Henrietta: Book #1 in the House of Donato Series by Patricia M. Jackson - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven

 Tom tapped his boots against the side of the steps before stepping onto the welcome mat at the kitchen  door. He carefully wiped the excess snow off his feet and stepped into the kitchen, calling out as he entered, “Lucy, I’m home!”

 Etta turned from the stove where she was standing, pan frying some small red potatoes. “Ricky! How are things down at the club?”

 A huge smile popped out on Tom’s face. He stuffed his hat and gloves into his jacket and hung them behind the door. “I knew you’d get it. Not everybody would.” He walked up to her standing at the stove.

“Of course I got it. We watched the same re-runs growing up.” Tom ran his hands down the sides of her face, down to her shoulder. “Hi.”

 Etta looked up into his face. “Hi. I’m glad you’re here.” Tom bent down and gave her a short, chaste kiss.

“Yeah, me too.” He stepped out of her way, over to the fridge and opened it up. “I’m going to get something to drink. Want anything?”

 “Nope. I’ve got a glass of wine going already.” She lifted a half-glass of white wine and took a sip.

“Oh, I have to catch up, huh?” He grinned, sitting down at the kitchen table, patting his knee. “In a minute. I have to get these into the oven.” Etta checked the red potatoes, saw that they were evenly browned, covered the cast iron skillet and hefted it in the oven. “Man, these old iron skillets are nice, but so heavy.” She groaned as she lifted it. “You could probably kill a man with one of these, if you could lift it.” She chuckled lightly and walked over to Tom, sat down on his knee, wrapping her arms around his neck. “So, how was your day dear? You’re getting here kind of late.”

 “Oh, I know. Sorry. We had the state inspector stop in today for his annual spot check. It was a long day of getting requested documentation pulled out, walking through everything with him to make sure I was aware of deficiencies. And another day of it tomorrow.” He reached up and played with the end of Etta’s ponytail, lighting caressing the side of her neck with a finger.

 “How did you do?” There was fatigue and frustration in Tom’s eyes. She wanted to reach out and take that all away. His light touches were sending tingles down her spine, perhaps more in anticipation than anything else. “Pretty good. They were impressed, but it was kind of discouraging. I know it’s my job to document all the details day-to-day but it just feels like such a bureaucratic thing. I’m just a cog in the wheel, you know.” Etta pressed her lips to his. “We’re all just cogs in the wheel really. I’m just a cog teaching kids to write so they can go on to get degrees in something else. It’s a very big wheel.” She took his face in her hands, kiss the tip of his nose. “Besides, you’re a very good-looking cog.”

 He laughed. “You’re biased.”

 She rose, going to the fridge and pulling out some asparagus and taking it to the sink. “I am. Are you hungry?”

 “I am actually. I didn’t have much time for lunch. What are you making?”

 “Salmon. I hope you like baked salmon.” She was rinsing asparagus at the sink, snapping the ends off and cleaning off the veggies.

 “I love fish. Let me set the table.” He got up and started taking plates and silverware from the drawers. “What were you up to today?”

 “Oh, I was helping everybody pack things up, finding random lost things most of the morning until they got under way. It was pandemonium. You’d think they were moving away instead of going home for Christmas for three weeks. Izzy called just ten minutes ago to let us know they got to Duluth. They made it home okay.” Etta took the pan of fish she had marinating in the fridge out and placed it in the oven.

 “Good. I wasn’t worried but you never know about the roads and I like my truck. So who drove it?”

“Murphy. Sophie took the car and Izzy and Murph took your truck.” Tom cringed. “What? You didn’t want Murphy driving your truck? You should’ve said so.”

 “No, it’s okay. Just a long drive with just the two of them alone.”

 “What? Are you worried about them together? What are they gonna do?”

 “Oh, it’s just they have a history. I’m not so sure he’s good for her.”

 Etta’s face was puzzled. “I don’t understand. He’s good enough to have as a friend but not good enough for  Izzy? I hate to tell you this, but she’s crazy about him.”

 “Oh, man, that’s something I didn’t really want to know. See, now I know too much.”

 “You can’t protect her from things, Tom. You shouldn’t want to.”

 “I know I shouldn’t but it comes naturally.” Now that he’d finished placing utensils for their meal, Tom sat at the table to drink a beer.

