Heaven Sent by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Yeol was born in a small town in South Korea in the 19th  century.

As a young man he had aspirations of becoming a doctor but it

was more likely he’d become a soldier, like every other young

man. He was known around town as the Gentle Giant. He was

very tall in stature, which people were intimidated by but he had

a soft heart. He was also very handsome. He had a smile that lit

up town. People were very surprised to see how sympathetic and

compassionate he truly was. He was always willing to help his

people no matter what. If he wasn’t helping his neighbor with the

farming, he was in town helping the elders. Yeol was every

young woman’s dream husband. All the girls his age had crushes

on his. But he was too busy helping other, he never really


 On his way home one evening, he and his friends came across a

small schoolhouse. In the distance they can see smoke and hear

children screaming. Feeling concerned. They ran towards the

house to see what was going on. Without hesitation, Yeol and his

friend Kyung ran inside and started bringing out children. They

laid them on the grass so his other friends could tend to them.

Feeling weak he looked around for his friend and couldn’t find

him. Slowly he got up and reentered the schoolhouse again.

“KYUNG!” He yelled as he looked for his friend. 

He saw his friend Kyung laying by the back of the schoolhouse.

“I’m coming” Yeol said as he made it across the room. Yeol saw

a broken widow that was closer to the door, so he dragged him

to it and pushed him out. As he looked back, he saw what he

thought was a little girl in the corner, so he went back in for her.

The thick smoke clouded his vision but he remained searching

for her.

 Suddenly there was a loud crash. Fire and debris fell as the

schoolhouse began to collapse. Yeol screamed as wood fell on

him and knocked him down. Feeling helpless he laid there for a

few minutes. He kept hearing screams but could not see


“Little girl, Where are you? Come on I’ll get you out.” Yeol

yelled to no answer. Suddenly in the distance, there was a

clearing and a little girl stood at there. Yeol waved at her and

motioned for her to come. The little girl seemed unaffected by the

fire. She was dressed in white and very bright. She stood


He pushed the wood off of him, got up and approached her. As

he came closer she kept whispering “Come with me. Come with

me. I was too late. Come with me.”

Yeol not understanding stopped and looked around.  Behind him,

he saw himself crushed under a wood beam with tiny gold

feathers surrounding him.

In shock, he fell to his knees. He closed his eyes and reopened

them slowly. By then, the little girl had walked over to him,

reached out her hand and said “I’m so sorry Yeol. I was unable

to save you but you have so saved many. Come with me. St. Byun

awaits your arrival.”

Yeol still dazed and confused reached for her hand. 

He immediately felt a strong whirlwind take him away.

He felt no pain. He felt light as a feather.

 He shut his eyes tightly and held on to her even tighter. He was

scared but felt a warm calmness overcome him. 

He peeked his eyes to see what was happening but he only saw

the little girl’s sweet smile. When he finally opened his eyes it

was to the brightest light he had ever been able to resist like he

was staring directly at the sun.

There stood Saint St. Byun.

He was such a beautiful serene being with wings the size of


Yeol stared in awe. 

Without even thinking, Yeol automatically stood up slowly and

bowed in respect. He knew who he was and had worshipped him

in life.

St. Byun smiled and bowed. Something he had never done to


“Welcome to Happiness, Delight. Yeol, you have proven yourself

to be a hero. In return for my gratitude I award you with this

honor.” He said in a voice that was louder than thunder.

Yeol confused just looked around. Stunned he asked “Am I dead?

“Yes, you have passed.” St. Byun replied.

Suddenly Yeol was jolted by what he saw in the reflection. “Oh

my goodness! I have wings? Am I a cheonsa?” He asked.

“Oh No, you are a not Cheonsa. You have a greater honor. You

are a Suho Cheonsa. One of the elite.” St. Byun replied.

Yeol did not know how to respond to what he had just heard. He

sat there just staring at himself in the reflection.

“You have always wanted to help people and you did in your

earthly form but unfortunately it came to an untimely end but

now you will still be given that opportunity for eternity.” St.

Byun added as he casted his spell

Yeol feeling grateful, smiled and bowed his head.