in too big a hurry, because we enjoy having him live at home. And third I don’t think so, because he never goes anywhere.”
Fiona took a minute to ‘digest’ all this information. “Well, those answers were very informative. Has he ever dated?”
“I don’t think so,” she responded. “He didn’t in high school or since he came home from the university, and he said he didn’t date during his time there.”
“Well,” Fiona contemplated, “in view of all these facts, I think I would like to play matchmaker and see what comes of it.”
Glenda smiled at her daughter questioningly, “What is your plan?”
She smiled back and stated, “I think I’ll arrange for Riley to come visit at the same time Ben and Amelia are here.”
Mom said, “This sounds intriguing. Isn’t Amelia a lot younger than Riley?”
Fiona acknowledged, “I’ll grant you that, but she’s very mature, and as far as I know she has never dated either. This may be the only common ground for them, besides being believers, but …”
“Yes,” Mom agreed, “it would be a starting place. And there’s no better place to get acquainted than at your house. He did meet her at The Garden Shop one day.”
“Perfect,” remarked Fiona, “as soon as Matt gets home today I’ll ask him what he thinks about my idea.”
Mom exclaimed, “It’s a brilliant idea, my daughter, go for it!”
Matt was all for her idea and helped her plan a day.
Next Fiona talked to Connie, Amelia’s mom, to get her input. Connie stressed, “I think it would be a terrific idea if you can pull it off without them suspecting what you’re doing. Otherwise they might feel alienated.”
“Well,” responded Fiona, “I think it might be worth the risk, and I’ll never know unless I try. I'd like my kids to have some cousins close to their ages. But of course I already have a pretty good head start with my two.”
“Plus,” added Connie, “we have no idea if they would even have any children, since that’s up to the good Lord to decide.”
Fiona admitted, “You’re right of course, and the same goes for them getting married, but I’d like them to at least have a chance to think about it. I think it would be really neat to have Amelia as a sister-in-law. We’re already good friends.”
“I know she’d like it also,” Connie stated, “So then, let’s pray about it and watch to see what God does.”
As they worked in the kitchen on the ranch, Sara asked, “Mom, are there very many Japanese people in Pine City?”
Yolanda, her mom, answered, “I don’t know very many personally, but I do know there are more here now than there were over a year ago.”
“What do you mean?” inquired Sara.
Mom replied, “Do you remember the Suehiros?”
“Yes,” remarked Sara, “they have that nice restaurant with the delicious food and the delightful garden. I’m glad you and Dad took all us girls there to enjoy a meal.
Mom continued, “So am I. Tomo’s twin brother Afta, his wife Hana and their son, Denji, moved to Pine City, from another city. Plus Hana’s sister, her parents, her husband and two grown children also moved to Pine City. So that more than doubled the number of Japanese people I know about in our city.”
“Thanks, Mom,” said Sara, “I've just been wondering what my chances are of finding a good Christian husband who is also Japanese like I am. I know I’m too young yet, and I still need to pray about whether God wants me to stay single or get married.”
Mom acknowledged, “It’s a natural thing to wonder about when you’re a teenager, Sara. I’ll add your desire to my prayer list. And I agree that it’s a good idea to seek God’s will about it.”
The O’Connor family discussed the teaching time in their last small group.
Riley remarked, our facilitator really kept us busy looking up scriptures last night in small group.
“Indeed,” Glenda agreed, “and the topic was such a good one. Let’s get our notebooks and review the verses.”
They went quickly and brought them back to the living room.
Patrick commented, “Romans 10:13, is one of my favorites. It says, Whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. This idea is repeated in Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21.”
“Yep,” said Riley, “and Romans 10:14 is very good also, How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed, and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard, and how shall they hear without a preacher?”
Glenda continued, “Verse 15a says, And how shall they preach, except they be sent? He had us look up Acts 13:2,3, where it tells about Paul and Barnabas being sent out. It goes well here.”
“Yes, extremely well,” concurred Patrick, “and Verse 15b continues, As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!’ We found out it is a quote from Isaiah 52, part of verse 7.
Riley went on to say, “Verse 16 says, But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah said, ‘Lord, who has believed our report?’ This is quoted from part of Isaiah 53:1.
“It’s so sad that they didn’t believe,” Glenda lamented, “Then we read Romans10:17, so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Patrick concurred, “Yes, and Titus 1:1-3a sheds some more light on the topic. Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness, in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before the world began, and has made known his word through preaching.”
Riley concluded, “I liked all the verses in both of the songs by the same title, ‘So Send I You,’ that we sang at the end of the teaching time. They both go with John 20:21. It was a very good meeting.”
Matt and Fiona invited Ben and Amelia to come visit with them on a Saturday afternoon when Glenda, Patrick and Riley would also “drop in,” so it wouldn’t look quite so much like it had been set up on purpose.
So, Ben and Amelia were visiting with Matt and Fiona in the living room when there was a knock at the door.
Fiona went to answer it and greeted, Hi, Dad, Mom, and Riley! I’m so glad you came over today! Come right in and you’ll get to visit with Ben and Amelia along with us.”
Matt had jumped up, greeted them, and then he brought a few extra chairs from the dining room so they’d all have a place to sit.
After they were seated Fiona realized, “I guess I don’t even have to introduce all of you, because you were all at our wedding. Oh, I just had an idea we could do while the boys are still asleep. We just bought a new game and I’d like to try it out this afternoon.”
“Yes,” added Matt, “It will be more fun with more people. Dad, Mom, and Riley, would you please roll your chairs back over to the dining room table, and we can play the game there. Then we’ll have enough chairs.”
Fiona read the directions and rules for the game aloud so they’d all know how to play it. It was a noncompetitive game like Tony and Maria had played one evening when they went out to eat at the inside mall. This one didn’t have a game board or pieces to move around it. It came with several decks of cards, each with a different category.
Fiona chose a category that would help the players who didn’t know the others very well, become better acquainted with each other. The card pile was passed from one person, when finished, to the next one on the right. When it was a person’s turn, he or she would take the next card from the pile, read and think about it, and then answer the question.
If for any reason, he or she didn't want to answer a particular question, it could be placed on the bottom of the card pile and another one taken. No teasing or probing were allowed, so it was a safe environment for sharing answers.
They had enough time to go around the table several times, and therefore were able to learn more about the people there.
When sounds were heard coming from the nursery, the ladies went to take care of the little boys. Then Fiona stayed to nurse Patrick while Glenda and Amelia took Johnny to the living room where the rest of the group had moved. Johnny had fun going from one of his favorite people to the next all around the room, as the grownups kept visiting. When Fiona returned with Patrick, he was passed from person to person also, so they both got a lot of attention.
After they all went home Matt asked Fiona, “How do you think your idea worked?”
“I really have no idea,” she admitted, “I guess time will tell, and I think I better stay out of it now and watch to see what God does, like Connie suggested.”
Matt commented, “Good idea, Honey. It did give the two of them a chance to interact and observe each other in a nonthreatening environment. I guess it’s up to Riley if he is interested in getting to know her better.”
Fiona asked, “Do you think either of them or Ben suspected anything.”
“No,” he answered, “You and I and everyone else just acted like we usually do, so there was nothing to suspect. I think the afternoon went very well.”
She responded, “Thank you, my dear husband. I like the way you encourage and help me.”
William and Karen still sent their lesson plans to each other by email and sometimes asked for ideas as they were making plans.
Karen began her lesson by reading Isaiah 61:1,2 aloud as the girls followed along. The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn…
Karen explained, “this prophecy was fulfilled in Luke chapter 4. After Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River he was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then he was tempted by the devil, but Jesus was victorious by answering the temptations with scriptures. Then he returned to Galilee and taught in the synagogues.”
Karen used her laptop and a large monitor to display the verses from Isaiah at the front of the room.
Then she instructed, “Read Luke 4, verses 16-20 to yourselves, and be ready to tell me what you noticed as you compare them to the verses displayed on the big monitor.”
She gave them time and this is what they read. (Jesus) came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read. They gave him the book of the prophet Isaiah. When he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and gave it to the minister, and sat down. The eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
Stella observed, “I could see that the verses Jesus read are similar to the ones in Isaiah. Some of the words are different, and Jesus stopped reading aloud part way through verse 2 in Isaiah.”
The rest of the girls nodded and Karen continued, “Please read verse 21 aloud with me. Jesus said to them, ‘Today this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.’ The next verse tells us they wondered about his words since they knew he was Joseph’s son. As you know Jesus grew up in Nazareth as it said in verse 16. Now read verses 23-30 silently and see if you can figure out why the people got so angry with Jesus.”
They read, Jesus said to them, You will surely say to me this proverb, Physician, heal yourself, what ever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in your country. And he said, truly I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country. But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; but to none of them was Elijah sent except to Sarepta, a city of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, except Naaman the Syrian. And when all who were in the synagogue heard these things they were filled with wrath, and they rose up and thrust him out of the city and led him to the brow of the hill where their city was built so they could throw him down headfirst.
When they had finished reading, Lisa suggested, “I’m not sure, but maybe they got angry because what he said showed them he knew their inner thoughts of unbelief and that they wouldn’t accept him.”
“I agree with you, Lisa,” said Christy, “and his examples were about only people who had believed the prophets enough that they were helped.”
“Plus,” added Emma, “those people who were helped weren’t even Jews, and so they might have been offended by those comparisons.”
Liz added, “It’s terrible to realize people could get angry enough about what he had said that they wanted to kill him right then.”
“Right,” Ellie went on, “and things like that happened many times during his ministry on earth.”
Hanna remarked, “I agree with all those ideas, and while I was listening to them, I used this dictionary with its thesaurus that you bought for these groups to use. It says that ‘wonder’ can mean to speculate or question. Maybe they were looking for something to be angry about or criticize because they didn’t think he could be the one who could possibly fulfill that scripture in Isaiah.”
“That makes sense,” stated Nan. “Also, I was looking at verse 23 and 24 again. The people might have thought he was accusing them of just wanting to see some miracles like they had heard about him doing other places. Then he flatly told them that prophets are not accepted in their own hometowns.”
Karen commended them, “Thank you girls for your thoughtful answers to why the people in Jesus hometown rejected him. I liked the way this part ended in verse 30-32. But Jesus passing through the midst of them went his way. He came to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days. They were astonished at his doctrine, for his word was with power,”
On their way home from visiting with the Anderson and O’Connor families, Ben remarked, “I think it was interesting to get to meet the rest of Fiona’s family.”
“Indeed it was,” Amelia concurred, “They all seem to be very nice people. Some time ago Patrick brought Riley around to introduce him to Dad, Mom and me, at The Garden Shop because Mom had asked him to do it. Riley was very polite and professional when I met him. Today he seemed more relaxed.”
Ben mentioned, “That’s interesting. I enjoyed playing the game, and even learned some more things about Matt. We’ve worked a lot together, but the game made an atmosphere where people were free to tell more things about themselves.”
“Precisely!” Amelia declared, “It was an open and accepting environment, and now I know more about Fiona also. It was definitely a good way to become better acquainted with the rest of her family.”
Ben shared, “I had an enjoyable afternoon there today even though it was very different than our usual visit.
“So did I,” stated Amelia, “therefore, ‘variety is the spice of life’ as it says in an old poem written in England.”
Then Ben continued, “But I’ll have to admit, I missed having Mindy be there today. She’s a lot of fun.”
Amelia agreed, “I think so too. I’m glad we usually get to see her on the Saturdays we go there to visit.”
“Right,” stated Ben, “but maybe today she had something else she needed to do instead.”
Ted Blake was continuing his choir with the older girls on Mercy Valley Ranch. They had made a lot of progress.
After singing a few songs June mentioned, “The harmony sounds so pretty with the melody.”
“Yes,” Ted agreed, “this is what harmony is for in music. Plus, I was also thinking about how harmony in relationships can also help in the way families get along with each other.”
Sara observed, “I’ve seen how beautiful the harmony is in the families here on the ranch. Compared to what we girls came from before, this is like being in paradise.”
“Positively,” then Candy went on, “so in a family, harmony would mean being compatible and staying in unity even though our parts might be different.”
One girl added, “Yes, and it takes cooperation from everyone.”
Kim continued, “The whole family has to be involved to have a harmonious relationship. One person can’t do it alone.”
“For sure,” a girl stated, “everybody needs to help in order for a family to work well together in harmony.”
Ted went on, “I agree. If everyone does his part at the right time and way it can be like beautiful music.
“Right,” another girl commented, “just like when we’re singing, if everyone sang alto there would be no melody part.”
“Or,” Kim suggested, “if we sang both parts but the groups didn’t stay in the same place of the song, it could sound awful.
June mentioned, “Indeed, I like hearing both parts together in correct timing with each other. I’m glad we’ve been learning how to sing in harmony.”
“So am I,” then Sara asked, “Do you think we might be ready to learn another harmony part yet?”
“As a matter of fact,” responded Ted, “I was just contemplating that possibility. I’ve noticed that we have more girls singing alto than soprano, which is the melody. All you girls are doing a good job of staying on your parts.”
They all smiled and thanked him for the compliment. Then he continued, “If enough of you altos have voices that can go lower than you have been going, we might be able to add the tenor part. If you look in your hymnal at the song we just sang, the tenor part is the top line of notes in the bass clef.”
“Wow,” A girl exclaimed, “I can see that the bottom line is really low! I don’t think any of us girls can go that low.”
Candy remarked, “No, but we all know that Mr. Blake can go that low because he sings bass in the music we hear with these songs and at church.”
“Right,” agreed Ted, “and maybe when you girls get good at singing the other three parts, I can join in with the bass.”
The girls applauded. Then Ted went on, “I’ll play these notes on the piano and all of you can see if you can go that low. Every voice is different, so don’t force yourself to go lower or higher than you can. Just be thankful for the voice God gave to you.”
The girls who were the sopranos tried some of the notes but soon stopped. More of the altos were able to sing those notes.
So Ted remarked, “It sounds like most of you altos could sing the tenor part of this song. Let’s look at a song with lower tenor notes.”
For this song a few of the girls shook their heads and stopped trying to sing.
Then Ted questioned, “Which of you girls who can go this low, would like to learn the tenor part, so we can have a choir singing all three parts?”
Four of the girls raised their hands, and Ted declared, “It’s perfect! The way we will be divided up is exactly even. There will be four girls singing each part, so we’ll have four trios since we have twelve girls in our choir.”
The girls smiled and Ted went on to say, “When we’re preparing the music to go with the songs at church, the singers for each part sit together in groups so they can hear each other and stay on their part more easily. Would you like to do that when we sing here?”
They all nodded emphatically, and Ted helped them get reorganized. The sopranos and altos sang their parts for the last song while Ted played just the tenor notes, and the new tenors sang their part. They were able to practice it several times before it was time for them to go home. Ted was very glad that he had learned enough about the piano from the lessons the quadruplets were taking from Esther so far, and the way he had been practicing, to be able to play one part at a time, so his choir could advance to singing another harmony part.
Afta, Hana and Denji were enjoying their time with Vern, Lora and Mindy when they came to lunch at the Suehiro apartment on a Sunday. The food was delicious and the ladies made short work of cleaning up after lunch. Then all of them visited in the living room.
Lora mentioned, “It still seems strange to me to be going to church on Saturdays even though we’ve been doing it for a while now. All the rest of my life, I went to church on Sundays.”
“I agree,” stated Vern, “maybe by the time we change back to Sundays again, I’ll be used to it.”
Mindy laughed, “I feel the same way, Dad and Mom. At least we didn’t have to change our horseback riding times with the Hopkins family to Sunday, because it was already on Sunday.”
“Oh,” exclaimed Hana, “how great that is for you! Horseback riding is one of my favorite things to do, but we haven’t gone since we moved here.”
“Indeed,” Afta went on, “All three of us like to ride. We need to find a stable where we can rent horses once in a while like we did in our other city.”
Denji smiled, “Super, I’ll look forward to riding again.”
“Yes it is fun,” and then Vern changed the subject, “I really liked the church service yesterday.”
“I did also,” Afta agreed, “the songs are all so meaningful and the music that accompanies them is very well done.”
Denji continued, “For sure, and now that we’re used to reading the words in the hymnal the right way it’s easy to sing with the music.”
“Yes,” added Hana, “it was very helpful to have the facilitators in our small group teach us how to read the verses in the hymnal.”
Vern commented, “We get to teach many of the people who come to our travel ministry times how to use the hymnals, since many of them have never attended a church that uses them.”
Lora went on, “There’s a lot of information on each page of the hymnal. I don’t understand how to read notes, but I’ve heard some people say the notes on the page help them sing the songs. Maybe someday I’ll learn more about it.”
Mindy volunteered, “I’ll look it up on the web next time I have some free time. I would imagine they have many lessons available.”
“Thank you, Mindy,” said Lora, “I like your idea.”
After several more topics were covered, Vern thanked their hosts and set up a time when the Suehiros could come to their house for lunch in two weeks.
During an evening Bible study at the Iverson home, Greg explained, “I'll give each of you boys a verse to read and then you can write in your notebooks what you think it means, from Isaiah 55:6-12. Mom and I will also each read a verse and write in our notebooks.
They looked up their verse and practiced reading it aloud for a few minutes. Oralie helped Max with some of the words in his verse and with writing what he thought it meant.
Oralie instructed, “Now put your finger on your verse so you can keep track of it while the others read theirs. Be ready to read what you wrote about what you think the verse means.”
Max read Verse 6, “Seek the LORD while he may be found, call on him while he is near. I think it means to look for God, and pray to him now.”
“Good job, Max,” Oralie said and then she read Verse 7, “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. To me this means evil people should repent and ask God to forgive, and he will.”
“Yes,” Levi agreed and read verse 8, “God said, for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. I think it means that God thinks and acts differently than we do.”
“I agree with you, Levi,” Jack said and read verse 9, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. This verse emphasizes how different God’s thoughts and ways are.”
Greg nodded and smiled at them both. “Good thinking, Jack and Levi. Now I’ll read verse 10, For as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven, and does not return there but waters the earth and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, … this verse is the beginning of a long sentence that finishes in verse 11, and compares the rain and snow to God’s word.”
Kevin said, “Right, Dad, verse 11 only makes sense when it is put together with verse 10. it says, so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing to which I sent it.”
Cory said, “I like those two verses.” Then he read verse 12, “For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. I think this verse is what happens as a result of the other verses the rest of you read today.”
“I think so also,” Greg concurred and now we can sing the words in verse 12 in the neat song called ‘The Trees Of the Field.’ But first lets get our guitars so we can accompany ourselves.”
They had all made good progress learning how to play the guitar, so Greg complimented them. Everybody felt good about doing this family activity.
When Riley got home, he thought about the time he had spent with the ‘extras’, Ben and Amelia, that afternoon and then prayed, “LORD, I was impressed with Amelia this afternoon. Thank you for showing me a few weeks ago that it is your will for me to get married now that I have a more regular job. If you desire for me to get to know her better, please help me know the best way to go about it. Then please guide me in everything I say and do.”
After their supper was finished and the kitchen cleaned up, they all went and visited in the living room. Neither of his parents mentioned anything about the afternoon, so in a while he changed to that topic.
“Dad and Mom,” he shared, “I’d like to ask you for your advice. I was impressed with Amelia this afternoon and I think I’d like to get better acquainted with her. But we aren’t in a small group together and have no other places where we could interact in a group like we did today. I don’t like the world’s idea of dating or even double dating, and have never done either. Of course I’ve never met anyone I was interested in before…” he trailed off hoping one of them would have an idea.
Dad responded, “I think you’re wise to not date like the world does. Too many things done in this world are more wrong than right. Matt and Fiona met in a small group and got to know each other that way and by working with two others in their ministry team.”
Mom continued, “They did start to date after a couple months. First Matt asked Dad for permission to court Fiona. They were just beginning to get close when Fiona had to leave to take care of Great Aunt Cara for two years.”
Dad added, “When she returned, they were again in a small group and in a ministry team together, but Matt again asked for permission to court her right away. All their dates were in public places, and it worked well for them. But I know this situation for you is much different than theirs was for them. So let’s pray for God’s wisdom and creative ways for you to get to know each other if she is interested.”
Riley nodded and began, “Father in heaven, you’ve heard all we talked about and my prayer earlier today. Please give us workable ideas and help us do your will. I can’t very well just come right out and ask her if she’s interested.”
“Yes,” Mom went on, “we claim the promise in James that you will give us wisdom when we ask. Thank you for making it clear to Riley that it is your will for him to marry when he read that verse about it not being good for a man to be alone and it all but jumped off the page to him.”
Dad concluded, “Indeed it is good to know and do your will LORD, so please show us creative ways to find out if Amelia is interested and places where they can become better acquainted. We pray in the precious name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.”
Later Mom suggested, “Maybe Fiona could ask Amelia if she’s interested in getting better acquainted with Riley the next time she comes to visit her, or she goes for her ministry time at The Garden Shop. They are good friends so it wouldn’t be too unusual.”
Riley questioned, “Would you ask Fiona to do that for me. I’m feeling too shy about it, even though she is my sister.
“I understand,” Mom nodded and smiled, “the two of you haven't had a chance to have a very close relationship since you went to the university and she was gone and then got married. So I’ll be glad to ask her.”
Dad went on to propose, “Then if Amelia is interested, we could invite her and her family over for a Sunday meal since they are all so busy with The Garden Shop the other days of the week.”
“Thank you both!” declared their relieved son. “Your plans sound very good and will either get us started or else they’ll let me know if she is not interested. If that’s the case, I’ll start looking elsewhere.”
Ted and Julie used the following verses in an evening time of devotions. Ted explained, “I have some neat Bible verses for us to look up and read before we sing this evening. Find Psalm 95, and we’ll take turns reading some of the verses.”
He read, Psalm 95:1, “O come, let us sing to the LORD. Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.”
“I’ll read verse 2,” Lily volunteered, “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.”
Rose said, “verse 3 says, For the LORD is a great God, and a great king above all gods.”
Ted instructed, “Now skip to verse 5.”
So Iris read verse 5, “The sea is his, and he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.”
Violet read verse 6, “O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our maker.”
Julie finished with verse 7a, “For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand…”
Ted went on to say, Psalm 100 also has some verses similar to these and we can sing the song “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord” now, and remember that it can go with both Psalms.”
When they finished that song, they sang “Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down,” which goes with Psalm 95:6 and 7a.
Violet shared, “It’s fun to sing songs that go with verses in the Bible.”
“Yes,” agreed Lily, “we do that at school, and it helps us memorize some of the Bible verses.”
“For sure,” added Rose, “they sound better that way than just saying them.”
And Iris nodded, “I agree with all of you.”
Then they sang some more songs out of the hymnal with Ted accompanying them on the guitar. It was a fun evening.
On their next horseback ride with the Hopkins family Lora asked, “Yolanda, do you think this ranch would allow another family to come ride with you and us at the same time? If they would use the horses that trot, it probably wouldn’t impact another family here.
Yolanda answered, “Ian and I will go find out when we get finished with our ride. Do you have someone in mind?
“Yes,” replied Lora, “we had a nice lunch and visit with Afta, Hana, and Denji Suehiro last Sunday. They mentioned how much they like to ride horses and talked about finding a stable so they could rent some and go riding. I didn’t say anything about my idea to them because I wanted to ask you first. They’d probably be willing to pay for the rides, because they talked of trying to find a stable where they could rent horses to ride.”
In the meantime while they were riding, Candy, June, and Mindy got caught up by talking about the things happening for them with their different ways of schooling. Vern and Ian also had a nice visit, and Sara and Kim talked of several topics as they enjoyed their ride.
Yolanda talked to Ian while they cleaned their tack and then they went to ask Oscar and Vera.
Oscar replied, “It should be a fine idea. Just check with Nathan about the scheduling for those horses. They usually don’t get ridden as much as the more comfortable ones. There would be no need for them to pay for the rides.”
“Right,” agreed Vera, “and it would be good for those horses to get some more exercise, if the people are willing to learn how to care for the horses and follow all the rules.”
“Exactly,” Ian responded, “We’ll be glad to teach them if they agree beforehand.”
Then they talked to Nathan, who informed them, “It should work well, because there are usually several adult size horses not in use during most of the schedule. And if they’re as small as many Japanese people are, they could ride any of the medium sized horses that aren't in use right then. We have the schedule posted in the tack room, so it would be easy for you to check before going to the pasture to choose horses for the day’s ride.”
Ian and Yolanda relayed all this information to Vern and Lora while the girls were playing games on the big lawn.
Vern remarked, “This is really nice of the people here at the ranch. It surely is a fun thing for us to do as a family with your family.”
“Indeed it is for us also,” Ian concurred. “and as the saying goes, ‘the more the merrier’ fits well here.”
Lora said, “Thank you both for checking and being so willing to have more people join you. We’ll call and see if they’d be willing to learn the rules and the care of the horses. If they are we might bring them with us next week.”
“Good,” replied Yolanda, “We’ll look forward to meeting them. Call and let us know if they’re coming so we can tell our girls about it before they get here.”
“What a good idea!” Lora exclaimed. “We’ll be sure to do it.”
After they got home, Vern turned on the speaker so Lora and Mindy could hear and called Afta. “Hello, Afta. This is Vern, Lora and Mindy Jones. Were you able to find horses to rent yet?”
“We’ve called a few places,” explained Afta, “but all they had were riding arenas, which doesn't appeal to us very much.”
So Vern asked him to get Hana and Denji to listen. Then he told them about the opportunity to ride horses with them and another family at Mercy Valley Ranch.
“How much will they charge us?” Denji asked.
Lora answered, “The only ‘charge’ is for all of you to be willing to follow all the rules of the ranch and learn how to care for the horses before and after the rides.”
Hana asked, “Would you explain the rules and care to us?”
“Certainly,” answered Mindy. Then she told them everything she had memorized when Candy taught her before her first ride.
Denji stated, “We can do that! It even sounds like fun to learn how to care for the horses. I’ll be sure to follow all the rules.”
Afta and Hana agreed with him, so Vern inquired, “Would you like to follow us up there next Sunday and go on a horseback ride?”
Afta responded, “Indeed we would!”
So a little later Lora called, “Yolanda, they’re excited and agreed to the rules and care of the horses. They’ll be following us to the ranch this coming Sunday.”
“Good,” responded Yolanda, “now I can tell our girls and they can also look forward to meeting some interesting people.”
On Monday Glenda went to visit Fiona in the morning, since she needed to be back home in the afternoon when the children came to her house for the After School Place.
“Hi, Mom,” greeted Fiona. “How are you this beautiful morning? I really want to know, I don’t just ask out of habit or etiquette.
“I’m feeling fine,” answered Glenda, “thank you, and I really want to know how you and your family are also.”
Fiona replied, “We’re all feeling very well too. I enjoyed our visit on Saturday afternoon.”
“So did we,” said Glenda, “and the game we played was fun and informative. The three of us learned a lot about Ben and Amelia.”
Fiona added,“Matt and I learned some things about them we didn’t know before. I like the new game.”
Glenda continued, “Same here. In fact, Riley learned enough that he realized he is interested in getting better acquainted with Amelia, but he doesn’t know how to proceed, since they aren’t in a small group or in a ministry team together.”
Fiona guessed, “I suppose he doesn’t want to date or even double date like the world does, because of the good way you taught us.
“Correct,” Glenda stated, “but first he needs to find out somehow if she would be interested in getting better acquainted with him.”
Fiona nodded in understanding, “He definitely needs to know that before he proceeds, but he can’t very well come right out and ask her himself at The Garden Shop or at church.”
“Exactly,” continued Glenda, “so I suggested that maybe you could ask Amelia the next time she comes here or you go to The Garden Shop. Would you do that for him?”
“Of course!” Fiona declared. “Besides, I’m delighted to know he has an interest in her, but I suppose I should not mention that fact to her. I’ll just ask her like I’m an interested girl friend.”
“Perfect!” exclaimed Glenda. “I knew you’d know how to handle it in the best way.”
Fiona continued, “Thank you. I’m going to The Garden Shop tomorrow morning and if we get to have any time alone, I’ll ask her. If not, we might have to wait until a Saturday when she visits here. I’ll call you tomorrow after lunch either way.”
“Thanks, Fiona,” responded Glenda. “I’m very curious about what she will answer.”
“So am I,” Fiona agreed. “Well, we’ll just have to be patient. I hear Johnny waking up. If I hurry in there, maybe Patrick can stay asleep a little longer.”
Mindy was working on homework for the small group they were attending. The directions she had written in her notebook said to look up the hymn, “Be Thou My Vision” read all the verses and then choose some of the words that are important to you. Find verses to go with those words, besides Philippians 3:7, which is already under the title in the hymn book. Personalized, it says, But the things I thought were gain to me, I considered as loss compared to Christ.
So she found the hymn, read it, and wrote the following words and scripture verses in her notebook.
Vision: Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he who keeps the law is happy.
Word: John 1:1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Wisdom: Colossians 2:3, In Jesus are hidden all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge.
First in heart: Luke 10:27, … you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all you strength, and all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”
Treasure: Luke 12:34, For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Inheritance: Ephesians 1:13,14, personalized, We trusted in Christ after we heard the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation. In him we were also sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory.
Victory: 1 Corinthians 15:57, Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
When they had their next small group meeting, she compared her words and verses with what the other members had found. Many people had found the same ones she had. She wrote down the words and references for ones that were different. She also shared her favorite one for this hymn, Colossians 2:3. She had enjoyed the assignment.
The other people in the group had also enjoyed it and said they understood the song much better. Tomo complimented the group for doing such a good job on their homework. And when it came time for conversational prayer many personalized and prayed one of the verses they had found.
Clara called Karen and Jeff to update them on the progress in the ministry they were doing in the city where her parents lived.
“Hi, Karen, this is Clara,” she began, “I called to tell you how things are going for us.”
“Oh hi, Clara,” responded Karen, “it’s so good to hear your voice! We’ve been wondering how you and your husband are.”
Clara replied, “Both of us are staying well physically and spiritually, and we’re still very much in love and really enjoy being married.”
“Wonderful!” Jeff exclaimed. “There are too many couples who can’t say that after a few years of marriage.”
“I know,” admitted Clara, “I've met some of them, so I’m very thankful that we have an outstanding marriage. God is so good! And I’m still amazed by the way he worked through the church and through the two of you to make a way for us to get married while we were still in the university and evangelism training.”
Karen commented, “It was fun for us to be involved in your lives that way.”
“I’m glad,” stated Clara. “I think we were better able to adjust to married life while we were there with good support groups. It also made it easier for us when we moved here.”
Jeff remarked, “Yes, it’s helpful to be in unity and feel supported when you’re doing new things.”
“Exactly,” agreed Clara, “my parents have been super that way for us here in this city. They had lined up an apartment for us to move right into when we arrived. Our jobs are both great, and we’ve had some opportunities to witness and minister to people. Each of us has had the pleasure of leading a coworker to accept Jesus. It’s slow work, but we knew it would be before we came here.”
“Excellent,” then Karen acknowledged, “it always takes time to get established and begin a new ministry.”
Clara agreed and added, “I saved the newest and most exciting news until last. One of the Grace ‘n’ Faith churches grew big enough recently that they sent out a church planting group to our city!”
“Hooray!” exclaimed Jeff and Karen together.
Clara went on, “Now we will get to see and be involved with the way Jesus works through them to win people in our city. We’re so excited and grateful. Now, please tell me how things are going for both of you and your big family at the Mercy Valley Ranch.”
So Karen and Jeff took turns telling Clara all the things they had been doing since the last time they had talked to her.
Clara applauded loudly over the phone and said, “God is working through you and the others there and on the farm. Now that all the children are believers, Jesus and you all will continue to work on their restoration and preparation for being useful citizens and workers in God’s kingdom. I’m so pleased that I know you and can keep up with what you’re doing.”
Karen responded, “The feeling is definitely mutual. Please keep calling, because it’s so good to hear from you!”
“I surely will!” Clara answered. “This has been a delightful time for me also. May God richly bless you. I’ll talk to you later.”
Jeff replied, “We pray the same for you both. Bye for now.”
Fiona took Johnny and Patrick and went to The Garden Shop for her weekly time of ministry. She got to talk with several people and plant a few gospel seeds while she was there. Finally Amelia came in for a visit during a quiet time when no others were there.
Quick to take her chance, Fiona mentioned, “Matt and I really had fun playing that game with you and Ben and my family on Saturday.”
“So did I,” Amelia responded, “I even learned some more things about you.”
Fiona smiled, “Friendships are like that. I learned more things about you also. Now I’m wondering what you thought about my brother, Riley.”
“He seems very nice,” Amelia answered. “When I was introduced to him here at The Garden Shop a few weeks ago he was polite, and very professional. He was more relaxed during the game. So I learned a lot about him, and I’ll admit only to you that I'd like to get to know him better. Although I think he’s a lot older than I am.”
They figured out that he was about six years older than she, but it had given him time to grow up and get established in a good job.
Fiona continued, “In my opinion, Amelia, you are very mature for your age, and have grown up into a delightful young woman with a career. Besides and above that, you’re a good Christian!”
“Wow!” Amelia exclaimed. “Thank you for all your kind words.”
Fiona responded, “You’re very welcome. They’re true and you earned them by your hard work to grow up well like you told me you wanted to do while we were working together.”
“Thank you again, Fiona!” Amelia declared. “But there’s really nothing I can do about my interest in Riley, because it’s not my place to initiate anything.”
“Well,” contemplated Fiona, “I agree with the last half of that sentence, but you can pray about it and you and I can pray about it in agreement.”
“You’re so right,” and then Amelia prayed, “Father in heaven, if it is your will, would you please work out a way that I could get to know Riley better and see where you might lead us.”
Fiona concluded, “Yes, Father, I agree with Amelia, and now we’ll wait to see what you will do.”
After taking her boys home, eating lunch and putting them down for a nap, Fiona called her mom and reported what she had learned.
Glenda was thrilled and told Fiona their plan to ask the Clay family over for lunch on a Sunday soon.
Karen sent an email to William on the farm. Since we’ve mostly finished with our studies of the first three Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, how would it be to start studying parts of John since it is so different from the other three?
When she checked her email the next day, William had already replied, I think it’s a good idea. We can send ideas to each other as we go along, like we have been doing so far.
So Karen worked on and finished her first lesson plan and sent a copy to him. Then she taught John 1:1-34 to her girls’ Bible study groups.
First she explained, “Girls, we’re going to study some of the verses in the Gospel of John, so please find the first chapter in that book. Notice that much of this chapter is in black letters. Jesus doesn’t say anything until verse 38, which is after the part we’ll study today. The apostle John is the author. In John 20:31 he said his purpose for writing this book was, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you might have life through his name. Now read John 1:1-5 aloud with me.”
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and nothing was made without him. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Karen continued, “In an earlier lesson we discussed why ‘Word’ is capitalized here and verse 14 explains it clearly, And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Most commentators agree that the Word is Jesus, God’s Son, and therefore everything was created through him. Now that I’ve explained what I think the first three verses mean, who’d like to tell us what you think verses 4 and 5 mean?”
Lisa admitted, “Those verses are hard to explain, but I think Jesus as the Word, had life in him, and his life here on earth gave light to the people on earth. To me darkness can mean sin causing blindness to the truth, so it couldn’t grasp what the light was.”
“I think so too, Lisa,” then Karen asked, “who’d like to read verses 6-8?”
Nan raised her hand and then read, “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came for a witness to bear witness of the Light, so all men might believe through him. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.”
Karen said, “Thank you, Nan, now who’ll give a summary of those verses?”
Hanna tried, “God sent John the Baptist to tell about the Light, so all people could believe. Since Light is capitalized, I assume it means Jesus in these verses. The author makes it clear that John was not the Light, but he was a person who would inform others about the Light.”
“Good job, Hanna,” and then Karen asked for a volunteer to read next, and someone to tell what the verses mean.
Emma read verses 9-11, “That was the true Light, which lights every man who comes into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.”
Christi stated, “I think those verses mean that Jesus was the true Light, and he gives light to all people. He came into the world that first Christmas, but the world didn’t know him even though he had made it himself, and it didn’t receive him.”
“I agree, Christi,” responded Karen and then she chose another reader and commentator.
Liz read verses 12,13, “But as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to those who believe on his name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
Ellie proposed, “The first word in verse 12 is very important because it tells us some people did receive him, and he gave them power to become his sons born of God.”
“For sure,” replied Karen, “and thank God, we’re all in that number! Now please read verses 19-34 silently, and then I’ll tell you my summary of those verses.”
When they were finished Karen summarized, “John was an honest witness and stated he was not the Messiah, but was sent to make his way straight. He said how much greater the Messiah was than he was, because he existed before John, who was actually born six months before Jesus was. Jesus existed from eternity, but not in human form. The Holy Spirit descended from heaven and rested on Jesus like a dove. This was a sign given to John to know Jesus was the Son of God. I especially like verses 16-18, so Stella, would you read them aloud for us?”
Stella read John 1:16-18. “And from the fullness (of the Word), we have received grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom, or embrace, of
the Father had declared him, or made him known.” Then Stella added, “This was an interesting lesson. Thank you, Karen, for teaching us.”
The rest nodded and added their thanks before leaving. Karen was very pleased. It was a joy to know they understood and appreciated the Bible studies.”
Afta and his family followed the Jones family to the ranch on Sunday. Mindy stayed with Yolanda and the four girls while Vern, Lora and Ian reviewed all the rules for riding on the ranch for Afta, Hana, and Denji while they were at the tack room.
Denji declared, “I like these rules because they make such good sense. Like ‘no racing is allowed.’ I can see there are so many different sizes of horses on this ranch that racing wouldn’t be fair anyway. And doing tricks or stunts or unusual actions might spook the horses. Plus I’ve seen horses who expect treats, and they can get pushy trying to get one.”
“Exactly,” commended Ian, “those are some the same reasons Oscar and Vera used when they taught us the rules.” Then he asked, “How long do you usually ride when you rent horses.”
Afta answered, “We usually ride for an hour or so, and we always feel sore and stiff afterward so we’re used to it.”
“In that case,” Ian decided, “We’ll ride for our normal hour, but if any one of you feels too tired or sore before then, just tell us and we’ll all come back earlier.”
Then they put on their helmets and went to choose the horses they would ride after being shown the places on the horses where they like to be rubbed or stroked and learning how to put on the halters. Afta and Hana chose Diamond and Comet the matching bay Morgan horses, and Denji chose Dappled, the dapple gray quarter horse. They were used to horses that trot.
On the way back to the tack room, Vern led his and Lora’s horses so she could stop by the house and tell the others they could go choose their horses and come get them ready to ride.
Before she left, Lora asked, “Candy, June, and Mindy, would you be willing to choose Blaze and Star and Queen again this time so the Suehiros won’t feel embarrassed about using the platform to reach the taller horses while they’re getting them ready to be ridden?”
Candy and June nodded and Mindy answered for all of them, “Sure, Mom, what an excellent idea. I’m glad you’re so thoughtful.”
Candy added, “We’ll use the far side of the platform so they can be on the side closest to where you and our dads are helping them learn how to prepare the horses.”
“Thanks, girls,” said Lora, “I’ll see you at the tack room area.”
On the way to the pasture, Mindy confided, “I'm glad we already rode these taller horses before. I won’t be as nervous this time.”
“I agree,” Candy nodded, “and your mom’s idea is a good, thoughtful one. And besides, Queen and the palominos are so pretty, I’m glad we have an excuse to ride them again.
“Same here,” laughed Mindy, “I guess Mom thought we did well enough last time that she’s not worried about us.”
For this ride, the group stayed on the ranch and didn’t cross the stream. They did some faster gaits on the road and on some of the trails. Yolanda and Ian were able to see that their guests were good riders. If they wanted to come again, she would ask if they wanted to cross the stream or go onto the public land with the group.
After the ride, the guests again groomed the horses, checked their hooves, and returned the horses to the pasture with strokes and rubbing and many thanks for the nice ride. They also learned how to clean up the tack and put it away.
Then the group went back to the house and visited in the dining room where they all had cool glasses of water to refresh them.
Ian complimented, “Afta, Hana, and Denji, you all did a great job today, learning about how to care for the horses and follow the rules. We’d be glad to have you join us for rides on Sundays whenever you desire.”
“Thank you very much,” replied Afta, “we all enjoyed it a lot. You are good teachers, and those horses are really well trained. This ranch is a delightful place to ride.”
Hana continued, “Yes, I thank you also. Being able to groom the horse before and after the ride added a new dimension of what horseback riding should include.”
“It definitely did!” Denji exclaimed. “I thank you too. I learned so much more about horses today and especially about Dappled, the one I rode. It was nice to be able to groom him and thank him for the ride when we finished. It’s kinda like doing scripture memory, we were told it is best to say the reference fore and aft, so when we ride a horse we should groom it and check it’s feet fore and aft also, because it’s best for the horse and good for the rider.” Laughter and agreement followed Denji's humor in that statement.
Then Afta mentioned, “Wearing helmets is a new idea for us, but I can understand why it’s a good one, so we’ll buy some to bring with us when we ride. We’d like to come every Sunday if we can, since horseback riding is one of our favorite things to do.”
“Great,” Yolanda responded, “We like to share one of our favorite activities with people like you who can appreciate it the way the three of you and the Jones family do.”
The teenage girls were all quiet during the visiting time, being a little shy with the new people, but they listened to what they said and were impressed with them.
Tomo and Ami could hardly wait for the praise time at their small group this week, but they kept theirs for the very last so the applause and oral praise to God wouldn't interrupt the other praises.
Beth began, “I praise you, Lord, for your beautiful creation and the nice weather we’ve been having.”
“Yes, “Afta agreed, “I thank God for the kindness of the Jones family and their excellent idea to find a place for us to ride horses again.”
“Yes,” Hana continued, “and I thank God for the other families who agreed to the plan and made it work.”
Denji went on, “So do I, because horseback riding is one of our favorite family activities.”
Lora smiled as she added, “And I thank God for giving me the idea, and for working all of it out so well.”
“I agree,” said Vern, “and I thank God that we all enjoyed it as much as they did.”
Mindy tacked on, “I thank you God for making it possible for them to continue enjoying it every week.”
Maria shared, “Thank you Great Creator for creating horses and providing some horses for the ones who enjoy riding.”
“Same here!” exclaimed Tony, “I sure like riding also, thank you, LORD.”
Roy was almost laughing as he concurred, “Yes, LORD, my family and I all thank you for our opportunities to enjoy riding horses in such a beautiful place alternate weeks.”
Sherry, Joy, and Hope all nodded and smiled their agreement with Roy’s thanksgiving.
Finally it was their turn, and Tomo and Ami said in unison, “We thank you LORD, we have a grandson!”
Praise and applause did erupt then and when the people settled down enough, Ami finished, “Mother and baby are doing fine, although we thought Yoshi might explode with happiness when the doctor informed him. They named him Naoki, which means honest.”
After a few more questions and answers, Ami asked for a volunteer for hosts of the next meeting, and then they sang.
The first song they sang was “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High,” which goes with Philippians 2:5-11, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it was not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted him and has given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and in earth and under the earth, and that every tongue would confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Next they sang “Come and Behold Him,” which goes with John 1:14, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
They finished with the song “Knowing You,” Philippians 3:7-10a, But the things that were gain to me, I counted loss for Christ. Yes doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness, which is of God by faith, so that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings...
For the teaching time they used the verses that went with the songs in order. Each member read one of the verses aloud and then commented on it.
Conversational prayer time was also very good. Tomo began, “Father in heaven, we’re so filled with joy about our new grandson, Naoki. Please help us be very good grandparents to him.”
Ami continued, “Yes, and please bless his dad, mom, and him with good health.”
“I agree,” Afta added, “and please help them bring him up to know and believe in and serve you, Jesus.”
“Yes,” Tony agreed, “bring him into your family at an early age and then prepare him to do your will for his life.”
Hana prayed, “Yes, and we also thank you for the good news we’ve been waiting to hear.”
“Definitely,” added Denji, “and we’re thankful that they are all doing well. I can hardly wait to see him.”
Beth prayed, “Father, please make it possible for him to attend the church school for kindergarten through third grades, when he is old enough.”
Vern continued, “I agree, and I thank you, Lord, for the miracle of a brand new baby and the joy he brings to the family.”
“Yes,” Mindy went on, “and please make it possible for Sakura to either take him to a good day care center when he is three or have one in her home using the good church curriculum, so he will be prepared for kindergarten, like Anita did with her children.”
“Yes, please, Lord,” concurred Maria, “and help many families to find creative ways to afford the church day care and school.”
Hope tacked on, “And I thank you for the privilege Joy and I have of going to the church school.”
“So do I, Lord,” Joy continued, “and for the way our parents worked so hard for us to go to Mrs. Ross’ day care two mornings a week to help get us ready for kindergarten.”
At this point, Roy and Sherry were overcome with emotions of gratitude to God for his provisions and surprise at the way their girls understood what they had done.
Lora prayed, “I totally agree with all these prayers and I thank you for this outstanding small group. Now I ask you to bless the refreshments to our bodies and our time of fellowship together. We pray in Jesus precious name. Amen.
Mindy and Lora hurried to put out the cool vegetables and dips, and Vern invited everybody to come to the dining room.
The Clay family had been invited to lunch on Sunday at the O'Connor home. Riley had been thrilled when his mother had told him about Amelia’s interest, but now Amelia and Riley were both nervous about this lunch for their own different reasons. But each one realized it was the only way they could get better acquainted, so they put on their smiles and decided to do their best.
When the Clays arrived Amelia declared, “I love your house, Patrick, and Glenda, even when it isn’t all nicely decorated for a wedding! I remember how delightful Fiona’s wedding was.”
“Yes,” Riley added, “I liked all the flowering plants you brought over, Connie and Ernest, for the wedding. They were just the right thing for Fiona, since she had worked with them so much at your shop.”
Glenda mentioned, “You have good memories for details like those, Amelia and Riley. Let’s go visit in the living room for a few minutes while the oven finishes its work. It was a little slow today.”
“Good idea,” said Connie, “we aren’t in a hurry. It’s just so nice to be invited to lunch with a family we see too little of, after we changed to the new church.”
“I agree,” stated Ernest, “I’m glad the church grew so fast that it was necessary to have some people go to the new ones, but I miss the people we knew in Church #4.”
“Same here,” Ben concurred, “I especially miss Matt and Fiona, so I’m thankful Amelia and I get to go visit them once in a while.”
Glenda smiled, “Fiona has told me how much she and Matt enjoy your visits.”
After a short time with more small talk, Glenda asked, “Riley and Amelia, would you both come help me put the rest of the food on the table?”
They rose quickly, eager to be up and doing, instead of sitting there trying to think of something, anything, to say in this big group of people, let alone to each other. Riley was wondering how well this idea would work, and how he was supposed to get to know her better when he felt like he was being watched by all the rest of the people. Amelia seemed more relaxed than he was, but maybe she just didn’t show her stress.
Glenda gave them directions about what to take to the dining room, and where to put it on the table, and they both did well following her directions. They had relaxed a little by the time Glenda called the rest of the people to come and eat.
After Patrick asked God’s blessing on the food and their time together he inquired, “What did you enjoy about the church service yesterday? It’s nice to know that even though we were in different buildings and at separate times, we still had the same music and teaching times, so we can share about the service.”
Everybody laughed, and it broke the ice so they could share more easily. In fact it was very much like a small group meeting where everyone added a sentence or two during the time together. It would have helped both Riley and Amelia to know that all the others were also a little nervous about spending time with families they didn’t know very well.
The ladies did the cleanup while the men set up the croquet game on the lawn. Since it was a game for only four at a time, the others watched and took their turns later. Riley, Amelia, Connie, and Glenda played the first set and then went inside to play some games for just pairs in the living room. When it was their turn Ernest, Patrick, and Ben played with gusto outside since they were on their own.
Finally during the game for pairs Riley and Amelia had a chance to talk to each other. The game didn’t take much concentration so they could listen and think better.
While they played, Riley commented, “I enjoyed the game we played at my sister’s house that Saturday afternoon.”
“So did I,” Amelia agreed. “The questions were interesting and the accepting atmosphere made it easy to share answers.”
Riley continued, “I was thinking while we played croquet, that maybe you and I would feel more relaxed at Matt and Fiona’s home playing that game a few more times and we’d have a better chance to actually get acquainted with each other.”
“I like your idea a lot, Riley,” responded Amelia, “today before and during lunch, I felt more nervous and had a hard time thinking of things to say. It was fun to play croquet and this game though.”
“Yes,” and Riley went on, “Would you give me your phone number so I can call you after I get a time set up with Fiona?”
“Certainly,” she replied as she wrote it on a piece of paper, “this is my cellphone number. I do turn it off when I go to sleep, but you can leave a message if it isn’t on when you call.”
“What a great idea!” he exclaimed. “I think I’ll start turning mine off for sleeping time also, so I’m not awakened by calls from advertisers. I’ll call Fiona and see what times will work for her, but first I need to know what times will work for you.”
Amelia answered, “I work Monday through Friday from 8 to 5 and Saturday mornings until noon. Our church service is also on Saturday, but I often listen to the one on the web with earphones while I’m nurturing the flowering plants. Therefore, the times that will work for me are after supper during the week, and Saturday afternoons, or Sundays.”
“Thank you for your thorough answer,” said Riley. “I’ll be calling you as soon as I find out what times are best for Fiona.”
She nodded, and by then it was time for the Clays to go home.
Sakura’s family came often to help with the new baby. Sakura’s mother was there at some time during the day every day to see her grandson, Naoki, and make sure his mother found time to rest. Then her dad came after helping with supper cleanup. Many times, he got to hold his grandson for a while.