 Etta placed the cleaned asparagus in a steamer. “Well, it’s something you’re going to have to get over.” She moved in behind Tom, wrapping her arms around him, nuzzling into his neck, inhaling deeply. “Besides …. you smell so good. I’m just so happy you’re here. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

 Tom grabbed her wrists, quickly spun his chair so that she was sitting on his lap. “Now is that any way to change the subject? I think that’s cheating,” he said as he caught her in a deep, passionate kiss, his hand holding the nape of her neck.

 Etta looked up at him, catching her breath from his quick action. “If you keep doing that, we’ll never eat.” She smiled.

 “I know. I’ll suppress it.” She giggled, as it reminded her of an old movie they’d watched just a week ago. He let her go, reluctantly letting go of her hand. “It’s so quiet. I know nobody’s yelling and screaming most of the time, but I guess the back and forth of six people makes noise. Now that everybody’s gone, it seems like an empty tomb.”

 “It does, doesn’t it? I was thinking that this afternoon too. After everybody left, I worked on grading final papers. It was so peaceful. I’m learning a lot actually. I had an engineering student write something about metallurgy. I had no idea it was so complicated. And the writing is so much better than it was at the beginning of the year. It’s a shame to have to start all over again.” She sighed deeply.

 “Just another example of a cog in the wheel. Okay if I go watch the news? I want to see how much snow we’re supposed to get tonight. They said it was going to really come down fast after 10.”

 “Sure. It’ll only be about ten or fifteen minutes. Fish cooks fast.”

 Tom went into the living room, turned on the Christmas tree lights. A soft glow of reflecting bright-colors took over the room, giving it a romantic shimmer. He flicked on the television to the local news just as the weather man was giving the three-day forecast. Yeah, they were going to get socked in with lake effect snow overnight. He was glad his family had made it home before this storm hit.

 He walked back into the kitchen as Etta was pulling the fish out of the oven. She already had steamed asparagus and roasted potatoes on their plates. “Yum, that looks great,” Tom commented. She plated the fish and gestured to him to sit down. Tom grasped her hand as they sat, kissed her fingers. “You’re such a good cook. Thanks for cooking.”

 They ate their meal quietly, talking about the house and how they could imagine what the house was like when it had been filled with a family. After they’d finished eating, Tom helped her do dishes, Tom drying and Etta washing up the few dishes from their meal. When she hung the dishtowel up to dry, Tom took her hand, “Come and watch TV with me for a while.” He gently pulled her into the living room, sat down on the couch. He patted the couch next to him. “Can we snuggle? I’ll even give you the remote.” He flashed a sly smile.

 “That kind of power could go to my head. Hand me that and move over.” She sat between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. Tom had left the lights off in the room, so the only light was from the make-shift artificial Christmas tree the girls had picked up at the thrift store and the glow from the TV. “Are you okay, Etta? You’re so quiet tonight,” he said, rubbing her forearms and nuzzling against her neck. “I’m okay. Just …. Well, anticipation, you know? I suppose I’m nervous, knowing that we’re alone tonight. I thought you’d want to …. You know …”

 “There’s no rush. We’ve got all night. Nobody’s going to interrupt us. I want you to relax. Let’s just live a normal life.”

 “Okay. I like that.” Etta chose a new documentary show that was an hour long, one half hour was about a man who had survived for five days in a small space in an earthquake. The second half hour was about a woman who had been kidnapped at a shopping mall, put in a trunk, driven to a secluded spot in the woods, blindfolded and stabbed. The program went through the mindset that the people had while they were in their survival situations, the  choices they made and how they had survived.

 Towards the end of the second story, Etta said, “I don’t know if I could go through what these people went through and come out the other side. They’re amazing.” She gently stroked Tom’s forearm that was wrapped possessively under her breast.

 “You don’t really know what you’re capable of until you’re put into that situation.”

 “Hmmm …. Peggy said something like that when she was here. I think she said ‘Fear is a powerful motivator’… something like that. I suppose it is. If you’re scared enough, you maybe can move mountains. Do you think you could do what these people did?”

 “Well, I believe in nature. It’s a natural thing to panic. Fear motivates but panic doesn’t help. So if you can keep your wits about you and think logically in a tense situation, well, really any situation, then you’re better off. That’s why these people survived.”

 “I suppose you’re right.” They watched as the program resumed, Tom cradling Etta in his arms.

“Etta? What’s your name short for? I’ve always wondered.”

