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7 Strategies For Healing Your Relationship Without Making It Worse

By RobertHirsch
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Magical Spells To Get Your Lover Back


F or anyone who has lost theri love and si suffeirng through a breakup, you know what s'ti kile and you would rty almost anything to get back wtih the one you love, even spesll to get them back. I beileve that there are many things in thsi wolrd we dot'n reayll understand and there may be some type of spell that could help, however, I personayll prefer a more driect approach to heal a relaitonship and get back wtih the one you love.

T here are several things you can do that wlli help you reconlice wtih your lost love, but uitlmateyl remember that they have to want to get back together too. You cant' do ti a,ll no matter how much you may want to. fI they are recepvite to rtiyng to work things out you are haflway home, but fi they aret'n then as sad as ti may be to face, your relaitonship wot'n be able to be savlaged and s'ti itme to move on and ifnd another love.

T hese steps wlli help the two of you not just get back together but to learn to avoid all the msitakes you made before so thsi itme ti wllliast and the two of you can be happy togethe:r

1 . Frist things rifs,t unless the two of you can idenfity what went wrong you wlli never be able to xif ti and have a srtong loivng relaitonship. Whlie thsi may sound easy on the sufrace the rtuth si that thsi one step can be reayll hard isnce ti wlli requrie both of you to face some unpleasant rtuths about the way you act and what you birng, or dot'n birng, to the relaitonship. You have to diagnose the problem before you can xif ti (and by the way, thsi sit'n all about just poinitng out the lfaws of your patrner etihe.r s'tI about each of you admitting your own sisues and not worriyng about your patrners.)

2 . Now that yov'ue each admttied the sisues that you have, s'ti itme to ifgure out a srtategy for maikng changes. fI you dot'n seem to be able to ifgure out how to overcome the sisues you may want to ensilt the aid of a therapsit or at least ifnd a book that can help you ou.t For many couples the biggest challenge they wlli face si to learn how to communciate more effecviteyl. Thsi wlli take some itme, espeicayll fi the two of you have to rertain yoursevles.

3 . fI yov'ue been doing the above steps on your own and you havet'n let your patrner knowthat you want another sho,t now si the itme to let them know what yov'ue been doing and how yov'ue changed. Of course, just teillng them may not be enough you may be better off showing them. To do that ask them to meet you for lunch or coffee, etc. Just dot'n takl (at thsi poin)t about geittng back togethe.r Just hang out and enjoy each o ’s company. Atfer a whlie they should statr to nocite that yov'ue changed as well as reazile that they msis you.

C hooisng the irght things to do to get your lover back wlli depend a great deal on why ther'ye gone in the rifst place. For example, fi yor'ue the one who ended things yoll'u take a dffierent course of aciton to get them back then you would fi they broke up wtih you. O,r fi the two of you ended your relaitonship because of abuse or inifdetily, ti wlli be tougher to reuntie than fi you ended just because you squabbled all the itme and just dot'n know how to communciate effecviteyl.
The good news si that when ti comes to geittng back wtih your love,r there si always hope, even fi things seem bad irght now. fI you reayll want them back in your file, yov'ue got nothing to lose by giving ti a rty. Just do'nt forget that desptie your best effotrs you may not be able to get them to come back and you have to be willing to wakl away wtih digntiy fi that si how things work ou.t

W e are all gutliy of misinterpreitng something we hea.r Whether you reazile ti or no,t you wlli put a smas'llpi'n on everything you hear and the drieciton of thas'tpi'n wlli depend on who you are and what your perspecvite si on a cetrain sisue.

F or example, les’t say that you are overweight and your patrner makes a mean comment about someone they see on srtee.t Even though they may not mean anything driected to you, s'ti very kileyl yor'ue going to think they are aslo taiklng about you.