Tomo and Ami tried to time their visits when nobody except Yoshi and Sakura were there. They were proud grandparents also, and did whatever they could to help out while they were there.
Aneko especially liked to go in the mornings and visit with Sakura while she was doing some of the housework so Sakura could rest while she was recovering from his birth. Aneko made a good aunt, but she didn’t get involved in diaper changing times.
Sakura recovered rapidly, and was very grateful for all the interest and help of the relatives.
Yoshi was grateful also, “We have an outstanding family!”
“We certainly do!” she agreed.
Denji informed his parents, “I learned a lot of things by talking to Jeff and Matt. Jeff told me his wife works to help with the four foster girls they are raising, and did while they were in the city to help with the house payments. Matt said that since their house is already paid for, his wife doesn’t need to work.”
Afta inserted, “Tomo said Jeff and Matt both work for the same company. Possibly other companies would pay more.”
“True,” Denji agreed, “but of course we won’t know that until I would get hired, plus I still don’t know what God’s will is for me about marriage.”
Hana agreed, “It’s very important to know about God’s will,” and then she asked, “Do you still want to be a construction worker?”
“Definitely,” he answered, “they both told me many things they liked about their jobs. They also said it was hard work, but I’m strong, even though I’m not very tall.”
Afta commented, “Well, I know that if a person has a compelling desire to do something, he or she can usually make it work.”
Hana nodded, “Without a doubt, we know you can do most anything you would want to do. And if God does want you to get married, he will help you with the finances.”
So they finalized their plans for Denji to go to the trade school after his high school graduation.
Riley called Amelia the next evening and they set up a time for the next Sunday morning at Fiona’s house. They would drive separately and meet there to play the getting acquainted game with Matt and Fiona joining them until the boys woke up from their naps. Then they could continue visiting on their own for a while, before joining Matt and Fiona so they could enjoy the boys until it was time to go home.
Just before Johnny woke up, Riley commented, “This game is very good. I think we’ve all answered all the questions on this pile of cards. Next time, could we try a different topic?
Fiona nodded, “Good idea, Brother, I agree that we need a new topic next time. I just heard Johnny, so Matt and I will go take care of the boys while the two of you visit for a little longer.”
Amelia admitted, “It’s a little hard for me to sit here while she goes to take care of the boys, because I usually help her while Matt and Ben go into the office.”
“I can understand what you mean, Amelia,” he acknowledged, “it’s hard to change what we’re used to doing.”
“Thank you, Riley, for understanding,” she said. “I can do this for these visits, since they are our chances to talk to each other. The game is great, but with even just two other players, I get distracted and can’t remember some of the things you said. Could we review some of the questions so I can remember better?”
“I like your honesty,” Riley said and then admitted, “I probably need to rehear some of the ones you answered also.”
So they split the deck in half and took turns responding to the questions by including them in their answers. Then they asked the same question so the other one could answer it. This proved to be an excellent review, although it was time consuming, so they only got part way through the cards by the time Fiona and Matt came back with the boys. They could continue with the cards the next time.
All of them went into the living room and enjoyed their time with the little boys who were growing and developing at a good rate.
In Pine City, some couples read and tried out the idea on the list to pray for those people who go door to door to get people to join their religion. When the doorbell rang one couple was ready with an appropriate tract, which they took with them out on the porch and one of them said, “We’ll listen to what you believe, if you will first read this pamphlet out loud to us and ask questions if you have any.”
Many of those going door to door would leave right away, but some stayed and read it and asked a question or two. Then the couple listened to what they came to say about their religion and even took the literature offered. Some of those door to door people even came back later still hoping to win the couple over to their religion or to ask more questions.
The couple always came out onto the porch because the Bible states in 2 John 1:10,11 If anyone comes to you not bringing this doctrine of Jesus Christ, do not receive him into your house nor bid him God speed. For he that bids him God Speed is a partaker of his evil deeds. After they left, the couple always prayed for them.
It might take several visits, but once in a while the door to door people did become believers in the true God, and then it was worth all the effort that it took the couple and there was much rejoicing.
Chapter 13
Psalm 16:8, I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
The Labor Day trip for the Foster and Jones families was planned soon after their Fourth of July trips. On that day, they made reservations for the campgrounds of the places they’d visit.
The first one was Colorado National Monument, near Grand Junction. A winding road takes travelers up from the valley floor at about 4,700 feet to over 6,000 feet where it is a little cooler. After driving much of the day to arrive there, they spent the night in the Saddlehorn Campground. It was too late when they arrived to have a meeting at their campsites.
Part of the next day was spent sightseeing and hiking in the area after getting information at the visitor center. As they hiked, they looked for chipmunks, ground squirrels, and birds. They didn’t get to see the desert bighorn sheep this time.
Roy commented, “This area reminds me of places in Utah, especially Arches and Canyonlands National Parks because of the spectacular red rock scenery.”
“Yes,” agreed Sherry, “especially along the Rim Rock Drive where we can look down into the canyons.”
The people doing the driving had to watch out for fallen rocks and bicyclists along the narrow road.
Roy continued, “I’m glad the ranger in the visitor center told us how to be safer, by driving back down to the valley from the campground and come back in using the east entrance.”
“Yeah,” Joy said, “This way we don’t have to cross a lane of traffic both ways to the pull-offs and back out again.”
Hope added, “For sure, I like to be able to see the views and take pictures of them safely.
“Exactly,” Sherry remarked, “I like using this copy of ‘A Guide to the Rim Rock Drive,’ we bought at the bookstore in the visitor center. It has a lot of good information in it.
Since there were no picnic sites, they ate their lunches at one of the scenic stops along the road. They had several opportunities to talk to people at the view areas. It was fun to make a comment about the beauty made by the Great Creator and see if anyone was interested enough to ask questions or join in with their own praise.
When they had seen all they wanted to for this time, they drove back down to the valley and then south to the city of Montrose, and from there to The Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park near Montrose. They used the south rim entrance, and had reservations for that night in the South Rim Campground, which has electric hookups. Drinking water was available, but there were no showers. This campground was a good place to do stargazing, since it was far away from the city lights. After their campsite meeting that evening, since it was not very cold, they stayed up late and enjoyed gazing at more stars than they could see in their city with its many lights. They were all amazed.
Soon they were invited to come look through a telescope another family had set up at their site. Now they were even more amazed and enthralled.
Mindy and the twins started quoting verses they had learned while they waited for their turns.
Mindy commented, “I like the fact that God knows how many stars there are, and he even calls them by their names, as it says in Psalm 147:4.”
“Right,” agreed Hope,” and Psalm 136:9 says the moon and stars rule the night, and God’s mercy endures forever.”
Sherry joined them, “Indeed, and the same Psalm136, but verses one and five say to give thanks to the LORD, … who by wisdom made the heavens, for his mercy endures forever, so we know he is the creator of all the heavens.”
Joy added, “Yes, and Psalm 148:3,5 tells the sun, moon, and stars to praise the LORD who made them.”
Lora also joined them, “Yes, it says God made them in Genesis 1:16-18. God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. And God set them in … the heaven to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and the night, … and God saw that it was good.”
Some of the other people who’d been invited to look through the telescope joined in the conversation, and Vern and Roy had the opportunity to share the Good News. Several of the people accepted Jesus. The owners of the telescope were very pleased because they were also believers.
The next day the travelers stopped at the visitor center for information and then drove the scenic road, taking all the turnoffs to get photographs and be ready for opportunities to witness. All the turnoffs were on the correct side of the road driving this direction. They were glad for this fact, and stopped at each one walking to the viewpoints if they weren’t right by the parking area. As with the day before, they were thankful for their wide brimmed sun hats.
At one of the viewpoints Mindy read aloud from the pamphlet they had received, “This canyon is unique because of it’s narrow canyon, steep sheer walls and how deep it is. The majority of its rocks are dark colored.”
“Yep,” inserted Joy, “It’s not at all like the place where we were yesterday!”
Hope agreed, “That’s for sure, but it is interesting.”
“Positively,” Mindy nodded, “and it’s name doesn’t come from the dark color of most of the rocks, but it comes from the fact that the deepest and narrowest part of the canyon only gets about half an hour of sunlight a day.”
Lora commented, “I would never have guessed that fact.”
“I wouldn't either,” then Mindy asked, “Dad would you read the rest of this aloud so I can have time to look at the view?”
“Of course,” he replied and read, “It was carved by the Gunnison River. Parts of the canyon are over 2,000 feet deep. The park’s vegetation is mostly scrub oak and pinyon-juniper forests, mixed with high desert sagebrush. Wildlife includes deer, bighorn sheep, black bear, bobcat, mountain lion, elk, Golden eagles, hawks, peregrine falcons, and many other birds.”
By early afternoon they had seen all the viewpoints, so they drove to Ridgway State Park, south of Montrose, where they had reservations in the Dakota Terrace Campground, which had electrical hookups and water for their RV’s. There were many scenic views of the San Juan Mountains, and they could walk to the reservoir and swimming beach. They enjoyed the displays at the visitor center.
Other activities included stargazing, hiking, fishing, boating, water skiing, and viewing wildlife. The campground even had a laundry, hot showers, and a dump station. Each evening both families had meetings at their campsites with fun singing and many questions answered. A few of the families accepted Jesus, so the travelers were thrilled.
They hiked on several of the trails in the area and one day they all went swimming. Roy and Sherry had brought life vests for the twins and they had a great time splashing around in the cold water, while the rest of them swam until they got too cold. Then all of them went and enjoyed the hot showers.
Another day they drove to Silverton over Red Mountain Pass. When they got back to the campground they talked about the ride.
“What a fantastic experience!” Lora exclaimed. “The road has so many curves in it that I’d hate to drive or ride on it in the winter.”
“Same here,” agreed Vern, “But for a drive in the autumn with some of the aspen leaves changing to gold or orange, it was awesome! I like seeing the ones that are still green mixed in with the other colors.”
Mindy added, “Yes, and these San Juan Mountains are some of the most spectacular ones in Colorado. I’m so glad we got to come here and see them.”
“So am I,” shared Lora, “plus I’m glad we didn’t spend this day on the train going from Durango to Silverton like we had considered when we planned this trip back in July. I like our own mode of transportation better.”
“Right,” Vern went on, “this way we can get out and look to our heart’s content and take pictures without the train car jiggling under us and ruining the photos.”
“Exactly!” Mindy declared, “I love our family! It’s the best!”
Her dad and mom concurred, “Indeed it is, Mindy!”
They went back to their homes by way of Blue Mesa Reservoir after camping in the Lake Fork Campground and spending time seeing the sights along the way.
The Hopkins family were talking after supper one evening after the Suehiros had ridden horses with them the first time.
Ian mentioned, “I had a very hard time at first not calling Afta, Tomo since they are identical twins. After I got to know him better I could see a few differences especially in their personalities, so it got easier as the day progressed.”
“I had the same difficulty with Afta,” Yolanda admitted. “But since Hana looks nothing like Ami, it helped me remember it was a different family.”
Ian went on, “But I’ll bet I’d have a harder time if Tomo and Afta were here together. It’s nice that they moved to Pine City after all those years.”
“I agree,” said Yolanda, “and I thought Denji seemed like a polite young man. They make a nice family.”
Candy observed, “Yes, and it didn’t seem to bother them to use the platform to get their horses ready. Lora had asked Mindy, June and me to ride the taller horses again so they wouldn’t be embarrassed, so it must have helped them.”
“Lora’s a very caring person,” Yolanda added, “she’s the one who asked if the ranch would allow another family to ride with us, especially if they used horses that trot since they’re used to them.”
Ian concurred, “Correct, dear, and we can mention to the Suehiros that when there are smaller horses available, they can choose them if they would rather not ride a trotting horse.”
June suggested, “If Candy, Mindy and I ride the taller smooth horses when they come, they could ride the ones we usually ride and then nobody has to ride a bouncy horse.”
“Thank you, June,” stated Yolanda, “for the good suggestion. We can talk to them about it the next time they come.”
Sara asked, “Kim, how do you feel about trying taller horses sometime? It might be good for us to ‘stretch’ a little.”
“Well,” she pondered, “we could probably do it since our little sisters have done so well. Let’s try it sometime before the Suehiros come the next time. Then we won’t be as nervous.”
Ian declared, “All of our girls are thoughtful, caring, and willing to help others. Thank you girls!”
All four girls smiled and nodded.
Another Sunday morning, Riley and Amelia again played the game with Matt and Fiona using a new topic this time, which was very interesting.
When they finished that session and Matt and Fiona had gone to care for the boys, Riley commented, “Amelia, I can easily see what you meant by what you said last week. I also have a hard time remembering some of your answers. I wonder if it would be a better use of our time to just play this game with the two of us after we visit for a while with Matt and Fiona.”
“I like your idea, Riley,” she responded, “and it would probably be a better use of their time also. Would you like to suggest your idea while we talk with them and enjoy the boys?”
“Yes,” he answered, “I’ll do it, and now we can continue with the first deck of cards where we left off last time.”
They made good progress through the deck and even added a few things to their answers after explaining they had left them out last week. They were becoming more relaxed with each other, and liked being able to freely share their answers to the questions.
They also enjoyed watching each other interact with the little boys after their naps. It was easy to see they both liked being with the children.
After Riley shared his suggestion about the game Fiona replied, “What and excellent idea my brother! I agree it would be a better use of everyone’s time.”
“Therefore,” Matt added, “we’ll plan on doing it next time.”
Mindy would be sixteen years old soon, and was getting close to finishing all the lessons for her senior year in high school. She had been reporting to her parents and Fiona how she was doing.
After looking at the last report Vern declared, “Mindy, you are doing an excellent job with you home school studies! I’m glad you go to Fiona’s home to exercise and help her with the little ones every school day, or I’d worry that you’d continue studying.”
“It is a lot of fun, Dad,” she responded. “Plus you’re right, I might be tempted to just keep going. Eleventh and twelfth grades were harder and took more time than ninth and tenth grades, but I’m almost finished and will take the finals pretty soon so I can get my diploma.”
“Wow!” Vern exclaimed. “You’ll be graduating more than two years ahead of the rest of your class! I’m impressed.”
Lora remarked, “So am I, and I’m glad you can just leave the studies at home when we go traveling. It’s good for you to have a break now and then.”
“Definitely,” said Vern and then he asked, “Since you’re so close to being finished, Mindy, have you decided yet what you’d like to do next?”
She answered, “I’ve been doing a lot of research on the web about different careers for women and have been praying a lot about it. The one that appeals most to me is being an elementary school teacher in the primary grades.”
“So…” Vern contemplated, “in order to do it you’d need to attend a university. Do you know which one you would choose.”
“In fact,” replied Mindy, “I have also researched those options and have one up on the computer for you and Mom to look at when you have time.”
Lora stated, “We have time right now. Let’s go look.”
On the way into their family office, Mindy explained, “I checked the university in our city plus several others and they all require gym classes with uniforms and showers, so I'd have the same problem there as I had at the high school. Therefore, I found a Christian university on line. They offer a diploma and license to teach in public or church schools at the end of the senior year. So I could just continue my home schooling studies the way I have been, and I could still go to Fiona’s home also.”
Vern commented, “I’m really glad we could find a Christian high school for you on line, and a Christian university also sounds ideal.”
“I agree completely,” Lora stated, “now let’s read and discuss all the information together so we can find out what the next steps are.”
When they finished Mindy showed them the other options and why she thought this one was better. Her parents agreed and now they were ready to get her registered when she got her high school diploma.
Mindy concluded, “The thing I like most about home schooling for the university is that I don’t have to leave home yet, and we can continue enjoying our family and travel times!”
Her dad and mom told her they completely agreed with her.
Vern admitted, “I was dreading the thought of having you go to a university in another city or state, because I like having you here at home with us!”
Lora nodded emphatically, and they got up from the chairs by the computer and had a three way hug.
Tony and Maria went to the square dance at the church every month and enjoyed it a lot. She had bought the petticoat and other things she needed for dancing. They enjoyed visiting with Matt and Fiona between dances.
Once Matt complimented, “Tony and Maria, you make a very impressive couple out there on the dance floor! You learned very quickly and very well how to do all the moves and keep up.
“Absolutely!” Fiona continued, “and Maria, your white skirt glistens with other colors when the light hits it just right. It’s mesmerizing, I do enjoy watching.”
Maria responded, “Thank you both for your kind words. I wore this skirt without the petticoat and with a white blouse for our wedding, so it’s very special for me, and I got many compliments that day also.”
“I thank you also,” added Tony. “We both really enjoy square dancing. Besides which, it’s good exercise.”
“Definitely!” Matt agreed and shared, “Tony, your English has gotten so much better! You hardly even have an accent any longer.”
“Again, I thank you, Matt.” said Tony. “My dear wife has helped me a lot, and before that Ted worked with me on it. Plus reading the stories in the park has also helped. Maria and I take turns now, so I get practice both ways.”
Maria remarked, “I'm glad the two of you get to come to these square dances. It’s been fun for me to get to know you better.”
Fiona explained, “We’re also glad for these times, since we’re able to get one set or the other of their grandparents to come take care of the boys and put them to bed.”
“Indeed,” Matt continued, “both sets love to do it, so we take turns asking them to make sure they get equal opportunities.”
Fiona confided, “Although, we do have another baby on the way now, so we’ll have to take a break when my dress no longer fits me.”
“Congratulations Matt and Fiona!” Maria exclaimed, “We’ll miss you here, but we pray God’s richest blessings for you.”
Fiona replied, “Thank you very much. God has blessed us so much in our family and I know he will continue to do so.”
Matt took her hand and invited, “Let’s go get into the next dance and be in the same square this time with Tony and Maria.”
On the farm the boys had been helping with the harvest all during the summer and fall. By now they pretty much knew the routines, so they could talk while they worked.
Carlos mentioned, “The crops did well this year. I think all the harvests have been bigger this summer and fall.”
“I agree,” stated Gary, “I wonder if all the rains we’ve had, helped the crops. I don’t think we had as many rains last year.”
Sam added, “It could be. I remember Dad having all of us pray in agreement for rain at one of the Bible Study Groups.”
“Yeah,” continued Evan, “it was right after we all memorized Zechariah 10:1, Ask of the LORD, rain in the time of the latter rain. The LORD shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain…”
Pedro remarked, “I remember praying like that, and when we told our dad about it, he agreed and we all prayed some more at home.”
“Yes,” Luis went on, “and he said the rain would be very good for the crops because it helps the plants to grow.”
Hugo tacked on, “Right, he told us the irrigation water is good, but the rain is even better, if it is not too much rain.
“Yep,” Jose agreed, “and to encourage us to not be like the people of Israel, he had us memorize Jeremiah 5:23,24, The people were rebellious… and did not say ‘let us now fear the LORD our God, who gives rain, both the former and the latter in its season, and he reserves to us the appointed weeks of the harvest.’ I agree.”
The boys continued working together, being thankful for all the things they had learned here on this farm.
Amelia stayed to talk with Fiona after the next Sunday morning time with Riley. They had finished reviewing the first deck of cards and were about halfway through the second deck. Amelia was with Fiona in the nursery helping change diapers after Riley went to his home.
Fiona asked, “As friend to friend, how do you think these times of talking to Riley are going?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Amelia answered, “because I’ve been wanting to talk to you about it. I think they’re going very well, and I think your brother is very nice. I like him more every time.”
“I’m very happy to hear that,” stated Fiona. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been getting to know him better from playing that game and I also like him more now. After high school we didn’t have much time together, so we were in different worlds.”
“I can see how that could happen,” then Amelia admitted, “I don’t really have any idea about whether Riley likes me better every time, but I’m glad he still wants to continue talking. I brought a copy with me today of the list you used to evaluate Matt while you were dating, which I got from the coffee chat room at work.”
“Do you have any questions?” inquired Fiona. “Let’s put these boys into their playpens, and we can talk better. It sounds like it might be time for you to start evaluating.”
“I haven’t had time to read it again,” so Amelia read through them. “This is very extensive, I can’t think of a thing to add.”
Fiona explained, “I asked Esther to give me a list of the issues she and her two suitors wrote essays about, so I could give it to girls who were ready to evaluate a man they were interested in getting to know better. So I included them also.”
“This is brilliant!” Amelia exclaimed, “I hadn’t read again since we talked about it earlier, before you started coming to make copies and talk to people in the coffee chat room. I’m glad I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. This will be another good use of time! Thank you so much, Fiona, and thank you for letting Riley and me come here where the atmosphere is so free and open for sharing.”
“It’s truly my pleasure,” Fiona responded. “Go slowly and keep up the good work. It will pay rich dividends.”
Tomo and Ami traveled the first week in October to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks so they could see some of the things mentioned by Vern and Roy and their families. They had gotten reservations seven months ahead of time in the Arches campground, since the fall is usually such good weather for the area, and therefore the campground fills up fast.
Another reason for choosing these parks was because they’re very popular with foreign travelers, and maybe there would be opportunities to talk to Japanese sightseers in their own language. It was a great idea and it worked best at the viewpoints, where many people are waiting their turn to read the information on the signs.
In one case, Ami saw a Japanese woman and asked in Japanese if the lady could read the English on one of the signs. The woman shook her head and Ami asked her if she’d like to have it translated. After the woman nodded, Ami translated the sign into Japanese. The lady thanked her, they moved out of the way, and conversed for a while in Japanese. Ami was able to tell her the Good News as the rest of her family listened. Then she and Tomo answered all their questions and led them in a prayer to accept Jesus as their Savior.
In the evenings they had meetings at their campsite. One time they used the song, “No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus.” They sang the verses and chorus and then asked the people if they had ever felt the way some of the verses said. It opened up a time of sharing how Jesus can help in times like that.
Usually English speaking people came to the meetings since they’re the ones who had some type of RV for camping. It worked well, since the hymnals and Bibles were in English. Many times they needed to teach them how to use the hymnals and Bibles since many people don’t attend church, and for those who do, many churches put up the song lyrics and scriptures on the screen at the front of the sanctuary.
On their way back home Tomo commented, “I really like the scenery in Arches and Canyonlands National Parks.”
“I definitely agree!” Ami declared. “Both of them are places I would enjoy visiting frequently.”
Tomo responded, “Those are my exact feelings, and it is a very good place to see different people each time, so we’d have many ministry opportunities.”
“Perfect,” stated Ami, “then we could plan to go there either in the spring or fall of next year, if the Lord is willing.”
Tomo laughed, “Yes, or even both, since it’s not so far away as some of the other places we’ve visited before.”
“Absolutely,” she agreed, “I’m glad we both like to travel.”
One evening Amelia asked her family, “Would you all read aloud and comment on some Bible verses about TRUST? I finished an independent study on them in one of my notebooks, and wanted to share them. I found some synonyms for trust as a verb, like be sure of, rely on, depend on, or believe.
“Sure,” agreed Ernest, “it sounds like and interesting topic.”
So they passed the notebook around, said the reference and read the verses aloud before commenting on them.
Ernest read, “Psalm 40, verse 4a says, Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust. I agree, trusting in the LORD results in much happiness.”
“Yes it does,” then Connie read, “Psalm 9:9,10, The LORD will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know your name will put their trust in you, for you, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you. Those are good verses. The first sentence is like a promise, showing the LORD can be trusted, so people who know him also know he can be trusted.”
“It is a good thing to know,” said Ben and then he read, “Psalm 13:5,6, I have trusted in your mercy, my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me. I feel this way every time I remember how the LORD provided salvation for me.”
“Yes, I’m glad we can all rejoice,” Amelia agreed and then read, “Psalm 33:20,21, Our soul waits for the LORD, he is our help and our shield, for our hearts shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. We can rejoice because we trust in his holy name, which means his character or who he is.”
Ernest said, “Yes, this next one is a long one. Psalm 18:1-3, I will love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust, my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies. It gives a long list of reasons we can trust the LORD.
Connie commented, “I like that one. This one is pretty short. Psalm 91:2, I will say of the LORD, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God; in him I will trust. It is a shorter list of why the person who wrote it will trust God.”
Ben took his turn, “Right, and Psalm 118:8 says, It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. This is very very true. Man can and does fail, but the LORD definitely will not!”
“I’m so glad for that fact!” Amelia exclaimed and then read, “Psalm 71:5. For you are my hope, O LORD God; you are my trust from my youth. This verse is true for Ben and me and I’m so thankful we were saved as children.”
“So are your mother and I,” agreed Ernest. “Oh, it looks like the last one is another long one. 2 Samuel 22:2-4 says, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer. In him I will trust. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my savior. He saves me from violence. I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies. It sounds like the ones in Psalms and must have been written by David when he was still running from King Saul who tried so often to kill him.”
Amelia stated, “I agree with you. Thank you all for reading and commenting on these verses. I enjoyed hearing them read aloud and then your good comments added even more to my appreciation of these verses.”
Ernest, Connie, and Ben told her she was welcome and then applauded for her good Bible study. Then they all sang the song, “Blessed is the Nation,” which goes with Psalm 144:15, Happy is the people … whose God is the LORD. Every verse in the song has something about trust.
The Jones family had just finished looking at their pictures of the last RV ministry trip.
Lora commented, “I like the way we take so many pictures on our trips. Even tonight I saw some things I would have forgotten about without our pictures.
“Same here,” agreed Vern. “Like the one Mindy took of all the people squeezed into the motor home with standing room only, because the wind was blowing and it had started to rain before the end of our meeting.”
Mindy laughed, remembering, “I had crawled up into my bed in the loft and had the camera with me. Since they were all facing away from me I was able to take several pictures without them knowing it while you two continued answering their questions.”
Lora remembered, “Yes, and we had left the chairs outside, but everyone brought in the Bibles and Hymnals so none of them got wet and ruined.”
“The best part,” added Vern, “was that several of the people accepted Jesus as their Savior in our RV.”
“I agree,” stated Mindy, “their salvation was totally the best!”
Lora continued, “I’m glad we were able to finish the meeting in spite of the storm. That was the family who said there was only one church in their town and it had closed down.”
“Right,” said Vern, “so we called Pastor Don on our cell phone and he said he’d make sure a pastor and his family would move there immediately and start a small group for the family and the other family they knew of in town who believe in Jesus.”
“Yes,” Lora went on, “and they’ll be able to start a house church for the town, and maybe even be able to rent the church building for meetings when they grow big enough. Anyway, by the next evening we had the screen tent set up and there were no more storms during the rest of our stay.”
Mindy remarked, “I don’t think the screen tent would have been able to protect us from the rain storm, but it sure is nice to have it protect us from all the mosquitoes and other flying insects.”
“Exactly,” concurred Vern, “and I like eating our supper out there before setting up the meetings.”
Lora added, “I wonder what Roy, Sherry, and the twins did in that storm. I never thought to ask them the next day.”
“I didn’t either,” Vern went on, “the van they rent is too small to be able to fit very many people inside standing up.”
Mindy declared, “I liked having them join us for the trip.”
Vern and Lora nodded and said, “So did we.”
During their next time together, Riley and Amelia went with Matt and Fiona and the boys to the mountains on a Sunday. It was a fun trip, and they got to take turns carrying the boys in backpacks on the hike around a small lake.
When they got back to Matt and Fiona’s house and had visiting time Riley admitted, “I’ve never dated before, and I don’t even like the way the world does it, so if it’s alright with you, I would rather not date at all.”
Amelia responded, “I understand how you feel and I agree. I’ve never dated before either, and I have my own misgivings about it, so it is fine with me if we don’t date.”
“Thank you, Amelia,” he said, “for understanding and agreeing. What do you think about the things we’ve been doing so far, as ways to get to know each other better?”
She replied, “I think they’re working very well. I’m not nervous here at Fiona’s home, like I was at the lunch with your family. Now I feel like I know you a lot better than I did that day.”
“I feel the same way,” continued Riley. “I asked Matt and Fiona, and they’re happy to have us continue coming here. Maybe after a few more times here, we could consider asking each other to join our family for a meal so we can become more relaxed with them also.”
Amelia nodded, “It sounds like a good plan. Now I’d like us to discuss what we like about our jobs.”
“And this is a good plan also,” so Riley shared, “I liked traveling while I was doing it for my job. The ministry times were the best part, along with seeing other parts of the United States, and a couple foreign countries. Now I like having a normal job, and I like not having to travel any longer. For my new job in the same company, I like helping them incorporate some of the good ideas I found in some other companies on my last trip. I think this is a company I’ll be able to stay with a long time.”
“I’m impressed,” stated Amelia. “I’ve been working in The Garden Shop since I was still a junior in high school. I only worked part time then, but I got to work with your sister, Fiona, nurturing plants so they’d be beautiful and healthy looking for someone to buy and enjoy at home. Your sister taught me so much and we became good friends. I liked working with those parts of God’s creation, and seeing the flowers each time I came to the shop. I still enjoy all of those things, plus using what I learned at the trade school to help with the bookkeeping and business part of the shop.”
Riley smiled, “I’m glad you found something you enjoy doing. It sounds like a good career for you. I imagine your parents like having you work there with them.”
“Yes,” she replied, “they’ve often told me how much they like it. It took me a long time as I was growing up to learn why they liked their jobs so much. It wasn’t until I started working there part time that I could see why for myself. Now I think I like it as much as they do, and I’m glad I chose this for my career.”
The Hopkins family was having a fashion show. Ian was the unbiased judge giving opinions each time the ladies all came into the living room dressed in certain categories of clothes.
First they had on dresses for church or other nice places. Ian stated, “All of you look lovely as is usual for all my ladies. But some of the dresses aren't fitting as well as they used to. Yolanda and Sara, your dresses still fit just fine, since neither of you has grown lately. Kim, Candy, and June, your dresses are still very pretty and not faded, but they’ve all gotten too short for you and are rather tight in places, so they don't look comfortable. So you three go put on school clothes and come back to model them.”
They hurried to do as he had told them, and he continued, “Yolanda, Dear, please go look in your closet had see if you have any dresses or other clothes you might like to give to Kim to remodel for herself.”
She went quickly to look, and he smiled as he observed, “Sara, I think since you’re Japanese, you might have grown as tall as you are going to grow. And with our good diet and exercise, you’ll probably stay about the same weight. Therefore you don’t need to try on any more of your clothes right now. Just go look to see if there are any that are getting close to being worn out. Make a pile of them and bring them here to the living room. We can inspect them and see what needs to be done next.”
After Sara left, Kim, Candy, and June came in to model one set of their school clothes. After looking, Ian remarked, “I think you three girls have had a growth spurt in the last month or two and I can see that your school clothes are also getting too small. So this is probably true for your horseback riding clothes and after school clothes also. Take time right now to try on any your aren’t sure about and bring all the ones that are too small here to the living room.”
In the meantime, Yolanda had come back with a few dresses and other clothes and she mentioned, “I think I have enough other clothes to last me for a while, so we won’t need to buy anything for me yet.”
Sara came in with only a few items that were definitely worn out. She declared, “Most of my clothes are still in good shape, so I don’t think I’ll need anything soon.”
Kim came back with all her dresses, and other clothes. She looked a little sad as she admitted, “I'm sorry, but most of mine are actually too small. Maybe we could just buy a new dress, and one set of each of the other categories, and enough material that I can make the other things I’ll be needing. These clothes are all in good shape still and Candy and June might be able to use or remodel some of them.”
Yolanda reassured her, “No worries, Kim, we’ll all work together and it will be just fine.”
Candy and June also came back with most of their clothes since they had grown out of them. They weren't any happier than Kim had been.
So Ian cheered them up, “Smile girls, remember how much fun we usually have at our fashion shows. We’ll get this figured out together and then we have a surprise for you.”
“Candy and June,” Yolanda requested, “please take the clothes Kim brought here to your room and see what will fit you now, and what needs to be remodeled. Sara if you go with them you can do the pinning with safety pins as they try them on, so it will save a lot of time.”
“Yes, Dad and Mom,” they all responded and left with smiles on their faces and hope in their minds.”
Ian said, “Now I’ll go do some house maintenance while you other two ladies take Mom’s clothes and see what can be done for Kim.
In her bedroom Kim questioned, “Oh, Mom, are you really sure you don’t want to keep this dress? It’s beautiful and I always like to see you in it.”
“Yes, Kim,” her mom answered honestly, “I’m very sure, because the color is not good on me for some reason. So if you’d like to have it, I’d like to give it to you.”
Kim exclaimed, “Thank you, Mom! I’ll try it on right now and we can see how it might need to be changed.”
After she put it on she twirled around in front of the mirror and declared. “I love it! It’s just a little too long and a bit large on the top, but you can put pins where they need to be and it will be perfect. We won’t do any cutting and maybe I’ll grow into it eventually and we can take out our hand sewing so it won’t even show. I’d like to be able to wear this one for a long time!”
“Hooray, Kim!” Yolanda responded, “I'm glad you like it so much, and you’re right, it only needs a little bit of changing.”
Kim tried on the rest of the clothes and Yolanda did the necessary pinning. In a short time Kim would have enough clothes to last her until she was able to sew some more when they bought the material for them. Except she would need some new ready made pants for horseback riding.
Pretty soon the five ladies returned to the living room and the girls squealed with delight. Ian had moved the furniture around a little to make room for a sewing table with the family’s brand new sewing machine set up on one end.
Sara expressed what the other three girls felt, “This is a super surprise! Thank you so much, Dad and Mom. Now we can sew here at home when we have time and not have to bother Mrs. Yardley any more. She’s been so nice.”
“Yes she has been,” agreed Yolanda, then she requested, “Girls, please take this other pile of things and see what you might be able to use now or keep for a future time.”
Yolanda and the girls went shopping for material and the sewing notions they’d need in order to have clothes that fit better. The new sewing machine was kept very busy and the girls enjoyed taking turns sewing on it at home.
Riley and Amelia had just finished another deck of cards in the game they had been playing off and on for the past months.
Riley commented, “That was an interesting topic, but I was thinking maybe we could take a break from this game. My parents would like to have you come to lunch next Sunday. Could we do that instead of meeting here for the game next week?”
“I'm pretty sure next Sunday would work for me,” she answered, “but I need to check with Mom to see if she has planned something where she might need me to be home for that part of the day. Could I call and tell you after I talk with her this afternoon?”
“Sure,” he replied as he handed her his business card with his home and cell numbers on it. “And I already have your phone number in case there would be a change in my family’s plans.”
“Right” Amelia agreed, “phones are very helpful. Could I bring a salad or a dessert to the lunch?”
Riley replied, “Maybe another time, but for this time Mom said she just would like you to come and be relaxed.”
“All right,” said Amelia, “she must have seen how nervous I was the other time I was there.”
“On the contrary,” he countered, “You hid it very well. I told her how nervous I was, and she could also see it, so I asked her how we could make this time be relaxed and more fun for you.”
Amelia responded, “How kind of you! Thank you very much. I think it will be easier now that we’ve become more relaxed with each other.”
“So do I,” he concurred, “so shall we go play with the boys and visit with Matt and Fiona for a while before you have to go home?”
“Yes, let’s do,” she answered, “they’re always such fun. They have a very nice family.”
The next Sunday she went to have lunch with his family and it was a much more relaxed and enjoyable time for them both.
William and Karen both taught their Bible Study groups about Veteran's Day. First they read short biographies of some famous veterans to the groups. Then they did some research on the web as a group to find out what the various armed forces did. Each person got to read aloud part of what they found.
By the time they had finished, they knew a lot more about why Veteran’s Day is celebrated. They sang “America,” which goes with Proverbs 14:34, Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Then they sang, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” part of which goes with Psalm 107:23-31, Those who go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep. For he commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifts up the waves. They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths. Their soul is melted because of trouble… Then they cry to the LORD in their trouble, and he brings them out of their distresses. He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves are still. Then they are glad because the waves are quiet. He brings them into their desired haven. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
After reading the verses aloud together they sang the song again as their prayer for people still in the armed forces since the song talked about those in danger on the sea or the land or in the air.
The next week Riley and Amelia were at Fiona and Matt’s home again and they had almost finished the next deck of cards in the game they had been playing. So Amelia explained, “I got this list from Fiona for the coffee chat room, and she had gotten part of it from Esther who used it when she was being courted to find out if they would be compatible. Would you be interested in discussing the issues on the list?”
“Yes,” he answered, “it sounds like a good idea to me.”
Amelia continued, “We could either get another copy from Fiona and write our opinions at home and then read each other’s next time we meet, or we could use this copy, and take turns being the first one to speak about an issue and then listen to the other one.”
Riley requested, “Let me read them before I decide.” She handed the list to him. He read it and shared, “I think either way could work, but possibly we could feel more free to express our opinions if we wrote about them at home. And besides, it would save us a lot of time here to be able to read and ask questions if we need clarification.”
“I totally agree,” replied Amelia. “So let’s continue with this deck of cards today. Then we can ask Fiona for another list, get our opinions written and bring them next week, if it would give you enough time.”
He responded, “I think I can have mine ready by next week.”
She nodded and picked up the next card to read the question. They were able to finish that deck of cards before going to spend some time with Matt and Fiona and their boys.
Then Riley asked. “Fiona, would you please make me a copy of those issues you gave to Amelia. We want to write our opinions at home and we plan to read each other’s next week.”
“I’ll be happy to,” she responded, “Please hold Patrick while I’m gone.”
“My pleasure, dear sister!” Riley declared smiling.
One afternoon before their horseback ride, Ted requested, “Tony and Maria please tell us about your park ministry results, while the girls finish getting ready for the ride.”
Tony began, “This summer and early fall, we’ve had the joy and privilege of leading several children and sometimes their families to accept Jesus. We’re especially glad when the same children come several weeks in a row, because it means they’re listening and are interested. They’re more likely to respond to the invitation.”
Maria added, “Since it’s starting to be colder now, there are fewer people in the parks with their primary age children, so we’re getting ready to go to the inside mall with big books instead of flannelgraph stories that require the use of the booth. It’s awkward to carry the booth into the mall area and we don’t like to take up that much room either.”
“Right,” continued Tony, “We just bought a big rolling suitcase this morning to carry the books and some carpet squares for the children to use for sitting on the floor.”
Maria went on, “We’ll see how it works next weekend.”
Julie mentioned, “It sounds like a good plan to me. I’m so glad you can do your ministry there and still find time to come here to go riding with us and our girls.”
“So are we!” laughed Maria. “I wish you could have heard the praise time at one of our recent small group meetings. All the people in our small group except the facilitators and Beth get to come here to the ranch almost every week to ride horses with one family or another and all of us praised and thanked God for the privilege we have.”
“Amazing!” exclaimed Ted. “The horses on this ranch are very special and it’s a beautiful place to ride. Here come the girls, so let’s go enjoy it!”
On the way to the pasture Iris said, “Look, Auntie Maria and Uncle Tony, we each have new riding boots.”
“Yes,” added Rose, “Father bought them for us after church last Saturday, because our others were getting too small for us.”
Tony remarked, “They do look new and shiny, and I’ll bet they’re more comfortable too.”
They all nodded and then stopped and pointed to a design on each boot.”
Maria looked carefully and noticed, “Oh, each of you has a pretty flower on each boot and it’s the same as your name! They’re in color too!”
Lily explained, “They are pretty, and they help us to keep from getting our boots mixed up.”
“What a very good idea,” Tony agreed as he looked closer at the flowers on the boots.
Violet went on to say, “Yes, and when our feet get too big for these boots, the flowers can be removed and put on the next pair. Father said it would be more eco – some big word that I forgot.”
Maria gently said, “The word is probably ‘economical,’ which means it will cost less than having new flowers put on new boots every time. It’s a good plan. Your father is very smart.”
With the news reported and exclaimed over, they continued on their way to the pasture, where they chose their favorite horses and had an enjoyable ride.
Riley and Amelia were both very busy writing in preparation for their next meeting at Matt and Fiona’s house.
Amelia felt like she was back in high school writing an essay. She’d write something and then read it over and fix mistakes or change it to be more clear. She was worried about what Riley would think of her writing abilities, since she had never gone to a university and he had graduated from one and had a good job.
Her next question was, “Should I type it and print it out or just go with this copy?”
After looking at the crossed out words and eraser marks on the page, she had her answer and went directly to the computer. At least mistakes were easier to fix on the word processor. It was good that she had thought through each of the issues already and only had to type from her page, so this went faster. She was relieved they had chosen to write instead of trying to answer orally the other day.”
Riley had started right out typing on his laptop but found himself spending a lot of time thinking about each issue before he could type anything. He was anxious because he wanted to make a good impression on Amelia. And the very thought of that surprised him. He had convinced himself that he was being very neutral in getting to know her better, but he could tell his emotions had become involved already without him realizing it.
Therefore he stopped for a while and prayed about the situation, “Father in heaven, I’m glad you already knew about my emotions even before I realized the fact. Please show me what to do about or with them. Show me if they’re wrong or if I am correct with my emotions. If she is the one you’d desire for me to marry, then I don’t want to scare her away by saying something too soon, so please guide all I write here and all I say and do when we’re together.”
As he went back to typing, he made himself be completely honest in every opinion, and not try to guess what might please Amelia.
Both of them were thankful they had a day off from work on Thanksgiving Day so they could spend the extra time finishing up their typing before printing it out after proofreading it several times. Each of them made two copies so they could give one copy to the other person.
Walt and Betty were looking in a songbook at the song “Ancient of Days.” Walt suggested, let’s look up some scriptures that would go well with this song.”
“All right,” said Betty, “I like this song.
“So do I,” then Walt was first, “Psalm 95:1 says “O come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our maker.”
Betty was next, “Romans 14:11 says, “For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God.”
Then Walt read Ezekiel 38:23 where the LORD says, “Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. They shall know that I am the LORD.”
Betty shared, “Here’s a really long one, but it goes well with the song. Hebrews 1:1-4,8, God, who at various times and different manners spoke to the fathers by the prophets in the past, has in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed to be heir of all things, and by whom also he made the worlds, who being the brightness of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, being made so much better than the angels, as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. … To the son, God said, “Your throne, O GOD, is for ever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom.”
Walt declared, “What a good scripture! It really does go well with the song and covers all the rest of the things the others didn’t.”
“For sure,” Betty agreed, “along with many things the song didn’t mention. Now let’s see if we can find and listen to it on the web.”
The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Riley and Amelia read and when necessary, clarified what they thought the other’s opinions were about issues on the list. As they began, they were both tense, but hid it well, then as they read what the other person had written, each of them started to relax, because they discovered they had many of the same opinions.
At the beginning of their visiting time, they decided to just read one issue at a time and ask questions or clarify things before going to the next one. This took more time, but it worked well.
There were two issues where their opinions seemed to differ, but by asking questions and getting clarification, they found it was just a matter of wording. So each one made notes about it on the copy they would get to keep.
After they finished, Riley held hers up and complimented, “Amelia, this is very well written and I like the font you used because it’s easy to read.”
She responded, without visible relief, “Thank you, Riley. So is yours. I think word processors are a great invention.”
“So do I,” he said and paused thinking he’d have to be careful to say this correctly and not push her, “This was a good exercise for us to do, and it shows we’re in agreement about all these issues so now we know we wouldn’t be incompatible.”
Amelia smiled and concluded, “Esther’s idea was a good one, then. I’m glad.”
“I’m glad too.” Riley smiled back and decided to change the subject. “How was your Thanksgiving?”
“It was very nice,” she answered. “We asked another family who has no relatives in this area to join us for Thanksgiving dinner. The lady works at The Garden Shop as a cashier, and it was nice to get to meet her family and plant some gospel seeds.
“What a nice idea!” Riley exclaimed, “I’ll suggest it to my parents and we might use your family's idea for Christmas Day.”
Amelia nodded, “I hope they’ll like it. For us, it made the day much more friendly. The other family invited us to come to their house this coming Christmas. We’re praying for a chance to share with them the real meaning of Christmas, and that they will accept Jesus as their Savior.”
Riley prayed, “Yes, Father, I agree with their prayer and ask you to bless the Clays as they continue gladly serving you.”
“Thank you for your prayer, Riley,” said Amelia and continued, “My family and I would like to have you come to lunch this coming Sunday, if that would work for you.”
“Yes it would,” replied Riley, “We could do that instead of coming here next week.”
“Good,” she smiled and then proposed, “Lets go visit with this family for a while now.”
While Sara helped Kim to hem some of the new clothes she was making she mentioned, “When we had our last fashion show, I felt a little strange being the only one of us girls who hadn’t grown out of my clothes.”
“I admit I thought it was strange also,” said Kim.
Sara went on, “But after all of you left, Dad told me that since I’m Japanese, I might not get any taller and will probably not gain much more weight because of our good diet and exercise.”
“Oh,” stated Kim, “it makes sense now, especially when I think about the sizes of the people in both Suehiro families. I’m glad you aren’t having a health problem of some kind.”
“So am I,” agreed Sara. “I felt much better after what he said to me. Our parents are so good and wise. I’m really thankful we get to live here. Mom even reminded us how much we girls had helped save money for the sewing machine by making clothes over and by not complaining about economizing on meals by eating beans and getting the cheaper cuts of meat like chicken drumsticks and wings instead of thighs and breast meat. I think it’s been a great learning time for us.
“Same here,” said Kim. “God was so good to us by putting us into such a wonderful Christian family and then saving us too.”
“Indeed he was!” exclaimed Sara. “Plus it’s fun making new clothes with the new sewing machine, even if they aren’t for me. I just realized, we’ve been remodeling and sewing clothes for a couple years now. I like seeing the new things my sisters are making, and I get to make one new thing apiece for each of you.”
Ben stayed after work one day and asked, “Walt, would you be willing to give me ideas for starting my own construction company and being the contractor? I don’t desire to be in competition with you. I think there are enough jobs in this part of the city for several more companies.”
“I think you’re so right,” answered Walt, “and I’ll be glad to share with you the things I know about being a contractor.”
Ben responded, “Thank you very much! What day and time would work best for you and your wife for you to share with me?”
Walt replied, “Since she’s busy with her After School Place until 5:30 PM every day, you and I could just stay after work for half an hour every day until I’ve told you everything I know and you can ask questions. I’ll need to tell her this evening and we can start tomorrow if this will work for you.”
“Perfect!” Ben declared, “this way I can tell my parents also, so they’ll know why I’m going to be late.”
The next day, and for several more, Ben learned many things about being a contractor who carefully considers a new job or project, plans and estimates costs, and then makes a contract with the person or business to supply the materials, laborers to do the work, and so forth. It was much better than his classes had provided.
Later he also found some computer software that would help him with the business end of the company. He felt like he was getting closer to his dream of building houses for other people. But he kept working for Walt as he continued to get everything in place for his own company.
Riley and Amelia talked about Christmas songs with her family after Sunday’s lunch.
Ernest commented, “Every time I’ve turned on the radio this month, all the stations have been playing Christmas music. Some of it is very good if I choose the right station.”
Amelia agreed, “For sure, and all the stores play it also, but we don’t get to choose the station, except at The Garden Shop.” Then she asked, “What is one of your favorite songs, Dad?”
He answered, “I really like ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him,’ because the song gives Jesus the honor he deserves. It reminds me of when the wise men came and worshiped him as it says in Matthew 2:11, When they had come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped him. When they had opened their treasures, they presented to him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. What’s one of your favorites?”
“This year,” Amelia replied, “I think it’s ‘Emmanuel,’ because the word means God with us and it goes with a prophesy that was fulfilled when Jesus was born. In Matthew 1:22,23 it says, Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled what was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Mom, which song is one of your favorites?”
Connie replied, “I like ‘Joy to the World’ a lot because it’s such a happy song with a happy message, like in Luke 2:10, The angel said to them fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Riley, do you have a favorite Christmas song?”
“Indeed I do,” he responded, “I like ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing,’ and verses 13 and 14 that come after the verse you just quoted. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’ It’s fun to imagine what it must have sounded like. Ben, what’s your favorite Christmas Song?”
Ben stated, “I notice that none of the favorites are about Santa Clause and I’m so glad we all know what Christmas really means. My favorite song is ‘The Birthday of a King,” which goes with another prophecy. Jeremiah 23:5 states, Behold, the days come, the LORD said, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.”
Ernest concluded, “Thank you all for sharing. I liked hearing the verses that go with the songs you like.”
On Mercy Valley Truck Farm Gary asked William, “Dad, would you have time to let me study the Bible with you? There’s so much I want to learn, but I have so many questions when I study on my own.”
William was pleased to be asked, so he replied, “Of course, Gary, I'd enjoy having us study together.”
“Thank you, Dad,” said Gary, “I know you study after we boys are in bed, and I think I could stay up an extra half hour to study with you. I don’t need as much sleep as the other boys. In fact I often lay there awake for at least that long.”
William suggested, “Let’s try it for a week and if you notice you’re sleepy or tired the next day, please tell me and we’ll work out another time we can study together.”
“OK,” Gary smiled, “it sounds like a very good suggestion.”
So they tried it for a week, and the plan worked well for both of them. Gary was right, he didn’t need that half hour of sleep. It was much better spent in the study of God’s Word with a good teacher like William. Gary was able to get his questions answered and learned how he could study on his own when he was ready to leave the farm.
During December, Julie had been talking to each of the second grade teachers about trading grade levels and classrooms for the next year so that none of her girls would have her for a teacher. Each one sympathized with Julie but really didn't want to switch grade levels even for only one year.
So during lunch the next day, Julie went to talk to Pam, her friend who taught one of the third grade classes. “Pam, remember several years ago we speculated about what to do when my girls reached third grade?”
“Yes, I do remember,” replied Pam. “Did you find a second grade teacher who would trade with you for the year?”
“No,” answered Julie, “I just finished talking to all four of them and nobody wants to trade because they all like second grade the best. And I can’t say that I blame them either.”
“Same here,” Pam agreed. ‘”Your other idea was to have two sisters in the same classroom if Beth will wave the rule for this situation.”