 “Mmmmm ….. Henrietta. Henrietta Jane.”

 “Ah... That’s where Jane came from.”

 “Yeah. Spur of the moment, you know.” Tom pulled out the band holding her ponytail, to release her fine, soft hair. He ran his fingers gently through her long, flowing hair. “What’s your middle name, Tom?”

“Hmmm …. I think I’ll make you guess.”

 She glanced back at him a bit. “Really? Let me think. Hmm …. Xavier.”

 “You got it! First guess. Thomas Xavier Donato.”

 “Give me a break!”

 “Okay, I’ll give you a hint. First son.”

 “Ahhh …. Anthony!”

 “Yup. Shocking, isn’t it?”

 “What brought on this line of questioning?”

 “Well, at some point today I realized I was going to be making love with you tonight and I didn’t even know your real name.” He chuckled. “I have a personal policy against that,” he said, as he gently nibbled on her neck. “Are you scared? I desperately want you to feel safe with me. I would never hurt you, Etta.”

 “I’m not so much scared as just nervous. It’s been a long time. When I talked to Peggy about it she said it was like riding a bike. Maybe a little wobbly at first, then it’s smooth sailing.”

 “You talked to her about it?”


 “I knew I liked that girl. She’s wise for someone so young. Actually you kind of look alike. You both have beautiful porcelain skin. I can’t stop wanting to touch you. But …. Peggy’s stacked.”

 Etta sat up straighter, turning more towards him. “Hey, I don’t have to be jealous or anything, do I? You wouldn’t hit on Peggy, would you?”

 “Nope. No need. I’ve got you. And I think I got the better of the two deals. Peggy’s too … well, she’s naïve. Too naïve.”

 “She is. I worry about her.”

 “That’s part of your appeal to me. You worry about everyone but yourself. You’re beautiful inside and out, Etta. And you’re amazingly sexy at the same time. So we should maybe talk about it, don’t you think? Do you want to talk before our first time together?”

 “I don’t mind talking about it. It would maybe help, I suppose.”

 “How have you felt with me up to this point? I’m working on hitting for the cycle tonight so … you know, how were my other “at bats”?” He murmured against her ear. “Did you like the things we’ve been doing?”

“Oh you freak! Seriously with the baseball analogy? I’m sure that works on all the girls.”


 “It’s okay. You’re a sports guy. You can’t help it.” Etta put her hand over his, interlaced her fingers and  played with his hands. “I’ve loved what we’ve done together. You’re so gentle and attentive. What girl wouldn’t love that?”

 “Is there anything you just don’t like?” He placed his cheek up against hers.

 “Hmmmm…. Well, maybe no rock music with a fast, loud beat. You know what I mean?”

“Okay. See that’s good information. No rock music. Got it. Do you like music with sex? Maybe like classical or Barry White or something?”

 “I don’t know. I don’t recall ever doing that. Maybe, just not rock.” They sat quietly playing with each other’s hands again. “Is there anything you really like, Tom?”

 “Well, now that you mention it. There is.”

 Etta flicked the TV off. This conversation was more fun than the program at this point. She sat up and turned in his arms, so she could look in his eyes. “Tell me.”

 “Well, I’d like it if you’d call me Thomas. Not Tom or Tommy. It makes me feel …. Well, Tommy is a boy’s name. Thomas makes me feel more like a man and not a boy. And then I know when you call me that, well, then you’re in the mood. My mother always calls my dad Anthony instead of Tony. We always know what they’re up to.” He smiled and gently kissed her quickly. “Could you do that?”

 “Of course. That’s easy. And I think that’s kind of sexy.” She reached up to gently caress his cheek with her palm. He had shaved and his face was so smooth. He must have shaved at work so he wouldn’t have five o’clock shadow for tonight. He was so thoughtful.

 “I have one other thing that I think is important. Ready?”

 “Okay. Let me have it. The first one was good.” She smiled up at him.

 “Well, when we …. Well, you know, reach our ultimate destination …. I can’t believe I just used that euphemism … I think it’s better if you look at each other …. Look into each other’s eyes. You know what I mean?”

“Yes, I do. I think I could do that. It might be hard. I might forget, in the moment.”

 “So, I’ll remind you. It’s kind of natural to close your eyes and get into yourself. But it’s something I want to share with you. I want to be close to you, as close as someone can get …. Because I … well, I adore you.” Etta threw her arms around his neck, pressing her chest into his, holding him close to her. “Oh, Tom. You say the sweetest things.”