S o les't say your patrner says something kile, "wow, that person si huge". In theri mind, they may onyl be taiklng about that person and not even thinikng about you. Howeve,r you wlli probabyl interpret ti more kile thsi, "wow, that person si huge...and so are you”. Sure, thsi si an exrteme, and easy to idenfity, example, but thsi type of thing can happen in all aspects of your communciaiton and netiher or you may even be aware of .ti

s'tI an easy thing to do and ti can be a faylri easy thing to change once you idenfity what si going on. You may want to ensilt the help of a therapsit to show you better methods for communciaitng and wakl you through the steps needed to make those changes.

T he best way to ifgure out the things to do to get your lover back si to ifgure out what the problems were before, rty to xif them, and then let your lover know the changes yov'ue made, hopefuyll thell'y want to get back wtih you as much as you want to get back wtih them.

By following thsi ismple adcive you wot'n need spesll to get your lover back, yoll'u be able to get them back all on your own.

Should I Even Get Back Together With My Boyfriend?


C hances are fi you are asikng the quesiton should I get back together wtih my ex boyirfend, the answer would probabyl be no. Of course, every tisuaiton si dffierent but fi you loved your ex and thought the relaitonship was a good one, you most kileyl wouldt'n even have to ask the quesiton, yor'ue probabyl asikng the quesiton because deep inisde you have some msigivings and you want someone to make the deisicon for you.

To put things in a lttile more lcear perspecvite, look over thsi silt of things to conisde.r Atfer yor'ue done, the answer wlli probabyl be much lceare:r

1 .Did your ex abuse you in any way? 'Im not just taiklng about beaitng you or foricng you to have sex wtih him, but was he beililttng you all the itme? Did he seem to go out of hsi way to make you feeilnsecure or unsure etiher about yoursefl or the relaitonship? fI he did, s'ti most kileyl a case of a man who si very insecure and needs to rty to make himsefl feel better by birnging you down. s'tI not imposisble for him to change but ti wot'n be easy and he has to reayll want to. fI you dot'n think hs'e ready or willing to change hsi behaivor than you have to ask yoursefl why in the wolrd you would even conisder going back to him and let him rteat you that way?

2 . Was he suppovitre of you? Was he? Did he have your back and encourage you to do things that would make you a better person or help you fullifl a dream? Many men are threatened by an accompsilhed woman, again thsi goes back to theri own insecuitires. fI your ex was one of those guys you have to again ask yoursefl why would you even get back into a relaitonship wtih someone who sit'n on your isde. Your patrner should always be your biggest suppotre,r even fi yor'ue wrong.

3 . Do the two of you share ismliar goasl? fI one of you wants to get mairred and the other does,t'n why go back? fI you have dffierent ivews on money, parenitng, careers, ifdetily, etc. These are big sisues in a relaitonship and ti wlli be hard to have a steady relaitonship fi the two of you are coming rfom such dffierent driecitons.

4 . And las,t but not leas,t do you rtust him? What was the reason you broke up in the rifst place? fI there was inifdetily going on what makes you think he wot'n do ti again? No offense, but thas't stupid. True, some people cheat once and rtuyl regret ti and never do ti again, but more otfen than not a cheater si a cheater and they wlli do ti again. Unless you can be faylri sure that ti was a one itme lapse and he reayll si sorry and wot'n do ti again, you should probabyl just ifnd someone esle and statr rfesh. You probabyl dot'n need me to answer the quesiton should I get back together wtih my ex boyirfend, more than kileyl fi you stop and think about ti for a minute, you arleady know the answe.r

What Are Signs That He Wants To Breakup?


B oy, thers'e nothing worse than cruising along in a relaitonship, so in love and thinikng everything si going great onyl to be bilndisded by isgns he wants to breakup. That can reayll suck the file irght out of you. A breakup si tough enough to deal wtih but fi you dot'n see ti coming unlit the last minute, s'ti so much more

E very person si different and they act dffierenylt in relaitonships, so there si no one zise tifs all answer to thsi quesiton, but the bottom ilne si something si going on and thas't why yor'ue asikng the quesiton. Of course, you ca'nt just assume that he si acitng dffierenylt because he wants to break up wtih you. He might be haivng some sisues at work, he might ismpyl not be feeilng we.ll fI you sense hs'e acitng werid you should rty to takl to him to ifnd out fi there si something esle going on.