“Right,” Julie nodded, “and you know Beth better than I do, since you’ve taught here longer than I have. Do you think there’s any chance she would do it?”
Pam shrugged, “I really have no idea, but we’ll never know unless we ask.”
“I agree,” and Julie continued, “I don’t think you’ve had a chance to see the quadruplets very often. I have a picture of them standing side by side. I took it just yesterday. We can show it on the computer monitor so you can see them.”
They loaded and enlarged the picture and Pam studied it. “These two look more like sisters than the other two do.”
“Correct,” said Julie, “Lily is the tall one and Rose is small. All four of them are good friends and seldom fight, and I also know they’d use good self-control and not cause a problem if they were in the same classroom. Would you be willing to have the two of them in your class next year?”
“Certainly!” exclaimed Pam. “I’d love to be able to help you in any way I can! Let’s take this picture and show it to Beth and ask her if I can do this.”
Julie responded, “Thank you very much, Pam, for being willing. Yes, let’s go now and see if we can get to talk to her.”
Beth listened carefully to Julie’s dilemma and Pam’s willingness to help and then studied the picture on the screen. “I can easily see what you mean, and I’ve been in each classroom with the quadruplets since kindergarten and I know how well behaved they are, so I don't see a problem with waving our rule for this situation. I’ll make sure that Lily and Rose will be in Pam’s third grade next year, Julie, so neither one will have to be in mommy’s classroom.”
Julie expressed sincerely, “Thank you, Beth, and thank you, Pam, for helping to solve this problem for my family and me.”
Riley and Amelia met again at Matt and Fiona’s house. This time Matt and Fiona joined them for a fast paced game that had a lot of competition in it, because earlier Amelia had asked Fiona if she could set up a way in which she could see how competitive Riley was and what kind of winner and loser he was.
The boys slept well this day so they got to play for about three quarters of an hour and everyone had a chance to win or lose several times. Fiona and Amelia were pleased to see that Riley was a good sport all the way through the game. Besides, they all had a lot of fun.
After the game, Amelia went with Fiona to get Johnny ready while Fiona fed Patrick. Then they both took the boys and joined the men in the living room for the rest of the visit. It had been a good change of pace for all of them.
At Christmas time, Ted, Julie and their girls were shopping at the stores in the inside walking mall. They were surprised to see four different groups set up not very far from each other in the mall.
Lily said, “Look, there’s a life-sized manger scene with real people.”
“I see it,” replied Rose, “it even has a real baby in the manger.”
“Yes it does,” then Violet noticed, “Next I see a group of shepherds.”
Iris added, “Another group has wise men who look like they’re getting ready to go somewhere.”
The Blake family went to each group and talked to the actors who answered all their questions as if they were the real people in the Bible story. It was fascinating.
Each group had a booklet titled “Why Christmas?” to give to those who would like one. It was put out by the Grace ‘n’ Faith Church and included the answers to its own question. By using scripture and fulfilled prophecies it explained the need for God to send his Son as a baby that first Christmas and how Jesus grew up as the only sinless person so he could be the perfect sacrifice to pay for man’s sins. Then it explained how people could accept Jesus as their Savior, resulting in peace with God.
The fourth group was a bunch of people waiting in line so their children could talk to Santa Claus seated in a sleigh.
The Blake family decided to stand in a place where they could talk to each family as they finished seeing Santa.
Ted would say to each family, “Merry Christmas!”
“Yes,” Julie would add, “Did you get a chance to see those three groups of people over there?”
Then one of the girls would say, “They’re really neat! We got to talk to the people, and they answered our questions.”
Many of the families did go see them and the Blake family prayed that they’d learn the real meaning of Christmas.
Chapter 14
Proverbs 16:9, A man’s heart decides his way,
but the LORD directs his steps.
Roy, Sherry, Hope, and Joy decided to stay home and have a regular Christmas time, instead of traveling somewhere during the two weeks Sherry and the girls had off from school. They were able to enjoy a couple extra horseback rides with their friends on Mercy Valley Ranch, and Sherry had time to remodel and sew some extra clothes for her growing girls.
Besides all those neat things, both sets of the twins grandparents and great grandparents came and spent several days with the family.
On Christmas Day Roy, Sherry, Hope, and Joy were able to share the Good News with all of them in a way that finally convinced all eight visitors they needed Jesus as their Savior also.
When they went to church with the family, Pastor Don arranged for a recent graduate of the school of evangelism to move to their city and facilitate a small group for them and start a church there. They all rejoiced and were thankful! Roy and his family were extra glad they had decided to stay home!
For their winter trip, The Jones family planned an extensive trip to Death Valley National Park, which looks somewhat like the Jordan Valley in Israel. Plus they traveled to several places on the way, and beyond it, and on the way back, because they wanted to visit them when the weather wouldn’t be as hot.
In order to avoid the mountain passes and the snow that had fallen during the week, they drove north to Cheyenne and then they traveled west to Salt Lake City where they stayed in the campground that has hot showers.
When they arrived Vern mentioned, “It is pretty chilly here this evening. Are we sure we want to swim in the lake? We could change our minds and just look at it instead.”
Lora responded, “This is the best chance we will ever have since
there are fewer insects in the winter, especially the biting gnats.”
Mindy added, “I’m still in favor of a swim since we already ate supper an hour ago and we double checked to see that the hot showers are working so we can use them afterward.”
Okay,” Vern agreed reluctantly, drawing the word out, “so let’s get changed and go for it.”
They swam only for as long as it took to find out it was hard to sink in the water, swimming was easy, and they didn’t have to put their faces into the water. Then they all went and enjoyed the wonderful hot showers until they felt clean and warm again.
When they were all back in the RV, Mindy stated, “Now we can say we swam in the Great Salt Lake, even though it was very cold and we didn’t swim for very long.”
“Yes,” stated Vern, “and it was a fun and different experience.”
Lora observed, “Right, I’m glad we went ahead and did it, although it’s not one I’d care to repeat.”
The next day they made it to Snow Canyon State Park near St. George, Utah and Lora observed, “It’s much warmer this much further south. I’m glad we got here in time to see much of the outstanding scenery and take two short hikes before supper.”
“Same here,” Mindy agreed, “The one I enjoyed the most was the easy two miles for the round trip, because the area has so many red cliffs and formations.”
Vern mentioned, “Yes, and it’s only open from September 15 to March 14 in order to protect habitat and wildlife, including the desert tortoise, in the area. So we certainly came at a good time.”
Lora continued, “The reward for us was near the turn around point. Johnson's Arch was huge and reminded me of some of the arches we saw in Arches National Park.”
“Indeed,” Vern concurred, “and the other scenery in the park includes lava flows and tall, colorful, sandstone cliffs. It only has a few arches, though.”
“Right,” then Mindy read from a pamphlet, “The vegetation here is yucca, sage, scrub oak, and desert willow. Wildlife we might get to see could include coyotes, kit foxes, quail, roadrunners, lizards, and snakes.”
After supper they had a meeting at their campsite. Since it was Sunday they used a download on their laptop computer containing a video of the pastor of church #1, made specially for travelers doing ministry times. He was leading the singing and teaching about God as the creator of all the outstanding scenery people might see as they travel. He transitioned from that topic into a presentation of the Good News and led the people in a prayer to accept Jesus as their Savior near the end of the teaching.
Several of the people who attended the meeting had questions before they could pray that prayer, so Vern, Lora, and Mindy answered their questions. Then Vern was able to help them pray the prayer.
Since it only took less than two hours to drive to their next stop from St. George, they were able to spend the next day and overnight in Valley of Fire State Park east of Las Vegas, Nevada, which is even warmer than it was in St. George.
It’s another area reminiscent of many of the areas in Utah. Many arches are visible by just driving along the road and being observant.
But they also took some hikes and saw even more.
“I liked The White Domes Trail,” Mindy stated. “It was a mile long loop containing a movie set, a slot canyon, and an area with several small natural arches, plus views of some distant mountains.”
Lora agreed, “Yes, and another hike I enjoyed was the combined Rainbow Vista and Fire Canyon Overlook trails, which contained various interesting views.”
Vern continued, “In addition to the White Domes hiking trail, there’s that scenic White Domes Road, which nobody should miss. It’s almost six miles long and made me feel I was in a completely different area because of its colorful formations and rocks in various colors like yellow, white, orange, gray, and pink. It’s not like anything in the other section of the park, which is all red rocks.”
After a very full day of hiking and sightseeing they had supper and time for a meeting at their campsite. During the opening part of the meeting they learned that the people were already believers.
After the meeting Mindy mentioned, “I liked asking the people for requests for the hymns and songs they wanted to sing. I’m glad the SD cards have an index and numbers so we could find them quickly.”
“I agree,” said Vern, “plus I liked having a meeting with all believers in it. It can take the place of the small group meeting we missed by coming on this trip.”
Lora nodded, “Precisely, even though we give up some things so we can travel and minister, God makes them up to us in other ways.”
The next day they quickly traveled through and past Las Vegas to Death Valley National Park and found their reserved campsite in Furnace Creek Campground. Then they had time for driving to see some of the vistas. The most outstanding one was the loop through a place called Artist’s Palette. As the name suggests, it is a very colorful area with many formations.
Next they drove to Zabriskie Point with a view of badlands, salt flats and high mountains with new snow on them in the distance.
Then they drove to Badwater Basin, which has the lowest elevation of any place in North America. It is 282 feet below sea level.
While they were there Vern told a man, “This area reminds me of Psalm 95:3-6, which says, The LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth. The strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his and he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our maker.”
The man responded, “This definitely is one of the deep places of the earth. I’m glad we’re here in December instead of August when it gets unbearably hot here.”
They talked for a little longer and Vern invited him to the meeting they planned to have at their campsite after supper where they could sing hymns and ask questions.
On the way back to their campsite, they stopped to see the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and the Harmony Borax Works where they learned the story of the 20-mule teams and how borax was obtained and transported. Then they hiked the trail to Natural Bridge and back before going to fix their supper and get the meeting ready. The bridge was nothing like the Utah arches and bridges because it was formed in a yellowish conglomerate type of rock. But it was spectacular and very large.
The man and his family and another family came to the evening meeting at their campsite. The man had thought of a question to ask, “How do you know the god in the psalm you quoted made the sea and the dry land?”
Vern answered, “I know the LORD God created everything because it says so in the Bible, and I believe the Bible is true because many scholars have studied and proven its truth.”
Vern, Lora, and Mindy took turns quoting verses from Genesis that told how God created everything.
The man was obviously going to need more convincing than they had in just one evening, so Vern sent a little booklet with him that could answer many questions. Vern also told them where they planned to camp the next evening.
The man informed them, “we’re going back home tomorrow.”
“In that case,” said Vern, “Let me put my phone number on the back of the booklet, and you can call me if you have any other questions.”
The next day Vern, Lora, and Mindy drove to Lone Pine in California their jumping off place to Alabama Hills, which is managed by the Bureau of Land Management, and is on the other side of Death Valley. At the information center, they found out the way to the campground where they had reservations.
After securing their site, they drove along the roads suitable for their RV and were able to photograph the interesting rounded rocks and formations made by erosion along with the jagged peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They got many pictures of Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the lower 48 states. The snow on it made it more magnificent.
They were also able to see and get pictures of many of the arches in the area. They found a good trailhead and hiked to several others. Again they noticed that the rock formations, color, and arch shapes were not at all like the ones in Utah, but they were very special and interesting in their own ways. Some of their names and shapes were also interesting, like Lathe Arch, Heart Arch, Whitney Portal Arch, Boot Arch, and Eye of Alabama Arch.
That evening they had no meeting since there were very few people in the campground, and it was rather chilly.
The next day, they drove south to Joshua Tree National Park where they spent the rest of the day and the next seeing all the things they were interested in. They got to have meetings both nights while they were there in the same campground.
As they were driving away from that park the next day, Vern commented, “It helped to have a meeting with a consecutive one the next evening. From now on, let’s plan to have at least two evenings in the same campground and go to places with good weather for evening meetings.
“Absolutely,” agreed Lora, “I think having two meetings gave the people time to think back over the first one and come up with more questions to ask.”
Mindy added, “Yes, and those two families had some good questions that made me scramble to find answers for them in the Bible. I’m glad our Bibles have good concordances.”
“For sure,” Vern went on, “and the best thing was the way they all prayed the prayer together to accept Jesus.”
Lora remarked, “I agree and I was glad they knew of good churches in the cities where they live. Mindy, what did you like about this national park?”
Mindy answered, “I liked the shapes of the rocks and the Joshua trees. With my imagination, I could make up stories with the rocks as characters, and another one with the trees for characters.”
“I liked those also,” declared Vern, “and my favorite hikes in the park were the same ones Yoshi and Sakura told us they liked best, Skull Rock Nature Trail, Barker Dam Nature Trail, and Split Rock Loop Trail.”
On the way back to their home they followed the itinerary Yoshi and Sakura had used for the return trip of their honeymoon.
All three of them enjoyed the lighthouses at Lake Havasu.
It was too cold at the south rim of Grand Canyon to stay outside for very long taking pictures. The wind had a frigid bite to it.
They decided that the Sedona area was indeed beautiful, but it would be even better in the spring or fall when they could be outside and enjoy it more by hiking to some of the areas where they couldn't drive. So they only spent one day and night there. Maybe they’d come back some other time in the spring or fall, because the summer would be too hot.
They did enjoy a mild day at the Painted Desert area and the Petrified Forest National Park where they were able to take a few short hikes and get lots of photographs. Then they drove to a commercial campground in Grants, New Mexico so they could have electricity for the cold night to run the fan for the furnace.
The next day they drove to see La Ventana because Sakura had said it was so splendid. They agreed when they saw it. Then after a long day of driving, they were glad to arrive back at their home in Pine City, grateful for the tremendous trip, safety and all they had seen. They were also glad to have a few days to rest and clean the RV and winterize it again before going back to work and school.
Riley and Amelia met again at Matt and Fiona’s home and shared with each other about their Christmas traditions and how their families would have fun on New Year’s Day.
It was interesting for each of them to hear some new and different ideas. Each one thought silently that maybe they could combine some of these ideas either for their families or to use as a married couple if either of them ever decided to get married.
Riley was still trying to go slowly so as to not scare Amelia away, and Amelia was still wondering what Riley thought about her. Neither of them had the nerve to come right out and ask the other one though.
Matt and Fiona couldn't get any clues about how the times of talking were really going for Riley and Amelia, so they just kept quiet.
When Glenda asked, “Fiona, how do you think your idea is going?”
Fiona just had to shrug and say, “I really don’t know. Does Riley ever say anything to you and Dad at home?”
“No,” Glenda answered, “He’s quiet about it, but I think he prays a lot about the situation.”
“Well, anyway,” Fiona concluded, “they are still meeting and talking and that’s a good sign, so we’ll just keep praying for them.”
The families on the ranch and farm enjoyed the two weeks their children were on vacation from school. Many families used some of their extra time together for a special Bible study including many verses about the first Christmas. And of course the families all put up the same decorations they had used last year, and set up their nativity scenes.
The farm managers always made sure one parent was available to be with their children if the other one needed to keep working.
On the ranch, if both parents had to keep working at their jobs, other families would have one or two of the children come to visit their families on those days. So it made an interesting time for those involved.
Sometimes Unice would take all four girls of a family whose parents had to keep working, to her cabin for a day, and teach them some things about being a nurse or a vet. Those girls really enjoyed their time with Unice.
When the weather was good enough, most families were able to go on extra horseback rides, or go skating on Wild Mint Lake, which Nathan always kept clear of snow.
On the farm, the boys’ favorite outside activity was riding on inner tubes down the slopes of the hills on both side of the valley, if there was enough snow.
Many families used this long vacation to inspect clothing as to size and for wear and tear. They’d make lists of things to buy in town. By now the stores in Pine City, including the thrift stores, were used to seeing these big families come in to look for and try on clothes.
None of the families on the ranch or farm went traveling during vacations since they didn’t have the money to pay for it. But the parents planned many fun activities and learning times for them instead, and many times the “grandparents” would come for visits during one vacation time or another.
Denji had graduated from Pine City High School near the end of December and the whole family had a big party at Ami’s Japanese Restaurant to celebrate his accomplishment. Besides, it was a good reason for all of them to get together.
Tomo stated at the beginning of the party, “Welcome everyone! I'm so glad all of you can be here tonight for this happy occasion. As I remember when Aneko and Yoshi graduated, many of you were living too far away to be able to be here. Now it’s so much better, especially with our Christian unity. We praise God for all his answers to prayer.”
Cheers and agreement followed his short speech and Denji’s dad, Afta, said, “This is the best move we ever made. It’s great to be back in Pine City near the rest of our extended family who are all believers. Plus we have such a good church and small group to attend.”
More cheers and then Denji was next, “I thank you all for coming to my party. It makes me feel so special and loved to belong to such a nice family and extended family. My plan for next year is to go to the trade school here in Pine City and learn how to be a construction worker. I desire to help build homes and other buildings for people to use.”
More cheers, the party was a big success, and a good time was had by all. The next two days Denji rested after doing well on all the finals he had, and was getting mentally prepared to go the trade school in January. He checked on the web and was able to buy the books he needed for the classes he had registered to take. Now he felt like he was all set for the next part of his life.
Then he enjoyed going to Mercy Valley Ranch to ride horses two extra times with the Hopkins family since the Jones family was traveling at that time. After trying the medium sized Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses for those rides, Denji declared, “I’m convinced these are the very best horses we’ve ever ridden.”
Ian informed him, “Then you’ll be glad to know that our girls figured out a way for you and your family to always be able to ride the smooth gaited horses.”
“How?” asked Afta.
Ian answered, “They said they’d ride the taller gaited ones and you could ride the ones they usually ride.”
“How nice of them!” Hana exclaimed. “Be sure to thank them for us. But we could probably ride the taller ones ourselves.”
“Right,” agreed Denji, “the other horses we were riding were pretty tall also. That platform works well for getting the horses groomed before and after the ride and for putting on the saddle and bridle.”
“Yes it does,” concurred Yolanda, “and if you’d rather do it that way it would be fine.”
Hana inquired, “Will your girls feel bad if we don’t take their offer? Please tell us what you think would be best for us to do.”
“Well,” contemplated Ian, “Since they offered and practiced when you weren’t here, I think it would be good for them to go ahead with ‘stretching’ their abilities as Sara put it.”
Afta suggested, “Maybe we could take turns ‘stretching’ our abilities so everyone gets a chance to ride the taller horses with the comfortable gaits.”
“Definitely,” agreed Yolanda, “I know some of the small girls on the ranch have a list of the small horses they can ride and every time they go riding, they ride a different horse.”
Ian mentioned, “Here come our girls right now, let’s ask them what they think about your suggestion.”
They all thought it was a good idea and that they should “take turns” as Afta had suggested. They did this for their following rides and it worked very well for all of them.
The last week in December was the time the small groups had their last meeting before the new groups were formed in January. The Jones family was happy they got home in time to attend theirs and share their praises about the trip they had just completed, and hear the praises of the other people in the group.
Tomo shared, “Thank you, Lord, that we had a safe enjoyable trip with the van and were able to follow the itinerary Vern, Lora, and Mindy used when they went to Carlsbad Caverns National Park.”
Ami added “I praise you for the good ministry times and people who came to know you as their Savior, and for the delightful scenery and spectacular cave decorations!”
Roy continued, “I thank you, Father, for the extra time we got to spend as a family getting ready for and enjoying Christmas and that all our grandparents and great grandparents accepted Jesus.”
“Yes, it was a time of rejoicing,” then Hope went on, “Thank you that we went shopping for a larger nativity scene and got to see a life sized one with real people.”
Joy tacked on, “Yes, and we even got to talk to them, and then YOU helped us find a really nice scene we can use year after year.”
Sherry praised, “For sure, and I praise you for the extra time we had to do some sewing and remodeling and how much help Joy and Hope were in doing the projects.”
Beth was next, “Thank you, Lord, for a good ending of last school year and time to rest and be revived for the new one coming up soon.”
Afta prayed, “Jesus, I'm so grateful you were willing to come to this earth as a baby and live like we humans do.”
“Yes,” agreed Ami, “and thank you for the meaningful songs and teaching we heard this season in church and small group.”
Denji went on to pray, “I agree, and I especially thank you for help with my finals at school so I could graduate well.”
Maria exclaimed, “How wonderful your are, Lord! We thank you for the blessings of married life and being able to celebrate your birth together!”
“The same goes for me,” concluded Tony, “and I praise you for your amazing plan of salvation.”
After the praise time they sang several of the group’s favorite songs to go with their time of communion, which took the place of the teaching time for this meeting. It was a very meaningful time for all of them as they remembered all Jesus had done for them.
The conversational prayer time centered on the changes the new year, which would start very soon, would bring to the people. Then they enjoyed the fellowship and refreshments before going home.
Riley and Amelia sat at the dining room table again at Matt and Fiona’s home. This time they had brought their notes and were talking about the New Year’s service they had heard on Saturday.
Amelia began, “I liked the songs they used this week, even though they were the same ones they did last year for the new year. There aren’t many to choose from for this time of the year, so I think it’s okay to repeat them every year, because the lyrics are so meaningful.”
“Those are my feelings exactly,” stated Riley, “and I’m glad the pastor reminds us at times to read the words over again at home.”
“So am I,” Amelia went on, “plus the music we sing with is always so pretty and well done. Right after the pastor told us the SD cards with the music on them were available in the church office and weren’t very expensive, I went and bought one each of the ones they had. I like to listen while I do household tasks, and even sing along with the ones I know.”
Riley commented, “Oh, I think I must have been traveling when that was mentioned. I’ll plan to buy a set of those myself.” Then he went on, “I liked the teaching about parts of Hebrews chapter 13, because it was about how to live as Christians.
“Same here,” Amelia said and then suggested, “As a review for us, let’s read a verse or two apiece and comment on it if we have something to say.”
He nodded, so she read Hebrews 13:1,2, Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for in that way, some have entertained angels unawares. Do you think the writer was maybe referring to Abraham in verse two?”
“Yes I do,” replied Riley, “and verse 3 says, Remember those who are in prison, and those who suffer adversity as if you were there yourselves. I think for the ones in prison, he may have been thinking of the Christians who’d been put in prison instead of crooks, robbers, or evil people.”
“I agree,” responded Amelia, “next, Hebrews 13:5,6, say, Let your way of life be with without covetousness and be content with the things you have, because God said I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man shall do to me. My parents have taught Ben and me to live by verse five whenever we think we want some unnecessary item and to trust the Lord as in verse six, when we’re in scary situations.”
Riley nodded, “So did mine. I’m glad we both have good parents, and that thought goes well with the next verse, Remember those who have the rule over you, who have spoken to you the word of God. Follow their faith, considering the end of their way of life.”
“Yes it does go well,” she agreed. “Verse eight is one of my favorites, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. Other things change a lot but Jesus never will. What an amazing guarantee!”
“Absolutely!” he exclaimed. “The first part of verse nine says, Do not be carried along with various and strange doctrines. This is a very good warning to us to put everything through the Bible filter.”
Amelia laughed, “I like your memorable phrase. Next I’ll read
Hebrews 13:15, Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually by the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. I usually don’t think of praise or giving thanks as a sacrifice. Instead they’re enjoyable and helpful for me.”
Riley went on, “The same goes for verse 16, Do not forget to do good and to communicate, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Amelia declared, “Verse seventeen is almost a repeat of verse seven so it must be a very important concept. Obey those who have the rule over you, and submit yourselves, for they watch over your souls, because they must give account. May they do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.”
“I agree,’” he said. “and verse eighteen must be for people mentioned in the verses you just finished. It says, Pray for us, that we have a good conscience and in all things we are willing to live honestly.”
“I think so too,” then Amelia shared, “Now for the next verses, I like to personalize them and make them my prayer. Hebrews 13:20,21,25, Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the everlasting covenant, brought back again from the dead, (my) Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, make (me) perfect in every good work to do his will, working in (me) that which is well pleasing in this sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Grace be with (us) all. Amen.
And Riley stated, “The same for me please, God. Amen.”
“Thank you, Riley,” Amelia continued, “for reading and commenting on these verses. It made a good review for me.”
“You’re welcome, Amelia,” he responded. “I enjoy talking with you. Our conversations are uplifting and worthwhile.”
Amelia smiled at him, “Thank you again. I feel the same way.”
As the two weeks of vacation drew to a close, the people started thinking about their new classes. On the farm three boys would be starting the year in schools that would be new to them. Pedro and Luis would be going to the high school, and Cory was getting ready for middle school.
The change for Cory would be bigger than for Pedro and Luis, but his parents and he had read many things on the web that helped him get prepared. Cory was also looking forward to being in accelerated classes since he had done so well on all the exams he had taken at the end of fifth grade. The pace was slow moving in fourth and fifth grades and sometimes he had felt bored.
Since the accelerated classes would be filled with students who wanted to learn and advance more quickly, he wouldn’t have to put up with some of the other students’ annoying name calling for students like him. His goal was to finish middle school in two years instead of three.
Then in high school he would be in regular, required classes. Plus instead of study hall time, some enrichment classes in computers and business. These would help him reach his goal of having a home based business like his dad had been doing, before moving to the farm. His dad had been able to work at home and take better care of Cory before God healed him. Cory desired a job like that so he could marry a good Christian woman who would move with him to Mercy Valley Ranch to raise abused foster girls with him there to help her. He had learned that horses are good therapy.
The other students from the farm and ranch just moved forward one grade level and kept learning at paces good for them. Some of them would be seniors this year and were excited about getting ready to graduate from high school. They had made use of part of the two weeks of vacation to make plans with their parents.
Of course Julie and the other teachers had spent some of their vacation time studying the records about their new students. Plus they tried to memorize names to go with the pictures so they’d have a head start the first day.
Max from the farm along with Hope, and Timmy from the city were glad they could be together in Julie’s new third grade class. They noticed that none of the quadruplets were in this class and realized it was because she was their mommy.
Joy and two of the quadruplets, Lily and Rose, were in Miss Green’s classroom. Violet and Iris were in the other two third grade rooms. They were all good students.
Mary was in second grade now and all of these children would have recesses together again, so on the first day back to school, even though it was a cold day, they were bundled up in their warm coats and mittens, and all got together to share how their vacations had been and whose class they were in this year.
It was fun to be back together again, but it was so cold they needed to do something active to keep warmer, so they played tag after talking for a little while. There would be many other recesses to talk and visit when it wasn’t so cold.
Mindy of course continued with the home university schooling she had already started. The courses were all interesting and added depth to her learning as she prepared to be a teacher.
Mindy had a lot of time to ponder and pray about her situation. Plus she had caring adults like Mom and Fiona to talk to about things like marriage and singleness. She was mostly convinced that she would stay single, because she doubted any man would want her for a wife with the physical development she didn’t have. She left that problem with the Lord and was happy with the plan she felt he had given her to teach in the primary grades of the church school. It would give her a busy, fulfilling life.”
This winter had some cold weather, so Wild Mint Lake and the pond at the farm both froze thick enough to be able to ice skate. The boys really enjoyed it every chance they got, especially on the lake which was bigger and they could have more room and get going faster than they could on the pond at the farm.
The girls figured out that ice skating was good exercise, even though it wasn’t as fun as riding horses was. But they still got to ride a couple times a week in the big building if there was too much snow on the ground to be safe outside. The snow didn’t usually last very long so they got to ride outside also.
The Hopkins, Suehiros and Jones families rode inside the big building on very cold or snowy days using the obstacle course for extra enjoyment and variety. When they rode around the edge of the building, they could ride two abreast and be able to converse as they were riding. It was fun to ride beside one person for a while and then speed up to reach the next person and talk to them also.
Denji and Sara liked to go through the obstacle course first as a warm up and then ride side by side around the edge of the building so they could talk and get better acquainted.
One day Sara mentioned, “I’m glad you and your parents come here to ride every weekend. It’s nice to have some Christian Japanese people I can talk to, since I’m the only Japanese person in my family.
“I agree,” said Denji, “as far as I know there aren't very many Japanese people in this city except for my family and extended family.”
Then they conversed about their lives in the past, and how they became believers.
On days when the snow was gone enough to ride outside, they also rode side by side so they could talk some more. None of the adults or the other girls ever remarked about this because they were courteous and had hopes that these two might become more than just good friends. Of course the adults all realized that they were both too young to consider more than friends right now anyway.
Soon Denji decided he should be friendly to all the girls in both families, so he started riding next to each of them on different days so they could talk and get better acquainted like he and Sara had done.
Now that he was friends with all of them, the families quit speculating and everyone in the group became good friends. This made it easier to converse when they went to the living room to visit after a ride.
Riley and Amelia discussed what they thought God wanted them to do in the future during one of their times at Matt and Fiona's house.
Amelia shared, “I think the Lord would like me to continue working at The Garden Shop, where I also have a coffee chat room ministry.”
Riley expressed, “It sounds like a good plan. I think God led me to the company where I now work and so far it looks like this is where he wants me to be.”
Amelia went on, “I know we have to be open to the ways God might want to change our lives, but until then it’s nice to know and do what he has led us to do.”
“I agree,” said Riley, “and I’m so thankful we both have had good parents and a church and small groups to teach us how we should live as believers.”
This was all the further this discussion could go since they didn’t know yet what God’s will was for their relationship. So Riley changed the subject and soon they went to visit with the family. Then at home each one prayed again asking for more guidance.
William and Karen continued their lessons about parts of the Gospel of John. This time they studied John chapter 3, and William had them find verses they thought would be good to memorize so they could use them to tell others the Good News.
One boy suggested, “I think verses 3-14 would be too hard for most kids our ages to understand.”
“True,” Gary went on, “But I think verses 16-18 would be good ones because they say, For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. The one who believes on him is not condemned, but the one who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
“I agree,” stated another of the boys, “besides, those verses are more familiar. Some kids our ages have probably heard at least the first one before.”
Evan continued, “Yes, and I like what John the Baptist said in verses 23-36, but they wouldn’t mean as much to other kids, except for verses 35 and 36, which say, The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hand. He who believes on the Son has everlasting life, and he who does not believe on the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
Sam noticed, “The verses Evan and Gary chose are good ones and since the other ones wouldn’t work for kids our ages, it looks like we’re finished with chapter three. Could we look in chapter four and see if there are some more we could memorize from it?”
“Of course,” agreed William. “Take time to read it and see what you can find.”
Carlos commented, “This is a very good story, and I think if we’d summarize it and memorize verses 41,42, as a way to end the story, it would be meaningful because those verses say, And many more believed because of Jesus own word, and they said to the woman, ‘Now we believe, not because of what you said. But we know that this is indeed the Christ the Savior of the world.’ Then we could ask them if they would believe in Jesus.”
“I definitely agree with all you boys!” William declared. “I think you did a very good job today, and your homework is to memorize those verses and make a summary of the story in chapter four. At our next meeting you can practice sharing the Good News with a partner who isn’t in your family.”
Ben was getting used to visiting with Matt on Saturday afternoons without Amelia since she had been able to see Fiona on the Sundays when she and Riley were meeting to talk. Matt usually answered the door and they went directly to his office.
It was nice to have the extra time to talk with Matt, especially when he had questions to ask. Except he did miss the times of visiting he had enjoyed with his sister and Mindy in the past. But he was adaptable and accepted the changes.
While he was there, Fiona and Mindy were often busy in the sewing room working quietly while the boys had their naps. Mindy enjoyed putting hems in by hand for the new clothes Fiona was making either for the boys or for the new baby she was expecting pretty soon.
When the boys woke up, they were both busy getting them changed. Then Mindy took care of them while Fiona did some of the other household tasks. They had things planned so they were both very efficient.
Denji reported to his parents how his classes were going. “Dad and Mom, I really like the classes I’m taking at the trade school. The class size is smaller than those at the high school, so each student gets a chance to ask at least one question. I learn a lot from the other questions that are asked also.”
“It sounds like a big advantage,” Afta acknowledged.
Denji replied, “It really is, and I like being with other people my age who have similar interests. I’ve even made a couple friends.”
“Great,” said Afta, “I would imagine it’s easier to make friends with this group of students than it was at the high school.
“Yes, it really is. One class,” he went on, “is in a big work room. Yesterday we learned the proper way to use a hammer, and then we got to practice hammering nails and pulling some of them them out again if they went in crooked or got bent. This time nobody hit a thumb instead of the nail.”
“I’m glad,” said Hana and then she asked, “Did they tell you how to care for a thumb if it did get hit?”
“Indeed,” answered Denji, “one whole section of this course is on first aid and we even get to practice it on ourselves or each other.”
Hanna remarked, “Excellent, it sounds like the course is very well planned. You’re learning and practicing the things you’ll need to know for your chosen career.”
“Exactly,” stated Denji, “I especially like the hands-on parts of the classes. I learn much better by doing rather than just by reading or listening to directions. I’m doing my best to learn everything correctly and I can hardly wait until I can get a job so I can use all I’m learning.”
Afta declared, “We’re glad to see you enthusiastic about what you’re doing! Thanks for keeping us informed as you go.”
“You’re welcome,” Denji replied, “and I even have had some opportunities to plant gospel seeds.”
Hana exclaimed, “Great, we’ll pray they sprout and grow!”
On a cold and snowy Saturday afternoon, since Amelia wasn’t working, she joined Patrick, Glenda and Riley at the museum of natural history where they enjoyed the displays of different kinds of animals.
When they reached a display about how the animals had evolved, an evolutionist was talking to his family and friends about how smart Darwin had been to figure all this out. The group with Patrick joined that group and listened until there as a break in his speech.
Then Riley asked the evolutionist to read Hebrews 11:1-3 from his new testament, aloud to the group standing there. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
Then Riley asked “Could evolution have done something like that?”
The evolutionist replied, “Nobody really knows how it happened.”
Riley went on, “I agree with that statement. But the Bible tells us in many places that God in his wisdom is the creator of everything. Just listen as I read Romans 11:33-36 aloud to you. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Or who has first given to God and it shall be repaid to him again? For of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”
Patrick continued, “I also agree with your statement that ‘nobody really knows how it happened,’ but I would change one part of it to say ‘no man knows,’ because God made everything, as it says in Hebrews 1:10, In the beginning you, Lord, laid the foundation of he earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Therefore, he knows how he did it.
“Yes,” agreed Glenda, “as it says in Jeremiah 32:17, Ah Lord God! Behold you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for you.”
Amelia continued, “And since we humans can’t know how God made everything, we have to believe by faith in all the Bible says. Listen to Romans 1:19,20, That which may be known about God is manifest and shown to men. For the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even God’s eternal power and Godhead (or divine nature), so that men who will not believe are without excuse. And verse 18 states that God’s wrath is against those who won’t believe.”
Riley stated, “I surely wouldn't want to have God’s wrath be against me by not believing what God made in his creation, just because I’d rather believe what a man said happened by evolution!”
The evolutionist contemplated what he had heard and reconsidered, “I had never heard those things you people read and quoted to us from the Bible. Darwin’s opinions about evolution are are taught in the schools and most people believe them without even questioning them.”
Patrick asked, “Would you be willing to read a little booklet our church put out that could help you decide which way is correct?”
“Yes I would,” he answered.
So Patrick handed the booklet to the man and pointed to his handwritten phone number, “Feel free to call me if you have any questions.” Then he added, “Would any of the rest of you people like a copy of the booklet?”
Several people nodded, so he gave them copies also. In the next few days Patrick answered several phone calls from people in the group. He gladly answered their questions and helped them pray to accept Jesus as their Savior when they were ready.
Kim and Sara were helping in the kitchen while June and Candy set the table in the dining room. Sara mentioned, “Mom, I’m glad we talked in December about our future plans, it made the decision easy to not take those hard math courses needed for preparing to go to a university. I much prefer business math, and it will help me more when I learn how to be a secretary.”
“I feel the same way,” Kim went on, “I’ve overheard some girls talking at lunch about how hard those courses are, and that some of their older brothers or sisters who graduated from the university are having a very hard time finding a job where they can use what they learned.”
Yolanda agreed, “For sure, and I feel sorry for them, because it seems like such a waste of money and hard work.”
“Same here,” Sara nodded, “I think we will be better prepared to support ourselves when the time comes, than most of the ones who go to the university. Some of those same girls have talked about how much fun their siblings at the universities have partying rather than studying.”
“Right,” Kim went on, “then they or their parents have big loans to pay off, and the students maybe didn’t learn much.”
Yolanda laughed, “You girls even learn valuable things during the time you eat lunch. Good job, keep up the good work!”
“Thank you, Mom,” Sara responded, “and we learn even more valuable lessons from you and Dad.”
Kim nodded emphatically and Yolanda smiled her thanks as Candy and June came into the kitchen to get some of the food to put on the table.
In March Fiona had her baby and she and Matt were completely taken by surprise that it was not just one, but two delightful identical twin girls!
Fiona lamented, “Our astonishment is the price we pay for not letting the doctor tell us about them. We’ll have to hurry to make the nursery work for two this time.”
“For sure,” Matt agreed, “I’ll go buy another crib and whatever else you think we need before you come home from the hospital.”
Fiona responded, “Very good, thank you, Honey. And we can make do with the new clothes I made plus some of the boy’s old clothes we had not gotten rid of yet, while we go buy some more new clothes.”
“By all means, Dear,” he concurred, “don’t worry about a thing. We’ll find ways to make it all work, and if anyone laughs at us we can join them, because it is rather funny.”
“You’re right of course,” admitted Fiona, “this joke really is on us!”
They named the twins Glenda Faith Anderson and Betty Grace Anderson for their grandmothers and the name of the church. Betty was also the name of Matt's deceased mother, so their names worked out perfectly.
As things turned out, the clothes problem was solved by their Christian sisters in the church. When Mindy told Sherry, Joy, and Hope, about Fiona’s twins, Sherry and her twins gathered all the clothes they’ve been saving, and sorted them according to size. Then they put them in big boxes to wrap. Joy and Hope tried on some of their clothes they weren’t sure about and also put all that were too small for them now into the biggest box. Sherry told Fiona that as Joy and Hope continued to grow out of their clothes, they’d bring those also. The twins had been abundantly provided for by their generosity. As Fiona’s twins grew out of these clothes, she saved what wasn’t worn out to bless another Christian sister who would have twin girls. It was a gift that could keep on giving.
Sherry brought Hope and Joy often to see the twins and help dress them in the clothes they used to wear. They also enjoyed playing with Johnny and Patrick. As the years went by, they became like older cousins to Fiona’s children, which was fine with Fiona and Matt.
As Seniors, Gary and Carlos continued being partners in ministry during school lunch times. They often took their lunch and looked for a loner they could eat with, and if they bought the school lunch they also looked for a loner. They’d sit across from him and after a few days of being friendly, and doing small talk, they would often share their story of adoption, like in the following conversation, which happened shortly after William and Anna adopted all four boys.
The boy remarked, “When you introduced yourselves the other day, you each said your last name was Beckett. You don’t look at all like brothers, let alone twins, so I don’t understand.”
Carlos and Gary said in unison, “We were adopted into the Beckett family!”
Gary explained, “When we were fourteen years old, we were placed in their foster home.”
“Then when we turned sixteen,” Carlos continued, “our foster dad and mom asked us if we’d like to be adopted by them so we’d have a last name we could be proud of instead of our other family names we were ashamed to have.”
Gary went on, “We were quick to agree, and we’re so glad to be brothers in our family of adoption.”
“Oh,” remarked the boy, “it was really nice of them to do that.”
Carlos nodded, “Yes, it definitely was, and it reminded us of how we had felt when God adopted us into his family when we were fourteen.”
“How does God adopt anybody?” the boy asked.
Gary answered, “He sent his only Son, Jesus, to be born as a baby at the first Christmas. Jesus grew up to live a perfect, sinless life and he preached to the people and healed many of them. The rulers of the Jews didn’t like him.”
“So,” continued Carlos, “they plotted to have him killed. He was crucified and buried in a tomb, but on the third day he rose from the dead. This proved that his sacrifice to pay the penalty for every person’s sin was accepted by his Father in Heaven.”
Gary concluded, “Now every person who will repent of his sins, ask forgiveness, and believe in what Jesus did, can be adopted as a child of God and live forever with him after their earthly lives are done.”
Carlos asked the boy, “Would you like to be adopted by God?”
“Yes!” he replied. “I’d like to know I will go live with God forever after this life on earth is finished. Will you help me?”
Carlos led him in a prayer and they all rejoiced as they went back to their afternoon classes. When they got home and shared their good lunch time with the family. Their brothers, Evan and Sam, decided to follow their example at school. Using their adoption would be a good lead in for a chance for them to witness also.
On Sunday morning, Riley and Amelia met again at Matt and Fiona’s house so they could help with the boys and the new twin girls while Fiona rested, and still have time to talk together. Then Matt took care of the boys while Fiona nursed the twins, so they used that time to talk.
Riley and Amelia had only a short while to visit, so Riley said, “I’m thrilled we can be here today to see and help with Fiona’s twins. But I also wanted to tell you that I’m so glad you went with my parents and me to the museum. You added a lot to the ministry time with those people who believed in evolution.”
“Thank you for the compliment, Riley,” she replied. “It was nice to be with a group who works so well together and I felt free to join in the ministry. Have you heard anything from the ones who took the booklets?”
“Yes,” he nodded, “Dad was busy on the phone off and on the week after, answering questions, and I heard him lead some of the callers in prayer to accept Jesus.”
“Praise the Lord!” Amelia exclaimed, “I really love to hear about the salvation of others, and I liked watching how well you and your family ministered together.”
Riley responded, “Thank you, Amelia, for that compliment, and like I said before, you added a lot to the ministry time also.”
She smiled at him and simply said, “I’m glad.”
Riley felt like his heart did a flip flop, and he didn’t know how much longer he could wait to ask her if she liked him enough to continue meeting to talk together.
Amelia felt a little bit encouraged, although she was still up in the air. But their time was up for today, since she wanted to help Fiona with the twins, so Riley went to help Matt with the boys who’d already been changed.
Fiona showed Amelia the impressive gift Sherry and the twins had brought the afternoon before. Amelia was totally amazed and she exclaimed, “This is perfect! It’s just what you needed, since you weren’t prepared for twins. It’s even better than anything you could have made for them yourself, since these provide for so many years. From the looks of it you won’t need to do any sewing for the girls and can focus on the boys’ clothes instead.”
“You’re right,” agreed Fiona, “And that’s probably good, since with four little ones to care for I won’t have much time for sewing. I’m just thankful that Mindy wants to continue coming daily and on Saturday afternoons. She’s a great help, and fun to be with too.”
“Without a doubt,” stated Amelia, “I also like Mindy a lot and I miss seeing her now that I’m coming here on Sunday mornings instead of Saturday afternoons. But I can’t say I would trade back,” she added blushing.
“I'm glad,” responded Fiona, “just keep being patient with Riley. Since he’s a man you can’t rush him or push him. You’re doing just the right things as far as I can tell. We’ll keep praying for God’s will to be done in his good timing.”
“Thank you, Fiona,” she replied, “I value your encouragement. Without it I might get discouraged.”
Fiona shared, “I’m glad I can be of help to you. But now I’ll have to admit to you something that won’t be an encouragement. I won’t be able to come to the coffee chat room at The Garden Shop any more, now that I have four children to take care of. I should have told you sooner, but I just realized it the other day when I was caring for all of them. There’s no way I could bring all of them with me to the coffee chat room and be free to minister. They take all my attention right now.”
“Of course they do!” Amelia exclaimed. “I understand, and I’ll miss having you come there. But I’ll come visit you here when I can.
One of the songs Ted had worked on with his girl’s choir was “The Way the Truth, The Life,” which goes with John 14:6, Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, except by me.
Sara, Kim, Candy, and June liked the song so much that they had memorized all the words and sang it as a trio with two of the girls singing the soprano part.
They also memorized what Ted had said the verse in John meant, “Jesus is the way to God, the truth to know, and the life to live both now and for eternity.”
The summary of the verses in the song is that people seek answers to what’s lacking in their lives. They want peace, and only Jesus is the answer. He lived, died, and rose again to bring people to God so they can know his love and peace.
At one of their family meetings, the girls asked their dad and mom to help them develop the song and some scriptures so they could use them when their family went to the mall to minister to any who would listen. They’d sing the song and then one would comment, “God made men and women and put them in places for them to live so they would seek and maybe find him.”
Then they would take turns quoting the verses from Acts 17: 24-28a, 30b,31, Paul said, The God who made the world and all the things in it, is the Lord of heaven and earth. He does not dwell in temples made by hands. He is not worshiped with men's hands as if he needed anything, since he is the one who gives life and breath and all things to men. He made all the nations of men from one man, and determined the places and times where he appointed them to live. The reason he did this, was so they would seek the Lord and hopefully find him, although he is not far from every one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being… Now God has commanded all men everywhere to repent, because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man he has ordained. God proved this by raising him from the dead.
Then they’d say Jeremiah 29:13 all together, You shall seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart. After that they would explain the Good News and answer questions and lead the people in a prayer to accept Jesus if they desired.
On some weeks after a horseback ride at the ranch, Denji would go ask Jeff questions about what he was being taught concerning construction work. Jeff was able to answer them and clarify things that were confusing. This was very helpful for Denji and soon he and Jeff became friends.
Meanwhile his parents stayed and visited with the Hopkins family. One day the girls were in their rooms finishing their homework for school the next day. Hana asked, “Is it very hard to be foster parents? Your girls are so well behaved and polite. You’ve done a good job raising them.”
“Thank you for the compliment,” replied Yolanda. “No, it isn’t hard to be foster parents, since Jesus works with us and the two of us work together.”
“Also,” continued Ian, “we started out in the city with just one girl, Sara, and she adjusted well and became a believer after about two months. Then when Candy was assigned to us, Sara was able to help her fit into the family, and in a few weeks she also accepted Jesus.”
Yolanda went on, “When we heard about the plan for this ranch, all four of us prayed about it and agreed to work together on it. Sara and Candy both offered to help the new girls to adjust to the family and be good examples for them.”
“They did a good job,” added Ian. “Then Sara and Candy prayed for Jesus to heal the hand and wrist of another girl on the ranch. Jesus did, and that miracle convinced Kim and June plus the three girls in the other family that they needed Jesus to be their Savior.
Yolanda tacked on, “The fourth girl in the other family had already become a believer the first week she was here on the ranch, and she was so thrilled!”
Then Ian amended, “But having said all those good things, it’s not always easy either. One time before these girls, we were assigned a girl who was completely rebellious, and refused to go by our rules. She ran away, and even though social services found her, they recommended she be placed in some other family. We never heard what became of her.”
“However,” Yolanda stated, “we’re glad we’re doing this and plan to continue after these girls graduate from the ranch when they’re nineteen years old.”
Ian explained, “The families on this ranch took all the training required to be foster parents. After they moved here, they had two weeks to get settled and then were assigned their four girls either all at once or just days or weeks apart.”
“I think,” Yolanda declared, “it would be too hard to do it that way. When Sara and Kim graduate, we will only get two to replace them, and we will still have Candy and June to help us with them. And we will continue to work it that way, by choosing ages younger than the other two we already have.”
Afta commented, “It makes good sense to do it that way, or maybe start out in the city with one at a time. Then when the two of them have become believers and are willing to help, it might work to move to the ranch and be assigned two more.”
Hana nodded, “we’d have to think and pray a lot about it and also wait until Denji has become independent, and do it only if he would agree to it. We wouldn’t want him to feel alienated.
“Indeed,” Yolanda agreed, “it’s necessary for families to be in unity and it helps a lot to talk through all the options and find out if the people all agree.
Afta concurred, “I think it’s probably still important to do that even after a child grows up and is out on his own.”
The others smiled and nodded their agreement just as two of the girls came from their room to join in the visiting time.
The next time Riley and Amelia talked at Matt and Fiona’s house he finally got up his courage, “Amelia, I enjoy meeting here to talk with you, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to continue if you’d rather not. How do you feel about it?”
“I enjoy it too,” she answered, “and I’m glad to know that you do also. I feel like I know you so much better because of the times we’ve talked together.”
With relief Riley continued, “I’m glad to hear that, and I feel like we know each other well enough in most areas. But it might be helpful if we’d start doing fun things together. Do you think your brother, Ben, would like to join us, not as a chaperon, but as a fellow young person just having fun.”
“I think he would,” she replied, “and we won’t call them dates, just fun times together learning more about each other as we go. In addition, I think Ben needs to have some more fun in his life. He’s so focused on getting his business going, but I think he might need a break.”
Riley smiled, “Exactly what I had in mind, Amelia. You expressed it very well.”
So after helping Fiona and Matt with the children, they explained their plan to them. Then Amelia got Ben to agree, and the three of them planned fun outings weekly for the next several weeks. They all had a lot of fun, and Riley and Amelia learned many more things about each other.
Besides doing those outings, Ben and Amelia went again on Saturday afternoons to visit and help Matt and Fiona. They also got to visit with Mindy again for a little while each time.
The first weekend in April the church times changed again. Church #4 would be meeting at 12:00 noon on Saturdays now. The people in church #4 agreed that noon was an unhandy time for a church service to start, but realized that it was necessary in order to have six services in one day.
The quadruplets, their father, and foster parents had talked about the change two weeks before it happened. This time they decided it would be good for him to come at about 9 AM, go riding, have an early lunch, change clothes, and then all go to church together. The quadruplets would then spend the afternoon with him and their grandparents, eat supper and he’d return them to the ranch after supper. This plan would work well for the spring, summer and fall. For the winter they might have to change things around so he could ride a horse with them in the afternoon when it might be warmer.
