Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 13.

Standing by their word. The lottery people were going to lay on a special presentation for them.  They were told "The Variety Club of Great Britain" had a function on at the Royal Lancaster, Bayswater that very evening, and after some gentle persuasion and a sizable donation they had secured two tables for them. The only problem was, the tables were limited to fifteen per table, and it was going to be a black tie function.

After a few words with Sharmini discussing the arrangements, Jeff asked the Lottery people if they could book 20 rooms at the hotel. Just in case some of their friends wanted to stay. 

That secured, many phone calls had to be made. Jeff would call Ernie at his cab office and give him the good news about his £40,000, at the same time arrange for transport, ninety percent of which would come from South London, and a couple of Sharmini's posh friends from her finishing school, one of whom was an exotic girl called Tiruchelvam, they called her "Terry" she only lived a stone's throw from the hotel in Sussex gardens. The other one, Katrina, a rogue of a girl, and a lot of fun, she lived on a boat in Henley on Thames.

As they weren't prepared for an overnight stay. Being booked into the Royal Lancaster Hotel, Bayswater was very useful. They were only fifteen minutes from Oxford street, Bond street and Harrods combined, and a lightning trip round town would give them all they would need for the evening.   

Sharmini thought it best she went shopping on her own. She thought this might leave Jeff just enough time to go and do a little shopping for himself before meeting up with his friends. He had already called Stuart and Bob, and told them about the presentation and the hotel arrangements. They said they'd be there. He then called the rest of the gang and told them about the black tie thing. He arranged to meet them all around seven thirty at the hotel's downstairs bar. Telling them that if they wanted, they could also stay at the hotel for the night. 

Jeff arrived back at the hotel, he had been to Cartier's in Bond Street and bought a pair of golden earrings, sort of mermaid shaped, he wasn't quite sure, but hoping she would like them he bought the matching necklace.

In such a short space of time Sharmini had managed to find the perfect evening gown, It was an off the shoulder flowing creation, a dress she knew was just the sort of thing Jeff liked. It was now late in the day so her special buy would have to wait until after the party. 

When Jeff arrived back at the hotel it was almost five o'clock. He was instantly mobbed by photographers and reporters. Helped by the hotel staff he was ushered inside. Once inside he hurried into the hotels tailor shop and bought the latest in black tie evening wear.

It was six o'clock by the time he left the tailors. Finally he reached his room, and with no sign of Sharmini, he laid himself slowly and wearily down onto the bed. It was an hour later when he was woken from his slumber by a gentle kiss. 

"Come on sleepy head, you've got a busy night ahead."

Sharmini had already set out his clothes for him, including new socks and pants, a new razor, and some expensive after shave. She knew he wouldn't have thought to buy any of that. She had a bath running for him and a nice hot cup of tea with some biscuits sitting next to him on the bedside table.

Waking up slowly, and wiping the sleep from his eyes, he stretched and luxuriated in a loud yawn, "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"I guess it must have been that ambulance uniform, I love a man in uniform."

"I thought I was going to be wearing it again."

"Well you're not, so drink your tea, and hurry up and get changed; I've got to put my makeup on."

"Oh I've got something that you might like; I hope it goes with your new dress." Reaches back, and from underneath his pillow produces the Cartier box and hands it to her.

She takes the box and slowly opens it. She lets out a gasp.

"I hope you like them, the man in the shop said they were a one of a kind."

"Like them, they're beautiful." She was almost in tears. "I never want you to do anything like this again."

 "What, why, what?" He was confused. "I thought you said you liked them."

"I do like them, they're beautiful, but if we're going to get married, we can't go around spending, money left right and centre, like it was water. Now you promise me?"

"OK, I'll try and stretch out that £145 million see how far it goes." 

She took one leap and landed on top of Jeff'. He turned her over and he was now on top. 

"We're going to be late."

Becoming slightly amorous "Let's just stay here, let's not go to the party."

Pushing him off of her soft willing body, "Don't make it any harder than it already is." Laughing, she jumped of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

Shouting after her, "Harder, I don't think it could get any harder."

A voice from behind the closed bathroom door, "You know what I mean, harder for me, not for you."

Thirty minutes later they were both dressed and ready to leave the room. Sharmini looked like a goddess. The dress, the earrings, the necklace, she looked beautiful. 

"Darling, you look beautiful, they'll probably think you're one of the celebrities, a movie star."

