1,2 step…
"Meg, which one?" I raised my eyes from packing my suitcase, to see dad holding my newest gun- the blue Schecter with floyd rose tremolo, Duncan pickups, and the older model with body through strings. It seemed he was more hyped than I ever could be. God I loved him. My dad understood me, unlike my mom who stopped talking to me when I told her about my decision to ditch school and turn over to music. But anyhow, I bailed Boston, moved in with dad, she remarried to a guy who was very similar to Devious Knox, just an older version of him and now they have another child. I’ve never seen the kid, but if I remember correctly, it was a she. It’s been ten years since I’ve seen my mom and it doesn’t seem like she misses me. And I can’t particularly say I miss her.
I just smiled sheepishly, not really knowing what to reply, "You’re right. You’ll need them both." He walked over to my closet, taking out another guitar case. I chuckled. "I’ve always known my little Meg will be big one day..."
"Dad, it’s just three songs before the Noir's go out on stage," A silly giggle escaped me, seeing how he’s head over heels into getting me set with everything.
"Megan, it’s not ‘just’... Some would kill for a chance like this." He looked at me with his most serious face, which made me explode in laughter. Inner of course, I did not dare to shake his little paradise. "So what songs are you playing?"
"We haven’t decided yet... I mean, Paul, our new front man, is working on some lyrics to my guitar pieces, so I think we’ll just go with whatever." A button up silky blouse? Since when do I have one of these? That’s a nope. I threw the clothing piece on the ground in the pile of fuck no, and picked up another pair of ripped jeans, before starting to fold them.
"You have to decide and you have to rehearse, otherwise when stepping out on the stage, you guys will choke. That’s the sad truth." Dad took a couple of my guitar picks and threw in the bag, "So what’s with you and Knox? He’s been coming over fairly often."
"There’s nothing, dad," I tugged a strand of my raven hair behind my ear, deciding if I want to go with the black leather jacket or the reddish one, "We’re just... friends, I guess."
"I thought you didn’t like the guy," He came over, taking the red jacket and throwing it in the fuck no pile. Just as I thought. My eyes met his blues, before I smiled thankfully, cause really, I couldn’t thank him enough for helping, for agreeing on being the guitar tech for me and Chris and for just... well …being by my side.
"I didn’t... I don’t. I mean I still don’t particularly like him, but he’s just so miserable, he needs someone." Just like watching a movie when you see a completely miserable character and you just want to hug the living crap out of him. That’s pretty much how I felt about King. Partly.
"Meg... just don’t try and ‘fix’ him. I know how you are, you want to help people, but just... leave him be, okay?" He stopped folding my clothes and simply looked at me, almost as asking if I understood him. Loud and clear, dad.
"I’m not trying to fix him. It’s not like he’s broken or anything, he’s just... wretched, that’s all." I shrugged, walking over to my make-up table.
"Princess, I’ve known him for years and I can tell you he’s not wretched. Not even close. And also... he doesn’t make girl friends. You aren’t sleeping with him, are you?"
"Dad!?" I made a disgusted face, looking back at him. He erupted in a tasty laughter. I took my make-up essentials and walked back to him and just threw everything in the, already so not going to get closed, suitcase.
"Okay sorry, but I just don’t want to see you getting hurt, kiddo," Just like everyone else nowadays. It must be some sort of a new trend or something. He snaked his arm around my shoulder. "Oh, and there’s something else you need to know. Stay away from Kathy. Comparing Bailey and her, I’d say Bails is a sight for sore eyes."
"What do you mean?" My silvers looked all over his serious face.
"You’ll figure soon enough."
"Okay, I think this is about everything..." Ryan carried in another two suitcases. We all were told to meet outside Ryan’s house, cause let’s be real, to get his stuff in the bus, it takes the most time. Me and Bails just stood there, blinking and remembering the count of his bags already being in the bus. My eyes slid over my two guitars and that single black leather suitcase and then over Bails stuff, which was also relatively few. And remembering how many times Dev and Scott walked in and out of the tour bus, hands full of bags, then yeah. You could figure out who was the true diva around here.
