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Flirting Tips: First Steps

Ever notice someone that you would like to get to know better? Ever look over and see someone looking back at you? Are you afraid of letting someone know how you feel because you are afraid they might not be interested? Well you’re not alone. Nearly all of us at some point in our lives have felt this way. If you really want to get that person’s attention, and find out if they could be interested in you then learn to flirt.

Flirting is a great way to seek out the information that you want. It also does not have to be very emotional. If the other person doesn’t respond then you can move on to someone or something else. Knowing how to flirt effectively is they key to getting them interested and keeping them that way. In this article we will look at way people do flirt and offer some tips on how to do it effectively.

One of the first rules of flirting is to never do it for the sake of it. Although flirting is relatively harmless, you are playing with another’s emotions. Flirting with someone your not interested in just isn’t nice. The next rule of flirting is not to worry about what you say as much as how you look and what you are doing. When someone sees you, they give slightly over half of their attention to how you look. Make sure you look nice and are dressed for the occasion. You just want to be noticed, not to shock people.

The next item of importance is your body language. About one third of their attention will go to this. Watch what you do. Make sure you not doing anything embarrassing with your hands or moving about to much. Stand up straight, don’t slouch and look confident.

Finally, a small part of flirting does go to what is said. Try to stay calm. If you are naturally funny or charming then use this to your advantage, If not then the less said the better. Try to engage in a friendly conversation.

To find out if that special someone is interested in you then try flirting. By flirting, you will draw attention and hopefully attract the one that you want. By paying attention to how you look, what you do and what you say to a degree, you could be well on your way to finding that special soul mate.