Hypothesis: The Hekapolis Trilogy by Anna Bastow - HTML preview

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The Hypothesis: the existence of Magic in the physical world.

Gabrielle I. Bridge, Cal Poly Pomona, 2010.


There were little facts about the reality of magic in our world up until now (2010). Most theories suggested that it was all the fruit of superstitious individuals under the influence of drugs or of charlatans looking for making a quick buck from ignorant trusting people. But now we had witnessed, tested, measured and documented the activities of a whole race of individuals indistinguishable from Homo Sapiens that hide in plain sight using their powers for multiple purposes. The results showed that all of them can affect, change and dominate the physical world with a series of words, ingredients and rites. The conclusion is that magic is real.

Dear Sage,

I was going to tell you what happened before my disappearance in the manner of a scientific paper, but I don't think the intensity of my encounter; or the pain, love, lust and loss I felt could be properly expressed that way. As funny as it might sound to you, I'm choosing to tell you my story in the manner of feelings instead of facts, not like proper scientists communicate their discoveries. After you read this, you will understand why.

Above all else, I have always wanted to know the mysteries of the universe. I amused myself thinking that Pandora's Box wouldn't last a second after reaching my hands. Not even a split second, despite warnings of ill portent, I would have opened the lid, condemning myself and the world to the pain of all its woes. The idea that knowledge could damn our entire existence was alien to me. I never bought it.

Until I met him. Pandora's Box came into my life in the figure of a man.