The other families in church #4 also had their planning sessions the week or two before the change so they could decide what would work best for them. Then everyone adapted and got used to the change in the church time for another year. They decided it was good for their brains to have to work through changes like this. Besides, this was the best way to be fair to all the churches.
Karen and William had their groups look up verses about Jesus as the Son of God, beginning with some in the Gospel of John.
Karen started with John 1:1-4 and 14, which they all read aloud together. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men. … The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.
Karen explained, “In these verses the Word means the same as Jesus, and he is the only begotten of the father, which means he is the Son of God. Today I’d like you to use your concordances and see if you can find any other verses in the Gospel of John that speak of Jesus being the Son of God. Write down the ones you think might work in your notebook and then choose one to read aloud to us, and comment on it.”
She gave them time to follow her directions and then Nan read, “In John 5:17b, Jesus said, ‘My Father works up to now, and I work.’ He said this to answer the Jews who’d spoken against him healing someone on the Sabbath Day.”
“Yes,” a girl agreed, “since Jesus called God his Father, it means the same as saying Jesus is God’s Son.”
Liz continued, “Right, just like it says in verse 18, Therefore the Jews sought even more to kill him, because he had not only broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.”
“Plus,” another girl said, “in verse 19, Jesus said, “truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do, … and the Son does likewise.”
Ellie went on, “True, and verse 20a continues by saying, For the Father loves the Son and shows him all things that he does himself, and he will show the Son greater works than these, so that you may marvel.” Then she said, “The marvelous things Jesus did were to help people to believe in him, but many of them didn’t believe.”
“For sure,” Lisa concurred, “and that was sad, but Jesus did them anyway, like in verse 21, For as the Father raises up the dead, and restores life to them, the Son also does to the ones he will.”
Another girl nodded and read verse 22, “For the father does not judge any man, but has committed all judgment to the Son.”
Then Stella stated, I really like verse 23, because Jesus made it so clear what people should do. It says, All men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. Whoever doesn’t honor the Son also does not honor the Father who sent him.”
“Exactly,” agreed a girl and she added, “verse 24 tells the result of verse 23, because it says, Truly I say to you, he who hears my word, and believes on him who sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto life.”
“I like that verse,” Christi stated, “The next two verses go together. I’ll read John 5:25,26, Truly I say to you the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear shall live. For as the Father has life in himself, so also he has given to the Son to have life in himself. I’m glad Jesus made it so clear here.”
“So am I,” then Emma went on to say, “verse 30 is also pretty clear even though it doesn’t use the word Son. It says, I cannot do anything on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the Father who sent me.”
“Good job, girls,” Karen commended them. “The rest of John chapter 5 also contains verses where Jesus speaks of the Father sending him. Since we’re almost out of time today in this class, you can look up the other references you wrote in your notebooks if you’d like to continue this study on your own. Besides those in John, you can find many more in some of the other books of the Bible. I’ll see you all the next time.”
Ernest, Connie, Ben, Amelia, and Riley worked together in the Clay’s backyard to plant some more spring flowers. It became obvious to Riley why this family owned The Garden Shop. They all enjoyed working with plants.
Before Riley went home, Ben said, “Riley there’s something in the garage I’d like to show you.”
Riley followed Ben and looked at Ben’s ‘new’ preowned pickup truck. “Wow, I like that yellow color. It should keep you safer, because it’s so easily seen.”
“Indeed,” Ben agreed, “plus it was discounted because nobody wanted to buy a yellow one. Dad and I have been fixing a few things on it, but it’s in pretty good shape.”
Riley remarked, “It should work well for your construction company.”
“Yes it should,” then Ben shared, “I think I should get a camper shell for carrying my tools. Now, to change the subject, last summer we went to Amelia’s favorite park and walked around before we ate our picnic lunch. As we were walking, I noticed Amelia studying the gazebo. All of a sudden she blushed and then hurried to catch up with the rest of us. She doesn’t know I saw her and of course I didn’t make fun of her. Knowing my sister as well as I do, I imagine she was thinking it would be a nice place for a marriage proposal. When you’re ready to ask her THE question, maybe you could plan to do it there.
“Thank you, Ben,” responded Riley, “it does sound very romantic and if it would please your sister, I’d be glad to plan for it. Could we have a picnic for both families at that park very soon now that it’s warm enough?”
“Good idea, future brother-in-law,” laughed Ben. “There are some bushes where I could station myself with the video camera and catch the memories for the two of you to enjoy later.
“That’s another great idea, Ben!” exclaimed Riley. “I'm hoping she will answer that question in the affirmative.”
Ben admitted, “She hasn’t said anything, but I can see the way she looks at you and therefore I think she will.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Riley stated, “I love your sister so much, and I’ve been afraid to tell her because I didn’t want to scare her away. But she’ll never know, if I don’t tell her so, and then ask her if she will marry me.”
Ben encouraged, “Go for it, Riley. Remember, nothing risked, equals nothing gained. I’ll be praying for you both.”
“Thanks again, Ben,” Riley responded, “let’s go back in the house and plan that picnic!”
This spring since their girls were all nine years old, Nathan and Esther decided they were old enough to control their squeals of delight, so they took them hiking toward Lavender Falls as far as the rope with the sign about the fox cubs. They were able to take turns using the binoculars to see them “up close.” Esther used her video camera to save some good memories of them too.
On the way back to their house, they found some rocks by Little Mercy Stream so they could sit and talk about what they had seen.
Esther commented, “We were really privileged to get to see them outside their den for such a long time. Sometimes they don’t stay out very long.”
Val exclaimed, “This is one of the most thrilling things I’ve ever seen in my life! I’m so glad we got to come see them near their home.”
“I agree,” said Holly, “We had a video about foxes at school, but this was so much better.”
Lucia remarked, “For sure, and they were so cute. I wish I could have one like them as a pet, but wild animals don’t make good pets.”
“No,” Willow went on, “they’d rather be free. They’d be scared of people anyway.”
Nathan mentioned, “Indeed they would. I enjoyed watching them play together. They got kind of rough with each other.”
“They sure did,” said Lucia, “and their mother was right there keeping watch for enemies.”
Holly noted, “I thought it was funny when two of the kits sat down and scratched an itch at the same time in the same way.”
“I agree,” and then Val stated, “their fur looked so soft and clean, I wished I could have reached out and touched it.”
Willow nodded her head, “But he probably would have turned around and bit you.”
“I know,” agreed Val, “But it would be neat to be able to feel it.”
Lucia expressed, “Yeah, it would. Thank you Papa and Mama for taking us to see them. The binoculars really made them seem close.”
The other girls nodded in agreement.
Esther responded, “Your welcome. Papa and I enjoyed it a lot too. And we can plan to go again next year.”
The girls all smiled and cheered, glad for such a good thing to look forward to for next year.
It had warmed up enough that Felix and Sunny’s boys and their friends could ride their go-karts on the farm again.
Luis and Pedro looked at their go-kart and shook their heads. Pedro stated, “Our go-kart is getting very old and worn out. This will probably be the last year we’ll be able to ride in it.”
“Yeah,” Luis agreed, “besides, we are getting almost too big for it. We’ve grown a lot this last year.”
Pedro smiled a little sadly, “Without a doubt. Well in any case, it has been a lot of fun, so let’s enjoy our last rides.”
After losing several races with the other boys, they decided the extra weight and growth they had gained made the cart go slower. So they just enjoyed the fun of the ride and didn’t care about losing the races.
The other boys didn’t make fun of them. They knew their time was coming pretty soon also. They all accepted it as part of growing up.
On the farm, William started a Bible study lesson about Jesus being the light by doing a review of the lesson they had done earlier on John chapter one.
He instructed, “Look back in your notebooks for the lesson we did on John chapter one. Read your notes and underline the verses that talked about Jesus being the light or that used Light as his name. Be ready to tell me the references.”
After he gave them enough time to follow his instructions, Luis noticed, “John 1:4,5a says, in the Word was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness…”
One boy said, “John 1:6-8 is about John the Baptist being sent to tell about Jesus being the Light.”
“Yes,” Hugo went on, “and John 1:9, which is the next verse says Jesus was the true Light, which lights every man who comes into the world.”
“Good job, boys,” William stated, “there are some other verses in the gospel of John about Jesus being light. First find John 3:19 and listen as I read it. This is the condemnation, that light (Jesus) has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Notice that I added the word ‘Jesus’ there to clarify the verse. Now Jose, will you please read John 8:12?”
Jose nodded, “John 8:12 says, Jesus said, “ am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.’ That verse goes well with verses 4 and 5.”
“Yes it does,” then William asked, “who wants to read John 9:5?”
A boy raised his hand, “In John 9:5 Jesus said, As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Jesus is still in the world by his spirit who lives in believers.”
“Indeed he is,” agreed William and requested, “Pedro would you please read John 12:46?”
“Yes,” replied Pedro, “In John 12:46 Jesus said, I came as a light into the world, so that whoever believes on me should not abide in darkness. This verse means all of us and everyone else who believes in Jesus. I’m so glad he came so we could believe in him.”
The boys all nodded in agreement.
“I agree too,” William stated, “I think all these verses together give us a good picture of Jesus as light. I’ll see you all next time.”
Karen taught a similar lesson on the ranch.
The very next Sunday, the Clay and O’Connor families had a picnic in Amelia’s favorite park. All of them decided a walk would be nice before they sat down to eat. So the main group walked ahead of Riley and Amelia and Ben doubled back to station himself in the bushes near the gazebo with a video camera.
As they strolled along near the gazebo, Riley suggested, “Amelia, let’s go into the gazebo and see what it’s like.”
“OK,” replied Amelia, “I’ve never been in this one before.”
They entered, looked around a little bit and then they sat on one of the benches and she mentioned, “It’s nice in here. The wood on the benches is polished smooth from so many people using them.”
“Yes” he agreed, “it makes them look pretty.” Then he got up his courage, stood up and turned to face her. Then he knelt down on one knee in front of her. “Amelia, I love you and have loved you for many weeks, but I haven’t been able to tell you because I was afraid of scaring you away. But I won’t wait any longer. I would like to be able to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you marry me, Amelia?
“Yes, Riley!,” she exclaimed. “I have also loved you for many weeks and have been hoping you would ask me.”
He smiled at her, stood up again, and taking her hands in his, helped her to her feet and they enjoyed their first hug.
Then he explained, “I asked your parents for permission to ask you, and they said I could. I don’t have a ring today, because I thought you might like to go with me to pick one you like.”
“Thank you, Riley,” she smiled happily, “for being so thoughtful. I would like to go with you and see all the choices, and we can choose a set we both like. At one time, before we met, I daydreamed about how romantic it would be to have someone propose to me in this gazebo. It’s even better than I imagined!”
Both families came running to cheer and rejoice with them after they saw her lips say yes and the couple stood up for their first hug and talked for a while. They would save the kiss for the wedding and many more for their married lives.
Then they walked back to the tables hand in hand for the first time. Both of them were filled with the happiness that knowing someone loves you can bring.
The rest of the family told the happy couple how thrilled they were for them while they all ate their picnic lunch. Afterward, Ben showed them on the little viewer, the video he had taken and they both liked it and thanked him. Later Riley privately thanked Ben again for his good idea.
Then on Monday after work Riley and Amelia went and picked out just the right set of rings. Their engagement was complete and they were both thrilled about it. Amelia decided the waiting and the wondering and the uncertainty had been worth it.
Ruth and Maria were visiting at lunch one Friday. Maria mentioned, “I don’t remember if we told each other when we finished reading through the Bible the last time after we started together.”
Ruth replied, “I don’t think we did. When did you finish?”
Maria answered, “I finished before that year was over if we count twelve months after we started. So I actually did better than if I had tried to stick to one of those schedules.”
“Great job, Maria!” Ruth commended. “I also finished before the year was over, and now it seems like a long time ago. Maybe I’ll start over again and see how I do this time.”
Maria declared, “I was thinking the same thing for myself! You were right, reading the whole Bible as a story in chronological order does give a much better picture of what happened and when.”
“Also,” continued Ruth, “I learn new things every time I read it, especially when I remember to pray first.”
“Same here,” Maria agreed. “How is everything else going for you this summer?”
“Great, as always!” she exclaimed. “God is so good…” They both sang the song and then Ruth asked, “How are things going for you?”
Maria responded, “Ditto! I do enjoy being married to Tony, more than I ever could have imagined. Being single was good also, but marriage with Tony is so much better. And I think what makes it so good, is knowing we’re doing God’s will.”
“That applies for me also,” Ruth concurred, “I've been very content with being single ever since I realized that was part of what God wanted me to do with my life.”
“Precisely,” Maria nodded, “I think knowing and doing God’s will is the key to contentment.”
Chapter 15
Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and
the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
O LORD, my strength and my redeemer.
Roy, Sherry, and the twins had been practicing a song with a short skit all winter so they could perform it for their RV ministry times during their trips for the coming vacations. They learned all the words and practiced the singing first. The skit wouldn’t have any words, just actions by the twins and head shakes or nods by their parents.
The name of the song was “Not In a Million Years,” which tells of the joy and satisfaction of eternity in heaven. When the words tell of there being no sin, the twins play act a fight. When it says, no more sorrow, they “cry” on each other’s shoulders, and when it talks of not traveling any longer, they walk with nap sacks over their shoulders and then throw them down and jump up and down with a silent cheer. When they sing about peace and joy they look peaceful and joyful. Since heaven is so much better than this world, they won’t miss any of the bad or good in this world. At the very end of the song, they change it by having Joy sing loudly, “not in a million,” then Hope sing loudly, “not in a billion,” and together they loudly sing, “not in a trillion years.”
Then Sherry explains to the people, “But really in eternity, time will be no longer, so things won’t be measured in years. This song just used the idea to emphasize this point.”
So now they were ready to do the song and skit for their spring RV trip. This time they and the Jones family had planned a trip to the Sedona, Arizona area since the Jones family had seen a little part of it in January on their way home and thought spring would be a great time to go there. Both families made reservations in the Cave Springs Campground for four nights, hoping the weather would cooperate.
The weather was great and gave them a chance to perform their song and skit for the first evening. The evening after that, the same people returned for another meeting. Roy and Sherry explained more about the good news and answered more questions. Then some of the people accepted Jesus as their Savior. The same thing happened the next two evenings for different campers.
The Jones family had set up their screen tent for picnics and meetings without bothersome insects. Since they traveled more often and had more room in their RV to carry the tent, it worked well for them. They also had good meetings in the evenings and several people accepted Jesus in their meetings also.
During the days while they were there, they saw all the things they had heard about from Yoshi and Sakura’s time there. On one of the days, while they were at the pretty Chapel of the Holy Cross, a lot of other people came in and sat in the pews. Mindy and the twins went up front and sang Amazing Grace as a trio. Then Vern preached about the Good News with the ladies reading the scriptures from the Bible.
The people listening were totally surprised, but stayed and listened all the way through. Then Vern asked if there were any questions, and after those were answered he invited them to accept Jesus as their Savior and led those who agreed in a prayer. Then they gave out booklets to the ones who had prayed the prayer, and found out if the people knew of good churches in their cities or if they’d need a pastor to come start one.
After that they even saw more of the scenery and had time for more hikes, like the one up Fay Canyon to an interesting wall arch on a short spur trail, and another trail on Airport Mesa that has spectacular views of the area. There were other trails out of the campground plus they went and watched other people playing in the very cold water at Slide Rock State Park. None of these travelers wanted to get that cold, so they stayed out of the water.
Both families got back to their homes in Pine City in time for the service on Resurrection Day, or Easter as most people call it, by going to the Sunday service of a church with a different number that met on Sunday like they had planned to do before they left. Plus they got to attend a special service at Mercy Valley Ranch, which was also on Sunday.
After supper Sunday Jeff commented, “The Resurrection Day church service yesterday was really good for this holiday, and I enjoyed the service we had here on the ranch again this year on Resurrection Day itself.”
“Yes,” agreed Karen, “it made it seem more like Easter than yesterday did because the outside service was on Sunday, which is the first day of the week like when he arose.”
“Right,” agreed Ellie, “and I really enjoyed singing all the same songs we sang at the first one. It’s a good thing we brought our hymnals so we could sing all the verses.”
The songs they used for both of those services were: “Celebrate Jesus,” “He Is NOT Here,” “My Redeemer Lives,” “Crown Him With Many Crowns,” “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone),” “The Hallelujah Chorus,” “Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me),” “He Arose,” “Christ is Risen,” “I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” and “In Christ Alone.”
Christi continued, “And I’m glad we had our notebooks so we could take notes. It was also very special to hear Mr Blake read the scriptures he chose about Jesus resurrection like Matthew 28:5,6a, The angel said to the women, Do not fear, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen, as he said…”
“Yes,” added Lisa, “I especially liked Romans 14:9, which says, Christ died, and was raised to life again so that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living.”
Hanna shared, “That’s a good one, and Mr. Blake has such a good voice for reading and singing. I'd like to be in his choir when I get old enough. 1 Peter 1:3 is another of my favorites, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant mercy has made us be born again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
Karen noted, “1 Corinthians 15:3b,4 is also very good, Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, he was buried, and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”
“I also liked Romans 8:34b,” added Jeff, “it says, Christ who died, yes rather who is risen again, is at the right hand of God and also makes intercession for us.
They all quoted 1 Thessalonians 4:14 together, “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so those also who sleep in Jesus, God will bring with him.”
“Karen shared, “I’m glad they changed it wasn’t a sunrise service but was later in the morning when it was warmer outside and we could all meet on the lawn by the big house instead of shivering inside the big riding building earlier.”
“Definitely, Jeff agreed, “and it was also nice to have all those people who come here from Pine City to ride with various families on a regular basis come and join us. We had a pretty big crowd. And then those people got to go riding with those families. It made an extra nice day for them.”
The next Sunday, Riley and Amelia were again at Matt and Fiona’s home where they talked for a while about whether they’d live in an apartment or a house, and if they’d like to have a family and if so, how?
Amelia concluded, “Let’s just wait and see if God has children in his plan for us and not worry about it while we wait. I hear the boys waking up so let’s both go into their room.”
“Both of those are good ideas,” he agreed, “and this could be a good way for me to learn about how to care for little ones.
Fiona welcomed, “I’m glad you two came in here today. Amelia, would you take care of changing Johnny while I teach Riley how on Patrick? Both of you might need to know how. Then we can all go take care of the twins when they wake up from their naps.”
Riley was a fast learner and it became their pattern to join Matt and Fiona in the boys room and in the nursery when the children awoke from their naps, giving both of them lots of practice. Later they learned about giving baths also.
While visiting in the living room Riley commented, “Amelia and I were talking about housing and would like to get suggestions from the two of you.”
Matt and Fiona told them the same things others had told Tony and Maria when they asked about the same topic. Riley and Amelia also talked to their parents, Glenda and Patrick, and Ernest and Connie, about their thoughts about the best housing.
Later Riley noted, “Matt and Fiona’s house overlooks a park and has a spectacular view of the mountains.”
“Indeed it does,” agreed Amelia, “and I’ve enjoyed it every time we’ve met here. We get to sit in the dining room as we converse, and every now and then I glance at that impressive view.
“So,” concluded Riley, “would you agree that finding a place to live with a nice view would be a priority for us?”
Amelia exclaimed, “Definitely, a view of those beautiful mountains would give us a lot of pleasure in our lives together!”
After much prayer, research, and counsel they decided they’d prefer a single family home with a view of the mountains. So they got busy and looked for one.
The Hopkins family were enjoying their conversation during supper one evening. Ian asked, “How are your classes and other things going so far this year at school, girls?”
Sara answered, “Like I told Mom the other day, I’m really glad I’m taking business math. It’s very practical. The other classes are interesting and not too hard, but not as practical.”
“I feel the same way. I wish,” Kim went on, “they’d offer classes to help us be ready for jobs and the rest of life when we graduate from the ranch. Both of you have been teaching us how to live as a family and Mom teaches us how to be good homemakers, but I fear other girls don’t get much of that in their homes.”
Candy nodded, “I get the same idea from many as I overhear conversations at lunch time. My classes are also interesting and not too hard.”
“Ditto,” and then June added, “I’m glad we get such good training in our home and from Karen. The lessons she taught us right after we became believers really helped us know how to be missionaries at school.”
“Right,” agreed Kim, “she had us practice several ways to witness as a team, and Sara and I make a good team.”
Candy inserted, “So do June and I. Karen was right when she told us that about the only way to witness at school is to work together at lunch.”
“Exactly,” Sara mentioned, “but the bus driver lets us change seat partners once in a while and then we get a chance to witness individually.”
Kim went on to say, “I like it when one or two of us girls get to ask a friend who rides on the bus to come to our house for supper and a horseback ride. Then they get to see our great family and sometimes we all get to witness to them.”
“I like having your friends come here,” Yolanda stated. “we’ve gotten so we work so well together as a family. They must be able to see a difference in us because many times one will ask about it. And that gives us a chance to tell them why and explain how Jesus can help them and their family also.”
Mary, Timmy, Max, Hope, Joy, and the quadruplets all enjoyed being back together again this year on the playground, since the second and third grades have recess at the same time. But now they missed Levi who had gone to fourth grade in the public school this year where he and his partner were busy making friends so they could witness to them.
Today after playing with balls for a while, they talked about some of the songs they had learned in class.
Mary began by saying, “I like singing ‘Give Me Oil In My Lamp,’ because it has a bouncy tune.”
“Yes,” agreed Lily, “My teacher told us the oil is the Holy Spirit, and the lamp is our lives shining the light of Jesus to the others in our worlds.”
Timmy went on, “Yes, and mine also said that Matthew 5:16 goes with that song. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
“Right,” Joy tacked on, “and mine said oil was important in the Old Testament because in Exodus 27:20 it says, You shall command the children of Israel, that they bring you pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to always burn.”
Max added, “Yeah, and mine explained that ‘Hosanna’ in this song means to save or deliver us, and was also what the people shouted in praise or adoration of Jesus on Palm Sunday when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey.”
“Right,” and then Hope went on to say, “A lot of songs and hymns we sing have the word Alleluia or Hallelujah in them.
Iris remarked, “My teacher explained that both words mean to praise the LORD, and come from the Hebrew language. They’re pronounced almost the same in most of the languages on earth.”
Rose continued, “My teacher said that most of the time the Bible doesn’t use the word Alleluia or Hallelujah. Instead it says Praise the LORD like in Psalm 113:1, Praise the LORD. Praise him O you servants of the LORD, Praise the name of the LORD.”
“Right,” Violet went on, “and Psalm 147:1 is another good example. Praise the LORD, for it is good to sing praises to our God. It is pleasant and praise is proper.”
Mary nodded and commented, “Another song I like is ‘Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus’ because it helps us remember to tell others about him.”
Timmy agreed, “Yes, it’s a good song, and to stand up for Jesus means to promote, recommend, work for, or praise his goodness to others.”
Then, they all stood up and then marched along singing that song until the bell rang for them to go get in line.
Riley and Amelia used their evenings to look at house possibilities on the web and called each other if they found something interesting. Then they’d look at their own monitors as they talked about it together on the phone. Each time they’d enter the address into google maps and look at the satellite view to see if the yard and some of the windows overlooked one of the parks in town which also had a view of the mountains. If it did and the rest of the descriptions were good enough, they’d call the same realtor Maria and Tony had used and set up a time when they could go look at the house.
The realtor also did searches for them and sent ideas to their email addresses. They followed the same procedure for those possibilities. It was slow going, but they realized how important this search was. They desired to find a place they could call home for many years.
Riley’s dad told him, “We’ve been saving all the money you’ve been paying us for you to continue living at home. It has added up to enough for a good down payment on the house you decide to buy.”
His mom added, “Plus some money left over for things you’ll need to buy.”
“Wow!” Riley exclaimed, “I had forgotten about you guys doing that, but now I remember you said you’d save the money I paid you to be a nest egg when I was ready. Thank you both!”
Dad replied, “You’re very welcome. We’ve enjoyed all the time you’ve been living here, and we’ll miss you, but we couldn't be happier with your choice of a woman for your wife.”
“Yes,” Mom added, “Amelia is an exemplary Christian woman, and we look forward to having her as our daughter-in-love.”
Riley responded, “I’m so glad you’re both pleased with her. And I’m also so glad she said ‘yes.’ I’ve been afraid I might scare her away if I asked too soon, but Ben encouraged me to go ahead and it worked out very well.”
Just then his phone rang and it was Amelia with another house for them to look up and talk about on the phone. This one looked good so they made an appointment to see it right then since it was empty.
When he got home he informed them, “We both really like this one so we made an offer on it and will find out by tomorrow if the sellers will accept our offer.”
Karen taught half of a lesson to the girls titled, “Who I am because of Jesus, and How to Live.” She had each of the girls look up a verse and write in their notebook the way they would personalize it as a prayer by starting with “Thank You.”
Karen gave them an example first, “Thank you, Jesus, that I am a new creature in you, Galatians 6:15c.” Then she gave out verses on little slips of paper and let them have time to follow her directions.
Lisa was first, “Thank you, Jesus, that I have been adopted and can say, Abba, Father, Romans 8:15b.”
“Thank you, Lord,” Christi went on, “that I am alive to God through Jesus, Romans 6:11b.”
Next a girl said, “And I thank you, Jesus, that I am a child of God, 1 John 3:2a.”
“Thank you, Jesus,” Hanna prayed, “that you have made me free, Galatians 5:1a.”
Ellie added, “Thank you Father, that you have put me into the kingdom of your dear Son, Colossians 1:13b.”
“Thank you, Jesus,” Stella went on to pray, “that you are the Good Shepherd and you gave your life for the sheep, John 10:11, and that no one can pluck me out of your hand, John 10:28.”
Nan continued, “Thank you that God has sealed me and given me the down payment of the Spirit in my heart, 2 Corinthians 1:22.”
Emma added, “Thank you that I am complete in Jesus who is the head of all principality and power, Colossians 2:10.”
“Thank you, Jesus,” prayed Liz, “that you have given me all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of you. Therefore I have exceeding great and precious promises so I can partake of the divine nature, 2 Peter 1:3,4a.”
Karen complimented them, “What a good job each of you did by personalizing the verse and then praying it with such sincerity. Next week I’ll have a printed page with these verses on it plus another section with more verses about how we should live because of what Jesus has done for us. I’ll see you next time.”
William did a similar lesson on the farm.
Riley and Amelia each heard from their realtor that their offer had been accepted, so they rejoiced and called Matt and Fiona to let them know they would be living several houses away in the same block with the same spectacular view.
Then he asked over the phone, “Amelia, my dear future wife, do you have any ideas about what would be the best way to proceed now that we’ve found our future home?”
“Dearest Riley,” she answered, “I really don’t know anything about buying a house. What are your ideas?”
He replied, “I’m in the same boat as you are. I wish one of my university classes had covered this topic, but none of them were that practical.”
Amelia suggested, “Maybe we could ask our realtor. She has been very nice, and she might have some good ideas.”
“Super idea, Honey,” he replied. “I’ll call her right now and see if she has time for a conference call. Stay on the line.”
Their realtor did and told them all the steps and things that needed to be done before the closing, and all of them had specific dates that went with them and were stated in the contract, which she’d have ready for them at her office in half an hour. If they could come there she would explain it better while they could look at the dates, and she could answer any questions and give suggestions.
During the meeting, she said it might be best if just one of them bought the house at first so the closing could be before the wedding and they’d have time to make any changes inside the house, get their furniture bought and in place and their personal things moved into the house before their wedding. Then it would be ready for them right after their honeymoon. When they returned from their honeymoon, she would help them get the title changed into both names.
Riley and Amelia liked that idea better than having the wedding and honeymoon before the closing, because if they did it that way, they would have to stay in a hotel or with one or the other of their parents while they took care of all the details for the house.
After getting input from both of their parents, Riley and Amelia made a budget for themselves including daily cost of living and payments on the house. Together they decided that Riley would be the one to sign at the closing but Amelia would attend so she could add some of the money she had been saving while she lived at home to make a larger down payment on the house, and to learn how closings were done. And then after the closing, they could work together to get the house ready for them.
Carlos and Gary were talking to their parents while Sam and Evan were finishing up some homework.
Carlos mentioned, “I remembered a few days ago that after I graduate, I’ll only be able to stay here on the farm until I’m nineteen, so I’ve been thinking about what I could do to earn a living. I’ve already learned a lot about fixing the tractors here on the farm, and plan to learn more while I live here. But what appeals to me the most is being an auto mechanic when I move to Pine City.”
William acknowledged, “That would be a good honest way to earn a living even though it is hard work. You are developing the muscles you would need to be able to do it.”
“Thank you,” then Carlos went on, “I think I could get a part-time job somewhere and also attend the trade school so I can learn how to do it, and get their recommendation when I finish.”
Anna looked at William and he nodded, so she suggested, “We can help pay part of your way to the trade school, Carlos, and your part-time job should pay the rest. Plus you can save some to pay for rent and food the first month at you new job.”
Carlos said sincerely, “Thank you very much Mom and Dad!”
“You’re welcome,” William replied. “You can probably catch a ride with someone here at the farm who works in town. Do you have any ideas or plans, Gary?”
“Yes,” answered Gary, “I like farming a lot, and I’d like to find a farm where I could be hired. Do you think there would be any chance I could work here full-time until I’m nineteen, and get paid an apprentice wage so I’ll have a nest egg to take with me to a new place to pay for rent and food until my new wages would become available?”
William responded, “Indeed, I think there’s a good chance if you and I go talk to the boss and tell him your plans and desire. You can also learn a lot from Felix during that time. I’m sure he’d be glad to answer your questions.”
Anna commented, “I also think it will be nice to have you here on the farm full-time for that time.”
“Thank you Dad and Mom!” exclaimed Gary.
Sam and Evan came from their rooms and the whole family went out for a walk in the cool evening air.
At the next lesson Karen handed out the page she had printed out and explained, “This page is the followup for last week’s lesson. It has the verses you personalized and also contains the second half of the lesson. I was going to divide the ‘help me’ section into verses for each of you girls to read like we did last week. But I decided it would be more meaningful if we’d read it aloud together as a prayer. So please read it silently a time or two and then we’ll read it together. After giving them enough time to read it silently, they prayed it out loud together.
Father in heaven, because of what Jesus has done for us, please help me have all diligence to add to my faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and love, because if these things are in me, they make me fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus, as 2 Peter 1:5-8 says.
Since I have received Jesus please enable me to walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as I have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving, Colossians 2:6,7.
Help me to put on mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with, and forgiving one another, like Jesus forgave me. And above all these things help me put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in my heart, … and make me thankful, Colossians 3:12-15
Make the word of Jesus dwell in me richly in all wisdom, … and may I sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with grace in my heart to the Lord. And whatever I do in word or deed, please help me to do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God, the Father by him. And help me to do all I do, heartily as to the Lord, and not to men, as it says in Colossians 3:16,17,23.
When they finished, they all said Amen. Then the girls made comments about things they had prayed.
One girl observed, “The first paragraph has a good list of virtues we should earnestly try to add to our lives.”
“Definitely,” and Sara went on, “I noticed another good list of virtues in the third paragraph, that we all need to use in every situation.”
“Yes,” Candy noted, “and the second and third paragraphs both have places reminding us to be thankful.”
Another girl continued, “I agree, so being thankful is important since it was repeated, and it’s also in the fourth paragraph again.”
“Right,” said Kim and then remarked, “Paul wrote Colossians and both letters to the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians, he reminds us that all things must be done with love.”
A different girl mentioned, “Yes, and I like the idea of God’s peace ruling in my heart.”
“So do I,” agreed June, “and I like the reminder to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. We do that at church and sometimes in this group.”
The last girl concluded, “It sounds like doing everything in Jesus name and doing it as best we can for him, is very important.”
“I agree,” Karen replied, “and remember we pray the verses on this page asking God to help us and we live our lives by faith, knowing as I paraphrase Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Jesus who gives me strength. So don’t expect yourselves to do all these things perfectly all the time. The Christian life is a process of reaching for goals like the ones on this page and doing the best we can with Jesus helping us.”
William did a similar lesson on the farm.
Now Riley and Amelia had enough information so they could set a wedding date and make plans for the house.
While looking at the dates on the house contract Amelia asked, “Do you think we could have the house ready for a June wedding, Honey?”
Riley answered, “Yes I do, Dear, if we have it the third Friday evening, it would give us almost two weeks after the closing. When we were there for the inspection we didn’t find much that needed to be done to fix up the inside, except to give it a thorough cleaning. We can fix things on the outside later.”
“Right,” she agreed, “we both liked the new paint job they did on the inside. Also the vinyl flooring feels like it has a cushioned backing like Matt and Fiona have in their house, so it will be easy to clean and we won’t have to worry about spills or snow melting on it.
He continued, “I agree, and since our parents volunteered to help with the cleaning, and we told them it would be their wedding present to us, we should be able to do it in about a day.”
“Certainly,” she nodded, “With the three of us ladies cleaning and sanitizing all those wonderful cupboards, pantry, linen closet, and the shelves in the clothes closets, and you men cleaning the windows, replacing the drapes and curtains that we will already have washed, vacuuming and mopping the floor, and cleaning the garage, it will be a very busy day for everyone.”
“It sure will be,” Riley smiled, “but we will have a very clean house to fill up with furniture and our belongings. And the next question is, where shall we buy the furniture and how much should we buy?”
Amelia replied, “I don’t think we need to get everything right away. I can make do with just the bare necessities, and we can add more as we save enough to afford it.”
“Absolutely,” he agreed, “I’d rather do without than go into debt. We can just leave the other two bedroom doors closed until we get furniture for them after we furnish the rest of the house including the office where we’ll be able to work on things we might have to bring home from our jobs and have a place for personal Bible study.”
“What a good idea,” she went on, “and I agree about not wanting to go into debt, except for the house payments. I learned at the trade school about how buying on credit makes the items cost many times more than the original price tag. I often wonder why so many people do it. I'd be willing to buy second hand or used furniture, like at a thrift store. There are some stores that the moving companies have that sell used furniture. We can clean and sanitize what we buy and it would be a lot cheaper. Many people get rid of things that are still in good shape.”
“For sure,” Riley concurred, “I’d be willing to do that also, except for our mattress and any others we’d get. We’ll get the mattress and it’s foundation for our bedroom first.”
“Certainly!” Amelia exclaimed, “mattresses definitely need to be new. What do you think about Fiona’s idea of having no head boards or foot boards on any of the beds?”
He chuckled, “They look rather strange to me. What is her reason? I know she usually has a good reason for everything she does.”
“She sure does,” laughed Amelia, “and I totally agree with this one, because it happens in my family home. She didn’t want any more skinned knuckles from changing bed sheets.”
“Well then,” he laughed with her, “I don’t care if it looks strange! We definitely won’t have something that will hurt us, because I intend to help you with the housework my dear.”
“Thank you, my dearest Riley!” she declared, wishing she could give him a quick hug and kiss, but they had agreed to save hugs and kisses for after the wedding. That evening at home after supper, she and her mom talked about plans for the wedding.
Tony and Maria were glad the weather had warmed up enough the past few months so they could be back in the parks with their ministry to the primary age children. They had gotten so they could load the van, drive to a park, choose a location, and set up the booth in about half an hour. Then they’d be in the park reading stories or using the flannelgraph for one or two hours, depending on how many children might come to listen. It would take another half hour to dismantle the booth, load the van and drive back home and unload it.
Sometimes while they were at the park, Maria would take a puppet over to the playground area near their booth and use it to invite the children to come rest a little while and listen to a story. This idea worked well for them, since the children didn’t pay any attention to the booth while they were playing. Other times some parents would read the sign on the booth and take their children to see what it was about.
Tony and Maria were always thrilled when one or more children would raise a hand at the invitation and they’d take them to an area where could explain to them more clearly and help them pray to accept Jesus. It was especially good when the parents were with them during this time, because they would often pray along with the child. Occasionally only the parent would raise a hand, and that was great also.
On the days when nobody responded, Tony and Maria didn't get discouraged because they knew they were doing what Jesus had asked them to do and they were planting seeds that sometimes took a long time to germinate. Maybe someone else would reap the harvest of some of the seeds they had planted.
Tony and Maria also enjoyed riding their bikes on the bike paths without having to worry about running into snow or slick places. It was fun to get exercise outside in the early mornings before it got too hot. And of course each weekend they continued to visit the Blake or Mendoza families on Mercy Valley Ranch and ride horses with them.
“Denji, you seem very quiet this evening,” mentioned Afta as they were sitting in their living room after supper.
He jumped a little and then laughed. “I was just thinking about all the tests we took today for midterm at the trade school. I wonder how well I might have done on them.”
Hana asked, “Are you worried about whether you passed or not?”
“No,” he replied, “in fact I was thinking about how easy they seemed. So I’m hoping I got good scores on them.”
Afta remarked, “Well, I’m glad you aren’t worried about not passing them. We know what a good student you are, so we aren’t worried either.”
“Good,” Denji replied, “I wouldn’t want either of you to have to worry about me. Tomorrow’s Friday, and I’ll get the results, so I’ll tell you about it when I get home.”
“Perfect,” declared Hana, “and then it will be the weekend and we’ll all get to go to church and horseback riding on the ranch with our friends.”
Afta continued, “Yes, indeed and I’m glad we all enjoy it so much, because it makes a fun activity we can do together as a family.”
“Absolutely!” Denji exclaimed, “hooray for weekends!”
Hana tacked on, “Precisely my feelings. I think the people on the ranch are extra nice. I’m glad we decided to move to Pine City.”
“So am I,” Afta agreed, “the church services are always good and are so uplifting.”
Denji concurred, “Definitely, I think our move to this city was good in many ways. This is where Jesus restored my sight and we all became believers, so it has good memories for me. Plus, it’s good to be close to our relatives.”
Afta went on, “Yes, and Pine City is a lot nicer place to live than the other city we were in before.”
Hana prayed, “Thank you, Jesus for all the things we just talked about together.”
Riley and Amelia were at Matt and Fiona’s house again. Amelia mentioned, “Mom and I had a lot of ideas for the wedding and I’d like to know which one you like best.” She explained several options.
Riley replied, “The one I like best is to have the wedding at our church. I’m glad you found out that the church has offered times for couples to have their wedding in the sanctuary and use the school lunchroom for the reception.”
“Same here,” Amelia agreed, “even though the times are a little strange: Mondays through Fridays 5:30 to 7:00 PM or Saturdays and Sundays at 8 PM.”
Riley said, “I agree, Honey, but I know the evangelism classes take up the other times on the weekdays. Which time do you think you’d like?”
Amelia answered, “I think I’d like Friday at 5:30 and we can have a pretty wedding cake and fruit punch for the reception. We can each eat supper early that day.”
“Yes,” Riley nodded, “I agree, and it sounds yummy. Those plans should work and give us time to drive to our hotel for our honeymoon. Will you be able to get the week off from The Garden Shop?”
“Certainly,” Amelia stated, “Dad and Mom are so happy for us. Will your company give you a week of vacation that week?”
“Yes,” replied Riley, “I already asked them and they congratulated me.” After a pause he continued, “I was just thinking, if we’d have the wedding on Monday, the hotel rate would be less expensive during the week, and it would give us Saturday and Sunday to work in the house and Monday to prepare ourselves for the wedding. Which pastor would you like to have do the ceremony?”
Amelia responded right away, “I'd like to have Pastor Don. Even though we’ve been going to the other church for a couple years, I still feel like he’s my pastor. And I agree, Monday would be a better day. How much time do you want to spend in the hotel?”
He said, “Just three nights of enjoying each other and the days to enjoy time in the mountains. Then we’ll still have a day or two to get used to living together in our new house and go shopping for anything else we might need.” Then Riley added, “I’ll set up an appointment for us to go talk to Pastor Don about the wedding and to ask him to officiate it for us.”
“Super,” Amelia went on, “and I assume you’d rather attend Church #4 than go to the new church building.”
“On the contrary, Riley shook his head, “I would only like that if you would also rather attend Church #4, my darling.”
Amelia shared, “Thank you for caring. I definitely would, and I’m hoping Dad and Mom and Ben will also be able to change back to Church #4. I’ll ask them about it. Now we can go to the next topic. Would you rather rent a tux or wear a suit you already have, or buy a new suit?”
Riley responded, “I think it depends on how fancy you want the wedding to be and how many attendants we will each have.”
“Well,” Amelia admitted,“I’ve been vacillating back and forth about getting a fancy new wedding dress, or a nice new dress to wear again to church and out to dinner with my husband. Fiona used her mother’s wedding dress, but my body is much larger than my mother’s, so hers won’t fit me.”
Riley pondered a moment and stressed, “Well, Honey, this is a once in a lifetime occasion, so I’d like you to choose whichever one will give you the best memories.”
“Thank you, Dearest,” and Amelia also took time to reason it out. “As I think about it in that light, the only time I would see the fancy wedding gown would be before and at the wedding, and in the pictures, or when I open its storage box. But every time I'd wear the special dress for church or times with you, it would bring back all the good memories of our wedding and the new memories that could be made while I’m wearing it. So I’ll buy a new special dress that I can continue using rather than putting it in a box to save it for a daughter who might not fit into it, or might not even like it, or might decide to not get married.”
“Good thinking, Amelia,” then Riley asked, “and how many attendants do you wish to have so I can know how many to find for myself?”
Amelia replied, “Just two will be enough for me, so I’ll ask Fiona to be the matron of honor, and Mindy to be the bride’s maid.”
“Brilliant, my dear!” he declared. “Then I’ll ask Matt to be my best man, and Ben to stand up with us.”
“Super choices,” Amelia applauded, “also Fiona’s ideas for her wedding just came back to me and I think we could do the same as she did. I’ll ask the ladies to wear whatever dress they’d like to, and already have. We won’t have to worry about colors matching and spend a lot of money for a ceremony that only lasts about half an hour, and we’ll all be more comfortable.”
“Excellent idea, my love,” Riley complimented her, “and therefore I choose to buy a new suit that I can continue to use, and Matt and Ben can use ones they already own. As I remember none of the men in his wedding wore ties that day either. Would it be alright with you if we don't wear ties?”
“Absolutely!, Amelia exclaimed. “I’m glad we both like to be thrifty and practical and comfortable. I think our wedding is going to be perfect for us.”
For one music lesson Ted had the girls read Psalm 95:1-7 silently. He read the first verse and then three at a time would read one verse together, and they finished by reading the last two together.
1,O come, let us sing to the LORD. Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
2, Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.
3, For the LORD is a great God, and a great king above all gods.
4, In his hand are the deep places of the earth; the strength of the hills is his also.
5, The sea is his, and he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
6, O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
7, For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
“Now” he instructed, look in a hymnal or songbook and find a song that uses some of the words in this psalm in its title or in the words of the song. Put a bookmark in each one to save it’s place.”
He gave them several minutes to look and they found the following songs: “O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord,” “Make a Joyful Noise – Psalm 100,” “How Great Is Our God,” “Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down,” “Sing to the Lord, the Rock of Our Salvation,” “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come,” and “O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea.”
For the rest of the lesson, they sang each of these songs. The songs seemed more meaningful to all of them, since they had read the scriptures first.
On the farm, the Iverson family were talking about their most recent Saturday horseback ride at the ranch.
Jack stated, “I really enjoyed our ride today. It’s extra fun when we get to go through the gate and ride on public land.”
Kevin mentioned, “I enjoyed it also, and I noticed today that we boys are all still riding the same horses as we did the first time we rode horses on the ranch.”
“Yeah,” agreed Jack, “even though we’re older and have gotten bigger, Boots and Socks still seem to be just the right size.”
Levi said, “I remember though, that Rusty seemed pretty big to me that first ride. I was very scared at first, but he’s so nice.”
“Honey is still just right for me,” declared Max, “and I’ll continue to ride her for as long as I’m not too big for her. I'm glad we had good helpers to get over our fears on the first ride.”
Cory commented, “I’m glad too. I do enjoy riding Princess, but I feel like I might be getting too big to ride her much longer. Since I’ve grown so much faster lately, I think I might have to try Coffee or Tea pretty soon.”
Their dad, Greg, and mom, Oralie, laughed so hard they couldn't speak for a while. The boys looked at them questioningly, and pretty soon Oralie explained, “Dad just whispered to me that he thought Cory was still too young to drink coffee or tea, and we couldn't help but laugh.”
Greg continued, “My comment to her just seemed to fit in with you saying you’ve grown so much, because you have.”
The boys all nodded and joined in the laughter.
“I understand now,” said Cory, “but from the little tastes you’ve let me try from your coffee or tea, I doubt if I’ll ever be old enough to like either one. They’re bitter!” His statement caused even more laughter.
“Well, anyway,” Oralie went on to say, “I like all the horses on the ranch and their names too. Their names usually go with either their color or with their white markings.”
“That’s right!” exclaimed Cory, “Except for King, Queen, and Princess, and their names go more with their sizes and how royal their black color makes them look.”
Greg asked, “What made our horseback ride special to the rest of you? Jack already mentioned it being extra fun to ride on public land.”
Kevin responded, “I especially liked how shiny all the horses looked in the pasture as we arrived at the ranch.”
Max shared, “I liked how Honey came right over to me today as if she already knew I'd choose her for my ride.”
Levi admitted, “I had a hard time choosing between Rusty and Brownie today, so I closed my eyes and walked forward until my hand touched one of them. I would have been glad with either of them, but when I touched Rusty, I realized that he is my favorite.”
“For me,” Cory expressed, “I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to get to ride those special horses as a family. I think it’s something we all enjoy doing together.”
Oralie agreed, “I was going to say the same thing, so I’ll add I was thankful for perfect weather for our horseback ride today.”
Greg concluded the discussion with a prayer, “Father in heaven, we all thank you for the privilege we have of riding the special horses on Mercy Valley Ranch as often as we do. It was very nice of the owners to plan for the farm families to come on a field trip on alternate weekends to enjoy the things the ranch has to offer.”
All the rest of them nodded emphatically and said. “Amen.”
One day Fiona stated, “Amelia, I’d like to give you a wedding shower.”
Amelia countered, “But you have so much to do already with four children to care for, plus your house and those missionaries!”
“It’s not a problem for me,” Fiona replied, “I want to do this and Mindy said she’d help me with it.”
Amelia reconsidered, “In that case, I’ll accept and I thank you very much!”
Fiona encouraged, “Good, and I think it would be a good idea for you and Riley to go to your favorite store and look for things you know you’ll need for you new home. Make a list and then enter it into their gift registry. Then when people buy a gift for you that item will be deleted from the list and you won’t get duplicates.”
“What a super idea!” Amelia exclaimed. “Plus we will only get items we put on the list and they will be useful ones.”
So Fiona, with Mindy’s help, gave Amelia a wedding shower, which included all the ladies from both churches that Amelia counted as friends. It was a very nice and fun wedding shower. Those who came were also the only ones who, with their families, were invited to the wedding and reception, so Amelia stressed that they not bring more presents to the wedding.
Therefore, she was able to write all the thank-you notes before the wedding. Riley helped her by addressing all the envelopes and putting stamps on them. It was nice to have that obligation finished before the wedding and honeymoon. Now they wouldn't have to worry about forgetting to do it when they returned.
The day before the wedding, with the help of their parents, they moved all their belongings and gifts into the house and put everything away in its rightful place. Riley and Amelia even made the bed in their bedroom together while their parents were watching and could see how easy it was to make a bed without head and foot boards in the way. So even though their dining room only had a card table and two folding chairs, they felt the house was ready for their return after their honeymoon.
Before their parents went home that day, each mom left an envelope with a card in it on the dining room “table.” Then when they got to their homes the dads removed the unnecessary items from their bedrooms also. They enjoyed making their beds together in the future, along with many intimate times together in those beds.
William did a Bible study lesson on the farm about Jesus being like the Father, or as Jesus had said something like, “to see him is to see the Father.” William started with some verses in John and added others. He handed a slip of paper to some of the boys with a scripture reference on it.
He instructed, “I’ll give you a few minutes to find, practice and think about the verse or verses. Be ready to read and make a comment if you have one, but also be able to listen to each other.”
Sam was first, “John 8:19b says, if you had known me, you would have known my Father also. Jesus said this to the Pharisees who were already against him even this early in John’s story.”
A boy said, “Right, and the next one was also said to the Jews who were going to stone him because he said in John 10:30, I and my Father are one.”
“Yes,” and Evan remarked, “when Jesus told the Jews plainly who he was, they either wouldn’t believe him or tried to kill him because of what he said. This first verse I’ll read is like the one Sam read, but this time it was said to his disciples. John 14:7,9b,11a, If you had known me, you would have known my Father also, and from now on you know him and have seen him. … he that has seen me has seen the Father. … Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me…”
“I agree,” another boy said, “then in John 17:11b, Jesus prayed asking the Father, that they may be one as we are. He was praying for the disciples.”
Carlos nodded, “A small part of 2 Corinthians 4:4 states, Christ is the image of God. Paul wrote this about people who had been blinded by the god of this world and wouldn’t see who Jesus was.”
“How sad,” commented a different boy who then read, “Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. This was written to people who believed in Jesus.”
“I like that verse,” then Gary continued, “But it took me three times of reading these next verses to find how they fit with the others. It was hidden part way through. Hebrews 1:2-3a says, God has in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed to be heir of all things, and by whom also he made the worlds, who is the brightness of his glory and is the express image of his person, and upholds all things by the word of his power… I think it is this phrase, who is the express image of his person, and if so, it means Jesus is the image of God. So that makes him equal to God.”
William responded, “I think the same thing, Gary. All you boys did a very good job today. These verses all help to prove that Jesus is who he said he was.”
The girls on the ranch had a similar lesson with Karen.
