In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 29


The ride into town was so much fun, listening to all the songs on the radio and singing with the girls to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry we were all singing along dancing around.

“Wow Leah, you got a great voice” Lilly said from the front set. All the girls agreed and I went bright red, I had an ok voice but everyone loved singing that's why everyone did it, if they had a good voice or not.

“Thanks” was the only thing I said hoping they would change the subject.

We got to the town about ten and it looked busy. Well busy for a small little town like this.  All the buildings all looked like old Victorian style houses and shops with small doorways and stone walls and floors.

I loved it, it was tiny.

There were market stools down the strip of the town selling fresh meats and bread. Kate looked like she was in her element. She told me last night on the way back to our rooms that she wanted to be a breaker and would love to own her own cupcake shop but she would have to go to cookery school which she didn't have the money or time for but it was her dream and right now she was loving looking at all the homemade foods and different creations.

“I love food” she said to us making the girls and me laugh. Gemma had brought loads of chocolate and Lilly had got a large bag of different pick and mixes sweets and were eating them all on are way up the town.

“Kate you alright?” I asked walking slowly behind the others so there was some distance between us and them so no one else could hear. I looked at Kate who was staring back into space not hearing me.  She was frowning seriously about something and she seemed a little upset. I wonder if it had anything to do with Jay earlier or had Jake done something again. I remember her saying that he  didn't like her and didn't think she was good enough for their family but every time I saw them both  together I didn't see hate in his eyes. He always had his eyes on her but I couldn't work out if he was looking at her because he hated her or if he liked her. I remembered when he was holding her hand the other day at dinner... I will have to try and see tonight.  Hopefully if I focus on other people's love lives I can avoid my own. Tonight will go by quicker if I have something else to focus on. Then... I'll be going back to London. looking for a new job.

Oh wait how am I going to get home? Chris drove. I'll have to get the bloody train.

“Kate?” I said softly touching her arm.

“Hmm, oh yer fine thanks” she said with a weak smile. She kept on walking but I could tell that there was something wrong with her.  

“You looked serious with Jay earlier, everything ok?” I asked

“Yer everything's find, just find perfect” she sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

“So you've had no more trouble from Jake” I tried to slip him into the conversation. But she was looked shocked that I brought him up atoll.

“What?! Nowhere fine everything is fine” she snapped. Ok there was something up with her.

“Kate you can tell me it you want” I said stopping as did she. 

“Leah I would, I really want to but I can't say anything its better if I don't” she said. God it couldn't be that bad could it.

“Yer but if it's making you this upset...” I tried to say before she turned to me.

“Are you going to tell me what was really wrong with you last night?” she asked. Oh God, how did she know there was more to what I told them last night?

“I...I already told you. I was just stressed with my family...” I said looking at the floor.

“Leah I know I've only just met you but I can tell your holding back on something so with the most loving respect I can give, don't ask me what's wrong if you won't. I'm sorry if I'm being rude but I  really can't tell you” she said staring at me concerned that she hurt my feelings but I understood what  she was saying. I think we just became better friends at that moment because even if we didn't know what was going on with each other we both understood how the other felt.

“Hmmm, I see what you mean. Ok we won't speak about it anymore let’s just focus on shopping and having  a good time” I said linking her arm in with mine and walking back towards the other two, smiling to  each other. 

“Thanks” she said holding my hand. “You know back in London I don't have many friends. It’s nice knowing that I'll be going back with one”

“Me too, how did you know I wasn't telling you everything? Am I that bad at lying?”

“Well you’re not great but I guess it's because I'm doing the same that I noticed it don't worry I think the others fell for it” she said

“Wow your full of wisdom did you know that” I said making her laugh. “Lets catch up to them” I said as we got back to the others. We went into all the shops and they didn't really stock anything that we were looking for. Only country style clothes like camping stuff but they told us of one of the shops at the top of the high street that will have something for us so we left the shop and kept walking. Kate came up to me again and started talking about me leaving.

“Leah, were you being serious last night when you said that you're leaving tomorrow morning?” Kate asked

“Yer I am. I can't stay here anymore, I think it would be best if I go” I said seriously, I knew after our chat earlier Kate wouldn't ask why which made me feel relaxed.