"Please tell me they’re joking," Bails whispered in my ear, with a raised eyebrow. "I’m not going to spend the next five months drowning in Dev’s shit... I.. I just can’t."
"Well, there’s always the roadie tour bus," I shrugged. The choice was hers, and although I had no objections towards the Santana brothers and my dad, I’d rather spend my time apart my father, even if it’s just for a couple of hours. "King, my bags, por favor!" I shouted, making him jog down the stairs.
"This is it?" His hands rested on his hips, as he regained his breath, looking over my bags. I nodded, opening a chocolate bar. But of course, he leaned forwards showing he wants a bite. Fine, take it, rob me off my last chocolate bar, you beast. He took a bite, "Are you sure you won’t be needing anything else?"
"I’m sure, besides, if I truly will, I’ll just borrow something from you."
"That’s true, love," Lillian came closer, holding Molly. Never, ever in a million years, would have I guessed that Dev owned a Chihuahua. "You usually don’t even know your stuff missing." She smiled, before greeting me, "Hello Meg."
"Hi," I took back the greeting, turning around, "So you’re not coming?" I asked her, remembering dad saying that the wives also did come along on some occasions.
"Oh no, me and Molly will enjoy our stay in Huntington rather than some cold and windy Dakota, isn’t that right baby?" She scratched the little rat behind its ear, before kissing her head. "Say goodbye to daddy, Molly," Ryan jogged over to his wife and his... child, before taking her from Lillian.
"Come ‘ere, girl..." Maybe that’s why they didn’t have kids. Dev liked dogs more than children.
"Meg, will you walk with me?" I noticed Bails look and I knew she thought I was stupid, a complete moron for spending my time with King, who was a complete man whore and he had a wife, who was completely disinterested towards his complete cheating lifestyle and I completely ignored all the warnings and jumped completely in their completely dysfunctional family. Completely.
"Sure," I followed her away from all the guys. After a couple of moments I spoke up, "So, what’s up?"
"Meg... I’m thinking about getting a divorce..." She finally admitted with a great sigh escaping her lips. Okay? I looked over her pale complexion with a great question mark blinking over my physiognomy. This was something I hadn’t waited from her.
"But... Why?" I stopped and looked back at Ryan playing with Molly for the last time in a couple of months, before turning back to his wife.
"Oh please, Megan. You’re his best friend, I think you know what’s going on." She smiled sadly. But why was she telling me this?
"He loves you... Doesn’t he?" She looked so sad, making me want to hug the shit out of her. But I couldn’t, Ryan would start to question what’s going on over here and somehow I felt she didn’t want to tell him, at least not yet.
"Yeah, I wish..." She rolled her eyes, " Why am I telling you this, Meg... I haven’t been with him on tour for far too long, simply because I’m afraid for my life." She explained.
"It can be quite scary partying with them, I guess," I frowned deeply, not really understanding anything. I shoved my hands in my pockets. She chuckled.
"No, silly goose, I’m not talking about that. Last time I was on tour with him, I ended in a hospital with a concussion," What was she saying? "His mistress, Kathy... Meg, for your own sake, don’t go near Ryan when you see her around. I learned this the hard way, so I’m warning you before anything bad has happened." She, the wife, learned it the hard way. I blinked, the confusion and surprise growing in me greatly.
What was with this Kathy chick? Basing on how everyone is warning me about her, I assume she’s a body builder or she’s carrying AK-47, either way I’m most probably not going to live through the tour. Lillian continued, "My sister, Amanda divorced Jason just because of these tour ladies" she spat out the word like it was venom, "but he never did understand it, just like Ryan. They think it’s our obligation to take it how it is, well... I’m too tired. As soon as you all will come home, I’m divorcing his sorry ass."
"Are you sure it’s the right thing to do, Lil?" She crossed her arms over her crimson bathrobe and looked away, thinking it all over.
"I’m getting half of his money, so..." She smiled, making me chuckle. That’s the right spirit. "Just... Please promise you’ll call me if anything happens." When did exactly I get this friendly with her? I was friends with her husband, not her. But okay, it’s not like it was extremely hard for me to call her a couple of times. Nope, I’m lying, it was hard. I don’t like talking to people over the phone. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
"Okay, Lillian, I promise."