In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 37


We played for about two hours running around with the guys chasing us. I missed count how many times Chris just lifted me up like I was as light as a feather beating me every time I got hold of the ball. The guys where stronger but some of us where faster or they were just letting us win.

“Right it’s the last running and we got to win. If we lose Ben will be gloating all week” Paul pulled us all in to a group huddle as we all panted from running around out of breath.

“What do we do then?” I tried to say.

“Right Gemma you use your wifey charms on your husband, Lilly I won't you to fake a twisted ankle on Connor making them both lose focus. Kate I won't you to hold your arms like this and pretend you got the ball so Jake follows you around in circles and I'll take pretty boy down” pretty boy meaning Ben I would think.

“What about me?” I asked hoping that I didn't have to do anything important.

“Put this under your dress' He said showing me the rugby ball, I looked at him as if he was crazy. “Look put this under your dress and then they won't see that you got it, they'll think that Kate does and then you will slow walk over to the end point and then win for us”

“What makes you think that Chris will just let me walk over there?” the whole game Chris had his eye on me like a hock.

“Well use your charms as well” he smiled passing the ball closer to me smirking. I thought about it for a bit and looked around at them all looking at me. I rolled my eyes and put the ball under my dress without the others looking.


We all walked back over to the starting point, Kate pretending she had the ball, Lilly limping over and Gemma blowing kisses at Karl.

“Ready. Set. Go” Then it started Kate started running around with Jake fast on her tail going in circles, Gemma literally jumped on Karl and started kissing him. His mind was clearly not on the game and Lilly was on the grass with Connor holding her foot making sure she wasn't badly hurt. Paul had Ben pinned down and was looking around to make sure everything's was going to plan.

“Leah run!” he said, I forgot that I was meant to do something, so I started running to the back near the goal but was quickie stopped when Chris was in my way smirking.

“What's your plan then shorty?” he said moving closer to me. Think... think Paul said use my charms I didn't think I had any.

“Oh I haven't got a plan. Paul didn't trust me with one so I thought I'd come see you” I said moving closer to his body.

“Really?” he smirked as I casually walked around him, to him he would just think I was playing around but really I needed to be on the other side so he wasn't in my way to the goal.

“Really, really. So have you had fun tackling me around all afternoon?”

“You bet, I was thinking...” He got interrupted just as Jake shouted

“It's a trick, Kate hasn't got the ball!” he shouted lying on the floor with Kate under him. This was my queue, as Chris was turned the other way I started running, taking the ball from under my dress in the most un-lady like manner, I just started running clutching tight on the ball.

“Hey!” Chris yield at me but I just kept running and when I got to the end I felt my body flying to the floor with arms wrapped around me. Chris was on top of me on the floor. I didn't run fast enough, he was too quick. I hope the others weren't too upset with me but I couldn't bring myself to be upset at that moment because Chris had me in his arms and our bodies were so close again.

'You cheated' he whispered in my ear. 'And you won' I turned back round under him so I could face him above me. I looked up shocked, what did he mean you won't? I looked around to see that I was lying over the line of the goal.

I did it! I did it! I screamed in my head just before getting on my feet jumping up and down. Laughing my head off and then was in the air as arms wrapped around me. I thought it was Chris first but then notice it was Paul followed by the girls running over happy and cheering in victory.

“We won, we won! Losers!” they cheered.

I looked around to see the guys shocked faces. “You cheated” Jake said with his hands on his hips annoyed.

“I thought you were hurt” Connor said looking at Lilly.

“Yer and I thought... well I thought you just wanted” Karl said lost in his words.

“Yes honey, you thought what?” she joked.

“Come on lets go get the kids” he said walking away with us all following. I turned back around to see Chris still standing in the same place as before looking a little shell shocked.

“You ok?”

“You tricked me” he said smirking. “I thought I could read you like a book”

“Well I can sometimes surprise you” I walked over to him. “Now I know that I can trick you into anything my evil mind thinks of'” I made an evil laugh like Doctor Evil making him laugh. I love it that I could make him laugh it made me really happy making him happy.

He moved closer to me putting a hand softy of both sides of my head brushing my crazy messy hair out the way. His fingers where in my hair and his eyes never left mine holding me in a tight hot gaze.

“There is nothing evil in your beautiful mind. That's why I love you so much, you wouldn't do anything that would upset or hurt anyone” he whispered still looking deep in my eyes I felt he was looking in my soul.

“I love you” was the only thing I could say. Every other word had left my mind and them three words was what I had left and they were the only words that mattered.

“I love you more” he said smiling widely bring his lips to mine.

I didn't want this day to end but I found that walking back to the hotel I was leaning more than necessary into Chris side has his arm wrapped around my waist. I felt my head nodded down on his shoulder as my eyes kept on falling. I was so tired I was surprised I could still talk but thinking about it without Chris's arm around me I was sure I would have been on the floor.

We were all walking back together, Chris's family in the front and us at the back. No one had said or asked why Chris had is secretary wrapped around his arms which I was only too glad about. It only just hit me at we were walking that we kissed earlier only fifthly feet away. They must have seen us; I hope they would all be ok with it. I really liked his family and wanted them to like me still when they found out and not think I'm only after a paid raise.

Oh, well I was too tired to worry about that right now.

“Are you going to full asleep on me?” Chris whispered in my ear.