“I'm going to miss you when you go” she said

“Well plan to meet up when you get back to London in a couple of days” I said laughing at her.

“I know that but the rest of this holiday is going to be hell without you. I'm not going to beg for  you to stay but just think of me sitting in the corner of all the parties with no one to talk to and  being all alone” I laughed at the way she was speaking in her dramatic voice portending to cry.

“Wow you should have gone into acting school with talent like that”

“You think” she smiled at me. “…but seriously I wish you would stay till the end with us” she said.

I thought about it, it wouldn't be that bad between me and Chris would it? I mean it was one kiss!  One amazing, hot, steamy kiss that made me weak at the knee just thinking about it... but other  than that, just one kiss that happened once, most likely because he had too much to drink.

It wouldn't be that awkward would it?


It really would! Before I could only just keep my cool with him, just imagining what it would be like to kiss him but now that I actually knew there is no way that I could act like nothing had happened.

I almost forgot... Alex.

I knew when I was coming here that he was going to be there but I thought... hoped that he would have changed and grown up but no. If anything he was worst and he scared me more than anything.  Last time when he told everyone his little story I didn't care about what my families friends thought and everyone else but now... with Chris and the girls, Jake, Ben. Everyone! I knew he could ruin everything by opening his lying mouth.

If I just left then Alex would just forget about ruined my life.

“Hey girls come on the boutiques here” Lilly shouted to both me and Kate who were still a little far back.

We were all looking around the different stores in the town, which was a grand total of five before we went to into the last store Gemma quickly went into the drug store saying she needed something for the kids and went in with Lilly as I and Kate went into the last store which looked allot posher than the others.

The shop assistants looked over at us and then turned their noses at us and then turned back to each other laughing. 

“Why do I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman right now” I said to Kate who just nodded at me.  We were about to walk out when Gemma and Lilly met us at the door.

“Hey guys, did you find anything?” Gemma asked

“Hmm” was the only thing we both said. Lilly and Gemma looked over our shoulders and saw the two sales assistants.

“Oh I see” Gemma said looking at Lilly who nodded her head walking over to the two girls.

“Yer so I just said to Justin he can't treat Lisa like that” one of the girls was saying.

“Hello” Lilly said cheerfully but the two girls still carried on talking over her.

“What did he say to that?” The other girl said

“Hello!”  Lilly yelled.

“Yer” one of the girls said rudely.

“I don't know if you know who I am but I imagine your manager does could I see her please”' both girls narrowed their eyes at her and then the other girls walked off to get the manager. I and Kate looked shocked at what was going on but Gemma just went to go sit down on one of the white chairs with her bags, smiling.

“Hello I'm the owner of the store how can I help” said a small older lady who came from the back with the two girls standing behind.

“Hello my names Lilly Minister” she said and I heard one of the girls gasping in shock. “I'm a model and a styling designer from one of the best organisations in the world”

“Yes Miss Minster of course I saw you on Elle just last month. How are you? Thank you for coming into my store” the owner said grinning widely.

“Well thank you, I'm actually doing a new article interview about sales assistants and their rudeness to customers” she said looking over at the two girls who had their mouths open out of shock. I and Kate were both laughing.

“Oh, well I hope my girls were helpful' the owner said turning around looking at the two girls.

“Well if they could spear the time to help us find some outfits for tonight's charity ball than well see how they do. Unless there too busy talking about 'Justin and Lisa' then we would totally understand” Lilly said. Wow check mate! Those girls were so in trouble.

“You know what Silver, Courtney both go on your breaks now please and send Sam out. I'll talk to you later' the owner said and the two girls left. 'I'm so sorry about that, how about some champagne for you all” we all smiled and nodded. The owner shut the shop for us so that we could try on and shop just us four. Does Lilly get to do this all the time? Having any store bring her champagne and closing the shops for her? God how the other half live.

We were all drinking our champagne laughing and joking around looking at all the different outfits in the store. I nearly choked on my drink when I noticed how expensive the clothes in here were. I couldn't afford any of this.

A different girl came out with a smile on her face.

