Heaven Sent by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Inside the Kingdom of Tamra Island, the sweet laughter of the

young prince echoes through the palace corridor as he is being

chase by his esquire, Hyun.  

“Prince Jun, please wait.” Hyun shouted and waved as he

catches his breath.  

The Prince turned around laughing and smiling. “Hyun, hurry!

Catch up to me!” he yelled before he took off running again.

Prince Jun was an energetic and free spirited boy, with a good

sense of humor. He’s very humble, well-educated and wise

beyond his years.  By the time he was an adolescent, his curiosity

of what lies beyond the palace walls had increased.  The King

and Queen of Tamra Island could no longer keep the Prince

within the palace boundaries.  So, they made him a deal.  Every

few days, accompanied by two of Tamra Island’s finest knights,

Prince Jun can venture out to explore the nearby town. But, they

only had one condition. His identity must be kept hidden.  The

Prince agreed without hesitation.

As Prince Jun travel between the kingdom and village, he fell in

love with the beauty of the land and its people, especially with

one particular young lady, the blacksmith's daughter.  She was

elegant yet witty and had one of the prettiest smile Prince Jun

had ever seen.  Whenever the Prince made his trip into town, he

always stopped into the market place just to mingle with

her.  The blacksmith's daughter, captivated by his charm, slowly

fell in love with him. 

As time passed, Prince Jun and the blacksmith's daughter were


One evening, Prince Jun met with the blacksmith's daughter. His

heart was heavy as he contemplated on how to tell her his news.

The blacksmith's daughter noticed the look on his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Prince Jun took her hands, "My father is sending me on a

mission." He replied.

"How long? When must you leave?" She questioned.

"In a day's time, I'll be gone for a while." Prince Jun confirmed.

"I understand. I'll be waiting for you." She responded sadly.

"I'll be thinking of you."  He assured.

He kissed her forehead lightly and then her lips.

Time passed quickly.  Prince Jun had returned from his mission.

Excitedly he went straight to the market place. To his surprise

she was not alone. “That is my love but who's that man she is

laughing with?” He thought to himself. 

As he approached the blacksmith's daughter, he startled her with

a back hug. 

The blacksmith's daughter turned around and saw the prince

standing before her.

“What is this? Who is this?” He question in an angry tone.


“He is...he's ummm...” before she could utter her words, the

gentleman grabbed her hand and responded, “I'm her husband.

Who are you?”

Prince Jun was shocked at what heard. He grabbed her by the

arm, and looked her in the eyes, “He's your what?! Is that true?”

She shook her head yes.

“How could you? You said you'd wait for me!” He shouted in


Suddenly, the gentlemen yanked Prince Jun's hand off the

blacksmith's daughter. Before the prince's knights could reach

him. The man pulled out a pocket knife and stab the Prince in the

abdomen.  Prince Jun fell to the ground.  He heard a knight say

“What have you done?!” The commotion of the crowd was

deafening.  The blacksmith's daughter ran to Prince's side, “Jun,

please don't die?! Please.” She spoke to him as she put pressure

on his wound.  

But, Prince Jun was too heart broken, he didn’t look at

her.  “Go! Get away!” he mumbled as he used every ounce of

strength left in him to push her away.

When his knights reached him, it was too late. Prince Jun's

breathing slowed down and his body became cold.  The voices

surrounding him grew faint. But he heard a voice whisper

clearly, “Come with me. I can help you.” He felt himself leave

his body. When he came to, he found himself standing in the

middle of a divided road. 


“Where am I?” he whispered to himself. 

An Eoduun Jeongsin appeared out of the dark wooded road. 

“You are dead.” It whispered.

He walked towards the Prince and placed his hand on the

prince's shoulder.  Flashback of what lead to his death filled his

mind and the pain of his broken heart returned. Prince Jun felt

so much anger.

“I can help you avenge your death.” said the Eoduun Jeongsin.

Suddenly they were both overcome by a bright light “What are

doing?” a voice argued. 

The Eoduum Joengsin quickly removed his hand and backed

away into the shadows.

Prince Jun was overcome with a sudden strange calmness.

“Hello Jun, I'm Yi Hyo. St. Byun sent me to retrieve you.” Yi

Hyo advised as he reached out his hands.

The Eoduum Jeognsin was fueled with anger. “STOP!  You've

been jaded!  You must seek revenge.” he persuaded.

“I do not wish to seek revenge.” He replied to the dark spirit.

He then turned to Yi Hyo. “I will not go with you either. I will

remain here.”

Unable to reason with Prince Jun, the Eoduum Jeognsin


 Cheonsa Yi Hyo confused summoned St. Byun. 

“You cannot stay here but I will not fight with you” St. Byun



Prince Jun bowed his head.

 "Since you will not cross over, you shall remain as a Talaghan

Yeonghon, throughout your days.” St. Byun said as he cast his