“No” I yawned. He just shook his head and laughed at me. That laughed was the last thing I remember hearing before everything around me went blank.


She had fallen asleep next to me as we walked, I could feel her body stop and go limp so I pulled her bridal style into mine arms. She was so small compared to my height and size she fit perfectly in my arms. I had to keep looking up to make sure I didn't bump us into anything but most the time I looked down at her sleeping form.

She was so beautiful, I can't believe she's all mine after so long. I heard a laugh and looked up to see my Mum standing in front of me and come to walk next to me.

“Well what's happened here?” she whispered which I knew she didn't need to do. Lea was the deepest sleeper I've ever met. But I didn't want to tell my mother that she would ask questions.

“It’s been a long day, hell it’s been a long week for her” I said kissing her forehead thinking of everything she's been through this week but no more. She's not alone anymore I would be there for her now to protect her.

“You love her don't you” Mum asked smiling warmly at me. I never talked about women with my mother. It wasn't the normal thing to do. Even when I was younger I don't think I ever introduced her to any of my past girlfriends. Well she met Jess but that wasn't anything.

“Yer I do” I said looking down at Lea as she moved closer to my chest.

“I'm happy, she's perfect for you”

“You don't think I'm too old or too experienced for her. She's so innocent and sweet and kind. I'm so scared I'm going to hurt her Mum. What if I ruin things?” my voice was breaking as it always does when I talk about letting Lea down.

“Oh darling you got it bad” she laughed. She wasn't helping. “Ok first age it but a number, experience only makes you wiser and I don't think you could live with yourself if you hurt her so you wouldn't let yourself. But I'm sure if she loves you like you do her she'll take you back” She touched my arm in her motherly way. I smiled at what she said. I needed to stop worrying about ruining things and actually living in the moment, with Lea next to me.

“Have you told her how you feel?” Mum asked. I looked over at her and nodded. “…and?”

“She loves me too” I tried to say quietly without wanting to shout the words to the world. Mums smile grow nearly a hundred times bigger and I swear she was going to burst with happiness too.

“Oh darling I'm so happy for you, we all love her too. I'm very proud to have her apart of our family. When you going to ask her to marry you? How long has this been going on for? I knew there was something going on. When are you moving in together? Are you going to get a new bigger home for you two? What about kids? Oh imagine Christmas this year it’s going to be magical, oh is she still going to work for you...” her questions all came out so fast I thought she was going to kill over if she didn't breathe. I felt Lea move a little in my arms and make a little annoyed sleeping sound because the noise.

“Mum!” I hissed laughing at her.

“Oh sorry” she said half jumping up and down on the spot.

“Mum we only just got together last night, nothing happened since but I've been feeling this way well ever since I first saw her kicking me out of my own office but I just thought I wasn't good enough for her. So I don't have any answers for you yet” she smiled a little but looked a little disappointed that she didn't get her answers.

“… but if it makes you feel any better I want all those things. I want to marry her and have the house with the kids and dogs all running around. I want it all with her. Let’s just take baby steps”

I didn't want to scare her off.

When we got back to the hotel I took Lea straight up to my room on the bed. I could of taken her back to hers but I didn't want to not be near her anymore. I left her in my room as I took her room key to go grab her some clothes. When I walked in the room I suddenly remembered that I'm a guy I don't know what she'll need.

I walked near her bed to see an open case with most her stuff in and then an idea hit me. I grabbed everything I come see around me and packed it all up. I didn't want her lone anymore so she was moving to mine room with me. After packing her stuff up hoping she won't mind that I just chucked it all in the case I went back to my room.  

I took off my shoes and changed my dirty clothes and then laid next to her in bed letting sleep full over me. It was midday but I couldn't think of anything better than lying in bed with the girl I loved.  

I woke up three hours later feeling so much better after some sleep. I turned to see the clock saying seven thirty and suddenly started feeling hungry. I turned back to the bed to see Lea still lying there asleep. I thought the best thing for her was for me to wake her so she could eat too and get out of her dress. I took a shower and got ready hoping she would wake up alone but she was still asleep.

“Baby... Lea, Lea wake-up babe” I rubbed her shoulders a little and heard her sweet moans as she heard my voice just as her eyes opened and blinked a couple of times.

“Where am I?” her soft sleepy voice asked.

“In my room, you fell asleep on the way back so I carried you back”'

“Thank you” she brought her tired body up so she could give me a kiss but I helped by moving closer.

“Are you hungry?”


“Well go get changed and will go down stairs”

“I don't want to leave” she said pulling the covers back over her head. I pulled them back.

“You don't need to I brought your stuff in mine room it’s all in your case”


“I hope you don't mind, I just want you near me all the time not in that room alone”' I left over giving her a kiss just before running out the room I looked back to see her still looking shocked but not angry thank god. “Meet you down stairs when you’re ready” I called back at her. I would have waited in the room for her but I thought it was best just to give her, her space.


I can't believe he moved my stuff without asking me I was a little shocked and angry but the anger went when he said 'I hope you don't mind, I just want you hear me all the time not in that room alone he was so sweet and caring who could say mad at him.

I notice he was only wearing jeans and a white top so it was only casual thank God. I've had enough of all this formal wear. I took a shower and grabbed some blue jeans and my cream jumper before running out the room down the stairs. I can't believe I fell asleep and he had to carry me, how embarrassing! But I do remember having the best nap! I felt so warm and safe I never wanted to life without that feeling again.