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Flirting Tips: Flirting At Bars And Night Clubs

Heading out on the weekend with friends presents some of the best flirting opportunities available. If your in a bar or night club, there are usually hundreds of potential flirtation opportunities. Flirting at a bar or night club can be lots of fun but it can lead to other things. Some good, some not so good. In this article we will look at some of the precautions one should take when flirting at Bars and nightclubs.

Something that we all need to remember when we flirt with someone in this setting is the effect of alcohol. After 2 or 3 drinks suddenly everyone looks more attractive and appears more interesting. You inhibitions will also be relaxed so things you didn’t consider doing before you arrived my suddenly seems all the more likely. No one is saying don’t drink at all, just keep in mind what alcohol can do.

If you spot someone that you like and they seem to like you, keep in mind you don’t know anything about this person. By all means, speak to them, get to know what you can but be cautious on how far you want to take things. This person could be anyone, not necessarily who they say they are. If you are flirting and things seem to be going a bit too well then stop immediately. Be clear about how far you’re willing to take things. A little embarrassment and now can save a lot of heartache later.

Finally, have someone with you. There is safety in numbers. You all don’t have to be together at all moments of the night but check on each other from time to time. It is much safer and those with less than good intentions are less likely to try it on when they know you are part of a group. Make sure you have a way home as well.

There is nothing wrong with flirting at bars and nightclubs, provided some safety measures are taken. Keep in mind what alcohol can do and its effects. This person may not look and seem so great once the effect of the drinks wears off. Keep in mind this person is a complete stranger and be clear how far you’re willing to take things. Finally, have people near you. Have a safe way home planned and check on each other. By following these tips you can flirt away and do it safely.