Unice had started writing a book like her foster mother had suggested to her when she had visited the last time. Unice hadn’t talked to anyone about it yet, because she didn’t feel very confident about her ability to continue doing it.
She started with some ideas from the emails she had sent to her foster parents. She tried expanding some of them with more details and description, but always kept them real and true to her life. She decided this would be an autobiography.
Even if nobody else would like or be interested in her life story, she knew her foster parents would be. And besides, this was a good exercise for her brain, and she would learn a lot by doing it. She was always doing web searches so she could use the right grammar or find a better word or a synonym to increase the interest.
As she wrote, she used the names of the people or the horses involved. If she ever published her book, she would need to get permission to use the people’s names, but not for the horses.
Every evening if she had time, she’d type into her word processor about what had happened that day. Then on days when she had extra free time, like when the other woman on the ranch took over for her, she would edit and revise to make those things fit into her book.
Riley and Amelia’s June wedding was perfect for them just as Amelia had declared it would be. Everything went well, as planned and the pastor’s teaching about marriage was a great reminder for all who listened. The vows Riley and Amelia repeated were meaningful and sincere, and their first kiss as husband and wife was so exciting that they both tingled all over.
The photographer did a fine job taking all the right pictures so they would have many memories of their wedding.
Amelia and her family had decorated the sanctuary with potted plants borrowed from The Garden Shop and then the guests carried them into the lunchroom to decorate the tables for the reception. Just as Riley had said, the cake and fruit punch were yummy.
The newlywed couple gave speeches explaining how they gotten to know each other and thanking Matt and Fiona for the many times they had let them come visit with them and also have times to talk as a couple while Matt and Fiona took care of their own children or did other things in the house.
As the reception was winding down, Connie told the new husband and wife, “You can leave for your honeymoon now, and your families will take care of the cleanup and getting the plants back to The Garden Shop.”
Riley said for both of them, “We thank you so much for all you’ve done for us! We’ll see you when we get back.”
Riley and Amelia didn’t even have to change clothes for the drive to the hotel in the little mountain town that Matt and Fiona had told them about when they had asked for ideas. They enjoyed the scenic drive since it was still light outside and they arrived in time for a short walk before going to their room.
It was a nice room, and they took time to pray together for God to bless and guide their marriage. Then they relaxed on the couch and answered each other’s questions about the booklets for newlyweds they had read the night before with their parents.
Riley mentioned, “This booklet helped me so much last night. I’ll admit I was rather nervous before, but now I think it will be the first among many times we’ll get to make love to each other.”
“I think so too,” agreed Amelia, “and you answered all my other questions a minute ago, so I’m feeling very ready.”
This of course was the first time for them, so they tried out a few of the ideas and were very pleased to get to know each other in such an intimate way. Then sleeping together in the same bed was a totally new experience for both of them, so it took some getting used to also. But they realized this was the purpose of the honeymoon so they were eager to learn as much as they could.
Matt and Fiona had described their daytime honeymoon experiences and Riley had written the directions so they did most of those same things. Tuesday they enjoyed the hike to the waterfall, where they ate the picnic lunch the hotel had packed for them after Riley had taken pictures of the falls. Then they drove to the lake and liked the view and got more pictures, this time with each other in them.
By the time they got back to town it was close to suppertime, so Riley suggested, “Let’s go eat at that interesting cafe where my parents and I had lunch not too long ago. It’s the same one Matt and Fiona told us about.”
“Oh, good,” Amelia declared, “I’ve been wanting to see what Fiona described.”
The young girls were now older, and had slowed down and were more careful. The food was delicious and the service was good. After supper they had time to go grocery shopping for the picnic breakfast and lunch they’d need for the next day’s visit to the beaver pond and wildflower meadow.
Back at the hotel, they took a shower together and got even better acquainted with each other’s bodies. Then they had an exciting time in their bed before going to sleep early so they’d be ready for a very early wake up call.
When it came Riley yawned, “I know Matt said it was worth getting up early to see the beaver pond, so I won’t complain, but this bed feels so good especially with you in it with me. He reminded us to dress warmly in layers for this experience.”
“Yes, he did,” Amelia acknowledged,” so I hope I brought the right things. I do think we will like it once we wake up enough. We can enjoy this bed again tonight and stay in it longer tomorrow morning before we pack up to go to our home in Pine City where our own bed is waiting for us every night and morning.”
Riley pulled her close and whispered, “That sounds very good to me, my beloved wife.” And she nestled up closer to her husband.
But then they did get up and got to the beaver pond in time to see a beaver eating bark off a twig, several beavers swimming in the pond, a raccoon catching a small fish, and a buck deer with the velvet still on his antlers getting a drink. Something they couldn’t see scared one beaver and the slap of his tail sent them all underwater to their house in the middle of the pond.
Amelia stated, “This was engrossing. I’m glad we got up early enough to get to see all this activity here.”
“So am I!” Riley exclaimed. “The real thing is so much better than just a book or even a video. Now I’m getting hungry for our picnic breakfast. Shall we go?”
She declared, “Yes, yes, yes to all three sentences, just as soon as you take a picture of this nice little pond!”
Breakfast tasted extra good out in the morning air that had warmed up by then. The field of wildflowers was gorgeous in the morning light and they were glad for the lessons Fiona had given them on how to use the new wild flower book she and Matt had given them as a wedding present. The camera was busy again.
Riley remarked, “I really enjoy doing this activity, and it’s one we can repeat every time we come to the mountains and we can see different flowers for each season.”
“Precisely,” agreed Amelia. “I like doing this also, so their gift to us will be used over and over again. We can tell them when we see them next time.”
“Definitely,” he said and then asked, “do you have enough energy to hike to another waterfall I know about, since we’ve seen all the things they told us about?”
“Indeed I do!” Amelia exclaimed, “we’re making many memories here in these beautiful mountains. All the pictures we’re taking will help us remember our time here.”
They ate the lunch they had brought with them near the stream they were following up the little valley and then continued hiking. Pretty soon they heard the roar of the water and coming around the bend, they got to see it in all its brilliance.
Amelia exclaimed, “This is the most spectacular waterfall I’ve ever seen! The sun makes the water sparkle brightly as it leaps from ledge to ledge down the hillside.”
“I was hoping you’d like this one,” he shared, “it’s one of my very favorite ones.”
She added, “Great, then this is another place we can come back to and enjoy in our beautiful mountains. Oh, Riley, I’m so glad we were able to get acquainted at your sister’s house and then spend time conversing there many weeks, so we could find out we love each other.”
“I agree completely!” Riley declared as he pulled her close and they kissed by the waterfall, completely oblivious to the other people who had come up behind them.
The people applauded and Riley explained, “We’re on our honeymoon and we didn’t think about others coming here. I’m sorry.”
One of them said, “No worries! We’re happy for you. Can we take your picture here by the waterfall?”
“Yes, thank you, please do.” Riley answered, and handed him the camera.
The man instructed, “Make several poses and be sure to kiss in at least one of them.”
Riley and Amelia were laughing as they complied with the directions. The pictures were some more great memories for them.
When they returned to the hotel, they took showers, relaxed for a while, and then dressed in their wedding clothes so they could eat a special supper at the hotel. It was delicious and they were delighting in the knowledge that they were just beginning their lives together and would have many more special times with just the two of them.
Back in their room later, they enjoyed another evening of exploring some ways each of them could show love to the other. They also realized this was just the beginning of many more times they’d get to do this.
They lingered in bed in the morning, reveling in the closeness, before they rose, dressed, packed, and drove to their home.
Right after the wedding and reception, Don and Anita and their family had gone directly to the pastor’s small group meeting. It was very good as usual.
When it was over and they were home with the children in bed asleep, Don stated, “Riley and Amelia’s wedding was another one I had no clue about. I think a few of these people are in some kind of a conspiracy to keep their pastors in the dark or to see who can surprise their pastor.”
Anita nodded in agreement, “I was also very surprised about their wedding, but since Amelia isn’t in Church #4 any longer, we couldn’t have known about it before she and Riley came to see you about performing their wedding.”
“Right,” concurred Don, “and we wouldn't have seen them on a date anywhere, since they told us they didn’t date. They were only with their families or at Matt and Fiona’s home talking. I’ll have to admit it was an unusual courtship.”
“I agree,” and Anita smiled, “but they looked like they were very much in love, and I pray that God will richly bless them.”
“So do I, Darling!” he exclaimed. “If they can stay in love like we are they’ll be very blessed indeed.”
She smiled as he gently took her hand and they went into their bedroom.
Hope had been waiting while she was in Mrs Blake’s third grade class for just the right time to tell about the beaver pond they had seen on their Fourth of July trip last year. Finally in science they started studying about beavers.
So during sharing time she raised her hand and Kippy called on her. “Last year my family went camping in the mountains. We got up very early one morning and walked quietly along a path to a pond while it was still almost dark outside.”
Kippy stated, “It sounds exciting and maybe a little cold.”
“It was pretty chilly,” remembered Hope, “and we had to be very quiet so we wouldn’t scare the animals we wanted to see.”
Max asked, “What animals?”
She answered, “The ones we just started studying in science.”
“Beavers?” Timmy inquired, “Did you get to see some?”
“Yes!” Hope replied, “and it was so fascinating. We stayed very quiet and hid behind some trees so they wouldn’t see us but we could see them. We had brought binoculars with us and passed them around so each of us could get several close up views.”
Another student asked, “What were they doing?”
Hope answered, “One was dragging an aspen branch to the lake. He left it there and went back for another. There was another big beaver on the hillside cutting down a small aspen tree. Pretty soon it fell away from where he was, so he didn’t get hurt. We also got to see the mother beaver with her three little kits swimming in the pond.”
Kippy commented, “What a wonderful thing for you to see!”
Hope agreed, “It really was. Joy and I liked it so much that we got to go back three days later and see them again. We also saw two deer, some rabbits, and a skunk mother with her babies following her in a line.”
“Thank you for sharing your amazing trip with us,” said Kippy.
Hope politely smiled and responded, “You’re welcome.”
After church on Saturday, Tomo commented, “The songs and teaching today were just what I needed to hear. But of course I could say that after every service at our church.”
“I agree,” said Ami. “The first hymn was so good to start the service with praise. I like all four verses in it. Even the title, ‘Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty,’ is good.
Aneko added, “I also like the Bible verse that goes with the hymn, Psalm 103:1, Bless the LORD, O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name. In this verse, bless means the same as praise.”
Their foster girl shared, “Thank you for explaining that word. The verse does go well with that song.”
Tomo went on, “The next song, ‘Sitting at the Feet of Jesus’ was a good reminder for us to take time every day to read his words in the Bible and become more like him.”
“Yes,” Ami agreed, “and I like the last part of Luke 10:39 that goes with the song. It says, she sat at Jesus feet and heard his word.”
“Yes, it’s good,” and Aneko remarked, “The next song, ‘Fill All My Vision,’ is another of my favorites. I especially like the last part of the chorus, which is a prayer asking that others would see Jesus in me.”
“I get to read the verse for this one!” declared the girl. It’s one of my favorites. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the LORD. Please Lord, come and do that to me!”
Ami agreed and remarked, “I like that verse also. The last song, ‘O I Want to Be Like Jesus,’ went so well with the others. And it is so practical because each verse was about ways to do it.”
“Indeed,” Tomo concurred, “and it goes well with this part of Romans 8:29, we are to be conformed to the image of his son. Then the teaching today gave us some practical ideas also.”
Aneko added, “I’m glad we all take good notes and can review them later.”
When Riley and Amelia arrived at their new home after their great honeymoon, they were totally surprised to find envelopes on the dining room “table” because they hadn’t seen their mothers place them there.
“Those scamps!” Riley exclaimed after opening the envelopes. “We told them all the work they did to help get the house ready was all the wedding gift we needed.”
Amelia agreed, “Yes, but this is so like our parents! They want us to use this money to buy a real table and chairs for the dining room. It will be another wedding gift, and one that we can use and remember for years. Do you feel up to going to look at the thrift stores today for this gift?”
“Sure, Honey,” he answered, “and you’re totally correct. I hope we can find just the right one and then we can invite all of them to have supper with us soon.”
So they went to several thrift stores and didn’t like what they saw. Finally they went to the one with the cheapest prices, and there were two very nice ones for them to choose from. They inspected them carefully and picked the one with the most comfortable chairs and a pretty top that was waterproof. The price was so low, that they were also able to buy the matching buffet with the same kind of top. They were similar to the ones in Matt and Fiona’s house. There were even eight chairs and the leaves fit the table so well that they could leave them in all the time.
They paid cash for them and set up a delivery time, and then Riley mentioned, “Look, we still have some cash left over. Shall we look for a sofa, or for desks?”
“Let’s look for both,” suggested Amelia, “because I brought some other cash from the money I had saved for an occasion like this.”
So they tried all the sofas, and found one that was comfortable. After inspecting it carefully, they agreed it would be easy to sanitize, since it was imitation leather and was in good condition. When they went to pay for it with the rest of the money their parents had given them, they were glad to see ‘sold’ signs on the dining room set. The sofa was added to the delivery.
Next they looked at desks and chairs for their office. They found three desks. One was for a computer and the other two were small study type desks but all of them had one or two small drawers and a larger pull out file drawer. These would take care of their filing needs for a long time. Each one came with a chair.
Amelia inquired, “Riley, do you mind if the desks don’t match like the ones do in you sister’s house?”
“No, Darling,” he replied, “I don’t need our house to win a prize in a House Beautiful contest. Just so long as they’re sturdy and practical, they’ll be fine with me. How do you feel about it?”
She responded, “Exactly the same way you do, Dear, and you expressed it so well.”
After inspecting the desks and chairs and finding them all in good condition, they went and paid for them and added them to the delivery list. Then they watched as the clerk went and put ‘sold’ signs on all the rest of the things they had bought.
The clerk told them, “We’ll deliver these tomorrow at 10 AM if that will work for you.”
Riley replied, thinking about the coming morning with time to linger again with his new wife in their own bed, “Yes, that time will be perfect. Thank you so much.”
On the way home, they shopped for groceries so they’d be ready for the big supper and for the rest of the week. They called both of their parents, thanked them profusely, and invited them all, including Ben, to supper the next evening.
The next day the delivery men placed the furniture in the rooms the way they were directed to and the happy couple spent the rest of the morning cleaning, sanitizing, and getting their “new” furniture ready to be used. For them it was just as good as if it had been new and made from expensive wood and real leather. In fact it was probably better because it would be easier to keep clean.
The supper was a great success. Their parents were thrilled with the things they had bought with the gift of money. And when they showed them the desks and chairs in the office they had bought with some of Amelia’s savings, they were impressed.
Connie stated, “Now your house looks so much better than it did with almost empty rooms.”
Glenda added, “Yes, it should be easier for you to live here and buy the rest of the things as you can afford them.”
Patrick shared, “I’ll have to admit I was a little worried about it the other way.”
Ernest declared, “We won’t have to worry about these two. We can see how much they love each other and the Lord. He will help them all the way!”
And Ben just nodded and smiled.
The next day they met with the realtor who helped them get the house titled with Riley and Amelia as joint owners. It felt good to have so many things taken care of in their new life together, and still have the weekend to enjoy each other and their house before going back to work on Monday.
Cory and his family were at the city park with the twins and their family, and with Timmy, Mary and their family. It was hard to find times when all three families could get together, but when they did, they all enjoyed it a lot.
Many times the adults felt like it was just as good as a small group meeting, because they’d share praises, sing songs, and talk about Bible verses that had been meaningful to them.
To the children, these times in the park helped their friendships to grow by having time to play together for a while and then just talk about whatever they wanted to as they rested, and then play some more. Cory was glad to be able to teach more ball skills to Joy, Hope, Timmy, and Mary. His brothers liked practicing the skills they had learned by playing with the other four who were relatively close to the same ages they were.
Today as they rested Cory asked, “what’s one new or interesting thing you learned or studied, during the last month at school?”
Mary was first since she was the youngest of the group, “In second grade we just started to learn how to add and subtract numbers from ten to ninety-nine with carrying and borrowing. I thought it would be hard, but it’s not. We have nice plastic bags with little packs of tens, and separate ones. We use them to help us.”
“Those are nice,” Timmy agreed, “we still use them once in a while in third grade. The reading group I’m in just started a new book this week and we looked at the table contents and learned how to use it. The stories in the book have interesting sounding titles.”
Max nodded, “Yes, and the first story was a very good one. Some of the words in it were a little hard, but Mrs. Blake helped explain them to us when it was our turn at the reading table.”
Hope continued, “I like that book also, and it’s fun being in the same reading group as you two are. I really like what we’re studying in science right now, because I got to share about our camping trip to the mountains where Joy and I got to go see the beaver pond in real life and watch the beavers in action.”
“Exactly,” Joy went on, “and after I shared about it in my third grade class, Miss Green handed out notes to the parents about how to take their families to see that beaver pond, by getting up while it’s still dark and driving to the trailhead, and being very quiet on the trail. It also explained where to hide behind some trees to watch.”
Levi remarked, “Yes, Max brought one of those home also and our family is planning to go some weekend. It sounds exciting. In fourth grade this last week our homework was to write a short essay about something that was important to us. My older brothers encouraged me to write about why I believe in creation instead of evolution. I’m still working on it and need to have it finished and ready to hand in by next Friday.”
Jack shared, “I like what we’re studying during social studies because it is mostly about maps. I enjoy looking at maps because there’s so much information on them.”
“Same here,” added Kevin, “and you and I have been eating lunch with a boy who’s just starting to ask us some questions about the Bible. I hope we’ll be able to share our testimonies soon.”
Cory thanked them all and then went on to say, “This last month I’ve gotten to spend extra time in the computer lab, learning a lot about how to use computers for different purposes.”
Then Mary suggested, “Let’s go play with the balls some more. I want to get as good as the rest of you.”
Levi offered, “I'll be glad to help you practice.”
So they rest paired off and practiced different skills with the balls.
After their wedding Riley and Amelia attended church #4 together even if it meant she had to take off work on Saturday. She and her parents worked out her hours so the newlywed couple could have that time together.
Since Amelia and Riley attended Church #4 after their marriage, Ernest and Connie and Ben also decided to talk to the pastors of both churches and see if it would be alright to go back to Church #4, so their families could stay together better. Of course the pastors agreed with them. So very soon they all felt like they belonged in Church #4 again.
Later Riley started going on Saturdays to minister in the coffee chat room at The Garden Shop while his wife was working at her regular job. Once in a while she got to go talk to him for a very short time. It was just nice to know he was close by to where she was working. He felt the same way and this way he didn’t have to be home without her there.
Riley and Amelia adjusted very quickly to married life and liked it. She showed him her independent study notebooks, and he was impressed with how much she had gotten done, just since she finished trade school. He liked her ideas so well that he started an independent study notebook of his own.
The girls on Mercy Valley Ranch had gotten so they enjoyed the field trips to Mercy Valley Farm on alternate Saturday mornings or afternoons, in the spring, summer and fall, depending on church times. At first some were upset about having to miss the usual horseback ride they would have had on that Saturday.
But the parents told them they had planned rotating times for groups of them to do certain things on the farm. For the groups that would miss their horseback ride that weekend, the plan included being able to use the athletic fields, and that was fun for them.
The groups that didn’t miss their rides for that weekend, would spend their time working in some of the fields that might need to be weeded, or thinned, or harvested. This learning time might help them later if they’d get to have a garden after they got married. If there weren’t any places that needed to be weeded, or thinned, or harvested, they’d just observe how the crops had progressed since the last time they were at the farm.
Even though it wasn’t as fun as their time on the ranch, the girls were learning the importance of sharing their privileges with others. Besides, they learned a lot about the farm, which made them appreciate the kind of places some of the food they got to eat was grown and how much work was involved.
William and Karen decided to save John 13-17 for times closer to the next Resurrection Day (Easter), so they chose various other topics for a while. This time William chose some songs about Jesus power. He found some good songs on an album sung by Pat Boone.
First William played a medley including “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name,” and “We have Power in the Name of Jesus.” Both of them go with Philippians 2:9-11. The second song contains the words “every knee will bow.” When the songs were finished, he asked Jose to read Philippians 2:9-11.
Jose read it. “It says that God has given Jesus, a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and in earth and under the earth. And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. These are some of my favorite verses.”
William nodded played a song with words that say one day everyone will say, “Jesus is Lord.” he had some boys read and comment on some verses that went with the song.
One boy read Romans 10:9, “If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. This verse tells what I did when I accepted Jesus as my Savior.”
“Same here,” another boy said, “1 Corinthians 8:6 says, But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we are in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things and we are by him. To me this means there’s only one Father and one Lord Jesus.”
“I think so too,” remarked Luis, “In John 20:28, when Thomas saw that Jesus had really risen from the dead, he said to him, ‘My Lord and my God.’ And I’ll bet he was wishing he hadn’t doubted when the rest told him that Jesus was alive.”
“I agree,” said William and then he played “I’m a Child of the King.” They found some verses to go with that song, after he explained that God is the King.
“I really like this verse,” Hugo shared, “John 1:12, to all who did receive him and believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. It proves to me that I’m a child of the King.”
A different boy continued, “Yes, and Galatians 3:26 says, For you are all the children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus. This is another good proof verse.”
“Yes it is,” and then Pedro figured out, “In 2 Corinthians 6:18 God, the King, must be speaking. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.
The last boy read, “Romans 8:16, The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God. Since God’s Spirit lives in us believers, he tells us we are God’s children.”
William commended, “Great job, boys. I like the way you read with good expression and made good comments. We have just enough time to listen to the songs again before you leave today.”
The girls on the ranch enjoyed a similar lesson with Karen.
Riley and Amelia enjoyed everything about their married life. There was still so much to learn about each other, and about how to live together, work together, play together, and still have separate times to do their own things. Therefore they made sure they had times when they could talk about the best ways to do things and how to make everything work for the best of both of them.
The game they had played the first visits at Matt and Fiona’s house had set the tone for all their following conversations. So they continued to make their times of talking have a safe environment and accepting atmosphere for sharing how they really felt. They were able to decide the best ways to divide some of the household tasks and which ones were the best to work on together.
One important thing they talked about was what to have as a couple’s ministry. They read the list they had gotten from the church office and prayed together about what would be best for them. To begin with, they chose the time-tested two by two ministry idea of walking in their neighborhood, praying for their neighbors and offering to help if they saw a need. They decided this was a good start and God could guide them to add something else later.
One day Glenda and Connie went together to see Matt and Fiona, who were glad to see them. Glenda asked, “Fiona, are you happy with the way your plan to get Riley and Amelia together worked out?”
“Extremely!” Fiona replied. “I liked being a match maker even though it seemed to take them a very long time. Now they’re very much in love and are happily married. But I still feel like it would be best if they never find out about my plan.”
Glenda nodded her agreement.
“I agree,” stated Matt. “there’s no need for them to know, so we can all just keep on being quiet about it.”
Connie nodded and prayed, “Father we pray your richest blessings and ask for you to guide Riley and Amelia all their lives,” and they all said, “Amen!”
Chapter 16
Psalm 24:1, The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness of it,
the world and those who dwell in it.
One Monday Maria and Ruth were eating lunch in the park and Ruth commented, “Jason asked me to tell you about his princess and thank you for planting that seed in his mind along with all the other things he already thanked you for.”
“You mean,” asked Maria, “he found a princess to marry?” When Ruth nodded she continued, “Please tell him he’s welcome and I’m very glad for him.”
Ruth replied, “I will, and I’ll bring you up to date. Shortly after Jason bought his house, he had Dad teach him all about dating and being the kind of man who would make a good husband, so he could do everything correctly this time. Then I told him about one of the ladies he had sent to our office becoming a believer.”
“All of those ladies are nice,” Maria mentioned. “I'm glad I’ve gotten to meet and have lunch with some of them.”
“Yes,” Ruth agreed, “so he courted this nice lady for several months and they both did everything correctly. They fell in love and she was glad to say ‘yes,’ when he proposed. They had a nice wedding and honeymoon and enjoy living in Jason’s house.
“How wonderful for both of them! Maria exclaimed.
Ruth continued, “Yes, and Jason agreed with her about working in my office until they would have a baby, so they could use some of that money for her to be able to stay home and take care of the baby, be treated like a queen, and treat him like a king.”
“Oh,” smiled Maria, “so now I know which one she is and I’m happy for her also. Thank you for telling me about them.”
“You’re welcome,” Ruth responded, “Friday was her last day here, and it’s a good thing, because on Sunday she had a baby boy, and they named him Barnabas. He was two weeks early.”
Maria stated, “I like that name. He was a very good man in the Bible and I pray the baby will grow up to be as good in his world.”
Roy, Sherry and the twins went to Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument and Great Sand Dunes National Park, both in Colorado, on the Fourth of July week. This year the twins were in third grade, so they were both prepared and hoping for a chance to use what they had learned in their church school classes about fossils.
The day they were at the fossil beds, they joined a group of people outside the visitor center who were talking about the displays they had seen inside.
When they were just about finished Joy asked, “May my sister and I sing a song for you?”
Someone answered smiling at the identical twins, “Yes, please do. We’d like to hear your song.”
So Joy and Hope sang “Billions of Dead Things,” by Buddy Davis. It tells about the world wide flood in Noah’s time and how it resulted in fossils being all over the earth. Then they took turns sharing the information they had memorized at school, just for such an occasion.
When they finished that part Hope asked, “Does anybody have a question?” Then they took turns answering the questions. If they didn’t know an answer, Roy or Sherry would answer it. Then they all took turns presenting the Good News to the group, and Roy inquired if any one would like to pray to accept Jesus and what he had done.
There were two families in the group, and one family stayed to pray. Sherry gave them a booklet and found out that they knew of a good church they could attend when they returned home.
After that they all went together on the self-guided Petrified Forest Loop trail. It was about one mile long, and started behind the visitor center. They saw the huge petrified tree stumps of redwood trees that used to grow there, but don’t any longer.
They ate lunch later in the picnic area and then took another short hike in the area. Afterward they drove to Eleven Mile State Park, where they watched some people sailboarding on the lake before going to their reserved campsite in the trees at Rocky Ridge Campground.
They walked around their area and invited the people they saw to a hymn singing meeting at their camp site after supper. Only a few people came, but they were believers already and enjoyed choosing songs and the time of fellowship.
The next day they drove to Buena Vista where they enjoyed the views of the Collegiate Peaks. Then they went south and turned west on Colorado Highway 162, and found the trailhead for Agnes Vaille Falls. They hiked to a viewpoint of the falls on an easy loop trail of about one mile.
There was a group of other hikers viewing the falls so Roy asked, “Who made all this beauty?”
The twins answered by singing the song about God making a beautiful world with all the right things in it.
Sherry continued by quoting Colossians 1:16a,17, By God’s Son all things were created, that are in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible, … and he is before all things, and by him all things exist or survive.
Then the twins sang “In Six Days,” which goes with Exodus 20:11a, For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them.
The people listening were smiling at how cute the twins were in their matching clothes and how well they sang. Roy asked the people if they had any questions. They did so he answered them and then invited them to accept Jesus as their Savior. Some of them just walked away, but several of them did accept Jesus.
After that hike, the Fosters continued driving to the Great Sand Dunes National Park and to their reserved site in Pinon Flats Campground. They obtained permission to use the amphitheater for their evening meeting since there was no scheduled ranger talk that evening.
There was just enough time for them to look around the park, eat supper, and invite the people in the campground to come to a time of singing at the amphitheater. Then they went there to get ready by putting a hymnal on every other seat, until they ran out of books.
Hope and Joy had chosen the songs for the meeting. They and Sherry helped the people who didn’t know how to use the hymnals. For this meeting they sang the following three songs.
“My Sins Are Blotted Out, I Know!” It goes well with Romans 5:8,9, But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. This song tells the joy of knowing our sins are forgiven.
“Whosoever Will” goes with John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The twins chose this song for its short message and bouncy tune and because they knew many people were familiar with John 3:16.
“Once for All!” goes with Hebrews 10:10, and Romans 8:1,2. The words in this song repeat the last part of Hebrews 10:10, which says, By God’s will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Romans 8:1,2 has nearly the same words as the first two verses of the song. There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
There was a good turnout and everyone had a hymnal to share. They did a good job of singing and listened well as Roy, Sherry, Hope, and Joy read the verses out of their Bibles. For the question and answer time, Roy and Sherry answered the adults and the twins took turns answering the children.
Nobody was ready to pray that evening, but each family was given a tract to read and they were all invited to the camp site for the next two nights so they could ask more questions. Each evening one or two families did come and sometimes the people in one of the families did accept Jesus.
During the daytime the Foster family went sightseeing and hiking and climbing on the sand, but decided not to do any real sliding. It looked rather dangerous and they didn’t want to rent the equipment and take a chance of getting hurt. So they just climbed up a little ways and then slid down on the seat of their jeans. It was enough fun for them to do it that way.
The family had decided when they had planned this trip to make it shorter so they’d have time at home to do some other things before going back to school and work. So right after lunch the next day they drove back to their home in Pine City.
Vern, Lora, and Mindy decided to take a long trip, clear to the Oregon coast to see some tidal pools. On the way there and back they would also see Silver Falls State Park and the waterfalls along the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and White River Falls State Park. All of these are in Oregon.
Since it was so far, they each were able to take off the Friday before the Fourth of July week.
Laughingly Mindy declared, “It’s easy for me to take off an extra Friday from my schooling. It will wait for me patiently on the web.”
Her dad and mom laughed with her, feeling very pleased.
After carefully planning their route, they made reservations in some of the state parks and other campgrounds along the gorge, so they’d have to follow a very rigid schedule. But they knew it would be worth it to see all those waterfalls they had heard so much about from other travelers. Besides there would be places along the way where they could have ministry times.
In order to make the best use of their time, they drove straight through from Pine City to Silver Falls State Park in Oregon, without stopping to camp overnight. Since all three of them could drive now, they took turns driving and sleeping. But they always had two people awake at the same time to drive or help keep the driver awake. The person sleeping used the dinette area with its seat belt attached for safety.
Before reaching the state park, they parked at a trailhead for two falls on the McKenzie River. Both falls were very special and the hike along the river between them was cool and very pleasant. There’s a lot of cold water in that river! Both falls had rainbows at the bottom of them and they were glad the pictures they took were great.
At Silver Falls State Park in Oregon they had reservations for two nights in the main campground so they could hike to about half of the falls one day and the others the next day. They got to walk behind Lower South Falls and Upper North Falls on the first day. They also saw South Falls, North Falls, and only a trickle at Winter Falls this late in the summer. Upper North Falls was extra special because there were fewer people there and it had a deep alcove where the trail went behind the falls.
For the next day they planned to park at a smaller parking lot near Winter Falls and hike to the other five falls, turn around and come back the same way so they could see them twice and not have the long loop trail on each side of where the falls were located. Since it hadn’t rained recently the trail wasn't wet and slick, so they had safer hikes. That day they were able to see the rest of the falls in that state park.
Vern stated, “They were all beautiful, just like our friends told us they would be!”
They had time for two campsite meetings in this park. There was a good turnout, and the same people returned the next evening and several of them were ready to pray for Jesus to save them. They were given little booklets and said they knew of good churches in their cities.
The next day the Jones family got an early start and drove through Salem and westward to the coast of the Pacific Ocean. There are many state parks along state highway 101, and they stopped at several before the end of the day.
Lora commented, “I’m glad we chose ones with good views of the coast and the ocean.”
“Yes,” Mindy agreed, “and two of them had tide pools where we saw starfish, some coral, three kinds of shell fish, crabs, sea urchins and anemones.”
Vern prayed, “Thank you, God, that the tide was out when we were there and that we were able to see some of your creation.”
They ate supper at a good viewpoint of the ocean and then took turns driving and sleeping to get from the beach through Portland and to the west end of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area by morning. They had plans to hike to, or see as many of the waterfalls by the road side and as much scenic beauty as they could. They had reserved sites in three campgrounds about equal distance apart from each other along the road through the gorge.
Since they didn’t arrive in them until after the sun went down, there was no time for meetings, but they used every opportunity they could to talk to people on the trail or while viewing the falls, if the roar wasn’t too loud. So they were able to plant many seeds and several people were glad to get the tract offered to them.
With their good planning and God’s help and their good endurance, they saw many waterfalls. All three of them enjoyed each waterfall with its unique looks, sound, size, and shape, and with varied ease or difficulty to reach it. One day they even took a side trip to see Mount Hood and hiked to a couple waterfalls near it.
When they got home and were telling their friends about all of the waterfalls and other things they got to see on that trip, they would either show them their pictures on their computer monitor or encourage their friends to look up the areas on the web and see the things there.
The last falls they saw on this trip was at White River Falls State Park, which is a day use park near the east end of the gorge. It’s a very photogenic waterfall, and they spent enough time there to enjoy it’s beauty. The Jones family didn’t arrive at the time of its full spring flow but it was spectacular even with the mid summer amount.
If you stand in the right place, you can take a picture with the upper part of the falls divided into five or more single falls. Then there’s a short combined falls that goes into a small pool before going over the main falls, which can be one roaring leap if the water is high in the spring. Or it can divide into two or more segments if there’s less water, like in the late summer. That water goes into another larger pool before it cascades over a wide section of rocks and then makes its way on down the valley.
After enjoying that last waterfall, they started the long trip back home to Pine City. They drove straight through again and made it home by Saturday evening, unloaded only what they needed for the night and had a good long sleep in their own beds. On Sunday they went to a service at the church, and then unpacked and cleaned the RV. They skipped their horseback ride that day so they could rest and write about their trip in their journals.
It had been a long, intense trip, but they were very glad they had taken it, even though it did make them very tired. Therefore they agreed they wouldn’t ever do it again, because it was really too far to go in just one week even though they had added an extra day.
At Mercy Valley Farm some women were talking as they packed vegetables to send to some stores in Pine City.
One woman mentioned, “Yesterday my husband and I looked up the hymn, ‘How Great Thou Art’ on the web.
“Good idea,” agreed a second woman, “The web is a good place to look and find songs by different performers.
“It is indeed,” replied the first woman. “We were singing along with the performers.”
A third woman stated, “That’s kind of what we do at church with the music prepared by the group that provides the music for the services and small groups.”
“Right” agreed the first one, “But this time we sang with them three or four times, rejoicing each time we sang.”
That woman nodded and the first one continued, “Anyway, later my husband went outside for some reason after we finished singing, and he looked up in the sky and hurried back into the house. He yelled, ‘Honey, come out here and see this!’ So I went outside with him.”
The second woman commented, “He must have been very excited about something.”
The first one went on, “He was, and I’ll tell you why! When I got out there he told me to look up at the sky. We saw a multitude of angelic beings rejoicing! It was awesome! I think they were rejoicing with us because we rejoiced each time we sang the song.”
The third woman exclaimed, “What a wonderful memory for you and your husband to share!”
“Yes, it’s so amazing!” said a fourth woman. “It reminds me of the cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12:1,2a. Therefore seeing we are surrounded with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”
Since some of the young people on the farm and ranch were seniors this year in high school, William and Karen made up separate activities for their older Bible Study Groups to help them choose the kind of person they’d want to court or be courted by. These groups were smaller and limited to only that age group.
Karen used Fiona’s list, which the girls had been given by their moms when they turned seventeen, and William used one he had developed. The first meeting began by William or Karen saying, “I asked you to come to this special meeting because you’re old enough now to think seriously about whether you wish to stay single or get married.”
One of them asked, “Doesn’t everyone want to get married?”
“No,” was the answer, “sometimes God leads a person to stay single so he or she can serve God better, or some people just decide they’d rather live alone or with a roommate like you’ve been doing in your families here.”
“Oh, that explains it to me very well. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, and so you can see that either way can be a good way to live and serve God. If you know for sure that God has called you to be single or that you desire to stay single for your own good reasons, then you don't need to continue to attend these special meetings and you may be excused right now.”
One or two might leave at this point.
“Now, I have a list of qualities and tests you would want to have your prospective spouse pass before you would even consider marrying that person.”
The lists were handed out and time was given for them to read through them. Then they had a chance to ask questions, make comments and decide if they needed additional meetings.
Riley and Amelia were talking one Sunday and Riley commented, “I think it’s very important to make time to go special places together and continue making happy memories. So let’s use this special time of talking today to plan for doing that. Since you and I didn’t do the usual fun things other people do on dates when they’re courting, I think we should make time each week to do some of them.”
“What a good idea, Honey!” Amelia exclaimed. “Do you have some activities in mind?”
“Yes,” he answered, “but, I think we should each make a list of things we’d like to do, and then share them with each other.”
She agreed, “OK, I’ll go get paper and pens for us to use.”
When she returned he explained further, “This can be like brainstorming. Put everything you can think of that you might enjoy, and I will also. Then we can compare and compile them into one list, but it will only include those activities we both think would be fun. If one of us doesn’t like an activity, it won’t go on the list.”
“I think I understand,” responded Amelia. “This way neither of us would have to do something we’d rather not do.”
Riley nodded, “You’re exactly right. I have a very intelligent and agreeable wife and I love you so very much!”
Amelia stated, “I have those same feelings about you, my dear husband.”
After they wrote all their ideas, they exchanged papers and put yes or no by each one, then Riley typed all the yes ideas into a word processor making just one list and printed it out. Then they chose one from the list each week being sure it would also go with the weather they were having that week. They enjoyed these times and decided that doing fun things together enriched their marriage.
Julie had finished teaching the formation of each cursive letter, both capital and small. Now they all knew how to make the individual letters. So she taught the students how to connect them.
She stressed, “This is actually the hardest part of learning to write in cursive, because you have to remember to keep each letter looking nice just before you connect it to the next letter in the word, and then make the next letter look just as nice as you did when you were writing it by itself.”
When called on, Hope asked, “May we write our spelling words in cursive now?”
“Not yet, Hope,” Julie replied, “since it takes so much concentration to connect the letters, the word might get spelled wrong even though you know how to spell it.”
For several weeks, they practiced writing short words, longer words, and short sentences. Then she had them try writing the whole alphabet with the letters all connected. Later she allowed them to study their spelling words by printing the word first and then under it writing it in cursive. When they got good at doing it this way she let them take the spelling test the same way. Of course it took longer, but it was very good practice.
Timmy commented when he was called on, “Mrs. Blake, I can see what you meant about spelling. It’s a good idea to print the word first and then write it in cursive below the printing. This way I don’t forget how to spell the word while I’m trying to make the cursive letters correctly and connect them.”
“Thank you, Timmy,” Julie said, “I'm glad you understood this.”
Later in the year, Max shared with Kippy, “I really like writing notes to thank others in cursive handwriting, because it looks so nice.”
Kippy responded, “Good for you! It was worth all your hard work and practice for the first part of this year. All of you have learned so much already this year.”
For their RV ministry trip during the week of Labor Day, the Fosters and Jones traveled together through Rocky Mountain National Park without taking time for camping. They drove on Trail Ridge Road, where they did take time to stop for stretching, views, and photos. Then they went on to Dinosaur National Monument on Highway 40 into Utah and turned north on Highway 149. They stopped at the Quarry Visitor Center and Exhibit Hall, where they learned many things about the quarry and monument.
Reservations had been made for both of them at the Green River Campground. On this trip to Dinosaur National Monument, they saw the same river they had seen so many miles southwest of them at Canyonlands National Park. It was the Green River and it was a little smaller here. This time, they got to camp right next to it in the shade of some cottonwood trees. They enjoyed and took many photos of it and Split Mountain, which is north of the campground.
It has an amphitheater where they held their ministry meeting that evening.
The first song they sang was “Have You Any Room For Jesus?” which goes well with 2 Corinthians 5:21, God made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for us so that we could be made the righteousness of God in Jesus.
Then they sang “Why Do You Wait?” The following verses go well with this song. Acts 4:12, There is not salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved. 2 Corinthians 6:2b, Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
Roy and Vern took turns talking about how important it is to not wait, because nobody knows how long they’ll get to live. Then they answered all the questions the people had, invited all of them to ask Jesus to be their Savior, and led them in a prayer like the pastors did at church.
The ones who’d prayed the prayer received a booklet per family. Sherry and Lora went to the exit area and handed out tracts to those who didn’t pray it so they could read some more information and think about it some more.
The next day, the two families visited the Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum in Vernal, Utah and spent the whole day there since the fees to get in were rather high. But they saw and learned so much that they decided it was well worth the money.
Both families went different directions and had chances to tell others their beliefs about the Great flood and therefore the age of the dinosaurs.
For example, a man asked, “Does that mean what I think it means?”
Vern responded, “What do you think it means?”
The man hesitantly stated, “It would mean that all the signs here about the millions of years would be incorrect, and the dinosaurs all lived at the same time instead of during different Epochs millions of years apart.”
“Exactly,” agreed Vern, “and they all died during the flood along with all the other animals and people of that time.”
“Then,” asked the man, “do you believe they’re correct about evolution?”
Vern answered frankly, “No I don’t, because each living thing is so intricate and amazingly made that there’s no way all of them ever could have gotten here by tiny changes over millions of years. They would have become extinct the first day or so. Instead we see that the Creator made each of them fully developed in pairs so they could reproduce and continue the species.”
“But,” argued the man, “the dinosaurs are extinct.”
Vern explained, “Well, the Bible has an answer to that idea also. Genesis chapters 5-11 documents that during the time before the flood, people and animals had much longer lifetimes, some of them over 900 years, but after the flood, they were much shorter.”
“What difference does that make?” asked the man.
“It’s a scientific fact that reptiles keep growing all their lives. How big could some of the lizards we have around today get in 900 years or so? Some of those lizards look a lot like dinosaurs only much smaller.”
This opened up the way to explain about the Creator and his plan of salvation for all people. Some of the people accepted Jesus. Some others took the offered booklet promising to read it.
When the Fosters got to one exhibit showing how the fossils were buried in rock layers, the twins quietly sang, “Billions of Dead Things” and a crowd gathered to listen, then they took turns telling what they had learned at their school in third grade about how fossils are formed and how it points to a world wide flood.
Then like they had done at Florissant Fossil Bed National Monument, the twins asked if there were any questions. After all the questions had been answered the family shared the Good News. When Roy asked if anyone would like to accept Jesus, several people nodded, so he led them in prayer and gave them booklets.
For the next part of their trip, the families went to Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, where there are many Forest Service campgrounds. Both families were thankful for a beautiful blue-sky day. They stopped at the ranger station and got some good information, two books, and a better map and some brochures. Then they drove around Sheep Creek Geologic Area on a very old “paved” road, being extra careful of their RV’s.
Lora exclaimed, “The scenery was superb in that area! I’m glad the road was still good enough for us to use.”
Then they went on Highway 44 to Red Canyon Overlook and the Visitor Center for good views of that part of Flaming Gorge. After eating lunch in that area they drove on to the dam and its visitor center where they took more pictures.
They stopped at an old time museum in the area called Swett Historic Ranch. It was a modest pioneer ranch that operated from 1909 to 1968 and did a good job with mostly old methods.
“I took lots of pictures,” Mindy declared.
“I’m glad,” said Vern. “The booklet we got about the ranch is very interesting.”
Lora commented, “This ranch has a lovely setting. I liked all the corrals and wooden gates, and the quilts on the beds were still very pretty even though they were old.”
“But,” Mindy tacked on, “I can’t imagine living the way they did! I very much prefer the way we live.” The others nodded emphatically.
Then they started the drive up the west side of the gorge. The red rocks stop before the Wyoming border and the rest of the gorge is not “flaming”. They camped at Buckboard Crossing Marina area in a forest service campground.
They returned home via Colorado Highway 14 instead of going back over Trail Ridge Road in order to see another part of Colorado. They stopped and hiked partway up the Big South Trail beside the South Fork of the Cache La Poudre River.
Sherry mentioned, “I like the way this trail follows so close to the stream, so we get to see it and listen to its sound as we go.”
“Yes,” agreed Hope, “and there are so many green trees along the way, and they’ll stay green all year.”
Joy continued, “Right, I think evergreen trees are very special. I’ll bet there were some pretty wildflowers here during the spring and summer.”
“I think you’re right,” Lora concurred, “but it’s pretty here even without them. The mushrooms are interesting, and there are some pretty berries getting ripe on some of the bushes.”
Mindy added, “Indeed, and we’re smart enough to know that most of the mushrooms and berries aren't the kind people can eat without getting sick.”
“Since I don’t like to eat mushrooms, I’ll just enjoy looking at the ones here,” stated Vern.
Roy remarked, “Same here, and I noticed that this trail itself has been very interesting also. It has had nice smooth places where you don’t have to watch your step, and other places are very rocky or have roots coming up past the surface and we have to pay better attention.”
Sherry concluded, “Absolutely, and parts are level, parts are steep, others are wide while most are narrow. There have even been some that are very slanted. I’m glad we’re all good hikers!”
Shortly after Labor Day, Yoshi and Sakura received another email from Kosuke. They had been writing back and forth every week telling each other how they were doing and asking how he was. He had been thrilled about their new baby boy and being an uncle.
This time he wrote, “I get to come home on leave about the middle of September. I’d like you to plan a time when our whole extended family, including Tomo’s family and Afta’s family can all get together so I can tell everyone my news at the same time. I can hardly wait! It’ll be SO good to see all of my family again.”
Of course they wrote right back to him expressing their excitement and joy also. Then Sakura danced across the room singing, “My brother’s coming home on leave, hurrah, hurrah!”
Yoshi joined her and then commented, “I wonder what his news will be.”
“So do I!” she exclaimed. “But it’s a good thing he didn’t tell us in the email, because I would NOT be able to keep it a secret, whatever it might be.”
Yoshi tried guessing, “I wonder if maybe he will come home with a wife to introduce to all of us at the same time.”
“Maybe,” contemplated Sakura, “but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Time will tell.”
“I agree,” and then Yoshi suggested, “Let’s have a big party for him in the garden area of the restaurant!”
“Perfect!” Sakura continued, “it can start half an hour before closing time with yummy finger foods and visiting, and then when the restaurant closes Kosuke can share his news with everyone without being interrupted by other people in the restaurant.”
Yoshi declared, “Super idea, Honey!”
They made so much noise, it woke up the baby, but they didn’t care. He had already had a good nap.
The following is a Bible study about the LORD and his goodness, which is like the ones used in new believers small groups. Since there were so many people accepting Jesus in Pine City there were always new believers small groups to help them learn how to live their new lives.
The facilitator began by saying, “When you understand who God is and who you are in Jesus, your life can take on new meaning. So in our teaching time today I’m going to hand out some scripture references for some of you to look up and be ready to read and comment on if you have a comment. If you’d rather not read out loud just shake your head when I come to your place.”
He handed out slips of paper with references on them, and let the people have time to find and practice the verses.
Then he instructed, “Put the piece of paper in the place where your verse is in the Bible and listen to the other verses that will be read.”
He put up a poster he had made explaining the name, LORD. The sign said, “Who God is: Exodus 3:14,15, God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM. And he said, this you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you. And God also said to Moses, tell them the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever and this my memorial to all generations.”
Then he explained, “The people in the old testament wouldn’t say the one name of God that meant I AM, because they felt it was too sacred. In writings they would use only the letters YHWH, but not pronounce it. Most translations use the word LORD to mean that name, and you’ll see it many times in the old testament. Listen for the name, LORD, in the following old testament scriptures.”
Next he had the people read their scriptures and they talked about each one as it was read.
“Isaiah 43:10 says, You are my witnesses, says the LORD, … that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD, and beside me there is no Savior. This verse makes it very plain that he is the only god who can use the title LORD.”
A member of the group suggested, “This might be a good verse to memorize or have marked in my Bible to show to some of my former friends who believe there are other gods as good as the one spoken about in the churches.”
The next reader said, “I agree. Isaiah 44:6 says, Thus says the LORD the King of Israel, the redeemer, the LORD of hosts, I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no God. This is
another good verse to prove there is only one God.”
The people in the group nodded their agreement and the next reader continued, “Psalm 145:8-11 is pretty long, The LORD is gracious and full of compassion: slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works. All your works shall praise you, O LORD, and your saints shall bless you. They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and talk of your power. These verses tell many of God’s good attributes.”
Another member remarked, “I really like those verses, because I was always taught God was mean and to be feared. I’ll use them to replace those wrong teachings.”
The next person exclaimed, “What a good idea! Psalm 103:8-12 is another long one and also has many things we can praise and thank God for, because it says, The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always reprimand, neither will he keep his anger forever. He has not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
A member declared, “Wow! Those are good verses! I can use those to counteract the feelings of guilt that plague me at times. Plus, I like Lamentations 3:22,23 a lot. It is because of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is his faithfulness. This verse is a great promise for us to claim.”
The facilitator agreed, “It definitely is. In fact my wife and I have those verses done in calligraphy and I put it in one of those plastic protective covers and mounted it beside our bathroom mirror.”
A different member observed, “It sounds like it would be a good idea to read and think about all these verses often.”
The facilitator nodded emphatically and then said, “Our last verses for today are Hebrews 1:1-3, In various ways and different manners, God spoke in the past to the people of Israel. Then he spoke to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things and by whom also he made the worlds. His son is the brightness of God’s glory, and the express image of his person. He upholds all things by the word of his power. When he had by himself cleansed our sins, he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high…
“To me these verses are saying that the LORD spoke in many ways in the Old Testament then, and finally in the New Testament by his Son, Jesus, who is equal with him. Jesus made the way to bring
us back to God, and because he sits at God’s right hand, he intercedes for us there as it says in the last part of Romans 8:34.
“I prepared a printed page with all these verses you and I read today on it. You can take it home and use it regularly as part of your devotions or Bible study times to remind you who God is and praise him for all he has done for you.”
