Hopeless Love by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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Overheard Conversations



This story begins in the early 1970's –

 In Arica, Chile  S.A.

Gazing into moonlight reflecting inside Maria’s dark-brown eyes, José felt his eighteen-year-old heart literally tearing itself into pieces as the words spoken from Maria’s lips dashed through his vibrant soul like a razor-sharp, bloodstained sword.

“Please tell me it isn’t so,” he pleaded, firmly wrapping his thin, muscular arms around the only girl he had ever cared about since that glorious day the two of them met — that very special day, not long after the two of them started middle school, they discovered each other during their first period class.

“I thought we had plans. We were supposed to be attending the University of Tarapacáe together– and not long after we graduated with either our Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, we would both get a job and eventually marry.”

“I know,” Maria replied through her trembling lips, as an individual tear slowly coursed down her cheek. “... and we still can. We’ll just have to wait until a year from now, when I return.”

She then turned so the two of them could watch the foam-topped waves crash along the gray, sandy shoreline and listen to the seagulls' doleful cry, one final last time together.

José displayed a small crooked smile, and gave her fragile, smooth hand a gentle squeeze.

“How can I be sure that you’re not going to replace me with some American you happen to meet while you’re in Miami? After all, a full year … twelve full months is a long time, and we both know that Florida is a mighty long way from Arica.”

Maria grinned at José’s concern, and responded to his fears by giving him a soft peck on his sun-tanned cheek.

“Do you actually believe I could possibly forget about you and the love we share?” she asked as an abnormally large wave abruptly crashed along the shoreline – causing at least thirty feathered scavengers to take flight.

“I certainly would hope not.”

Maria looked at her boyfriend and smiled.

“I'm pretty sure you would never forget about me, José. ... But I do have to admit, there is one item  that has me worried. Without me being here, physically present, here in Arica that is - how do I know that Michelle isn’t going to snatch you away from me the same way a fox swiftly gobbles up a defenseless prey? It’s definitely no secret how she’s been wanting you to be hers ever since we were high school sophomores.”

José could not help but glanced at Maria and chuckled “That’s undoubtedly true. … But with your combination of brains and looks, you know that for the past three years, the girl’s never had a chance. … You do realize that, don’t you, Maria?”

“Yes. But things are going to be a lot different now. I’m not going to be around to keep her away. … Like I already told you, my mother decided weeks ago that a trip to the U.S. would be a good learning experience - so she’s not giving me a choice about leaving.”

Maria then turned and began to gaze into her endearing boyfriend's mysterious dark eyes. And soon afterwards, the two of them tightly wrapped their arms around each other in a romantic embrace and shared a long, passion-filled kiss which both wished could magically never end.

“So, you’ll wait for my return to Arica?” Maria asked the moment the two of them started down the grayish-white seashore toward the front door of the Vargas' three-bedroom residence.

“Of course I will,” José said, giving her both a loving grin and a single wink. “But I really wish you didn’t have to go. How am I going to survive without you near? My life is going to be so incomplete.”

As Maria contemplated her response, her archenemy's best friend, Carman, and accompanying boyfriend unexpectedly came up from behind, and quickly passed the two of them without speaking a word.

Oh no, Maria thought as she watched them suddenly change direction, and start heading toward downtown. No doubt, she’s overheard our conversation … and will soon be telling Michelle about my leaving.