Hopeless Love by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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The Party - Part III

Chapter 19


As each hour passed, not only did the music seem to be getting louder, each strobe appeared to flash brighter, and the number of people within each smoke-filled room seemed to increase.

Every single couch, chair, and love seat was now full. And while some were engaged in a loud conversation, others - based from their apparent lack of movement, appeared to be passed out.

“Could you please check the time?” Michelle asked José, as they continued to dance to the band’s rendition of Three Dog Night’s, ‘Mama Told Me Not To Come.’ “My Dad asked me to be home no later than one.”

José's gyrations quickly came to a halt, and while displaying a goofy grin, he attempted to lift his wrist. However, during the endeavor to check his watch, he lifted his arm in such an awkward fashion, even Charlie Chaplin, if present, would have had to chuckle.

“I’m not really sure,” he said a second later, moving his watch first closer, then further away. “The dials on my Timex, for some reason, are so blurred; I can’t read them.”

Michelle smiled. Apparently, José isn’t used to drinking all night. “That’s okay, sweetie. We can always slide over to the kitchen. I’m sure Caleb’s bound to have a clock there.”

José nodded and placed his arm around her waist, and she guided him through the crowded dance floor toward the doorway.

Just before the two of them finally reached her friend’s kitchen counter, José stumbled. However, Michelle was able to quickly catch him and led him to a nearby seat - next to an artificial maple, oblong table.

No doubt, all the drinks he’d consumed since we’ve arrived are starting to take their toll.

Caleb chuckled at the sight before him. “I see you’ve accomplished what you wanted, Michelle. José appears to be as drunk as a skunk.”

José dropped his head onto the kitchen table before Michelle had a chance to respond, and in less time that it takes to a blink an eyelash, was totally unconscious.

“Yes, he is,” Michelle said, looking very proud of herself. “I guess the kid wasn't able to handle all the zombies I gave him.”

“You loaded him up with zombies?" Caleb said, looking more than a bit surprised. “How much alcohol did you put in them, ten percent?”

“No. My guess would be a bit over twenty,” Michelle said, stroking José’s dark hair. “I asked your bartender to make them super strong.”

Caleb nodded in reply. “So I guess you’re now ready to put part two of your plan into action? Or, have you reconsidered the possibility he’s might not fall for it.”

Michelle hesitated a couple of moments, and her lips formed a distinct grimace.

“Oh. He’ll fall for it,” she affirmed with an evil smirk. “I’m positive that with the photos I’m having you take that shows the two of us ‘getting it on’, José will have no choice but believe we got down and dirty tonight.”

Caleb laughed, and then the two of them grabbed a cupful of spiked punch and shared a toast.

Moving over to where José unconsciously half sat with his head flopped against the table, Caleb asked, “You ready to move this fool into the bedroom?”

 Michelle's eyes widened as if in shock. "Me? You're asking ME to help carry him there?”

Caleb shook his head, no. “Of course not, silly. I was just seeing if you’re ready to get part two of your scheme done and over with.”

Michelle exhaled, and relief could be seen deep within her dark-brown eyes. “Yes,” she said, giving José a quick look. I just hope that somewhere down the road; the kid will appreciate all the trouble I’ve had to go through. It was the only way I figured I could finally set him free from that dang Maria’s clutches.”

Caleb glanced toward Michelle and seemed to be puzzled over her remark. However, instead of questioning her about it, he concluded it wasn’t really any of his concern and started to head toward the living room.

“Where you going?” Michelle asked.

“I’ll be back in a sec,” he said, turning toward the kitchen's exit. “I need to find Pepe, so he can help me.”

Michelle blinked her understanding, and poured herself another drink.

On top of the double bed inside Caleb’s guest bedroom, José laid like a dead man. Not even the smallest item stirred as Michelle methodically proceeded to undressed him - first his shirt, then his socks and shoes, and lastly, his Wranglers and Fruit of the Loom’s.

Pepe grinned as he watched from the doorway, and Caleb smirked just before heading toward his bedroom, so he could grab his Kodak.

Upon his return, he discovered that not only was José already undressed, Michelle (with presumably Pepe’s help) had positioned José in a way - the fact that he was actually unconscious, would not be revealed.

Additionally, she apparently had decided to start some foreplay - The upper part of José’s large male appendage was currently a light red and fully engorged.

“Somewhere inside my purse you’ll find a sealed Trojan,” Michelle said, raising her head when she noticed Caleb standing in the doorway. “Would you mind getting it for me? I had Carman secretly buy me one before I came tonight.”

Caleb raised his right eyebrow. “Secretly?”

Michelle nodded. “Of course, secretly, Caleb. After all, according to my parents, I’m a good girl, so I should never need anything like that.”

Caleb laughed, and pulled a brightly-colored aluminum square from inside her purse. “Your Dad really doesn’t know the ‘real’ you. Does he, Michelle?”

Michelle grinned and shook her head, then devoted her full attention to sliding the ribbed prosthetic he handed her over José’s enlarged penis.

“I’m definitely not trying to get pregnant, you know,” she said, repositioning so her nude bod would be next to José’s. “I just want him to believe that while drunk, he forced himself upon me and got me that way.”

“I know,” Caleb said, waiting for Michelle to get flat on her back and extend her legs outward. “Now try to lie perfectly still while Pepe and I get this 80 kilos of dead weight on top of you in such a way the picture will clearly expose his hardened schlong sticking inside of you.”

Michelle nodded - and several minutes later, a half-dozen pictures had been taken, and José’s bod was shoved back to where it would be lying beside hers.

“Are you ready to go home?” Caleb asked several minutes later when he saw Michelle, fully dressed and walking into the kitchen.

Michelle glinted above Caleb’s range toward his kitchen clock. It was two a.m. “Yes. But I’m afraid my dad’s going to throw a raging fit the moment I arrive … at least until I’m finally able to explain what kind of drunk horny brute José turned out to be.”

Caleb laughed, then killed another imported brew.

“By the way,” Michelle added as the two of them started across the living room. “I appreciate you letting José stay until morning. I’d really wish I could see his expression when you tell him what he supposedly has done.”

“No problem,” Caleb replied, cracking the front door open “That’s what friends are for.”

Michelle smiled, and soon afterward; the party’s four-man band completed their last number — ‘Lucretia MacEvil’ by Blood, Sweat, and Tears.