When Kosuke’s parents accompanied by Sakura and Yoshi and their little son picked Kosuke up at the airport, he was alone. So they knew his news was not a wife.
The party for Kosuke was a big success. The families enjoyed getting together to celebrate most anything. Ami’s Japanese Restaurant was a perfect place for a party, especially in the garden area.
After everyone had enjoyed the finger foods and settled down enough to listen, Kosuke stood up and said, “Thank you all for this wonderful party. I certainly didn’t expect a party.”
His dad responded, “We’re all so glad to see you again, we needed a party!” Everybody cheered.
Sakura couldn't wait any longer, “So what are your news, dear brother? I just can’t wait patiently any more to find out, now that you’re here.”
Kosuke smiled at his excited sister and shared, “I'll tell all of you my news, and then try to explain how it all happened. My news is that I’m not just on leave here for a couple weeks, although I do get to have a couple weeks off duty. But after that I get to stay in Pine City, being stationed at the nearest army post so I can work with our church's school of evangelism and train chaplains for all branches of the United States armed services.”
The small crowd burst into applause, cheers and praise to God after hearing such sensational news! Then they asked all sorts of questions.
So he answered them, “God gave me these ideas in a series of dreams. I could train others to do the things I did in Japan and thus increase the effectiveness by many times more than just one person doing it alone in one place.
“I wrote up a curriculum for training chaplains and corresponded with the pastor of Church #1 and the evangelism school. I sent them the curriculum as an attachment to an email, and after studying it they all approved it.
“So I continued my job as chaplain there in Japan, getting very good reviews from my superiors. After one and a half years of service, I submitted my plan to train chaplains in just two years instead of four in a university, and far more economically.
“Since the church pastors and teachers of the church school of evangelism don't get paid for their work but instead, have other jobs to support themselves, the expenses and time to be trained while attending the school are much less than they are at a university.
“The money the students have to pay is just for their books and the use of the building. Their room and board will be at the army post, because they’ll be enlisted men who desire to be chaplains. The pastor told me the students who attend the school are all dedicated and do a good job learning.
“I get to train these students and keep records of how they do and where they’re placed after graduation, corresponding with them and their superiors by email after their placement, so the army will know how the plan is working. If it continues to go well, I’ll get to keep my job and it will all be part of my enlistment in active duty.
“It took another half of a year to get my plan approved and during that time I trained a man who’d already had some other training in evangelism to take my place in Japan. Then I finally got to come home. Here I am, and I couldn't be happier!” Kosuke concluded.
“We’re happy too!” exclaimed his mom, “happy for you and for us as well. It’s so good to see you and even better to know you get to stay in Pine City! Japan is such a long distance away!”
Sakura had the biggest smile and was nodding knowingly since she finally understood one of his earlier emails, which had been a puzzle to her.
Later on at the party he noted, “I was in Japan for about two years, and I gladly and faithfully served my Lord and Master, Jesus. Now HE has worked it out so I can be home with my family again and still serve him, but in an even more effective way. I’m very grateful.”
More cheers and a collective praise and prayer time followed, and then the party wound down and they all went home.
Ben tried to think of a name for his construction company. He brainstormed for a while. He thought of some that might go with his yellow pickup, like: Sunshine Construction Company or Big Yellow Construction Company or Yellow Truck Construction Company.
But then he realized he wouldn’t always have this yellow truck, and he might not want to buy another yellow truck. Maybe it would be better to just use his name like Walt Evans did with his company. So he tried The Ben Clay Construction Company.
But then he decided he’d like to honor God in the name in some way, so he wrote some other ideas: Clay’s Company Building for God, Serving God by Building, or The Master’s Construction Company, Building As Service to Jesus, Clay’s Builders Serve God, Ben Clay’s Builders for Jesus, The Master’s Builders.
When he told his parents about his ideas they considered each one and agreed that the last one really was the best idea. So he had business cards made up with that name, his phone number, and the fish symbol to emphasize that it was a Christian company.
“Mom and Dad,” he stated, “I feel like I’m getting closer to being on my own as a company, but I have to admit that it’s rather scary.”
Ernest nodded, “I think I can imagine a little how you feel. We felt that way when we started our store. But knowing you as well as I do, I think you’ll do just fine. Just keep working toward your goal slowly and don’t push yourself.”
“Right,” agreed Connie, “and remember we’re always here to listen and we can pray together any time you desire!”
Ben responded, “Thank you both for your encouragement. I’m really glad I’m still living at home so I can talk to you.”
“We’re still glad to have you here,” Ernest reminded him. “Remember we want you to live here for as long as you desire.”
Connie agreed and then suggested, “here is a good verse you could memorize about guidance and instruction. It’s the LORD speaking in Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with my eye.”
“Thanks, Mom,” said Ben, “I’ll go right now and copy that verse on one of my index cards and start learning it.”
William and Karen taught a special lesson for the classes with older boys or girls. William began, “This year you boys are all juniors or seniors in high school. I would imagine most of you have begun to think about what career you’d be able to do. So I chose some verses that might help you. I’ll give each of you a different one to look up, practice, and think of a comment.”
He handed them out and gave them the time they needed and they took turns with the following verses.
Gary was first, “Colossians 3:22, Servants, obey your masters in all things, not just to please them, but to please God. The word, ‘servants’ here could be used to mean employees. Our motive should be to be pleasing to God and I think that would also result in pleasing the employer.”
“I agree,” said a boy. “I'll read Colossians 3:23, which comes right after the verse Gary read. Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, not as to men. I think this would mean for workers to do their best for the Lord. And like Gary said, it would also please the employer.”
Carlos mentioned, “We studied this verse in Jesus Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. This verse tells us to have the right priorities.”
Another boy read, “1 Peter 2:18, Servants, because you reverence God, be subject to your masters, not only to the good and gentle but also to the headstrong. This verse gives us the reason to submit to the boss.”
Evan stated, “1 Thessalonians 4:11,12 tells us how and why to do our work. Study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your own hands, so that you may walk honestly toward them who are outsiders, and so you may not lack anything.”
A different boy said, “Proverbs 22:29 tells the result of being a hard worker. Do you see a man who is diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings…”
William inserted, “These next verses are about God’s guidance.”
One boy declared, “I memorized these verses!” So he quoted, Proverbs 3:5,6, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. These verses are good for lots of things.”
Sam declared, “Isaiah 30:21a is a very precious promise! Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘this is the way, walk in it…’ When we ask for God’s guidance, he will make it very clear.”
“Indeed he will,” and then William concluded, “James 1:5, is another wonderful promise. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and does not reproach, and it shall be given to him. We need to ask for God’s help and then listen to, and follow his guidance. Thank you all for your good reading and comments today. Now just remember to trust in the Lord to guide you.
Kosuke went right away to see his sister, Sakura, and Yoshi, his brother-in-law, and his new nephew.
“I feel so good,” he shared, “now that I’m back home with all my family. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss everyone. Now I can empathize with missionaries who go overseas.”
“Yeah,” agreed Yoshi, “it must be very hard on them, especially at first before they make some friends and get busy.”
Sakura mentioned, “Your emails always sounded so cheery that I didn’t even know how you were missing your family.”
‘Well,” Kosuke went on, “I didn’t want to complain and make people here feel sorry for me. Jesus helped me a lot with that problem and it did get much better after a made some friends there and got busy doing what I had been trained to do.”
Yoshi asked, “What are you going to do during your leave time?”
He answered, “I decided I'd only take one week right now to get over jet lag and visit enough with my family to fill up my empty places. And now I have some questions for the two of you. First, do you think I stand any chance of being able to court Aneko again?”
Sakura smiled in understanding, “I thought you’d be wondering about that, but I really don’t have an answer for you. She has never said anything that would give me a clue.”
Yoshi continued, “From all outward appearances, Aneko accepted your decision to join the Army and leave Pine City to serve Jesus. As she told you and me, she had guarded her heart since you had told her of the possibility at the beginning of your courtship.”
“I remember,” Kosuke responded, “She took it very well when I told her. I think it was harder for me, because I had NOT guarded my heart enough. And I’ve never stopped loving her. So I plan to talk to her sometime soon and ask if she would be willing to let me court her again. If she says yes, is there any possibility that the two of you could find a grandparent to take care of my nephew while you join us on ‘double dates’ again so she and I can stay accountable?”
“By all means!” Sakura exclaimed. “I’d like to repay the two of you for sticking with us even though you knew before hand it might not work for you.”
Yoshi added, “I agree completely! Besides it will give the two of us a good excuse to go have some fun together.”
“Thank you both so much!” Kosuke declared. “I decided to save my other week of leave in case she might say we can try again, and if she says ‘Yes’ to The Question when I ask it, I can use that week for our honeymoon.”
“Good thinking, my dear brother,” stated Sakura, “and we’ll be praying for you.”
Kosuke replied, “More thanks for your prayers. Please don't tell anyone else until I find out her first answer. I wouldn’t want to make it awkward for her and the family if she says no.”
They understood and promised, “We’ll keep quiet.”
This year, Denji was in a ministry group with two other single men. One day he told the other two on his team about the accident he had been in, his injuries and blindness, and then how Jesus had healed him when his uncle and aunt had prayed for him.
He continued, “I heard a song that I think might be good to use during a ministry time to get the attention of people in a park or in the shopping mall. It’s about a blind man that Jesus touched and healed. I’ve listened as we sing in small group and I think we could make a good trio. Then when some people stop to listen to us I could give my testimony and we could all witness to them.”
One of them responded, “I like your idea. We can even record the accompaniment on one of our cell phones and play it as we sing.”
The other one agreed also, so they got together and practiced the song called “Somebody Touched Me.” After they felt they were good enough, they tried it out, and it was very successful.
Denji would say at the end of the song, “Jesus still does the same thing today! I know, because he did it for me!”
Then he would tell them his story including the part about his uncle and aunt telling him the Good News and he and his parents accepting Jesus right then. Usually one or more of the listeners would stay and hear the gospel and get their questions answered. Most of those would realize they needed Jesus also and pray for Jesus to forgive and save them.
Then they’d be given a little booklet apiece and be invited to come to church with the three men.
Kosuke was able to talk to Aneko alone at one of the tables in the tea room the next morning while the foster girl was with Tomo and Ami in another part of the tea room.
He began, “Thank you, Aneko, for meeting me here this morning.”
“You’re very welcome,” she replied, feeling rather awkward. “I’m glad you were able to be stationed so near to Pine City.”
“So am I,” he stated, “it’s wonderful to be back here. I had asked Yoshi and Sakura to keep me up to date with all the happenings for every person in our families so I wouldn’t feel like they were strangers if and when I got to come back, so they told me a lot about you, but I don’t know if they included everything.”
“Well,” she hedged, “tell me what they’ve told you, and then I’ll fill you in on the rest.”
He nodded and said, “OK.” Then he did tell her everything from the time he had left two years ago, including all the details of her life, because he had memorized and reviewed it often.”
Aneko was impressed and astonished. “I’m amazed! They told me you wanted details about everyone, but I’m surprised you remembered all these things about me. And, you didn’t leave out anything.”
Kosuke put his hand up and requested, “Let me explain, please. It’s true that I did want details about everyone so they wouldn’t seem like strangers to me, but I don’t remember all the details about everyone else. But I never stopped loving you, Aneko, and I asked God to work things out so I could return home and see if we could possibly have another chance. So in preparation for a yes answer from God, I reviewed the details about you often, so I could be ready and up to date.”
“Wow!” was all Aneko could say right then.
Kosuke got brave and asked, “Aneko, is there any chance I could court you again and we could see if your love could grow without you having to guard your heart like you had to the other time?”
“Yes, Kosuke,” she was finally able to speak, “this is a good idea. When you were here before, I wouldn’t let myself love you and accepted God’s will for you to go and probably not come back. Then I decided he wanted me to stay single. But maybe it was just for while you needed to be gone.
“Thank you, Aneko,” he responded with relief and joy. Then he suggested, “Let’s pray.”
She nodded and Kosuke began, “Father in heaven, thank you that I can be home to stay now, and that Aneko will give me another chance.”
“Yes, Father,” she continued, “and please show us your will for our lives. Keep us accountable and help us to not be ruled by our emotions.”
Kosuke concluded, “We pray in Jesus precious name, and thank you in advance.” Then he added, “Yoshi and Sakura will go with us and one or more of the grandparents will babysit. They’ll be glad to do this for us because of what we did for them, and it will give them a chance to go have some fun together besides.”
Aneko shared, “I really am impressed, Kosuke. You have planned everything out so well.” She laughed and asked, “So, where are we going on our first double date?”
He was even ready with an answer for that question right away. “I'd really like to go to the botanical garden like we did the other first double date. Would you be able to go tomorrow morning at 9 AM?”
“Yes,” she answered smiling, “I’ll look forward to it.”
“Great,” he smiled back, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” He left the tea room feeling like he could fly! Then he hurried over to his sister’s house so they could make arrangements to join the double date.
Felix, Sunny, and their boys were talking about one of their favorite family activities.
Sunny mentioned, “This looks like a perfect evening for a game of croquet on the lawn.”
“Without a doubt!” Felix declared. “And since we now have two sets, we can all play at once so some of us don’t have to wait until the next game to play. Plus we can make the course longer so we stay out of everybody’s way better.
“Right,” continued Jose, “and since we changed the rules, we only have to wait until the next loop is not being used by someone else and can progress through the course like they do with golf.”
Hugo remarked, “Yep, I like it better this way because we all win by just going through all the loops, hitting all the stakes, and making it to the end. We only compete with ourselves and try to do better in each game.
“The rule change I like best,” added Luis, “is to go out right after supper and do our chores and homework afterward.”
“It’s like eating dessert first,” declared Pedro, “this way we don’t miss out on the fun because it gets too dark out while we finish our chores.”
They all laughed together as each one put leftovers or salad dressing in the refrigerator or put their dishes in the sink where they could soak until they came back inside from playing. They all had a wonderful time as usual.
Yoshi and Sakura went with Kosuke and Aneko to the botanical garden the next morning. All of them totally enjoyed the flowers. But Kosuke and Aneko had to admit they felt awkward with each other. They hoped that feeling would go away soon.
Aneko mentioned, “We’re both 27 years old now, but I really don’t feel any older.”
“Same here,” he remarked, “I guess we’re at a time in our lives when we don’t really change much.”
“I think you’re right,” then Aneko remarked, “The fall flowers are a lot different than the spring ones we saw on our first date, but they’re every bit as beautiful.”
“Definitely,” Kosuke replied, “and this is a very nice garden. It’s a place I could enjoy coming back to often.”
“Same here,” agreed Aneko, “this was a perfect choice for our second first date.”
They both laughed because it sounded strange to both of them. But it did help to break the ice and then they were able to converse more easily as they sauntered through the rest of the garden to view the flowers and while they sat on a bench to rest.
Aneko remarked, “I really like the flowers right here. They’re called cyclamen and their pretty pink and white flowers look a little like butterflies with their wings closed. Even their heart-shaped dark green leaves add to their beauty.”
“I like those also,” said Kosuke, “and the ones over there on that tree really look like their name, the fried egg flower.”
“They sure do,” and then Aneko shared, “I’d like to learn the names of all these flowers sometime.”
Kosuke suggested, “How would it be to come here again with our cameras and take pictures of each kind of flower including its name. Then this winter we can enjoy looking at them again and learn their names.”
“Great idea!” Aneko exclaimed. “Since we both have digital cameras, we can download the pictures on our computers and call each other on cold snowy days and enjoy the garden again without having to go out in the cold.”
Sakura and Yoshi were glad to go with them again the next Saturday and take the same kind of pictures with their camera so they could enjoy the garden also in the coming winter.
After school Pam stopped by the office to chat with the principal. “Beth, I just wanted to ask you how you’re doing.”
“I’m doing very well,” she replied. “Thank you for asking. How are you doing?”
Pam responded, “I’m also doing very well, but I can’t figure out how the time can go so fast. This school year is already way more than half over!”
“Right,” agreed Beth, “I was also just thinking about how fast this school year is going.”
Pam remarked, “I’ve heard that time seems to go faster as we get older, but I don’t feel like I’m getting older.”
“I don’t either,” Beth stated, “maybe it’s because we’ve been busier the last few years because of trying to do one or more of the ideas on the list we got from church.”
Pam declared, “I’ll bet that’s it! There are so many good ideas and I do think it’s good for us to be busy.”
Then they talked for a while about the ideas they had tried and how they had worked for them.
Then Pam rose to leave, “Thanks for taking time to visit. Now I’ll let you get back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You’re welcome,” said Beth, “I enjoyed it also. Have a good evening.”
On the church playground one afternoon, the twins, quadruplets, Max, Timmy, and Mary were resting after a rousing game of tag. This group liked to play together at least once a week at recess and be sure to have time to talk also. The other times they played with other friends or made some new friends, since there were so many children in the second and third grades at the church school.
Timmy mentioned, “I like the song we learned in second grade last year and continue to sing in third grade. It’s called, ‘The Wise May Bring Their Learning,’ and it goes with Mark 12:30. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart … soul … mind … and strength.”
“Yes,” agreed Rose, “the song states that even if we don’t have money and lots of learning we can still give our love to the Lord, the King, as a gift.”
“Also,” added Mary, “the song talks about doing our best at home, school, and when we play. These are good gifts to give him.”
“Plus,” Joy went on, “we can be thankful and praise him. There’s another Bible verse somewhere that talks about a sacrifice of praise.”
“Right,” Max tacked on, “it’s in Hebrews 13:15 and I just memorized it last week, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, which means the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”
“Good job, Max,” said Hope and then she mentioned, “that’s another good verse to go with this song.”
Iris remarked, “Exactly, and another song I like is ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful.’ It goes with Genesis 1:31a. God saw everything he had made, and, behold, it was very good. The song talks about things God made like the flowers, birds, colors, mountains, rivers, sunsets, winter, summer, and fruit, and God made us with eyes to see them.”
Violet commented, “Those two songs are in the hymnals we keep in our desks. So are two others we have all known for a long time. They are ‘Jesus Loves Me,” which goes with part of Ephesians 5:2, Jesus loved us and gave himself for us… and ‘Jesus Loves the Little Children,’ and it goes with Matthew 19:14, Let the little children come to me and do not stop them…”
“Also,” finished Lily, “the next two songs in the hymnal are good ones for us to sing in class. ‘Commit Thy Way’ goes with Psalm 37:5 and it helped me memorize it. Commit thy way unto the LORD, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass. Then ‘Reach Your Hand,’ goes with 1 Peter 1:22b, love each other with a pure heart. The song ends with a prayer for God to use us to be a witness to the world, just like we’re learning how to do in third grade!”
Aneko was alone in her room thinking, “Can I trust Kosuke to not go away again, or move and take me with him? I don’t want to move away from Pine City for several reasons. It’s my home now and the place where Jesus saved me. I like living here with my parents and I enjoy my job in the restaurant. Plus I don’t really want to give up my ministry to homeless senior girls, even if it is only one at a time.
“I had guarded my heart so well while he was courting me the first time, that I kept love away. Would I be able to love him enough? I’m used to being single now and I have no idea if I will like being married. And I don’t want to have a baby!
“On the other hand, there might be a lot of joy and fulfillment in being married. I’ll never have a better chance to find out. And I’ll never meet another man as good as Kosuke is.”
Aneko went around and around in circles with her thinking until she told herself to stop thinking and pray instead. So she got down on her knees by her bed and poured out all her frustration to Jesus and asked him to guide her so she would NOT make any big mistakes.
She finished, “Please do only your will in my life. Open my heart so I can love him if it is your will. Take away the worry and questions and guide me step by step. Help me to know and do only your will in every area of this relationship. I pray in Jesus precious name. Amen.”
When she rose from her knees, she was at peace and felt ready to go ahead with the courtship.”
Cory and his family were having family devotions. His dad, Greg, suggested, “Let’s put our chairs from the dining room table in a circle and sit in order of our ages.” Then Greg gave each one a paper and pencil.
When they had done that much, his mom, Oralie, continued, “Now each of us will think of a scripture we’ve memorized that has helped us in some way. It can be just one or more than one verse. Say it silently to yourself right now with the reference fore and aft.”
After giving them time, Dad went on, “OK, now write just the reference on your paper, and then write some way this verse has helped you. Max, since I’m seated next to you, I’ll help you with spelling if you need it.”
Max was in third grade and doing well, but he knew he might need some help, so he nodded his thanks and started writing.
They all spent a few minutes thinking and writing before they were ready for the next directions.
Mom instructed, “We’ll begin with the youngest person and go to the oldest. Each person will say the verse or verses from memory with the reference fore and aft, and then tell us how the verse has helped him. The rest of us can take notes, being sure to write down everyone’s reference so we can use them later if we desire.”
Max was glad he had only needed his dad to spell one word for him, then he began his verse. “1 Chronicles 16:34, O give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his mercy endures forever, 1 Chronicles 16:34. This verse helps me remember to be thankful.
Levi was next. “Hebrews 13:21, Jesus make me perfect in every good work to do your will, working in me that which is pleasing in your sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen, Hebrews 13:21. I personalized this scripture and pray it every morning just as the bus arrives at school so I can go serve him in fourth grade. It helps me remember my mission and that Jesus will help me.”
Jack stated, “Colossians 3:23,24, Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that you shall receive from the Lord the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ, Colossians 3:23,24. Whenever I have something hard to do at school, I say these verses to myself and they help me do a good job.”
Kevin said, “Isaiah 41:10, Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. Yes, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand, Isaiah 41:10. This verse has helped me often when I feel nervous before witnessing to someone.”
Cory quoted, “1 Timothy 4:8, Bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having the promise of the life now and of the one to come, 1 Timothy 4:8. This verse helps me have the right attitude toward physical education classes. I know they’re good for me, but godliness is even better.”
Mom continued, “2 Thessalonians 1:11, Therefore, also we always pray for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power, 2 Thessalonians 1:11. As you boys get on the bus I pray this verse for you, and as Max and I drive to the church school, I pray it for us also. It helps me put all of us in God’s hands.”
Dad concluded, “2 Timothy 2:15, Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15. This verse helps me to focus on what I’m reading in the Bible, especially if I’m going to use it for our family devotions.”
Kosuke and Aneko were on a date for talking at the tea room. They began talking about some of the issues to see if they still agreed like they had during their first courtship. This felt a little awkward since they had already done it once, but they needed to know if there were any changes.
They found out they still agreed about the very important ones of God having the first place in their lives, going to church and small groups once a week, and that they both would like to continue to give twenty percent of their income to God’s work. They also still agreed on the other things they had talked about before, especially no premarital sex.
Kosuke mentioned, “We didn’t discuss what kind of movies we each like or what we watch on TV. For myself, I don't watch TV and only like movies that I know Jesus would like also.”
“I feel the same way,” Aneko declared. “Even before Jesus saved me, I didn’t watch anything but things about nature, but when I realized that even those are filled with evolution, I won’t even watch them any more.”
After talking for a while longer, they were pleased to find out that they still would be compatible.
Then Kosuke requested, “Would you please write a list of some of the things you would enjoy doing when we go on double dates with Yoshi and Sakura?”
Aneko replied, “I’ll be glad to write it later at home so I can have some time to think about it. I’ll bring it to our next fun date.”
He laughed, “You’re so much fun to be with, even when it’s only a date for talking about things.”
“Thank you, Kosuke,” she responded, “I feel the same way about you.”
This fall Riley and Amelia savored a trip to the mountains to see the fall colors. As he was driving Riley stated, “I’m still relishing the times we can go places with just the two of us. We’re free to say and do and act the way we desire without someone watching.”
“I agree,” Amelia said, “and I’m glad we spent time where we would be accountable when we were getting to know each other. Dating like the world does it has no provision for that. Now we can delight in our couple’s times and cherish them even more. And besides that I’m very glad we didn’t have to worry about dating and doing things we should not have done.”
“For sure!” Riley exclaimed. “I feel the same way, so I was very grateful when you agreed with me about dating.”
“It was good,” then Amelia went on, “Now I’ll be able to tell you the doctor’s report with a clear conscience.”
Riley carefully turned into the next pull-off, parked, and turned off the engine and asked excitedly, “Do you have news?”
“Well,” she responded, “I’m not at all sure, and I don’t have a doctor’s report, but I am over a week late and that is unusual for me. But I didn’t mean to get your hopes up until it was a longer time.”
“That’s alright, Honey,” he consoled her, “Now we can wonder together. Besides, this is a nice place to cuddle and kiss for a while before we go for a short hike up the trail over there.” He smiled as she willingly scooted over to be close to him.
After the hike they continued to drive and look at the aspen trees in varied combinations of color. Some had all turned golden, other areas had mostly green with a little gold in small patches.
Amelia stated, “The areas I like best are ones where there are lots of trees in different stages so there are several colors included.”
“Same here,” agreed Riley, “and I’m glad we brought the camera and are taking lots of pictures. We can enjoy some nice memories of this trip during the long cold winter.”
“Definitely,” she responded, “and I always enjoy spending time with you, my dear husband.”
Riley kept his eyes on the road but nodded emphatically as he replied, “Those are my feelings exactly, Darling!”
Tomo, Ami, Afta, and Hana had a little free time to converse as they waited for some people to come into the tea room while Aneko was tutoring the foster girl.
Ami mentioned, “I really liked the Church service this weekend.”
“Yes,” said Hana, “I’m getting so I remember some of the hymns from other times and I always like the verses that go with them.”
“So do I,” Afta put in, “also I just realized today that the songs and verses must be chosen to go along with the teaching times.”
Tomo remarked, “I think you’re right, brother. It must take a lot of time and planning to put all of it together.”
“I agree,” and Ami continued, looking at her notebook, “like this weekend, the service began with ‘Near to the Heart of God’ which goes with Psalm 73:25,28, Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is none on earth that I desire besides you… It is good for me to draw near to God. I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all your works.”
Hana went on, “Yes, and I remember the verses in the song spoke of quiet rest, sweet comfort, joy and peace, and how God sent Jesus from his heart to be our redeemer.”
“Indeed, and the next song,” Afta went on to say, “was ‘Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts.’ The Bible verse was John 15:11. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”
Tomo tacked on, “I liked the part of the song that stated that Jesus is all in all to those who find him. It went so well with the third song, ‘I Am His, and He Is Mine.’ The Bible verses for that song are Colossians 3:2-4, Set your hearts on things above, not on things on the earth. For you are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, than we also will appear with him in glory.”
“Precisely!” Ami exclaimed, “Then those all culminated in the last song, ‘Jesus I Am Resting, Resting,’ and it goes well with Isaiah 32:18, My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.”
“Exactly,” agreed Hana, “all the verses in that song made a very good sermon by themselves.”
“Absolutely,” and then Afta concluded, “as I remember the verses talked about resting in the joy of who Jesus is and how great he is, and about his loving kindness and goodness. His love satisfies our hearts. The last verse of this song is a good prayer. Let’s sing it together.”
So they did and finished just as some people came into the tea room and they got to answer many questions.
Kosuke and Aneko went on a fun date with Yoshi and Sakura to the mountains. Sakura commented, “I’m sure glad we decided to come here today, before it gets to cold to go on a hike and see all the beautiful autumn leaves.”
“Same here,” stated Aneko, turning to see her sister-in-law and brother sitting close together in the back seat as Kosuke was driving.
Kosuke had chosen an easy level hike around a pretty lake where there were lots of aspen trees. This way he wouldn’t be tempted to take her hand to help her on hard places.
Yoshi stated, “So far, all the trees in their fall colors have been delightful and this is a very nice warm day to enjoy them.”
“Indeed,” and then Kosuke informed them, “It’s only a little further to the lake where we can get out to walk and look at them up close.”
When they got parked, they noticed that the trail was wide enough for them to walk side by side. Yoshi and Sakura chose to walk behind so they could hold hands and not make Kosuke wish he could also. They realized Aneko wasn’t ready for that yet.
Aneko mentioned, “I like the warm breeze bringing the scent of fallen leaves. It’s also fun to walk here on the ones that have fallen off the trees onto the path. They make a nice crunching sound. This is a lovely place to walk.”
Kosuke took a deep breath and agreed, “It is for sure. I like the smell of autumn, and this lake is also very pretty.”
“Yes it is,” and then Aneko stated, “I’m glad our great Creator likes variety, color, sounds, fragrance, and seasons, and then he gave us all the senses we need so we can enjoy what he made.”
“Absolutely,” responded Kosuke, “it just wouldn't have the same affect if it were all in black and white, or stayed the same all year.”
Aneko nodded and then stopped to pick up some leaves and inspect them closely. “Just think, God made all these for the last three seasons, and after the trees have had a rest for the winter, he will do it all over again for next year.”
“Yes,” said Kosuke, “it’s nice to be able to count on God’s faithful order in his creation.”
Later in the day they enjoyed eating the picnic lunch the ladies had prepared for them. And then they walked beside a sparkling stream and watched some leaves floating around rocks or swirling in little eddies or getting caught behind some twigs that had fallen in the stream where they got stopped by other rocks.
When Kosuke dropped Aneko off at her house, she handed him the list of things he had requested.
Sherry had taken her twins to visit Fiona’s twins on a Saturday afternoon as they had been doing about once a month while Mindy was also there, so she and Fiona could help them if they needed it when they dressed Grace and Faith in outfits they used to wear as babies.
First they had found out when the naps were usually over and came over earlier than that so they could quietly choose matching outfits for them, being careful to not wake them early.
Back in the living room they all visited as they waited for the children to wake up.
Fiona reminded them, “Johnny and Patrick will probably wake up first and we’ll have time to get them ready for some playtime with you girls while Mindy and I change diapers and I feed the twins.”
Hope declared, “That will be fun also. Your boys are so cute and we like playing with them.”
“How is school going for you? Mindy asked.
Joy answered, “We’ve been learning how to be missionaries when we go to the public school in fourth grade.”
Hope continued, “Our teachers and some kids from fourth grade who used to be in the church school help us every Wednesday afternoon.”
Joy remarked, “I think we probably do the same things you did when you were in the third grade at that school, Mindy.”
“Yes,” she replied, “as I remember, there’s a lot to learn and a lot to prepare and practice, but it is all very good and works well.”
“Also,” added Hope, “Mrs. Blake has heard from some of the fourth graders that even if they won’t make friends with us, we can still share the good news just like the sower in the parable sowed seed everywhere. Some of it grew and produced, and some didn’t.”
“Right,” Joy tacked on, “Miss Green went on to say that it’s not our responsibility what kind of soil our seeds land in, or how the people respond, we just need to keep sowing the seed, which is the word of God. We have to remember that some people will reject the seed.”
“Absolutely!” Sherry exclaimed. “they’re both very good teachers, and I’m so glad you both remember what they taught.”
Just then they heard the boys waking up, so Fiona and Mindy went to take care of them. Pretty soon the boys were there ready to play with Joy and Hope. Today each girl helped one boy with whatever toy he had chosen to play with until Mindy and Fiona came back with the little twins. Sherry went to play with the boys.
Joy asked, “May I dress Faith this time? I dressed Grace the last time we were here.”
“Of course,” replied Fiona, “I’ll help you this time if you need it. And, Hope, Mindy will help you with Grace if you need it.”
By this time Joy and Hope were getting pretty good and didn’t need much help. They thoroughly enjoyed afternoons like this and were learning a lot. Sherry enjoyed it also. It brought back many fond memories.
One day when Ruth sat down to practice the piano, she noticed again that her brain was starting to produce lyrics to some of the classical pieces. Since it had happened before, she was prepared this time with a small tablet of paper so she could write the words. She had to admit that she didn’t really like to be interrupted in this way, but she was thankful her mind was working to make up lyrics.
Sometimes she’d write the words under the melody line of the music instead of on the pad of paper. Then she could see and sing the words as she played the music. So this gave her another way she could praise God even when she played classical music.
At times the words would be part of a scripture, so she’d look in her concordance and find the reference. Then she’d continue writing the words from the King James Version of the Bible under the appropriate notes. Since it is not copyrighted, she could use the words without permission.
She decided to thank God for the lyrics and scriptures and not dislike being interrupted by them. Later she would read over them and see if any might be good enough to put in her lyrics notebook. Then she could show them to Maria and get her opinion also.
Chapter 17
Romans 12:10, Be kindly affectionate one to another
with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another.
Another morning at the tea room with Kosuke, Aneko added a couple different issues. “Last time, we didn’t mention whether we’d like to have children if we did get married. What is your desire, Kosuke?”
He replied, “We are both getting older and therefore it is harder on the woman, but I would say that for this question, I only want what Jesus thinks would be best for us as a couple.”
“I can agree with that,” then she asked, “What do you think about me continuing to work at the restaurant after we would be married?”
Kosuke answered, “I know how much you like working there even without your parents being there as much, so if you desire to keep on working there, it would be fine with me unless we do have a baby and you’d like to be home to care for it or them since you come from a family with twins.”
“Astute answer!” she declared, and then shared, “It was my idea to have a foster girl in our family home with Dad and Mom as the parents and I'd help them by being her tutor to finish high school, plus teach her the things she needed to learn from the Bible. I would also teach her how to help me in the kitchen at the restaurant and how to be a waitress. This has basically been my ministry here in Pine City while you were gone. I wonder how we would handle this if we would get married.”
“Let me think a few minutes,” he requested, and she nodded. After a few minutes he said, “I think you need to continue with the ministry you started, at least with this girl. When will she be finished with her senior year of schooling?”
Aneko answered, “In just two or three months, and then she needs to stay with my parents until she’s nineteen. During that time she can continue to work in the restaurant and be paid for doing it so she can save money to help her get started when she’s out on her own. During the mornings I could continue to teach her about the Bible. She has already accepted Jesus as her Savior.”
“Wonderful!” Kosuke exclaimed, “I think you could continue with this girl even after our marriage by just going over to their house in the mornings to do the tutoring and Bible training, and then she’d go with you to the restaurant for the afternoon and evening. It wouldn’t give us as much time together at first, but I know that for a while I’ll be very busy with the details of my job also.”
“I understand,” responded Aneko, “and we would have whole weekends together. I’ll need to talk to Dad and Mom and see if this plan would work for them. Besides, it might be three months or more before we would get married. Then both situations would be more settled. I’ll also talk to them about whether they want to keep going with the ministry plan on their own. We had decided to do this as a continuing family ministry and I don’t know how it might work for them if I don’t continue to help.”
Kosuke acknowledged, “True, so after the three of you have a chance to talk and decide, please tell me and we’ll go from there.”
So, Aneko talked to her parents and they decided they could handle the ministry on their own if she would show them what she had been doing as a tutor and Bible teacher. After this girl, they’d also like to continue to have one girl at a time so the house wouldn’t seem so empty after her wedding.
Ami commented, “I'm glad you got us going on this plan. It’s a good one that Tomo and I can go on doing until we’re much older.
“Exactly,” Tomo went on, “and you and Kosuke can decide on a ministry you can do together if you get married.”
On their next date Aneko reported their decision to Kosuke and he liked it.
For the week before Thanksgiving, Karen and William had told their groups to bring their Thankful Notebooks and a colored pencil to class so they could do one verse together.
When they arrived Karen explained what to do, and said, “Be ready to read your verse to us and tell why you chose it,”
After they had followed Karen's instructions, the girls we know on the ranch read their verse or verses and made comments.
Kim was first, “I made mine into a prayer. Psalm 103:5a, Thank you LORD, for satisfying (me) with good things. I chose this one because he really has satisfied me with good things here on the ranch!”
“I feel the same way, Kim,” stated Sara, “this is a wonderful place to live. My verses are Colossians 1:19,20. For it pleased the Father that in Jesus all fullness would dwell. Jesus made peace through his blood on the cross and reconciled all things to himself, including things in heaven and earth. I chose these because they remind me that the Father and his son, Jesus, worked together to save people.”
“Good choice!” June exclaimed. “My verse goes well with yours. Romans 3:22 says the righteousness of God is by faith in Jesus to all who believe. I like it because it has the words ‘faith’ and ‘believe’ and they’re related to each other.”
“Yes,” Candy agreed, “and I like the word ‘all’ in that verse because it includes every person who will believe. I chose what Paul prayed in 1 Thessalonians 5:23,24 because I need it for myself. I pray that God will preserve our whole spirit and soul and body to be blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who called us is faithful and he will do it.”
Lisa stated, “There are so many good verses!” I chose Psalm 57: 10,11 because of God’s mercy and the song that has the words of verse 11. Your mercy is great unto the heavens and your truth unto the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be above all the earth.”
“I like the same song, Ellie agreed. “I chose 1 Corinthians 1:8,9 because of its promise. Jesus shall confirm (or sustain) you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”
“What a good promise!” Hanna declared. “I like Psalm 100:5, The LORD is good, his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations. Both God’s mercy and his truth go on and on.”
Christi remarked, “I like that verse also. The verse I chose is 1 Timothy 1:17. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. I like it because of the song that has the same words and it talks about forever.”
“It’s a good worship song,” said Liz. “I chose Titus 2:13 because I like to think about Jesus returning to earth someday. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.”
“Yes, Jesus, come soon!” prayed Stella. “I like Psalm 30:4 because it goes well with Thanksgiving, Sing unto the LORD, O you saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.”
“It does go well,” said Emma and then she read Romans 6:23b, The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I chose this because I'm so thankful for God’s gift to us.”
“So am I,” Nan agreed, “and my verse is Philippians 2:13, God works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. I’m glad it is God doing this and not me, or it would never get done!”
“Thank you for all your good verses and comments,” then Karen closed with, “I chose 2 Corinthians 9:15 because it also goes well with Thanksgiving. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.”
Kosuke and Aneko went on a fun date with Yoshi and Sakura and it turned out to be a shopping spree in several thrift stores in town.
They started out at Yoshi and Sakura’s house to see how big the baby was now and learn about the sizes for baby clothes.
Sakura mentioned, “We’d like to find some outfits for Naoki as he grows. Let’s have each couple look for clothes in different sizes and for different seasons.”
When they reached the first thrift store, Yoshi instructed, “Let’s separate and each of us set one of these timers to go off in fifteen minutes. Then we’ll meet back here to look at what you found so we can choose the ones we like best.”
Aneko stated, “This sounds like it will be fun and it might even be useful. I enjoy looking for bargains and a thrift store is a very good place to find some. It’s a good thing we saw Naoki and some of his clothes right before we came here.”
“Yes it is, so I’m game,” said Kosuke. “Ready? Start the timers. Let’s go!”
In fifteen minutes, both couples came back to the starting place with a good number of outfits, coats, and even a snowsuit. They chose the ones in the best condition that would fit Naoki now or in the future. Then they went to two more thrift stores and repeated the activity. By then it was time to return home.
Sakura expressed, “Thank you, Kosuke and Aneko for helping us today. I hope you had as much fun as we did.”
“I sure did!” Aneko declared, “shopping at thrift stores is always fun for me, and today it was nice to have something different to find.”
Kosuke agreed, “Yes, I enjoyed the date also.
Yoshi commented, “Good, because you both found some very nice items. Now Sakura will be busy with laundering and then seeing what will fit now. Then she can put the rest away until Naoki grows big enough for them to fit him.”
Aneko mentioned, “I was thinking that while he is so small, the snowsuit could be used as a way to keep him warm when you take him out in the cold.”
“Good idea,” Sakura concurred, “since he’s not walking yet it would be more effective than a blanket that doesn’t stay tucked around him. Thank you, Aneko.”
“You’re welcome,” she replied, “I'm always glad when an idea I have is a good one.”
Kosuke asked as he drove her home, “Aneko, what do you think about women being in the armed services?”
She answered, “I wouldn’t like to do it, but I know many women do it and it works for most of them.”
He shared, “I just realized recently that women chaplains are also needed in the armed services.”
“I definitely agree with you,” she stated, “so what will you do?”
“Let’s pray about it and I’ll see if I can get permission to include some in the first class.”
So they prayed about it and Kosuke got permission, so he started recruiting single women as well as single men who were willing to serve God and wanted the adventure.
Roy, Sherry, and the twins were making plans to host a big family reunion for Thanksgiving Day. The grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters and their families from both sides of this family would be there for dinner.
Sherry declared, “If everybody actually comes, we could have about thirty people including the children!”
Roy nodded, “Our house will be bursting at the seams. Thankfully each family will be bringing three dishes to share and we only have to provide the turkey and dressing. It’s a good thing we bought the biggest one we could find.”
“Do you think there will be any leftover turkey?” Joy asked.
Hope guessed, “With that many people, I doubt it. But it will be fun to see all those people again.”
“I agree,” said Joy, “and they’ll all be surprised at how much we’ve grown since the last time they saw us.”
“Yeah,” agreed Hope, “they’re always surprised. Our cousins will have grown a lot too. I’m glad we have a big family that likes to have reunions.”
“So am I, but where will everybody sit?” Sherry questioned. “Will we need to eat in shifts?”
Roy responded, “No, we’ll figure out something. For one thing, I could call Vern and ask to borrow some of the folding chairs and the folding table they use for travel evangelism meetings. They’d work well for the little children who need to be near their parents in the dining room.”
“Right,” she agreed, “and we can line up all the food buffet style for the people to serve themselves after we stand in a big circle for the great grandfathers to say the Thanksgiving prayers. Joy and Hope can sit in the living room with their plates on their laps like some of the grownups will be doing.”
Roy stated, “That should work well, and the most important thing
is to plan for a time to share the Good News with all the unbelievers still in our family.”
Sherry nodded, “I was thinking about what we could do the other day. We can say that all the couples who have small children will sit at the dining room table. Those would include all the unbelievers, because they’re the ones who have small children. Then we could put a paper with some verses typed on them beside each plate. Plus we can put another small paper and a pen so they could write questions about the verses.”
“I think I understand,” said Roy, “then near the end of the meal you will collect all the questions and you and I will answer them. The verses will all be about how to be saved and why it’s so important.”
“Correct,” replied Sherry, “and the large paper will have space for them to write answers if they desire. Then you can give an invitation asking who’d like to accept Jesus.”
Joy read the verses on the first half of the page.
Romans 3:23, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Hebrews 2:3a, How shall we escape if we neglect this great salvation?
Titus 3:5a, It is not by works of righteousness we have done, but according to God’s mercy he saves us…
Ephesians 2:8,9, For by grace you are saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Hope read the verses on the second half of the page.
Acts 16:31, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.
John 3:36a, He who believes on Jesus, the Son, has everlasting life.
Acts 4:12, Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven among men by which we can be saved.
Romans 10:9, If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.
When Hope finished, Roy remarked, “I like this idea and we as a family can all be praying that the Holy Spirit will draw many of them to Jesus.”
When the big day came, the Foster family was ready for them. The great grandparents and grandparents were eating at the kitchen table and were praying for the unbelievers as they ate. The parents of those couples and other believing couples were eating in the living room with Hope and Joy and all of them were also praying for the unbelievers.
The planning they had done helped things to go smoothly, and Sherry’s idea worked very well. All three of the young couples did accept Jesus as their Savior! So now all the adults in this big family were believers. Now they could teach their children when they’re old enough to understand. There was much rejoicing, thanksgiving, and praise for the ones who were saved that day. All three families said there were good churches they would attend in their cities when they returned home.
During the last recess on a nice day in late November, after running some races, Lily, Violet, Rose, Iris, Val, Lucia, Willow, Holly, Max, Timmy, Mary, Joy and Hope, all sat on the ground to rest.
Rose commented, “I've been noticing lately that the little horses on the ranch seem smaller than they used to.”
“Right” lamented, Val, “just last month my mom told me I might grow too big to ride Honey any longer. So I’ve tried Rusty and Brownie and they’re also very nice horses. I’m glad I’ve grown, except I don’t want to be too big for riding Honey.”
“Same here,” agreed Max. “Two months ago my dad told me I was too big already to ride Honey any longer. I still make time to stroke and talk to her anyway. She’s as sweet as her name is.”
Lily remarked, “Right, I haven’t been able to ride her for almost a year now, but I’ve always enjoyed Princess. But even she doesn’t seem as tall as she used to.”
Mary declared, “I'm glad I still get to ride Honey! I guess I haven’t grown as much as the rest of you.”
“Exactly,” stated Timmy, “and you’re still the youngest one here, so you’ll probably get to continue longer than the rest do.”
Hope mentioned, “When my family comes to the ranch, pretty soon the quadruplets and we twins will be too big for Honey also. Then one of us will need to ride Coffee or Tea.”
“Definitely,” said Violet, “therefore our dad recommended that two of us at a time could try them on the days your family doesn’t come so we can be used to them when one of us needs to, and there will be enough small horses for the rest.”
Joy suggested, “Maybe some day Hope and I can try riding Coffee and Tea if our parents agree.”
“Maybe so,” and then Holly explained, “Willow and I have already tried them and they’re just as nice as the little ones.”
Willow continued, “The platform helps, but you have to reach higher to brush the middle of their backs.”
Lucia went on, “Val and I like riding them also. I wonder what they will do with the little horses when we all get to big for them?”
Iris concluded, “I think Mr. Yardley and Mr. Mendoza will figure out a good answer for that question.”
They all nodded, emphatically and Lucia, Val, Willow, and Holly had especially big smiles because Mr. Mendoza was their dad!
During December, for the three weeks before Christmas, Ted had had the girls choose a Christmas hymn or song they liked out of the hymnal. They practiced the songs in three-part harmony after reading the scriptures that went with them.
Then Ted’s choir performed the Christmas carols for families on the ranch. Ted read the verses that went with them before they sang each song. They used a boom box with an SD card for the accompaniment. This is a list of the songs and verses they used.
“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear,” Luke 2:6, And so it was that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,” Luke 2:7, And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
“The First Noel,” Luke 2:8, And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
“Angels from the Realms of Glory,” Luke 2:9, And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were very afraid.
“How Great Our Joy!” Luke 2:10, And the angel said to them, fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks,” Luke 2:11,12, For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign for you, you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
“Angels We Have Heard on High,” Luke 2:13,14, And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
“O Come, All Ye Faithful,” Luke 2:15, And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, let us now go even to Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.
“Silent Night! Holy Night!” Luke 2:16, And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
“O Holy Night! Luke 2:20, And the Shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it had been told to them.
“O Little Town of Bethlehem,” Micah 5:2, And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah are not the least among the thousands of Judah, for out of you shall come a ruler, who shall rule my people Israel…
“Once in Royal David’s City,” Isaiah 9:6,7, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom to order and establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
The people living on Mercy Valley Ranch really enjoyed listening to the girls singing and Ted reading the scriptures. Ted felt this was a good culmination activity for this group since so many of them would be leaving the ranch next year when they were nineteen.
Earlier in December he had shared this idea with Nathan and Esther who also shared it with Anna. Anna told Sunny about it and Sunny developed it into a recital for Felix and her four boys and herself to perform at the Mercy Valley Farm the week before Christmas. Each of them would play two songs after Felix read the scripture that went with them. For the last two songs the people would sing the songs together after the scriptures were read. Everyone enjoyed the time of sharing together.
Sunny and the boys also gave this as a recital for her parents when they came to visit one day during the two week vacation. Her parents were very impressed.
Kosuke and Aneko went on a four member ministry time with Yoshi and Sakura. This year for Christmas, one of the Grace ‘n’ Faith churches had set up a life-sized nativity scene to leave in the mall near where Santa would be. During the times of the day when actors weren’t in the scene, there was a large picture painted by a good artist in the church. It was of Mary, Joseph, and the baby, Jesus, and was set up in front of the stable. When actors were in the scene, the picture was stored behind the stable.
Today, Yoshi and Sakura used the costumes for Joseph and Mary. They chose a time when the baby, Naoki, would be napping in the manger, and they could talk quietly to the people who came if they had questions. Actors who didn’t have a baby used a life-sized, realistic looking, baby doll for the manger.
There was a little table with booklets the church had been using the last few years. They were titled “Why Christmas?” and people could take one if they desired. It was put out by the Grace ‘n’ Faith Church and included the answers to its own question. By using scripture and fulfilled prophecies it explained the need for God to send his Son as a baby that first Christmas and how Jesus grew up as the only sinless person so he could be the perfect sacrifice to pay for man’s sins. Then it explained how people could accept Jesus as their Savior, resulting in peace with God. The booklets were even available when no actors were there to man the scene. So it was a good silent witness in the mall.
Kosuke and Aneko had stationed themselves near the line of people waiting with their children to talk to Santa. As the people finished there, Aneko or Kosuke would direct their attention to the nativity scene. Many times the families would go look and some of them would take a booklet or ask questions.
But one man took one look and stated, “Ah, that’s just a bunch of hogwash.” Motioning to Santa he continued, “This is the real meaning of the season. Come on kids, don’t let these people confuse you and ruin your fun.”
Kosuke didn’t say a word to argue with an attitude like his. He knew it would do no good. After the man left, Aneko and Kosuke prayed for the family, and then continued to direct people’s attention to the nativity scene after their visit with Santa.
It was fun watching Yoshi and Sakura as they played their parts and looked so realistic. Later they reported how many people took booklets and some of the good comments others had made about how good the scene looked.
On a wintry day Karen was talking to her former coworker again. Karen questioned, “Hi, it’s been a long time since we talked. How are things going for you?”
“Nothing has changed,” she commented, “I just keep singing that song about loving with the love of the Lord, since my huaband has destroyed the love I had for him.”
Karen replied, “That sounds like a good idea. Are you still going to the women’s group you told me about the last time you called?”
“Oh, yes!” she exclaimed. “That’s where I got my latest idea, and it has helped me a lot.”
“I’m glad. How’s your novel coming?” Karen asked next.
She answered, “It’s fun to write, and I think it helps keep me sane. I think about it, or the characters, or plan what to write next. It keeps me from thinking about the hurts and my problem. I think I’m more than half way through it, although it’s hard to tell.”