She looked Jeff up and down, "You don't scrub up half bad yourself." Kisses him on the cheek, and then wiped the lipstick off. "Come on let's go." 

It was seven forty five by the time they reached the downstairs bar. The place was in an uproar. There were celebrities mingled in with Jeff's friends, there were Sharmini's friends mingled in with everyone. Mass greeting were made, and everyone seemed to want to congratulate Jeff on his win. The lottery people button hold Jeff, and told him of the night's proceedings, what was going on, and in what order things were going to happen. If he or his friends wished to see it, there is a menu circulating, they can order their wine prior to entering the function room and have it waiting for them, or just order from the table, it was up to them what way they wanted to go. Reminding him that everything was on them, so just relax and enjoy the moment. Jeff had already made a point of telling his friends that everything was on the house, and not to pay for anything. 

Sharmini introduced Jeff to Tiruchelvam, the one they called Terry, and the roguish one Katrina. She had bought a date with her, a very interesting Australian guy who it turned out, was a friend of The Queen. Living half the year during the summer months on his boat at Henley on Thames and the other half working as a tutor at Oxford University during the winter. He told a story about when he was on a boat in Turkey. He had just surfaced from a dive trying to catch something for lunch, when the boat he was on exploded. Killing his very young, and very beautiful new bride, and two of his friends. His point was that justice in that part of the world was swift. The guards at the border captured the killers. Took them into the woods, and they were never seen or heard from again. Some stupid radical students, brainwashed into an act of terrorism. You could tell, this guy suited Katrina perfectly. Even though during the telling of his story he spent half the time looking down the front of Sharmini's dress.

 Terry came alone; it was just a short walk from her house. She was another beauty originally from Malaysia. Wearing one of those flowing Indian dresses, the ones Jeff likes so much. She wrote cookbooks, played musical instruments, and painted. Well she said she had met Picasso so she thought why not paint, something might have rubbed off. There was talk of her having an affair with him, but she always denied it. She was a famous opera singer, or some highbrow stuff Jeff had never heard of. A very, very interesting woman, who would listen with intensity whenever anyone else was speaking. She was a very, very nice person, who it just so happened liked Sharmini's earrings, and commented on how unusual they were.

It was now time for dinner. A rather portly gent wearing a bright red ringmaster style jacket announced "Dinner is being served, please take your seats." 

The crowd at the bar made a general and slow migration towards their allotted tables. Stu and Sue were of course on Jeff's table, together with Paul, Roger, and Bob, Ernie and his wife were there, Sharmini's friends and the lottery people made up the fifteen on that table. Their other table was made up from the rest of the gang, Paramedics, Golfers, only two of Sharmini's sisters were able to come, and her mother didn't think it would be correct if she attended without her husband. 

 Seated at the top table, was Tommy Cooper who lent over to Jeff, and asked "If he'd heard about the two cannibals who were eating a comedian, one said to the other one, 'Does he taste funny to you?' seated next to him was Les Dawson, Frank Carson,  Roger Moore, and Michael Caine and Then Jimmy Tarbuck. Seated at other tables it was like a who's who of comedians with Griff Rhys-Jones, Russ Abbot, Dave Allen, Charlie Williams, Rik Mayall, Mel Smith, Kenny Lynch and many more. Then there were TV and film actors scattered all over the place. To name just a few there was Gareth Hunt, Frank Windsor, Roger De Coursey, Tony Blackburn, and Dennis Waterman. Everyone was having a good time.

After the food had been devoured, the plates cleared away, and much wine, port and brandy consumed it was time for the presentations. 

An announcement was made: "That before the important part of the evening begins, there will be a presentation by the National Lottery who has already made a sizable donation to the Variety Club."

Cheers from the audience!!!  

"They are giving away £145 million to one of London's finest, a paramedic who for the past 10 years has selflessly helped others. He has told me, that when the dust settles, he will be continuing to help others in the work he intends to do. Not only that, he's a 3 handicap golfer."  

More cheers and applause from the audience!!! 

Jeff had been told this was their annual golf awards, and was prepared. He was given the giant cheque, and announced "That he had already spoken with Richard Branson and a £1 million charity golf tournament was being developed, and Richard had already pledged £100,000." 

More cheers and applause from the audience!!! 

"And if anyone else would like to pledge a further £100,000 he would personally donate a Variety Sunshine Bus to them."

More cheers and applause from the audience!!! 

Roger Moore stood up, "I'll donate £100,000."