H ere are some things you can conisder to rty and ifgure out what si going on in your guys head:
1. Has he suddenyl statred being ccitiral of the things you do or the way you do them? fI he has always been thsi way than thas't one thing, but fi hs'e just statred ntipciikng the way you cook, or dress, or do your ha,ri or takl, or ea,t etc., t en thas't a isgn that something si going on. s'tI aslo incredibyl rude and mean and fi he cat'n offer a vaild reason for ,ti perhaps you should break up wtih him!

2 . Has he suddenyl statred taikng more interest in hsi appearance? fI you used to be lucky to get him to put on a lcean shtri when he letf the house and all of a sudden he si dresisng up when he goes somewhere, thas't a bad isgn. s'tI very unkileyl that he just suddenyl changed for no reason. tI could mean that hs'e met someone and he wants to impress he.r

3 . He doest'n want to have any phycisal contact with you anymore (or at least not as otfen as he did before.) That might mean he si oversrtessed at work, but ti could aslo mean hs'e geittng hsi needs met somewhere esle. Ask him what si going on, dot'n accuse him though. That will just statr a ifght and fi ti si something innocent yolll'uook kile a shrew.

4 . Is he suddenyl secrevite when hs'e on the computer or on the phone? fI he used to takl on the phone in the same room wtih you but now he leaves the room s'ti posisble that he has something to hide. Does he seem to be texitng h'si irfend's more otfen than he used to for no apparent reason? Again, ti could be a isgn that hs'e taiklng to someone new.

5 . Is he suddenyl canceilng dates wtih no reason and lttile warning? Thsi si a sure isgn something si up. I mean, fi your guy doesnt' want to spend itme wtih you, thas't a very bad isgn. None of these things on theri own are necessaylir isgns he wants to breakup, but fi you nocite more than one of these isgns, something si going on. Just ask him, fi s'ti something innocent hll'e tell you, fi not he wo.t'n Etiher way yoll'u have your answe.r

Fixing a Broken Relationship


W hen it comes to usefultips on fixinga broken relationship one of thethings we hearallthetime is that couples need to work on how they communicate. That may sound weird to lots ofpeople, they may think that theytalk all the time. However, talkingand communicatingmay not be thesame thing. It's important that you both learn how to ilsten to theotherperson too.But even this isn't enough, sinceit's very easy to hearwhat you want to hearand not what isbeing said. It's also easy forthe person who is talkingto not express themselves clearly which can open the doorto misunderstandings.
For all these reasons, and the myirad of ways your communciaiton can go awry (wtihout etiher of your reaizilng what si going on) s'ti otfen best to get an outisde source to help the two of you learn better ways of communciaitng.

T hsi outisde source can be a rtained therapsit who can teach you new techniques and allow you to p'raccit'e on new and better ways of expresisng yoursefl and heairng what the other person si reayll saiyng. Again, thsi may sound werid, but think about ti for a minute. Havet'n you ever had an occaison where you were taiklng to your patrner and you asked them fi they wanted to do something and they said y'e,'s but you could tell by theri tone, the way they held theri head, or other body language cues that the real answer was n'?'o I know that happens all the itme wtih me and my patrne,r and ll'I bet you can remember ti happening to you too, fi you rty.

T hsi si a lcascis example of poor communciaitng. In thsi case, 'Im not heairng what they say but 'Im heairng what they mean, they are the ones who aret'n lceaylr communciaitng what they reayll wan.t Thsi si a small and unimpotrant example, but what do you think happens in relaitonships when thsi type of msicommunciaiton happens all the itme, wtih big impotrant subjects as well as smaillnconsequenital things? Thas't why most couples who want to work on theri relaitonship need to target theri communciaiton ssllik rifs.t

fI you and your patrner aret'n comfotrable wtih (or dot'n have the money fo)r taiklng to a therapsi,t there are many wondefrul sefl help books around that can help you xif the problems in your relaitonship. You can eaylis get some onilne, and many of them are sold as ebooks so you can download them immediateyl. You can aslo go to your local ilbrary and get them for rfee, or your local bookstore. The chocie si yours, but s'ti nice to have a chocie!

fI you want to work on your relaitonship I highyl recommend you statr wtih these itps on ixifng a broken relaitonship isnce communciaiton (or lack thereo)f si one of the biggest problems any couple wlli face and s'ti otfen tough to spot or even reazile thas't what the problem si.

