Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 3.

Two and a half years later with the papers of the "Divorce Nisi" in Jeff's hands, he had settled into a more enjoyable, and a more relaxed way of life. 

Shifts Permitting, he would spend his Wednesday's with his friends, playing golf, and then roll on to Wetherspoons for the night. They would have a few pints a few laughs, and end up having an Indian curry. 

Every Thursday night; Shifts Permitting, he would do a job for his friends cab company. He would pick up the day's filming from the "Top Gear" TV show down at Dunsfold Aerodrome, near Guildford (Of all places). Then he'd take it to the film laboratory just off Regent Street. What would make it a great night for him was when he was given an extra pick up to take someone south of the river getting him nearer to his home. Thursday's were worth between £35.00 and £60.00 to him. 

Friday nights, again; Shifts Permitting, was "Grab a Granny Night" at the Grasshopper Inn, in Westerham, a few drinks and the ever present expectation of a flirtatious liaison with a member of the opposite sex. Not that he was short of female companionship, being a Paramedic, in constant contact with nurses, plus being single, with his own house, was a recipe for good times. 

Saturday was Jeff's favourite day of the week. It was golf day, the day he always looked forward to. Some Saturdays he would play golf at his home club with his friends, and sometimes he would represent his club and play in the away team against other clubs. Looking back on those days Jeff would think of them as being the best of times. Well, that was until he met the mysterious Sharmini.

Jeff usually bought his lottery tickets at his local newsagent in South London's Tennison Road, South Norwood. The same road that Sir Conan Doyle sat and wrote Sherlock Holmes. 

Whenever possible he would maneuver himself into a position where he would be served by the owner’s 27 year old daughter. Not that she stood out or anything, she was just a plain Jane, the sort of girl you wouldn't look twice at, she never wore any makeup, she walked about with her head bowed down, most of the time it was covered up with a linen or silk scarf. But underneath all that, and if you looked closely, there was a stunning looking girl. For years, Jeff had flirted and had fun with her. He promised that if he ever won the big one, he would take her on a trip to Disney World, Florida. 

Amazingly, on this particular day Sharmini was very responsive to Jeff's flirtatious advances, and for some reason unknown to Jeff she finally gave him her telephone number. Leaving the shop, wondering what had happened to make her do that. He thought this must be his lucky day; he was wondering if he should actually use the phone number and call this shy Indian girl. After all he was single and his house was only a stone's throw from the shop. Unfortunately that afternoon Jeff had to start a 7 day stint of late shifts, (3.00 pm-10.00 pm). Three days later, and halfway through his shift he was sitting with his crew mate Dave in front of the ambulance stations TV, watching the lottery results. Not knowing the exact numbers he had, he thought the numbers that came up where suspiciously similar to the numbers he usually gets. Telling Dave, "He knew he has at least 3 of the numbers, maybe 4." Jeff thought at least he will be getting his money back, maybe a bit more if he did have 4 numbers. This should be a good week; it's a rollover with the largest prize in lottery history of £145,000,000 million pounds. 

It was just after 10.00 pm, Jeff had handed over his ambulance to the night crew. He left the ambulance station and drove the short distance down Shirley Road to the Cricketers pub. Happy that his shift had finished on time; thereby giving him time to meet up with his friends and have a couple of pints before closing time. 

Talking with his friends about the possibility of winning a few hundred pounds on the Lottery, he suggests an unscheduled golf holiday in Spain, or Portugal. Roger, who it seems has always had more to drink than anyone else, and owned a small villa in Spain suggested that Jeff gets his lottery ticket out so they can check it to see what's what. 

After checking his ticket. The news of his win swiftly circulated around the pub. The realization of hitting all 6 numbers left Jeff in complete shock. Having to sit down and now surrounded by his friends. Something amazing happened. For the first time ever, the governor of the pub actually bought a round of drinks. 

Jeff still stunned, asked his friends, "What happens now"? 

"You pay for the holiday, that's what happens."