“Hello I'm Sam, do you need any help?” she asked us all.

“Yer were looking for some dresses to wear to a ball for tonight” Gemma said to the young girl who went through all the clothes they had on the shop floor as the owner Amanda went to look in the back. I was looking at all the beautiful clothes that I knew I couldn't afford but just the idea of getting to wear them once excited me way too much. I loved shopping, I loved clothes but it was never really fun if you have no money.  

I looked over to see where Kate was and saw her sitting on the chair looking at some of the jewellery that Sam had come and showed her.

“Are you not looking for a dress?” I asked her

“No, Jay took me shopping before coming here and I've already got an amazing dress from Chanel so I think I'm good thanks” she smiled. Lucky!

I smiled and looked back at the rail of clothes in front of me when I saw the most beautiful emerald floor length dress. I pulled it out to see it all and I fell in love.

I loved it, it was so me. The colour was rich and the fabric was like water running through my fingers, it was so smooth and soft.

“Oh that would look great on you, with your red hair it would really complement your skin tone” Sam the sales assistant said. She was right everyone always said that green looked nice on me and I did really love it. I was about to look at the price tag but I couldn't find one.

That means it's either free or so expensive they don't put a price down to put people off.

I wonder which one it is. I was about to ask when Lilly took the dress out of my hands and pulled my hand into one of the changing rooms.

“Try it on, ask questions later” she said pulling the fitting door shut.

I looked back at the dress, taking in its beauty. Let's just pray it's not over a hundred. Fat chance but still a girl could hope.


 “I need a drink” Karl said as soon as he got in my car. He looked like hell like he hadn't slept all night. His eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes.

“Man, it's only just gone eleven” Connor said from the back seat. It was me in front with Karl, Connor behind me next to Jake and then jay. Outside the back of the jeep sat Paul and Ben sitting in the sun, they loved it now but they'll hate it when I'm going seventy in a bit.

“You do look rough this morning Karl, what's up?” Jake asked grinning “Let's have a girl gossip” he teased him.

“Is it that gorgeous wife, for yours giving you trouble because I wouldn't mind taking her off your hands” Paul shouted from outside and Ben hit the back of his head saying “Mate, Sister!”

“Jay pulls that screen over so I don't have to talk to the two dogs in the back” we all laughed and Jay pulled the screen across so that we couldn't hear them two anymore.

“So is it Gemma?” I asked him when everyone else was in their own conversations.

“I just can't seem to get anything right with her right now” Karl said rubbing his face

“Could you ever?” I teased him and he fake laughed at me making me smile.

“I dunno mate, she just seems to get upset about everything I do or say. I'm started to think that she's just bored with me now” he said seriously. I had to laugh because the idea of Gemma being bored of Karl was crazy. She loved him more than I've ever known two people to be in love.

“That's not true mate, she's crazy about you. She always has been and she always will” I said

“Yer I know I'm just being stupid but I hate her being angry at me. I'd do anything for her not to be upset”

“You guys always fight and maybe it's like the hormones you know after the baby” I didn't really know what I was talking about but I had to say something to make him feel better.

“It's different than our normal fighting but our fights when she was pregnant...I God I can't handle hormonal Gemma many more. I main when she was pregnant the first three months are amazing most of the  time, I mean all she wanted was sex, night and day. I loved it” he said before I hit him in the chest. “Sorry, I know she's your sister, I shouldn't have said that but she'd be like that and then the next moment she'd want to cut my balls off and feed them to the dogs… and the rest of the months! I actually wanted to wear one of them cups that the cricketers wear to protect my manhood” he said making me laugh. “Six months! Six months of crying and screaming, having someone hating you all that time is crazy man… but knowing that she was pregnant made me think she didn't actually mean it but now... I don’t know, I feel like she's starting to hate me again like before she realised she was in love with me, all them years ago” he finished.

I never once felt sorry for Karl. He always had it all, the perfect family a loving wife and kids but hearing what he had to go through, with my sister! Which was most likely worst then with other women? Sounded like hell.

I still knew that he was just being stupid; Gemma loved him more than anything.

