It's All About Loving a Soldier by Neelam Birthare - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 – A sweeter Morning

It’s the most common ailment found in youngsters, Insomniac in night and sleeping so long in the morning light. Being a nocturnal white witch by heart when I woke up; it was 10:45 am and the first thing I looked in was my phone. In our generation a smart phone means a best friend, worst enemy, alarm clock, lifeblood, entertainment and for a music lover like me; the best musician who will heal all your emotional burns.

Before even rubbing my eyes, yawning like a freak and yelling like a monkey I played my most favorite romantic number from my playlist. “Ishq bullava aaye…jab…aave” {cupid’s call of love}

……………………………………….as soon as I opened my blinking puffy eyes properly I read a blur  message- Good morning sweeta….!!!!

Being a geek means the world is all blur and faded without your specs; your glasses are your life partner, they help the poor, innocent almost blind you to survive in this blur nasty world. I found my life partner kept next to my pillow and read the message again….Good morning Sweeta….!!! This time far more clear. It was from an unknown no……9827730577……….

The Sherlock Holmes inside me started his inquisitive inquiry with a very prevailing question- who the hell on earth will call a bitter gourd like me ; sweeta ?????

Though the detective within was lost and engrossed in analyzing who, what, when, where, why, how, blaah, bla…..bla. The pumping palpitating machine in the centre of my sleek figure was pouncing out of happiness. Wrong numbers always leads to tit-bit of curious romantic imagination and mostly end up with a disappointment of zenith level. The last time I had a message from a wrong no. it was a moron-like guy from my own college whom I have to block 9th time.

Ending all silly mind-games I texted back- who’s this?

I got my reply- It’s yours handsome hunk …Riiii…..!!! 

Bewildered me; interrogated again- and from where you got my number?

A very strange reply wobbled my mind and stroked my heart- “It’s very easy to find the no of pretty girls. Angels are famous & rare beauties in our world at least.”

The guy is a very smart flirt indeed. Impressive……aahhuuuhh…!! He just made me ponder for a while; the way he communicated now seemed as if he had a kind-heart transplanted into his teasing, quarrelsome body. Drastic change….!!!

With all my grace, I maintained my bitterness and asked- What do you want?

Oh…..! I just wanted to remind you that you are meeting me today; evening at 7pm….okay? He countered so authoritatively as if I was all at his service.

Feeling assaulted I actually wanted to kick his ass. Firstly he calls me a skeleton, than he annoyed me and now he is commanding; giving me Orders….. I am not a junior officer, I am a civilian girl whom he hardly knows, and how could he dare to be so dominating.

It was my final decision…..!!!!

I will not meet this guy; he is too egoistic and brutish to be accepted as a friend. I was firm about my choice but my eyes where looking at the blue-tick tock clock hanging on the pink girlish wall of my room as if they were waiting for something special to happen.

‘May be you are being too judgmental’.

My best friend advised me, Reenu is a mature cool girl; she doesn’t blast on small things like me, she is calmer, sensible and a lot more adjusting than me. Being an English literature student, she is far more generous and courteous than a lot of other girls I have seen. She is a master at judging emotions and understanding people.

He must be teasing you, just to earn your attention. Friendship is a highly honored relationship where you feel privileged to insult your buddies and take it as your birth right. At least meet him.

After hearing all those worldly wisdom coming from my best friend, I decided to meet this moron guy .Not with an intention to be his friend but with the earnest urge to rebel and blast at him.

My favorite rule is- “If you slap me Once, I slap you Thrice.”