“Well,” encouraged Karen, “keep up the good work, and be sure to tell me where I can get a copy of it when you get it finished.”
After they said goodbye, Karen prayed for her some more, since she had sounded discouraged.
The December graduation from the church’s school of evangelism contained a speech explaining why the people came to the school.
One couple said, “We came here to learn everything we could so we could return to our own country and explain the gospel in the language of our country. We learned that the gospel is what it says in 1 Corinthians 15:3b-7, Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures, and that he was seen … by the disciples, over 500 brothers at one time, and the apostles.
“We learned about ways to gain the respect of the people so they’d trust what we would say before we’d try to witness to them. We will be working and living among them just like they live and work. It takes more time this way, but the results will be better.”
There were other speeches by the other graduates also telling where they were going to minister and thanking the people who had helped them be able to attend the school.
And then Kosuke had a chance to explain the project he would be working on in conjunction with the school of evangelism. He invited, “If there are any people interested in doing this, please come talk to me at the end of the service so I can answer your questions. The first class will start on the first week of January, and it only takes two years to become certified as a chaplain for the armed services.”
After all the speeches, the pastors of all the churches who had graduates from their churches laid hands on them and they were commissioned to go and minister for Jesus.
Several people talked to Kosuke after the service, and some of them did sign up for the class.
William and Karen had their groups study about the first Christmas. William began, “We’ve studied a lot in the four Gospels of the New Testament off and on. Today I’d like you to look at the first two chapters of each Gospel and see what you can find about the things that happened the first Christmas.”
When they had finished, they made comments. Sam stated, “The Gospel of Mark had nothing. It started right out with John the Baptist preparing the way for the adult Jesus.”
Carlos added, “John’s Gospel only said that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, in verse 14 of chapter one.”
Evan noted, “The Gospel of Luke started even before the story of Jesus by telling that John would be born, and then it told about Jesus. There were a lot of details in the first and second chapters.”
Gary observed, Matthew’s Gospel adds some details not included in Luke’s story, and it starts later than that one, but adds the part about the wise men coming to find and worship the new king. Then it tells about the family fleeing to Egypt to keep the child safe from Herod until it was safe to return.”
A boy mentioned, “As I was reading, I noticed that some of the things written in story books, and that I’ve heard on the radio, didn’t really happen and some of the things were mixed up as to when they happened.”
“Yes,” agreed William, “and that’s why it’s so important to read the Bible and compare what it says with what some books and other people might say. Thank you all for your comments, Have a Merry Christmas, and I’ll see you next time.”
Kosuke had taken Aneko to have dinner with his parents in their home so she could get reacquainted with them.
Afterward, as he was driving her back to her home, Aneko shared, “I enjoyed being with your parents again. It’s been over two years since the first time we played 20 questions with both sets of parents. I learned a lot then, but I learned even more about them this time. Thank you for your good idea.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” Kosuke responded. “They told me they enjoyed the time with you also. I’m so glad our family moved to Pine City, because it’s where I met you.”
Aneko blushed and looked down, wishing she could say something back to him that would encourage him, but not get his hopes up too soon. She just didn’t know how she felt about him yet. It seemed like he and she hadn’t spent enough time together this time. She still had questions and doubts.
Since he was driving, he couldn’t see her blush and look down so he continued, “Even before I left for the army, Pine City had started to feel much more like home than the other city where I grew up.”
“I’m glad you like it,” she said, relieved that her voice sounded normal. “I didn’t appreciate Pine City as much until I moved away for a couple years and then came back. Now it is a very special place and has become my home.”
Kosuke observed, “From what you just said, I assume the city you moved to was not a place you liked.”
“Correct,” Aneko agreed, “I think I just wanted to get out and try my wings, but that city was a disappointment. It was a relief to move back home.”
Kosuke admitted, “I didn’t like the city where I went to the university, either, but I’m glad for the training I received while I was there. Sakura didn’t like that city either.”
“Yoshi told me,” Aneko mentioned, “that Sakura likes Pine City better than either of those cities.”
Kosuke remarked, “She has told me the same thing, and that she’s very glad our family moved to Pine City.”
“Plus tonight,” Aneko added, “your parents also said they like Pine City a lot, so it sounds like your whole family is pleased with the move. I’m glad for you all.”
“Yes,” he nodded, “it’s very nice to be a family in unity, with all the members content with the place they’re living.”
The ranch and farm seniors graduated from the high school they attended in Pine City. Sara and Kim were friends with the girl who was valedictorian that year. Two years ago they had led her to Jesus during several school lunch times.
When the principal introduced the valedictorian he explained, “This year there was no salutatorian because a girl and a boy tied for having the highest academic achievements of the senior class, so we have two valedictorians.”
Gary and Carlos were good friends with the boy who was also valedictorian. They had led him to Jesus three years before.
When it came time for the valedictorian speech, the two of them gave the speech together, taking turns in such a way that what each person said harmonized with what the other one said.
She began, “First, I wish to thank the good teachers in this school for helping to prepare us for the future.”
He agreed, “I’m thankful for our good school teachers also, who helped to prepare us for useful lives, as we go out in the world.”
Then she and he took turns thanking two of the high school teachers, by name, at a time.
She explained, “We don’t have time to thank each of the middle school and elementary school teachers by name, but we appreciate the way they gave us the foundation we needed to have for high school.
He went on, “High school has been a very important time in the lives of all graduating seniors. We were all given the opportunity to learn the things we need to know.”
She added, “Now as we graduate from high school we’re ready to commence with the rest of our lives. We’d like to encourage all our classmates to do your best in the university or in daily jobs.
“Yes,” He continued, “Plus I’m thankful for the history of our country and for the leaders who led the country the way they were supposed to, and most of all, I’m grateful for some friends of mine who introduced me to the Greatest Teacher of all time. His name is Jesus Christ and his name is much more than just swear words, because ‘Jesus’ means he saves from sins, and ‘Christ’ is the Greek word meaning the Anointed One.”
She concurred, “Yes, I’m also thankful for the ones who told me about Jesus, and I encourage all of you seniors and lower classmates to not be afraid to share what you believe about Jesus who is the Truth and is still the Greatest Teacher of all time. He taught people how to live, even in times like the present. By believing in him, we can have hope even when things don’t seem to go right.”
“Absolutely,” and he added, “We’d like to encourage all of you to learn and to live the way Jesus and his followers taught.”
Together they finished in unison, “Because if everybody did, this world would be a much better place!”
Gary, Carlos, Sara, and Kim were the first ones to stand and start clapping followed by all the believers in the senior class, and all the members of the Grace ‘n’ Faith Churches, and finally the whole audience and others on the stage gave the valedictorians a standing ovation. The boy and girl smiled and said thank you before sitting back in their places on the stage.
Next the Teacher of the Year, gave the Graduation Speech which encouraged the graduates and younger classmates to excel in whatever they planned to do. Then the diplomas were handed out to the many graduates and graduation was over for another year.
Most of the graduating seniors had parties with their families that evening at their homes. Kim, Sara, and the two other graduating senior girls had a combined party at the ranch in the game room with close friends who lived on the ranch.
The next week Ian and Yolanda took all their girls out to eat at a new restaurant in Pine City as another way to celebrate Sara and Kim's graduation. It was called the Serving Joyfully Restaurant, and it was different from other places they had gone to eat in several ways. The waitresses wore name tags saying their name and ‘Ask me why I’m glad I believe in Jesus, if you want to know.’ The service and food were both excellent, and no tips were to be left on the tables. Instead they were to be put in a tip jar at the check out area. The whole family really enjoyed their evening at the restaurant.
In planning for their Christmas and New Year’s vacation many travelers had to make reservations months in advance. Therefore, a week or two after their Labor Day RV travel evangelism trips, the Jones and Foster families had a weekend lunch together.
When lunch was over and they were visiting in the living room, Sherry asked, “what’s your favorite winter RV trip so far?”
Vern, Lora, and Mindy all said in unison, without even having to think about it first, “Carlsbad Caverns National Park!”
Roy smiled, “I thought Carlsbad might be the one, after your glowing report when you returned home.”
“Yes,” Sherry nodded and then questioned, “Is there a chance that you might desire to go there again this coming, winter and if so, could we join you?”
Again the Jones family said together, “Absolutely!”
And Lora continued, “We’d love to have you join us and Carlsbad is a place worth many trips.”
Joy and Hope said in unison, “Hurrah! We’ve been wanting to see it and travel with you again!”
“Wonderful!” and then Vern requested, “Honey, would you please go get our trip log for that trip so we can call all the places we need to make reservations at all the same campgrounds.”
As Lora went to bring the trip log Mindy mentioned, “Maybe we could try a different one in White’s City and find one that will allow us to have ministry meetings.”
“Excellent idea,” Vern responded, “thank you, Mindy, for thinking of it.” He called one and they agreed, so they made reservations there. Then they made reservations in other campgrounds along the way so they could use the same itinerary as they had the other time, for the rest of the trip.
When the time came to leave, the twins were exuberant. They had helped get everything ready and looked forward to all the places they’d get to see. The wildlife refuge was interesting, and both families had good meetings before supper while it was warmer outside, at their first campground.
The next day they were glad to see the Guadalupe Mountains, but not super impressed. The day afterward at the Living Desert was a real winner, though. Then it was fun to camp in a dispersed campsite on the way to Sitting Bull Falls. They all enjoyed the easy walk and the viewpoints of the falls.
The Foster family liked the King’s Palace tour as an introduction to Carlsbad Caverns and ate their own sack lunches in the underground lunchroom, just to have the experience of eating in a cave. Then they spent the afternoon, still underground, slowly walking around in the Big Room without a guide, looking at the cave formations, which had been explained to them before their trip by the Jones family.
The next day they all walked down from the natural entrance of the cave to the Big Room. The dad in each family had a large, powerful flashlight, and just like Mindy had written in her journal, they saw 100 times more than they could have without the big light. They all enjoyed being able to take their time and not be hurried on by a tour guide.
In the evenings at their reserved sites in a commercial campground they were able to have ministry meetings before supper so it would be warm enough outside.
During separate ministry times the mom of each family asked the other travelers what they were born for.
After listening to the travelers’ answers, they played the Christmas carol, “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,” which ends with words like, ‘Jesus was born for this,’ and then read to them John 6:63b where Jesus said, The words I speak to you are spirit and they are life.
Dad would say, “Jesus’ words were not like the words ordinary people spoke, because he was the Son of God. There are many places in the Bible where Jesus or someone else explained why Jesus was born that first Christmas. Listen as we read some of them.”
Then the other family members would say and read as follows.
Jesus said in John 10:10b, “I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”
Son of man is a name Jesus called himself while he was on earth. He said in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man came to seek and save those who were lost.”
In Mark 2:17b Jesus said, “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Jesus said in John 12:46, “I came as a light into the world, so that whoever believes on me should not abide in darkness.”
In Mark 10:45 Jesus stated, “For even the Son of man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
The apostle John wrote in 1 John 4:10, “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation or payment for our sins.”
Jesus said in John 3:16,17, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.”
The Holy Spirit spoke through these scriptures to the people who came to the meetings and many of them accepted Jesus as their Savior. The two traveling families were thrilled and rejoiced about the ones who did, and later prayed for the ones who didn’t.
It took two days to drive from the Carlsbad area back to their homes in Pine City. The Fosters thanked the Jones family profusely for the amazing time they had had together.
Kosuke and Aneko had a fun double date doing something neither they nor Yoshi and Sakura had ever done. They found an inside trampoline park and it was set up to be very safe. They had to drive to a bigger city to get to it, but is was a fun learning experience for all of them.
Afterward they went to a quiet cafe where they sat at separate tables to converse while they ate lunch. Aneko remarked, “I thought it was very nice of them to provide a coach for the four of us to teach us the basics instead of just turning us loose to try it on our own.”
“I thought so also,” Kosuke agreed. “I had no idea how to do anything on a trampoline. But after we learned, I had a lot of fun today.”
“So did I,” she nodded. “Plus it was very good exercise.”
“Right,” he laughed, “we’ll probably be stiff and sore tomorrow, but it was worth it.”
“Indeed,” she nodded again and asked, “What are some ways you like to exercise in the winter?”
He answered, “The army post here, and the one I lived on in Japan have a nicely set up gym with lots of equipment. I went there three or four times a week. I tried the exercise bikes, and some weight lifting, treadmills, and the elliptical exercise machines. They’re all OK, but I decided the treadmill is the best overall exercise and it can take the place of walking when it’s too cold outside.”
Aneko commented, “I’ve tried those things at the recreation center here in Pine City and I also prefer the treadmill we have in our house for days when it’s too cold to walk outside.”
Kosuke mentioned, “It sounds like we both believe exercising is important for maintaining healthy bodies.”
“Right,” she agreed, “and we both even chose the same kind.” She looked down at the food on her plate while a pleasant feeling spiraled through her as she thought about the fun they had just had on the trampolines and how many things they agreed about, making him seem very compatible. Could this be the beginning of love?
Kosuke didn’t seem to notice, or else ignored her time of silence, because he went on to say, “Yes, walking and treadmills are both easy and economical ways to exercise.”
“Exactly,” Aneko agreed, “plus, they don’t take much time or effort to get prepared for doing them.”
Looking over at the other table, he noticed, “It looks like Sakura and Yoshi are close to being finished with their food. As soon as we’re done it will be time to drive back to our homes.”
“Yes,” she replied, “this has been a nice date. Thank you for figuring out fun things to do, and this food is delicious.”
He smiled and responded, “You’re very welcome. It’s a pleasure for me to find things we can enjoy together.”
She smiled back at him and they finished eating as she felt another one of those pleasant feelings.
As usual the travelers all got home several days early and used the time to clean and re-winterize the RV’s, and get ready for the coming year. Afterward, the Fosters had a family meeting.
Roy began, “We need to talk about a lot of changes our family will have this coming year and what are the best ways to handle them.”
“Right,” the twins said together, “we will be starting fourth grade in the public school.”
Sherry agreed, “This will be a huge change for both of you, but I’m sure you’ll do very well.”
“I feel the same way,” then Roy went on, “I get to keep my same job, so I won’t have any changes. But, I think we might need a change concerning RV traveling. Joy and Hope, I know you wouldn’t complain, but one night on this last trip, your mom and I stood watching you as you slept in the dinette area of the van.”
Sherry continued, “You looked so sweet and peaceful sleeping there, but it didn’t look to me like you even have room to roll over. How does the one on the outside keep from falling out of bed?”
The girls both looked embarrassed, and Joy admitted, “We take turns on the outside and once in a while one of us does fall off.”
“But,” Hope explained, “I get right back in and Joy scoots over to the wall some more, and we go back to sleep.”
“So,” stated Roy drawing the word out, “as you both grow bigger, it would become a problem for you.”
They nodded solemnly, and looked down at their laps.
“Well, dear girls,” Sherry explained, “this is not the only problem we’d have if we continue to travel. Since you’ve finished third grade, I’ll need to get a different job, and I won’t have as many vacations as I did while I volunteered at school. So we won’t be able to travel as much anyway.”
Ever cheerful Joy remarked, “Well, we have traveled a lot in the last couple years and have gotten to see many amazing places, so maybe we don’t need to travel any more.”
“Exactly,” Hope agreed, “We can be thankful for all those trips and remember them by looking at our pictures and reading our journals about them.”
“Yes, and this last trip was spectacular,” then Roy commended them, “We appreciate the way you understand and accept this change, and we agree with you. We have actually seen more of this country than many other people do in a lifetime.”
“Yes,” Sherry concurred, “and so the next thing we need to do is pray for me to find a job with hours that will match your new school hours so I can be home when you are home.”
They spent a while praying and then went to do other things. The next week, Sherry was able to get Discount Mart to agree with the hours she needed, so she went to work there again. Hope and Joy would become accustomed to the public school, and the changes in their lives would get settled.
When Denji had graduated from trade school, and the family had another big party for him at the restaurant, but not in the garden area since it was winter. He gave a speech about some of the things he had learned during the last year in the trade school, and that he was ready now to go looking for a job to use what he had learned.
He had a well written resume and a very good recommendation from the trade school, so he searched the web for construction companies he could interview with so he could get a job. He especially looked for ones that advertised the fact that they were Christians, and prayed he could be employed by a believer.
Following Jeff’s suggestion, he had an interview with Matt who sent him to Walt for an interview with his and Jeff’s written recommendations. Walt liked his sincerity and humility and the good recommendations from three places, so he hired Denji on the spot.
Ben was still working for Walt, so Walt suggested that Ben watch Denji and see if he might be a worker Ben would like to have on the crew of his new construction company. Ben did watch Denji and was favorably impressed with the way Denji worked.
As the vacation was ending and the new year getting started, some of the people had an easy time, and others had more of a challenge.
Mindy enjoyed relaxing and doing things with her Mom for the rest of the two weeks while Lora was still home from her job as nurse for the church school. Then Mindy was ready to continue with her studies to become an elementary school teacher. She was glad she could work at her own pace, and really liked testing out of some courses. She was making good progress.
One day in January Sunny asked Oralie Iverson, “How did Cory do in his first year of accelerated classes in middle school?
“He did great!” she answered, “Cory is 12 years old, and has finished sixth and part of seventh grade. He will finish the seventh grade and eighth grade this year. The way the courses were set up for the accelerated classes, he will be able to finish each grade level of middle school in two thirds of a year. He will be ready to start high school the next January, and he really enjoys what he’s doing and learning.”
“I'm glad for him,” stated Sunny, “he must be an exceptional student.”
Oralie observed, “Yes he is, and always has been. We’re pleased with him and thankful. I’m sure he will continue doing well because he is very motivated.
For other students on the farm, on the ranch, and in Pine City, their new classes were going well for them.
It was harder for all the ones going into fourth grade from the church school to be missionaries. This included Timmy, Joy and Hope, Max and the quadruplets.
At least they all had the benefit of having a partner from the Church school in their class. In fact Timmy and Max were in the same class as Joy and Lily. Hope was in the same class as Rose and two other boys from the church school. Iris and Violet each had another girl and two boys from the church school in their fourth grade classes, so they all felt well supported. They all remembered what they had learned in third grade and got started making friends.
Ellie and Lisa from the ranch and Jose and Hugo from the farm all started high school this year. Candy and June from the ranch and Sam and Evan from the farm would be seniors this year.
Sara and Kim from the ranch, and Gary and Carlos from the farm were preparing for their nineteenth birthdays when they’d leave the ranch or farm to make their own livings. This was an exciting, but a little scary opportunity.
Their foster parents would say, “At least our girls / boys have learned and understand a lot about the Bible, and we’ll be praying for them. With God’s help they will do well.”
One weekend, Patrick and Glenda O'Connor had invited Walt and Betty Evans to come for a meal after church.
While they were visiting in the living room Walt declared, “I really enjoyed the service today at church! Of course I could say the same thing every week, but they sang some of my favorite songs today, and the teaching time was very uplifting. God’s love is so amazing!”
“Yes,” agreed Betty, “I especially liked ‘Love Divine, All Loves Excelling’ and the verse in 1 John 4:9, which I’ll paraphrase. God showed his love to us by sending his only begotten Son into the world, so we could live through him.”
Glenda added, “I like that one also. ‘Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty’ is also good. Psalm 103:11 says, as high as heaven is high above the earth, so great is God’s mercy toward them that fear him. The lyrics to the hymn are excellent, telling how he formed us with care in his image. The last verse is a good prayer asking God to use us for his glory.
Walt went on, “1 Chronicles 29:13 says, Now therefore, our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name. The song, ‘Glorious Is Thy Name’ is a great praise song. Verse 4 is also a good way to tell the Good News.
“I definitely agree,” Patrick stated, “plus it’s very nice to have time to ask some of our friends to come to our house for a meal after the church service.”
“Absolutely,” Glenda nodded and then asked, “Betty, how are you doing with your After School Place project?”
“It’s going very well,” she answered. “I still have the same children coming every afternoon as I started out with when we were doing the Bible Study and Story groups. They’ve gotten older and have learned a lot at school and also in the things we do at my house. Several of them have accepted Jesus, and I think some of the others are getting close. How are you doing with your project?”
Glenda replied, “I’m glad to say that mine is going very well also. The younger ones in my group have accepted Jesus, and we keep praying for the older ones. The kids and I miss having Riley come after his job every afternoon to help now that he’s married, but we’ll get used to it.”
“I miss Riley also,” added Patrick, “but I wouldn't wish him back now that he is happily married.”
Walt mentioned, “I guess you two have an empty nest now that Fiona and Riley are both married.”
“You’re right,” agreed Patrick, “but sometimes I get to come home early and do things with the after school kids and it helps.”
Betty inserted, “The school kids help our empty nest also, and when we get to take care of Matt and Fiona’s four treasures once in a while we both really enjoy it.”
“Same here!” Glenda exclaimed. “We especially enjoy taking care of them and then letting their parents take them home for bedtime.”
All four of them laughed and then they continued visiting about other topics.
Kosuke came to see Aneko for a conversation date at the tea room. Both sets of parents had advised them to get a good physical as part of their courtship, so they had finally done this and were going to meet there so they could tell each other the results.
Aneko had just told her parents what her doctor had said, “She told me I would not be able to bear children. I can’t even say the big word she used, but it doesn’t matter. For myself, I’m relieved because I’ve never wanted to have babies. But now I’m worried that Kosuke might not want me because of this physical problem.”
Ami had responded, “This is why we suggested having a physical as part of your courtship. It will be hard for you now if he wants to stop, but not as hard as it would be later for both of you.
Tomo had prayed, “Father, you heard what my ladies just said, and we claim the promise in Romans 8:28, all things work together for good to those who love God and have been called according to his purpose, so please help all of us to accept your good and perfect will. Give us the peace we need. We pray in Jesus precious name.”
The three of them closed the prayer time with Amen, just as Kosuke came in the door. Aneko rose to greet him and they went to sit at the table in the corner.
After polite greetings Aneko began, “I’d like to be first to tell about the results of my physical with the doctor. If, after you hear it you’d rather not continue our relationship, I will understand. My doctor said I was healthy, but that I would not be able to bear children. I didn’t understand the big word or the reason, but that doesn’t really matter. If you’d rather find a wife without this kind of problem, please feel free to tell me.”
Kosuke felt like the air had been knocked out of him and sat in shock for a few moments, trying to make his brain work to be able to say in the best way what he wanted her to know. Aneko sat quietly waiting for his response and tried not to worry.
Finally he was able to speak, “Aneko, my dear Aneko, I could never love anyone but you, no matter what problems you might have! The reason I was in shock was that you thought this problem might end our relationship. I don’t ever want our relationship to end. I would like to be able to propose to you right now, but I know I need to give you more time to see if you can love me. I am glad to hear that you’re healthy.
Aneko replied, “Thank you, Kosuke! I was worried, because I am beginning to feel love for you, but I thought it would only be fair to let you go free if you’d rather. However I’ll have to be honest and tell you that what the doctor’s said was a relief for me because I never have wanted to have babies.”
Kosuke stated, “Now it’s my turn to say thank you. Thank you for being honest and I especially thank you for beginning to love me. I’m glad to hear you were relieved for yourself. It’s a good feeling, and as I consider the type of jobs we both have, I don’t think babies would have fit very well anyway. Now that we both know your condition, we won’t have to wonder or worry about if or when we might have one. But if, and this is a BIG IF, later in our lives our jobs change and we decide we would want a baby, we can adopt or be foster parents. So this is really not a problem for us.”
“And I thank you again,” added Aneko. “I appreciate the way you’ve convinced me and now I won’t worry any more. What did you find out from your doctor?”
Kosuke responded, “You’re very welcome. My doctor said everything was OK.”
She smiled at him and he melted inside. She stated, “I’m glad to hear your good news! And now I think we should plan our next fun date. I found out from Sakura that you’d like to learn how to do origami. Do you think we could find a class we could attend together and learn how?”
“I would like that a lot!” Kosuke exclaimed. “Thank you for your good idea. I’ll find a class and get us registered for it. Then I’ll let you know when it will be.”
The class turned into several fun dates and a good way to spend time together in the winter learning a skill they could continue to do. As an added benefit, Yoshi and Sakura didn’t need to go with them.
Hope and Joy were practicing in their bedroom with the brand new New Testaments they had received from the church school near the end of third grade. They took turns being the unbeliever with the other one reading the verses and showing the diagram about how Jesus is the bridge to God.
When they finished Sherry commended them, “Good work girls! I think it’s a very good idea to practice and be ready when you’ve made a friend you can share with.”
“Yes, Mom, “Joy agreed, “but sometimes it’s hard to be patient.”
Hope continued, “Yeah, it’s just like they told us it would be. It’s much harder to make friends in the public school.”
“But,” Joy went on, “at least I have Lily for my partner this year, and I’m very thankful for that.”
Hope added, “Rose is in the same class as I am, so I’m glad about that too. She told me she and her sisters are practicing at home like we were just doing here.”
“Good!” Joy declared, “then Lily will also be ready when we’ve made a friend we can share the Good News with at school. I can hardly wait!”
Sherry nodded, “Yes indeed, that will be a terrific day. Besides both of you have all the experience of the times we did ministry meetings or witnessed while we were traveling.”
“Exactly right, Mom,” Hope stated, “I'm glad we got to do all that traveling when we were small enough to fit on the dinette area in the van that we could rent from the Suehiros.”
Joy concluded, “I’m also glad for those trips, but I admit that at the same time, I’m glad we aren’t going to go any more. I’ve heard there’s even homework for over the vacation times in the public schools. It would be hard to find time to do it if we were traveling.”
Sherry was very pleased with the progress the twins were making and was again so thankful for the church school.
Karen and William used verses in John 13, to teach about Jesus as a servant. Karen instructed, “Today we will go back to the study of the Gospel of John. Chapters 13-17 took place just before Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Please find John chapter 13 and we’ll look at some things that happened at The Last Supper. Listen to John 13:4,5, At the supper, Jesus rose, laid aside his garments, girded himself with a towel, poured water into a basin and washed the disciples feet, wiping them with the towel…
She had the girls read verses 6-13 silently so they’d know what came between these two sets of verses and how Peter had responded to Jesus.
Candy mentioned, “Peter seemed to say a lot of things that either got him into trouble or weren’t the right thing, just like I do at times.”
“Right, Candy,” Karen agreed, “and it’s just like the rest of us also do at times. Now let’s read John 13:14-16 together out loud. Since I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Truly I say to you, the servant is not greater than his lord, neither is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.”
One of the girls wondered, “Do we really need to wash each other’s feet?”
Karen answered, “I think this custom was something that needed to be done in that culture, so it is hard for us to relate it to ourselves. In Jesus time it was the lowliest of servants who had this job, because the feet wearing sandals on dirty streets or paths got very dirty and needed to be washed often. Nobody had washed any feet before this Last Supper, so Jesus did it himself to teach the disciples they needed to be willing to serve each other by doing even the dirtiest and lowest of jobs.”
“Wow!” Sara exclaimed, “I can understand this so much better now. Thank you for explaining it for us.”
“You're very welcome,” replied Karen. “Now John 13:17 should also make more sense to you. If you know these things and do them, you are happy.
Kim reasoned, “Yes it does, because we can know when we do the hardest jobs for someone because Jesus has said to do it, it can give us joy.”
“Exactly,” Karen responded, “and now we’ll skip to John 13:34,35, where Jesus said, “A new commandment I give you. Love one another as I have loved you. … By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
June mentioned, “Yes, I think if we can show the world that we love our fellow believers they might want to know the same master.”
“Precisely,” stated Karen, “and now listen to the last two verses from other books in the New Testament and notice how different Jesus was from other teachers of his time. Luke 22:27, For which one is greater, he who sits at a meal or he who serves? It is he who sits at the meal, but I (Jesus) am among you as he who serves. And
Philippians 2:5,7, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, … He made himself have no reputation, and took on the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man.
One of the other girls mentioned, “Jesus was totally different, because he served all his life and gave his life to save us. The other teachers just wanted people to think how great they were.”
“Yes,” Karen agreed, “and that is what this summary of Mark 10:43b-45 says, Whoever of you desires to be great or foremost among you, should be your minister … or your servant. For even the Son of man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many. Let’s sing the chorus that goes with those verses. It’s called “Servant of All”, and its tune and words might help us remember this lesson.”
The girls nodded their agreement, sang the song, and thanked Karen as they left since the time was up for today.
Ben was very busy getting a small crew of men to work together on his first project. He had won a bid on a remodel of an older house. Denji had been thrilled when Ben asked him if he’d like to work with him. Denji knew of two other people to ask who had been in classes with him at the trade school. Both of them had accepted Jesus after hearing Denji’s testimony about Jesus healing his eyes, and they were glad to join Ben’s crew.
The four of them learned to work well together and completed the remodel quickly. In the meantime, Ben had lined up another project to build a house from the ground up. Even though it was winter, they made very good progress and pretty soon Jeff hired three other workers from young people in the church, who had also completed the training, and they helped to make it go even faster. They fit in and made a good team. Soon they had the house framed up and closed in, so the cold and snow didn’t bother them as much, since they could use space heaters to do inside work.
During his time of working with Walt Evans, Ben had learned how to make good estimates for projects, where to buy the best supplies at the best prices, give fair wages, and how to hire workers who would work hard and produce good quality, just like Walt’s company did.
Amelia and Riley went together to see her doctor, and found out great news. She and Riley would be welcoming a new little person into their home probably in early May. They were ecstatic!
When they told their parents and Matt and Fiona about it, Amelia explained, “My doctor said as far as she could tell the baby will be a boy, but she will check again in another month, then we’ll know for sure.”
“We decided we didn’t want the suspense,” Riley added.
“Good idea!” Fiona exclaimed. “It was fun with the boys but was very stressful with the twins until Sherry came with her twins and all their wonderful outgrown clothes and solved so much of the problem!”
Matt inserted, “We continue to be very thankful for their perfect gift and it’s perfect timing.”
Connie had declared, “Hooray! I’ll finally get to have a grandchild! And if you want to continue working at The Garden Shop, we grandparents can help take care of him in the coffee chat area or he can be in the office if he needs a quiet place to sleep.”
“Perfect,” Amelia stated, “I'd like to continue working if we can figure out good ways to do it.”
Ernest went on, “No worries, Amelia. I’m sure we can work it out in very good ways.”
Patrick realized, “By all means! There will be three possible grandparents to choose from. One of us should be available most of the time.”
“Besides,” Glenda added, “I'll be home and you could bring him to my house for some of the time.”
“Thank you all for your great support!” Riley concluded.
Connie responded, “It is definitely our pleasure, because we’ll still have Amelia working here and get to spend more time with our grandchild!”
Kosuke and Aneko had a fun date at the restaurant’s tea room practicing what they had learned about origami.
When the foster girl observed what they were doing, she came over and requested, “May I watch what you’re doing for a while? It looks fascinating.”
Kosuke had met her soon after he got home, so he answered, “Of course! Please join us and maybe we can teach you some of the things we’ve learned about origami.”
“Thank you,” she responded, “what does that funny sounding word mean?”
“Origami,” Aneko explained, “is a Japanese art form where paper is folded into pretty shapes or figures like animals.”
“Oh, I understand,” she remarked, “I like the ones you’ve already made today.”
Kosuke and Aneko took turns instructing the girl and she learned quickly. After working for a while she mentioned, “This activity is good for making my fingers work on small things.”
“Yes,” agreed Kosuke, “and practicing helps make it easier for them the next times.”
Aneko went on, “It also helps my eyes and hands to work together better, and I can concentrate better now than when we first started.”
“It’s also good,” Kosuke continued, “to help build memory, attention, and patience skills. If you remember to do things in the right order for each shape or animal you make, it’s not as frustrating as when you try to hurry too fast.”
“Besides all that,” added the girl, “it’s a lot of fun. I like the pretty colored paper and my favorite animal is the pretty swan over there. Thank you for teaching me how to make this bird.”
“You’re very welcome,” replied Aneko. “You’re a good student. Maybe we’ll all do some more of these another day.”
William started his next lesson by having them all review John 13:34,35 by reading it aloud. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you. Love one another as I have loved you. By this all men shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Jose exclaimed, “This is a really good commandment, but I think it is very hard to do!”
“Right,” agreed William, “but we can do it with Jesus help. Today I'd like us to use the center reference area and our concordances so we can find more verses about loving one another. Take some time right now to write the references you see that go with these two verses in your notebooks. Then look some of them up and keep bookmarks in the places that you wish to share. Write more references from those verses, and so forth. Then you can check the concordance for any that were missed.”
They all worked busily for about 20 minutes and then one boy read, “Leviticus 19:18b, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Another boy said, “Matthew 19:19b, repeats that commandment.”
Luis commented, Mark 12:31 also repeats the Leviticus commandment, and so does the last part of Luke 10:27.”
A different boy stated, “Ditto for Romans 13:9.”
Hugo agreed, “And the same goes for the last part of Galatians 5:14. That commandment is repeated six times in the Bible so far as we have found today, so it must be very important!”
“I agree,” and then Pedro read, “John 15:12,13,17 says, This is my commandment, that you love one another as if have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. … I command that you love one another. And in John 10:11 Jesus said, I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. His love for all the people in the world was greater than any other love I’ve ever heard about.”
“Absolutely!” and then Jose shared, “Those verses go with Romans 5:6b,7,8, At the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet possibly for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. To me this says God’s love is just like Jesus also had.”
“Right, Jose,” and then Luis mentioned, “The concordance listed several that go with loving one another, like 1 John 3:11, For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”
Another boy agreed and read 1 John 4:7, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and every one who loves is born of God and knows God.
“Yes,” continued Hugo, “and 1 John 4:21 says, This is the commandment we have from him, that since we love God, we should love our brother also.”
Then Pedro concluded with, “2 John 1:5b states, … we have this commandment from the beginning, that we love one another.”
William complimented them, “Good job, boys. This was a very good and important lesson. It would be a good idea for all of us to read these verses once in a while and then pray for Jesus to help us do what they say to do. Time’s up for today, so I’ll see you next time.”
Karen did a similar lesson with the girls on the ranch.
Kosuke and Aneko went on another fun wintertime date. This time it was a repeat of one of Aneko’s favorite activities from another of their first dates that Kosuke had skillfully remembered. They went together to used book stores looking for antique or out of print books. Kosuke remembered to give her all the time she wanted and stayed nearby to listen so she could talk to him and show him things she found.
As Kosuke took Aneko to her home they reminisced about some of the other dates they had over two years ago, and their good memories about them.
Then on another fun double date he began to feel a little envious of the closeness Sakura and Yoshi got to have on these double dates.
He said to himself, “I long to have that same closeness with Aneko. But I know I need to be very patient and give her whatever time she needs. Besides, I should just be thankful for this second chance instead of complaining.”
After that little sermon to himself, he decided to practice what he preached and enjoy every minute he would get to spend with her.
Just before the end of winter at one church in the city, a man came to the lost and found place in the church to find his boots, but he couldn’t find them. The secretary had to convince him to also look downstairs, because somebody else might have used them and left them there.
That’s where he found them. He gratefully climbed back up the stairs with the boots and thanked the church secretary.
When summer came, that church announced to the congregation that people needed to go through the lost and found pile in the entryway to find what might be theirs.
After a couple weeks of making that announcement, the church sold all the left over boots, mittens, hats, coats, and even Bibles for a fraction of their new price and donated the money to their missions fund.
Kosuke and Aneko were on a date for conversation in the tea room again. Aneko asked, “How is your job going now that you’ve been doing it for a few months?”
“It’s going well,” Kosuke answered, “now that I have become more accustomed to being a teacher. At first I felt awkward teaching people who are close to my age, but I told myself to just do my best for Jesus and he would help me, and he has. I realized he taught with authority and that I also needed to teach that way.”
She stated, “I’m glad for you. This is a big undertaking for you, so it’s great to know Jesus is helping you.”
“Yes,” he continued, “the first months were spent advertising and recruiting people for the first class, and that was different for me also, but it went very well and I have a good sized class.”
“Excellent!” Aneko exclaimed. “When Jesus asks you to do something big for him, he also gives you the help you need.”
“Yes he does.” Kosuke then explained, “At first I was worried about being able to do this task well enough that the army would continue to pay me, but then I decided that even if they would stop sometime, I’ll continue to do this ministry anyway and get a second job to make the money I would need to be able to stay in Pine City.”
Aneko declared, “I’m very impressed with your dedication.” But inside she was clapping and rejoicing, thanking God for giving her this amazing assurance. She now felt she could trust him to stay, so she felt free to love and marry him. It was a delightful feeling.
Kosuke went on, “Pine City is a very special place, especially with the church and school of evangelism. It seems to be meant just for this additional ministry, since it’s so close to the army post too.”
“I agree,” Aneko smiled, “and that’s probably why God chose Pine City as the place, and you to do the job. He knows just how to work things out in the best ways to accomplish his purposes.”
“Exactly,” then he mentioned, “I was thinking just this morning that we’re both 27 years old and I think I know the purpose for the tests and trials we’ve been through in the past years. It’s to know that Jesus is with us and is helping us to go on.”
Aneko responded, “I never thought of it that way, but I can see it’s true. You probably learned a lot of things like that at the seminary, and I’m glad you can share them with me and the people in your class.”
Don and Anita talked after their children were asleep. Don mentioned, “It was an interesting story at our small group meeting on Monday evening about the church plant group that was sent out recently from a church that had enough people in its congregation. They reported that one man talked in every small group meeting about how bad things were in the new place, and it pulled the others down.”
“Indeed it was interesting,” agreed Anita. “I thought the lady was very courageous to talk to the leader about it. Since he wouldn't stop the man, she decided she had to.”
Don continued, “Yes, and she followed the Bible’s directions, because she went to him apart from the group and gently told him how she felt and that nobody was forcing him to stay there.”
“Right,” she added, “He could go back to where he had come from or go somewhere else. But if he decided to stay, she asked him to please say only things that build up and encourage everyone.”
Don smiled, “I'm glad it had a happy ending. The man asked her forgiveness, agreed with her, and changed his tune!”
“Exactly,” Anita finished, “he became an encourager and worked to change things for the better. I enjoy stories with happy endings like this one.”
Don smiled and prayed, “Father in Heaven, thank you for the happy ending in this story. Please bless that group and help them as they plant a church in their new city.”
“Yes,” Anita agreed, “guide all their words and decisions and work through them with your miracle power to bring many people into your church here on earth.”
Yoshi, Sakura, Kosuke and Aneko went to the mall on a very windy day for their four member ministry time.
Sakura mentioned, “I’m glad we can be inside today. The wind makes it feel very cold outside. I guess it’s still winter, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
“Burr! It sure does make it feel colder,” agreed Kosuke. “I for one will be glad when winter is over.”
“Same here,” added Aneko, “I look forward to warmer weather when we can minister in the parks.”
Yoshi nodded, “We have many good memories of the times we all ministered together in the parks.”
They walked around in the mall praying as couples and then went into one of the stores to continue, but when they found nobody in there, they went back into the mall. Now there were more people out there so they prayed again for guidance. They saw a small group of people who seemed to be arguing about something, so they went closer to listen.
One man exclaimed, “No way! It could never happen! After an accident like he had, there’s no way he could ever walk again.”
Another man argued, “But my friend said he saw him two years after the accident and said he was completely normal.”
One of the women stated, “Sometimes things like that happened in the Bible, but I’ve never heard of it happening in the present time.”
Kosuke stepped closer and asked, “Do you believe the Bible?” The woman and most of the others nodded, so he continued, “It says in Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. To me this means he can still do the same miracles and heal people just like he did back then, as it says in Matthew 9:35, Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching … and preaching … and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”
The first man looked doubtful, “But those things happened such a long time ago.”
“Yes, it was a long time ago, but,” Yoshi continued, “I’ve heard of people who believe in him today, doing the same things he did, just like it says in John 14:12,13, Truly I say to you, he who believes on me, the works that I do he shall do also … and whatever you shall ask in my name, I will do it so the Father may be glorified in the Son.”
“In fact,” Aneko continued, “In Luke 9:1,2, Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them power … to cure diseases, and sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Jesus still does this today. There’s a boy in our church who was in a wheelchair for seven years because his legs had been paralyzed since birth. A man and woman in our church got acquainted with him and his family at a park and when they prayed for the boy he was instantly healed, got up from his wheelchair and walked and ran around.”
“Yes,” agreed Sakura, “if you’d like to come to our church you could meet him and another boy he and his parents prayed for, who also was healed and walked away from his wheelchair.”
Yoshi invited, “Please come to church this Saturday and we will introduce you to both families. If you promise to come, I’ll call one of the families and have them bring photographs of their son in the wheelchair.”
The first man admitted, “Well, I guess I need some proof, so we will come to church this Saturday.”
Yoshi smiled and told them the address and time.
Sakura mentioned, “Yoshi and I will be waiting for you in the entryway, and you can sit with us.”
Those people came and met both families. Cory and his family, showed them the photographs, and they were convinced. That group of people continued coming to church and before long, all of them accepted Jesus after learning more about the gospel.”
Chapter 18
Hebrews 10:24, And let us consider one another
to encourage love and good works.
Yoshi was trying to convince Kosuke, “I think our next double date should be in Pine City’s gorgeous enclosed rose garden again, where the roses bloom all year long, even when it was snowing outside. Lately I’ve been seeing the way Aneko looks at you, and I think she’s ready for you to propose.”
“Do you really think so?” Kosuke asked incredulously. “I don’t want to rush her.”
Yoshi stated, “I know my sister pretty well, and I’ve seen her attitude changing just in the last couple times we’ve all been together. In any case, at least it’s always the perfect temperature for perpetual roses in the rose garden, so it’s a nice place to go while it’s still so cold outside.”
“OK,” he consented, “we’ll go there, and I’ll pray before we go, and if I feel like she’s ready, I will propose.”
“Good,” agreed Yoshi, “Sakura and I will be praying for both of you. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
So Kosuke used his cellphone with the speaker on and asked, “Aneko would you like to see the enclosed rose garden again?”
“I’d like it a lot,” she answered, “it’s such a beautiful garden and good place to go when it’s so cold outside.”
Kosuke said, “Great. We’ll pick you up at 9 AM tomorrow then. God bless you.”
“God bless you too,” she responded, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The next day was very cold, but the car was warm, and they got to park close to the building, since it was a morning in the middle of the week. Once inside, they walked and talked and took time to smell the roses, and enjoy their colors and sizes, and all the while, he tried to determine if he could see what Yoshi said he saw about Aneko. After they had seen most of the garden, they sat on one of the well placed benches and talked some more.
Kosuke had seen a difference in her so he got very brave, stood up and knelt in front of her, taking her small, soft hands in his. “Aneko, I hope this is not too soon, but I want to tell you again that I love you, and I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me, dearest Aneko?”
Aneko exclaimed, “Yes! It’s not too soon. It’s just right. I’m among the richest of women to have a love like yours. My love for you has blossomed in the last couple weeks and now I love you very much. I’ll be delighted to be the wife of such a wonderful man.”
Kosuke kissed the backs of both her hands, gave them a gentle squeeze and declared, “Now I’m the happiest man in Pine City!”
They stood up for a hug, that seemed much too short, and then went hand in hand to share their great news with Yoshi and Sakura. Later they told the rest of their families, who were also thrilled.
Karen began a Bible Study with the girls on the ranch by reading John 14:6 as they followed along. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except by me.”
Liz commented, “I remember you saying that verse when we were talking about some of the names of Jesus in John 1 where it says he is the Word.”
“Right,” replied Karen, “in this case the words aren't used as his name, so they aren't capitalized. Jesus said those words to answer the question Thomas asked in verse 5. Before that Jesus had been encouraging them. Let’s read John 14:1-3, together. Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Fathers’ house are many rooms. It it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that you also may be where I am.”
Stella remembered, “The disciples were always sad when Jesus told them he would have to suffer and die, so those words should have reassured them.”
“Yes,” agreed Karen, “but many of the things he said just caused them to have more questions, like the one Thomas asked. Now read verses 7 and 8 to yourselves and find the next question.
Lisa stated, “Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father even though Jesus had just said they had seen the Father just by seeing Jesus.”
“Yes,” Karen continued, “so Jesus patiently explained it again to him and told him to believe. Next, in verses 12-14 Jesus gave them a very precious promise. Who’d like to read it?
Christi raised her hand and read, “Truly I say to you, he who believes on me shall also do the works that I do, … and whatever you shall ask in my name, I will do it so the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.”
Nan mentioned, “We got to see that happen when Sara and Candy prayed for Liz and Jesus healed her hand and wrist!”
“Definitely,” Karen concurred, “and it was so wonderful. Then in verses 16 and 17a, Jesus gave them another promise. Who’d like to read it?”
Emma volunteered, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, so he may abide with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth.”
Hanna observed, “That verse has two other names for the Holy Spirit, and we have him too.”
“Indeed,” Karen nodded, “and that’s why this is such a precious promise for us. There’s more about this promise in verse 26.”
Ellie volunteered to read it. “The Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, shall teach you all things, and remind you of whatever I have said to you. Wow, that adds a lot to the promise!”
“Yes it does,” agreed Karen, “and the other important thing in this chapter is in verses 15 and 21. Let’s read them together in closing. If you love me, keep my commandments. He who has my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me. He who loves me shall be loved by my Father, and I will love him, and will show myself to him.”
Kosuke and Aneko met again in the tea room to make plans for their wedding. Kosuke asked, “Do you need a lot of time to plan your wedding, Dear?”
“I don’t think so, Honey,” answered Aneko. “If you agree, I think I’d like our wedding to be very much like Yoshi and Sakura’s was.”
He smiled at her. “I agree, and even though I didn’t get to see their wedding, I know ours will be perfect!
“Good,” she smiled back, “then it shouldn’t take very much time to plan it. I’ll talk to Mom and Sakura soon.”
“Here’s a calendar,” he remarked as he handed one to her. “Let’s see what date will work best for both of us.”
They looked at several months and took some time to consider the options. Aneko mentioned, “I don’t think I want to wait very long, now that we’re engaged. I’d like to be married before Easter.”
“I feel exactly the same way!” Kosuke exclaimed. “So how about the Saturday morning of the last week in March. It will be before Easter / Resurrection Day.” He pointed to it on the calendar.
“Excellent,” she declared. “I can hardly wait. It’s going to be delightful to be your wife. Last night I was writing my new name so I could practice. I wonder how my first name will sound with your last name Makino.”
He exclaimed, “It will sound splendid, just like you are, my beloved Aneko Makino!”
She smiled, “It sounds impressive, the way you say it, Dearest.”
Kosuke responded, “I'm very impressed with you, my dear future wife. We will make a very good team. God can use us together and also separately in ministries for him, since we already have those ministries. And he will show us what we can do together.”
“Positively,” Aneko agreed, “I’ll gladly serve God with you, my dearest Kosuke!”
After the church service one day Ruth was talking with Maria, and Ruth commented, “I heard a Christian song the other day that had some good ideas including the shield of faith and sword in hand, but it didn’t mention the rest of the armor.
Maria stressed, “We both know we can’t make it with just one or two pieces!”
“Exactly,” Ruth went on, “We need all of them, as it says in Ephesians 6:10,11, so we can be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, which include his power and wickedness.”
Maria added, “The whole armor of God is listed in verses14-17, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace on your feet, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
Ruth continued, “Exactly, then verse 18 says to pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and to persevere. Anyway, I went home after hearing the song and looked in all my hymnals and songbooks to find a song that lists the whole armor.”
“What did you find?” asked Maria.
Ruth replied, “There were very few songs about the armor and none of the songs listed all of it. So next I looked on the Web and after reading through many that even had a title about putting on the whole armor most of them only mentioned two or three pieces. I finally found one that had all the pieces except the gospel of peace as footwear. It was “Put On the Armor of God” by J. B. Atchinson.”
“Well,” mentioned Maria, “you did tell me you were writing song lyrics now, so maybe you’ll just have to write your own song and include every piece of the armor of God in your song.”
“You’re right,” agreed Ruth, “I’ll make it my next challenge.”
While talking about wedding plans with Ami and Sakura, Aneko shared, “I’d like to have our wedding in the Japanese garden of the restaurant, if we can warm it up enough out there for the last week of March.”
“Sure,” Ami smiled, “we can use some space heaters for the ceremony and have the reception in the main part of the restaurant. I think it’s a perfect place for a Japanese wedding! And most of us can wear the kimonos we used for Yoshi and Sakura’s wedding.
“Perfect,” stated Sakura, “Kosuke will need to buy one unless he bought one while he was in Japan.”
Aneko exclaimed! “Great thinking! This will make our planning much easier. Kosuke and I will need to decide how many and who to have stand up with us. And we need to ask Pastor Don to officiate the ceremony.”
Ami proposed, “May I suggest a place for your honeymoon?”
Aneko nodded, so Ami said, “The weather in the Moab, Utah area is usually very nice by the end of March, and it’s close to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. A commercial campground would have electricity so you could be warmer at night and then you could go during the daytime to see all the sights your dad and I have told you about before.”
“I know I'd like doing that,” declared Aneko. “Let’s ask Dad to tell Kosuke about it so he can decide if he thinks it would be a good place for our honeymoon.”
Sakura mentioned, “I would like to suggest that you and Kosuke not try to have ministry times in the campgrounds while you are on your honeymoon. For us it didn’t work well most of the time, and I think it distracted us from the purpose of the honeymoon.”
“OK,” but Aneko asked, “please tell me though, what is the purpose of the honeymoon? I guess I’ve never really thought about it before.”
Sakura answered, “I think it should be to enjoy being together, learn how to live together, and how to share the intimate part of marriage.”