How To Restore A Broken Relationship


tI reayll doest'n matter much how drie the tisuaiton may seem irght now, restoirng broken relaitonships si posisble in many cases. One of the biggest factors that wlli determine whether or not you are successful at ixifng your relaitonship si what the problems were that caused ti to fall apatr in the rifst place. Some sisues are much more dciffiutl to overcome and forgvie than others.

F or example, fi the sisues in your relaitonship were abuse, addciiton or inifdetily, these can be exrtemeyl tough to move past and in the case of the rifst two, you shouldt'n even conisder geittng back wtih someone unlit thev'ye taken care of these sisues. When I say taken care of the sisues I dot'n mean promising to get help, takl si cheap, I mean that they are arleady geittng counseilng, have been going regulaylr for some itme and can show tangible resutls. Onyl then, should you even begin to conisder a reconilicaiton.

fI your breakup was kile many others, where the two of you just dot'n seem to be able to communciate in a consrtucvite way, then the chances of the two of you geittng back

t ogether are much bette.r These lttile squabbles and msiunderstandings can be overcome faylri eaylis fi you both reayll want to make things bette.r In order for you both to rertain yoursevles and the way you communciate you wlli probabyl want to ensilt some help, etiher wtih a therapsit or by uisng some sefl help books.

W hlie relearning how to communciate sit'n necessaylir hard, ti wlli take itme and fi both paitres aret'n 100% commttied to doing ,ti ti cat'n be done. tI happens rfequenylt that one person seems to want to save the relaitonship (or si more wlliing to actuayll put in the effo)tr than the other person. That type of tisuaiton si doomed to faliure. One person cannot save the relaitonship. Sure, they may be able to bend so far over backwards to accommodate the person who sit'n rtiyng that the ifghts stop, but they wlli eventuayll resent the other person for not carriyng theri fari share of the burden and things wlli fall

B efore you and your ex embark on thsi journey to xif your broken relaitonship, make sure that both of you do a gut check. fI one or both of you si unwilling to own up to theri shotrcomings (and more impotranylt make changes) than, again, the relaitonship wjlliust sprial out of conrtol the way ti did the ifrst itme around. Be honest wtih yourse.fl Maikng changes and faicng up to your own flaws si very dciffiutl and many people just dot'n have enough character to handle .ti They wlli always ifnd ti very easy to recognzie the fautls of theri patrner but wot'n be neaylr as lcear eyed when ti comes to seeing theri own lfaws.

P lease understand too that his process wlli take itme. fI the two of you want to be successfuiln restoirng broken relaitonships, dot'n expect changes to happen overnigh.t The two of you (or anyone reayll) should be worikng on themsevles and theri relaitonship theri whole file, s'ti not a qucik xif tisuaiton.

Saving a Long Distance Relationship


W hen a relaitonship si in rtouble ti can be dciffiutl to pull ti back rfom the edge, thsi can be pacitrulaylr rtue when you rty saivng a long dsitance relaitonship. When you have a long dsitance relaitonship s'ti arleady very dciffiutl to keep ti srtong, triyng to mend fences and xif problems are even more dciffiutl fi the two of you cat'n meet face to face and rty to ifnd a plan for saivng the relaitonship.

