Hopeless Love by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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The Reunion

Chapter 37


Upon seeing the sight before her, Maria's eyes bugged out like a couple of brown Bantam hen eggs, and her jaw dropped.

The Panamericana Hotel’s lobby with its Mediterranean green wall-to-wall carpeting, fuchsia ceramic walls perfectly sculptured into repeating Latin American designs, and various antique couches, chairs and tables, promptly brought each guest back to the time when armor-covered Spaniards riding Destrier horses traveled this ground, and the tallest structures within a thousand miles of Arica would have been The Caral Pyramid Complex - located three hours north of Lima, Peru.

Yet, despite panoramic beauty engulfing her, it wasn’t hotel’s historic ambiance that left Maria breathless.

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” Eric asked, sliding her hand into his and giving it a gentle clasp.

Maria paused for the briefest of moments, which caused Mike, who had been following directly behind them, to almost run into the back of her.

“I think I am. But do you think …?

 Eric’s expression revealed a question mark, which made Maria feel uneasy.

Is Eric having second thoughts about this meeting? … If so, I couldn’t blame him. After all, it was only an hour ago that I was positive José was going to remain out of my life.

“I’m not sure to what you’re referring,” Eric said, as they started to proceed forward. “Are you concerned about the reunion? Or, are you starting to have second thoughts about wanting to listen to José and possibly working something out?”

Maria exhibited a false smile; although from this distance, there was positively no doubt that Chad’s arm was around José’s waist. And most likely than not, just moments before the two of them had come into view, the boys had shared a brief kiss.

“The latter.”

“Eric. Mike. And oh, my beloved Maria,” Chad affectionately exclaimed, holding his arms wide open as he came from behind the walnut coffee table, which sat in front of the couch where he and José had been waiting. “I’ve missed you so much. … Instead of weeks, it seems like months since we were together at Miami International University’s campus.”

José smiled as he watched the two friends hug, and casually took a seat.

“So why, except for José of course, is everyone in Arica?” Maria asked, while noticing how her former boyfriend was looking rather sheepish. “I thought we said our good-byes in Miami.”

Mike, Chad and Eric grinned as they wondered who should speak first. Not to mention, what exactly should any of them say.

“This is my doing,” Chad admitted after a few seconds. “At least indirectly.”

Maria looked at him, and astonishment washed across her face. “Your doing? That doesn’t make sense.  Why?  And you all ARE planning to return to the university before the Fall semester resumes, aren’t you?”

The three gringos shook their head in unison. “I can’t say for sure,” Eric answered. “But I doubt it. It all depends on …”

“On what?” Maria blurted before he could finish. “You all coming out here seems nothing short of being a bit foolish to me. Why in the world would you sacrifice your time, money, and education? … I had to return to Arica because of my father’s failing health. But you three, what excuse could you possibly have?”

Chad's lips formed a crooked smile. “Friendship. And perhaps even love.”

Maria folded her arms before her.  “Friendship,” she repeated, thoroughly eying him through narrowed eyes. “That something I sort of understand. However, you know good and well you could have just called me, or at least waited for the end of the semester to visit. … But love?”

Eric, Mike, and Chad affirmatively nodded, causing Maria to take a step backward.

“It’s true,” Chad began before Maria could utter a single word. “I don’t know how and why. Maybe it was because we spent so much time together this semester. But, the day you told me you had to leave Miami; I knew for certain that somehow, someway I truly loved you, despite the fact that I was gay - and I didn’t want you out of my life.”

Maria glanced at Chad as if the teen had completely lost his mind.

“O-K,” she said, distinctly pronouncing each letter in what could have easily been perceived as an uncaring tone. “In a way, I understand, Chad. … But you do realize that since the day we met, we were going to be just friends … perhaps even close friends. But nothing more. … In fact, I even told you that day I had a long-term boyfriend. José – here in Arica. We were a couple. That is, until recently. Now it appears; he has somehow turned into yours.”

Chad’s cheeks turned a shade of crimson, and he momentarily gazed in José's direction.

“Well … ah … that really wasn’t planned. I didn’t even know José until after I arrived and chose to stop by a bar for a drink.”

“I’m sure,” Maria replied, giving José an evil eye. “It seems like recently my ex-boyfriend is full of surprises. … Do you have anything to say for yourself, José?”

José opened his mouth as if shocked that she would address him. He then gulped before speaking. “I take it that you talked with Carlita.”

Maria grinned mischievously. “Ah huh.  And it seems like you kept an important secret from me ever since Middle School.”

José sighed and began to take on the countenance of a dog that’s been beaten.  “I know. And I’m sorry, Maria.  But I really did ... ah … really do love you, despite my being gay.”

“Love me? You actually believe you love me?” Maria sarcastically repeated. “How in the living hell could you? Especially since all the time we were together and supposedly being a couple – you were out running around as a transvestite, having sex with other men …or boys, … or whatever.”

Both Chad and José gazed at Maria, and sadly shook their head in disagreement.

“But I didn’t,” José whimpered, before becoming silent. “Well. That’s not exactly right. … A small part of it, I confess, I did.”

“Oh?” Maria placed her hands on each side of her hips.

“Yes,” José said, lowering his head. “It’s true that I did dress as a transvestite and frequented gay bars. … But I never had sex with anyone.”

“Except Michelle and probably Chad, here,” Maria sternly added.

José gazed in Chad’s direction and their brown eyes romantically met. There was no doubt that the two of them had shared something special.

“You DO know the truth regarding Michelle,” José asked a minute later. “Those pictures she showed everyone around town were as phony as a two fifty peso. I was extremely drunk before she took them, therefore, it would have been impossible for me to do anything. … She just took those photos in order to blackmail me.”

Maria chuckled, and her lips transformed into a small grin. “I know. … So what happens now? You stated that you love me. … But … from what I see before me, it’s obvious that you and Chad are now a couple.”

Chad affirmatively nodded, and placed his arm around José’s shoulder.

“I see,” Maria non-emotionally said. “Well. I hope the two of you remain very happy together then. … As for me … well, Eric … Mike … would you two like to walk me back to my Mom’s jewelry store. … I think I’ve seen all the romance I care to today.”

Turning toward Panamericana Hotel’s front entrance, Maria took hold of Eric’s hand. And with Eric on her left and Mike on her right, the three of them started to head toward the hotel’s tinted glass doors.

“Maria, please wait!” Both Chad and José hollered, while jumping to their feet and running toward them.  “We’re not quite though yet. … There’s something else.”

Maria stopped, and she and her two gay friends swiveled around to face them.

“Not through,” she repeated. “What in the world else could both of you possibly say? … For an unknown reason and very short time, Chad thought he was possibly in love with me, despite him being through and through gay. But nature, as it usually does, took a correctional course and had him instead of finding me, had him run into José, and you guys became a couple. … Could there be anything else?”

“Yes!” the two boys shouted.

“You see, Maria,” José began before Maria could respond. “There is something exceptionally unique here. … As things have it - both of us are madly in love and don’t want to lose you. … And while it’s true that Chad is one hundred percent gay. He has also shown me that I’m not. I’m actually a bisexual. Therefore, I enjoy ... ah, hmm … with both men and women.”

Chad looked at Maria, and his eyes beamed his agreement.

“Well,” Maria said, pursed lipped. “That certainly is different. … What do you have to say, Chad? What do two of you want?”

“Have you ever heard of a love triangle?” the teen answered.

Maria looked into the two boys dark brown eyes, and then decided to gaze skyward.

“I see,” she eventually said. “That’s something I am going to need to think about. … After all, if what I understand you two are proposing … wouldn’t that be a kind of Hopeless Love?