“Thank you, Sakura,” responded Aneko, “for explaining it to me. It is a lot to learn and enjoy, and I agree that trying to do ministry on the trip would distract from it.”
Ami added, “The night before your wedding, your dad and I have a
booklet for you to read, which will help you with the intimacy Sakura spoke about, so don’t worry about that part. The book will explain it very well and we can answer your questions.”
Sakura declared, “It is a very informative and helpful booklet.”
“Thank you Mom and Sakura,” said Aneko. “I admit I was feeling nervous about it. Now I won’t be.”
Some families with younger siblings in K and 1st grade from the city started coming on Wednesdays and Saturdays to ride with Esther’s girls since they’re now in fifth grade. So the little horses still got used sometimes, even though most of the ranch girls had gotten too big to ride them any longer.
“Mama,” said Val one afternoon, “tomorrow is Saturday and I asked a friend of mine if she and her family would like to come for a horseback ride after lunch since that is our time to ride and it will be warmer.”
Esther replied, “Thank you for telling us, Val. This way we can make plans. Does she have any sisters or brothers?”
“Yes,” answered Val, “her little brother is in kindergarten, and her little sister is in second grade.”
“OK,” Nathan commented, “then it sounds like Honey and either Brownie or Rusty will be good choices for them.”
“Right,” then Val continued, “my friend said the whole family would be very excited because they’ve never ridden before.”
Holly remarked, “Super, then we’ll get a chance to teach all of them how to prepare the horses first and how to mount and ride.”
Willow added, “Somebody will probably need to lead the little horses for the young ones.”
“Definitely,” agreed Lucia, “and I imagine the preparation and teaching time will take longer and the ride itself should be shorter so they don’t all get too stiff and sore.”
“Exactly,” Val nodded, “and if they enjoy it they might want to come back again sometime.”
Esther went on to say, “Let’s all be praying for the family and be good Christian examples to them. We can also be ready to tell them the good news if the time is right.”
“Absolutely,” declared Lucia, “since this is the main reason we try to make friends and invite them to come for a ride.”
William began a Bible study on John 15, “As we learned earlier, John 13 -17 happened just before Jesus trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Let’s start by reading John 15:1-8 aloud together. I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes clean so it can bear more fruit. You are now clean through the word I have spoken to you. Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me and I in him will bring forth much fruit, for without me you can do nothing. If a man does not abide in me, he is thrown away like a branch and is withered. Men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. My Father is glorified if you bear much fruit, proving to be my disciples.
“You boys remember working in the vineyard here on the farm and have seen the branches pruned or some of them cut off, so this part is very clear to you. And all of you realize that the only way a branch can stay alive and bear fruit is if it stays on the vine. Jesus disciples had also seen the same process, so this was a very clear illustration for them also.”
All the boys nodded in understanding.
William continued, “John 15:9-11 explain how to abide in Jesus. who’d like to read it?”
One of the boys volunteered, “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Continue in my love. If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have spoken these things to you so my joy might remain in you and your joy might be full.”
Sam commented, “Those verses make it clear how to abide in Jesus, and I like the promise of joy that goes with it.”
“So do I,” William agreed, “read verses 12-14 aloud with me to see if it’s easy to do. This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you.”
“No way is that easy!” another boy exclaimed, and the others nodded in agreement.
“I agree,” and William also nodded, “but we can do it with the help Jesus gives to us. Skip down to verses 18-20. who’d like to read these to us?”
Carlos read them, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world it would love you as its own. It hates you because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. Remember the word I said to you, the servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have obeyed my saying, they will obey yours also.”
Gary observed, “This isn’t easy for us either, but these verses are good to remember when others make fun of us or make our lives difficult because of what we believe and share with them.”
Again the boys and William nodded, and he said, “In verses 21-25, Jesus explained that the unbelief and hatred of the people fulfilled the prophecy ‘they hated me without a cause,’ as it says in parts of Psalm 38:19 and 69:4.”
Evan remarked, “I guess there have always been people who were persecuted by others for what they believed, like the Old Testament prophets, Jesus himself, and his followers in the New Testament. We can’t expect it to be any better today.”
“For sure,” William concurred, “and we can count it a privilege just like Jesus’ followers did. Chapter 15 closes with verses 26,27. Let’s read them together. But when the comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, who is the Spirit of truth, who comes from the Father, he shall testify of me, and you also shall testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.”
When the boys left, they thanked William for another good lesson, and Karen also taught this lesson to the girls on the ranch.
As part of Kosuke and Aneko’s planning and preparation, they talked about where to live after the wedding.
After talking for a while, they looked a little discouraged because they didn’t really like any of their ideas.
Tomo and Ami had overheard some of their conversation, since they were in the tea room, and motioned for Aneko to come over to talk to them.
When Aneko returned from talking to her parents, she proposed, “You and I and my parents and the foster girl can all live in Tomo and Ami’s house, because it could be almost like two apartments but with the central living area shared.”
Kosuke requested, “Please tell me more about how it would work and how they would feel about doing it.”
“First of all,” she replied, “Dad and Mom are all for this idea and are the ones who figured out how it could work. Their house has a split floor plan with two bedrooms and a bathroom on one side of the house and two bedrooms and a bathroom on the other side. The central area has the laundry room, kitchen, dining, and living room. They’ve been using the fourth bedroom as an office and exercise room. So all we’d need to do is change the office into a bedroom for the foster girl. My room would become the office with a treadmill in it for exercising. Denji’s room is larger than mine so it would become our bedroom. We can use the clothes closets in both rooms for our clothes.”
“Now I understand,” he responded, “I can remember the floor plan from the time I spent there before my parents got moved, and it would work well.”
Aneko added, “Good, and as an added benefit, I could still continue my ministry as the tutor for the girls as they are assigned to my parents so they can finish high school and I can train them how to help in the restaurant, and teach them how to sew.”
“I like this idea!” Kosuke declared. “This way we would not have to look for a house or apartment of our own or buy furniture, and you wouldn’t even have to move, except out of your room into OUR room. I like your parents, and I think this idea would work well for all of us.”
Aneko was smiling all the way through his declaration, because she liked this idea very much also. “I'm very glad you like this idea, because so do I. Dad and Mom’s house is big enough for all of us to live there, and everybody can get away for solitude when they need to have it.”
Later Tomo talked separately to Kosuke and suggested, “If you’d like to, the two of you could use the family van for your honeymoon. Ami and I have been to the Moab, Utah area, and it’s usually nice weather there in late March and early April. Not too long ago we showed you some of the pictures we had taken there.
“Indeed, and they were beautiful,” Kosuke remarked. “It sounds interesting do you think Aneko would like it?”
“Yes I do,” Tomo affirmed. “She knows how to travel and camp in the van and she enjoys it. When we showed her the pictures of that area, she mentioned it would be very nice to see those things in person.”
“Great!” Kosuke exclaimed. “Would you help me with the itinerary and teach me how to use the van?”
“Of course!” Tomo stated. “It would be my pleasure to help my future son-in-love!”
Vern, Lora, and Mindy Jones along with Afta, Hana, and Denji Suehiro went on horseback rides almost every weekend at the same time, with the Hopkins family and their girls, Sara, Kim, Candy, and June.
One day after a ride as they were visiting in the living room Denji mentioned, “All of you know I worked for Walt Evans after I graduated from the trade school.”
“Yes we do,” Yolanda commented, “Walt has been in our church ever since God healed him of his massive heart attack and saved him. He and his wife are very nice.”
“I haven’t met her,” Denji responded, “but Walt is a very good boss. I learned even more by working for him.”
Vern remarked, “I’ve heard that he is a very good contractor. He and his crews along with others crews in the churches, helped build the new church and school.”
“Right,” Ian added, “Later both crews did the remodels and additions to the cabins here on the ranch.”
Candy inserted, “They did a very good job too.”
“Yes they did,” agreed Denji, then he continued. “Walt had another man working for him, named Ben Clay who studied to become a contractor and had been learning more things from Walt. When he was ready to get started on his own, he asked me if I would like to work for him.”
Mindy added, “I’ve known Ben Clay for a long time, because he comes to visit with Matt while I’m there helping Fiona. He and his sister are very nice people.”
“I haven’t met his sister,” Denji clarified, “but I know Ben is nice and he’s smart and is a hard worker. I was very glad he asked me, if I would like to work for him, because I’ve been realizing that Walt already has enough men on his crew.”
Sara asked, “What have you and Ben worked on so far?”
“First,” he answered, “we and two other workers remodeled a house, and now we’re building a new house. Plus, Ben has hired three more men who work well with the first four.”
Lora observed, “It sounds like Ben is making good progress with his new construction company, and I’m glad you get to be on his crew.”
“I agree,” stated Afta, “it’s a good opportunity to be able to work for someone who’s off to a good start.”
June inquired, “Is it hard work?”
“Yes,” Denji replied, “but it’s good work and I like to see the progress we make each day.”
Candy agreed, “Building or remodeling houses would give you a lot of opportunity to see progress, and it’s a job that many people need to have done.”
“Right,” Kim continued, “it will be a good way for you to make your living. Sara and I are both getting ready to go make our own livings also, since we need to leave the ranch when we turn nineteen this year.”
Hana declared, “I know you’ll both do a good job too, just like Denji is. In fact he has already gotten a raise.”
Denji looked embarrassed, but he smiled at his mom.
Karen and William did a Bible study in John 16. Karen began, “In the first six verses of John 16, Jesus continued to explain things to his disciples about his departure and how the world would treat them. In verse 7 he said, Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you, but if I depart, I will send him to you. Who’d like to read verse 8, which tells what the Comforter would do?”
One of the girls volunteered, “And when he comes he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
“Thank you,” then Karen went on, “That verse and 9-11 tell what he will do in the world. Then verses 13,14 tell what he will do in believers. Read them aloud with me. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself but whatever he shall hear is what he shall speak. And he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it to you.”
One girl commented, “I remember hearing in some of the church teaching times that the Holy Spirit helps us to understand God’s word as we read it.”
“Yes,” June continued, “and we’ve learned in these classes that he can also speak to us or to others, through somebody in a word of knowledge or wisdom.”
Candy remembered, “Plus, there’s a verse where Jesus says to not worry about what you’ll say in certain situations, because the Holy Spirit will give you the words to say.”
“Right,” another girl agreed, “Luke 12:12 has a verse like that.”
Karen commended them, “Good comments, girls. Next read verses 16-32, and notice how well Jesus understood his disciples.”
When they were finished, Karen instructed, “Now look at verse 33. I want you to listen to it as if Jesus is speaking to you personally. These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”
Sara prayed, “Thank you, Jesus for this precious promise. It’s especially good for us girls who are going to leave the ranch soon.”
“I agree, Lord, “Kim went on, “we know the world is not as nice as this wonderful ranch, so we will have hope in this promise.”
A different girl added, “Jesus, your peace and knowing that you have overcome the world will be a great comfort.”
“Definitely,” the other girl stated, “we thank you for all we’ve learned from our parents here on the ranch and from Karen.”
Karen concluded, “Plus I thank you, Jesus, that these girls are such good learners that they are prepared to go live for you in the world and tell others about the Good News also. We all pray in Jesus precious name.”
And they all said, “Amen.”
Kosuke and Aneko’s wedding was very much like Yoshi and Sakura’s had been except theirs was earlier in the morning, so they could leave sooner for their honeymoon.
Pastor Don was surprised again when the two of them came to ask him to officiate their wedding since they had continued sitting with their families instead of with each other. But he was happy for them, and glad to do the honors.
It was a simple wedding with only one attendant each. Sakura was the matron of honor, and Yoshi was the best man. The Japanese arbor was decorated with some pretty artificial flowers since it was too early for the real ones to be blooming. The kimonos were all still beautiful and Kosuke did have one of his own. All the Japanese relatives in town were there plus a few other close friends. Kosuke and Aneko had informed these people that they didn’t want any wedding presents because there was nothing they needed.
For the reception they had all helped to make brunch type Japanese finger foods, which they enjoyed at tables inside the restaurant where it was warmer. The guests enjoyed listening to speeches by the bride and groom, telling how the two years of separation had helped them to mature and learn more about gladly serving God.
Their honeymoon to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks was perfect for them. The van was set up for them with clean sheets on the bed, enough food and water for the trip and the proper clothes for hiking. After the wedding and reception, they changed into traveling clothes and drove much of the day to reach Rifle Falls State Park, where they had a reserved campsite with electricity so they could be warm that first night.
And WOW, their first night was more thrilling than either of them could have imagined. The booklets they had read the night before were very helpful, but only gave them a little idea of what was in store for them.
The next morning, their oohs and aahs about the falls were very understandable since there was lots of water in the falls because it was springtime.
“Look!” Aneko exclaimed. “Rifle Falls is a spectacular triple falls. The water comes shooting out in three separate places and falls freely into the stream below the falls.”
“It is indeed spectacular,” Kosuke agreed. “This early in the year the vegetation isn’t green yet, but I can imagine it with the bushes and grass and trees with green leaves and the lilacs blooming.”
“Yes, I’ll bet it’s delightful,” then Aneko suggested, “Let’s hike this Coyote Trail past the base of the falls and on up to above the falls.”
Kosuke replied, “Yes, let’s do. I’m glad we got dressed this morning for hiking so we’re ready to go now.”
On the way, they saw some interesting limestone caves in the banks beside the falls. They weren’t very deep and the daylight reached inside some of them. They didn’t even smell like caves, but they were dusty and dirty. One of them even had a view of one of the three falls if you went inside and looked out.
The next day they drove into Arches National Park and did an overview of the park by driving the road up and back after stopping at the visitor center. By then they were ready to have an early supper in the van at the campsite they had reserved in Moab. After supper they talked about which trails to take in Arches park and what would be the best order.
Of course they had another fabulous evening together learning more about how to show their love in intimate ways. And each evening while they were in the van at the campground, got better and better.
Later Kosuke mentioned, “It’s good that we decided to not have ministry meetings on our honeymoon. This way we don’t have to rush back to the campground and skip some of the hikes we decided to take.”
“Definitely,” Aneko nodded. “Sakura’s recommendation was a good one. Even this way, it took us several days to see all the same arches the Jones and Foster families described to us.”
In addition to going to the viewpoint, they also hiked the other trail up to Delicate Arch and Kosuke enjoyed holding Aneko’s small, soft hand to help her up steep parts. He didn’t even have to let go of it so soon now.
This trail is strenuous, but not too long. It’s three miles for the round trip. But it climbs up a steep slope of slickrock and there is no shade or resting places. There’s not even a view of the arch until you get to the end of the trail. You have to watch carefully for trail markers to find the way. The last two hundred yards follows a narrow rock ledge, so it is not good for people who are afraid of heights.
But the view as you come around that last corner is almost breathtaking. Delicate Arch is a very large free-standing arch eroded into an extraordinary shape with many shades of red, buff, and brown sandstone. If you stand in the right place you can see the La Sal Mountains with snow on them in the spring or late fall or winter, behind and through the arch.
They got very brave and carefully hiked down the slickrock to and under it where they looked way up to the top of the opening. It hadn’t looked this large from the viewpoint. But then they remembered how small the people had looked from that viewpoint. Since they had brought plenty of water plus their lunch, they found a good place to sit and enjoyed the view while they ate.
The next day they went to the Island in the Sky part of Canyonlands National Park. They liked the loop trail to Mesa Arch as much as Tomo and Ami, the Fosters, and the Jones families had.
After eating lunch at a nice quiet viewpoint, they hiked to a small arch that has an old ruin behind it, located in Aztec Butte. It’s a pretty difficult trail, but Kosuke enjoyed helping Aneko up and down the hard parts. Then they drove to the Green River Overlook and carefully looked down at one of the loops of the Green River.
Later in the day they drove past Whale Rock and hiked to both of the Upheaval Dome overlooks. It’s an interesting formation and that hike filled out this busy day. They went to bed early so they could get up early and drive back to Pine City the next day. When they had time after returning home, they looked the dome up on the web and read several different theories about how it might have been formed. They also found many good pictures of it, especially one from the air.
Kosuke commented, “Spending our honeymoon in the van on a trip to such a fascinating place was the best way for us to start our marriage. We’ll have so many good memories of the trip also.
“Right,” Aneko concurred, “we’ve had plenty of time alone as a couple now as we finished getting acquainted and have started learning how to live together.”
“I agree,” Kosuke smiled, “now we’ll be more ready to learn how to live combined and separate lives in the family home.”
They got home early enough to have time to give a glowing report of their honeymoon after unloading their belongings. They were surprised when the day after they got home, Tomo, Ami, and their foster daughter left for a trip to Capitol Reef National Park.
Therefore Kosuke and Aneko had another week or more to be alone together as they got used to living in the family home. By the time the others returned, all of them were ready to learn how to live with this interesting arrangement. As it turned out, they all liked it.
On the first weekend in April the church time changed again. It would be at 2PM this time, still on Saturday, for Church #4. By now most of the people had gotten used to having church on Saturday, and they were all glad to be finished with the noon meeting time. It was rather an unhandy time to have a church service.
When Ted and Julie talked to their girls’ father two weeks before the time change, he decided to continue as they had been doing, except to come an hour later in the morning for the horseback ride. Lunch wouldn’t have to be as early either. The main difference would be the shorter amount of time in the afternoon for their time together in Pine City. But they all decided it was enough.
Some people remembered back to a time when the church had changed time on April 1. It happened very rarely, but the people who forgot about it that weekend would feel like it was indeed a good April Fool’s joke on them. But they just stayed at the church service they had attended by mistake and were ready for the time change the next week, and they went to the “correct” church.
William had the boys look up and read all of John 17 silently. Then he said, “This was a prayer Jesus prayed to his Father shortly before he died on the cross. Let’s read verse 3 together. This is life eternal that men might know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
One boy commented, “I like that definition of eternal life.”
“So do I,” Sam agreed, “and I like the next verse where Jesus says, ‘I have glorified you on the earth. I have finished the work you gave me to do.’ It reminds me how important it is to finish our work.”
William nodded, “Same here, and the middle part of the prayer is where Jesus prays for his disciples. So let’s look closely at verses 20-24 and also find cross references to go with them, since they relate more to us.”
The boys took turns reading verses and commenting.
Evan read John 17:20,21, “I don't pray for these alone, but for those also which shall believe on me through their word: that they all may be one as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you have sent me. This is a good way believers can prove that Jesus was sent to the world by the father.”
Another boy read a cross reference in Romans 12:5, “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another, and Galatians 3:28b, … you are all one in Christ Jesus. I think this means that believers are in unity.
“I agree,” and then Carlos read, John 17:22,23, The glory you gave me, I have given to them, that they may be one, even as we are one, I in them and you in me that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them as you have loved me.
Gary noted, “that first verse goes well with John 1:14, The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. In heaven we’ll get to see Jesus face to face just like his disciples did.”
A different boy stated, “Yes, and Jesus asked for that in John 17:24, Father, I desire that those you have given to me be with me where I am, so they may behold my glory which you gave me, for you loved me before the foundation of the world.”
The last boy read 1 John 3:2, Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. This is another promise that it will happen, just like Jesus said it would.”
William applauded them, “Those are good verses and comments. When your vacation starts next week it would be a good idea to read John 13-17 again. It will help you as you observe Resurrection Day this year. Next read the rest of the Gospel of John, which tells the rest of the story of Jesus’ time on earth. Focus especially on John 20 and 21. Thank Jesus for all he did and went through to pay for our sins and provide our salvation. I think it will help you to rejoice more on the day we celebrate his resurrection.”
When the Jones family heard about Kosuke and Aneko’s honeymoon trip from Tomo and Ami, they duplicated it for their RV travel on the week before Resurrection Day.
Lora mentioned, “I’m glad we included Rifle Falls State Park and that nice hike in this trip. The little caves were interesting.”
“Yes, they were,” Vern agreed. “They are so small compared to Carlsbad Caverns. But it was fascinating to see them in plain daylight along the bank by the falls.”
“Definitely,” Mindy stated, “but I’m glad we didn’t go crawling into them. They looked pretty dusty from outside.” They nodded.
The first day after their arrival in Arches Park, they took a day trip to Canyonlands National Park and hiked to the little arch by the ruins in Aztec Butte and to the Upheaval Dome overlooks early in the trip so they wouldn’t forget to do it.
Of course they also hiked the short loop to see Mesa Arch again. There were some other people there so they told them about The Defender being the name they liked better for the tall formation beside the Washerwoman. As usual they used the opportunity for a Good News presentation to go with it, and two of the people listening, accepted Jesus. They were so happy!
The next time they saw Tomo and Ami, Vern explained about the Defender name change and how it was a good possibility for sharing the gospel on the hike. They were glad to get that idea.
They hiked to Delicate Arch and were just as impressed as Kosuke and Aneko had been. They put this as number one on their list of favorite arches. Even though the hike was hard, they planned to do it again someday.
Another day they went to Tapestry Arch near the campground. Since it was so close, they just went to their campsite early one day and were able to hike there and back before supper and meeting time.
A different day they hiked to Ribbon arch on the other side of the North and South Windows. There’s not much of a trail and it’s a moderately challenging hike. It’s about two miles long. The arch is small and high up in the cliff, but it’s pretty and the hike is great for people who like solitude. Not many people even know it exists.
Vern remarked, “I’m glad we were able to have ministry times at our campsite in the campground at Arches National Park where we had a reserved site for the whole trip.”
“Yes,” agreed Lora, “our ministry times went very well as usual. It was nice to invite the people back for another meeting or two if they still had questions needing answers.”
“I like that too,” said Mindy, “by then they can even choose what songs they want to sing.”
Of course they hiked to as many of their other favorite arches as they had time for on the remaining days they were there. All too soon, it was time to drive back home, but it had been a lovely trip.
Karen and William had a special meeting for the ones who would be going out on their own that year after they turned nineteen.
William began, “I know your parents have told you about the party that will be held on the ranch for you. You also know why none of the parents have allowed dating while you’ve lived here.”
Gary mentioned, “I’m really glad about that rule. I’ve heard many stories at school, and I’ve wanted no part of them.”
“Thank you, Gary.” Then William went on, “By now you’ve had several lessons about how to act on dates and how to be real gentlemen, and you know the consequences of doing the wrong things, so we won’t cover those again today.”
One of the boys stated, “I’m grateful for the things you’ve taught us. Now we don’t have to learn the hard way.”
“I’m glad you feel that way,” William responded. “Now I'd like to explain an opportunity the party could be for you. Your group has already started practicing for the song you’ll sing together at the party, so you’ve already had the opportunity to meet and see the girls on the ranch who are in the group.”
Carlos remarked, “They are all very nice girls from what I can tell by the times we have practiced together.”
William nodded, “I’m sure they are, from what I’ve heard. You all know they came from abusive families like you did. But just like all of you, Jesus has saved and restored them. They are all believers and have heard mostly the same Bible lessons as you’ve heard from me, taught to them by their good teacher on the ranch. They’re also in good Christian homes and have learned a lot there also.”
The other boy acknowledged, “Those are good facts for us to know about, thank you for telling us.”
“You’re welcome,” William smiled and went on, “All those girls have foster sisters who are one year younger than they and you are. So you’ll have an opportunity at the party to see them also. You might get to meet and talk to those in or close to your age group.”
The boys nodded and waited for more information.
William continued, “If you see someone you might be interested in, you could ask your parents if they could arrange some activity you could do together as families. Ideas include horseback riding, playing sports, ice skating, star gazing, or lunch together during the part of a year they and you would still be in the foster homes.”
Gary stated, “Then it wouldn't be considered a date?”
“No,” William clarified, “it would just be two families doing something together as a way to get better acquainted.”
The boys nodded again.
So William went on, “When I was growing up, it was always the boy or his family who would initiate something like this, but now days girls or their families might do it, so don’t be surprised if your family is invited to the ranch sometime after the party has been held.”
Carlos asked, “Would it just be a phone call, or would they or we have to write an invitation?”
“Either way would work,” he answered, “but since phone calls are so much easier and give a chance to make plans, they might be best. Also remember to review your list of qualifications you’d like a girl to have, if she is to be a possibility for a future wife. Plus, you need to live the way the lessons I taught you described. Don’t just put on an act. Really be that kind of person all the time!”
As they were leaving, each boy thanked William for the review and all the information and ideas. It was a lot to consider.
Kosuke and Aneko were enjoying married life. Because they didn’t work in the mornings, it gave them a lot of time together, whenever Aneko wasn’t tutoring, plus the weekends. And they always looked forward to church.
Kosuke remarked, “The first song we sang today went very well with the weather we were having outside this week, wind and rain one day, and hot sun another day.”
“Indeed it did, Honey!” Aneko exclaimed. “The song was, ‘A Shelter In the Time of Storm,’ and it goes with Isaiah 25:4, For you have been a strength to the poor, … the needy, … a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat…”
Kosuke continued, “I like the second song too, ‘The Haven of Rest,’ and how well it goes with Hebrews 4:3a, For we who have believed do enter into rest… It’s a good one to remember when we feeling tired for any reason.”
Aneko mentioned, “I’m glad our jobs aren’t physically tiring but this is a good song for me to remember when I hear about the bad things happening in the world.”
“Exactly!” Kosuke declared, “and the same goes for the song Under His Wings,” which goes with Psalm 91:4, He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall trust. His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”
Aneko nodded and stated, “The last song we sang is one of my favorites. ‘He Who Began a Good Work In You,’ has many of the words of Philippians 1:6, Being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
“I agree, Sweetheart,” said Kosuke. “It’s a very encouraging song and scripture.
Springtime has many things to enjoy. As the girls from the ranch rode the bus to and from school, they still changed places by the window so each one could see out better.
Emma exclaimed, “Oh, I see both tulips and daffodils in several of the yards!”
Nan looked over her and saw them too. “Yes, they’re a sure sign of spring.”
“I hope,” continued Emma, “that they don’t get frozen by some really cold weather.”
Nan commented, “For sure, but they’re pretty hardy flowers, and they can even make it through some deep snows.”
Emma laughed, “The way you said it, sounds like the flowers were taking a hike.”
“Yep, it did,” Nan joined her laughter, “we could make it into a make-believe story and have some more fun with it.”
Stella and Liz were looking for green. Liz remarked, “Even one blade of grass would be nice to see after all the browns of winter.”
“Hey!” declared Stella, “I just saw a whole little green plant.”
Liz asked, “Did it have a pretty yellow flower on it?”
“Not yet,” answered Stella,”but it won’t be long before we see lots of dandelions on our bus rides.”
Liz mentioned, “I remember a Nature Corner story said fresh dandelion leaves make a good salad and are very nutritious.”
“Yeah,” responded Stella, “Danny Dandelion said if you pick them before the plant blooms the leaves aren't as bitter. Maybe we should try it sometime on the ranch if we can find a place we know hasn’t been sprayed with poison.”
Liz nodded, “OK, but let’s ask Dad and Mom first.”
On another day later in the spring Lisa stated, “There are a lot more colors in the spring than in the fall, and after a long winter, the flowers and blooming trees are so welcome!”
Ellie said, “I agree one hundred percent. I remember Emma saying once that she liked to watch the flowers as they progress from one to the next one. We’ve already seen the daffodils and tulips and now we’re seeing the flowering trees. The lilacs will be next.”
“Right,” Lisa concurred, “I like it when people have planted lilacs in a hedge and used their varied colors. The white ones between the light and dark purples are a nice combination.
Ellie remarked, “I appreciate things like flowers so much more than I used to, because Mom plants pretty flowers in the gardens and Vera taught us so much about the wildflowers on the ranch.”
One other day Hanna shared, “I’m glad we’re still changing places so we take turns sitting by the window on the bus. It makes the ride seem shorter and more interesting. Now the roses are blooming and people have other flowers in their yards.”
“Indeed,” Christi agreed, “and the roses come in so many different colors and sizes. They also last longer than many of the spring flowers.”
Hanna admitted, “I like the iris that bloomed before the roses the best of all the flowers, except that they don’t last very long.”
Christi responded, “I know what you mean. When we go to the library today at school, let’s check out a book apiece about flowers.”
“Great idea,” replied Hanna, “then we can take them home and share them with the others.”
Pam Green, who taught third grade at the church school, had awakened in the night after a dream about some of her time at the university. She had a hard time getting back to sleep, so she quoted Psalm 100 over and over until she fell asleep.
In the morning, which was Saturday, she spent some extra time writing in her journal. First she wrote the verses she had quoted so many times in the night. Then she wrote about the dream.
The dream I had last night was about some unpleasant memories of some boyfriends I had while I was attending the university. The first one seemed very nice until I told him I wanted to continue teaching after getting married. He actually got angry and told me he wanted me to stay home and have babies so we could have a big family. There could be no compromise or agreement here, so I ended that relationship.
The second young man pretended to be a Christian, but his actions spoke louder than his words. He wouldn't even go to church with me. He didn’t want to give any money to the church or ministries. That relationship didn’t last as long as the first one had.
Then there was the last boyfriend who didn’t bother to listen to things I said, and often made fun of things I did. He kept pressuring me to go with him to his apartment and get in bed with him. The last one was the shortest of the three. At that point, I gave up on dating and decided it would be much better to remain single all my life than be miserable trying to find a man worth marrying.
Just thinking about the university reminded me that the boys I dated in high school were no better.
After writing this much, she placed her hands on the paragraphs, asked God to keep her from dreaming about them again. Then she took her pen and made a big X on the paragraphs. Next she looked up Philippians 3:13b,14, and asked for God’s help to forget the things which are behind, and reach for the things still ahead. Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
She kept reading and focused on verses 20, 21, For our citizenship is in heaven. From there we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body, according to the power by which he is able to subdue all things to himself. Then verse 4 in chapter 4 caught her eye, and she wrote it on a small card like this, Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!
She thanked God for the wonderful single life he had given her, her teaching career, her nice home in the basement of the house of a Christian couple who were so good to her, and the splendid weather today.
She looked up and memorized Psalm 63:3,4, Because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you. Thus will I bless you while I live; I will lift up my hands in your name.
After that she put an SD card of praise music into her player and sang along with the music while she cleaned her adorable home. Later she went for a walk in the park just outside her door, and thanked Jesus for always being with her. When she got back home, she called one of her single friends and invited her over for lunch. They had a nice visit.
As the weather warmed up, Kosuke and Aneko agreed that they liked to spend as much time outside as possible for exercising or doing fun things together.
One day she told him about the balloon ride she had taken with Yoshi and Sakura before their wedding. She did such a good job describing it that he exclaimed, “I’d really like to experience it also!”
She admitted, “I don’t know anything about setting one up, but Yoshi took care of all that and he’d be glad to tell you.”
So Yoshi helped him and they went one beautiful morning.
Kosuke declared, “This is the best way to get a birds eye view of Pine City and the surrounding area.”
Absolutely,” Aneko nodded, “The mountains seem so close and there’s nothing in the way of the view. I’m glad you’re taking lots of pictures of everything.”
“Yes,” he smiled, “this will be a wonderful memory for us!”
Another of their favorite activities was bike riding, so they bought good used bikes and often joined Tony and Maria for bike rides in the parks. It was good exercise and a nice way to spend time with their friends.
Later for winter exercising, the combined families bought another treadmill so each couple could exercise and converse together. The foster girl often had a friend come to join her.
One day right after lunch Aneko began, “Dad and Mom, Kosuke and I have been talking about all the money you wouldn't let me pay for rent, which I’ve been saving all these years, and the money he saved while he was in Japan, and the money you still won’t let us pay you for rent as we live here in this wonderful house. We all live so well here together that we’d like to continue doing it.”
Kosuke went on, “But we were wondering if we could use the money to help pay off part of the mortgage on this house and not have to pay so much interest to the bank.”
Aneko asked, “Then if we’d pay double payments each month, how long would it take to pay it off and be debt free?”
Tomo looked at his dear wife and winked. “Mom and I have been wondering when you might bring up this topic again. And we still had decided to not let you pay, because we want to keep you here. But if you really want to continue living here, then I think your idea is a very good one.”
Ami questioned, “Tomo, since they’d be paying so much on the mortgage and it would save so much interest, what do you think about putting their names on the title so the house could pass to them after we’re gone?”
“I think its a logical idea, Dear,” Tomo replied. “The house would already be partly theirs anyway with all that money put into it.”
“Wow,” Kosuke exclaimed, “I had never thought about that idea. I wonder how Yoshi would feel about it.”
Tomo answered, “Well, he took the money he saved by not paying rent while he lived here and is using it as a way to help them in their marriage to buy a house and the things they need. But I agree, we need to talk to Yoshi and Sakura before we make a final decision.”
“Certainly,” agreed Ami, “we need to avoid any hurt feelings or resentment. Let’s have them over to breakfast sometime soon so we can talk it over with them.”
When they asked Yoshi and Sakura what they thought of the idea, Yoshi replied with the same thing Tomo had said about his money. Both of them agreed it was an excellent idea, since they wouldn’t have a need for the house anyway. They had one of their own.
This time the Jones family went to Steamboat Lake State Park and saw Hahns Peak for the Fourth of July week of vacation. Before they went, they heard there was a book about a real family who had homesteaded near Hahns Peak titled, “God’s Mountain,” by Rose M. Wheeler. They bought the book off the web before they went to Steamboat Lake State Park, and took turns reading it aloud as they drove there and back home. The story enriched their trip a lot.
An older couple in their new small group had told them about the book. That couple had learned about the author when they traveled there years before. There had been was a little store in the small town of Hahns Peak Village where this couple had stopped and bought various things, including a copy of Rose M. Wheeler’s biography of her husband and herself.
Vern had made reservations in the Sunrise Vista Campground of the state park, for an electric site for the time they wanted to stay there, and they were able to have meetings in the evenings after supper.
When they got back home from this trip, they enjoyed looking at their photographs and talking about the trip.
“Our ministry times were good on this trip,” Mindy commented.
Vern nodded, “Yes, I’m glad that one family kept coming back to the meetings until they finally got all their questions answered and decided to accept Jesus.”
“For sure,” Lora went on, “and it was an interesting coincidence that they were from Pine City and we’ll see them at church this Saturday.”
“I agree. They were excited about it.” Then Mindy stated, “I liked the day we drove back to Steamboat Springs and walked the easy paved half mile round trip to lower Fish Creek Falls. It was a special waterfall. Of course I could say that about most waterfalls. These pictures will help us remember it.”
“Definitely,” Vern agreed, and the day we drove to Hahns Peak Village was interesting. I think it has grown since the older couple had been there, but the historical society preserves fifteen of the town’s earliest buildings, including a cabin, and a schoolhouse. Going inside the museum was interesting and we learned more about the area being a mining camp in the past.”
Lora exclaimed, “I can’t imagine living the way they did! I much prefer our lifestyle. I enjoyed the day we spent in the area around Pearl Lake State Park. The scenery was beautiful, just like most of the Colorado mountains.”
“Yes,” agreed Mindy, “these pictures turned out well. But I did miss the twins on this trip, although I understand why they can’t travel any longer.”
“So did I, and their parents also,” then Vern continued, “I’m glad that on the way home we decided to repeat the hike up the Big South Trail beside the South Fork of the Cache La Poudre River.
“Same here,” agreed Lora, “because we had enjoyed it so much the other time. It was just as good this time! And it made up for the lack of good hiking trails in the other area. This was a good trip.”
“I liked it too,” stated Mindy, “and now I can get back to my studies. I’m enjoying them so much more now that the courses are more about teaching and not just general knowledge.”
Vern remarked, “I’m glad you tell us about your courses. This has turned out to be a wonderful way for you to ‘go’ to a university.”
Karen and William used Psalm 67 with the boys on the farm and the girls on the ranch. For a change of pace, they were sitting in a circle this time.
Karen instructed, “Find Psalm 67 and read it silently.” When they finished she continued. “This Psalm would make a good prayer. But I think it would be more meaningful if we understood some of the words better. So let’s take time to look up any words you don’t understand and write what they mean in your notebooks.”
She had them call out something they didn’t understand and she looked it up on the web. Then they wrote the meaning in their notebooks.
When they finished those she said, “Now please read a verse apiece as we go around the circle and include the meaning of those words if they’re in your verse, or make a comment on the verse.”
Christi read verse 1, “God be merciful to us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us… see also Numbers 6:25, The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. When God’s face shines on us we receive God’s favor, so it means almost the same as to bless us.”
Hanna was next for verse 2, “May your way be known on earth, and your saving health among all nations. Saving health could mean salvation, or help, or deliverance.”
Then Ellie read verse 3, “Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you. This is a very good prayer.”
And Lisa read number 4, “O let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth… Judge can also mean rule.”
Emma read verse 5, “Let the people praise you, O God, let all the people praise you, this verse is a repeat of verse 3, so it must be important.”
Next in the circle was Nan who read number 6, “Then the earth shall yield her increase, and God even our own God shall bless us. Increase is translated harvest in some places.”
Then Liz read verse 7. “God shall bless us, and all the ends of he earth shall fear him. In this verse, “fear” means to reverence, or to show honor.”
“I really like this whole psalm,” Stella commented, “because it has requests and praise both included, and the reasons to praise and the results. It really did help to find the meaning of some of the words.”
“I agree,” Karen went on, “Now as we close let’s pray the whole psalm silently and see if it means more to us now.”
The girls did that and nodded, so Karen concluded, “You can do this same thing with many other Psalms. Our time is up for today, so I’ll see you all next time.”
Sara’s family helped to clean the apartment she and Kim had found to rent in Pine City. Then they helped her as she moved her things in and got it organized after celebrating her nineteenth birthday at the ranch.
Sara mentioned, “I’m glad I already have a job and I’m accustomed to it and to my boss. Plus I know my way around there. Now all I have to get used to is living in an apartment by myself until Kim’s birthday and then she can move in here too.”
“It won’t be very long, Sara,” comforted Kim. “My birthday is only about a month away, then you won’t have to be alone.”
“I’m glad it won’t be very long,” Sara replied, “and I look forward to us joining a small group as soon as you move to the city.”
Ian mentioned, “Both of you can go together to ask Pastor Don and he will find you a small group quickly.’
After they left, Sara sat on the couch and prayed. She felt Jesus’ presence with her better than ever before, so she was at peace as she did a few other tasks around the apartment.
The next day she rode the bus to her job and back to her new home. All went well. She started a shopping list and decided to only buy one bag full each time she would shop so it would be easier to get on and off the bus. At first, she called her parents every day to tell them how things were going. Later she called less often.
Half way through the first month, she made arrangements to visit home, and caught a ride with someone who lived on the ranch bringing some food to share at supper.
Yolanda declared, “It’s so good to see you, Sara! It seems like a long time, but your phone calls have helped.”
“It’s good to see my family again too,” responded Sara, “I miss all of you and the horses, but I’ve started an independent Bible study and work on it every day along with keeping the apartment in order. So the time is well used.”
She met the new girl and had a nice time visiting with her family. Then she got to go horseback riding with the family. After supper, Yolanda drove her back to her apartment.
The rest of the month went quickly. Sara came to help celebrate Kim’s birthday at the ranch, and then her family helped her move and organize her things so she could share the apartment with Sara.
After a couple days Sara stated, “I really like having you here to live in this apartment. It’s nice to have someone to talk to, the walls didn’t answer me very well.”
“No,” Kim laughed, “walls don’t communicate very well. I’m glad I didn’t have to live here alone. I would not have done as well as you did.”
Sara explained, “Jesus helped me. I prayed after you all left that first day and he has been helping me every day.”
Gary was ready to move to the farm further down the valley when he turned nineteen. His work on the farm the past years and then full-time after high school graduation helped prepare him for the job he got at the other farm.
William helped him get moved. “Remember you can call if you have any questions or need anything. If I’m not available just leave a message, and I’ll get you called back as soon as I can.”
“Thank you, Dad,” Gary said sincerely, “I will do that. I'm so grateful for all the things you’ve taught me.”
“You’re very welcome, Son,” William replied. “You’ve become a good student of God’s word, and I know you’ll continue.”
Gary nodded, “I sure will. All your help and teaching these years are invaluable to me.”
“I’m glad,” then William continued, “be sure to come visit us when you can.”
Gary smiled, “I sure will. It will be my pleasure!”
A couple months after Gary had moved, Carlos moved to Pine City. William also helped him to move and met the family where he would be renting a room. Carlos was looking forward to his new job in the mechanics shop. He and William had talked in the vehicle before going inside so they’d have more privacy.
The other farm and ranch young people also moved to Pine City and got started with their jobs. The ranch and the farm families were missing them, but soon were busy with the new boys and girls who would replace them, and start the cycle over again.
John 2:1,2, … there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee,
and the mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples
were called to the marriage.
Pastor Don and Anita Ross were watching Timmy and Mary as they played in the backyard. He mentioned, “I was just thinking back over the last few years, remembering some of the weddings I’ve been asked to officiate.”
“Indeed, they were all special in their own ways,” Anita commented, “and the romances were interesting too, even if we only got to speculate on one, but we did get it right. Some of the others were such a surprise! But I enjoyed hearing about them when you gave me a summary of what the couples had said when they asked you to officiate.”
“Yes,” he agreed, “its funny, but we usually get to know about romances before the rest of our flock do, but there have been three in the last few years, for which we had no idea. I enjoyed having them tell me about their courtships. I think Riley and Amelia’s was the most unique, but they’re very much in love, are happily married, and have their first child, a boy, who was born in May.”
“I’m glad for them,” then Anita continued, “and you said Yoshi and Sakura, whose wedding was before theirs, did a lot of double dating before he proposed. They’ve been married longer and their first little boy is growing fast.”
“For sure,” Don went on, “and he’s so cute. Tony and Maria’s wedding was the one we knew most about before they even started dating, and we were correct with our suppositions about this one.”
Anita nodded, “It was fun to speculate. But I was surprised about both of them, since they had earlier decided God wanted them to remain single. He had to give them a special message that it was only for a short time span.”
“Indeed he did, and in his own special way!” Don exclaimed. “They make a very fine couple and have a great ministry going with the primary age children in the park or the mall depending on the weather.”
“Absolutely,” and Anita concluded, “I think the biggest surprise for me was when Kosuke came home from Japan. Nothing happened for a while, that we could see, and then all of a sudden they came and asked you to perform their wedding. I really liked hearing their story.”
“So did I,” Don concurred, “it was very touching the way he and she broke it off over two years ago, so he could go serve Jesus in the army in a way that wouldn’t work as well if he took a wife with him.”
Anita added, “I’m glad God worked out the way for them to have a second chance, and now they are also happily married, serving God in separate ministries and together also as a couple.”
“I’m glad too,” then Don prayed, “Father in heaven, as I think back even further, I’m so pleased with the way the Grace ‘n’ Faith churches have been growing, biologically with new babies, and with new children through adoption or foster families, and with all the new believers you, Lord, are adding to the church.”
“Yes,” Anita went on, “we thank you for that good list of ideas and your many servants who are trying them and having good success. Please continue to guide and empower all of them and us as we all gladly serve you, no matter what the weather might be.”
Joshua 24:15,
… choose you this day whom you will serve…
but as for me and my house,
we will serve the LORD.
List of Characters for “Gladly Serve God In Sunshine or Storms”
The ages listed here are for when this story began.
Pastor Don and Anita Ross are in their late 20’s and live in Pine City. Don is the pastor of Grace 'n' Faith Church #4, and earns their living by stocking shelves at the Local Grocery. Their children, Timmy, who is 6 and his sister, Mary, who is 5, are in the church school where Anita volunteers every day to help pay their tuition.
Tomo and Ami Suehiro are in their early 50’s and live in Pine City. They own and operate Ami's Japanese Restaurant. Their children are Aneko, 25 and Yoshi, 24. They both live at home and work at the restaurant.
Afta and Hana Suehiro are in their early 50’s and live in a different state. Afta is Tomo’s twin brother. Their son is Denji, who is in high school.
Kosuke, 25, and Sakura, 24, Makino are the son and daughter of Hana’s sister and her husband.
Ernest and Connie Clay are in their early 40’s and have lived in Pine City all their lives. They own and operate The Garden Shop. Their children are Ben who is 20, and Amelia who is 19 years old.
Patrick and Glenda O'Connor are in their 40’s and have lived in Pine City all their lives. Their children are Fiona, who is married to Matt, and Riley, 25 a college graduate. Patrick works at the Garden Shop. Glenda is a homemaker.
Matt and Fiona Anderson live in Pine City. Matt is 28 and works for Evans Construction Company. Fiona is 26 and is a homemaker and mother. Their children are Johnny, and later Patrick, Faith, and Grace.
Walt and Betty Evans are in their 60’s and live in Pine City. They weren’t able to have children. Walt is the owner and boss of Evans Construction Company. Betty is a homemaker.
Roy and Sherry Foster are both 27 and live in Pine City. Roy works at Building and Home Supplies. Their identical twin girls are Hope and Joy, who are 6. They attend the church school where Sherry volunteers to help pay their tuition.
Ruth Beckett is 32 years old and isn’t married. Her brother, Jason Beckett, is 30 years old and isn’t married.
Both of them own and operate a separate Beckett CPA office.
Maria Gomez is 26 years old, and is Julie Blake's former college roommate. She lives in Pine City and isn’t married. She works as an accountant in Ruth Beckett’s CPA office.
Vern and Lora Jones are in their 30’s, and were just married last year. Vern is a pediatric dentist at Happy Smiles for Kids. His daughter, Mindy is 14, and is thrilled to have a mom again. Lora is the school nurse at the church school and also teaches Health and topics related to it. They live in Pine City.
Oscar and Vera Yardley are in their mid 60’s and live on Mercy Valley Ranch near Pine City. Their foster girls are Emma and Nan who are 9, and Stella and Liz who are 10.
Nathan and Esther Mendoza are 28 years old and live on Mercy Valley Ranch near Pine City. Their foster girls are Lucia, Val, and the twins, Holly and Willow who are all 7 and attend the church school.
Ted and Julie Blake are both 26, and live on Mercy Valley Ranch near Pine City where Ted maintains the houses. Julie teaches and uses Kippy, a koala puppet, with third graders at the Grace ‘n’ Faith Christian Church School. Their foster girls are Lily, Violet, Iris, and Rose, who are all 6 and are fraternal quadruplets, who attend the church school.
Jeff and Karen Spencer are in their 40’s and live on Mercy Valley Ranch near Pine City. Jeff works with Matt, and Karen works on the ranch. Their foster girls are Christi and Hanna, who are10, and Ellie and Lisa who are 11.
Ian and Yolanda Hopkins live on Mercy Valley Ranch near Pine City and both work at Discount Mart. Their four foster girls are Candy and June, who are 14, and Sara and Kim who are 15.
Unice Logan is single and in her 30’s. She is the veterinarian and also a family nurse practitioner who lives and works full-time at Mercy Valley Ranch near Pine City.
Felix and Sunny Lucero are 28 years old and live and work on Mercy Valley Truck Farm near Pine City. Their foster boys are Jose and Hugo, who are11, and Pedro and Luis, who are 12.
Greg and Oralie Iverson have just turned 30. Their son, Cory who is 9 used to be handicapped and in a wheelchair, but Jesus miraculously healed him. They live on Mercy Valley Truck Farm where Greg works. Oralie volunteers at the church school their foster boys attend. Max is 6, his brother Levi, is 7, and Kevin and Jack, are 8.
William and Anna Beckett are in their 50’s, and live and work on Mercy Valley Truck Farm near Pine City. Their foster boys are Evan and Sam, who are 14, and Carlos and Gary, who are 15.
The other families with girls or boys on the farm and ranch are unnamed in order to keep it more simple.
The farm owners don’t have any foster boys since they need to continue supervising the running of the truck farm.
Tony Valdez is 28, lives in Pine City and isn’t married. He is the assistant manager at Fiesta Restaurante.
Miss Beth Davis is in her early 40’s, isn’t married, and lives in Pine City. She is the principal of the Grace 'n' Faith Church Christian School. She also teaches History and Geography.
Miss Pam Green is 28 years old, and isn’t married. She lives in Pine City and teaches third graders at the church school
Larry and Jane Kelsey used to live in Pine City. They moved with other church members to a city in a southern area to help plant a church there.
Clara and her husband are now serving Jesus as missionary nurses in another small city.
Horse names, colors, sizes and breeds on Mercy Valley Ranch
Horses are measured in hands, and a hand equals four inches.
Bronze and Topaz are buckskin quarter horses,16.3 hands tall. One is tan and the other is bronze.
Dappled is a dapple gray quarter horse with a black mane and tail, 15 hands tall.
Diamond and Comet are matching bay Morgan horses, 15.2 hands, and are brown with black manes and tails.
These five horses have the usual gaits of horses: walk, trot, and canter. The trot is very bouncy, unless the rider knows how to post.
The next group are gaited horses that walk, plus some have a running walk, others have a single-foot. They don't trot, so they are very smooth and comfortable for the rider. They can also canter.
King and Queen are solid black Tennessee Walking Horses. King is 17 hands and Queen is 15 hands.
Patches, brown and white, and Spots, black and white, are pinto Tennessee Walking Horses, 16 hands tall.
Blaze and Star are palomino Tennessee Walking Horses, 15.2 hands tall.
The rest of the horses are Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses.
Coco and Dark Coco are 14.1 hands tall, milk chocolate / dark chocolate with flaxen manes and tails.
Coffee is all dark brown. Tea is a light coppery color. They are 14 hands tall.
Princess is solid black and she is 13 hands tall.
Boots and Socks are light brown, also called chestnut color. They are both 12.2 hands tall.
Brownie is all brown like a seal, and Rusty is all reddish brown like rust. They are very small, only 11 hands tall.
Honey has a honey colored coat and an unusual brown mane and tail. She’s even smaller, only 10 hands tall, and therefore can’t be registered, but she is still a Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse.