Julie & Kishore: Take Two


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Book Description HTML

Julie & Kishore - Take Two follows straight on from my first book Julie & Kishore. The young couple, as newlyweds arrive home to New Zealand from India. They settle into normal life and things are going right on track. Julie finally starts putting the preparations in place to fulfil her lifelong dream of having a white wedding. Then – just when life seems to be running smoothly, a curve ball is thrown, plans are disrupted and an unexpected trip to India has to be made. Are there more unexpected surprises waiting for them when they arrive? Just how will Julie & Kishore cope this time? Will Julie ever get her long awaited white wedding? This book continues with Julie & Kishore's journey in life and love as an inter-racial couple.

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Carol Jackson

I live in Auckland, New Zealand where I was born and raised. My hubby was born in India and came to New Zealand in the late '80's. This is the subject of my books, how we as a couple, faced being in an inter-racial relationship at that time.

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