 “Where do you want to do this, Etta? Do you want to stay here on the couch or …”

 “No, I think up in my room. I’d be more comfortable.” He pulled her to arm’s distance.

 “Okay. I don’t think I can wait much longer. I want you and that hug didn’t help with that situation.” He looked down to his obvious arousal. They both got off the couch. “Why don’t you go up and get ready for bed. I’ll lock up down here and be right up.”

 “Okay. Good. Tom, I left our dessert in the fridge. It’s a fruit custard we can share. Can you bring that up with you?”

 “Okay. I’ll be right up.”

 Etta went upstairs, went to the bathroom, freshened up her lip-gloss, went into her room and changed into a red silk teddy and a matching long silk robe she’d bought this week. She thought they were sort of, well, “Christmasy”. She ran a brush through her hair a few times and then shook it out to seem fuller. Meanwhile, Tom locked all the doors, turned off the lights, and grabbed the dessert and a spoon. He set it on the table in the hallway upstairs to stop off in the bathroom before he walked into Etta’s room.

 Stepping into her room, he said, “Wow, it’s really nice in here. I’ve never been in here. What did you do with it? It seems so much softer.”

 Etta stepped out from her walk-in closet. “I put up a few drapes to soften the bright pink is all. And the quilt makes it homier.”

 “You look amazing.” He sat the dessert on her desk, then walked to her, rubbing her shoulders, feeling the silk against his fingers. “You look good enough to eat.” She laughed timidly. “You’re still nervous, aren’t you?” “Yes. I can’t help it. I really want this to go well.” She breathed in slow shallow breaths. “Okay. Well, let’s get you relaxed first.” Tom walked over to sit on the edge of her bed, pulled off his boots  and socks and stuck them under the bed. He looked up, spreading his legs, reached out to her, “Come here. Stand right here so I can look at you closer.”

 She stood in front of him as he put his hands on her hips. “Is this what you normally wear to bed? Or is this for me?”

 “It’s for you.” She took his hands as he spread her arms open wide.

 “Well, I approve. But what do you normally wear to bed? A jersey and boxers or something?”

“Well, uh, nothing,” she said quietly. “I sleep nude.”

 Surprised registered on his face, as he lifted his brows. “You do? Oh, man, it’s a good thing I didn’t know that or I would’ve been here before now.” He gently pushed her robe open, slipping one side of her robe over her shoulder so it slid off her body. “Well, then, let’s get rid of this.” He pushed the other shoulder of her robe off and the robe slipped to the floor. “But we have to have one thing clear. For tonight only, my darling, you will have final say as to what we do.” He slipped the teddy spaghetti straps off her shoulders, one at a time. “In other words, I am going to make you beg. I will only do what you ask me to do. So I will ask you. If you don’t want it to go further, you’ll need to stop me. Do you understand?” Her teddy fell to the floor when she wiggled her hips slightly and she stood before him naked.

 The words he was saying were turning her on almost more than watching his eyes rake her from head to toe. He slowly caressed her skin along the curves of her hips and waist. He inhaled sharply when she raised a hand to touch her nipple. “Oh man. Let me do that.” He gently cupped her breast from where he sat. “Do you understand? I am going to ask you every time, Etta.”

 “Yes, I understand. Oh, Thomas, I want you so badly.”

 “Okay, well, let’s get you more relaxed.” He stood and turned her, pushing her to stand before her full-length mirror that hung behind her door. He pulled her back to his chest, as he stood, fully-clothed. He wrapped both arms around her to play with her nipples, pinching them lightly and somewhat harshly, occasionally. Etta gasped sharply. “Do you like that? Do you like it gentle or harsher?”

 “I think harsher.” His eyes were drilling into her gaze in the mirror.

 “Okay. We’ll do it that way for a while. We’ll take it slow.” Etta could feel Tom’s arousal behind her as he pulled her even further back into him. “Lean back into me. Put your head on my shoulder.” One of his hands continued to more gently knead at her breast while his other hand caressed and explored her body. Etta leaned her head back into him, briefly closing her eyes.

