In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


I watched Leah and her Granddad walk away until they turned the corner.

Why did he need to talk to her?

Was it to tell her about our business agreements? No it can't be that, he told me not to tell anyone especial Leah thing to do with mine and Roberts business plans. This was hard as Leah worked for me. I had to call another assistant to dell with all the deals.

For some reason he didn't won't anyone knowing.

He must just want to catch up with her. I thought still looking down the hall they left at. I completely forgot about everyone around me.

Bringing myself back around I suddenly started to hear Jessica's voice shouting in my ear and pulling on my arm like a child.

“Chris... Chris!” Jessica screeched

“Sorry What?”

“You were ignoring me” she pouted 'I found Mum and Dad. They want to have lunch with us. What do you say?' she asked looking at me like she was going to jump on me any moment. Weather my family was there or not.

What can I say? I’m only human and anyone who knew Jess knew how sexy she was. But with her, it's always just been sex, which I’m not going to lie was fun, until I found out she was Leah's sister.

Now I don’t know. 

I'm totally put off the idea of ever touching her and its driving me crazy why?

Jessica’s hot, smoking hot! But now every time she kisses me, I’m just not that into it. She’s notices as well and recently she’s been overly affectionate with me. She needs to get the hit! If she breaks it off with me, my deal with her father will be safe but if I break it off, he won't play ball and sign over the shares to my company.

“I would love to Jessica but I think I'm going to have lunch with my family. It's been a long time” I said turning round to see them all smiling at me. 'But we still have dinner' I said turning back to look at her frowning face.

“Yer with a hundred other people” she mourned. She really hated it when she didn't get her own way.

With the annoying look on her face, I just smiled “I promise I will dance with you tonight then” I charmed her by kissing her hand. She started grinning and was happy again.

Women like her were so easy to please.

“Ok, till then” she said turning around.

“It was nice to meet you” my Mum called out.

“Thank you” Jessica said without saying goodbye to anyone. God she was rude. Not like Lea atoll. 

“Well she was lovely. Where did you great her, page three of the sun” my sister said. I couldn't help from smiling at her little joke. I knew she didn't like her.

'Be careful her family own the place” I said grapping my mother’s bag and walking over to the desk, checking them all in.

“So tell me more about the girl” a voice came from be hide me. I looked around to see Ben standing next to me.

Which girl?


“No! Leah. What's she like? Is she single?”

“Oh...hmmm. I think she is” I KNEW she was single but I didn't need to tell him that “She nice, young, smart...”

“HOT!” Ben interrupted

A stab of jealousy flew through me and made my back turn to ice.

“I guess” I said clearing my voice “but listen Ben, she's not like other girls”

“Yer I can tell” Ben said smirking.

“Really! She's a good girl, the best so don't do anything to hurt her understand” I said looking at him.

“Wow, you’re a little protective over the girl, any reason for that brother” he teased.

“She works for me, I have the right to care what happens to my staff and she's my business partner's granddaughter” I said partly true.

“Oh so you're just worried about your business plans going wrong” he said laughing

“Yer so don't mess this up for me or I'll mess you up, understand” I said shaking up his hair.

“Mr Howard?” said an elderly man from be hide me. “Mr Anderson would like to speak with you just before you go to lunch with your family, if that's ok with you sir”

I looked over to my mother who just smiled and said “That’s ok honey, just meet as upstairs when you're done”

I smiled and started to follow the man.


It came to the end of the song and I heard my grandfather start clapping. I smiled and started laughing at him. He was a funny old man.

But it felt so good. I forgot how much I’ve missed music. As soon as I started singing again it was like I never stopped.

“Beautiful” he said kissing my cheek. I looked up at him and saw how happy he looked, how proud he was, just by playing one song.

I saw him look away to the door way.  “Ahh Mr Howard” he said walking over to Chris.


What was he doing here? He wasn't meant to be here. No one was.

Oh god I think I'm having a heart attack. I was so embarrassed; I could feel my face getting redder and redder.

How much did he hear?

Granddad shook his hand but Chris looked in shock.

What was wrong with him?

His eyes were fixed on me from across the room. By just looking at me he was making my heart beat out of my chest.

“Leah was just giving me by birthday present. Nothing better than the gift of music, hey'” Granddad said pulling Chris closer to the piano, with his hand at his back.

I couldn't stand. I couldn't move from the stool. I was afraid that if I moved I would fall to the floor and feel even more embarrassed.

He didn't speak but just nodded with his eyes never leaving mine.

It was silent until Chris said “You're very good”

“Oh... no I'm... mm I mean thank you” I said looking back down at mine hands

“You wanted to see me, Mr Anderson” he said looking away from me to my grandfather

“Yes well I just needed to tell you that I need to move the closing date for are deal sooner” my Granddad says. I have no idea what they're talking about, what deal? I knew Chris had a deal coming together with my father selling his shares to Chris, so 'Howards Businesses' could increase more jobs and expend but I thought that was just with Dad not Granddad as well.

 Was it a secret or something? I mean, I do work at Howards Businesses, I would have come across the so called 'business deal'.

“OK, how soon did you want to bring it forward?' Chris said looking not at all angry but more concerned.

“Tomorrow or Tuesday I would have hoped”

“Is everything alright?” Chris asked quietly after.

There was something going on between them and I didn't like not knowing what that was. I kept on looking from one to the other.

“Everything is fine I just wish for it all to be settled that's all”

With this they both exchanged looks and then remembered I was still there.

“Well my dear you must be hungry, why don't you go get lunch? I would join you but your grandmother has me picking out flowers for next Wednesday. For someone's birthday”

“I didn't know it was someone's birthday” I joked.

“Chris, I take it, you will be having lunch with your family” Chris nodded “Well, would you mind if Leah joins you”

“Oh, no that's ok I'll be fine...”

“I'd be delighted if you were to join me and my family for lunch Lea” Chris said expending his hand towards me.

I wasn't going to get out of it, I knew. So I just took his hand and let him pull me away from the pianos stool.

“Lovely, I shall see you both tonight at the welcoming party. Bring your dancing shoes you” he said pointing his finger at me “I want at least ten dances with you” he joked before kissing me on the cheek and saying goodbye to Chris.

We were both standing in the middle of the ballroom until Chris said “Right let’s go eat”