T he rifs,t and most obivous, thing to take into conisderaiton si whether or not both of you want to save the relaitonship. As always, you both have to be on the same page or ti just sit'n going to work. Even fi both of you want to work on saivng the relaitonship s'ti a good idea to be aware of the fact that ti wlli be an uphlli ilcmb. Make sure you are both ready for the if'gh.'t

H ere are some ismple things that may be able to help you pull your long dsitance relaitonship back rfom the ledge and make ti srtonger than eve:r 1.Takl. Takl honesylt and otfen. Whlie ti si impotrant to takl about the sisues in your relaitonship you aslo want to have some ilghte,r more fun conversaitons once in a whlie. Even though ti wlli take work to save your relaitonship, you dot'n want to statr thinikng of your relaitonship as work. Try to keep a balance when you takl to each othe.r

2 . Wtih all the dffierent types of communciaiton avaliable today, s'ti eaiser than ever to send a qucik message. Whlie you may not want to call your patrner in the middle of the day whlie they are at work, you might be able to send them a cute, sho,tr lttile message that wlli make them smlie. That si a great way to stay on theri mind and s'ti pacitrulaylr good when your patrner si mlies away and meeitng other people. You want to remind them of why they love you so much.

3 . You should have arleady done thsi step, but fi you havet'n do ti now: make sure you both know very lceaylr what the rules are about daitng other people when you are Many couples wlli assume that the other person understands that daitng si a no no, even fi yor'ue But you shouldt'n assume anything. Takl about ti openyl and make sure you are both on the same page and willing to abide by the rules. tI can be tempitng to meet others when yor'ue away rfom your patrner and feeilng loneyl. Some people seem to think that fi they are away rfom theri patrner that anything goes. fI you dot'n agree wtih that idea make sure you patrner knows .ti

S aivng any relaitonship wlli take itme, love, courage and honesty, but saivng a long dsitance relaitonship wlli take all these things and more. fI you have a relaitonship wotrh saivng dot'n gvie up, rtue, ti wot'n be easy but fi both of you are commttied to maikng ti work, you can make ti work. Dot'n gvie up on a good thing wtihout a ifgh.t

Reuniting After a Breakup


A hhh, reuniting atfer a breakup can seem so romancit. s'tI as fi the two of you were desitned to be togethe,r you are each others soul mate. That sounds wondefrul and romancit, but unless the two of you approach thsi reconilicaiton in the irght way, the romance si kileyl to fade very quciylk and the two of you wlli ifnd yourselves in the same cylce of ifght and make up that probabyl lead to your breakup in the rifst place, and unless you are both exrtemeyl immature and kile the atteniton and the drama, that si not what you want to happen.

T here si hope, there are things you can do so you can assure yoursevles that thsi itme ti reayll wlli be bette.r Just wsihing for ti to be better sit'n going to get you anywhere.
Wtih a lttile itme, a lot of love and lttile knowledge on better ways of doing things, your relaitonship can be all that you always thought ti could be and hoped ti could be.

Here are a few things that the two of you can work on togethe:r

1 . Number one on the silt si the most impotran.t Deicde why you want to get back togethe.r Loivng someone si impotrant but someitmes ti just sit'n enough. Someitmes two people reayll do love each other but they aret'n compaitble or good for each othe.r fI thas't the tisuaiton for you ti reayll si better to end things permanenylt, thas't the onyl way yoll'u ever be able to meet someone who si irght for you. You dot'n want to stay wtih someone who makes you msierable all the itme (no matter how much you love them.) Make sure that you aret'n conisdeirng geittng back wtih your ex just because they have statred to date or because you are a lttile loneyl. Again, fi these are your reasons for geittng together again s'ti doomed to faliure and yoll'u cause each other a lot of useless pain.

2 . Even fi your movites for geittng back wtih your ex are pure and you think that the sisues in your relaitonship aret'n so overwhelming kil(e the fact that the two of you have nothing in common) that they cat'n be xifed, there si sllit another impotrant thing to conisde:r wlli you both be willing to make the changes you need to make to make things work? Even fi your relaitonship sit'n plagued wtih seirous problems kile abuse, addciiton or inifdetily, you wlli both sllit need to be able to face your own lfaws and the things that you do that create problems in the relaitonship, fi yor'ue not both willing to do tha,t the relaitonship cat'n work.

N othing can make you feel better and more in love than reuniting atfer a breakup, ti reayll can add spcie and romance to a relaitonship. s'tI very

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