“You know love and hate are thin lines apart. When Gemma was younger she was always in loved with you, it was just the fact she hated you that she couldn't see it. She only hated you because you never showed her how you felt. Granted that was my fault but I knew that she loves you more today than all them years ago. Do you know why?” I asked him as he looked at me blankly. “She can scream and shout at you. Act like a crazy bitch and know that you’re still going to be there for her. I can tell you Karl she still hates you like she did all them years ago but she loves you more than I’ve ever seen”

“You think” he said.

“She still hates you but she still loves you as well. She always will” I said

“Thanks Chris' he laughed. “It's hard to explain. I know she loves me, I really do but I need to know that I'm still making her  happy, that I'm still doing everything in my power because with her... her happiness always comes  first. It comes above my own, when you find someone like that you'll know” He had no idea I thought to myself. 'I don't like knowing that she's not happy especially when I know I'm the one that does that to her' he said just as we pulled into a small car park near the town. God had that conversation taken the whole trip. I noticed Gemma's car and parked next to hers.

I text her to say that we're here in the town and she replied saying to meet them at some shop at the top of the street and that we would go for lunch after.

“Thank God!” Jake said “I'm so hungry and you know how I love my food”. It was true between me and Jake we could most likely eat and never stop. When I was younger I used to me a little fat kid but then I suddenly

So me and the guys walked up the town stopping at some of the markets here and there, to then see the shop were the girls were inside.

Then it hit me.

I was about to see Lea again. What do I say to her? God I didn't think this through enough. I stock in a breath and then walked to the shop. The shop was small so Ben, Jay and Paul went to the pub across the road as me Karl Connor and Jake went into the store. There was a closed sign on the door but with the girls inside it clearly looked open so we all walked in. 

“Lilly did you actually make them close the shop so you could shop?” Connor asked walking over to her. She was wearing one of the dresses from the shop and from the look on Connors face he liked it.

“I didn't make the lovely owner here asked... do you like the dress?” she said spinning around making him just stand there nodding.

Karl was standing near the door with his hands in his pockets as Gemma ignored him and kept looking at all the clothes.

I walked over to her and whispered in here ear 'He thinks you don't love him anymore'

“What?” she whispered back

“He said he thinks that he can't make you happy anymore and that you may be bored of him. He's really upset” Gemma looked really upset turning to look at him. She walked over to him and hugged him, I could hear much of what they were saying but I heard the words 'Sorry' and 'I love you' mixed in there somewhere.

I looked around the room but I couldn't see Lea anywhere. There was Jake sitting next to Kate looking angrily for some reason, Lilly showing Connor all the things she wanted to buy and him not really paying attention to the clothes just her and Karl and Gemma who were now smiling at each other on the charity her on his lap. There we go cupid has done his work. If only he was good at his own love life.

“Where's Lea?” I asked and everyone turned around looking at me.

“Oh yer Leah are you done in there” Lilly said walking in the next of somewhere. “Come out we want to see what it looks like” Lilly shouted loudly.

“She's so gracefully isn't she” Connor said sacristy. Everyone was laughing but then stopped for some reason, I looked around and everyone was looking behind me.

I turned round and thought I'd died.  

I thought I died and gone to heaven. This girl, this beauty that was standing in front of me in a green floor length dress was an angel. A goddess, with fir red wild hair brushing off her  shoulders she looked amazing, enchanting, she was Aphrodite, Venus everything that was good and  beautiful in this world had nothing on this begin in front of me.

Here were people around me telling her 'how amazing' she looked and 'how lovely and great the dress was' it wasn't the dress. It anything she would look better without it. The lust that hit me in the minute was like no other I'd ever felt. Memoires from last night rushed back into my head and I had to physically shake the thought out of my head to notice that I hadn't moved since she came out but  then I noticed neither did she.

She was looking at me shyly “'I didn't... know you were coming” she said quickly looking at me and then quickly breaking the gaze to the guys. “'Did I forget to mention that?” Gemma said

“Leah you have to get that dress it's amazing on you” Lilly ask making her blush which I loved. She looked even better with her cheeks pink, if it was even possible to be anymore prettier than she already was.

“There isn't a tag on the dress, how much is it?” she asked shyly at the lady in the corner.