 “Look at me in the mirror, Etta. Don’t close your eyes. Look at me. Look at yourself. See how much you want me? And feel how much I want you. Share this with me.” He kissed her neck, running kisses up and down her neck while one hand massaged her breast. She arched her back into him as he pressed his hips into hers. He whispered in her ear. “Open your legs for me.” The hand that had been exploring her skin worked its way down to her sex as he played with her. He reached down and pressed into her, stroking her gently, keeping up his actions on her neck and breast. She moaned loudly.

 “What do you want, Etta? You’re so worked up. See how much you want this? You’re so sexy.” He reached down to slip a digit within her and she gasped to arch into him stronger. Her legs felt as though they couldn’t hold her up. “It’s okay. Lean into me. I’ll hold you up. Trust me.” She felt so full and needy. Suddenly his hands were still and he whispered against her ear, saying “Do you want me to keep going? Or do you want to stop? Tell me what you want, Etta.”

 The shock of her need welled up within her and she was practically sobbing when she said, “Keep going. Please! Please Thomas.” His hands continued with their ministrations and within seconds, the wildness of his actions, the audacity of watching herself with him in the mirror, seeing the look in his eyes as he worked her into a frenzy took over her body. Shudders took her over and she quickly lost control to reach her climax. She almost closed her eyes, but remembered that he wanted to see her so she concentrated on his eyes and what she saw there was an awe and fulfillment of needs so strong it made everything stronger. The intimacy she felt with him was so intense it pushed her emotions way past an edge she didn’t even know existed. She sobbed when she reached her peaked and came back down.

 He held her tightly, feeling every shudder of her body, holding her against him, soothing her and carrying her  over to the bed, as he laid down beside her while she came down. After a few moments, he asked, “So how do you feel? Are you more relaxed now?”

 “Oh, God, yes. I feel like a wrung out dish-cloth. Oh, Thomas. What did you do to me?”

“Just a nice little orgasm, darling.” He leaned over to kiss her eyes, her nose, her cheek. “Did you like that?”

“Oh, yeah. I had no idea. I’m not going to be able to keep up with you.”

 He flashed a bemused smile. “You ain’t seen nothing yet. And you’re doing fine. I’ve seen your endurance level. But now,” he paused, placing her arms above her head and straddling her hips, “you’re more relaxed and like putty in my hands. Now I can take my time and have fun.” He looked down at her. “You do feel relaxed now, don’t you? You’re not nervous and shy?”

 “No, not really shy anymore. I feel like mush,” she said, grinning up at him.

 “Good.” Still clothed, he leaned down, kissing her face, every part of her face, using one hand to knead a breast, fiddling with her nipple, bringing it to stiffness. He bussed her neck, down to her collar and nipped lightly at the muscle between her shoulder and neck. She jerked in response and moaned softly. “Mmmm ….a good spot,” he mumbled against her skin. “I have to find all your spots, so I need to go over every inch, slowly and carefully.”

He leaned up, unbuttoned his shirt, stripping it off and throwing it to the floor. He then continued nibbling and licking down her body. She laid back, completely relaxed, reveling in the marvels that his explorations brought forth. He was taking his time, pushing her senses to a place she didn’t know existed. She felt as though he was worshipping her body. He licked and tasted, lingering in every spot when she would quiver or tremble, her pale soft skin shimmering at his touch, his hard, lean body against her supple curves. It was as if she was a deep cool drink to a man dying of thirst.

 He returned time and again to her soft, lush lips and she would open herself to give of herself. He guided her up, touching every spot that brought her to wildness beneath him. She arched up to him as he stroked those spots that brought her pleasure, up and up, then paused. He leaned in against her ear, “What do you want, Etta? Do you want me to stop?”

 Etta reached her hands out, burying her fists in the sheets. “God, no! Don’t stop!” He immediately continued to stroke her over and over, slowly and tenderly raising her to her heights and breaking past her crest. As she was falling, he murmured against her, “You’re so beautiful.” She was flooded in emotion, warmth and tenderness and intimacy. She was humbled at the look on Tom’s face, as though she were more important to him than his next breath. She hadn’t known the depth of his feelings for her or hers in return for him.

 He rose from the bed and stripped off his pants, pulling his zipper down to free his arousal. She marveled at his body, having never seen him naked before. His broad and chiseled chest with bulging arm muscles, a strong, firm stomach that rippled down in a strong V-shape to his impressive member. It was all she could do to keep from licking her lips in response.

 “It’s okay to like what you see, you know.” He twinkled her his dazzling smile.