More cheers and applause from the audience!!! 

Les Dawson stood up, "The man's a saint." (A reference to the 70’s TV series which Roger Moore played The Saint).

Laughter from the audience.

During the evening Jeff was able to talk to Gareth Hunt, who he had had the pleasure of playing with at Tyrrells Wood golf course two years earlier. It was a charity golf tournament, and Gareth was no great golfer, but they had a lot of fun with a lot of young ladies following them around wanting to carry their bags, and running off to get them beers.

Talking with Jimmy Tarbuck was a different matter, Jeff related an incident at Combe Hill golf club, where he had to play against a friend of Jimmy's in the semi-finals of the European Amateur Match play Championship. His friend had a caddie, and until the 15 hole where Jeff finished the game by beating his friend 4 & 3 (That means Jeff won by 4 holes with only 3 holes left to play) neither one of them spoke one single solitary word to Jeff all the way round. They then proceeded to walk off the course leaving Jeff 3 holes to finish on his own. 

Jimmy's reply was short and swift, "Yeah I know him, he's a wanker." 

Jeff went on with the rest of the story. "After arriving back at the clubhouse I went into the bar for a drink. There were three women sitting at a table, one of them was your wife, and one of them was your friend’s wife. She was the one who asked me if I'd just played against her husband? I told her I had, and she said, she hoped I beat the little rat. I told her yes I had, and they invited me to sit with them. I had a drink and told them what had just happened on the course. Their comments confirming my thoughts on him." 

"You're right he is a horrible little shit."

"OK I'll see you later, take care, look forward to playing with you sometime."

"OK, right, see you." 

Jeff went back to his friends. 

Michael Caine came over and quietly said, "I don't want a fuss, but I'll put in £100,000 for that charity tournament. Don't tell anyone just keep it quiet."

Jeff was dumbfounded, not only with the offer, but the thought that he was actually standing there talking to Michael Caine. "Yes will do. Thanks."

"That's a beautiful girl you've got there, look after her, and I'll give you another piece of advice, never,never,never,never ever buy a boat."

"Right, thanks, I'll remember that. Buy the way our family's must have lived close to each other in the 40's and 50's. My lot had a cafe in the London Bridge Road, right by the Elephant."

 "Yeah we lived in Marshall Street, did you play in the bombed out houses down the Borough? 

"Yeah, all the time."

With a nostalgic look in his eye, "Yeah, great times. You know, we probably went into your cafe, we'll have to talk about it." He gave Jeff his card, shook his hand. “Definitely have a drink, and talk about the good old days. Give me a call when you get that tournament of yours sorted out, we can go out for a drink." 


"Right, good luck Jeff." He turned and drifted off into the crowd. He was gone.

Taking his place, Dennis Waterman appeared holding a beer. Jeff, Stu, Paul, and Bob surrounded him, "Where'd you get that?"

"I just asked for it, they'll bring you anything you like. All you gotta do is ask em. They'll be having an auction later, just popped over, thought you might like to know you don't have to buy anything else, a coach is plenty enough."

“Thanks I'll bear that in mind, I think all we want now is half a dozen beers. Can’t be doing with all this wine and stuff all night. Do you want one?"

"Yeah cheers I'll have one, gotta get back to the table, have em send it over. We can have a beer at the bar after." He makes his way back to his table.

Jeff turns to the rest of his friends, "Seems like a nice bloke."

Jeff hunted out Roger De Coursey and reminded him that whilst playing at Queen's Golf Course in the "Bournemouth Open" it was him that hit Jeff with a golf ball. 

He remembered. They laughed, and Roger offered to buy Jeff a drink.

Everyone had a good time, new friends were made, drunken promises were made, and in the background Sharmini was always there keeping an eye on Jeff, making sure he was ok, making sure he wasn't being taken advantage of.

 The drinking ended when Sharmini whispered into Jeff's ear. Telling him that she had visited a shop called "Anne Summers."

Not knowing what that meant, Sharmini explained a little further to him that she had something in their room that he might find exciting. With no further need for another drink or the collection of anymore telephone numbers they said goodnight to everyone, and arranged a time they would meet their friends for breakfast.  

With Sharmini's newly purchased oils, her furry vibrating things, and her passion for pleasing Jeff, they found a new world of sexual experiences opening up for them. It wasn't until just after midnight they were able to get to their room, and it wasn't until at least two o'clock in the morning they fell, exhausted, into a blissful sleep.