“Its three thousand pounds” she said. I looked back over at Lea whose mouth had dropped. She looked so cute until she pulled herself together and started frowning. “That's a little over my budget” she tried to laugh it off but I could tell that she was heartbroken not having the money to pay the dress.

“Will take it” I stepped to the owner to say.

“What!” Lea said “No I'm sorry its lovely but I can't afford it sorry”

“You don't have to I'm getting it for you” I said getting my wallet out.

“NO! You can't do that”' I knew she would put a fight up for this because in the pasted if we went out of business lunches or dinners it would take me half the meal to tell her I'm paying but I didn't care she needed to understand that I had money to burn if I wanted and I wanted to spend it on her.

I moved closer to her whispering to her. “Please don't fight this Lea I'm buying the dress”

“I don't need charity” she said slowly under her breath.

“It's not charity, it's me your boss giving you a boss for all the hard work you have done over this month. I was going to give you a raise anyway let's start it with the dress. Please for me” I gave her a grin for her to smile back.

“But its three thousand...” she started to say before Gemma said

“Oh come on Leah Chris is loaded, let him flash his cash like a good little billionaire” she said laughing.

 “Ok fine Thank you Chris” Lea said giving one of her amazing smiles to me making he want to kiss her right here in front of everyone.

“Great well she's going to need shoes and some jewellery too Chris so give me your card and I'll help her out. You guys go to the pub with the others and we'll go eat” she said kissing Karl goodbye before pushing him and me out the store before taking my wallet.

“Do you think this is ok? I mean letting my boss pay for my dress and jewellery” I heard Lea ask the girls from outside.

“Yes it's ok! It's not normally but then saying that Chris isn't normal” Gemma said. Thanks Sis.

“GOD she looked great in that dress” Jake said and a sudden shock of jealously shoot out of me to one of my best friends. He Jake was anyone else I don't think I could have stopped myself starting something with him but knowing him for so long I forested myself to calm down and let it go.

“That was nice of you Chris paying her the dress there. Anything we should know about?” Jake said with a grin on his face teasing me.

“No there is nothing going on” I lied. “Although Jake what's going on with you and Kate hmm?” if he was going to have fun with me I was gonna have fun back.

“Nothing” he said angrily and serious

“Really… because you've been sending her evil looks and hush gazes all week” Connor said. “I've never seen you hate someone so much or are we mistaken thinking you hate her, you like her” Connor laughed pulling an arm around Jakes shoulders who shrugged them off.

“I don't like her” was all he said walking ahead of us to the pub.

“Why you hate her? She seems nice to me” Karl asked.

“Look, she's not as innocent and naïve as she looks. She a like gold digger trying to get into my family, all she cares about is money and living the high life. I don't even see why Jay even picked her. There are hundreds of other girls out there. She likes to play this like sweet young girl whose had a hard life but she hasn't she's playing you all. If she thinks that she's going to get her hands on any of our family's money she's wrong. All she wants in this first class life that we all have, that's all she cares about” we all looked at Jake a little shocked and what he just said. Jake was never a snob and the way he was acting now seemed hush.

“I don't want your life” a little broken voice came from behind us, we all turned round to see Kate just steps away from us with tears in her eyes. “You ass Jake” I thought in my head. We all stopped in our tracks either looking at the floor or the sky trying not to get involved in what just happened.

“I don't what this life, I like my life perfectly well thank you and don't worry after this week all will never have to see me again” I turned back to Jake who was looking speechless back at Kate, he official didn't mean for her to hear that but she did and he needed to do some serious grovelling.

“Kate…” he started to say but she turned to me asking what card should Gemma and Lea use out of my wallet. I told her which one and we all watched her walk back into the shop. I could see her wiping tears away from her cheek.

We all turned back and at Jake together giving him the same disapproving look. 'I didn't know she was there did I and half of that stuff I didn't even really mean anyway' he said waving his arms in the air and in his hair.

“Yer man, don't tell us that. Tell her” Karl said walking into the pub, Connor walked pasted him hitting him on the back of the head and I just put my arm over his shoulder pulling him into the pub. He needed a drink weather it was noon or not.