 “I suppose it’s a little late to be shy now, huh?”

 “Yes, I think so,” he said, nuzzling against her ear, as he rolled her on top of his long, lean body. “Okay. Well, now it’s your turn. Have your way with me.” He raised his arms and folded them behind his head, looking up at her. “Be gentle.”

 She leaned down and kissed him, deep and long and slow, her brownish-blond hair flowing down in a cascade around their faces, straddling him. She marveled at the feel of his strong body beneath her and the amazing power she had over him. She could feel his hardness behind her. She nuzzled his neck, beneath his ear, caressing his arms, pushing against his beautiful solid chest, spreading her fingers before her, kissing her way down his body. He released a deep, resounding moan.

 She kept going down his body until she felt him against her as she slid him inside her, slowly and carefully, filling herself as she arched up to a sitting position. She felt the incredible fullness of him, arching up, holding his hands to steady herself, slowly and carefully rising and falling until her pleasure rose and rose within her and her head lolled back in wild abandon. He reached up to massage her breast. “Look down at me, Etta. I need to see your eyes.” She rose and fell again with him. “Take what you want from me, Etta.” With his words, she rode him wildly, exploding in her release and fisting around him, with a shudder of her body as he held her hands and her  gaze.

 She collapsed on him and he quickly turned her over, bringing up her knees. “I can’t wait anymore,” he said as his control broke. In a frenzy, he drove into her quickly, powerfully thrusting into her repeatedly. They were both breathing hard, Etta shocked with the sudden uncontrolled demand, yet drunk with the effect she had upon him. Sweat was dripping off of him with his relentless plunging. Yet another orgasm gripped her quickly and fiercely, rippling through her, both filling and emptying her out.

 She laid beneath him, shuddering as he took from her and climaxed with a loud groan. He buckled onto her, weakened and shattered. He felt the quivers continue in her body as he stayed within her. Their hearts pounded against one another’s, both of them covered with shared perspiration and remnants from their mating. She reached up to tenderly caress his back, although it was all she could do to lift her arms. Every muscle in her body felt weak and shaky.

 “I’ve got to get off you. I’ll crush you,” he said as he rolled out and off of her, snuggling into her side. Once again, he collapsed next to her, his nose burrowing into her neck.

 “It’s okay. I’m fine,” she said, weakly. They laid side by side, panting in their breathlessness. After a few minutes, Tom leaned up to rest his head on his hand, caressing her stomach with his hand.

 “You okay?” he asked.

 “Tom, I think I died for a while, like no brain waves.”

 “Well, if you died, I went with you and this must be what heaven is like.” He was getting his strength back, leaned up, playing with one of her breasts. She looked down to see he was once again becoming aroused. “Are you seriously ready to go again already?” her eyes was wide in shock.

 “Oh, Etta, when I’m around you I’m afraid it’s pretty much a non-stop condition.” He smoothed back the sweaty hair from her face. “Don’t worry. I’ll survive and you’re much too tired for any more tonight. I’ll get you ready for bed and we’ll sleep.” He kissed her sweetly and gently. “Are you ready for dessert now?”

 “I totally forgot. That’d be nice, but I’m too wiped to get up right now.”

 He crossed over to the desk to get the dessert he’d brought up from downstairs, moved over to the bed, dipped a spoonful of custard and reached out to her. “Open up,” as he spoon-fed her the smooth raspberry and cream delight. “Mmmm … that’s good,” she said. “Tom, this feels so sinful.”

 “Well, it is a little sinful, but we’ve already been doing a lot of sinning tonight so,” he said, as he licked up a spoonful of the dish for himself. “Mmm, it is good. But not as sweet as you.” He leaned over and kissed her deeply, tasting the dessert on her lips mixing with his own. He fed her another two bites, then took two more for himself to finish it off, then got up and put it on the desk. “You stay put. I’ll be right back.”

 She glanced in his direction to watch him step into the hall. His body was so perfect, like an ancient Greek sculpture. How had she ended up here with him? What did he see in her? She could hear the water running in the bathroom. He came back in the room with a washcloth, a towel and some make-up remover. He climbed up on the bed and washed her face gently, removing her makeup, then towel drying her face, following it up with a tender kiss. She was relishing in the gentle attention, feeling one hundred percent pampered. Then he bent down, kissed her belly and used the wa